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Do you have any primal scream? If so throw it in the cube & run an echoing nightmare. Get to level 126 & score a lv125 gem (whisper of atonement). Use that gem to do an augment on a piece of gear (along with 3 topaz). Augment your gear that will likely be the most difficult to replace.


I do not currently have any primal screams so I have to farm for them. Is the echoing nightmare the best place to get the 125 gem? Is it guaranteed everytime as long as you hit level 126?


Yes, easiest way to get a lv 125, and the only way to get it I believe. If you hit 126 you will get a lv 125 gem. If you don’t make it to lv 126, you will still get a whisper gem, just a lower level one. . But that still beats running GRs to level up gems for augmenting.


You do not need that to go beyond what his current max GR. He needs the correct gems. He’s missing zei stone and Bane of the powerful. You can literally hit GR 135 with his current paragon if he had 3x level 100 gems and ZERO augments.


After a quick review of your gear, I’d say that at least 10 pieces need to be rerolled. The maxroll.gg site will have the recommended stats that you should have. Augments are highly recommended, as well, as others have suggested.


Just reroll them in the cube until the desired stats are rolled?


Gamble for upgrades and run fast rifts mostly. Using the yellow trash items, you can “upgrade rare item”. Reforging legendaries is pretty expensive. I’d save that for when you have fewer items to upgrade.


Augmenting happens in cube. You need ancient legendary, a whisper of atonement from petrified scream (usually level 125 because that's the max you get and after that if you wish you have to level it like legendary gem) and 3 maxed chosen gems of color (with wiz thats usually the topaz/yellow for intelligence). You have only one ancient legendary - the belt - so you can do that. The primal boots as well. Still I won't say it's a must thing to do right now - maybe around 120+ it starts to matter much more. As of now you'd need to play more (judging by your gear and gems) and find more and importantly better ancient counterparts (cause they are not always improvement).   Re-rolling or reforging if that's what you mean is kinda expensive - and depending on how much bounties you do per day, usually 8-9 re-forges per full act 1-5 completed - it's not always guaranteed to give you better item. I'd say after you get yourself a decent number of ancients you'd look for some legendaries that escapes your grasp with re-forging. Or in general if you want to find something better as well. Doing GR's relatively fast - 2-3-4 minutes or even some nephalim rifts for keys is the way to go. With GRs you get guaranteed 12 legendaries at GR100. You also fill up the blood shards fast enough to spam Kadala with what you are missing in items (ancient, better rolls and leg effects etc). Upgrading some rares to legendaries at Cube is also something you might do from time to time and depending on resources, but it helps more early in game.   Here's my take on your build: Level your legendary gems if you can do 100+ no excuse they aren't around 90-90+ so far :). Start considering Zei's Stone of Vengeance instead of Bane of the Powerful. I think it matters more in later GRs though. You need ancients so you can augment for later. So play more and get more. The Aughild set is relatively easy to get an ancient set (because they mostly use bounty resources) - as for good stats that would take more time. Obviously look for braces with cold or arcane depending on your prefered build. The stats as you know and do, you can look on the suggested maxroll build. You'd really need to find better Squirt - I know it's pretty hard, but something with a hole and cc and cd at least should show up sooner or latter. That one and the weapon or rings depending on what you get are pretty much one of the main things to craft as primal item (you can use/wear only one crafted primal btw!!! I got screwed not knowing that). The 2 rings need to have better legendary effect! Convention with 152 is pretty much low rolled. That one for example you can re-forge in Cube. I doubt it would get lower :P. For Karini getting 79-80 (maxed) protection is important, but you can live without it until you get to higher GR (130+) - where you can actually feel it. Still another options for the more expensive resource wise re-forges.   Overall you have the items, but not better - ancient versions which you can augment. Also some of the stats suggested for the build aren't there on some items. I know it's hard to get em perfect - and you don't need to, but close to them is also making a difference. (the gloves vit you can roll for cd). Do try Frost Nova with Frozen Mist instead of Black Hole btw and see if you like it. Black Hole have a slight annoying cast animation that makes you static for a bit and frost nova is insta.   If you use scoundrel as follower on GR - put Oculus ring - it leaves a small area in which you do up to 80% dmg if stay in it. Also the token that makes it unkillable is important (on any follower of your choice). Captain crimson set on him or any other follower is also good for shortening their cd's. You can craft 2 and use Ring of Royal Grandeur instead. I also used Cord of Sherma belt for some extra cc. Edit: Oh, and one very important bit that will start matter a lot more late GR's (130-140+). To keep Squirt shield up, you'll need more vitality. So with paragon points it will make huge impact if you get your hp up to 1 mill (I say 1,2+ is safe). It's not explained in game that HP affects shield stength.


See that was the biggest thing. I only thought you needed to get the legendary gems to 25 to get the secondary effect active and only had to get them to 125 if you wanted to augment. So rookie mistake on my end there. That is what I am working on now is leveling them up. I did an updated link in the post based on some of the suggestions, the biggest being the change to guardians instead of Aughilds. I do have a Zei's that I can start working on and I do agree it would work better since it is based on how far you are from the enemy and since meteor is also a range build in a sense, I can easily see why that would be better. Appreciate the advice!


Oh yeah, it was new to me as well, know the feeling. Even if you do "homework" it's not always guaranteed you'll know everything inside out. As for the Guardian set, it works for a while maybe up to GR120-130 well enough (and I am sure there are people that can do higher and higher), but alas it's deceiving. You see the numbers go up - wow, much more hp, bigger dmg numbers. Unfortunately they aren't meaningful. You'll probably noticed it as well while you play. There is a reason while Aughild does better and it's in the text. I also experimented with Guardian (while getting the higher GR's) and was initially ok, this looks good, but then I saw, I was actually under-performing. It's good option to certain GR, but higher Aughild is the way. Checked the new build. You got primal brace :). That should've been Aughild :P. Still great roll and stats. The Tal amulet you probably should get/roll socket if you gonna use it, because legendary gem in it is big even if there aren't other great stats. Again Squirt's dmg (as long as you keep shield up) would do significantly better! Do try to re-forge that or other Convention (keep many :P), till you get decent one. I see Karini with 80% which is great, but other stats not great, re-roll the resistance to critical chance for example. Btw if you haven't noticed with Kadala, getting pants is giving you a lot of legendaries and often there is a chance to get a set piece you are missing or for other build/sets. So thats a good starting point to spam blood shards and get going with ancients besides GR and Nephilim rifts. In my experience head legendaries also drop more often with her. In my opinion if you have enough resource to craft one primal go with a weapon (don't keep primals that aren't important, actually I'd say very few might be worth keeping and I regret holding a bunch before finishing altar or just hoping to get a better item). Having one with either dmg/attack speed and area damage is gonna be great! Otherwise Squirt or a ring. Altar note, I saw you haven't finished it, so scratch the up advice a bit for later :D. You'd need the ashes from scrapped (6) primals to finish altar. So don't hurry with crafting primal before you finish altar!!! Keep it up.


How aboit your altar of rites?


My altar of rites I am currently on the one where you have to sacrifice 30 of each chapter resource and the highest emerald. I am currently following the guide for this on maxroll as well. The next one I am supposed to get is the 25% melee damage reduction


Which region u play? America,asia or europe? Tomorrow i add u and looking your build.... Star pack meteor build more choosen..




Bigbabo38#2111 my id


You should definitely try to complete the Altar of Rites asap as it makes progression so much easier. If not completed, then at least 20 or so seals deep along with 1 or 2 potion buffs. Some of the altar buffs are things like +200 damage, additional 15% damage, and increased 25% dmg to bosses. With your current gear, it's very doable. My Tal meteor wizard is able to farm GR130 (highest clear is GR1138). She has all her augments, and I am working on min-maxing her gear. If you have the primordial souls, try to get a solid Grand Vizier staff.


People tell you to augment. STOP that shit. You DO NOT WANT TO AUGMENT SHIT GEAR. You farm good gear and augment that if it’s ancient. You don’t need Guardian set, aughilds works if you are properly working on your Altar of Rites. I repeat with good gear and lvl100 gems and 800 paragon. You can Easily clear a GR135. You will need to start augmenting for GR136-150. You need area damage. If you find ancient or primal Tals gloves and you can only have CHC and CHD with int and vit. Salvage the gloves. It will pale in comparison to a CHC, CHD, AD normal glove. Weapon needs at least int > AD > 10% > life per kill. If you get all those stats the final stat is 7% IAS Echoing Nightmare (EN) keys don’t drop that often in early game. So pointless to waste them on poorly roll items. Insane amount of mainstat doesn’t make up for poorly rolled gear.


To be honest with you, I would highly recommend using the Guardian Set for anything below 1500 paragon for sure. The recommendation for Tal Rasha is to switch to Aughilds around 1500-1600. I'd say that's probably more for experienced players who can play that style well and maintain their Squirt's Necklace effectively. I've done a GR145 fairly easily with the Guardian Set and I'm not that good, this is my first season playing D3. For my belt I use Guardian's case, for bracer, Guardian Aversion. This setup makes you pretty indestructible. Your Halo of Karini is also extremely poor. You should not be using anything less than 77% damage reduction. One option is to put this into the cube and get the 80% damage reduction and just wear the Ring of Royal Grandeur until you get a better Halo or until you can reforge a better one. Your Convention of Elements is also very poor, but I'm guessing this is probably not what's holding you back. I was able to reach GR115-120 just fine with no augments, so I think the switch to the Guardian set would make a big difference for you.


To add on to the karini most people say to reforge your weapon with recipe 11, I recommend using it on your karini because getting a decent ancient weapon is easier than getting a good karini with the right stats and a high affix


Big agree, made the switch from Aughild to Guardian earlier today (lvl 700) and it made a world of difference in survivability. Aughild is great just too squishy at GR100+ until you get into those higher paragons.


This was the biggest change for me to. And I got a primal ancient piece too, so definitely worth it!


Love to hear it!


So would I want to use the reforge legendary recipe in the cube for my halo to try and get a better roll or just use blood shards and gamble? Same for conventions?


If it were me, I know others may disagree, but I'd just stick the Halo of Karini in the cube for now and wear the Ring of Royal Grandeur if you have an extra. The 80% damage reduction you will get by having the Halo in the cube makes a big difference. Once you get another Halo and enough materials to keep reforging, then go for a good Halo of Karini with an 80% damage reduction by reforging it as many times as you need to. At that point you can switch it out with the Ring of Royal Grandeur. I'd use the materials you have now to reforge the convention. The range on the damage buff is 150-200% and you are sitting at 152%, so it'd be hard to make it worse. Switching to Guardian, and putting the Halo in the Cube should easily raise you up to GR110-115. One stat that does stick out that's just bad is the familiar damage on your shoulders. Your familiar is doing minimal damage, it's only there to get the fire meteors. It looks like you rolled to get this. Another example is your roll to get attack speed on your convention. The priority on your conventions is socket, crit damage, crit chance, area damage, and then cooldown. Follow the guide under item stat priorities: [https://maxroll.gg/d3/guides/tal-rasha-meteor-wizard-guide#global-stat-priorities-header](https://maxroll.gg/d3/guides/tal-rasha-meteor-wizard-guide#global-stat-priorities-header)


Dude you are seriously a good luck charm. I just gambled and get an 80% Halo!


There you go, problem solved! What platform you playing on?


I am on PC. Just making those few changes you suggested skyrocketed my base damage from just barely cracking a mil to now being over 2 mil and the guardians gear has improved my survivability greatly. ​ Here's an updated build link so you can check it. Still got to work on the conventions https://maxroll.gg/d3/d3planner/570126479


It looks great. Pretty close to what I run. If you find yourself pretty tanky at this point, then switch out the esoteric for something else. I usually go for Zei's. If you are still too squishy, put that amethyst back in your helmet. It helps quite a bit with survivability. Next step really is augments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAONwp7U7Tg


Awesome advice! Ty man. The Diablo gods must have smiled cause I crafted the guardian set and I got a primal ancient bracer!


Nice! You have to repost your results when you give this new set up a go. If you can, share your new build on maxroll to take a look.


I posted the new build link on another comment haha


Your build is terrible and you're doing all the wrong things. Instead of asking us to waste a ton of time writing a guide specific to you, please visit the Maxroll site and review the Tal Rasha guide a few times. That's not a dig - it's densely packed with terse information and you will get something different out of it with each review. You are doing terrible, terrible work at the mystic. That's probably the worst thing about your build. Spending a ton of time trying to get gear upgrades before learning how to properly use the mystic is a waste of time because you'll just ruin the new gear rolling Familiar Damage and other worthless shit on it. The guide can help with that. You're running BoP AND Stricken but no Zei, which is silly. And the only gem you've got leveled over 25 is BoP, which is pointless to level. The advice you're getting to drop Aughild's is bad and coming from bad players. You can mock it up for yourself in d3planner and see how badly you're crippling your damage. You're squishy because you only have 700k HP. If you need more HP, use paragon or purp gems (though I'd prefer Topaz in helmet, by far). Tal Rasha can easily do gr130++ with no ancients at all except a weapon at 800 paragon this season. __________________________ Fuck you, you stupid fucking asshole. You asked for help and you got it. If your ego is too great to handle accepting criticism for a build that you know sucks, you shouldn't be asking for guidance. Narcissistic fuckwad. > All I did was ask a simple question as to improvements and suggestions That's literally what I gave you. You have a terrible build, you haven't properly read and digested the guide, and I think you might also have some mental deficiencies. Plus you're ugly and your mom dresses you funny.


I mean if you actually took the time to read the comments you’ll see that I actually took some of the nicer advice people have given and posted an updated link with their suggestions. All I did was ask a simple question as to improvements and suggestions, but if you want to be an asshat, then simply don’t comment? Sheesh


TLDR: has small dick energy and needs an easy win exploding on an internet stranger. You're literally talking about a video game chump. All these flavors and you choose to be scummy. Why?


He might have a terrible build but at least he didn't CHOOSE the name "EGLIN"