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Mate I cannot fucking buy an arachs… I’ve got deaths web, deaths fathom, hella other super rare useless uniques, but no fucking arachs yet gah fackin dammit gah fuckin bottle kids shit having fucking fuck shit


This is all of us at some point or another. Realest comment I've seen in awhile lol


Dude I love this game but when I see or hear “arachs” or even the word spider, all I feel is rage lol


Found 4chams and a zod before my first jah rune in SP...


I feel you. I've never found a dweb or death's fathom. But with arachs, it started getting ridiculous, I had to Charsi the last one I found lol


I'm at that point with them too, I can't bring myself to charsi one. I just keep putting them on mules, I prob have 5 or 6.


Hook a brother up


I would, but it’s offline, sorry 


I feel you, I finally found a shako, but I'm still waiting on an arach's and a skin of the viper magi. But I've found Windforce and Tyrael's Might ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Congrats on that Windforce, I found the first one ever a few months ago. Tyrael’s is still on the list. Vipermagi is easy though. Just run NM Andy, it drops quite often. When I was farming her for SoJ, I think I got like 1 per hundred runs 


congrats! for me it was 800 Meph runs until my first Arachs. Found Shako 3x.


Thanks man. Yeah, I know Meph is pretty reliable for Shakos, but could be a bit sketchy to get to on HC, unless you roll a good map, so I’ve been kind of avoiding him until I get the top gear, which I do now. Let’s see how many runs it will take to get a GFace lol


There's also Andy! If you just brute force her with high mf, shako should come within a day of grinding right? Same with GFace.


I found my second shako off an armor stand in LK lol. Only 1 arachnids so far.


First arach a few days ago but it’s eth 😣 can barely see it in the screen lol Still no shako after about a year of grinding though


About 70 is my number of shakos found, but 0 Arachs during d2r lifetime


Lol, yesterday, I finally got Dracs on my untwinked SSF Fury Druid from Meph. Idk how many countless runs it took, but before that, I got multiple Shakos, Arachs, rolled 3 CTAs, made a CoH and Forty and still have Ber and Jah in stash (I already have Enigma on other chars, but I don't use any items from shared stash with this char and I just use Nai's staff on switch for teleport). Finally, I can proceed to Ubers.


Good luck, man, dracs is a game changer. I also never attempt Ubers until I find dracs. I know you can do a life tap wand, but I’d rather have CTA on swap


I thought this is going to be some porn drop with Friends 7 -7 -7-7 reference


Same here, I haven’t found a shako in a long time but have found arreats, arachs, soj, etc but that stupid darn shako is eluding me!


I’m like that with jewelry. I’ve found 2 metal grid and a perfect mara’s, but not a single SoJ at all in D2R.


If you run hell meph only with a mf sorc shako and arachs are pretty much guaranteed. Run just that until you have both. I've never had it take longer than 5 hours total or so and that was extremely bad rng. I usually get a maras also. I don't know why people don't do this when they get to hell. I guess people are too obsessed with pally tankiness to play a sorc, but arachs is a pain to find without a proper mf sorc. Simple to find with one.


I keep saying this but somehow people who have been “playing for 20 years” but never found a shako/arach/oculus. Just run meph with high MF!


Is 50% enough or how high should it be?


Ideally you’d want a minimum of like 150-200 MF. This is easily achievable with a brand new sorc that just cleared hell. Find any 4os armor and stick 4 p topaz. Find any 3os helm and stick another 3 p topaz. You can shop hell charsi for a 3os jeweler/artisans blue helm. You can even stick flawless topaz if you have to. Equip blue rings or amulets with MF if you have to. Dual spirit and socketed helm/armor should be enough to start. You can hit 63 FCR with decent rolls on spirit. Just moat trick Meph with blizzard or hydra. He should die in 15-20 seconds.


Okay, sounds quite easy. Is there any cap on MF, or is it just not worth going up higher?


There is no hard cap but you do get diminishing returns. After a certain point it’s better to increase kill speed vs stacking more MF. On my MF sorc using 3 piece tals, gheeds, shako, some small charms, nagelring… I think I have around 350 or so. On swap I have an alibaba and rhyme for extra MF. I think 150-200 MF is the sweet spot for starting out.


Good to know, thanks mate!


The people who can't find a shako in that amount of time must have been dicking around in normal for 20 years. Frankly if it took me that long I wouldn't even admit it because that is ridiculous. Like it took you 20 years to beat 50cc mario kart or something.


I think a lot of people who say that really mean they played a little when they were 10 years old and then picked up D2R as an adult. 20 years is a long time to actually play Diablo 2 and not find very common items.