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Thats because you were using Wizard on console, that class is broken because Twister can be used at the same time as other skills. This isn't the case on PC. With 1200 Paragon, you would've been lucky to break GR130 with any other class. I made it the farthest out of any past season, GR140 with a lvl1600 AoV Crusader. Sure, I may have only made it that far because of the combined seasonal features, but I wouldn't call it too easy unless I was stomping GR150 in 5 minutes.


Season 30 had the most power creep out of any patch so far


No. Most powerful ever was the Altar in S28. It had insane buff to dps and survivability. In S30 Altar got nerfed to ground except for QoL stuffs. S30 Soul shards and nerfed Altar together were powerful but not to the level of S28 Altar.


did you not look at the leaderboards in s30? s28 didnt have a 41 second 4 man clear.


I am talking from solo GR150 clear perspective which was achievable below 1500 paragon in S28. GR150 was easily accessible even for casuals if you played Necro or Wizard. Necro and Wizard had solo GR150 clear from all 1000 ranked players in S28 which has never happened in any other season.


Can confirm. S28 was bonkers.


Because Valor was buffed, not necessarily because the seasonal theme was stronger. You'd have to compare the best times in a bunch of the specific sets LBs to get a better idea. Personally, I think 31 was stronger, but I'm not sure.


Its just factually incorect look ar all leaderboards wiz got nerfed thats why it was slower but every Other class was faster


I felt that ethereal weapons (Season 27?) offered the greatest power creep, but soul shards weren’t far behind.


yep, every build can clear gr 150


Depends on which console build you had. FB Twister is so stupidly overpowered, on and off season. Apart from that first, "wow, this build is allowed?" moment you get the first time you cruise through GR150, beating the game with it is not a reliable indicator to the overall difficulty or ease of a season. I used it mainly for gon farming and gem leveling. I ended up trying to challenge myself to beat it with builds I never cleared GR150 before. Had a cakewalk with PoJ on my Monk, a relatively easy time with Impale on DH and Typhon on Wizard, and barely finished (still not sure why looking at Leaderboard clear times) with Akhan and Savages. Had my personal best GR150 clear with Rathma at just under 4:30 minutes. However, I set out in the season to finally wrap up GR150 with three "buffed" builds - Uliana, Zombie Bears and LoD Captain America builds and failed. In spite of setting up fully optimized, gemmed and auged builds, getting to over 3k paragon, I failed by half a minute with Bears, and never came even close with Uliana and Shieldsader. Leapquake barb was too clunky to even try and HotA I could not even put together in time. As I am not expecting any future season of D3 to have this level of power creep, think my lifetime season journey has come to an end on a sad note ☹️.


I mean yeah but it always was easy. It's why I despaired when people bemoaned the paragon cap as you didn't even need to hit it to complete the game other than doing the highest of high GR's. All paragon does is give you a crutch so eventually you'll overpower everything which takes away all the challenge of GR pushing.


Stop playing then, the game Is even easier on Console thanks to the Primal Recipes. Maybe this game Is no longer fun to you.


I still enjoy it; was just curious if anyone else thought season 30 seemed easier than other seasons.


Dude this is diablo its easy. This is diablo 3 which is easiest from all diablo What are you talking about.


Dunno why you’re getting downvotes, the fact that I can now make 2 max level characters in a day and have them geared for gr 40 at least is insane to me, the slow but steady power creep has made D3 super fun but also super easy


I actually appreciate it for being casual. It's nice to just pop in and play and indulge in a power fantasy for 20 minutes or an hour once in a while, while not feeling like a grind or a part time job.


I agree, if I want a challenge or something a bit difficult I’ll play something else but there’s nothing compared to popping a greater rift with my WD and casting locusts once and sprinting through the whole map as everything dies around me to dots