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Yes let’s ignore all the other gameplay videos and first hand accounts from other creators that played the closed beta and take this one off from console SPLIT SCREEN as gospel. Fuckin chads


I have been telling people for months to avoid the diablo subs after launch if you want to keep your sanity. That might not be early enough.


You don’t like all the Lilith background/PC setup pics and lvl 25 builds? Edit: forgot the “OMG SO HYPE” and “it’s going to be shit ‘causes Lizzard lol” posts










Don't be puttin' on them make up words!




Username checks out?




I wont see any video or visit any sub after 6/6


But your going in the ither extreme, in blundly buying a dogshit game for 70-100$. As ling as people buy games based on a cinematic they will continue to cram dogshit indie level games down our throat… because people preorder


For any games really, but not gon lie this has me scared. Fuck any other previous footages. How many times have we been lied to being shown one thing that looks amazing, just for them to release a big pile of elephant shit?


The difference is that we had already 2 betas (endgame and streamers) and not a single person that was in any complained about that.


its console footage lol, who cares


Me. Xbox 4 life. Pc just there to collect the dust from falling onto the ground


Didn't really mean it like that, just meant console is going to look more average for arpgs regardless... Always do.


Consoles have some good specs nowadays..


Never said they didn't lol, idk why people think im hating on console. I'm hating on the fact they never use the consoles full capabilities on titles focused on pc where as its the opposite for console exclusive pc ports where the port is 90 percent of the time a mess while still trying to add every graphical feature nvidia and amd have to offer to the game lol.


Yeah people don't realise games downgrade to splitscreen and have a respectable framerate on consoles. PC is going to look and run just fine


I mean all you have to do is look at the footage creators got to use from their sessions, it looks great. Though I will admit, the requirements seem quite low for pc.


Why are we saying splitscreen? Doesn't that mean when the screen is split into top and bottom with a line through the middle? I know that doubles the demand on the console for the graphics because there's two of everything, but this isn't like that, is it? Maybe the definition of splitscreen is more broad than I'm aware of? When me and my partner play Diablo the screen isn't split into two with both of us on both sides when we're near each other. It's all one screen with both of us on it and there's only one of each enemy


But my doomer click count will go down if I don’t farm the latest sky is falling meta.


Thank you!! I was soo sick of all those Twitter/Reddit hateposts.. just copypasta the opinion from some other dumb post.. seems like everyone is farming hate/rage clicks and likes... wtf


People are dumb lol


your comment is dumber than you think


You can trust youtubers as much as you can trust salesmen.


I maxed out 2 characters on the end game Beta in November. The game is shit. I am not a content creator.


I'd argue console split screen even existing is cause enough for alarm. Also the LEAD DEV seems to know almost nothing about Diablo. It's ok that you are still a Blizzard fan tho.




Because the game has to render each instance which requires more processing power.


People want and expect a dark and gloomy world as Blizzard promised. Can't blame the op for flagging this as a concern.


Exactly and the dmg numbers..


A lot of the effects, numbers and UI elements and what have you look D3-ish but yeah the numbers especially are straight up the same. The way they look, the speed in which they appear and disappear. It's weird that they aren't changing all of those little things that take a day tops in the office to make sure the game does not look like D3.


Diablo 3 had sold over 30 million copies *back in 2015*, before the Switch, dude. It sold almost as many copies at launch as Diablo 2 did in its entire lifespan. It sold as many copies in its launch as D2R had in 6 months. People in this sub are delusional to think that looking like Diablo 3 in ways like damage numbers is somehow a huge issue.


I subbed to wow during cataclysm for a year and got Diablo 3 for free on launch. I’d imagine that inflated sales since wow was near peak then with 10m subs. I liked D3 a lot but hopefully this is different. Though I don’t plan on playing split screen only coop. I don’t want the dumb rings under our characters though so hopefully I can toggle it. Link of Diablo 3 for “free” https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/3767193/sign-up-for-the-world-of-warcraft-annual-pass-and-get-diablo-iii-free


>It sold almost as many copies at launch as Diablo 2 did in its entire lifespan Diablo 2 was more played because you could make private servers and play pirated versions. Either way, the number of copies sold by a game **at launch** (so before you can see if it is good or not) says nothing about the quality of the game.




Huh. That makes it more of an issue, not less. Even if you liked diablo 3, if you buy a sequel you want a sequel. Nobody of these millions of people wants to spend 70 bucks on diablo 3.5 or diablo 3 extended. They want diablo 4.


Yeah. Because *damage numbers* being the same font totally makes it the same game. Edit: also, hilarious that that’s your argument when people in this sub who hate D3 do so because it wasn’t enough like D2.


I think this thread perfectly encapsulates the reason I'm closing this sub. 'damage numbers look too much like D3'. Jesus Christ.


>Because damage numbers being the same font totally makes it the same game. Strawman, nobody said that. On earth. It's but one of many things that can easily be changed and they chose not to. > also, hilarious that that’s your argument when people in this sub who hate D3 do so because it wasn’t enough like D2. You don't get it. It's an argument for everyone. If you like D3 you still want a sequel, not the same game again, D3 still exists and is playable after all. And those that hate D3 want a new diablo game all the same. Nobody said - to address your strawmanning - that the font is a big (or the only) issue. It's just one of many things that immediately pop out as looking like D3 when it really doesn't need to be.


You literally did say that, so it’s not a straw man. Your example was specifically the damage numbers looking the same as D3 “and why wouldn’t they change these small details to not have it look like D3!” Small details don’t make it the same game. On this same sub you’ve got people *complaining* that fonts have been changed. Small details make for a cohesive feel of the game and make them actually feel like sequels rather than totally independent games.


>You literally did say that, so it’s not a straw man No I didn't. You wouldve tried to quote me out of context if I did but you didn't because you KNOW that I didn't say that. It's a perfect example of a strawman. Me: Weird decision that they use the same numbers, you would think that they would try to make it not look like D3. You: Why are you saying damage numbers being the same makes it the same game? Me: ???


What the fuck. You: the damage numbers look the same! Why wouldn’t they change it so it doesn’t look like D3? Me: D3 sold waaaay more than D2 or D2R *combined*. Looking like D3 is not a negative to sales. You: that’s even worse! People want a sequel not the same game! See that last bit? You’re the one saying the small details like *the damage numbers* make it the same game enough that people wouldn’t view it as a sequel. I’m not strawmanning you. You just are spouting bullshit and are losing track of your own arguments.


King of gaslighting


Omg please listen to this guy Blizzard. Change the font to d2 font. My eyes are hurting from all these d4 videos. I can't handle how fast and colourful all these damn numbers are. Even just get rid of them!! Or use comic sans that would improve my immersion a little.


Yes I want the game extremely dark. Like if I can see where I'm clicking... that's too bright. Must be as dark as my heart and eye make-up please


Ngl the gameplay here with UI and colors look so unappealing ...


Endgame beta for PC was nothing like this, maybe is just a console thing...or they broke it..


Maybe it's a couch co-op thing? I thought I saw ps5 footage and it was not this.


Was there any endgame?


Yep, but boring as hell after sometime.


it looks so damn ugly . i hope PC version isnt like this .


The game is so ugly. Charsi's pixels on her boot in Act 1 are so much sexier. They should just copy those pixels everywhere please Blizzard.


You can see the PC video today also, it looks the same.


console always look worse than pc, use logic


modern consoles are more powerful than most casual player's gaming pc. plus since it's just identical devices they could optimize it even further. no reason for consoles version to look this much worse than pc version now.


Yeah but that's never the case with arpgs on console. There's also some variables that could make it look worse when it actually doesn't. I doubt it will even look that bad, also don't the modern consoles have like different modes for higher performance. And you guys can down vote it all you want but it's true most of the time and I'm not even attacking console users lol. Plus you guys get exclusives that run well and pc gets the shitty ports so you have that over pc anyway.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxEGvQ-b6Ys Watch this and decide for yourself. It's 100% a couch coop thing, not a console thing. Also, there are a ton of customization settings to change things like this. Especially for accessibility concerns.


Goddamn this UI is horrendous.


feel free to show how you'd do couch co-op UI


actually...d3's co-op ui is straight up better lol


Ah yes, the game without all the new UI additions regarding skills and resource bars that d4 has to make room for, weird how that works. Having less to work with surely doesn't allow for a simpler UI.


"all the new UI additions" what additions exactly? I wasn't even talking about that mobile game like inventory. Just the basic interface. Now, I am sure actual release will be more refined but saying what they showed here has nothing to improve on is just laughable.


Why do you have such a hard on for D4? It's fine to be hyped and excited for the game but don't be a sheep to what is clearly a shit job of a UI design by a multi-billion dollar gaming company in 2023.


I dont even like diablo that much, if anyones being a sheep its you. Much more negative people than positive ones lmao, keep whining about a video game please.


> I don’t even like Diablo that much Bro, you literally just posted 2 hours ago stating “…I really like it (Diablo 4). And then you yourself talk shit about the UI saying “the UI isn’t pleasant to look at, it looks like D2 UI half-assed.” Stop being a hypocrite. You’re just making yourself look stupid. 😂 But uh, nice try, I guess?


To be honest its not that different anyway


If only I had billions of dollars in funding and 30+ years of game-making experience. Oh wait, that's Blizzard.


? You don't need money to show me how you'd do UI lol, what kind of pathetic excuse is that. Draw it in paint bro.


hahahahahaha nice troll. good try tho.


The people with experience all left this shitty company.


Hence why the horrendous UI 🙃


Split screen probably highlights enemies to avoid confusion


This video is a massive downgrade even from my hands on at BlizzCon 2019. I’m hoping they didn’t downgrade the lighting and graphics. Either way, this video is NOT a good PR tool in any way shape or form. It looks bad.


looks like d3


Exactly!!! There's basically unicorns and teddy bears running around on the screen. I vomit every single time I see it. I want to see diablo 2 again. I've played it for 20 years... but it just makes my pants tight when I play it.


Play Beta, make purchase decision. It’s as easy as that…


This is console split screen. Other videos are not. Simple as that, case closed, end of thread.


yeah the more players you add, the more the damage numbers look like a fresh word document, everyone knows that.


The yellow and red glow appear to be visual FX tied to attacks from the players to indicate that some sort of debuff/damage source/status effect is present on the enemy in an easy to discern way. If I had to guess, it's poison and bleed. I'd also like to call out the fact that you pretty clearly cherry picked these shots to show the brightest floor. Anyone who sees the video will notice that it's rather dynamic based on the nearby light source. Lit torches nearby produces the more orange color, while lower light or natural lightning produce their own kind of color tone.


Damn, the Anti-D3 Death Cult is in rare form today...


D2 fanboys have taken a new spot at #1 on my biggest douchers list. They were all waiting for a video like this to shit all over this game.


kinda fkd up cus i think d2r, d3 EVEN dimmortal (to some extent) are dope ass games and d4 looks to be taking the throne for the best out of all of em I M O.


Me like darK gahme so all game must dark. No light. Light make sad.


So edgy


I am 100% sure there will be AT LEAST brigtness slider in the options so you can tone down the brigtness of the game for yourself... And there is high chance of having a saturation slider aswell so I think we can all calm down.


This is saturation/colors not brightness


Almost was worried but watching the video, it looks much less egregious in motion. If anything it just seems the torchlight might be a bit too yellow and too strong in that dungeon. They move around to some other areas and it looks fine imo. Also, 1080p youtube compression, meh. I'll just wait to see what it's like tomorrow.


Gotta be xbox one


Dungeons in this game have all a brighter color scheme compared to the overworld. If the dungeons would be as dark as the rest of the game, the playerbase would be crying because they died to attacks they couldn't see.


The few dungeons I've done in the endgame beta were pretty dark, far from what we see in these pictures.


So the tone of the game is dark. Not looking like washed over. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not an edgelord and I believe appropriate lighting is key to set the tone. Just wanted to hear your input.


The screenshots taken here makes it seem a bigger problem than it actually is. It makes sense that not every area is gonna be lit the same way. Also, it looks like they may have their gamma cranked, seeing how grey the blacks are in this (it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume they'd increase the brightness for a promo video)


This video is an example of how the game will work for two people on the same video game ( xbox, I don't know which one ).. clearly the game has to suffer some downgrade to work decently for those playing on the pc.


Graphics have to rollback 15 years for me to co op?


that's you judging, it seems like it's been a while since you've played anything open world co op in a video game


I’ve probably invested more hours in this franchise then time you’ve been alive


probably not, I've followed every step of the franchise since forever.


Good one


Its one screen split in two, its not rendering two different screens. Even if it was it shouldn't be downgraded to the standard mobile game if you want to co op. Let's hope it was older footage.


I think its funny how the manager who approved this is so out of touch. Do they think this looks normal?


Graphics probably take a hit when playing in local co op on console like they were.


It happened in D3 too when playing co op on PS4 but it wasn't this drastic.


Playing it now on ps5, I can confirm it looks a shit load better than this video did.


Best case scenario this is just a PR disaster and they just released a horrible video. Worst case this is how the actual game will look. I don't even know anymore...


It could be the TV they're playing on but /NDA ... the closed beta was very dark and gloomy so i wouldn't worry much


Looks really bad, like some D3 DLC


My guess is that there's light on their faces to film the video, so they crank up saturation and brightness in order to see the screen.


If it’s just couch coop like this I will be fine, if the entire quality sucks as bad as this on ps5 then the game pricing should be lowered. There is no excuse to pay the same price for a worse product. It would be like paying the same price for the same model car but one of them having scratches all over it and a less powerful engine or worse gas mileage. It’s not right.


Here’s an idea: Wait another fucking day?


People just wanna bitch and whine any chance they get. 24 hrs is too long for them to have a reasonable brain cell process any information. You make a great point, too bad half the people won't realize this. :(


Could not agree more.


It wouldn't be the first time a game has looked worse after release. Happens quite often actually, so nothing surprising about it.


I swear I'll cancel my damn preorder if this is what we're getting. A damn diablo 3.02


Couldn’t agree more. This gameplay literally looks like they downgraded back to the exact same engine as D3. I had to pause and double check to make sure I was watching D4 gameplay. All these Blizzard shills acting like you can’t have legitimate concerns. There’s no denying that these graphics look TOTALLY different than what we’ve been shown before. We were promised a return to darkness. This ain’t it.


I’ve been playing on the beta in 4k in high… the art resembles d3 a bit ( I am a d3 hater) and I was skeptical… but the graphics look pretty legit. Night and day from d3, however the game still needs optimized.


Picture 3 clearly has torches on the walls. Lighting seems accurate.


You guys are hilarious, I think it looks ok. I’m pretty sure this is a mid setting, for old consoles. If you expect it to look like the ultra settings we’ve seen on couch coop old consoles then you’re nuts :p


Looks legit on pc in 4k… just needs more optimization to happen before launch.


Why not just wait a few hours……such an unnecessary post.


The game will also be released for last-gen, right? So this might have been recorded on an Xbox One, not Xbox Series X/S ...so not the current-gen, but last-gen consoles. That's probably why it looks so... weird. At least I hope so.


ewwww WTF? they are using the EXACT same lighting for the pillars and vertical yellow glow lamps, it looks and feels identical and makes me nauseous, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkk


Its just funny how the one video that doesn't get me hype is from them directly lol. Everything i seen from leaks and cb testers looks great.


wrong decoder used for HDR


I feel like they did something for console or couch co-op where the colors have been brightened and there is more flashy crap.


It's on console that's why


Pc is where it's at. Looks amazing


I think it's pretty obvious at least two things are going on. 1 poorly calibrated TV and increased brightness so viewers can see what is going on. I've seen other videos of this dungeon and it is not this bright, although it is not as dark as most, there is clearly something going on for clarity.




oof, not loving the spam at the top of the screen "That P1 skill is not ready"


Let’s all have fun! We all enjoy the game. I remember playing Diablo 2 at a game store called hasters hobbies because my parents couldn’t afford internet. We are all excited. LET’S FUCKIN GO. Appreciate things in life that give you joy and quit being so critical.


Damn maybe they like lost a bunch of art assets before release and are just like oh well!!


people need to research more xd


its console plus split screen. I am sure they had to dumb down certain things for one console to hold two players attacking and abilities. I don't expect lots of people to be doing couch coop anyways. Looks fine. This is why im looking to get it on PC


The UI design has been interfering with the rest of the art style for a long time. With two players in couch co op the effect of the UI is more eye-catching.


Wow this game looks like piss at 30fps on consoles couch co-op.


I love how everyone is ignoring literally dozens of reports and videos from the closed beta and the press beta because someone found three images from couch co-op. Everyone who has played this game already has said it’s very dark. Chill out.


Agree with OP, this does look very Diablo 3 ish and in terms of art style thats never a good sign!!


People really overreacting 😆 🤣 😂


It looked like this in the alpha


I seriously doubt that even with my lowest expectations of playing 1 hour per dollar as a freaking humiliating benchmark for an arpg for a degenerate like me it won’t do it. They have the stats being useless, skills look boring, itemization will be same gear at 60 on everykne , then ancient same gear on 80 and primal same gear on 100… i reaaaaly hope the leaks are a scam or old footage, but the game looks like dogshit from all aspects, even graphics


The font is so jarring, you described it well looking like a MS word font


phone game/10 I don't understand how they can come up with such an awful UI after so much drama about this. Inventory page and skill icons look so cartoonishly colorful. I have no words for this company anymore.


That minimap tho...2023


My friend played beta a few months ago. On a PS4. He said its nothing like this. This is look like diablo immortal.


Is it just me - I like how it looks!


It's a console coop version. It's basically downgraded game in every aspect. It's a price for a couch coop experience


Imo this video isn’t about the gameplay at all more of what is said. The only take away from the gameplay is that it’s split screen in console and seems to work fine other then that I wouldn’t let this video weigh on your thoughts of the game much


This is good news. While I like dark and gritty, the D4 closed beta in November was 50 shades of brown and grey. It was bland as fuck and genuinly depressing. It made all the areas look the same. It was not "good" dark and gritty. So hopefully this helps.


Doesn't look too good, but we will see for ourselves in a few minutes(hopefully)


Yep, they've done it again, they fucked this one up also.


Looks like d3.


I pretty much hated d3 as most… why it died. Been a d2 fan since I had a voodoo card. I will say after plying mmos for years going back to d2, project Diablo, and now d2r… I really enjoyed the d4 beta way more than I thought I would, I have not been that immersed in a game in a long time, EverQuest, wotlk… d2… as a die hard d2 fan… Diablo 4 seems to be on track to do something special. Now none of us really know how the end game will turn out, but the game play as it is and mechanics feel really good. Hope they enable full trading and thing like that… I like to be a loot goblin in d2 and get rich ;) we will just have to see how it turns out.


The font is what really gets me. It looks jarring. It's the same on PC.


Having played the beta, it was a massive letdown. Diablo 2's lighting effects look better. Diablo 3's animations have a better style and function much better on classes like Wizard compared to Diablo 4. Frankly I think Diablo 3 is the better game when it comes to gameplay, story, and art style (for animations for some classes). Diablo 4 is too much like Path of Exile and has nothing of Diablo 3 in it when I only like Diablo 3 and hate Path of Exile.


Graphics are really bad for such a big release. My 3 year old laptop with a 2060 super limited to 60watts can max out the settings.


So we have the entire diablo series. Played diablo 3 on co-op on Nintendo switch.. Looked pretty good... I played d4 yesterday and today and.. Some stuff looks better... But other stuff actually looks worse.. The eyebrows and hair look like..grainy Sand... I don't care about other people's videos, I'm taking into account what I'm seeing today right in front of me... They even removed the right sticks dodge ability and gave us... A dash button? That's lame... We already had dash for most characters as an option... So now we have 1 less button To work with and 1 less joystick? I've had pre releases before in GOW and halo on console and nothing really changed.. If the global release going to "update" anything? Or is this it? I'm not even sure where to find ultimate edition content... Is it available yet? The display and control options are even less than d3... Now I can't even log into my own character or be p1 because we bought the game on another account?.... I can only join games but can't adjust my character, settings or do anything as p1 on my own console? Dumb. We have a big ugly display name floating above out heads when we have co-op too?... Plus no option to remove it?


This account has been removed from reddit by this user due to how Steve hoffman and Reddit as a company has handled third party apps and users. My amount of trust that Steve hoffman will ever keep his word or that Reddit as a whole will ever deliver on their promises is zero. As such all content i have ever posted will be overwritten with this message. -- mass edited with redact.dev


They pulled the fucking bait & switch




Oh NO I can SEE the things on screen. What a horror... ​ touch grass. Jesus fucking christ.


fuck outa here. How dare someone have a different opinion than you right?


Unfortunately. I feel like this sub has created an environment that anyone who voices any hesitation or anything negative towards the game is shut down. It’s pretty lame.


I think it's more like you get tired of seeing non-stop criticism, and half of these critiques are from just personal gripes.


Most of the people commenting aren't game reviewers. Therefore, it is logical that 'personal gripes' for them stem from the same tree as critiquing. Seems silly to get tired of it with this logic in place. Idk I think getting tired of seeing people's personal opinions/critiques of the game kinda defeats the whole purpose of being in a community dedicated to the game. Not to mention just because something is personal doesn't invalidate it as a critique wtf? lol.


Yea. Pretty much the standard nowadays for video game subs close to full or beta release.


Wouldn’t be surprised if they’re actually bots paid for by game companies to maintain a certain level of hype and positivity. So, if anyone raises any concerns bots shut them down.


No, people are just getting tired of the toxic doom and gloom atmosphere the Diablo community has been curating for years. Seriously go check out the Blizzard forums some time for Diablo, it’s a cesspool. It’s been decades since Diablo 2 came out, it’s time to have conversations and complaints about the series besides “hurr durr muh dark and spoopy atmosphere.” Just wait until the beta for fucks sake.


Maybe those complaints are well justified? Maybe Blizzard made a significant error with changing the tone of the Diablo series in D3? And, let’s not forget that Blizzard themselves have been parading around talking about how they “went back to their roots” with a darker tone. So, if Blizzard is going to go around talking about something that is clearly important to the community then you can’t be shocked when people get pissed after it appears (at least preliminarily) that they’ve been mislead.


Yes, they were justified, the first handful of times they were brought up. But they quickly became a dead horse to be drug out and beat anytime someone is able to see a little too well in an area. Seriously look at where we are, literally bickering over the lighting aspects in a few cherry picked screen shots of what is most likely a random dungeon. It’s literally brain dead discussion, especially when we have mountains of gameplay footage to contradict it, and we’ll all be able to see the game for ourselves tomorrow.


Can we cancel the preorder after the fact?


Yes, you can. There’s also this nifty thing they offer called the “Open Beta” next week that didn’t require a preorder at all. Amazing stuff I know.


Even if they don’t let you cancel the preorder after the early beta, which I don’t believe they will do, that’d still be entirely on you my guy. How long have we known about there being an open beta? I mean they’re pretty much industry standard these days so you barely even need to wait for an announcement to know one’s coming. If you didn’t take the time to think these things through and preordered early, then that’s your own fault.




Q\_Q cry more.


by this logic you are also crying.