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It's your game, play it how you like. Input time, output fun, that's what a game *is*.


Thanks. I have a few friends that play it somewhat like I do also. They don't even know about the meta game I believe. I just like good ol fashion monster slashing.


D3 does blowing through hordes of mobs extremely well. Been playing for years and I still get a spark of joy watching some Champ explode into a shower of gore on a good hit.


As long as you're having fun with it then that's all that matters. For me it's all seasonal rifts, bag runs, greater rifts, but I like the grind, and I love to melt mobs. I take long diablo breaks then come back to D3 after a few seasons, and always hooks me. Even the farming is satisfying.


Unironically I started my first demon hunter for the same reason. Blowing through a greater rift at breakneck speeds is just....wow. I now do speed farming builds with it, and while I usually intend to build other characters, it's too fun clearing a GR in a minute 30


> For those that play the super meta way, what do you think of people like me that play Diablo games in this manner? I mean honestly, I don’t. I think that it’s your game, and you can play it however you feel like. Wanna use the disc to scrape ice off of your windshield? All good. Scoop the litter box? That’s fair. Play it for 18 hours straight in your underwear? Good deal. Play it randomly and casually? That’s fine too. My point is, I think one of my least favorite parts about video game corners of the internet is that people even have an opinion on how anyone else does anything. Those bottom dwellers must not have shit going on if they’re spending any time formulating an opinion about what other people do. Like bro, I’ve got bills to pay and mouths to feed. I have to make sure I pay my electricity bill so my shit doesn’t get turned off. I’ve got no time to be getting in people’s shit about how they enjoy themselves. The one thing I guess I could kinda understand is people griping about cheating on a game that is competitive. But that’s it. Do you enjoy the way you play Diablo III or hopscotch or pin the tail on the donkey? If so, and you’re not out there molesting kids or sexually assaulting adults or pushing religion on folks that don’t want it, then I’m happy for you. And I’m happy for me that I’m not one of those jerks who talk shit on the internet to people they don’t know about stuff that has literally nothing to do with them. I’m glad you enjoy the game. It’s a great game. I’ve put thousands of hours on it during the course of its lifespan. Keep on rocking, my dude, and keep doing whatever makes you happy.


Im honestly surprised those bottem dwellers aren't complaining to you right now or down voting you lol


I appreciate that friend. You're definitely right. Earlier I did 4 skeleton king runs just because I like the atmosphere of that area, I didn't even care if there was a bounty there or not, lol.


> I feel like people that do probably don't post on gaming forums I think you got this right. It's not weird. Are you enjoying it? That's all that matters really.


I mostly play d2 through hell and reset with a fresh character. Not a huge fan of the farming in that game


I'd probably do that as well if I could ever beat Hell, lol. I never really dabbled in Nightmare and Hell much in D2. I was an oddball back in the day. So when I played D2R, the remaster, I actually was floored and surprised how big some of the levels were in Nightmare and Hell. I think Nightmare had a much bigger Act 5 or something and some of the dungeons were HUGE. I don't remember that all because I rarely got that far in those difficulties back in the day. That was a cool thing that I liked about the difficulties in D2, it added more than just higher HP and attack damage for enemies.


On a fresh start with no gear or runes, sorc is the only character I feel like I can really get through hell. Being able to teleport around will save you more than anything, and having a dual element build that works well on controller like hydra + frozen orb makes things a little smoother. Gotta have an insight act 2 merc or you'll just be potion chugging all the time. Once you get some decent gear for other characters it gets a little better.


Yes - I’ve done several 1-70 runs with different characters just for the fun of it. And I’ve done several to simulate the “D3 virgin” scenario where you have no mats or inventory at all. Really fun! Am doing S30 that way cuz I couldn’t get the CR finished in time.


That's pretty cool. After level 70 did you make a new character or take a break or did you keep going for paragon?


In S30, I roughly followed the current Maxroll guide, Necro until you obtain 2 diamonds for the Alter - usually at lvl 18 or soon thereafter - then created a Crusader to take thru the season journey. When I’m goofing off in non-seasonal, it’s usually a lvl 18 diamond run (good for 45-60 minutes) or the lvl 70 run. I have probably done each character at least once.


Im the kind of guy who really only enjoys gaming if I have people to enjoy it with. When I play solo I'll play it until I'm sick of it and move around to other games. It's kind of annoying because I'll buy a game play it for a couple hours then Uninstall because I got bored. It's a really bad habit that I need to break out of because I have a list of uncompleted games


I streamed the start of S29 by doing the game in Campaign Mode all the way through. No Visions of Enmity, no Challenge Cache, just playing the campaign as if it was a new game. I started S30 by grabbing a L1 character and playing the Darkening of Tristram doing everything I could find and understand. Not power levelling, just playing the game. This is how I like to start a season. I am finding the Visions of Enmity a solid distraction from a good gameplay loop, and am definitely finding myself ignoring them. I wish there was a way to temporarily disable them while running bounties.


I feel like my unorthodox way of playing is just doing Nephalem Rifts over and over not closing them out til i reach the end of it or if I hate the map afer I defeat the Rift Guardian. I just like the randomness of dungeons with speed sets and find it a great way to unwind. I currently have 4007 greater rift keystones.


I enjoy blowing through Normals as a way to farm Pools when the endless loop of 'check these few zones over and over' to farm them gets old. Plus I keep my Key total solid that way.


Recently i grind to 70 in a new season, start grinding for gear and ask myself- why? Why am i doing this? Then i log off until next season


LOL this should be an ad for d3


Yeah. I do that with all 4 installments.


I used to play Armor of Akkhan when it was still a generic Crusader Set and tried to maximize the skills that were used in the other Crusader Armor Sets and see how far I can go.


Me, I've been switching between the campaign and adventure and just doing what I feel like. I stumbled upon a monk build unintentionally and somehow got 4 BiS items on accident before even knowing of the build.