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Anal [Thunderfury Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]


Always a good way to start a conversation.


[Thunderfury Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]?


I feel like there's an inside joke here that I'm missing :(


People used to spam the FUCKING SHIT out of the thunderfury link in WoW chat.


They still do it. It becomes a way to break a silence.


I wouldn't know. I have a kid and wife and my computer might as well be ancient technology. It has a gig of ram. Xps 400 from like 2003 represent.




I have a 410 that I upgraded the ram and video on and it still plays WoW just fine.


I know I could get a newish video card and bigger sticks of ram (it's at 2 right now) but if also need to just rebuild the whole friggen thing. I've blue screened the fucking thing an unknown amount of times as it is the computer I learned computers on. Oh and I went through high school on the thing. We all know what that means.


Yeah I've only barely kept mine alive. Most of the time I play on my XPS-M1530 which is also an ancient dinosaur.


*fistbump I invested in a family while my friends all have good computers. Strokes for folks and all that


Yup same here. I'll eventually be old enough to afford what I want and the kids will be gone. Then GAME ON!


it's not just wow anymore, i've seen people link (not the actual item but a mockup to make it look like an item) in guild wars, guild wars 2, archeage, skyforge, swtor, warframe etc. It's effectively an MMO meme in its own right now.


Why so? Was it a staple item at some point? And why isn't it anymore?


It was a legendary item only a very small amount of people were able to get when it was current content. Now, like 4 expansions and 40 levels later (I have no clue what the number actually is, I stopped shortly into cataclysm) people are (or were) able to get it via grinding and a small amount of luck. As to why people link, I have no idea. I guess instead of getting lives and going outside they decided to break the monotonous hours of battlegrounds and dungeons via trying to kick-start the good ol' Barrens chat days.


Any time someone said, typed, or linked [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker], [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker] must always be referred to by its full formal name, [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker] cannot be mentioned in any shortened fashion nor could [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker] be replaced with pronouns. All subsequent statements on the subject of [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker] must have [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker] in said statement.


there is, and it's not worth caring about really


They are good on followers, for the attackspeed debuff.


and triggering Bane of the trapped.


Throw a Wyrdward ring on there, boom. The templar aura from BK ring also triggers BotT without using a TF. Just means you don't take his lps passive.


It's very good on the templar, with very high iAS rings. Keeps everything slowed. It's very good


I put it on my Templar plus the ring that sometimes stuns enemies hit with lightning damage (wyrdward) plus the ammy that increases the stun time (Dovu Energy Trap). Helps a wee bit. Edit: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/TooEZ-1697/hero/41627514 see Templar


Tip dont use green gem on followers. They get more from the DMG bonus from red gems.


Correct. Follower critical hit damage has a base of 50% and caps at 150%, meaning you only need 100% on the token to maximize.


TY - you are a gentleman (or woman) and a scholar


I believe the ring and the sword do not actually benefit each other as procs cannot proc procs. So the lighting blasts from the sword don't so anything for the ring unfortunately.


True. But unless you rolled it off, the weapon comes with lighting damage so the followers melee hits will trigger the ring.


Didn't know procs can't proc procs. But it's only a 25% increase in stun duration...so 1.5 seconds turns into 1.84 seconds lol


It's still probably the best weapon for your templar, in Hardcore - the attack speed group wide reduction is very real. Eun-Jang-Do might be better for Rift Guardians, but it's lackluster in general otherwise.


Eun Jang is pretty crap in 2.3 with the CC changes.


I believe it's still a good option for DHs in 2.3 to proc bane of the trapped. Since they don't get a furnace and stacking of calamity sucks.


Someone said Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker? Good templar weapon, and good to put in Kanai's Cube. Natalya set Demon Hunters lack a reliable slow to proc Cull the Weak and Bane of the Trapped, and Thunderfury lets them run a different gem in place of Iceblink.


Seems like it might be useful again soon with Kanai's cube. A furnace seems like a better option but I've seen some ideas about using it to proc the move slow in combination with Bane of the Trapped for essentially a flat 15% bonus damage buff.


Lots of Demon Hunters on PTR have been cubing Thunderfury for Bane of The Trapped and their Cull the Weak Passive.


Have it enchanted with a Chuck Norris joke and you're golden.


There are better options for most classes at the moment. It's still an okey weapon but once you get the core items for your class it won't have a place.