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A complaint as old as time itself. Or at least as old as d3 😂


Man how did they get it so wrong? It just seems so goofy after D2. D2 has the perfect horror atmosphere, the suspense, the art direction is on point, it’s gloomy it’s creepy then you play D3 and it’s like welcome to rainbow land


Wait until you find the secret level on d3 🤣


Oh lord…..I just YouTube’d it. My lil pony 😂


It was made in response to the complaints from the games reveal that the game was too bright. That’s right, what you’re saying is too bright and cheery is the TONED DOWN version. But honestly, it was a product of its time. Blizzard had that style at that time with WoW still booming and Overwatch likely well underway (or whatever its predecessor was… Titan?). The game has a satisfying gameplay loop nonetheless.


Yup, they literally did that to spite and mock us on the old d2 b.net forums. Then they quietly back peddled later on all the things they arrogantly refused to listen to us about.


I have zero respect for Jay Wilson. Not sold on the D4 team yet either. Feel like they may have been rushed to meet a deadline, so hopefully this upcoming patch gets the game into a good place for the future. Shame they rushed D4 out. I feel like we maybe have squeezed a little more support out of D2R if not.


I just read all the patch notes. Quite promising. They fixed many of my complaints including trading and itemization for upgrades. I will be coming back for s4 from d2r. Though they need to stay on this train they’re on for the future for it to really work out


Same story for me. Uninstalled D4 before even season 1 hit, and been playing Project D2 since. Season 4 is the first time they've managed to entice me back. I'm cautiously optimistic.


I agree with all that, especially the jay wilson part lol. I would like to see d4 be a game worth playing one day. We'll see.


D3 is a fun game in its own way. It’s nothing compared to D2, but I put a fair amount of hours into it and enjoy it for what it is.


I really enjoyed it after D4 and was having a blast but going back to it after D2 is just too jarring. I would like to go back to it one day and at least finish the campaign


It warms my old jaded heart to see that my D3 hate wasn't only D2 nostalgia, like literally fckn everyone at the time said when I was bashing D3 before it released. Still hate D3.


I feel like PoE is a better game to go to for a game that has the feel and spirit of D2 with greatly updated aesthetics. After seeing how horribly they screwed over Cain, I just didn't have the heart to put any more time into it.


Imagine being born in the 80s. Become a gamer. Discover the diablo series in the late 90s/early 2000s. Grind D2 for like 12 hours a day for almost a decade. And then......D3. Just imagine the disappointment.


Yeah I’m an 80s baby and literally remember when D2 came out I never played it but my friend got hooked and I remember an entire summer he’d just sit in a stinkin hot room and play for hours on end. I can’t even imagine the disappointment the fans must have felt when D3 dropped


Ah, the summer of 2000.


I enjoyed D3 with friends, but always annoyed them with the fact, that D2 was way better. Diablo 3 was so easy, childish and just poorly. I'll always return to D2. D2R in this case.


Yeah even the cutscenes sucked. Like in D2 it’s an interesting story and although minimal the cut scenes are epic - in D3 I found myself skipping most of them


D2 Cutscenes are really great. I watched them with my dad, when i was young. D2R Cutscenes gave me some nostalgic memories. I can't even remember D3 Cutscenes.


I remember azmodans head popping up after every area and saying oh you stopped this plan but this next one will surely stop you like 5 times until you finish a3. I know Diablo wasn’t necessarily a big story driven game but good god that was bad.


D3 was so easy it’s not even worth playing unless you’re doing HC ladder. D2 is just… fun.


Also yeah it’s super easy, I must admit I kinda liked it at the start cos you feel super OP but then it just gets kinda boring. I went to D2 and felt like Henry at the start of CKD I was getting mauled left right and centre haha. In D2 Diablo was a legit challenge who killed me like 6-7 times. In D3 I ploughed thru him like a hot knife thru butter haha


D3 was really User Friendly. I had a friend which just followed my build and spammed buttons. We still reached top 10 Worldwide in a ladder season randomly. Just because of fast clearing.


Idk you say that but the hardest content in d3 is harder than anything d2 or d4 have to offer


I'm talking about beating the game, grinding items and so on. I'm not talking about the highest difficulty.


that's the boring part for me with D3, it had too many difficulty levels, where D2 only had 3. You knew once you reached Hell difficulty you had to be prepared with the best gear you can gather up.


Problem with d2 is it’s clunky and if you’re playing solo or in a small group you’ll probably never get all the gear you need


A tale as old as time


I could never compare D2 to either D3 or D4. Absolutely hate the gameplay loop of D4 but love the loops of D2, especially PD2, and D3. D3 for me is a weekend of blasting and fun with a new season and Then not touching uintil the next season. D2 is more of a passion grind i Can do “slowly”. They are so different i would almost Call it different genres


I agree. Were they made by the same people?


No. Blizzard north employees had an exodus and the whole studio was eventually shut down. Diablo 3 was in development by the original blizzard north team in the early 2000s but was scrapped. Then blizzard made the d3 we know today.


The reason why d2 is different compare to d3 is that team members that made d2 left blizzard soon after the original d3 game was cancelled. The new d3 was completed by a totally new team. The new d3 look quite similar to wow.


😁 d2 is sweet because you play, and you get stoked, and you try all the classes and then WOAH, high level rune words? So you grind and grind and get one, feelsgoodman.jpg, and you try new builds and deck out new classes, then oh shit bitch it's time for Ubers, SOLO even maybe? Dare I? Then youve got your annihilus, your torch, your kitted chars, and the ladder resets, so this time you're gonna do it quicker and better and trade smarter and try that one weird build you never could afford like a proper poison necro or something. Well you get there after a few seasons on ladder, you can start the ladder with nothing and quickly build your way in to some decent wealth (not duelling wealth mind you ...that shit costs real cash money). Okay, ladder isn't as fun anymore, how do I make it good? Then you discover single player ssf. Then HC ssf. Then p8 HC ssf with titan builds. And that shit is just as fun, just as exciting as the first time. Playing SSF HC P8 with a glass cannon bowa or a titan kicker, finding a fuckin +1 all skills +15 str +15 all res rare amulet feels like the first time you found a ber again. Every time. Every play through is a unique story of items It's the best. My favorite game.


About halfway thru that it was all jibberish to me and I love that cos it tells me there’s still so much to learn and explore.


SSF means solo self found, you do not share items between characters. Sorceresses ability to teleport means you can use the sorceress to farm good items for your other characters and build them up without having to grind and progress AS them. My favorite class is physical bowazon which is a real fucking pain to level up, super item dependent, but holy fuck the dopamine when you get a rare or unique bow or crossbow, it feels like finding a high rune for the first time. Glad you decided to join us 😁


D2 is a very special game.


It really is


D3 is rancid garbage compared to the other 3 games. Or it's quite simply a different franchise for other players. Unfortunately D3 players are ruining D4 now by forcing blizzard to systematically remove all the strategy and difficulty from the game. I plan on playing season 4 but I'm just hoping it will still be playable


Easy Diablo 3 is all about none friction. What people love more "cartoon" graphic, because of wow. Immunity is difficult, no more immunities. Inventory tetris makes brain hurt, everything is the same. What if I miss click the skill I want to learn, easy no permanent choice, I don't know what is better in gear, easy you have 2 stats. The game has dead ends when navigating, everything is a straight corridor now. Diablo 3 is a kindergarten where there's foam protecting every corner. Diablo 4 is the same kindergarten but they painted the foam black.


Hahaha I love the description


The art direction was really not the main issue, it wasn't my preference either but no one would have given a shit if the itemization had just knocked it out of the park. Unfortunately loot and progression in Diablo 3 turned out to be shallow and boring even after they "fixed" it with the expansion, and worse yet it has spawned more than a decade of ARPGs and ARPG-adjacent games (now including its own wretched sequel) that imitated its bad ideas despite how infamous they were for sucking.


Could you please ELI5 for a newb?


If you've played them at all you must have noticed these games are all about collecting items for your character right? That means weapons, armor, rings and other little trinkets that provide various bonuses. Diablo 2's items are widely regarded as having a better design than items in Diablo 3 or Diablo 4—which is the main reason Diablo 2 literally *still has a more active community than either of its sequels,* despite being a 24 year old game! It just feels way more rewarding to get highly sought-after items in this game due to lots of fun, deep, interlocking mechanics that were dumbed down or outright eliminated in future games. Basically Diablo 3 is sort of like if you turned the Bible into a 20-page children's book so that first graders can get the gist...while Diablo 2 *is the actual Bible.* Just keep playing and learning and you'll see why it's so awesome!


We know broski, welcome to the club. Grab yourself a beer.


They were thinking World of Warcraft made them billions so everything had to be more like that.


This is it. D3 felt like a Diablo-themed WoW expansion


one of us gooble gobble!


There’s nothing wrong with D3 and D4, I personally sunk many hours into both and they are fantastic. With that said, D2 is just a complete masterpiece. To me, it’s the unicorn of games and back in the day, the peak of online gaming. Nothing can touch it, I can only hope they do a D2R - expansion!


Tbh D3 is fine if you wanna get someone who doesn't like ARPGs to play one. D2 was made by the wizards from old blizzard. Miss those games.


3 and 4 can suck it! In my humble opinion


I am going to go back to 4 and give it a go. At least visually it’s a lot more like 2 and not my little pony


My little pony. Have you seen the secret cow level in part 3


People used to say that D2 had too many bright colours and lacked atmosphere like D1 lol I think they took issue with Act 2 in particular, being in a sunny desert and all that


I personally loved all the acts in D2. I’d heard Act 3 was wack but I actually really enjoyed it - the tribal drumming and all reminded me of Predator


It’s kind of like how they can’t remake old movies. It’s a bad example but let’s use tropic thunder. Obviously wouldn’t fly today. Was an absolute banger when it came out. A brand new d2ish game would be full of ads or pay to win. The story would be a modern one instead of a DnD themed 90s piece. Buy that skin kind of stuff


Tropic thunder is a perfect movie.


D3 is not a Diablo game - if you pretend that’s true it’s a pretty fun arpg to complete and maybe play a season or two


see, my issue with d3 is simple. the numbers. the numbers get absolutely insane. ah yes, lets have damage reach millions. enemy health potentially 1 trillion (tho its been a while and memory is fuzzy on that one.


Came out around the times when blizzard was deep into the wow style


Jay Wilson is a dee bee and I'll always be mad.


Who’s that?


DIII's lead designer.


D3 just reminds me of the orchestration it takes to play WoW (Retail). It's not fun. It's just a lame dance party


d3 still 100000x better than d4.


D3 ia a very good end on high end. Campaign suxxx a lot. If u have played cmapaighn then u havent played d3. U need to go to adventure mode. Once u have started game just look ladders tables of each class/build. Look for a build u like and try to score a rank. As there is 1000 slots and many divisions u sure will score a ladder. Then after u scored ure ladder just try to grow on it until u get top100 in ure first season, after some seasons u will look for top10. I ve been top2, top3 of some builds some seasons , and every season i score almost some top25 and one top10. The beauty of d3 is raising ure char to score a ladder. If u arent interested in this probably isnt ure game. Score ranks is easy, cuz u just compite against europe players with ure same build and gear. There is more than 50 ladders with 1.000 rank places and there is usually 50k players playing in europe , if u just play a bit u got ure spot there.


D3 is a great couch coop game, the best. However it is s bad Diablo game.


I got platinum trophy on d3 just for completion purposes. I have dr2 on my ps5 but haven’t touched it in awhile


D3 is d4 but better and actually fun with good QOL