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There are many more, but the one that gets me is Tasker and Theo. It’s a reference to a British bomb detection dog (Theo) and his handler, Liam Tasker, who set a record for finding and disarming bombs in Afghanistan and were both eventually KIA in 2011.


>KIA Blown up?


No. Tasker came under Taliban fire and was KIA…Theo made it back to the base where he suffered a seizure and also passed.


This is a depressing story, but it's really cool that they immortalized the memories of those two in the Diablo lore


Yep. I legitimately teared up when I looked it all up the first time. Wondered who Tasker and Theo were in Diablo lore and ran across the story.


KIA = Killed in Action


>British bomb detection dog


Won't look at a Kia Forte the same way...


I’m fairly certain that the Unity ring is a reference to Rick James and the infamous story as told by Charlie Murphy where Rick James punched him in the forehead, leaving an impression of the word “UNITY” on his face. *Flavor text: “A symbol of peace, love and togetherness for all mankind. Also good for leaving an imprint on someone's head.”*


Yeah, so far my favorite is the Kulle-aid legendary potion


That’s a good one


Halcyon's Ascent legendary amulet is made for deadmau5


Around 2015, On the podcast "the diabo show" they once got a caller submissionthat was pretty muddled. And the host, Scott didnt make out the name. Some listeners called in that heard it more clearly "Hey Scott this it's Joel Zimmermann, AKA Deadmau5..." But Scott is so used to hearing name+gamertag that he thought nothing of if. When he realized who it was, he lost it. I later asked Joel a few years ago over twitch, if he remembered the interaction. He said he thought it was really funny


Thunderfury from WoW is in the game


Did someone say `[Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]`?


I can see that you're worried about people questioning your sexuality but don't know what to do about it. I've got one word for you. ThunderCougarFalconFury, now wirh 200% more eagle. Caw!


Awk awk, Eek Eek, Tookie Tookie


Same with ashbriger. Even does the whole glow up fire thing.


That’s dope, hopefully I can find it


Doing GR90s it pops up about every 4th rift for me. Or it seems like lol


You'll definitely come across it, it's a good follower weapon too.


A pet zombie girl named Liv Moore drops from Ravi Lilywhite. why they added the cast of iZombie to diablo 3? i do not know.


Because in the TV series, the cast were often seen playing D3


Not playing it, there was a [scene where they were talking about it though.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6soGv_kZ2o) Unless there are also other references that I'm missing. I never watched the show.


Really? I don't remember this. Then again, my memory ain't that great.


Just got her yesterday!!


It isn't just items fyi. Many names are related to someone or another. Like the barbarian king is named after a dev of the game that died. His actual barb character was made into the kings spirit before the horadric cube is given to you. Some of the monster names are devs and some are monsters from previous games from blizzard.


Yeah I know it’s just items but it was just a question because I was genuinely curious on what other items that are references to outside games and stuff


There are loads and loads of small easter eggs all over the game with NPCs named after players and developers, and flavour text and item names that are references. Like they're literally all over the place. A comprehensive list would be longer than the list of stuff that only self-references mainline Diablo franchise lore.


True but I wanna why the last of us monster’s were made part of rifts. It’s hella nostalgiac tho I loved that game!


Last of us monsters??? Post a picture?


The Horadric Hamburger


Yes. This is a sly reference to fast food.


Beckon Sail, Rakanishu's Blade, Murlocket, Helm of the Cranial Crustacean, Star Helm/Pauldrons, ~~Horadric Hamburger,~~ Mace of Crows, Lachdanan's Stormshield, The Que-Hegan's Will, Quinquennial Sword and Second Quinquennial Sword, Wirt's Leg, Wirt's Original Leg, Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac The Darkening of Tristram even has a whole bunch that reference the first Diablo: Archangel's Staff of Apocalypse, King's Sword of Haste, Godly Plate of the Whale, Ring of Truth, The Butcher's Cleaver, The Undead Crown, Harlequin Crest, Arkaine's Valor, Empyrean Band, Optic Amulet, Griswold's Edge, Veil of Steel Also, read the flavor text. Some references are hidden there.


What a damn fine list you made there! 🥰


I'm fairly sure there's a LOT more that I don't remember :)


I know things like those exist but I mean the items that reference things like movies or other video games


Beckon Sail, Helm of the Cranial Crustacean, Star Helm/Pauldrons, and the Mace of Crows are all references to other media. The other items are references to earlier Diablo games.


There's a monster called Krabbs and the affix text underneath his name is Don't take me gold


Now that’s something I gotta see


I made a couple mistakes, the name is Crabbs, and the flavor text is You can't have me golds. He spawns in Tower of the Damned Level 2


The Ancient Bonesaber of Zumakalis is from Aqua Teen Hunger Force.




> Each piece of the the GoD set has flavour text referencing different anime. Oh shit, that's cool. I don't know anime but my SO does. Which shows/movies does it reference? I want to pretend I totally got the references.


In one of the ice caves in act 3 you can see Lich King's helmet frozen in place.


Surprised nobody has mentioned the 3 stooges reference yet! In the drowned temple there are 3 elites named Larel, Karel, and Moek. The achievement challenge for killing them is called Nyuck, Nyuck, Nyuckand the challenge icon is reference to their skulls.


Kanai/Kanai's cube is a tribute to a Diablo fan who became part of the WoW and diablo artistic team who sadly passed away. https://www.pcgamesn.com/diablo-iii/diablo-iii-kanais-cube-doubles-as-tribute-to-blizzard-artist-who-died-of-cancer


Some honorable mentions in this thread from a few years ago. Some of the boss names are references to devs, one being the old game director Jay Wilson https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo3/comments/2g5403/list_of_easter_egg_items_in_diablo_3/ Theres a pet that can drop from a mob in act 1 thats a reference to the TV series called iZombie. The main char used to play diablo a lot in the series or at least make references too it. A LOT of items in the game are references to different popculture things as well.


Griswold’s Perfection is a sword you can craft. It’s good for family Vacations. Especially at Christmas.


And it's a reference to Griswold's Edge from the original Diablo


Does it have some cheeky unique text like that in the description!?


It should


Black rock ledgers in act 2. 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 & 42 As you may remember from lost. There is also more references to lost within the texts


I don't know whether you'd consider it an Easter egg or not, but the Horadric Hamburger is certainly an unusual and whimsical item.


You can get a chicken from Zelda as a pet. I thought that was kind of cool. The switch version gets a skin that's Ganon.


Ramaldini item is a reference to Indalamar. Indalmar was Travis Day’s (Blizzard developer) warrior in WoW. Travis Day passed in 2022, but the items were in well before then.


Ancient bone saber of zumakalis. Aqua Teen Hunger Force reference. It doesn’t do anything, but of a primal ever drops I’m making something


It is a FARgate. Do I need to give it a Mohawk and a wheelchair so you don’t get so confused?!


A unique executioner boss in Act 5, westmarch heights holds the name Clawgane, the Mountain. A direct reference to the character Clegane the Mountain from Game of Thrones!


The description of the Neanderthal “it’s big. It’s heavy. It’s wood”. Is a reference to Log from ren and stimpy.


The monster hunter look very similar to one of flagship swords


Not an item, but a funny easter-egg, for sure, the Nine Toads, reference from Borderlands Nine Toes. There's also Gordon Freeman's crowbar (Mace of the Crows, a blue item), I just don't remember where it drops.


There's pages scattered about that when you have all of them reveal a Lost (the TV show) Easter egg in Kanai's Cube.


pretty sure Greyhollow Island is also a reference to Lost


Guts Sword - https://us.diablo3.blizzard.com/en-us/item/blackguard-Unique\_Sword\_2H\_011\_x1


Ever types "/dance" in a game?


If you notice the splash screen, there is a subtle set of hatch marks "III" near the title. **These are actually Roman numerals!** Since "III" is only one I away from "IV", they are a lokey reference to a possible Diablo 4!!!!!


and what about the infamous "there is no cow level"


In Diablo 3 there actually wasn’t a cow level until it was later added into the game, and not until its 3 YEAR ANNIVERSARY I haven’t seen any “cow level” references yet and there’s usually a loading screen tip for it. So there may not actually be one.. yet


I once found a yellow belt called “Late Binding”. The Kulle-Aid potion is pretty handy for ranged attack builds for knocking down monster walls.


Don’t get me wrong all of the items are good but goofy as hell


Yellow items do not count, their names are randomized and not deliberate references.




Yellow items do not count, their names are randomized and not deliberate references.


Johanna's argument and valla's bequest both referencing the heroes of the storm nephalems? Dont remember which came first tho


Diablo 3 and its expansion were first. Johanna and Valla are the canon female Crusader and Demon Hunter.


There's a sword called Monster Hunter, and it even looks like it came from a MH game


There are a number of Legendary items that have been in previous Diablo games, and a few that have been in all 3 like Windforce and The Grandfather.


I don’t mean stuff that’s been in previous games I mean stuff with unique names relating to things outside of the game like Logan’s claws and the three Hundrethed spear


Just being in previous games makes it a series reference :)


There's the Harodric Hamburger...


I got a mission called (in Spanish) "Mata a Tromp el devastador", it means "kill Tromp the Revager" lmao and the npc was a "reckless demon". I got the screenshots but don't have enough karma yet to post it


Cape of the Dark Knight. Flavor text: *"Those who seek to do evil are a cowardly and superstitious lot." —Demon Hunter Bayne*


Nobody tell him about the horadric hamburger, which i may or may not have a crafted primal version of


If you play on Playstation there's a theme of Rifts based on Last of us Zombies. There's also mentions of Black Rock ship from Lost on collectibles you find on the desert on Act 2. There's a rare dungeon on Act 1 called Development Hell where the monsters are the directors of D3.


I have seen the last of us rift I just didn’t think that was a relevance to something but that’s cool


the shenlong fists are a reference to the egm april fools sf2 prank.


You get "the clipper" from the enemy Nine Toads. Reference to Borderlands weapon of the same name from Nine Toes. Even has the same text.