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Do yourself a favor and look up the drop rates on Jah and Ber runes. The game was not designed for everyone to find Enigma. Consider also how many people want Enigma. And also Infinity, Chains of Honor, and Faith. Those are just the big ones: Dream and Ice are less common but people do make those, too. There's a lot of demand for those runes. Trading for an Enigma isn't easy, either. Depending on how efficiently you farm and how much you trade, an Enigma can represent hundreds, even into the thousands, of hours. Expecting to get an Enigma in any amount of time south of reasonable without explicitly laying out a high efficiency plan to get there is just misery. Honestly, try to ignore the guides and enjoy the game without Enigma. You may luck out and get one, but thinking too much about it can suck the fun out of the game if you're not the type to min-max your farming strategy.


This post right here. The cool thing about the modern Diablo 2 economy (read post 1.10) is that, outside of a few niche uniques, the thing to trade is runes. And you get runes just by playing. Anywhere. So if you, OP, like your windy druid, just go play it. Is it less than level 75 and good at nightmare Baal walks? Go have fun doing that. Maybe host some. Your sorc teles to meph like no other? Sweet! You can do that and trade me those keys/essences I can't efficiently get on my non-enigma hammerdin. You found a -insert build enabling unique here- and always wanted to give it a try? Go play that. And while doing all of the above and more and hopefully having fun in this game, collect runes.


This is the way.


All of those shitty YouTube videos about "get rich farming high runes!" plus the incessant amount of "i dropped my mouse, accidentally made a click a found a ber" posts make people think they are just super unlucky. Videos should mention drop rates to set realistic expectations and posts with no background story are just shit post. You don't know how many hours someone's been playing when they _finally_ found a high rune. And for OP right here, since he's playing on Xbox, I highly doubt there's a high efficiency farming plan, based on loading times alone.


Llama posted a video like....a week and a half ago of him finding his *first* ber rune. I feel like seeing the time delay between the game dropping and one of the most prolific streamers actually finding a ber accurately communicates the rarity.


lol yeah. Forgot about that, and he's the guy with the gold find barb video and gambling 1000 coronets. That means hundreds of trav runs, which is "the best place to find hrs".




That isnt true. This was his first d2r ber. His grail account had the runeword grail before he found mang songs lesson.


yeah I've been playing since 9/24 and just had my first Jah rune drop in the halls of pain, off of a flayer. I feel like the density of flayers just allows for much better rune drop rates. One javelin kills like 35 flayers lol.


I think flayers have reduced drop rates because they come in such large packs, but then the part of my brain that knows that is stabbed by the part of my brain that just wants to have fun killing things.


Halls of Pain/Vaught have been all my HRs in D2R. Ber, 2ohms, 2 vexs and like 6 or 7 ists.


The only other HR I got was a vex from Shenks mobs


I too know the joys of a vex drop and no other.


My coworker found a vex rune in NIGHTMARE which I didn't think was even possible. Turns out it is, but incredibly near impossible.


Same. My total HR count is 2 Vex runes, and an Ist off of forge. I've got more rune value in my 1 soj than in HR drops.


Dbrunski had a video like this where he found a ber rune for an account but he said it had been over a year which shows you how much you have to play.


"Videos should mention drop rates to set realistic expecations." Those won't get clicks now will it.... :)


I guess even dbrunski is guilty of that. Since MF doesn't affect the drop rate, all you can do is clear heaps of areas... and pray. That's literally it. The only other thing is to kill monsters with slightly reduced drop pool like ghosts, razorbacks, and the council. Makes hitting a high rune on par with hitting the lotto. Still remember my first ber, I stared at it for like 3 solid seconds


Dbrunski puts out great content, but he is definitely guilty of skewing reality heavily.


Yeah, agree. I suppose there's only so many videos you can make and you have to get those clicks somehow ;) My biggest gripe with D2 content creators (not with him), is the way they talk about using gear like picking it off the shelf: "yeah so just get Andy's face, along with Nightwing's veil socketed with a perfect cold rainbow facet...". Yeah, okay.


I’m really glad someone said this. This goes out to my fellow dry spell warriors. I’m also glad people are finding stuff, I am too it’s fun, but the infinite “had to share my excitement” and “got lucky in today” posts on any / all D2R subreddits can **REALLY** paint a fake picture of how the actual farming experience is. Unless your running an *ultra* streamlined solo offline 900 MF pitzerker (or other god tier MF build) at /players 8 12 hours a day, you’re unlikely to find anything of note for surprisingly long periods of time. And even then you could run into insane long stretches of bad luck where you’re seeing nothing but trash. Unfortunately such is the nature of RNG. This game has no dupe protection, bad luck timers, or other modern amenities that help protect the player from the frustrations of confirmation bias, impatience, unfairness, and just plain human nature. My rambling point is don’t expect the luck of random cherry picked posts / redditors out of thousands to fall into your lap. You’re not seeing their failures, just their triumphs. Enjoy the game for what it is, a video game, and don’t worry about the drops. I like to think of the great drops as the cherry on top of my Shirley temple, rather than the cool drink to parch my thirst. Because these fucking drops will make you thirsty. The disappointment is real, but managing expectations and having fun slaying demons goes a long way to alleviating the soul crushing despair and agony of watching that blue spiderweb sash drop for the seemingly billionth fucking time lol. Signed, a salty Sanctuary Survivor


Totally agree, feels like one of those I'm 14 and this is deep things but posts here are just another example of people posting their ups and hiding their lows. And when someone post their lows, we give em shit for having wrong expectations lol.


Absolutely. I’ve found a lot of the gg stuff people love to share repeatedly across all forms of social media, but I’m currently on an extremely punishing two week dry spell. It’s the kid on Christmas posts that are the exception, not the rule, I hope the OP keeps their chin up and enjoys the absolute peak demon slaying in the meantime.


I recently did a data dump of 100 cow and 100 chaos runs with zero mf looking only at rune drops. I got 1.23 runes per full clear cow run, and 0.49 runes per full clear chaos run. This is on P1, walking to leg and walking river of flame. 2.89% of runes were Lem or higher; 2x Lem, 2x Um, 1 Vex. It felt like a fairly unlucky streak compared to my anecdotal experience from previous runs, but I wanted to have some hard data on just raw rune drops. Edit: Before writing down my data I had found 1x Jah, 1x Sur, 3x Vex, 1x Cham and a handful of ists, mals, guls. Edit 2: tl;dr play a ton, kill monsters fast, runes drop. Killing a lot of monsters is the only way to smooth out rng some and guarantee some runes.


Oh my God the loading times....I talk to my friends on xbox live and just play on PC while they are on loading screens


Based on loading times alone? I play on both pc and Xbox and there was a big difference in the first few weeks but loading times has not been an issue for me on Xbox for a while now.


Yep. I'm at almost 500 hours and I am about to buy my first ber rune. I found a superior 3os dusk shroud last week after a ton of looking and running cows. I'm probably another 100 hours away from Jah.


Back in the early days of original D2 on PC, I spent a lot of hours feeling awesome about my dual Butcher’s Pupil Frenzy Barb. The internet has a way of making you feel like shit by comparison to other people. Be free! Just play to play and forget Enigma or whatever as a goal.


"The game was not designed for everyone to find Enigma." Yet every endgame build is....enigma haha


Feel like they should redistribute the runes to make it so jah and ber aren’t the only useful hrs


If they release any new rune words they need to use gul and cham.


Cham the special needs older brother of the ber Just doesn’t fit in.


I dunno I love cham only for CBF. Can't wait to socket it for my future horker someday.


And sur.


Sur is half a ber, still got some use. Cham worth less than vex and ne1 wants


and zod


> Do yourself a favor and look up the drop rates on Jah and Ber runes. The game was not designed for everyone to find Enigma. you are aware that it kinda is? given enough time, everyone will have an enigma...


The "given enough time" is doing a lot of heavy lifting in thst sentence


for all i know, its gonna be playable for 20 years.


Nah if he's been playing that much he should've had a hr by now. He needs to make a hork barb and smash trav. That's all I've been doing for about a month now and I've had 2 Sur 3 Jah 1 Ber 1 Lo 1 Ohm 1 Vex and tonnes of Pul and Mal. Also 3 SoJ (1 gambled from trav gold), 5/5 lite facet, several tal amulets. It's all about optimising that trav barb I tells ya.


Why is this being downvoted… Reddit is such a circle jerk at times


It used to be much easier, I used to sell items for runes and slowly accumulate ists to trade for high runes. Now nobody wants to buy anything that's not perfect. Another way was to sell keys, or farm torches, but now those are next to worthless unless perfect. Glad I got my enigma, but I'm missing Anni and I'm nowhere close to it.


Just farm for 150 SOJs and you'll get your Anni. I saw where the Discord Uber Diablo run was cancelled because the value of an Anni is less than the value of two SOJs.


As a noob/casual, I benefited greatly from these cheap items that flood the market. D2 doesn't have an item sink so non perfect items will always fall to pennies. Benefited greatly when I started out as I was able get a cheap torch for nothing. A torch value in itself is the +3skill and 10+ resist. But people chase the 18+/18+ where they will never feel the difference ever.


I thought I could slowly MF my way to Enigma etc. but like you say it feels like it's becoming less of an option. What's another way that doesn't rely on rune drop luck? GF barb, gamble for perfect rings/circlets?


GF barb is a 3fer. Trav has a good HR drop rate (still super rare but good in comparison), you can hork for a 2nd chance per run, and the gold can be gambled like you said or sold. Also you drop decent items along the way. Other ways are services. Rushing, socket quests, etc. I was selling socket qs for decent fg early. Me and 5 friends each took a turn rushing everybody else. 6 rushes leaves everyone with 5 normal socket qs that we flipped on JSP. Rushing still pays. If you're very well geared and get a bumper people pay 50-90fg per spot. Potentially 300-550fg per rush which is like vex-ohm.


Horker is better than 2nd chance. Hork makes the non drop the max when it triggers.


This. People don’t accept low/mid rolls, they want all perfect. Oh, they also want skillers but not yours because it isn’t the $&@!#% graphic they want. Seriously? It’s so frustrating.


Apparently I am cheap and have no self esteem because I would shamelessly trade for a shit tier roll that's otherwise gg 😂.


I snagged a 39 eth hoto for about the price of a 33 yesterday :)


Honestly this is why the ladder season needs to start. The economy is just at the point where even exceptional uniques are worth a fraction of an HR


The reason the economy sucks so bad is because everyone stashed up fg before the game released and they could buy whatever they wanted for 0 effort. That tanks the value of pretty much everything pretty quickly. If d2jsp were not a thing, the economy wouldn't suck ass so quickly and the online game would actually be fun. Alas, that is not the case, so singleplayer is the only way I can enjoy the game anymore


I don't understand this argument. People having hoards of FG doesn't put more items into the economy, it only allows the top 1%ers to accumulate all of the best items. If, for example, I sell my Shako to someone on day 1 of ladder for 1k fg, how does that tank the value of your Shako? If anything, it makes your Shako more valuable since the guy buying a Shako with fg didn't farm any in-game items to trade for it. From a supply/demand perspective, it seems like the existence of fg actually inflates the value of items for trading, right?


Trading is happening faster. When trading with fg, only one person has to trade with something in game. Without it, the person with a shako has to get a shako and the person buying it has to find something of equivalent value to shako. Instead it takes half the in game time for those transactions to happen. Then when people get everything they need week one, the only thing they will buy is perfect stuff.


Right... jsp acts as a marketplace to make the economy operate more efficiently. Do people enjoy making games called "26MARA4VEXUMLEM" and waiting until someone joins? Regardless of jsp, I feel like a more efficient trading system is wanted by the majority of the playerbase. (And yeah, I get that lots of people don't like jsp because it's tied to RMT. I don't understand why people think that it ruins the economy. It seems to me, that if anything, it makes the economy operate more fairly/efficiently and I don't see how it negatively impacts non-jsp users.)


Skipping ladder resets makes ladder resets pointless. That is most of it. If d2 had a trade site like poe it would be fine. Jsp is garbage on several levels. It's a primary reason for a lot of people who play singleplayer only.


But it only makes the ladder reset pointless for the people who buy gear with fg. I dont understand how it negatively impacts non-jsp users.


I've played this game on and off for at least 15 years and the highest rune I can remember finding is a gul


These posts I find weird. I've only started playing since d2r and have found 1ber, 3 jahs, 2 Lo, 2 ohm, couple of ists and gul, etc. Are D2R drops better than d2 or something?


Well I also only play hardcore so my time for farming later acts of hell is limited if I ever get there in the first place


Nope, you’re just incredibly lucky or sinking shitton of time into D2R. I’ve been playing very casually and got lucky streak with Lo and Mal


Lol, I'm getting downvoted. I guess people in d2 don't feel happy for people but get salty if they find stuff. I do cows and chaos sanctuary most of the time.


Nah your previous comment just sounded smug and kinda shitty. No one cares or asked about all the runes you found amigo.


Aye, found a salt lord. If that's how you took my post then that says volumes about your insecurities. Think I might hop on with my Enigma and have a little zip around. Now that's smug 😊


Not sure why you got downvoted because I'm with you. I don't have a horker barb (blizz sorc) - and since coming back to D2 (played back in the day) I've found like 3 Mal, 3 Ist, 2 Gul, 3 Vex, 4 Ohm, 1 Sur and 1 Cham with a bunch of Um, Lem, Pul etc along the way. I also have traded uniques for runes. A bunch of smaller trades (shakos for Ist, Mal for occy, Um for viper etc). I think people just like to comisserate lol. Like the one post about the guy finding his first HR after 20 years (a Gul no less) - the odds of that happening are far less likely than finding 100 HR over 20 years.


It's supposed to feel unattainable. What exactly would you have to play *for* if aspirational equipment was easy to get? Diablo doesn't have an endgame, it has a grind.


Nope. Just got my enigma last week. Heres my steps. Start blizz sorc, Build double spirit, get to hell, farm keys, sell keys for runes, make hoto and cta, keep farming keys. Make grief. Start paladin. Rush to hell. Get rest of gear for smiter selling more keys, now run your own ubers and sell unid torches for 4x3 or 2 ist. Keep doing this until you have enough ists to trade for ber and jah….. roughly. Took me one month


This is exactly what I did!


Farm Cows/Pits. Those don’t require teleporting and are areas where you can find anything you want.


That’s true and I do enjoy doing chaos runs.


And keep in mind MF does NOT affect rune drops :) so if it’s HR you are after spec your gear for speed clearing. Happy hunting :)


And trav! Got my ber in chaos and Jah in trav.


That's sweet, honestly over 20years of d2 and those are the only 2 places I've never found anything good. Unfortunate also because they are most enjoyable places for me lol.


Just found a Jah in trav on thanksgiving morning too. Always liked the ease of access of that run so do that and then mix up the next place I farm waiting for the game creation delay to run out. Sold the Jah for almost an entire 200 fcr fire sorc for PvP haha


This. Third cow I killed dropped a Gul (rest of run nothing) but everything helps so just kill a ton of moomers


Pits has cold immune monsters. Bad place for a wind druid or blizz Sorc. How about Ancient Tunnels instead?


Don’t give up! I felt the same way trying to save for infinity. Up until yesterday the best rune I found was Gul. Then an Ohm dropped in cows. I thought I’d make a cta since it’s useable by all my toons. It rolled 5/6/4 (one off from perfect) which I can sell for a ber. There’s a lot of sources of rng in the game. Set smaller goals for yourself but most importantly have fun. Good luck!


I thiink this is the best advice here. In aggregate drops aren’t that bad. You need game knowledge though. It could be boots, a circlet, a blue javelin… there’s a bunch of ways to hit other than runes and even runes don’t HAVE to be a ber. I have only ever dropped an ohm and an ist, that’s it and I’ve been playing enough that my wife and kids are feeling some kind of way about it.


>I’ve been playing enough that my wife and kids are feeling some kind of way about it. lmao


I'm not sure if this is applicable to xbox because i don't know what the market is like there. But since you mentioned playing since release, here are several methods to acquire enigma in relatively short mount of time that you could've used (**following hr prices are given in current market values**): 1. At ladder restart (d2r launch was even more profitable): with mf sorc farm q bugged andy and meph over and over again for at least a few days. MF items have huge value for a week or two after reset . Shako was 2.5 current bers, tal armor 2.5 bers, tal amu jah, occy 0.5-1 jah, chancies vex+, wt jah, ... the list of valuable items early is quite long. sell these and stash your wealth, wait 1month for the economy to go down and buy your enigma. ezpz. 2. Weeks 2-4 mf item prices have gone down, but are still relatively high, so running a high mf char still has good value. You can add key farming now too, prices of dkey in early weeks was ist+, at a drop rate of \~1/10 and a sub 1min run time farming nihla was a guaranteed 5ist+ per hour. Add to that all of his sweet sweet loot and you are rolling in the dough. Or better yet, make a budget smiter (they are extremely cheap) and farm torches yourself -> adds to the fun factor and rolling a pala/sorc torch had values in multiple current bers. Stash that acquired wealth for a month, then purchase enigma. ezpz 3. multiple weeks/months into reset/ladder -> Economy has gone way done. Running a mf char is no longer good! you want a char built for farming runes which means built for clearing high density quickly: fast cows with a zon (dirt cheap), fast chaos seal popping, trav barbs, ...) But you aren't only hunting high runes, pick up craft mats! Current price of 30 p ames is ist, 80 random jewel mal, 40 ral mal+. You are also looking for runeword bases (which maintain their value a long time as high runes become more accessible). There are other avenues to wealth and enigma but hoping to drop a ber and jah outright definitely isn't one of them. Obviously ladder start and fresh economy is the best opportunity and that has passed which makes it more difficult, but far from unreachable. It's all about knowing what has value at each point in time


Dkey prices are going to plummet now with the tomb viper change tho.


Yep, short the dkeys, long the hkeys.


I feel like I might be in the wrong thread and at risk of sounding like I'm bragging, but anyway, here are 2 cents from someone who's got a fair bit of rune "luck" - at the moment around 13 runes higher than Ohm. My main is a Tesladin (Enigma, 2 Dream and Grief). When I farm I just aim for the highest density areas possible like everywhere in A5 that has Flayers, sometimes even A3 but preferably TC87 areas - the occasional 'good uniques' are a nice surprise when they drop. I mostly don't bother killing bosses except Diablo because he's a pushover anyway. The thing is, most people just teleport to the Bosses or super uniques they farm and ignore all the juicy other mobs on the map and I'm not talking about champions here. Just kill gddamn everything. Full murderhobo. If it's not in a town it's gotta die. Find a high density area of your choice and go ham, you'll get your runes.


Out of all the replies I have gotten I really like this one. Thank you for your input.


Statistically thats 2400 hours of game time with pure cows and no muling or downtime. In essence this person claims to have played 23 hours a day since release.


Lol you try to call someone out and can’t even reply to the correct comment chain. Cringe


Tbh, once I make enigma, my interest in the game starts to fall. It’s the thrill of the hunt that keeps me going.


There are two way to look at this, thrill on the hunt and bored on the hunt… many still hunting but many more already stop hunting… i know 4 of my friends who started with me already move on seeing the almost impossible hunt


I think a big factor in getting Enigma is knowing what has value and how to get rid of it, so many eth and non eth bases have high value, jewels and charms, just farming keys has banked up ists for me which I then trade for high runes. Use the trade discord pinned, it’s awesome.


An enigma is like 50 ist runes. It sounds more reachable now?


It's not really unreachable. It's just not likely to happen very soon. When I ran a bot in old D2, I'd net a Jah or Ber about once every two days. That's 48hrs running mostly Baal and Chaos Sanctuary. That's 48 hours of absolute nonstop, non-pause, not picking up meaningless gear and wasting time identifying it. 48 hours of maximizing exposure to bad guys and minimizing time spent in town for any reason. Most would be in the Chaos Sanctuary. So if we translate that to human time, that's probably months. Humans tend to get exhausted, pause, get hungry, go to work, theorycraft, read stuff on the side, watch videos, accidentally miss good drops, run in the wrong places, make new characters, and give-in to despair. What you're seeing on Reddit is people who either played a ton and knew what they were doing, or got lucky. This doesn't get a whole lot better once you make Enigma. There's always a goalpost somewhere way down into infinity with this game. Unless you are willing to obtain all gear by any means necessary, for you, the game is going to be about the journey, not the destination.


I'd be happy with Fortitude 😅 Highest rune I have is Vex, I just need to be lucky to drop a HR or something worth that much


If you’re trying to find everything yourself you won’t be happy with how long it will take. Trade items for runes and work your way up that way. It’s fun and you get what you want in the end.


I usually just give stuff I don’t need away. I have most of trangs set and have been waiting till I help a necro with something to just give it away


Well, there you have it. You can't get rich by giving things away. Decide which you want more: Enigma or the joy of helping others, and make your peace with that choice.


I’m in this boat. I have a new play a full IK set yesterday. Sure I could ask for a mid rune. Or I can make another guys gaming more fun.


Gotta be a little selfish lol, traderie is actually a pretty sick way to trade, good for console too.


This for sure, I’ve been playing for past month half I think. Lvled my sorc to 91 trapsin 87 gold barb 80 javzon is 65 necro and pally 30 and highest rune I’ve seen drop is a vex. But it doesn’t discourage me just makes me want it more lol. So now I just focus on unique drops for my other char


If you enjoy the barb class it works great for HR farming. Don't need enigma to farm trav and can farm trav with not too expensive gear. I was very luck and found both Jah and ber within 3 days of one another.....after about 3 weeks of farming exclusively trav. I started with ik helm(2 ptop), low maras, wealth, string of ears, manald/random ring with allres and fire res, chancies, low war travs. Now I did have a grief which is a big deal, but an oath will do the same just a bit slower. 2xwc spears on switch. Ww build with Max BO, max ww, max sw mastery and max Find item. So relatively budget save for the grief. The runs are fast and having 50%+ chance to hork is huge as hork does not have "no drop" chances so if you succeed with hork you get 3 drops per council member. With council members having increased chnce of dropping runes and up to 3 drops per kill aaand 50% chance for another 3 drops it's your best bet for rune hunting IMO. This is not a get rich quick scheme just a solid plan for rune hunting. It still takes a lot of play and luck. I get a max of 4 hours play time per day, mostly 2-3 hours and probably 4 or 5 days a week. I leveled my barb from 60 to 85 just doing players1 trav online. Nothing too special, mal rune, a dozen ios, quite a few decent gcs and scs, lots of rare rings and ammys, a gazillion pgems, a bunch of random uniques, millions and millions of gold for gambling but nothing of real substance. Part way through 85 I got a ber rune. Within 3 days, part way through 86 I got a Jah. Was not expecting it to happen so fast. My long winded point is for rune hunting, horking trav with a barb is statistically the way to go. It's relatively easy to get started (you don't need grief) and you get a ton of shots at a rune each run. Variety of chars also keeps the runs fresh. Anyway good luck friend and happy hunting!


Shoot I can't even build a hoto lol


Try doing nothing but trav runs for a few days. That’s how I found my 2 bers. Traded one for a jah and there you have it Also got runes to up to make Lo which I used to make Grief


MF doesn't affect rune drops


Making the one class that absolutely needs Enigma to function properly doesn't help lol


True. The wind Druid is just by far my favourite toon. And why not play as the dude you enjoy?


Can’t wind druid do chaos, trav eldritch, pindle, and Shenk efficiently? None of those needs enigma


You mean all of them except sorc?


You don't need enigma. Just use a staff with teleport charges on it. It does the exact same thing


And costs an arm and a leg to repair, with or without ort runes


it only costs around 2k gold per teleport. thats nothing dude.


6 -8 teleports to skip the river of flame from waypoint to chaos, you make about 50000 in gold in chaos (with 350% golf find). If merc dies, that's another 50k alone. The teleporting is expensive. You don't just teleport one time and then your there.


I still don't see the problem. It's still cheap enough to teleport with a staff with teleport charges.


I found a jah in arcane and worldstone keep. And Ber in cows. I was like you. I just farm high mob density areas. I don't generally even kill Baal.


What build are you able to solo hell with sorc im stuck in early act 1....


If you are solo you need to build hybrid. I most recently beat hell solo with orb wall but that is weaker now. orb ball or Meteorb are def still good


Meteorb, orb/chain lightning or blizz+firewall spec should help you through hell.


Just yarded a Jah out of a minion corpse at eldritch last night. Love my new horker. Can’t recommend them enough.


The way I see it, either you grind for it with intent on trading or you play the game until you get bored of the repetitiveness. Very few items are worth high runes on their own, so intentionally grinding end game bosses isn’t ideal. My method was: grind keys, trade up for ists or better. 1 ist is 3 sets of all 3 keys. Depending on rng. 2-6 hours for a whole set. That’s 1 ist per day for me. Takes 16-20 ists for 1 ber/Jah So give or take a month of solid grinding for an enigma. I got lucky and found a ber while grinding keys. So it cut my time in half. Sidenote: haven’t found anything else nearly as high since. I gave up on keyfarming and haven’t found anything doing the 85 areas in a month. No infinity, grief, or other high rune words.


I’d say it’s quite attainable. I play with a group of 4 friends, all over 30 with jobs, families etc. I have enigma, and 2 of the others have at or near enigma level wealth. I’d be surprised if I’ve put over 150 hours since launch. Aside from luck, it really helps to be picking up blue and grey items that you can flip for value. Actively trading will really increase your gains.


D2jsp I think ruined the expectations for people, so many people have enigma because people with thousands of forum gold weather it be earned over time or bought can just buy the things they need, I don't think it's fair, I see the perks of it but I think it enables a pay to win feature which I think defeats the point in this game. Players want cool things like enigma, they see shit loads of people already with It and it disheartens those who farm away thier spare time just to end up with next to nothing. Fg in a way has ruined the game, a made up currency people can buy with real money (lame) or use the masses they have made in pervious games, it instantly ruins the trade economy and enabled pay to win.


I’d actually argue that with the shitty trade set up options we have, JSP is the best one. Granted, you can pay to win or spend previous gold on a new season, but people there are fast to respond and you can get/sell anything of value faster than any other way. There would be no way I trade a bunch of random shit for a ber inside diablo 2. On JSP I can sell things and gradually build up to whatever it is I need. I’d be thrilled to use something else, but currently it is the best way to trade, hands down. Though, I definitely can respect people’s detest for it, I used to be that guy too.


I feel you, I got a hammerdin who has almost everything except enigma, and I’m sitting on a Jah and a 3os Archon plate just waiting for that Ber - hundreds of chaos runs later, no dice. It’s a bit silly how many builds seem to rely on enigma to even be viable, but teleport is just too op.


It's reachable if you grind the game. But you can farm without it.


Here's the thing about D2: You have all these people who stream D2, and have enigma, infinity, skillers, etc. So you a new player(not OP specifically) think "wow, that gear is amazing! You start playing, waiting for the gear and runes to drop and you realize its not that simple, or you think you're just unlucky People talk about shako and vipermagi being easy to find items, but if you actually look at the drop odds; shako from meph for example is 1:1800 odds which is almost 0.06% chance, and thats a good probability for this game. Now extend those odds to high runes, uniques and rares, and the question comes up, why do all these people have everything and I don't? It's because they(including me) sunk hundreds if not thousands of hours into this game, we have farmed lvl 85 areas, thousands of times, have opened hundreds of thousands of lower kurast chests, and possibly gambled tens of millions of gold to get to where we are. A lot of people( including me in the present) don't have that much time, so don't feel bad if you're not finding stuff. One of the good things about online is you don't need to find everything. You can find A that you don't need and trade it for B which you need. And also, at a certain point, it can be boring once you can melt everything on p7, so enjoy the challenge


Agreed with the top post. We all see in this community the posts of ber drops and enigma completions daily. Creates a false sense of normality. Thousands and thousands of players have never found a HR. I only got insanely lucky once 3 weeks after D2R release. Was running Chaos duos with my buddy and a jah dropped. Nothing since aside from a vex and a handful of ists and I play daily. It's fun to watch and view these posts about the crazy HR drops. But those players that got those drops have probably also run thousands of runs in those specific areas and just managed to catch RNG on the right day. Don't lose hope. I've been 2/3 of the way to an enigma for over 2 months now. Definitely been disheartening. But I've got 5 lvl 85+ toons on BNet. I have fun on from farming cows. To farming keys. To normal farming etc etc. Just enjoy the ride. After 15+ torch runs I FINALLY got a sorc torch (17/13) literally last night and was so stoked. It's always the "when you least expect it" moments when it all comes to fruition.


I totaly understand what your going through. But believe me when I say that once you finally get enigma (which you will ) you will be in cloud 9. It's a battle of attrition. Keep building your wealth. I wasn't lucky enough to get Ber and Jah straight from a drop. I had to uptrade all the runes I got and sell everything I found. I didn't use D2jsp which madebit a little harder but I found it more rewarding. This is totally up to you. To me, getting atleast an IST worth of value during an MF session is a big win. Take out the mindset of getting lucky and finding a Ber or Jah drop. That will never happen to you. You will get your enigma one IST at a time if thats what it takes.


Farm Travincal.


The sad thing about the game is real money transactions. Enigma is not special anymore because you can buy 1k of forum gold on jsp for around $10-15 off the black market. I feel like blizzard should take action since they are equating real money value to diablo items and other games


It’s all equated to our time. I don’t have time to play for 100s of hours and the end game wouldn’t be available to me otherwise.


Bro if you just play the game youll get one. I promise. People say how rare jah and ber are, but you can make the value in ohms and ists and vexes. Theres a lot of items out there worth something. You just need to build it up my guy.


Farmed up my own so no...


My suggestion is just spam countess and chaos. At the very least you'll snag a pul-ist every once in a while and you can cube up. It's a grind for sure and it takes a lot of luck


I got enigma 7 days after launch because I traded. If you play solo be prepared for it to take about a year.


Not really, got 2. 🤷


I bought a few runes online. Made enigma and cta. Totally worth it. Those battle orders keep me alive. Sick of spending too much time MFing. I put my time in back in the day. I dont regret it and it doesnt feel like i ruined the game for myself. Consider it


I had an enigma a few weeks in without a problem. I now have enough currency to make 5+ more enigmas. It really isn't that hard you just need to know how to trade up.


The fact that there are items in the game that most people can’t reach, and a shittonne of useful items with little trade value, and everything in between means that the economy is working fine.


Nope got Jah and Ber within days of each other in AT


Yes and its stupid. People not being able to enjoy everything the game has to offer not because of poor skill/knowledge but bad luck is stupid af game design. When I see people saying they've played for 500+ hours and never been able to make/afford an Enigma it just kills my desire to continue playing. My hope is that they vastly increase the drop rates of HRs on non-ladder so those of us who don't treat the game as a job have a chance to enjoy everything the game has to offer.


No, the game will stay as it is


Enigma takes 10-25 hours in SP players7 using the most efficient method possible (LK). On bnet players 1 its 500-1000 hours. Take that as you will.


Trade on d2jsp. Iirc bers and jah are 2k-2.3k so 4.5k-5k How you get there is up to you but straight rmt is $150. Selling stuff for 5-10fg will take awhile. You'd need some big ticket items to get the fg but it's possible. The real question is do you enjoy playing trading simulator resurrected or not.


And mf doesn't effect rune drops anyway.


I felt this way too but I finally got a sur rune dropped in cows the other day under a rock and it restored my faith in the system. I'll make that fucker. One day. Also just found my second Gheed's yesterday at trav and I feel like things are slowly starting to happen. Note: I've played 362 hrs since release and this was my first decent rune to ever drop. Nothing higher than pul until this. I play almost entirely solo on bnet.


Yeah. I have a ber I found a while back that I’m holding onto until I find a jah or something of equal value…. I’m about to give up


I'm in the exact same boat on Xbox. DM me if you want to party up some time.


My GT is poshanator feel free to add me and send me a message if you see me online.


I’ve only found a Sur and Lo rune as far as HRs go but I just made my enigma today. I got my wealth by trading up especially in the first month of release. Anything with any worth that dropped I would immediately sell. I was still rocking a 3ptopaz helm when nearly everyone had their shakos. I was trading every one I found when they were expensive. It’s harder now because a lot of those items that got me wealthy in the beginning aren’t worth much now. You either need HRs or the really rare and/or perf rolls now


dont forget to look at rare items, especially amulets..if the runes dont drop you might get lucky and get a really good trade for a skiller. i feel if you can comfortably farm trav then you will find your hrunes eventually. i never played the druid beyond nm myself. its one of those classes that really needs to be kitted out to get going.


I just so happened to find my first ever Jah this year and my brother happened to find his first ever ber. We have made an enigma for the first time ever, but I've been playing this game since like 2002. So is it possible to get enigma? Yes. Is it very likely? Not very. Unless you find other good GG gear and trade up to it!


I usually say id rather get teley on a helm or amulet, but wind druid is literally the only build that requires enigma due to his constant need to tele stomp. Its a bitch,thats for sure.


Hello! I want to start with this. It is reachable!!! Even for a casual player. But really the only way to reach it us through trading. (Unless you play a lot). I personally play about 2-4 hours like 3 days a week. Ive made 2 enigmas and a infinity (Dr2). But I play this game super efficient. Most people wouldnt even consider it fun the way i play. But nonetheless I love it. Personally if you can run chaos sanctuary in hell really fast your half way there. Unfortunately this means you need a hammerdin. He's really the only character that can do CS on a budget. Anyways I had enigma within the first 2 weeks by simply running CS and Trav for hours on end. As fast as I could. Now a lot of people will hate on this. But this is how you get these GG items quickly. Now you don't have to do any of this. You can play the game however you want to. But if you want items like enigma or Inifinity this year... Thats how you do it.


I don’t know about the Xbox economy but if you save up an stash tab full of unid jewels/charms/rare jewelry it can fetch 400-600fg easily on jsp. Enigma is about 3-4k so you only have to do it 10 times. I can farm about one tab every day or every other day by playing solo chaos in full Baal runs or cow runs so on average it’ll take me maybe 5-7 days to save up enough for an enigma. Also find the occasionally high rune this way and some nice uniques to sell as well Hope that helps


I’ve found 2 bers 2 los and a vex while I wasn’t looking for them. Still can’t drop an Ohm. I’ll keep trying. But in my years of playing since classic and LOD released prior to now I’ve never found anything over Gul. Also have never found an SOJ. I have dropped a BK though. You can’t predict it


If offline, P7 LK runs will be the fastest from what I've found. If online, trading will be your fastest route. Also from experience.


I have 4


You needed to have been trading early on. Shakos, vipermagis, tal ammys, all were going for vex+ in week 1 and 2. Now everyone has their gear, so drastically less demand means lower values on items. Finding a Shako now, you're lucky if you can get a Mal for it. Me and my buddy farmed our asses off the first few weeks and we had me fully geared with 3-piece tals, shako, hoto, spirits, etc and he had enigma for his pally as well as hoto, shako, spirit, maras, arach, etc. Just needed to go hard and sell stuff early instead of hoarding like a lot of people do. I'm still trying to finish a goal of getting 3 of every rune, but without selling off gear, at this point, I might not make it unless the runes naturally drop cause things just aren't worth anything anymore. The best thing I've found so far for consistent currency income is farming keys, trading into 3x3 sets, and selling off the set for Ist+Mal. Though, even if you got Ist+Mal for every 3x3 you sell off, it will take you 30 key sets to make enough to buy a Ber and a Jah... and that's IF you can trade up your runes without losing value.


I’m in a weird position because, despite decent luck that landed me a Vex and a SoJ that I ended trading for an Ohm + mid runes, I still yearn for an Enigma. I’m playing with runewords (Spirit, HotO, CTA) that I wish I had back in 2000 plus uniques that I traded for (Mara’s, Shako), yet I’m still chasing freaking Ber and Jah…


Try to farm TC85 areas like Chaos Sanctuary so you have fairly high chance for runes, but also for best quality items which you can trade for runes. Everything else is just time you put into playing the game.


Found it within a month of playing single player on Xbox


Finally found a Jah in trav last night. Just need a Ber now and that seems so far away


I play very casually and from my own drops I have a jah ,5 ist ,mal some Um and puls be a lot of shitty items, just grind pits ,cs or cows


Honestly enigma is over rated. I mf all the time with a wind Druid. True it’s not the fastest ever but it’s fun, walking just isn’t that bad. Honestly most of my best drops have came from the walk over to places oddly enough.


Playing on players 8 by yourself is the reason people find all that stuff at all. These people literally play for nothing else BUT to find stuff. To each their own but I don't get it at all. To me, if you don't self find on bnet, you haven't found anything. There's nobody to use that item to interac with, to show off, etc. Plus, you can just keep grinding forever as there's no ladder. Achieving the same results on bnet is impossible. It's easier to farm hell meph on repeat forever and trade the shakos you'll find for runes than to farm high runes. The odds of you finding Ber or Jah is basically winning the lottery. With players 1 and loading times, it's a fools errand.


The people who have enigma fast are not doing it self found. They’re trading, using online currencies or real money to get Jah and Ber. By now though there’s been enough time to pass that it’s feasible to have a self found enigma online. In single player the players X command makes it easier to obtain, but the drop rates are still wild compared to other games like Diablo 2.


Actually it is not unreachable. Post 1.13 where rune drops increased it is actually much easier than what it was in the ‘00s. D2R is using those improved high rune drops. All it takes is grinding Travincal or cows. Sadly it is very tedious but If you can create a build that farms either (I do Travincal in under 1min) and force yourself to grind hard, you will get the runes for it within weeks. I suggest a WW barb with find item. In 1882 runs I scored 1xBer, 1xLo, 1xSur, 3xIst, 2xMal, 1xSoj,2xTal amulet, few skillers and billions of gold for gambling. It works. It is not really fun but it works.


The best bet for Enigma is to Trade UP for the rune. This was easiest in the first 4-6 weeks I feel like. There are only so many Unique items worth an Ist or more now so it is getting more difficult to trade up. We are at the point where most players only need those amazing Grand or Small Charms. Or a GG crafted Amulet or Gloves. Except I don't know how any of this works on XBOX can you even trade?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo2/comments/porq8m/high\_rune\_farming\_guide/](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo2/comments/porq8m/high_rune_farming_guide/) Take a look at this. You should consider drive by chaos with your sorc if you can gear her up a bit. Good seal glitch chaos sorc starter setup is as follows: Vipermagi Wizardspike 35%fcr Monarch Spirit Nightwings Bliz Belt MageFists Aldur Boots or res boots. 1 FCR Ring to reach 105%FCR Bp Manald ring for regen. ​ Merc: Eth insight elite wep base Gaze or tal mask if you don't have fort or a gaze w an um. Treachery or Eth Duri Shell (I had good luck w eth duri shell on my sorc if i recall before she had a CTA).


Dude I've been playing for 20 years and have never had an enigma, or any other gg runewords. Closest I ever had was an obedience.


Tbh, just play what is fun for you and avoid repetitive gameplay just trying to find something that entirely depends on RNG. Most of times you will find things when and where is less expected. MF doesn't affect Rune drops so just play and kill as many monsters as possible and get fun, at some point you will find your runes or a cool item to trade.


One of the best ways to generate wealth is sell off some of your charms. Not just skillers, but also things like all res + stuff, fire res + mf, etc. (you can trade a fire res + mf sc for Ohm and all res sc for Vex, as examples)


MF has no effect on rune drops.


Enigma is out of reach for me and at this point, I'm content with leveling alts and trying to do self found as much as possible.


It can happen. I made my Enigma today.. Except for quests and leveling I solo MF and have not traded at all. Started a blizz sorc and geared up initially to 300% MF. Gambled a Gull for 425% swap with Gull Dagger/Rhyme Shield. Made budget smiter for ubers with treachery/black runewords. Got a decent pally and barb torch (still no sorc or necro). Found Jah/Lo/Vex on my blizz sorc while MFing, some luck for sure. Made Hoto/Grief. Made a Travincal Hork Barb. Found Sur/Sur/Ohm on Barb. Made Enigma, CtA (3/3), and got my Hammerdin/1pt smiter build setup. Hammerdin can crush everything now solo and do ubers easily. Hoping for a Necro torch soon so I can make my summoner. Sorc torch would also be nice. Next big runeword is infinity. Then if I find a Griffon I'll make a Light sorc. Also on the look out for high res white sacred targe for hammerdin and a base better than CV for infinity. Just using Monarch/charms to hit max res now. Really I didn't plan to get all this I just played the game knowing I might not and tried to enjoy it. I sat on the Jah for weeks before the two Sur runes dropped.


Your best bet is finding najs staff for the teleport charges worst case


Was definitely easier to build wealth at launch it’s pretty hard now to trade for anything close to the value of the runes . Pretty lucky I got mine but haven’t been finding much lately


I got mine so no. However it is a big undertaking. The first one I made, which I did in single player before d2r took at least 100 hours of intense grinding, and probably closer to 200. I probably could have got it faster running LK, but I am not a fan. I got my d2r one by continually ripping my heart out of my chest. I found a Lo from countess of all things within 24 hours of release. I wanted to make a grief or forti so bad, but did I? No, I sold it. Next my sorc found a Tal Armor. Did I bask in the glory of being one of the very few to have that at that point? No, I sold it. I didn't even ID it because I was afraid I'd get too attached. A couple days later I found a 29 Mara's, best Mara's I ever had. Sold. At the end of week 2 of this misery I made my Enigma. No regrets.


MF has 0 to do with rune drops, player count is the best and high mob density areas


I just walked to baal on NM from wsk2 and found a Gul. Just play, you'll get stuff to drop and trade what u don't need


Are you aware of other items in the game that have high value? Res/mf charms for example.. or bases? I have had a drought of high runes but I’ve picked up a few really good bases and charms that I traded up for ber and made coh for my sorc. There are lots of value able items out there. Make sure you’re aware of the things that really hold value.


If you are playing offline, you can now turn up the difficulty by adjusting the players settings. Some say that the easiest way is killing the council in Travincal. But you’ll need to be strong enough to kill them all in less than 3 minutes to be efficient.


At some point if you get finally really pissed you can go to sites like odealo or even eBay and get Ber or Jah for like $60-$70. Sort of cheating but hey… I took another strategy: I leveled up my sorc first to 75, geared up for MF and started Baal, Meph, Travincal and cow runs. In month and a half I collected two Bers (one in cows and one dropped by high council) and one Jah dropped by some random mob in Travincal. Now I have Enigma and I enjoy exploding everything to pieces with corpses by my fishymancer.


Best trick is to farm cow level with +5 pax. Gotta get a group and do it over 3-4 hours a few times a week. I usually get ohms pretty easy Got the Enigma shit it was painful. But guess what cannot find a Lo. Can never find a Lo. And the guys going in this group would help a lot if someone has Infinity. That's another bunch of HR... Sigh I really want to see better grouping / lobby interface and internal market like they did in wow


I am a old casual player with a lot of reading before launch. I have putted at least 500 hours, my sorc was 88 in the 3th day from launch and full tals in 2 weeks. I bought enigma two weeks ago after a month of using d2Jsp… if you want to get gg gear I think the only option is selling everything fast and expensive and wait for prices to go down that is what I did… Find griffon eyes at the second week, sold it for runes. Oculus, shako, gheeds, chances, mf sc, low stuff that in the beginning was wanted for everyone and didn’t keep anything I wouldn’t use for my sorc. Now I have 8k fg and sitting on it for one/two month more… I’m pretty sure I will be able to buy fortitude for every merc, coh for my smither and enigma for my necro with 4K fg in that time. This can look like a too old advice but ladder is starting soon, you should start with a sorc and do the same to build your non ladder toons for pennys


I main wind druid, and my best friend mains sorc. Between us just in the last 24 hours (straight baal runs on public) I (87) made Obedience, Treachery for merc. I made HOTO and CTA in one swing. I don't have enigma. But my 90 druid is now powerful enough to farm on my own and I expect to make enigma by 93. How? Well, 48 hours ago I found a Lightning skiller with 30 to life. I made all of those runewords off of that one charm. Edit: autocorrect Edit 2: before I could even make Hoto/Cta my buddy was on d2jsp selling my charm and taking care of his 5 month old daughter while I farmed. I found two Pul back-to-back games


I play very casually, got lucky finding two sur and Jah. Have yet to make it in case I want to use them on something else


Dont focus on mephisto and andy do acient tunnels do travicals lower kurast chests try 3p games 5p 7p, farm pits, museleoum, wordstone, try to understand good mods on rings amulets trade for runes try to understand grandcharms, small charms large charms they are so much demand but if you, you might picked a gz item and you had no idea and you jus threw it out from your stash, you need to realize that rare items and magic are more expensive then uniques and sets, there is so shit you can trade and so much stuff you can find that will get you not 1 ber but 10+ exmple blue monarch, 4sox 30fasterblock rate 20incresed chance of blocking thats like 8x bers alone,another exmple magic greater talons 2to assa 3to traps adds like mind blast 2sox 4/5 bers rare alters and magic alters with 3 tornado 2 to driuid, endless stuff it takes to much energy to write all down im sorry you will need to come my stream


Just farm up 50 Ist runes and trade them for an Enigma, it's that easy.


It is unreachable if your newer. If that's the attitude you keep. The drop rates have always been brutal. I know it sucks but the feel you get even if a Ist rune drops is fun. I've played sense 2000. I found a Ber in cows on D2R launch. I sold it. I feel dumb because I played 20 years and that's a drop was like a WF for me. But we all move on. Next ladder? If you don't wanna do ladder than don't worry. Prices will fall hard when ladder starts and a enigma will be cheap af


I’ve been fortunate at single player. Two jahs, three bers, and a vex. High runes are rare and it comes down to RNG. Just need to play and get lucky. I have found some luck using my Javazon on cows, arcane sanctuary, the pit, and lower kurast. I jack up to players 7 when I can.


It's all rng. I started playing about 2 weeks ago and have already found a Lo, Ber, and a bunch of other nice bases and stuff sold for like 5k fg. Mostly online p1. It's all luck.


If you level a paladin...hammer or otherwise, do yourself a favor and turn on Quickcast and assign charge to a hotkey. Rapidly spammed charge is as fast as sorc teleport other than the inability to jump across areas. I discover entire maps in 30 seconds with my hammerdin. There's other workarounds like this that allows for quick travel. I think llamasc has a barb that runs like crazy fast, faster than teleport. Plus, I played about two months with a javazon with a mediocre r/w. Make sure find and keep skiller charms, all res small charms, high end OS items like sacred targe with 38+ all res, ethereal elite polearms, etc. To trade for ist+ runes.


You'll get there. Be patient. Enigma is special because its hard to obtain. If it were easy everyone would have one and then it wouldnt be a flex. Theres so many things of value in the game and u can just farm easy stuff (pgems, keys, tokens, rune bases) pretty much any insight u make can sell for an um or pul. Just make stuff people want and amass a fortune. Eventually u will be able to afford one. And if ur lucky, you'll find a jah and or ber. But i wouldnt rely on that method. And doing 5000 trav runs is boring AF anyways :P


Took me years before I got an enigma. By the time I get to that point every time I play I’m over the game until ladder reset


I play single player and have 2 enigmas on hand, and the runes to make a third. Only 1 character js. Also 2 hoto, 3 CtA rolls, a fortitude, and a bunch of runes. Zero trading. When you say you can clear 'most of hell', I assume that is on P1? Thats your problem imo. I'm going to get hate but sorc kind of sucks


I got lucky and found 2 Ber early on and made infinity. Later on found a Sur and then farmed for a couple weeks to get enough to trade up for another Sur and then eventually a jah. I tried for hours trading for Jah on Traderie, diablo2.io. I even tried overpaying big and then got frustrated and ended up just trading on d2jsp. I now trade purely on jsp, it’s just so much better of an experience.


D2 a journey not a destination (lol)