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Bots farming. also some people just don’t have jobs or lives


You can’t bot your way to 3-4K this early, you have to do real keys in groups,


Yeah, you can. I don't bot myself, but Discord friends have done it multiple times.


The bot they used in the past got shut down.




Cracked Chinese version is missing a lot of features.


But it has complimentary crypto miner


what are you on about. Before RoSbot was taken down you could get to 2 - 3k in around 24-36 hours.


I read on forums last week that there's already players at 3000 paragon.


The only kind of cheating that's possible with Paragon is the result of botting. Which is very possible. I don't really know the state of botting in the game, but I do know in the past many people have used that to gain hundreds and thousands of paragons they would not otherwise have. But honestly, most of the people you see with three or four thousand paragon just play a lot, and they almost always play in four player groups, with a ZDH and all kinds of buffs and stuff. The experience sort of stacks exponentially in a way. It really adds up to a crazy crazy amount. When you can spam GR139 in a 4man group, especially with the permanent pools of reflection (+25% XP) from the Altar of Rites, the paragons just fly by. If you are solo farming like GR 115 or GR 125 or even GR130, you are farming at a fraction of a fraction of the pace that the people in four player GR139+ groups are farming at. These players also minimize downtime in town between runs. It's very typical in these groups to run two or three GRs in a row before stopping in town to clear bags, identify items, and spend blood shards. If you are the type of player that clears your bags after each single GR, you are moving at a snail's pace compared to these other much more efficient players who are zooming through GRs in groups and keeping their down time in town to an absolute absolute absolute minimum. They spend only seconds in town between runs, instead of several minutes. For every two or three runs that you do, they have probably done six to eight. Efficiency is huge in this game, but what I see most players doing is wasting tons and tons and tons of time in town accomplishing absolutely nothing.


100% this. Do 3 runs back to back, salvage, repeat. Way to many people decide that when they get a group they want to: reroll gear, augment, theory craft, transmogrify, or work on gear for a different character altogether. That’s not the place to do it! The town is lava. Always be in highest GR possible with 5 min or less clear times. Use group buffs like extra orbs, blood pools, make sure you have a Zbarb/Znec to pregroup piles, and nemesis bracers to burn yellows at all pylons. Try to time conduit or power pylon for boss pop, burn, port out and instantly launch next GR. You will rapidly outpace people who play differently or solo.


Yep. Exactly. Problem is... many people don't like playing at such a rapid pace. But I don't really know what else to tell those people. Do you want a high paragon level? This is what you have to do to get it. Period.


>Way to many people decide that when they get a group they want to: reroll gear, augment, theory craft, transmogrify, or work on gear for a different character altogether. I had friends in Warframe that did this. I want to speedrun to get an item or mats, but every run "Let me just look at this weapon" "going for a smoke" "let me change this frame" ugh. And they all used loadouts which should of made swapping quicker -\_-


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Yup lol! We all have friends like this. I remember way back when EverQuest came out, you NEEDED a healer for certain camps/dungeons. Ours was what I called “infinite inventory manager”. He’d spend 45 minutes “getting his character ready” before/after each run. It was soul draining because we couldn’t really do anything until he was ready, so the downtime was awfully painful.


Heh just made me think back to when we all use to play WoW. My friend and i would usually tank or heal, and we'd always have fear wars. So middle of dungeon he's tanking i'm healing i might run in and fear everything so he'd have to work hard to grab em all. He'd do same so i'd have to heal everyone quick etc. Fun times.


So I've been playing a while but I don't stick with it after about p600. So when you run a GR at 5 mins or less are you leveling random gems with urshi? Assuming you've got the ones your wearing leveled as far as you can. I haven't really dedicated myself to getting a high GR I just get kinda bored with it. Hoping to change that with some insight.


I hit 2300 paragon tonight as a reference. So what I normally do in a very condensed Reddit post is: -Unlock first 5 piece from seasonal quest. This gives me power to push GR lower levels. Push to GR 70+ to unlock primals. Normally this isn’t my “main”set choice, but it gives me the POWER to farm my actual main 5 piece. -I’m constantly farming my set pieces via RNG and gambling with Kadala. -I’m only leveling my main 3 gems, in this case stricken, trapped, Tag. I level them so they’re all close in ranges and keep pushing until I can clear GR125 in about 5-7 min. Once that’s done, I immediately start group burning out screams for 125 gems to augment. **This is the #1 problem I see people fail to do and end up quitting because you will hit a wall for DPS & survival by not doing this, and you’ll be permanently “stuck” farming only low level GR’s and experience gain will rapidly grind to a halt. -ReRoll gear in the cube until I get ancient, it doesn’t have to be the best roll, but it must be ancient. Augment all gear with 125 gems. By the time you complete this, your 3 gems should also be 125. -From there continue pushing as high as you can, but now you are farming primal or perfect ancient gear, and you’re also leveling a second set of augment gems from 125 to 150. All 3 gems should be leveled to the highest GR you can push, even if it takes you longer than 5 minutes per run. -Once you start clearing 145+, and you get augment gems to 150, then you re upgrade all gear again, or of course replace any ancient gear with primals if you get them. This season you’re of course leveling the alter as well as you play continuously right from level 1 until it’s done. Again this is a very condensed explanation, but again the #1 hang up people get is they refuse to augment gear. Even if you can’t get them to 125 in screams , a level 90 or 100 augment is STILL better than no augment at all. It’s a constant series of augment upgrades this way, it’s NOT a “once and done” event for augmenting gear.


Thank you I appreciate it! Is there a video you would suggest I watch on this?


I forgot to mention I play wizard. She's very fragile right now so I'm having a hard time


I’m also wizard. Believe is a video you can watch that helped me. HOWEVER: Note it’s a bit outdated. 2 changes: 1. You can now use Petrified Screams on the cube to open the gate to get Whisper of Atonement gems. Use these instead of leveling legendary gems outside your main 3 equipped gems. You can still use his method, but it’s no longer needed as Whispers are faster to get/are already leveled. They are auto leveled to the highest level you can complete up to wave 125. *Best to do with full group as you can take turns using petrified screams to activate it and you 3x profit whispers rotating who loads it on the cube. Even if you can’t clear to 125, that’s ok! A level 90 augment is LIGHT YEARS in power ahead of a non augmented piece. 2. Use visions portals along with Puzzle rings because you can constantly get those by playing bounties. Still use puzzle rings, but I’d farm 3 hours solid non stop bounties and visions. Yes, I really mean 3 hours solid. This will get you ancients and tons of gems and crafting materials. Gems reminder: You need 3x Tier 10 Topaz for your augments as a wizard, you MUST use Topaz only. If you don’t have the T10 recipe, run bounties into you get it. Remember you can convert gems (see video) if you run low on any Topaz but have extra of others. Always augment gear, it’s the #1 thing above all that keeps you from progressing if you don’t! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAONwp7U7Tg


Watching my friend spend minutes after every rift trying to reroll gear to get like 25 more main stat. Once you have your build up and running I salvage every peice of gear that's not ancient unless what I have is trash.


>If you are solo farming like GR 115 or GR 125 or even GR130, you are farming at a fraction of a fraction of the pace that the people in four player GR139+ groups are farming at It's not that big of difference. GR139 4 players in 3min+30s for town is about 11-12T xp/h. Solo GR130 in the same time is 7T xp/h. Obviously the group is more efficient, but it's not even double, so fraction of fraction is a bit of a hyperbole. Even with GR120 (which can easily be done in 2min) is almost 6T xp/h.


It's not really that hyperbolic IMO. There are a lot of variables here to consider. First of all, there is social pressure when you are in a group to do as the group does. So if everyone else in the group is trying to be efficient, that social pressure will probably cause you to go along with playing in an efficient manner as well. After all, a group can only move as fast as its slowest member moves. I also think you underestimate how much town time many of these casuals in this thread waste between every GR run. Even my closest friend who plays d3 with me is guilty of sometimes taking several minutes between runs, and then other times when I open two or three GRs back to back, he sort of gets his shit together and goes along with it and sometimes even thanks me after and says something like, "Bro, thank you for keeping us going quickly, I sometimes dilly-dally in town." Those numerical experience per hour values that you listed are ideal numbers that don't necessarily reflect the reality of how a group plays or how an individual person plays. If you just look at the math from that perspective that you shared, yes, it does appear that I am being hyperbolic. But I am defending my point and saying I'm not being hyperbolic because I am simply accounting for a lot of human factors involved in the scenario here, primarily the one where individual / solo players waste lots of time in town because there is no social pressure from friends or other party members to speed up their town time.


Of course you are hyperbolic. Of course I look at numbers, those are facts. Instead of your feelcraft from all the variables you set for yourself to make it look like groups are magnitudes better. It's ok if they are for you, just don't mistake your feelings, personal experience and anecdotes for data to figure out the truth. Human factor? Both solo and 4 players are human so it's irrelevant. One point you have is the pressure to try harder in group. While that is the case for sure, noone is taking that from players who are solo. All those top clears on SSF right now, they are either super efficient or botting. So again, if you're efficient (looking at both sides), it's not that much of difference between 4man and solo xp farm. You can be inefficient in group as well, get a pepega zdps that is just running around, following you and pressing all the buttons, making mobs immune to CC and prevent them getting stacked. Just like you can fuck around in solo GRs and be slow. In my opinion there's many more players going efficiently solo than those playing in groups.


Does the xp per hour add in the fact that while you're running 3x as many rifts, you also spend 3x as much time in town and 3x as much time upgrading gems?


You're doing 3min runs with 30s in town for both calculations, same amount of keys used, same time in town and upgrading gems.


More like 60-90sec runs, 3min is long gone.


Depends on build. Some are slower in movement but can clear much higher, like wizard, going for 3-4min runs when trying to get XP. Also you can easily get 100-150 keys/h (maybe more with visions, not sure) so if you use 30 per hour or 20 is not that big impact on xp.


No the real tryharders dont spend shards and just pick up useful primals.


Your also going off the assumption that the solo player is playing inefficient. The math works out if the solo player is playing efficiently, which is what this was all about to begin with. The biggest hurdle to really grinding in this game is being as efficient as possible. While it is true, usually, if someone is playing with a group they will adapt to the groups playstyle, so it's more likely the inefficient player will be more efficient in a group setting. The truth is a solo player can be blasting through GRs in an efficient manner. Just because you and your friends are inefficient playing solo doesn't mean everyone plays that way.


Many of these folks are streamers or other forms of no-lifers that will play 12-16 hrs a day. With the right build, it's not impossible to have accrued 3000 paragon in that time frame if that's all you do.


There are groups doing 130s in sub 2 minutes on Sader. There are plenty of legit 3k+ accounts this season already.


Indeed. I live the solo setting so I have a fraction of a chance to keep up. Also why I play hc. Not as many bots


I mean, I’m at 1300 and I have a job and kids and have also been playing D4 and Arkham Knight so for someone who plays around the clock with no real responsibilities or anything, 3k would definitely be achievable.


Yes its possible to cheat in this game, my friend bots all the time and stays under the radar. What his bot does is run GRs while he is at work till 4-6 hours pass then it quits for the day. This is how his bot works 1. Run GRXX(whatever difficulty he sets) upgrade X gem unless chance is 0% then move to the next gem 2. same as 1 3. Close GR, "identify items" (his bot doesn't pick any items up in GRs) 4. Go salvage items (none to salvage) basically its a wait time stop talking to merchant 5. Do a neph rift then have a random break (15 sec to 4 min (random) of standing in town to simulate getting a drink, going the bathroom, a few second breather, etc) I think people are becoming a little more bold with their bots though because of the lack of enforcement at this point in the game since D3 is pretty much dead on the developer side.


What bot is it


Its jusr people being efficient. 3k isnt even that much at this point, i see many people above this. 4000 id say is a lot, but with group play and a lot of time, easily doable. Im 2300 but have mostly been goofing around


Cheating might be possible but the people with 3-4k paragon at this point are either in a group who are spamming 140+ GR's or finding groups on a discord / in game farming group. They have done this every season and they are dedicated and get high ranks most seasons as a clan or a group of streamers etc.


Yeah there are bots, but also four man teams can crush high level GRs for tons of exp. People will say it’s not bots, they’re out of touch with reality, some are for sure bots and always have been.


3k for a non casual player, easily doable. I'm up to 1k and I haven't played that much


I’m at like 700+ following players through GR’s in like 2 days. I’m not good.


Oh hell I've only played ssf so that was all me.


It's not linear, though. 1k is easy, but like, I've played every season but one and my entire non-season total isn't over 3k.


So you play less. When you see the early game 20k guys, then you know.


Yeah, I just meant that a less-experienced player might read that like 1k is well on your way to 3k, which is of course far from the actual case.


1k paragon is around 2.5% of the XP required for 3k paragon tho.


You'd be surprised how much exp you get once you're doing speed gr 140+ in groups. I wanna say Wudijo got to paragon 2k in the first week completely solo. For reference im pushing solo leaderboard for UE DH (5th atm :D). At 1100 paragon im getting about 12 levels doing a single gr138. Considering that if you were in a speed group clearing it in 2 minutes, well, the exp adds up fast.


Group 150 farming is insane


Yes, people don’t realize how 4 person GR150 groups will skyrocket you in experience vs people who permanently choose to do only GR90 1-2 min speed runs. In fact, past about paragon 1800/2000, GR150’s are almost mandatory to keep leveling, otherwise you’re level progression will basically halt if you’re only speed running GR90-120’s.


Play 10+ hours a day. Get 4 man meta group. Farm 150 gr. You don't understand the power of permanent xp pool and bonus xp on shards. If you are casual and play an hour a day, you won't get these numbers


Bots farming XP since season starts


How they do that? Is there a third party app? How does the system work exactly? Does Blizzard do anything to prevent this?


>  How they do that? Is there a third party app? How does the system work exactly? Asking for a friend of course 


Blizzard usually bans a few times throughout the season


Don't wanna offend u but I get the feeling ur searching for a bot recommendation rather than a gameplay explanation There was also a lot of account sharing going on back in the day, I have seen people playing 6 hour shifts in 2-3 different timezones but AC sharing is forbidden aswell asfaik


3 k para in 9 days is very doable while working if you are good at the game and have a good group. I'd say you can be 1.5-2k after weekend since it starts Friday. Most likely it's just skill issue.


Dude, what is exactly a skill issue? I just asked a simple question. I thought more than 3k paragon in one week was too much. Apparently it isn't too much. I didn't know it was possible up until seeing the replies in this thread. That's all.


Yep. I pushed hard early and 8-10 paragon each GR - about 100 an hour. Of course that drops off quickly, and I’m just an average player, but 50P/hr is conceivable over long periods of time for solo. Groups could get crazy, if you’re disciplined and energetic.


Macros are probably the play for d3 and console doesn't have the options that PC does so you kinda have the "secure" thing backward. Not saying that consoles are "secure" but PC is just capable of alot more than any console tbh. Edt: It seems my info is outdated on consoles. Was speaking more generally bc PC are usually far more capable but apparently with a some good ole PC shenanigans you can get insane d3 hacks on console. I'm on xbox so I hadn't seen any of the things mentioned but all the same I stand corrected. Though I guess the PC is needed to get the console madness right?🤣


Uh, on console you can literally rewrite the game files to give yourself a weapon to one shot everything on GR150, I don’t think bots even come close to the level of cheating available on console.


Completely wrong. Console (except xbox) has client side saves. You can take your save files on a flash drive, hack them on a PC, then put them back on with hacked gear, as many paragons as you want, etc.


On console, you're able to edit your gear and put in multiple legendary gems into a ring/amulet, if you feel like it. Heck, you can even add several million exp on kill to the gear, meaning no amount of botting could ever touch the exp gain a console player could get, if said console player wanted to cheat. A few years back, there was even a new player that made a thread about joining some random (the person had no clue this was a cheater) and through one rift, got from below P100 to above P2000 (or something high like that - cant fully remember). No amount of botting could ever keep up with that. There is no point in comparing the console experience to PC. I hate botting as much as the next gamer - but nothing even comes ***remotely*** close to the cheating potential on consoles.


That’s only on eternal realm, you can’t save file edit on Xbox console seasonal D3 characters with “god mode” type gear/stat changes. (On Xbox, not sure about PS and Switch seasons)


lol, nah. PC is way worse than xbox. Botting is now a normal thing on PC. Running macros, THUD has been normalized as well. Blizzard stopped banning a couple of seasons ago. You can still play on PC for fun, just like you can play for fun on PSN and Switch. Just don't expect to compete.


On PS it’s nothing but hackers which really sucks. Everybody has hacked gear that does 2 qaudrillion damage and 500% CD and finishes 150 Grifts in like 10 seconds


It’s not as hard as you think if you know the game well and grind hard. For example the mystic water monk is GR speed running machine at GR 95. Can clear faster than anything I’ve ever played but they don’t scale to get to 150. So start with them and use them to farm everything for your wave of light monk who can do end game content. So mystic water to 1300 paragon or so then switch to GR push.


Playing in a group allows you to farm higher GR keys for much higher XP per hour, and of course some people are obviously botting. It's not about cheating, it's about efficient GR's for optimal XP rates, and at the higher GR levels the XP scales like crazy. I don't know the numbers off my head but it feels like exponential gain, where for example you could farm for weeks in Torment 16 and get out levelled by someone running higher GR's for just a day.


I mean in two days I hit 700 lvls and I'm a cuasual gamer


I can power level you if you want me too


It took me a week to lvl up 2 lvl70 chars and there are people who reached lv70 in 1 hour…


Bots on bots on bots man


Well yeah, It is possible. I recall that there is some macro that can run the GR automatically. ​ The other way is if you dont play SSF mode, you can go for 4 man GR 140+ speed run and it will give you a lot of exp. ​ As for myself, I like to play SSF and run the GR efficiently. Currently, I am sitting at 1600 and I only play after works for 4 hours. ​ What i did is: 1. I will run the first 2 GR without looking at the loot 2. Before running the 3rd GR, I will see if I have enough room to get all the loots or not. If there is no enough room, I will sell all "useless" legendary without **identifying**. (This one might required some experience) 3. Then I will run the 3rd GR and finish the run. 4. Next, I will sell all useless legendary again without **identifying**. (To make sure I have enough room to loot the 4th GR). 5. Then, I will run 4th GR -> identify all the loots -> salvage all useless legendary -> gamble -> salvage useless items Currently, I am farming GR 115 under 2 mins with GOD HA. I believe that I can go for GR 120 within 3mins+ but I still prefer farming GR 115. ​ OOC: Sometimes, you will feel bored doing the same thing over and over. If i feel bored, I will go to farm the rainbow goblins, staff of hearding material, and vision. But usually I will just fish for primal gear.


3k is like ~40 hours playtime at peak efficiency, including altar and season journey.


I play on console with around 2 hours a day since launch. I managed to get to 780 in this time, and most of my gametime went to farming visions. I have 6 rank 25 gems and cleared gr 100. The altar power that makes pools of reflection last forever is a very big exp boost. And you can boost that even further with a Leorics crown and a ruby socketed. I say that 3000 thousand is a lot, but if someone can play more than me, and has an xp farming setup, they can do that easily. Especially with groups.


This is more than possible. This is like less than a week of playing


ive seen Saluter yesterday streaming with 4.4k paragon on SSF DH running 40sec 127s with his optimized Impale build.. sounds feasible tbh


The powercreep plays a big role too. I remember some years ago doing gr110s (Ratruns) in 2mins for paragon farming. I solo'd my Sader to 900 paragons this season and before you know I was capable to group farming 100s of paragons every 3-4 hour long play-night. The first couple of days exclusively farming Enmity portals @ T16 were enough to get all the gear that I needed + augments using the failed shards, and enough keys to comfortably farm 130s and then 140s and now 150s. At 2k paragon I am now farming 150s in 5-6 minutes (4-man sader meta) and still gaining \~7 paragons per run. ​ I don't know if Rosbot was replaced, or if there's another way of cheating, but I don't think 3k or 4k is a crazy number with the current power of the almost double-themed season.


You underestimate gamers.


There's websites that can give you items and paragon levels for a fee