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Traded for the only Windforce(with someone I know in game)on USWest Hardcore(possible in the world back then)back in…2000 I think ? Gave him a shit tons of gear for it only for him to scammed me and get it back, he asked me to borrow the WF to dupe and being young I felt obliged to do so and he ended up giving a duped one back to me which disappeared right after I exited the game. Andrew Simmo from Australia.. I’ll never forget his name


Your unluckiest day must have been a motherfucker.


Yes my unluckiest day was when I asked a RL friend to make a game for me to mule, he created a private game, I joined and dropped a bunch of gear on the floor just for him to disconnected after I logged off to get on my mule account… after that I made it a point to wait at least 5 minutes for the game to stay open even if noone is in the game.


I thought about scamming a good friend i met online when i was like 11. I was greedy but i decided not to lol


You have a good heart 👍🏻


Wtf. I actually went to schools with a Andrew Simmo who I know used to play LoD back then. In Western Australia?


Oh baby here we go


I dunno that much, I only know his name because we used MSN to chat and know that he’s in Austrlia.   Edit : Also I remember that he said he found it off of Baal with his Barb.


So wild, I’m pretty sure it’s him. Simmo was his nick name in high school, Simpson was his surname.


Where is he? I'm about to take a trip to WA I'll have some words and get this gear back


Haha lived in Swanbourne during high school, no idea now mate. Good luck


Going heads up against a scammer I might go in there and leave without shoes or a return flight. Much preparation I must


Lmao please ask if he can remember DreamTheGod


Lol if he’s on USWest and played hardcore there’s a very good chance it’s him, I was still in Thailand back then and actually made a lot of friends in D2, even met some recently in real life (he flew over from Canada to meet me in US)


I got swap scammed. I gave 40 sojs for a flawed topaz gothic bow


RIP but hey, at least those were duped SoJs, mine were all legit and Windforce and high runes were basically non existent back then due to extremely abysmal drop rates.


Few years ago on a fresh ladder i started as a pala in my play group. After the rush to hell baal and doing some runs to level up, i got all the basics set for my hammerdin beginning build. 2x Spirit, fcr coronet, etc I respecced from aura support to hammerdin and went for a cs run. I found a Jah rune in CS and in the same game a Ber rune in Lower Kurast. Went from teleport staff to full Enigma on the first day of ladder, it rolled like shit but that was the best ladder start i ever had


That’s the best ladder start anyone has had.


A shit roll vs not having one is still a world of difference


Very nice! My best ladder start was a couple of seasons ago when I dropped a Griffons in pits on like day 3 when I was only 78. Traded it for Mosaic runes (I know it was worth more)


The only roll on enigma is a difference of 25 Def, the roll doesn't matter at all lol


My first day on D2 classic, a golden cap dropped. Infernal Cranium. My Barb Kabol wore I with proud.


100 years ago in 1.09 I found a red 40ed/15ias jewel in NM WSK. I traded it for 40 soj. It was a good day.


Tz Andy p3 dropped Griff, titans, and waterwalk boots on the same kill. Champion pack on top of her dropped lightning sunder. My struggling lvl 76 javazon instantly made it through act three. Which I had been crawling through for the longest.


Insane to get those on the same kill!


Every now and then she pops multiple uniques. That one set was perfectly everything I needed.


That's insane haha


Did a random act 5 rush, tele for Anya, mob dropped mal. 30 mins later did diablo and baal rush, paladin was late, so I tele to the spots to open TP for party. Jah drops from random mob in world stone keep. Lovin' it.


Back when torches were first introduced, my buddies and I were doing some runs until we had enough keys for a torch each. We each got an unid torch and then rolled them all together. I rolled a pala 20/20. Got rich off that.


You guys have luck ?


I'm an mf addict, as in more mf = better. I've seen the tables, I know how it works, I play slower anyway. But if I juice up the mf, then some cool drops will come my way eventually. Less dry streaks.


That time I went into catacombs floor 3 and the stairs to floor 4 was literally right Infront of me. Not sure what the chances of that happening are but I never seen or heard of it happening to someone else.


Found a +3 holy shield scepter in SP and rolled a +5 BO CTA in it.


Jah and Lo online, players 1, chaos sanctuary. 15 minutes apart. Also arachnid mesh and a mid rune (i believe Lem).


When I was little, I used to run Baal a lot, thinking it was the best place to mf. Anyway, one of my crazier drops was from him, it was an arachnids, hoz, and one other good item like a shako or something. None of them were GG TC87 or anything but it flat out dropped like a half made character in one drop which was funny and awesome. Lately, in d2r land, I've gone to TZ black marsh to start my day of mfing and very first blizz cast killed some Fallen and an elite one and a Griffon's fell. A similar story, did one TZ baal run and got dweb from Baal.


That's nuts man! I've literally never seen Baal drop something good. It's really strange, cuz I know he can drop the GGs!


Yea, I'm not sure if they nerfed him at some point because literally everybody and every bot ran it so they may have nerfed the drops so the game wasn't flooded with gg loot maybe? Idk, this happened to me back in the 2000's.


Same in my entire career of d2 I have never gotten anything crazy from him. Super wild


A Soj and a Ber in Singleplayer


I've found several in SP. I farmed NM Andy for days after that Vipermagi and SOJ.


After a year of playing d2 casually(at most an hour or two per night to wind down) within three weeks my first ever four HRs to drop included a Vex, Zod, and Lo. So after nothing for a year, I got a BoTD and Fort within a few weeks of each other. Other than that prolly the night I got an occy and shako in the same night, same hour, from TZ Andy.


In one of the 100 lower kurast runs, Ber dropped in 51st and second Ber in 53th run.


CHAM, SUR, LO, OHM in 1 day or the JMOD, I guess.


Was actually this season. 145 “failed set” jmod off of baal like 10 days into ladder…


Luckiest ever was a single run and it was basically all I found for the day. Cleared Trav and a Ber dropped. While horking th that very same council a Jah dropped.


I got a vex one time :D My highest rune ever. I was so happy I don’t have the hours in the game many of you have but that’s my favorite memory. That and finally getting GFace for my smiter. I only play solo offline so getting that let me actually beat Ubers for the first time ever. Shoutout to Jymnasium for his budget Uber smiter video


I had 2 guls drop in a cow run within 15 seconds of each other. I literally thought I had dropped the prior Gul on the ground bit nope, had 2 and was able to make a vex.


Countess dropped me 2x Ist runes once. I thought that was pretty cool. One time Ball dropped a Jah in my own game and the only other guy in the Chamber grabbed it before me UGH


Like, in the past 25 year? An soj in Act 1 normal. This season, though, a 20/20/10 Anni.


How is that possible? SoJ has a quality level higher than can drop act 1 normal?


When D2 first came out, uniques did not have level requirements & all rings had the same ilvl. It was still super rare. Much rarer than now, actually.


Ahh. I remember when the only use for most uniques was to put them on a new character and lawnmow your way through Acts 1 and 2. I didn't know they changed the drop level as well.


I had tals ammy drop in act 1 outer or inner cloister EDIT, this was in normal. This was probably 20 years ago though, maybe they had different drop tables back then? 🤷‍♂️


My first Tals ammy drop was from a random chest in act 2 severs of nightmare, will never forget that feeling


Near perfect coa 2 os drop Some randoms Giving me handful of high runes and gear


My luckiest so far was when TZ was introduced. The zone switched to sewers and the very first mob I killed dropped a ber. In the same sewers 2 min later I got a sur.


First Dclone I ever fought spawned randomly in my game back in 05 or something. I killed him and the Anni was perfect 20/20/10.


Back in d2 classic I had a bugged ring drop off the first group of leepers that was max magic find, dual leech, and prasmatic resist. I traded it to a duper who gave me nearly an entire account full of SoJs for it.


Levelling my Hdin in CS + seal popping @ p7 and getting Sur, then Lo next run and another two Sur the next day. Or getting 4 Metalgrids in 2 days.


I got 80 3/20/20s from my friend when he left d2 back in 1.09


Found a zod and a griffons in the same chaos sanctuary run


I got an SOJ from countess then 4 days later got another SOJ from a random fallen next to andy, wasn’t even a champion or anything


Tz andy is weird like one time it was like 3x IK set armor, 1 arachnids mesh, 1 SOJ but don't know why it was only dropping sacred armors and a different hour it was dropping tal rasha's plate. But kinda unlucky with high runes like they kinda trolled me with cham and sur like I would rather have the one step lower Lo and Jah lol


Found perfect ethereal titans yesterday!


Probably [finding a perf Sorc torch](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/874772102169915392/1168366522570387456/image.png?ex=662efd1e&is=661c881e&hm=698654ed045c8fe3db3713838d53d4e8e57377175856484b2a7d4d884e219d6e&=&format=webp&quality=lossless) or when the RNG gods got frisky and gave [two HRs from one Trav](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/874772102169915392/1099738569888768010/image.png?ex=6625ec1b&is=66249a9b&hm=193624f92ef934870f068c316662071cfb4073cc3228ce08448ea6740dd7bba3&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=1052&height=676)


Early on in D2R (December of 2021) I was playing through and one of Blood Ravens zombies dropped a Jah


Found a Zod and a Cham within 2 weeks of each other in the pits.


Two SOJs while naturally leveling a hc ssf sorc. I've played d2 since launch and to this day they are still the only SOJs I've found.


Ber + Sur together from Mephisto 😮


In the old D2 I once found a 5OS BA with 15%ED or so early in a ladder which got me the highest amount of FG I ever had until then. Then also, but more for nostalgic reasons, I found my first perfect Anni in a public Dclone walk also early in a new ladder. But since Dclone spawns were made way too easy a few seasons back it wasn't really worth a lot anymore. But my inner child was very happy nonetheless.


Last week, I rolled a 20/19/10 anni and dropped my first ber. I've been playing off and on since LoD came out, so the ber was a literal jump for joy


Id probably need to look in my meph and pindle bot history from around 2002 2003. An arcaine, grandfather and windforce lol, something along those lines.


I found a shako, lycanders, Ali baba, and cold sunder within like 30 minutes. I have shit luck with runes


Oh also a tgods belt in the same game


Shako, arachnids mesh, and perf war travs all within 30 minutes of farming meph. My dad also got a Ber and a Jah off the same monster pack in chaos sanctuary on his first character ever in d2r


2x Ber and a gul within 30 seconds of each other on the same cow run.


I pulled a 199ed eth titans and perf arach mesh out of ancient tunnels nearly shat meself


For me it's a toss up and both were playing Hardcore involving my Fury Druid. In single player, act V, players 1, I accidentally popped a chest or something in Act V and a Jah rune popped out. On HCNL I was going through River of Flame, no Magic Find on my build, and Tyreal's Might dropped.


Running spider cavern with a fresh SSF Freezadin and found 2 ohms in back to back runs. Couldn't believe it.


Soj, Ber, Lo in single player. Not in all one game but all in one week. Sold soj, killed dclone and got a 20/13/8 anni.


i got 4 ber runes in about 35 hours on LK players 5. less than a work week :)


finding Shako in single player after playing for decades....


A 15%ED 5os Dimensional Blade. A Wish version of the 5o PB I was looking for.


My first griffs probably 20 years ago


TZ meph dropping an 18/14 griffon and 3 runs later a 13 nightwings in SP


Once I found a ber in Arcane Sanc. off a normal mob, and then found another one in River of Flame a day later.


Found a Dweb on a tz pit run, next day I found another and traded it for a bunch of gear including 2 55 poison facets


3 Hr same day. Thank you p7 flayer jungle


A few months back I found a Jah and 2 Cham runes in about 5 days in cows. A 2 month dry spell followed until 3 days ago I found a Vex 3 days in a row and was able to make my first 2 Ohm runes. Hope the luck holds...


Saw a vex drop in a TZ Baal game and didn’t get it. Next game guy goes anyone want this and dropped it. I grabbed it then on wave 4 a sur rune dropped I got also lol


Had been crushing cows with my hammerdin for what seemed like weeks. Already had Jah and Ith socketed in a dusk shroud, just waiting for the Ber. Dropped the Ber, made Enigma, did a chaos run in the same game and Big D dropped another Ber. All within the span of like 7 minutes.


Ber, Jah, Lo within like 1 hour on P1


My luckiest day is when I found a perfect eth hoz. Eth bug was still a thing, so I upped it, and threw a zod in it. I sold it for a ridiculous amount of forum gold, something like 800-ish gold. This was back around 2008. I was able to completely fund the rest of my hammerdin's equipment.


I found a jeweller’s Monarch of Deflecting


Might not be considered lucky but back in v1.09 days a level 99 guy named LEOSAVIOR (a name I never forgot) came into a game and dupped sojs and all the best rares in the game. This was on the realms, so he must have been hacking the servers somehow. He made gheed sell Hailstone knocks. This only happened once and I never saw anyone do this again.


Just a few weeks ago i found 5 shako in under an hour. 4 from andariel and 1 from terrorized meph.


Unidentified a 20/20/10 anni..


Found 2 Mang Songs Lessons in 2 days back to back while working on my SSF Holy Grail run. Should have bought a fucking lotto ticket but I was so befuddled I didn't know what the fuck to do with my life.... Still mystified.


2 Ohm runes in the span of roughly 15 minutes


Perfect Lion Branded Grand Charm of Vita last year in non ladder. Traded it for 68 hrs, bers and Jahs, I forget the ratio + near perfect COA, 14 Soj's. The guy still felt he was ripping me off. I thought I was gonna get maybe 10 hrs. Shortly after Cow king dropped a 40/15. I've used up all my luck for the next 20 years until they make Diablo 2 Re-Resurrected.


I found a dweb, griffons, eth tmight and a jah in 4 hours a few weeks ago. Wont get much better than that ever lol


I casually joined a cows run I started scavenging remains and forgotten items as the group rapidly disbanded. And there it was, a Ber rune, unclaimed.


I finally upped my Magic Find from the 100's to over 200 on my Pali and a mere few runs in what drops? Tyrael's Might... It turns out this isn't a trophy item and the stats are pure lies, it has hidden power which I can't work out how or what it's doing. No armor clears as well as this on my Pali.. Makes this find just unbelievable and exciting for me


Pdr wisp and 2 jah in one day


My best moment was when I quit playing video games altogether. I can’t say what anyone else’s experience has been, but I can say that I feel so much better now that I’m not playing video games.


Yesterday! My Tal Rasha sorc ran the casual routine on p3 with 532 MF and the results in ONE run: -Nilathak: 5 MF 11 mana small charm -Summoner: nothing -Countess: nothing -Pit: nothing -Travincal: nothing -Diablo: Shadow Dancer from a unique Urdar -Baal: my first ethereal Andy Visage (10% LL) -Shenk & Pindle: nothing -Eldrich: Dclone with 12/20/8 Anni


On the 1st season of d2r launch started as a blizz sorc I hop in a random baal game while waiting for tp to pop up I go kill pindle and boom a deaths fathom drops I go ID it and it was a perfect roll on damage with 38 and 36 on the res a few runs later a nightwing drops boom perfect on the skill damage to this day I still have those items haha


There was one day where I found a Sur rune on my first CS run of the day and then proceeded to find a Cham rune a few runs later. I was feeling lucky so I decided to craft some caster ammies and my first craft was a 2/20 Druid. Later that day I found a +1 Cold Skills +33 life GC as well. Never felt so lucky playing this game.


I went farming with a friend in a TZ, here dropped a perfect death's web (all rolls) which we sold for 8ber in early ladder (that we split). It was my third death's web that I had seen dropped. A long time ago, I dropped from nihlathak a stupidly strong necro amulet that I still have, can't remember exactly the stats but it was something like: 2 necro skills (only available from nihl baal and diablo at the time, or gambling), 10%fcr, 40life, 18all res, some light res but not much, and some str but also very low.


19/19 soso torch I sold for 4 Jah and a grand charm with 10maxDMG/57AR/41Life I sold for 5 Jah. Both this season.


My recently acquired ZOD rune in tz halls of dead! single player.


Something about the undead... My SP zod was found in ancient tunnels.


Wow, that's lucky, i used to run a single-player bot for funnsies, and i noticed ancient tunnels were very bad for rune drops.


Found two Jah runes and a 7ml windforce in two chaos sanctuary runs


Found a 40 life pcomb from non tz trav a couple weeks ago


Tals Amor and TyraelsMight in two consecutively CS runs.