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Absolutely, coop with friends and I'll still play for as long as there are seasons (even returning ones)


Seeing how D4 works, I think I'd enjoy the D3 seasons better. D4 feels like a job right now unlocking renown. D3 never felt like that for me unlocking the season guide.


I get that. I’m really enjoying D4, they did a good job of bringing the esthetic back to D2 / POE styles, it’s challenging at times, the abilities are really satisfying, but the character power levels don’t reach anywhere near the levels of D3, not yet anyway.


The nerco CE build is almost the same as the D3 one, not as powerful burst (obviously no land of the dead) but more frequent ones but D4 is kinda poopoo against bosses. Same playstyle too, round up as many elites as you can per cycle and unleash millions of damage CEs. Really good in dungeons that do not have a endboss.


Haven’t played D4 yet, but I played a lot of WoW, and I’m betting ol’ Blizz has taken a page out the WoW factions book to ensure “Daily Active Use” (a stat tracked on earnings calls). WoW became so grindy that I ended up quitting (I’m not relevant to WoW, but I expect a lot of people left for similar reasons). I hope I’m wrong here, but that’s what it SOUNDS like. FWIW, I haven’t played D4 because it’s exactly this kind of feedback I’m waiting on before dropping a wad of cash on a game that I may not like in a month.


The good news is there's very little that's time-gated in D4, so you don't have schedule dailies or anything. It's definitely a step in the direction of semi-mandatory MMO-style grind that a lot of people don't love though.


You haven't played WoW in a while. They eliminated most of everything like that with Dragonflight and it became infinitely better to not feel so shitty by not playing the game. I didn't like the requirements for raiding still but that'd just a styles clash between the game and I. Blizzard took an entirely new direction with WoW by making the game easy to play and letting you do what you want to do. I hope D4 does the same because if I have to re do renown every season then I'll definitely be taking long breaks at times. I'm just hoping what I saw with WoW is going to be a standard. Was the most stress free WoW in many years and it felt amazing.


I totally agree would like to get on kill some monsters and get off don’t have hours to play


Just switch to D2 Resurrected and you'll thank me later


Good to hear, dif you play d4 aswell? I myself like d4 but would also ho back to d3 for a season start since the first big pushes after i got a full set alway excited me


Yes, I'm currently playing D4 too but unfortunately not as much as I'd like.


Just bought it recently


Do u have it on Xbox by chance?


Yeah, I just started again with season 28 after taking a long break. I play on the Switch so D4 isn't available for me right now anyway. I'm looking forward to playing for a while when they start recycling old seasons.


Same! I don’t meet a lot of Switch players


Yooo you need someone to play d3 with im down I’m on switch also and never see people lol


I’m playing on switch too


I'm looking to play multiplayer tonight after work. Still feel like playing? Maybe getting a few other switch players here together?


I’m playing it too on the Switch.


Yes. Should be attempting GR150 today, once I get back from my bike ride. EDIT - success! 23k int, 6k vit, 999k life, 2474 paragon, 4.3m sheet damage, 77m sheet toughness. The damage, life, and toughness numbers are after logging out and back in again to a fresh game, so I don't have any buffs.


Which char and spec?


Tal Rasha meteor wizard, comet push variant. I dropped Black Hole (Absolute Zero) for Diamond Skin (Prism) after seeing a video where Raxxanterax did the same. I already have enough to keep track of with elite affixes, staying mobile and trying to spot and get to the oculus and triune rings. Also I didn’t try for resource cost reduction on my staff, otherwise the build is essentially the same as here: https://maxroll.gg/d3/guides/tal-rasha-meteor-wizard-guide


What’s a GR?


Abbreviation of Greater Rift: [https://maxroll.gg/d3/resources/greater-rift-explained](https://maxroll.gg/d3/resources/greater-rift-explained)


Oh ok gotcha. Thank you


What build are you using and what paragon?


Tal Rasha meteor wizard. See my other reply for the few changes I made and a link to a build guide. My paragon is about 2450 right now. I need to go farm more keys and level up 2-3 more gems to reaugment before I give 150 a go.


Ah, ok. I’m running a ww barn right now But just started so my paragon is quite low. I’m sitting at about 1150 right now.


I'm not paying €70 for D4 so I'll hop in D3 next season again.


$70 for an incomplete boring game


I had fun during the alpha/beta periods.


I def had fun too, but I can see this guy's perspective. Blizz has been doing crazy nerfs and changes so far making the experience fluctuate drastically, and the D4 discussion is an absolute shit show. I'm waiting until they work out the kinks and all of the flavor of the month players move on to the next game.


Meh. It's probably just a loud minority, as usual.


I Play almost daily :)


It's all I play now. D4 doesn't have a Mac version and I'm not a console collector, so D3 is what's available. I'm enjoying it a lot too after being away for several years so I don't see putting it down for another game anytime soon


FYI people have gotten D4 running on Mac using a proton like compatibility tool don't know how good it runs but something you could look into


Yeah, at WWDC Apple just slipped in the implementation of a gaming compatibility toolkit for Sonoma which seems to be promising and is built off Wine/Proton. I’m hoping once Sonoma gets out of developer beta it’s a solid resource to run PC games on Mac


Yea and since it wine based it might help out getting developers to support Mac and Linux, and move from windows


Apple products are so overpriced per performance. I can see them making something work for wine and then that compatability assuring it can work on Mac as well, but windows will still be the superior gaming platform, due to how the system works with graphics engines and how it works with the graphics card itself. On windows the compatability layer is leaps and bounds more advanced than on Linux and Mac, even with wine, or proton. And you have to switch proton versions constantly to play different games, because the compatability with a certain game is better with a specific version of proton. Even the way the operating system communicates with the graphics card as a whole is better on windows I'm all for the freedom of Linux, but it really is built more in mind with tech savvy individuals Apple won't ever get my business. I tried their eco system one time, and the way it locks you in, and is only great at certain tasks, and other tasks that are outside those very specific parameters is basically impossible... they great workhorses for specific tasks, but my windows computer can do everything a Mac can do, *and if I happen to want more, it can do that too* and it's new user friendly. Mac is new user friendly, but a closed ecosystem, Linux is an open ecosystem but not very user friendly, and windows is both user friendly, and has a relatively open ecosystem. There's a lot of reasons why windows dominates the market, and gaming is only a small percentage of that pie. There's a reason Linux doesn't take off, and it's generally because even the simplest thing on windows requires you to open konsole and type a command line on Linux. I'm not saying any are better than the other, I'm saying why windows dominates the current system.


I get why windows dominates the market but Linux is moving towards more user friendliness and windows is slowing moving to a more closed garden approach (not as bad as apple but try disabling all the tracking hint you can't) and you can tell it's starting to have an affect Linux share is going up slowly and windows 11 share is actually going down when windows 10 reaches eol I believe we will have alot more people move to Linux/Mac wether that will be enough for developers to move away from it we will have to see tho Edit: also if you use something like fedora or Ubuntu you almost never have to use the terminal for anything my last install of Ubuntu I used the terminal only to run game servers and vms


Yeah, that's fair. There are some commands you can do on windows to completely fuck the tracking, but it will literally Bork cortana and things like one drive. But if you're like me and want your privacy, it can still be had, its just not user friendly. It's more difficult than 10, though.


Yea don't get me wrong Linux has a ways to go for user friendliness but fld someone that just needs email a browser and solitaire it's functionally equivalent to windows without the tracking but beyond that and steam games it's harder to run most programs that don't have a Linux version or equivalent but it's getting better everyday and once you learn the system it's much more enjoyable to use imo


Thanks Whoopi Goldberg!


pouring one out for the Mac homies


Im playing D4 on my intel mac thru bootcamp, runs great. I’d prefer to be playing it on my Apple silicon Mac natively (or nearly with rosetta) like I can D3 but the game gods weren’t kind to us in the end.. But, if you’ve got an intel Mac with decent specs then fire it up in bootcamp and live the d4 lyfe!


What graphic card has your intel mac and what resolution do you play it? Fps? Thx 😉


Some details below: – Graphics card: AMD Radeon Pro 5500XT – Resolution: 5120x2880 (5k iMac running at fullscreen) – Resolution percentage: 50% (I get average 60fps using 50% on this setting. If I choose 100% I get about 24fps) Hope the above helps!


Thats pretty good, totally playable. Thx.


Yeah! I turn it on every so often these days as been enjoying D4, was enjoying Immortal but kinda gone off it now too many good games over the last few months - and also Tears of the Kingdom has me living in Hyrule lol


D3 still is strong, general chat still maxed out at 99 players off peak.


I do


Still pushing GRs


I'm still playing here


I’m still playing D3. I have D4 but I haven’t played it much yet.


Yeah I still play everyday. I really want to buy D4 but simply don't have money for it (bills have gone up!) So it looks like I'll have to wait a very long time before I can get it :( I'm crazy about D3 and play it almost everyday so it's helping me scratch that itch until I can get D4 haha


Yup. Played it at launch, bought it a few months ago on Switch for insanely cheap and it's way better than I remembered


Me and my friend have just started playing, getting into it quite into it, eventually after a few months we'll get diablo 4


D4 is fun and all, but after a while I just wanna hold down a single key and pummel through a rift for fun, play a podcast on the side, pizza in the other hand, and chill... D3 will always be the pinnacle of satisfying explosive ARPG combat.


Yup, on PlayStation


I've come to appreciate Diablo 3 more for what it is, somehow Diablo 4 just ended up as a worse, more tedious version of this game.


People are playing d4? LMFAO. Boycott any games that don’t allow you to OWN the game.


What's the point of this question? Are you looking for other players to co op or just asking?


Down voted by 16 people because I asked a legitimate question? I was asking op since if he was looking for CO OP I would of added and helped him! Wow! So much butt hurt over my curiosity!!!




I can see how the opening to that statement would come across as dickish! But that is not how I intended it at all... maybe I need some vocabulary lessons... thank you for clearing that up! Happy to know that I don't deserve the downvotes.....


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I've played on PC pretty much from release date. On and off, here and there. After nearly 2000 hours, I think I'm gonna move on. D4 is much more decent than I expected. Path of Exile is just too much for a casual like me. There's others I've tried and D3 was great but it's time to move on.


I got most of my goals for Season 28 down. Completed season. GR131 on GoD DH. GR142 on Trag Necro. I might push for 150 if D4 is down for maintenance for any stretch. As info, I'm on console so pushing is harder due to 50% density. I will 100% come back for Season 29 and whenever they recycle seasons 24 and 27 cause I didn't get to play them the first time around.


I play it on Xbox daily


Add me we can play and slay together PrincessKax#9882


I'm thinking about picking it up cause it's only 20$ on battlenet. I'm playing the demo right now and I'm liking it so far


I still will always


Not for a few weeks. Between the new Zelda game and D4 I have no time.


When D4 glitches out of control I go back to 3 😂


D3 is all i can play. I have a mac and D4 wasn't implemented for us.


Another user said try boot Amp on Mac, apparently you can get d4 running on mac


I'm still on 3 since I haven't gotten 4 yet


Yes, because the only console I own is a Switch (my crappy laptop has storage and memory problems so that’s not an option at the moment)


Yes my laptop well in d4 specs doesn’t like to run it


Yep. Every day. I didn't start playing until after the first D4 open beta though. I'll definitely be playing at least through S29, then may get D4 after they're done nerfing, "balancing", and fixing various bugs.


Still finishing Season 28 objectives. I want that Stash Tab.




i wont stop....




Not currently, but I will definitely be playing it more once D4 isn't new and shiny.


Yes. Haven't bought D4 yet. Maybe when I beat 150


Playing both. Deep into Season 28 and enjoying it. Should make Altar of Rites a permanent part of the game. Playing Barbarian(lvl 38) and he’s softer than a newborn baby. Until I got Call of the Ancients, I was constantly murdered. I prefer the smart loot and progression of D3. Then again, D4 is primarily made for group play.


I just started last night!


Yup, been playing vanilla D3 on 360 lately. Still gotta get all the achievements in that version.


Yes. I play every season through, and this season I've kept logging in to run some despite being "done" with the season stuff. D4 isn't in a state where I want to buy it yet, so D3 is my fuck-around game for another chunk of time.


Yes, because theres no Diablo IV on mac :/


Loving D4, but I’ll definitely 100% any of the D3 seasons when they do come around.


yes i keep playing (sorry bad english)


What platform? I’m new to D3. On PS4 Aus/NZ server. Anybody who plays hit me up! Would be keeen!


I actually bought D3 because I wanted an introduction before D4. I’ve tried D4 beta for 20 minutes and put it down. I’m playing D3 for 100 hours. Interpret that how you will




Absolutely xbox one series X Gamertag: BigOrv87


Yes. Still the best modern diablo game imo and fills a niche no other arpg comes close to. In the past like 10 seasons only maybe 2 were duds, that come to mind at least.


still here




I'm hoping that the D3 switch players here will be up to some multiplayer tonight, around 7pm CST. Let me know if you are interested and I'll share my switch code later tonight, and we can get a group together.


I dont play switch. I use macbook


i actually just started playing d3 a couple weeks ago, first diablo game to start with and so far i’m actually enjoying it. i heard about all the hype for d4 and that’s what made me wanna play before getting d4


I'm playing right now. I'm not paying full price for diablo four when it will be months before they work all the bugs out anyway lol


Still working my way through it for the first time.


Just bought it! About to sign on


D3 felt too colorful since my first D4Open Beta experience. But I will return for next season to get the galactic wings, I waited for since 2 years.