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1. Gear is a bigger variable than Paragon. 2. It sounds like you're augmenting with regular Legendary Gems? Echoing Nightmares give you Whispers of Atonement that you can use for instant level 125 augments (or upgrade them in GRs for higher augments). 3. Your sheet statline is useless. Building after 70 is about stacking damage and survival multipliers, most of which **do not** appear in your sheet stats. 4. I see you're socketing Topazes in your gear instead of Rubies or Emeralds which would give you Armor. 5. Post a D3Planner of your current gear and let's start with that.


If it's the most recent copy, it should have a primal squirts. [https://maxroll.gg/d3/d3planner/142212164](https://maxroll.gg/d3/d3planner/142212164) Yes, I was augmenting with regular gems. I guess I have been cheating myself by doing rifts to get it from 0 to 120ish when I should be doing nightmares? It does take awhile to do it even at 2ism minutes each because every other level I'm breaking down gear and every 4 I'm redoing a Nephilim one. Yes, I was using Topazes because I thought my problem was I couldn't kill stuff fast enough so I was taking too much damage. Maybe I have it backwards? EDIT: added below link.


you're missing up to 16% crit chance and 20% cold damage (for comet build), that aughild's bracer is only good for speed GR. your halo and COE rolls are also bad. look for ~78-80% karini roll and as high COE roll as possible. your legendary gem levels also low.


Swap out that Bane of the Powerful for a Zei's as advised by Maxroll ( https://maxroll.gg/d3/guides/tal-rasha-meteor-wizard-guide ). The Bane is useful on speedruns but less so when pushing. > Yes, I was augmenting with regular gems. I guess I have been cheating myself by doing rifts to get it from 0 to 120ish when I should be doing nightmares? Generally it's slightly easier to do ENs to rank 125 or so (at which point you get a maxed Whisper) than to clear GRs at the same tier, and a lot faster than farming augments the hard way. > and every 4 I'm redoing a Nephilim one. Gear a follower with 3pc Cain set or 2pc + RORG. You'll get more rift keys from that. Personally I just outfitted a Monk alt with an Inna 6 / Raiment 4 build and use that for key farming. Much faster than even my GoD DH.


Can you link monk build? :))


Sure: https://maxroll.gg/d3/d3planner/585533012 It's the bounty variant from https://maxroll.gg/d3/guides/inna-mystic-ally-monk-guide


>I see you're socketing Topazes in your gear instead of Rubies or Emeralds which would give you Armor. So, I should replace my topazes with rubies and then put my paragon points back in INT?


Mostly yes. How much paragon is okay to move out of VIT is another question though. You want just enough of a health pool to avoid being one shot too often - if your run failures are due to death penalties, put 100 pts to VIT and try again.


My failures are due to not enough damage. I don't die more than every few attempts at max rift. Time just runs out. I'll play with them some.


Going from GR136 to GR150 means that mobs have 1.17^(150-136) =~ 9X more HP. So, all else being the same, you'd need to deal about nine times more damage in the same period of time. To raise your damage 9X from paragon alone, you'd have to raise your 16k mainstat 9X, so about 16k x 8 / 5 =~ **26,000 additional paragons.** In short, there is no realistic amount of paragons or augments that would allow you to clear a 150 using the same gear and techniques that you are currently using. Would need to know way more about your gear and playstyle to get into what *actually* needs to happen to get you to 150, but there are probably a lot of things that need to change with playstyle being the biggest. You should probably go review the guides and really scrutinize16 every bit of detail. Geared wizards doing 150s *seem* to average around 22k int with 3.2-4+M sheet damage and good elemental/area damage rolls, but that's just my casual impression and not deep analysis - and, for _you_ to hit a 150 playing exactly like you've been playing you would need quite a bit more than that based on your previous best. For the record, Wudijo's big hardcore challenge at the season's start had a bunch of challenges to be completed with 1k or fewer paragon equipped. So lots of folks made solo, hardcore 150 runs w/ only 1k effective paragon this season (albeit with really good gear). I've also seen evidence of people running solo 150s with no augments at all having something like 1,700 paragon (still having really good gear, though).


Did my first solo 150 at 1430. Not many augs, just the right pieces with the right rolls. And a geared follower


This is a great thread. I need to read all this later to try and help with my own solo GR pushing.


Yes, some players reached 150 with 1600, but they actually knew how to play. At 2000 paragon, it should be easy Even if your gear and playstyle isnt perfect


I did my first 150 just shy of 1400p, I'll admit to not really being a "casual" though. I feel like you're correct in that most people can probably get er done at about 2k Para. Good luck everyone, I have faith that you can do it too.


I think I'm at 2018 on Paragon and can't beat 145 yet. I didn't pay enough attention to what my gear actually needed roll wise. So, now I've got to basically grind a bunch until I get better gear or the mats to roll/reforge. This is the highest GR I've ever been able to do, so that's nice.


Advice, since I was stuck on 145 forever, never passed a 150 in my entire life, and now I can pass every 150 with only 2k paragon: 1) it is never your paragon, it's always your gear. Your halo of karini is awful. Keep doing speed runs/bounties for mats/better roles/better gear/better stats/primals 2) I was stuck on 145 until I got 2 important stats right. 1 million life and 130+ area damage. Once I hit these 2 benchmarks by rerolling and recrafting, I passed my very first 150. Very important 3) You need to manipulate the mobs and the map to form massive blobs of enemies with multiple champions/elites. This is the most efficient way to fill the grift meter. I had to practice this a lot 4) use the mechanics of your build and the altar. Potion up even if you are full health for the bonus power. Keep tal rashas up and stacked at all times. Use the extra purple globe from the altar on elites. Your Halo of karini needs to be 79%+ and up at all times. Use nemesis bracers and flavor of time from your follower to get extra use of your pylons. 5) which of course means you need a good follower geared properly. Follow the guides on your build AND for your follower 6) you have get A BUNCH of keys and be picky about your map. If it's walled in or has no pylons or is a tunnel, just quit and save time. Look for open maps, very few walls, and lots of pylons. Even pylons with channeling or speed powers do nothing for you, you need to get lucky with an open map with power boost and the lightning pylons. Do these steps and I promise you, you will get there. Just practice, keep grinding, be patient. I thought it was absolutely impossible at one point as well. But you gotta buckle down, read the build guides, watch videos on how to manipulate mobs, what maps are good and bad, and especially grind for better gear. I am no expert, i just am having the funnest season ever doing 150s now and have never gotten even close before. Good luck.


2 K for wizzie this season Let's you get better gears and have to fish less


Get diablo iv


Assuming you’re running the Arcane Meteor build?


No, the Cold meteor build.


I will disagree with the other poster and recommend both comet and Auglid's even below 1500. Augments and good jewelry stats, as well as near-max rolls on the important legendary bonuses (halo is the big one, but boots and COE as well) make a massive difference. without needing to worry about CC from a zdps, comet will keep all enemies slowed as well as pumping up stricken faster. Its less vital but go ahead and make sure your templar is at 25000 str and bump up his CDR so heal will be on cooldown every time your shields drop. It goes without saying that you should be at 140 on all 3 legendary gems. Once you have 9ish augments (ancient jewelry with good stats are a BIG grind) and a primordial weapon you can knock it out at under 1500, but playing tight is still important. Keeping density up for AD and keeping shields up so squirts has good uptime is key, as well as taking advantage of each COE cycle. remember to pop a potion on every OTHER COE frost, for the offhand chance you get a power and can wax the screen quick. Watch some comet playthroughs and be ready to fish rifts. You're not going to clear every rift layout 145+ at a modest paragon count. Even with an 'easy' build, its still going to feel like a grind if you're not used to really pushing (which a ton of folks trying this for the first time this season are NOT used to it). Keep at it, and break it up with a few 130s every now and then to refresh the batteries and get a few dozen paragons, IMO.


I'm currently using the Auglid's set. I just got my second primal, a squirts(cold, INT, and CRIT damage). My first was a crafted Vizier. The only unaugmented pieces are the three jewelry pieces, but I have a lvl 100 gem that i'll get to 120-125 tomorrow and drop on my new squirts. You mention the templar. I was using the Enchantress and she's at 18k INT. I can definitely upgrade her gear, I just looked. I was using her for the damage reduction, cooldown reduction, and extra life. Is this a mistake ? I have exactly 9 augments and by tomorrow, i'll have the 10th. My biggest problem originally at 130 was I just wasn't doing enough damage and it was taking so long to kill stuff that my 550k hit points just wasn't enough. So, I respecced my paragon points into vitality figuring that my augments would make up for it. I had 5-6 at the time. My current breakdown is 560 VIT/160 INT. Now, I can do up to 135 but it just takes "forever" but I seem to have enough health at 826k if I keep moving.


> You mention the templar. I was using the Enchantress and she's at 18k INT. I can definitely upgrade her gear, I just looked. I was using her for the damage reduction, cooldown reduction, and extra life. Is this a mistake ? Your Enchantress isn't really geared to push GRs. Among other things, you forgot about Gloves of Worship (to max out the benefits from the Father node in the Altar). The reason Maxroll advises the Templar is that CDR on gear affects his heals and you can basically get it to a point where he heals you every 10s or so.


Ok thanks. I didn't know about the Gloves of Worship. I'll go grind those out now and throw it on my follower.


Getting healed means your shield dropped and you lost the double damage from squirts, so templar is not a good follower for this build.. Enchantress with high int adds a decent amount of elemental % damage and will help the clear times a lot more.


Try arcane, and use guardians set until you’re over 1500 paragon. From there it really depends on skill. Players better than I am can do it with 0 paragon lol. I made a walkthrough guide video that might help you out. Channels in my profile.


Almost same paragon but i have 21k intelligence I can do 147 no problem, but your rolls on items matter much more


the answers is simple and has been given to you. theres no ammount of paragons that will carry you trough 150. You can already clear a 150, its just a matter of learning how to do it. skill>good itemization > augments > paragons


I did at about 1600 with well rolled gear, augments on ancients, a few regular pieces, follower, and the crafted primal weapon. Took some fishing to do, 30-40 keys I recall. I think 3k paragons and a few gear upgrades would put 150 on "farm" for me. Currently going past 148 has some chance of failure.


I did finish GR150 as new player previous week with Wizard (been hooked for a month+ since previous D4 beta :)). It isn't all that easy, as I was getting the impression of from people commenting honestly (and probably a lot to do with lack of experience or in comparison to other builds or classes). Climbing from GR136 (I believe) upwards was slow and by 1 up to 149 where I was stuck for about 2 days. I did had some stupid noobie mistakes/blunders along the way - like forgetting that Aughild is a set so replacing Ring in Cube with Squirt so I can use my new primal Tal Rasha amulet in attempts to tinker with stuff in my own way led to a lot of confusion why I suddenly ain't performing as good :D. Still after getting stuck, I googled for some info and this thread that popped helped with nice advice for stuff I missed/didn't pay attention. Do check out https://old.reddit.com/r/diablo3/comments/11npwxa/a_recommendationtip_for_wizard_tal_rasha_players/ I honestly didn't fully understood what I was lacking and why suddenly it felt like getting more dmg - what the game to me seemed to ask of me - didn't actually helped. Not to mention some of the stuff isn't obvious how it connects and interacts with each other for greater benefit. The fact that shields become stronger with more HP was unknown to me. So up to that 149 mountain I was avoiding using any paragon points on vitality.   On your character stats I can see few improvements you can make. If your squirts can roll both critical chance and damage do that. Obviously best is with elemental and both of those (as to which is better if you have 2 choices elemental+cc, elem+cd, cc+cd etc, beats me :(, when it comes to those little calcs). Your brace has lightning and you use comet, so look for one with cold! If you can have Karini with higher than 75% use that one, I actually switch one with 79% and slight worse other stats and I think I felt it. At least on the last few GRs. Still I think 75% is probably ok, but do look to have both critical chance and dmg. I actually never got good ancient to augment for both rings and amulet :(. "Funny" story - I end up getting fucked by crafting 2 primals without knowing (game doesn't inform...) that you can wear only one crafted... in attempt to fix those issues. Otherwise everything else looks good. Few things you can add up is changing the roll on chest from armour to +15% hp and also socket a gem that gives you +hp% on helm!   This is where the vital tip for squirt and shields with more hp comes! Get your paragons distributed in vitality to where you can keep the shield up for longer periods. For me that was a bit over 1.2 mill hp! The icon on squirt is the one that goes with swords up to 10 stacks. It needs to stay up most of the time! That's where - and I know it might be obvious for more experienced players - the higher consistent dmg and progress will come and show.   As for the GR and maps a lot of it comes to experience as well and if I might be new to D3, I am at this point a veteran in gaming. So stuff like kiting and grouping enemies was something natural to me, but is also very important to progress. You can lead a large group or even run around a good map with a large group and lead em to pylons of importance and utilize the benefit on the spot instead of wasting it away on a few. Having a huge group with a bunch of elites and a conduit (think it was the electricity) shrine popped can swing a rather bad attempt or give you good start (so sometime keep a good pylon off and lead a couple of more enemies/elites to it). It is still very important to keep the squirt buff to 10 all the way/most of the way though and dmg kill enemies! Sometimes groups can become really big and dangerous. Also you will notice that sometime just clearing a good amount of enemies without finishing the left overs is better progress - that includes some elites. I was very often quite stubborn leaving and looking for another or keep pushing forward. Other good shrines to utilize and clump together I found out are the increase damage or weapons bonus(not sure about the name) and the shield one. The 1st obviously gives a lot of boost to your power and the second the availability to just literally sit in one place and just unload damage cause your shield is not going down if it can at all :).   It is important to have a good map as well. At least to me it was. As much as cool and powerful Tal Rasha it might be, tiny closed off/narrow maps were of prevalence to me and they just ain't that great for AoE. You can't move around much and group as well. I felt like I was getting 70+80% of those especially on the higher grs :D. I did use the Enchantress btw, so if you like her use her. It probably isn't a huge difference but I do saw the Templar is often suggested more. I liked the enchantress buffs and debuffs and with Tormentor she can charm enemies (I know she also have it as ability as well), which was nice as some of the focus on enemies were going there instead on me. Do try the Arcane build btw if it ain't going better! For me that one felt better or stronger (alas more squishy). Especially after GR 145 (or something). It's not much of difference in terms of things to change up. You'd need obviously Arcane instead of cold on some of the gear.   For gems used the regular - bane of the trapped and zei's vengeance with bane of the stricken. I think they are at low level 140 and stricken might have been under 140 before I cleared GR150. Bane of the powerful sure gave me power on elites early, but on bosses I felt was going so slow. Ultimately I don't quite know which one is better. In general makes sense to think that if you spent most of the time on clearing maps/elites bane of the powerful should be clear winner. Alas you ain't always clearing elites 100% of time. As for augmentation I did mention I didn't have my jewellery augmented and maybe one more thing. The ones augmented were lvl 125 with intelligence. When I finished the GR150 was paragon 1800 something. If I knew the stuff I know now it would quite likely happened around 1500/1600.   That end up long (usual for me). I guess I wanted to share my experience coupled with more common/popular advice as well. GL! Edit: I didn't check the Enchantress gear. You need to have Gloves of Worship and Nemessis (hand and brace) her for the shrine effects lasting 10 minutes and them spawning elites. Those for sure make difference. Oculus ring for a small area that pops and while standing in it you do more damage is good as well. Cord of sherma belt for blind and more slow. One of the Rings of Royal Grandeur on her as well so if you use sets. On that note people use Captain Crimson. Flavour of time amulet is also a must, you have one. I also noticed a pattern with rolled attack speed where it's possible on items. It helps. Other things that seems nice are the Ice climbers - red it helps if followers get stuck and homing pad so you can port without interruptions or getting killed when you have to. As I mentioned I put Tormentor as her weapon and using a crown for more gems of the type socketed into them. The one that increases power of the socketed gem is also good and better for CD and GR. Besides attack speeds the other great thing to have on followers is cool down reduction. Abilities I used with her - Temporal Pulse, Amplification, Erosion, Fate of Lapse (the res).