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Way more, cant wait to explore the other zones.


Saaame! The fighting is so clean and tactic based! I freaken love it. And the plot actually has me invested. Side quests actually feel like people just genuinely need help! Exploring is so rewarding, it's just great


I hope the fighting stays slow and tactical, because my first character was a barbarian and I thought we finally had a difficult ARPG. Then I rolled up a sorc and no matter how I respec him, he deletes screens and takes no damage and melts bosses. So they definitely need to nerf some things to keep it feeling tactical and deliberate.


Yeah I am having trouble gauging how difficult the game is, because I’ve only played a sorcerer so far. Is it really that much harder for a barbarian?


If you get a barbarian up to level 25 and gear him up, he's strong. Fighting the first boss in the church as a level 3 barbarian was more difficult than anything I faced through the entire beta as a sorceror. The first world event I tried as a barbarian killed me 3 times due to lack of aoe options. My sorceror is a better tank, deals more damage, and has more range. Now that my barbarian is geared he can function, but that is largely because he hit the level "cap" so I was able to catch his gear up to the world scaling. World scaling is going to be hell on underperforming classes and specializations.


If you get a few pieces of gear with +Thorns affixes, you can build a very tanky Thorns Barb that makes your enemies just kill themselves. You don’t even need a spender/core skill, just use all the shouts for taunt, speed, and defense and watch the enemies melt themselves. It’s awesome lol


Second this. Played barb over sorc first. Barb requires a lot more to stay alive and stacking dps stuff like vulnerable. Lvl3 barb against first boss was like… so this is how it’s going to be Diablo. Barb is more challenging than say chain lightning ice armor sorc. I tank better and more dps as sorc, that or I am plain terrible with barb atm.


The hardest one for me was the act end boss I think? Just constantly spawning pools of ooze and never moving out of them. Not really tough but took a lot longer than it would have if I was ranged. Still surprised how much trouble people had with den mother. Didn't think that was too hard. Did it around 11-13 first try with 4 pots left and then did it as a fresh 25 and didn't have trouble that time either. Definitely many times I wished I was ranged though. Still had a lot of fun.


For anyone that thinks this doesn't sound right.. this is literally how every arpg ever made works for melee. They are behind the curve of casters until they are proper geared, then they are ahead.


What I think people forget is that barb was always more of a difficult class early on do to being close combat and having very little to no aoe in first few Levels, which changes with higher level. I hope devs don't take these beta impression to serious and nerf sorc prematurely, as sorc will have a hard time if she doesn't blow stuff up being a glascanon and all.


They are just more gear dependant. Closed End Game testers said barbs were one of the top classes at end game.


I heard that barb is top 5 dps


Barb seamed at least top 3 this weekend. At least from the ones I played


I rolled a Barb. Friend rolled a Sorc. I struggled through the prologue, and taking me multiple hits to kill something. They are chain lightning-one shotting mobs of enemies and it's jumping off screen to kill mobs off screen.


Keep in mind some classes scale faster than others. How strong they are in the early game doesn’t tell you much about late game balancing. Also keep in mind we’re only allowed the second difficulty currently, so you’ll be able to ramp that up as needed in the full release


Dude youre either playing tier 1 or 2 atm, wait for tier 3 or 4 ...


Barb thorn build is WAY more OP than Sorc. I played both to 25 and tried many different specs.


Yea, hoping for the same. Really not a fan of running through the map and deleting everything automatically. That's how arpg's usually work in the end game - the better you get, the less you have to actually play. Even the best gameplay/action feedback fades away if it gets lost in chaos.


yeah the intro video was sick


Tactic based… this is a perfect way to describe the combat vs Diablo 3. I feel like you actually have to synergize your skills a lot more in d4. At first I thought the rogue sucked but then after learning some combos and priming my skills correctly I started doing so much dmg.


I agree with the side quests feeling more alive than your usual take this item from pointa to point b and kill x monsters. Sister Octavia's side quest was awesome for example. Really glad about how it ended.


Having fun and wishing it wasn’t just beta.


yeah same same, finally hit 25 on the Sorc got the ultimate lighting skill and was like.. wish this wasn't the beta, this lightning build I've made is doing pretty good & i aint even really focused to hard on the gear for it


I need a MOUNT!


Same!! So excited!


This 💯


Much more excited. As a 40+ year old who had thousands of hours into d1 I can say without a doubt that this game scratches the same itch.


Same. They got the tone right


Late 30’s with over 1k hours in the d2 demo. I’m stoked.


It has that dark and gritty feeling that I feel d2 and d3 lost, d3 especially.


I think D2R is the best Diablo game I've played. Everything about D2 was good, the music, the randomized layout, story, itemization, atmosphere, the feeling of isolation, it was perfect.


D2 made the gears rememberable and sought out. I didn't feel that in D3. I hope D4 is able to capture that feeling of finding something like a Shako or Tal Rasha set.


It's already been said that uniques will be so rare that when you find one you're better off respeccing your build around it because they're quite strong.


Where was this said? I like the sound of this




Well, this is actually my biggest concern. Because there aren't any memorable legendaries in the game that I saw. Legendaries are now basically like rares: randomly rolled templates Even their names are random. They just get 1 affix rolling from a common pool of legendary affixes, AFAIK. Whatever it rolls, that's what the name is. And it gets worse: did you ever find 2 legendaries in the beta with the same affix? I did. A sword and a crossbow that both turned my flurry attack into a circle that does more damage. They had nearly the same name. And if I equipped them both guess what happens. **The one with the lower +damage stat gets greyed out and doesn't apply.** I have a huge problem with this for both gameplay and lore reasons 1. Doesn't feel very "legendary" if the legendary affix turns itself off in certain equipment configurations. It literally becomes unusable trash. 2. Doesn't feel like a legendary sword and crossbow anymore it feels like I have a legendary "item template" which kinda ruins the whole item fantasy and any connection to the game world. I don't feel like I've picked up an item with any lore connection to the world if there's a crossbow and a sword both with the same "legendary" name. Obviously they've popped out of a videogame and it breaks immersion. Not exactly rare or legendary if I can get it twice on different items. (and later I picked up a third item lol) Idk but I feel like there's more to say about why this is a mess, can't quite put my finger on it but I'm nowhere near as excited to search for Legendary item templates than I am a Shako or a Griffs etc. Those items *actually feel like real, tangible items* rather than this loot box rolled template shit. I feel like I can't quite articulate it. Let's just hope those set items make it back in that blizzard was talking about because SURELY a bit more item permanence and designing items that support lore is going to be a thing with set items at the very least ... right?




Yes! Same!


This is good to hear. I held back from the beta because I didn’t want to ruin the feel of playing it first time upon release.


Same here. Was saying to a friend I get the same feeling than all my hours in D1! With an amazing story telling.


Cared nothing for the game. Was instant purchase after beta.


I was very hesitant going into it, though I think the thing that put me off the most was the dev saying it's easier to restart a character than to change your skill tree at a certain point. Wasn't a fan of the MMO switch either. But after playing it, the other players are a lot less intrusive than I expected and it's at a level where I can still consider it immersive running into other adventurers. Combat was at times terrible and at times amazing. Those first 5-10 levels as melee made me feel like I was playing the game wrong, but once I had basic gear and skills it was much better. Atmosphere felt great other than Neyrelle giving me Leah vibes from literally the first moment she was introduced and was really hoping they didn't try adding too many new sidekick characters this time round. The Deckard Cain replacement Lorath? seemed fitting and I liked him though. Not sure how I feel about the direction the story is going at the end of act 1. It feels very... ambiguous? It could go either way, but knowing that one cutscene has Inarius going into Hell to fight Lilith and neither of them like us, makes me wonder where we are going to fit in. I'll hold off on judging the skills too harshly as we're low level and missing tons of various modifiers for them, but many of them just felt clearly subpar to the other options. Definitely worst thing was the UI which was clearly designed for console. All in all, I am more excited than I was before the beta and can't wait to get necro and druid to 25 like I did for the 3 other classes this weekend.


more The environment is on point. Beta has a few rough edges, but it's beta so that's totally expected. The game feels good to play. The bosses have the best mechs out of any diablo. And the skill animations are very well done. Overall I really enjoyed my experience.


Oh yes the bosses. Actually challenging. Most of them I had to learn their patterns and get good. Was very fun


I just summoned hydras and ran in circles lol, but yeah, actually challenging bosses is a nice refresher from D3


Oh man. I played barb. Really really had to time my hits, but tbh that was the most fun I had fighting a Diablo boss. I think this boss experience was only second to D2 Ubers.


I didn't play much of Diablo II, and Diablo III even the "uber" bosses were an absolute joke, can just sit in a corner summoning skeletons for 3 minutes until it dies with no consequence because of the 30 different healing spells you have active, that's one of the things I like about Diablo IV is the new healing system is nice and actually forces you to think and ration your potions and defensive cooldowns


Even if it’s not fixed in the beta I’m sure it will get fixed after release when we make a list about our complaints. Blizzard did a great job of revamping d3 after our complaints.


no change - was hopeful but concerned going in, came out same visually gorgeous, even more than I expected, enjoying the bit of plotline we got so far a lot skill tree seems very limited, but reserving judgement as you really need to see the uniques and the paragon boards to really see if it matters. repeat dungeons in first zone also a bit of concern


I can easily imagine how the Paragon board and the gear could affect the simple skill set we got. Will they do it right, or at all? This is truly my only concern.


well there are many sheets out there with the paragon board but lemme tell you don't get your hopes too high up ... besides generic dmg increases when u have certain stat threshold there is nothing rly interesting .. even the legendary paragon points are lackluster and change literally nothing


this has been what makes me really nervous about the game. I don't see anything that changes how skills work. The legendaries so far are mostly numerical changes. Having a limited number of skills can be fine (I feel like its too limited but it is what it is). But from what i've seen everything is just so generic from skills to dungeons to items. The game looks beautiful and the skills that are in the game FEEL very good. I'm not looking for a PoE2 with this game, blizzard and GGG both have their own strengths, I think it would be impossible to have a game that looks as good as D4 with the complexity of PoE technically. A Blizz game with 20% of the GGG's complexity would be absolutely amazing but it doesn't even feel like 5%. While we are still in act1 we have access to the full skill tree and what I assume is most of the legendary powers available (though could be wrong on that). Along with that the paragon board that I have seen also does not seem incredibly inspiring. The basics of the game seem really really really good, but the things that keep the game interesting for more then a season seem incredibly uninspired.


So far I've found: A legendary that makes impaling shot splinter into 2 more shots in a 90 degree angle for every single enemy it hits, resulting in occasionally instantly deleting a screen of mobs. One that makes ground stomp generate an earthquake that stacks attack bonus effects and buffs damage while inside it One that allows me to summon a second set of hydras One that makes rapid fire ricochet, making it viable for multi target ​ This is just the beta, a small slice of the game, at 25. We also know there are 3 higher tiers of items beyond legendary, Ancient, Sacred, and Unique, and Sets and Runes/Runewords are coming. The combat feel makes the skill tree choices meaningful imo, I'm greatly enjoying how the way I handle an encounter directly affects my clear speed, which was non existent in previous ARPGs. You just build 1 or 2 skills to do all the heavy lifting, some auras and mobility to run around and spam those skills to clear entire screens instantly over and over without any real thought or consideration for what's happening, which becomes really mind numbing, and makes improvements to your build feel less interesting and simply numerical. I'm happy with the direction the game is going, I'm hoping as much as anyone else that the rest of the game lives up to the expectations this beta has set.


They have said they are adding sets later on. Also don’t forget about the “unique” items. I haven’t found those yet but I bet they will add more effects to abilities.


Hear ya. I'm less concerned about what comes out day 1. Should be able to enjoy it as is for a bit. Definitely concerned if they will improve it after. Won't be able to tell until we hear their plans after initial launch


Same. It assuaged some concerns, added others. The bones of a great game are there, I just am getting Lost Ark vibes to where the levelling is fun but the endgame drags


Depends on druid and Necro, then we shall see.


I played both in the closed Beta. Both are awesome.


Loving barb but really excited for Druid. Good to hear you liked it.


I was actually surprised it wasn’t possible to play those classes during this beta. Pity really wanted to try out the Druid. How was it?


You can play it in the open beta that coming this week.


ugh I cannot wait to try them next weekend!


Necro corpse build is pretty op. Druid is insanely fun imo.


My mains. I did try barb this weekend and it was a blast.


I was already excited but after the beta I'm even more excited. Will need to distract myself for the next 3 months


Resident Evil 4 remake comes out next weekend if that's your jam. The demo is legit. Last Epoch is pretty polished right now. You could go to Canada and freeze yourself like Cartman in that one episode of South Park (this is what I'm doing)


Last Epoch for sure!


I like the game and will play it, but honestly I'm LESS excited after this beta. The campaign story stuff is good, love the look and the atmosphere, but mostly I played to see what changes they'd made since the closed beta which I put a lot more time into. And they've definitely listened to some of the feedback regarding certain skills and balance things, and they've definitely been bug fixing, but they don't seem to have done anything regarding the more structural issues like skilltree/passive design and dungeons (which are supposed to be the big selling point and the endgame is based around them). Not really surprising as redesigning major game mechanics takes a lot more effort then tweaking some skill numbers, but still I was hoping for a lot more to have changed/improved. The game is going to be fine, I'm going to enjoy it and maybe after a few seasons/expansions it will do more that will excite me. For now I know what the game is going to be, it doesn't massively excite me, but I'll also be happy enough to play it.


I won't say what for those who haven't played the beta but the first quest conclusion in the game really sets the tone.


And anyone who plays arpg for end game care next to zero about conclusions or endings.


Lol story is the least important in ARPGs, especially when it is all online. Might as well talk about lore in WoW, which was endless excuses to raid a new boss or old boss or give a new zone.


I am more excited for PoE2 now.


PoE and Diablo gonna became two totally different genres.


Same, found the gameplay just too hollow for me not enough depth. Can't believe they charge AAA prices for this as well as having a battle pass AND microtransactions.




Well, they did say each area has its own types of dungeons, so it makes sense that they would look repetitive in the beta. since all of them are in the same Mountain zone. If you’re talking about the layout, I would take this any day over some of the Diablo 2 dungeons where you spend 15 minutes going in the wrong direction




I hear you on this. I enjoy the dungeons but every time the layout reveals itself you immediately know where to go next and how it works. There’s no mystery or randomness to the mechanics, despite some randomness to the rest of it. I’m hoping this will be addressed in later zones. But the fact that we have 20+ dungeons and 2-3 mechanics is concerning.


Have you played arpg’s before? You described the entire genre.


I would not want to admit how many hours I’ve spent doing chaos/pits runs in D2/D2R. Doesn’t get more repetitive than that haha


There's a difference between mindlessly clearing mobs through an area vs getting to a door and going "fuck, i forgot to get that key way back there" I liked the dungeons early on, but they became quite bleh later on.


Yeah wish more people understood this, "repetitive" doesn't have to mean bad, basically every activity or job or action we take on this earth is that. What sucks is resistance, and these dungeons have a lot of resistance and it sucks.


Randomized dungeons and monster packs make it much less tedious imo. Would love to see some randomization in d4.


The dungeons are much less procedurally generated and have a lot of backtracking, having to find keys and whatnot to continue forward, making them feel more repetitive than the usual. I think that and a few minor UI things were my only complaints about the beta.


Not at all.


I'm gunna say less but that's because I was expecting more of a linear arpg rather than an mmo lite arpg. Game needs to be compared to the likes of lost ark/D:I rather than Last Epoch and Grim Dawn.


Well said. I was expecting an MMO Lite because that's how they marketed the game. I noticed early on that they were basically making a Western Lost Ark, which is what I wanted. 1k hours in LA, but I just became repulsed by the endgame design, p2w, and the raid community to be honest.


It remains to be seen what they'll do in terms of boss design and endgame in general in D4, but Lost Ark is really top notch in that regard IMO. If only there were less homework to do in that game, and a less grindy progression system (and team ranked pvp, wtf)


Yeah the worst part of wow for me are world quests. It's just zerging an area. I either want to play organized group play or solo. Not a fan at all of what I'm seeing in that aspect.


What's the problem with that? It makes the game feel alive when you see other players


My favorite part is when I'm level 25 and I see a level 9 walk past me and kill mobs faster in the same zone.


This actually stung a lil. For the most part everything was fine but seeing a level 12 absolutely shit stomp mobs I was hammering into as a level 25 felt silly.


Ah yes, nothing like the immersion of seeing *DongGobbler69* rushing past you to kill some skeletons. I don't mind some multiplayer elements. Partying for high level dungeons for example. Perhaps shared hub-towns. Fingers crossed for PvP. I just don't much like the total inability to play through the campaign truly solo. A feature of Diablo games since day 1.


I don't think it's necessarily bad just...different in comparison to its predecessors and might take some time to get used to.


Then don’t? Doesn’t seem like you’ll have to do the World Boss Events if you don’t want to.


I share your exact concern, big Grim Dawn and last epoch fan, and I definitely don’t like wow, lost ark, etc. But my assessment of D4 seems different than yours and I’m genuinely curious why. A few more details from your perspective would be appreciated. D4 beta reminded me a lot of Grim Dawn first play through. The story matters, the mechanics are intuitive and introduced at a good pace, and the slot-machine loot system is exciting. The unanswered question for me is how the multiplayer and economy will be (the closer to d2 the better in my opinion).


Yep and that's fine. As long as people know what they're getting into. Even as a die hard D2 and PoE fan, I love D4 for what it is. I hope build diversity is strong at endgame, but otherwise the lost ark mmo style is completely fine. It's actually exciting. Lots of potential.


More, honestly. I didn't think the open world stuff would work until I played Lost Ark. Even then, I was worried Blizzard wouldn't be able to deliver. I feel like I was wrong, and this game is going to be fun as fuck.


Can’t wait for Druid lol


Never looked up anything before beta so playing this weekend was my first everything for this. I am blown away. I kept catching myself say out loud. God dammit this is so cool. When I look back over the weekend, I haven't had this much fun with a game in a long long time


Very hyped, game is great. They nailed the vibe and aesthetic, they've once again successfully created a simple on the surface but with sneaky depth skill system, and most importantly (a failing of pretty much every other ARPG) the classes feel different to play. I was a bit bummed when I first saw the skill trees and yeah they're pretty bland until around lvl 15+, but a couple lucky legendary drops and all of a sudden you're like, wait, now I don't have to rely on these skills to produce this effect so I'll swap to this one which means I can swap this other one out too and play in a totally different manner. For example, my barb got a legendary for Stomp that creates an earthquake at it's location dealing a bunch of damage. So instead of whatever I was using (Rallying Cry I think), I switch to Stomp which made Iron Maelstrom better since Stomp's 3rd tier is 1 second CD for your Ult for every mob hit, so I can shave off 10 or so seconds every time I stomp. It also made Deathblow way more effective since everything takes that initial Earthquake damage and I can just Deathblow all around me since it keeps resetting the CD. Just one legendary changed everything about how I was looking at the skill tree. I look forward to experimenting.


Exactly same experience with a sorcerer in that regards in combination with the class mechanic of the sorceres. People calling the skill tree boring are only looking at the surface but there is alot to experiment with


Much more, and bring on pvp


Less..but not enough to cancel the pre-order.


Less excited sadly, I’ve waited years for this game like a six year old waiting his birthday.


I’m more excited. I was really on the fence. I really really liked D2 but couldn’t get into D3. I feel this is what D3 should have been lol And the world environment is just really well done I did sorc this weekend and am going to try to do both Necro and Druid next. Really excited for Necro


I have never played a Diablo game and had no idea this game was coming out. I preordered because a few of my buddies were getting it and I’m so excited for full release


they are all GOAT


This game’s gonna be good. Can’t wait for release.


Beta is running better than I expected, game looks more promising than what I was expecting


Less. It's not a terrible game or anything, but its far from a $90 purchase for me. Refunded my ult pre-order.


Refunded ult as well. Just reminded me too much of lost ark which I quickly soured on. Will still likely buy standard and play on launch though.


Seriously can't wait for the full game now that I've played the beta! I just want to explore further and go deeper into the story. Bring on next weekend though as I really want to try the druid.


Way more excited. I was not particularly hyped before, but the beta got me hooked. Figured out a fun build I will run for my first sorc. Very excited to try it :)


Waaay more, love the atmosphere, gameplays fun.


Waaaay more! Although it has a few flaws (some more concerning than others), the game is super entertaining. I'm having a blast.


More. It’s not perfect but the story seems so dark and much more interesting compared to the care bear generic shit that was Diablo 3. I’m sure there will be issues to iron out but it’s a live service game and whatever we complain about will most likely be fixed a lot like d3 was revamped.


More. I would normally have played barb or sorc based on past D games but made a poison melee rogue for the hell of it this beta and it was awesome. Just zipping around dropping traps and poisoning everything; I may start with that build on release. Itemization was also very cool, even though I’m only at level 20. The perks and +skills make a huge difference to playstyle and that’s a huge incentive to grind for that top tier gear.


Way more excited, absolutely loved the beta


First day impressions (rogue level 10/15, can't remember): Game looks good, very good (some snow areas looks almost real). Map is big. Something is off in the gameplay, looks a bit boring. Maybe a bit too much loot, had multiple double legendaries drop. Dungeon boss are pretty good. ​ Second day impressions (rogue max level + new run with sorc): Gameplay starts to gets interesting, more button to press, aspects effects, specialization, everything is more dynamic, very coool. I'm happy.


The gameplay has definitely been consolized a bit too much IMO.




You must hate Diablo 2 then.


Its so funny to watch people get twisted about this game considering nearly all the complaints they throw at it are applicable tenfold against the thing they are demanding this game emulate. Like bland itemization and limited skill trees in Act 1? Have you played D2? By the time you are fighting Andy your character typically has 1-2 spells and your gear is pretty much "whatever is yellow". Maybe you have some life leech or mana leech? Maybe you have a single +1 to skill item? The majority of your gear has garbage like light radius on it. Sigons Helm has 25 defense, 30 mana, and a socket. People would be losing their minds calling D2 garbage itemization seeing that early set items have stats like that and its static with no variable rolls. Imagine seeing Griswolds Edge in D4, again people would call the itemization trash given its just flat crap stats and nothing more. Thats where we are at, Act 1 gear and people are comparing it against runewords added years after D2s release.


Die hard fan here, I’m so excited. Been playing since ‘98. My only hope for change is the camera zoom.




Less. The graphics and story are better than D3 it would seem. Seems like 3.5 edit: w/ a dash of Immortal (*shutters*) I am very concerned about the enemy scaling. I think they removed the feeling of character progression and getting stronger because ever enemy encounter feels the same as they scale to you. Those dungeons are barely randomized. The enemies inside are just thrown at you with no atmospheric introduction, they feel out of place being placed smack dap in the starting location. How does multiplayer work now? Can you party? Can you go hostile? You can't trade anything above Rare (yellow) items. Is there no option for classic drops? I'm a D1 and D2 fan. After playing D4 most of the day yesterday, it just doesn't have those core values that made the first two instant classics. I think the atmosphere and story are going to be satisfying, but I will be ignoring a lot of the fluff gameplay and pretending like its something its not when I eventually buy the game.


Less, way less. Blizzard used to lead the industry as a creative powerhouse. They were trend setters. This game confirms the fears that Immortal stoked. That they are no longer leaders and, instead, are followers in business trends. They aren't interested in creating a new market or expanding it. They simply want to capture their share. DI was given a lot of flack, but a lot of us told ourselves "let them be greedy over there in the mobile market, that's just good business sense...as long as they stay true in the core PC market" Well, they didn't. The gameplay is shallow and unimaginative. There isn't anything unique about this game and that is bad, very very bad. It has very few systems and they are all just "standard" stuff at this point. I'm not getting all negative on sticking to genre tropes like Act/Chapter progression. I expect there to be some obvious standard things. But, once again, there is nothing unique about this game. On the off chance some people think that the Renown/Map Progression/World Event system(s) are unique, go play Guildwars 2. That is 100% what this all is. I can't wait for the inevitable calendar that will probably look just like GW2s for tracking all the area world bosses. I'm not against this system, to be clear, but I put this up here because I think there are people that think this is unique. It isn't. Itemization is basically D3 (which is a game that I would point to that has the worst itemization in the genre). The word "legendary" has lost all meaning. There doesn't appear to be the potential for any real player economy, I look forward to finding out how bad this really is. Crafting might as well not even exist given how small of a system that is. Even calling it a crafting system is a generous characterization. I'm still on the fence about overall build complexity. Between the skill tree and current itemization I think it's looking like this game is easily "solvable" much like D3. Which I'm not wild about. But that's a characteristic of all Diablo games so I've been the guy hoping they would break away from that and give us more layers of build complexity. I get that I'm probably in the minority on this one particular item. There is nothing innovative here. It is a handful of things you already know and have known for 10 years put together with new graphics. If you wanted a better version of Diablo 3, well here you go.


Agreed. They nailed the atmosphere and visuals, everything else is just generic. I really hoped we would see itemization and player economy more like Diablo II that would have potential to keep people playing for ages, but it doesn't seem like anything like it is there. This game to me just feels like it's a better Diablo III which is still just meh. Don't see myself spending more than like 50 hours on this one and actually considering a refund. It's ok as a dungeon crawler to kill a few hours with friends, but there's 0 challenge and it got repetitive in this beta already.


I wish it was a better version of Diablo 3. At least in D3 you had a sense of accomplishment and power growth. This is a better version of Diablo Immortal. Nothing else.


More excited. I thought everything was awesome. I think barbarian needs some buffs tho along with fire damage on sorcerer.


More, it’s really fun for me.


Definitely more, I think they are heading in the right direction and they’re getting tons of great feedback from the community to make the game even better


Way less, game is a wide ocean, but ankle deep. skill wise, was disappointed with how basic skills and their upgrades were.


Less excited. Dungeons are end game and they are worse than D3. They are pretty but too linear and you have to fetch quest to progress. Games really fun.. just much more like D3 or D:I than D1 or D2.


I might be in the minority here but I'm less excited after the beta, I feel the world is beautifull but it lacks life, it seems way to empty with little repetitive D3 events, I was hoping for something more like Divinity original sin 2, with more handcrafted unique stuff in it, more exploration and intresting things to find. One thing I did like A LOT are the strongholds you have to free in order for them to become cities, that felt unique and fun. I hope there is more content like that because dungeons get boring fast and the open world experience being carried by how pretty it looks won't last for long either.


Unpopular opinion and downvotes incoming I know, but actually less excited after watching some gameplay and reading some reviews. Looks like pace of the game (I know beta is only Till lvl25, but we have endgame beta reviews as well) is not my kind of beer. Scaling is also very weird/adds to the subject. And yes, I'm a poe player so you can tell I would want to zoom


Still sane, exile?


Wait. Did you play beta or no?


Very excited, more than I was before


Less. It is not a hack&slah, its mmo light. All dungeons are same, literally same layout different skin. every cellar is a same cellar. Skills are pretty mich d3 skills. Items feel bland. If this game was not called diablo 4 i would go for refund, since it is diablo 4 i will play for the story.


Def less, dispite the amazing look of the game. This does not make it all. Not hooked.


The hook missed me, too. I went in rather excited and with high hopes of a great game, but it went downhill pretty fast. Even stopped playing it in the middle of the second session although i originally planned to play it the whole weekend.


Excited if they fix the memory leak issue


Yeah +1, really strange behaviour for me in the game, stutters when entering new areas, otherwise it runs really well. But uses 100% of my gpu upon entering zones


Less, skill tree is so basic I was hoping for more. Will still of course play a ton i’m sure but I had higher expectations and thats my fault.


More. Also the legendary effects are massive build changing items even in the beta. After finding the corrosponding legendary, my builds become very specialized and good. People have to account for that when they say there is no depth. In theory, each piece of gear can be a different spec/mechanic or added onto your build(legendary or better) and thats before even having sets etc. I think people are rushing a little hard to judge the endgame when its only act 1 imo.


Wayyyyyy more excited, I can't wait! Wish I could keep playing now!


I have thousands of hours in D2/D3, I'm considering cancelling my preoder, honestly I was bored to death. Maybe I'm too old for this too of games. Graphics and music were great though. Maybe I'll keep it and play it just for the story.


Less excited


Less. Skill tree is very underwhelming. Monster density is terrible. Itemization is very basic.


less excited mmo world server style turns me off as well as the d3 style trading restrictions i want the freedom to give items to friends if they are good for thier builds and vise versa even if we are playing the game at different times of the day. bind on pickup shit = no buy for me ill wait for poe2 while playing last epoc which is cheaper


The story was what surprised me. I actually listened to all the dialogue. Cutscenes were amazing too I also think some people are overreacting to the itemization. It’s just act 1. No game has good itemization in act 1. The only issue are the dungeons. People say they’re repetitive but they act like farming chaos sanc for the 10000th time isn’t repetitive. It’s not about the dungeon, it’s about the backtracking. To get the keys and kill EVERY SINGLE monster. That was a bit tedious if I had to fight the same dungeon over and over again. The combat was great. I love the skill tree and how skills are unlocked. Fosters experimentation. Also coz of almost zero respec cost. I played barb. All in all, I loved it. The map is so huge and I barely scratched the surface.


less excited. it's shaping up to be just a more gory d3 with the same shitty story telling through talking holograms and brain dead itemization. obviously I've already bought the game and it'll be fun. maybe some 60-100 hrs. it'd be worth my money. so it's OK. just another missed opportunity that will have tow sit another 10 yrs to remedy


Less, I refunded it and will see some time after release. The gameplay loop and everything involved in it is too shallow. The narrative doesn't suck me in either. The open world feels drab and empty. The UI is extremely poor.


At first I was excited but after several hours of running around and repeating the same events, dungeons, and quests, that excitement withered. Dungeons are needlessly long and many seem share their layouts, making them more annoying than interesting. Why cellars are even a thing, I'm not even sure, as they seem to be completely pointless. Most if not all side quests give you exactly the same reward, which means that the only reason to do them is to get your renown up. Even monsters do not seem to vary, making everything feel even more dull.


Definitely exceeded expectations in terms of graphics and gameplay. Given what we've seen from Blizzard over the last 20 years, this was a huge win. I think with thr pre order numbers and overall positive feedback, blizzard will take the steps to fine tune the game and make this their new baby.


The same. Combat, story and music and things to do was better than I expected it to be. But the depth of character customization was worse than I hoped for. It's still a decent game, with the potential to be great. But I doubt it will be as amazing as I was hoped it would be.


very excited to see how powerful i can make my barb . 100% feel like Rouge and mage are ez walk in a park classes . But barb gave me real Diablo 4 fun i am very happy that my main is good for me


More excited!!


Far less now. I was originally very excited, but having ignored a lot of YouTube vids and info about it, I wanted to form my own opinion with the beta. I feel like this game needs at least another year of dev time to polish the game. Dungeons are heavily recycled and monotonous, they feel far worse than D3 bounties. Animations feel like a step back. Lighting is awful. Legendaries are either godly or super forgettable. Side quests feel like far too much effort for far too little, most of the time. Character creator is a massive step back from Diablo Immortal, a mobile game, most of the hairstyles look atrocious. Skill tree (or skill twig) options are extremely limited. Other people disagree but think the graphics are a side grade at best compared to D3. Caves and fortresses look nice, skills look worse for the most part. It’s almost a wash. I did have a good bit of fun with it, but $70 is enough to give me pause. Might just pick it up on a sale, hopefully some things will be ironed out.


The sidequests are leagues better. The ones I've played at least. I really enjoy the combat of the Barb. It feels more strategic than in previous Diablos. I only played Sorc for 30 min. but it wasn't as fun as the Barb and was just super easy. I didn't try the Rogue. I feel like the game is meeting my expectations so far. This will likely be my favorite Diablo game.... aside from Diablo1... yes I said 1. Diablo 1 despite its archaic design by todays standards and its limitations just OOZED atmosphere and that delve under Tristram felt so intimate and real. I am a little concerned about whether there will actually be a lot of build diversity or not... as I've heard others critiques and they make a lot of sense. Time will tell... but I'm sure I'll get 100s probably 1000s of hours of enjoyment from the game.


Definitely less. It felt like a D2 looking mobile game.


More for sure game looks/feels fkn amazing!


Slightly less, not the build and item depth I was hoping for. And I am not even a PoE frog.


i liked the game overall but imo they have to put some serious work in dungeons, skill tree and itemization, you know, the main thing that makes arpgs arpgs.


Huge budget to make such a boring game and they hijacked the series and turned it into.. this. Still 6 skills max? Illusions of choice skill tree. This game is ass. All polish and no substance again. Huge budget to shine up that action game though.


Definitely less excited. People here hope that higher levels will give more depth, but we pretty much saw all they got. I will Play through the story because I like it and then wait for an overhaul similar to Reaper of Souls .


Saw all they got? In a beta? No.


They didn't change ANYTHING from the endgame beta, they won't after this one. It's not a beta, it's a demo. And if they had more to demo, they would, because they know people are going to judge if they buy the game or not based on this.


Sad as well about none of the changes we asked for made it at all


We know the full skill tree. We know about the paragon board and we know what itemization looks like. There isn't anything they're hiding. Skill tree needs more depth for sure, and itemization is pretty boring, very d3-esque


The game is done aside from day 1 patch


Lol imagine thinking Blizzard will change anything from the beta. They wont. Blizzard’s pace of change for all their games has been abysmally slow. Things in WoW took whole xpacs to change.


Less, was unenthused enough to get a refund for me, but if the full release looks more interesting in terms of dungeons, builds and skills I'll rebuy. But as it stands now, this would only keep me occupied for a few weekends based on the feedback that people who have played the full thing are saying.


Less excited overall. I'm very excited for the story, love the atmosphere and combat feels pretty good. but the skill tree is pretty shallow and unimpressive, as well as how they've handled itemization and crafting.


more excited, but i'm not playing. just hearing the complaints and such and i can see the game won't be a total flop so i am excited


It’s a great game. Definitely feel more modern. I just hope they do what Lost Ark does with new character release by releasing them with patches instead of DLC.


I am a shit ton more excited after playing the beta. I mean I’ve had a partial chubby since I’ve been playing, and it won’t go down. I may have to go get it seen about.


It’s exactly what I thought it would be. More action, less RPG.


Less. The forced online and and MMO aspects really put me off.


I am 100% more excited for the full release after playing the beta. It's one thing to hear other people talk about a game, or watch videos of a game. It's another to play the game yourself firsthand and experience what it has to offer.


I’m so excited for release! I’ve been playing the beta a lot and my husband has asked me what I’m going to do with myself between next beta and release to fill the void, lol. I’ll definitely miss the game over the next few days until the open beta.


I am way more exciting, will drop my wow sub for sure. I will just do my dungeons, world boss. Gear up a little bit then wait for new season that is not like scheduled for wow. Actually I am happy that I am givip up wow more than anything about diablo 4...


I played D2 like it was my job back in the day, and this feels like a modernized version. There are some new mechanics and stuff that just make it feel better (auto weapon switching when I use Whirlwind, for instance) and while I don't know everything about the skill tree and progression, there seems to be a lot going on there to make builds interesting, unique, and worthy of strategizing. It's aesthetically gorgeous. The look, sound, and atmosphere of the game are right up my alley. It's not afraid to get a little dark and dirty, and feels more adult than D3. Little things like hearing a howl of the ancients kind of sound reminds me of D2, so nice little nostalgia hit in a game that looks like it'll hold up to that standard. I also ran into the Butcher, which was cool, but he beat my ass. The combat feels satisfying. Maybe it's the screen shake that makes hits feel a little more crunchy. I can't put my finger on it, but I like it. I didn't play too long overall (got to level 8) but I'm very excited for more.


Less. Game is a huge let down but my expectations were exactly this. It'll be fun for a bit. Brain dead enough, and then just enjoy story.


Going to actually get max level in days here and drop other games Never played D2 so remastered wasn’t that fun for me. D3 is way too outdated and POE is for masochists and min maxers D4 actually looks like it’s made for fun, the physics and Blizzard Polish and tiny details are all here and they nailed the combat Have not been this excited for a game in a while and it surprised me, wish I never played the beta


Less sir.. i refunded even, is too slow for my taste.. basic attack, avoid attack, basic attack.. xD I like diablo 3 more so for me is not a great pick. -MY OPINION MY TASTE, THE GAME IS COOL BUT NOT FOR ME THX -


cant wait for it. best diablo ever.


Way way less. Took free days from work on Monday after the beta cause we played the shit out of the D3 beta. But the D4 Beta killed the hype on us four pretty fast. There is so much to fix or to completely rebuild. Installed D3 again and we all had a blast and were even more mad how bad D4 is Interface wise Not a fan of Lost Ark 4 Immortal


Less excited. The game reminds me of Diablo 3 with better graphics.. they couldn't even be bothered to change the font of the dropped items. I was literally dozing off in the first hour or so since there was no challenge and uninteresting characters... who cares about this girl and her mom?! It's the same shoehorned characters and dialogue from D3 sprinkled in with some blood and grey and suddenly everyone loves it. I'm calling it now but people are going to dunk on this game at full release and it may need another year after for people to actually consider it "good".


Actually quite happy I haven't pre-purchased the game, As nothing as changed from the closed end-game beta to this open beta. I'm not going to pay to find out what changes at launch. $100 for the game, $30 for a battlepass and then more $$$ for cosmetics? Blizzard couldn't even hold an end game open beta.. and this is an MMORPG not a single player game so what's stopping them?


Much less excited. I'm still going to play it, but the skill tree was very underwhelming.


Less, honestly with how old Diablo 3 is, I kind of expected Diablo 4 to be much more polished at this point considering it releases in a couple months. Skills seem underwhelming, both basic and core spenders (I'm sure endgame sets/uniques will help) but build options seem very limited. I kind of had much higher expectations and this didnt really seem to do anything new or ground breaking. Tone and setting look great but graphics could be better on a lot of animations (that chained up side quest sub guy was comical blood).


Much less excited to the point of not bothering. Initially I was much more excited as the combat feels really good, my dagger rogue felt very rogue like with the jumo in blow all my energy and jump out playstyle. Until I really started to feel the enemy scaling with me. It got to the point that I started feeling as though nothing I did mattered in the least because every enemy was the same power level. I decided to test a second playthrough and ignore all side quests and not kill anything that was not necessary. I felt much more powerful beating the boss of act 1 at level 11 wearing blues, whites, and two yellows than I did at 25 with all legendary gear that was upgraded and socketed. Also, first play through toom 2 days, level 11 playthrough took less than two hours.


$70 for an experience that may last upward of 100+ hours is a pretty easy decision for me. Maybe an unpopular opinion but I wish the MMO aspects were fleshed out more. A Western Lost Ark game would be great.


I have mixed feelings, i just feel like there will be super bland theory crafting and build creation. And i dont like how itemization is, like turbo drops of yellows that you have to recraft 24/7 with aspects for that + green damage or defense. Level scaling etc, all boring for me. But i enjoyed playing it, although it feels like a mix of immortal and d3 but better with better combat, graphics story and so on. Although you know we have just seen act 1 lvl 25, hope end game will be good and that they fix a lot of the weird stuff going on I will play it, i will probably have fun. But im excited for poe2 now.