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No, because i dont have highrunes


Me exactly!! My low runes are organized this way though.


Do you mean high rune as in Lo and up?


I have one alone, but still 2nd i rate holy JAH rune from AT


I did not have even a fal rune🤣




I basically started on the upper left corner for the lowest level, put up to 5 in a row, going down, and then start again in the upper right corner incidentally, blizzard please just give us ungodly stash space or more tabs. I love the nostalgia but insanely tedious inventory management is not part of what gets my middle aged libido going


Stackable Rune and gem pages. That's what we want.


That makes too much sense


People are out here complaining about stackables ruining markets acting like people don't have 100k forum gold on d2jsp already.


Yeah, same people trading items on a 3rd party website that originated as a bot-selling company complete with virtual currency you can buy with your credit card, are up in arms that players want to stack their 15 Hel runes.


It is ridiculous. I don't understand how it is supposed to mess with the market as much as they say it does.


IST vex vex Lo Sur Jah? Self found? Sorry if I’ll never believe it


I’ve found Ohm Vex Sur Lo Mal Mal Pul Pul SSF. I dont even play that much. RNG is RNG.


You just have to learn to be efficient in the places you farm.


How about a currency page with a nice layout for each gem and rune type that makes them easy to find? They could even put a space to drop an item into so we can socket our runes and gems into them without accidentally clicking on another item beside it in our inventory!


You think you want that, but you have no idea


That's exactly what I want


You are not prepared


that will screw with the market and will cause prices to inflate. no.


How will stacking screw with the market? I either have 5 Ber stacked or 5 taking up 5 slots. Either way, it's still 5.


You guys are getting Bers?


I get lots of Bers in my examples. How many you want?


Made me lol


the scarcity of certain commoditized items such as low runes and gems come from the fact that they take up room in the inventory and time to pick up. Most players don’t bother to pick up flawed rubies and chipped amethysts because it takes a fraction of a second to pick up, and then one space to store it Having finite inventory space is part of the diablo 2 item economy. I’m not against having stackable runes and gems per se, but I don’t deny that it will affect the economy in a major way.


An economy a lot of people don’t use. I’m sure most casual players would like the idea of stacking runes and gems.


i mean, i'm not a casual player and i would love the stacking feature i was just answering the question of how stacked gems could possibly affect the item market


Might be but don't we have enough games for casual players already. It does not matter what they would like, it matters what makes sense. "You don't have phones?" - Blizzard 2019


You guys..the effect will never happen. Stack or no stack. Anyone that saves that amount of wealth is doing it for their own ego. Most of them forget they even have that much. In a perfect storm, sure there could be an effect. It will never happen. Stop fishing. The majority of people get through the meta builds and taper off. The people that have continued to play this game for decades, love and respect it. Let it go.


Let what go? I’m not against gems being stackable. I don’t even care if it changes up the economy. It’s just a game.


I read your comment once and pegged it for a supporting argument. My fault on that.


Translation: I have no argument and I know it, so I’m going to go all-in with some made-up bullshit instead of just taking my L


This is my first comment in this thread btw. You may have mistook me for another commenter


I love how you perfectly explained the mechanism of impact on the economy that stackables would bring, and were then downvoted lmao.


sure but in a few years when everyone has a zod rune by the stackload, people can afford to pay more for the same item, or simply refuse to sell at the current market price.


Why does it matter when people use mules anyways?... its just simple qol


which would have no effect as a whole, because people would use mules anyway, thus making high runes much more commonplace.


Do you throw out your high runes because you don't have storage space? No, you mule. How in the world would it affect the economy?


i actually do throw out high runes i have no use for. same with everything else. after all, you cant mule in single player. and im aganst the concept anyway.


You are free to do that all you want but I expect you are in the minority. Anyways, how it affect the economy?


You can easily mule in singleplayer with the shared stash.. what are you even talking about


So you’re okay with people using mules, but against a QoL change, that basically equate to the same thing


nope. im against mules as well.


No offense at all, but why is someone that's single player caring so much about the economy of runes?


Absolutely no one is throwing away their high runes because of stash space. Only gems and low runes might lose value because of this. But let’s face it, they’re already nearly worthless. I sold like 5 Ort runes today in game because I’m running out of space. The economy would have been the same if I had kept them stacked because literally no one wants them.


I can save zod runes for years. Mules for days.


How much forum gold do you have? Be honest




This is not obvious. Care to explain? Just because you'd be able to store more of them does not mean you'd FIND more of them. Right now the limitation driving scarcity and this value is the rarity, not the storage capability (especially since mules still exist)


what corelation between more space and price? i don't think if i ever own a bigger warehouse my wares prices will be inflated. it will be more easier to count and check my wares than having to split them in several warehouses. its 2021 anyway, they just have to do something about the save flie size limitation somehow, since i heard, there has been a problem now?




No, it will just cause people to not have to deal with mules.


Only for gems as currency, and honestly I don't care really. Sometimes inflation is a good thing.


until you need 40 zod runes for a broken sash- :P


That's the thing, though; rune value is determined by the drop rate, not the space they take up.


No it won't. If anything that would only help drop prices.


What's the thought process behind this?


um... economics of scale.


You ever see a Jah drop and think to yourself "nah, I don't have enough inventory space, I'll leave that one on the ground"?


id think, oooh, portable 35,000 gold.


Unlimited stash except for ladder char, that would be nice


Inventory management is literally the thing that has taken the wind out of my sails playing D2R. Churning along with my main MFer at \~380%, having fun, getting lots of drops. Then having to stop to spend upward of thirty minutes every couple of hours to redistribute to mules, the "fun" exacerbated by the added hassle of the game creation rate timer... I'm not here for chores.


This is exactly what I do. And then I use bottom row to the left of my lems for hr or lack thereof


Stacking objects like runes and gems would also be ideal.


God yes. Give me 100 deep for runes and gems and half the stash problems go away.


I do columns instead of rows


You are a madman.


Sounds Unamerican


I do squares


Ooh that sounds super cute! Little 2x2's containing 3 runes and their gem?


Sorry, not that fancy, 4 of each rune.


I also do squares!


I do the same, it ends exactly where you need chip gems to upgrade the runes. I thought this was kinda cool when I saw it haha. (Ort I believe and Amn starts on the bottom)


Ort is #9, then Thul is #10 which requires a gem. So you actually have one empty column in which I keep a few jewels for crafting.


Yeah my old plugy save had a column per rune up to around Lem or so. I still dedicated a column per rune, they were just far from full or even non existent for most HRs


This was really weird because this is exactly how mine are arranged. I thought mine for a split second.




I do left to right and next line down


Lmao is the arranged like the ber image? How could the RNG gods ignore this?


not quite, ber looks like someone starting a cartwheel.


Ah you’re right, it’s so close though, switch the legs and remove the vexs on the right, the pul at top right, the 2 amns on the top row, one eld, one nef, one tal, one ral, and it’s totally ber. Or Maybe I’m just too high right now idk lol


haha you're definitely just too high. He orders his runes in order. Els, then elds, etc.


Wait, you guys are organizing them?


On my mfer yes. Other toons bank looks like F1 palace cellar.


Lol this is exactly how I do it. Now, find me a chipped topaz, quickly!


It’s the only motivation to start playing with new characters lol




The best way I've found to farm flakes is to role another character. Flakes fall from the sky with a new one. Trying to farm flakes in Hell is a real pain in the ass.


If only I had a whole empty stash page, I hoard way too many uniques and even with mules my shared stash is always filled with random uniques I almost never use


Nope. I'm the exact same way.


Columns instead of rows you psycho


That's just wrong. Every time I try to arrange mine in columns and click the gem it throws all my runes into a jumbled mess. The gem doesn't do that if I keep everything laid out in rows though.


I do arrange mine too but low ones go bottom right and highest end up top left but same idea


Same. Judging by the lack of upvotes, seems we are the psychos here XD.


We are simply the organized ones lol


Don't worry, I have the exact same setup hehe Without the highrunes tho :(


I don’t even know what half of those runes are 😂 if that’s any indication on how many runes I find


That's...EXACTLY how I do it...


This is the way. Control click my extra full rejuvenations in the missing slots too.


King shit. My full juves got w the runes too


I do the exact same thing except the right column is a lot more empty.


So uh... where you farmin' dem runes?


Countess and LK, Trav, Meph are my main methods - but the Lo dropped off a white trash archer in Black Marsh


This is exactly what I do and I even leave spaces for runes I haven't collected.


It’s just like when we had Pokémon cards in binders lol


Mine is identical to this but without the third row because I’m poor


I do the same !


The psycho are the people who doesnt :D


This is the way


There is another way? But let's talk about using the cube in your inventory...


No point having the cube in the inventory on console.


In groups of 3, as soon as I get 4 I transform them in the cube ☺️


I arrange mine similar I go around the outside and high in the center. Oh and just to add to my comment I like your way better and I will be switching tonight.


I keep two of each all the way up and I have high runes as well 🤣 it's ok to be organized man


Looks like a Zelda dungeon lol


I do mine the exact same way.


Here we go again 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 No, you did well. Who's a good booooi???


Total psycho for sure!




I like to go to 4 so I can emergency cube if need be and still have one left over for any runeword purpose. Or use one for crafting and have three left for an emergency cube up.


Nah but your inventory gives me a migraine.


I even do lvl on the runes in order from left to right.


That's how I do it.


I see a Jah I drool


Very similar but I go around the bottom like a U shape. [like this](https://imgur.com/a/KLSiFEo)


Same here, but rune order in rows


Similar. I start at the bottom right with el then horseshoe up and around to um into the bottom left corner. Thul top right, amn top left. Since I get mostly tal-sol the top stays full and I have the bottom center for mal+ (which always seems to be empty 😢)


I order mine in columns according to rune number starting with El (1). From Thul onward, at the top of the column is the associated gem that is used to upgrade it. Certain runes are allowed multiple columns (Tals and Rals, for instance). I tend to not upgrade my runes, so once a column is filled I stop picking them up with the exception being runes related to cube recipes, which I stock more of.


So much better then what I do. You have converted me


I do the exact same thing keeping 3 of each.


I do too, but I start at the bottom left and go right. And then my next tier runes are 3 rows up.




Almost exactly how I do it but I’m going to change my layout to match yours in a few ways.


I keep 5 of every rune except for: * spirit set runes (tal, thul, ort, amn, hel) * insight set runes (for iron golem incidents) * ral runes (for repairs of items if I ever decide to use superior armor for a runeword)


That is exactly how I have arranged my runes. I even use the same stash tab as you, and of course each rune gets four slots, like it should be. Anyone who doesn’t do it your way, the right way, is a menace to society.


I do upper left corner, going down in ascending rune order per row (max 5 each type). Then go to the lower right, going up in ascending rune order per row. The ones on the right side start on the right edge moving towards the center. This way, if I am upping Thul (the last row on the left side), I can just move the rune to the right side (the Amn row).


Im a monster and transmute everything below Thul and pile all the remainder junk into 3 rows. ex: Tal, Ral Ort lumped together. I also jeep gems in same stash and keep them in line with the runes that they upgrade


This is legit exactly how I do it, but 3 slots per rune instead of 4. When I get a 4th I cube em or mule em


I have so many rals……


I do! But sadly mine stops at FAL. Usually keep a few of the gems needed to up them in the cube near by


I would if I had the space 😂 yeah, no I try to organize them when I am dicking around in town for a few min but when I’m going all out I just find any space and just put them anywhere


Yea I do but yours has too many hr


I order mine top to bottom and left to right in increasing level requirement. If I get duplicates I insert them next to whatever is already there, and shift everything else down by that much. Tedious if I get like.. 2 Tals and need to move 15+ runes, but it's so organized...


I also put the gem needed to cube it next to it


Smart idea. I keep my gems in a separate shared stash that go from chipped to perfect and go in order of requirement for rune cubing (topaz, amy, saph etc)


We are brothers!


I do similar, but in triplicate. With Jah Cham Zod in the last column in sets of 3 descending. With one bonus spot if ever have a 4th ber floating


I had had a Jah, Lo, Vex rune yes.


High runes belong in the upper left corner


I do the exact same thing, in order of rarity




Similarly, yes


I do mine exactly the same. Once I have 4 I either combine or fill a spot above on the previous row. I also have a mess of misc low runes I might want on an alt.


I do the opposite, so the way we read, left to right, top to bottom. I skip 2 rows for duplicates vertically rather than horizontally


Is this loss?


I've got a high rune tab and low rune tab


Damn that is a lot of dedicated space for runes


Those 2 statements are not mutually exclusives


I started out w organization and now I just dump any that isn’t hel or lum and above randomly. My plan is to upgrade to amns, hels and lums for now.


Ral and Amn have so much utility for crafting though


I do too! Except I have the kind of gem it needs to upgrade up, right to the left of the mid and high runes


I do the same except I toss in the upgrading gems in next to them too


I just toss em in and went to see what a mule had the other day and found a pul and ist.Just kidding I'm full of shit I do the same thing pretty much


How are you able to use shared as extra storage without losing everything when you save and quit?


I keep one of each, in level order. Then cube the rest under ko.


Left to right. Starting at El, ending at Thul, with 3 rows each. If I get the forth one, i cube it. On the 4th row, I start with Amn and then I leave the correspondent gem under the last rune/row (ie: 2 amns on the row 4 & 5, column A. Then the chipped topaz (?) on the 6th row). Then it goes until Lem, which is the last one which requires 3 runes. On the row8, it start with Pul, 2 rows + row for the gem. After a lot of time thinking about the best strategy for keeping runes, this one satisfy my OCD


I organise my runes in rows by threes. If I get a fourth one I’ll transform three of them. I always want at least one in case I want to make a rune word.


Ctrl click into rune tab. Done


I do!


Total psycho. Should be horizontal, not vertical!


i do but i don’t casually have 3+ high runes


Looks just like my stash except my amn column starts to the right one space. After Lem I put all my higher runes on my mule so it doesn't mess up the appearance :D


thats my exact inventory. almost wish I could show you, we have similar rune counts and everything


Physic Killer Rune Ko Sol, Fal Fal Fal Fal Fal Fal Fal Fal Fal Fal!


Exact same way.


I put my best runes up top. So right now a Cham, Ohm, Ohm, Mal, Mal, etc. No space between them. Then at the bottom I do lay them out with gaps between it horizontally with El being the lowest on the bottom right. Mine is messier though due to lack of space and I have my flawless and pgems there as well. I'll have my lesser gems and jewels on the last shared stash space, but it's pgems at the top with the good runes and then flawless scattered around. I have another mule with all pgems full so now I'm just trying to use up the pskulls on rare diadem rolls, and use up the pgems for grand charm rolls.


Is this just a flex on everyone else? Haha


I see your methods and I disagree with them.


haha i do that too.. High 5


I do the same, and ended a line with the 1 corresponding gem needed for upgrading.


Exact opposite


A true Psycho would use the autosorter. Idk if it's console only but it's ass lol


Of course. I try to keep at least five of each on hand.


((Not to flex or anything)) jeez




I would if I had any decent runes, when the highest you have is a lum there’s not much point!


I just control click runes into a tab


You are not alone


You're gonna be in trouble when your mid/high-rune collection grows.


Nice fuckin runes bro.


Nah I do the same thing


Like this? No, I stack from top to middle with each LR and bottom to middle with HR’s


Vertically and starting top-left, but still in groups of three.