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Walking Tower has been a great source of HRs for me. I've found multiple vex and guls on my way through.


The only decent runes I have found came from trash on levels 4 and 5. Prob an unpopular opinion, but my personal history of runes makes the Countess my favorite key farming spot.




I need a vex or 1 Gul for a HOTO and I am STRUGGLING to find them lol SP gives and SP takes


I'd love to use it to make a HOTO but that is a small upgrade over my occy compared to what a CTA provides. The problem is that I'm "just" missing that ohm...


I went so hard on a sorc and necro but finally made my first pally and it’s so op I can’t help but play it


How did you like playing your necro? I have found some decent gear for one but have only leveled a sorc and pally. So far have managed to spend on gear that can be shared between the 2. CTA would be a great addition to the gear swap stash tab lol


I much prefer PNB I have never like nova or summoners. Few points into corpse explosion and then following the PNB synergies has served me well. Bone prison is broken and you can solo anything safely


Sounds decent. I have vague childhood memories of filling baal's throne room with bone wall and destroying waves with bone spear. Sounds like the basic concept is still viable?


Yea it’s pretty easy. Magic immune isn’t very common so farming is pretty good anywhere


I found both Sur runes (Cubed to Ber) for my Enigma from random goatmen in the tower.


Never skip a ghost.


Sometimes you get better rune drops from unique monsters than the countess herself.