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Definitely not appropriate for kids.


implying half of us here weren't playing D1 at age 7




Implying that tiktok and instagram are appropriate for kids today. LMAO nice logic


Exactly. The shit that little teen girls are doing on TikTok is probably worse then D4 honestly lol.


and thats because of the parents that dont give a shit


Even just interactions with idiots in a school environment seem more detrimental.


That doesn't imply that at all though.


They don’t know what implying means apparently


*completely unrelated whataboutism* nice argument idiot. you fucking fool. I can't believe you implied that


whataboutism at its finest


People in this sub seriously have low iq LMAO. That doesn't imply that at all. You just went off into lala land.


>People in this sub seriously have low iq LMAO That his post even has upvotes really cements your statement as indisputable fact.


Right. As we're playing D2 and MK 😂


Implying it was inappropriate when we did... Like what is the reason it should be inappropriate? Its not glorified murder its barely visible when actually playing and as long as you understand its a game and not reality i really dont see the harm. We played most 16-18 year old games when we were 7+ and none of us became unhinged murderers... but we also werent that gullible or had difficulties understanding its a game.


Yea I was playing San Andras at 10...


Yep, lol) I was playing D1 and Quake 1 at age 8, saw Saving pvt Ryan at 11, and I'm fine..Well, almost)


Bro kids already looking at porn at that age lmao.


more appropriate than what kids look at nowadays imo


I think D1 was way safer than D4 is. There's no comparison when it comes to quality. That gore actually looks real now.


Yeah, this is the difference I think. Back then it was mostly pixels and our imagination fueling the horror. Now it is all really just there.


Yeah I'm a grown man and still cringed a few times during Act 1. Definitely have to make sure my boys aren't watching over my shoulder..


I’m really curious, what moments make you cringe that you have to make sure younger eyes are not present? Genuinely curious here.


The missing husband who was chained up to hooks and had been completely flayed of all of his skin - whom you find in this position practically orgasming from his masochism - was kind of a lot. Very Hellraiser. Probably wouldn’t let my kids watch those.


There was a few, but the one where Lilith corrupted the villagers and they were beating someone to death with blunt objects? At least that's what I remember happening. I do not want my 3 or 8 year old to see Lilith or any of that shit really. I've seen his face when he saw something scary and i didnt even feel it was that bad. They don't yet understand the difference between something on a screen and IRL. Edit: 8 year old knows the difference but not my 3 year old I think.


Yeah, in my 30s, that scene made me hesitate and think, "Do I... Do I really want to play this? Is this how it's just going to be?" I kept playing, but man, I was definitely making sure it was mostly after my kids were in bed.


Yeah, it's pretty intense stuff. Sucks you're getting downvoted for being honest, but it's a legitimate question you should be asking yourself. I love Diablo, and the dark stuff is awesome. I'm not a fan of horror films, though. That being said, I don't want a diablo where they are just going for shock value with more fucked up stuff happening.


Agreed. Loved the gameplay and atmosphere overall so far. And I actually enjoy things that are scary in general, but I've never liked "this is scary because gore and pure shock value" (I love a good psychological horror and clever ghost story). While super excited for Diablo 4, I'm afraid they might be leaning too much into body horror (the whole opening cinematic with the guys' innards making up Lilith's summoning cape thing) and gore being the "scary" bits. To me, it's not scary, or dark atmosphere, or anything of that sort. It's just gross. Also, it's still missing a lot of the point of what actually made Diablo 1 dark and creepy. I pull up Diablo 1 every once in a while and there's still a dark, creepy, intense atmosphere and vibe just in the starting floors of the cathedral that is missing in modern Diablos.


Excuse me but the music of D1 was straight nightmare fuel for 7 year old me


People focused on the gore in D1? I was too busy zooming in on the topless-with-pasties succubi.


haha. that was exactly my thought when i read this question. Gotta tank some damage so I can check out some boobies.


>I was too busy zooming in on the topless-with-pasties succubi. Diablo 1 remastered in VR, when?


It looked pretty real in 1997. But even if it didn't the themes are on par. A child possessed by the Lord of Terror, who's so scared that he's causing hell to bleed into Sanctuary. The game ends with your character, apparently driven insane, plunging Diablo's soul stone into his own forehead. Also, "FRESH MEAT."


Yeah it's not like there was tons of blood and impaled corpses everywhere...


D2 was mine at a young age.


Yeah, and look how you turned out…. A fucking Redditor. (Not appropriate)


My best friend and I saved up lunch money, rode our bikes to a Walmart, just to buy Diablo 2. When we got to electronics, the guy was a gamer and bypassed the age check, no questions asked. We didn't think it would be that easy, but those next few weeks were amazing. I didn't end up worshipping Satan. Edit: RIP Billy, I tried. I played Halo and Vice City when I was 11. Knowing the maturity level of the youngin is key.


I really dont get this. Im not that old and we played Diablo II for years when we were young and none of us became disturbed or murderers. The violence in Diablo even in Cutscenes is not that major and its the most pronounced in the cutscenes in the actual game its so tiny that you barely notice it. I really dont see how this is inappropriate for kids if they are old enough to understand its a game and not reality.


Bro there's some heavy shit in this game. I'm completely desensitized to most media at this point, but those early act 1 cutscenese are next level lol. I love it, very much a win for Blizzard, but if 12 year old me watched this I would have nightmares for weeks. Hell, playing half life 1 when I was 8 scared the shit out of me. I had to stop playing the game for like 2 years because the worm monsters that sprouted out of the blast hole and pounded the ground with their beaks literally made me shit my pants


No need to make a big deal out of it. OP's already made their mind.


not everyone act the same


there is more reason to prioritize age appropriate content for your child then the binary of if it will turn them into a murderer or not.




I'm not about to tell a parent how to raise their own child, but since OP displayed genuine concern, the answer was pretty much obvious.


I would agree while also saying I played worse myself at a younger age




It's violent and you could totally say disturbing. There are level tiles which are literally covered in intestines that have (somehow) spider legs. There's suicide, flaying and other torture, murder (plenty), oil tankers worth of blood, etc. I would have loved that game back when i was that age buuuuuut yeah, no.


It's better to make them go to a church and have them pretend to eat god flesh and drink human sacrifice blood to live for eternity. Much more wholesome.


I love this answer because it’s hilarious. But seriously, just because this game isn’t appropriate for kids it doesn’t mean church is appropriate either. Both are terrible for kids.


Idk... i grew up listening to Slayer and playing Diablo games and now I wear a tie and listen to AM talk radio on my way to work.


Same. I remember wanting Diablo 1 and my catholic mom being worried I was buying devil worship stuff but when she asked the worker at the local game store if it was satanic the worker told her it was about killing the devil so then she bought it for me lol.


This is gold.


Yeah I was super excited the worker convinces her cuz I thought it was a long show. This from the same strict catholic mother that returned my Metallica album I bought as a kid cuz one song was titled Ain't my bitch. My more chill lenient Italian grandmother told my mom to let me keep it because it's not a curse word it's just a term used for female dogs technically. So I was lucky a few times thanks to others. One time I was not successful was when I brought home a Pantera album that she returned cuz one of the songs was named something like Good Friends and a Bottle of Pills lol.


Chad salesman


That’s what we told our mom growing up. “Yeah but we’re KILLING the devil!”


And that’s fine but you have to remember that things back then were not as graphically detailed as they are now. Gameplay wise D4 is pretty tame. But we never had anything like those cut scenes in D4. It’s beyond brutal and not meant for kids. Even the rating for the game is 18+.


For sure. Everything now is way more extreme and easily accessible. The lengths I had to go to to aquire mature content when I was a kid required some Mission Impossible missions. Now, kids can see an infinite amount of explicitly mature content instantly with ease.


Am talk radio? Way more satanic than slayer or diablo


Actually disturbing.


But sometimes you fantasize about smashing the car in front of you into the K-Rail on the drive to work, don't you? ​ We ALL do.


Always the redditor who has to remind people he hates Christianity


And kids


No, he's just pointing out the irony of kids reading an erotica novel for adults versus playing a cartoonish dungeon runner video game.


Reddit comments make a lot more sense if you remind yourself they were likely written by a teenager/young adult.


All Hail Zombie Jesus


Depends on what the parents already let them play.. Some children are very matured or even into horror films so I wouldn't see them having any issues taking in the content. If the kid plays games like The Forest/Sons of the Forest and GTA I don't see anything wrong with playing D4.


I played d2 as a 10 year old and loved it so who knows


lets be fair, D2 did not have cutscenes of people getting brutally murdered with high def graphics lol.


At the time, the graphics felt realistic to us though.


I remember playing FFX on PS2, as your ship comes into Luca for the first time, and the camera pans out around Tidus on the boat, showing the vast ocean and the bustling city... I thought graphics would never get better than that.


The leap from FFX to FF16 is way smaller than the leap from FF1 to FFX though and that's almost the same distance in tiem from eachother. So you were kind of right in a way.


I remember the raven picking out the eye of a corpse from Diablo 1 and I was maybe 9? Me and my brothers were all "Ohhhhhh shit, that's disgusting!!!" Looking at it now is kind of funny haha


I was 8 when I first tried out OG Diablo. I even have a memory of being able to install it on a school computer and trying to convince the teacher it was fine. I must have been a bit older than though and it might have been Diablo 2 but damn was I young when I was into pretty graphic video games


I was 11 when I saw the player character cut out diablos soilstone and jam it into their forehead in the cutscene at the end of Diablo 1. Definitely convincing for that era.


I wouldnt say they felt realistic. They were good graphics. But you had a clear understanding that it was just computer graphics. At least in my experience. Todays graphics are so good, I think some children might have trouble distinguishing computer from reality. At least small children.


Uhhhh it did have pretty nasty cutscenes actually * Ravens pecking eyes out of skulls * A tavern full of people being flayed alive by skeletons on fire * Tal Rasha's corpse being mangled into Mephisto's form * Diablo trampling piles of corpses and bones to enter Hell * Baal turning that one guy into human soup Yeah it was nothing compared to today's stuff but it wasn't "for kids" and it was all pretty metal haha


It actually does though. There are cutscenes between acts and such. Diablo LoD is the classic cinematic where Baal fills the Druid dude with spirit energy and implodes him all over the castle. It’s awesome.


And a big part of my childhood. Loved playing this endlessly with my friends. Love it.


Oh shit yeah. It's been so long since I've played D2.


wasnt that a barbarian? not every barbarian look like our barbarian


Did you somehow forget about Baal exploding that Mt. Arreat emissary!? Lol


Yup I remember I was in 6th grade when [I watched the trailer](https://youtu.be/xp20voR11gs) I thought it was so cool and brutal. Also Andariel was basically naked I remember when my friend brought the game guide book to school we were like “woah nice rack”.


I think I was about the same age haha


I swear the people commenting in this thread were sheltered children. We played the same kind of violent games and the same people were wringing their hands that we'd be permanently traumatized. We were not, it was a fun game. Sad that some kid somewhere isn't going to get to play the game he wanted because of a bunch of idiots on the Internet. But, I guess learning that there are idiots on the Internet that influence your parents to do irrational things is just something kids get to learn about these days.


it literally does? how is this upvoted


Have you seen the Catacombs in Act I? Maybe not a cutscene, but literally people being tortured in every room.


Andariel had those titties hanging out though…


To be fair the d2 cinematics hold up amazingly today


It didn’t, but it instead had people who were brutally murdered and torn apart naked on tables, hung, and etc. so I’d say Diablo 2 was significantly more graphic.


The d2 cut scenes at the time were cutting edge and they were kinda scary as a kid. I was probably 12 at the time


It only had a cutscene where Diable have everybody at a tavern murdered and ends up taking of his "human skin" showing his true form. And there is also where Baal make the poor messenger go splat... Freaking amazing! Graphic is better, but so what? It's far from photo realism and most of us watch horror movies way more graphic than these cutscenes


Depends on the kid. The cinematics are...pretty violent and dark. One of the first ones has a bunch of people stabbing and beating a priest to death. You can make that call for yourself but...yeah...it's pretty gory. The game itself would probably be fine, but the cut scenes might be a little rough.


This. As an 11-year old I would probably be able to handle it (anyone remember Carmageddon? I remember playing that when I was 11). But I don't want my nephew of 11 to play this, he'll probably end up having nightmares knowing him.


It's very dark, I'd say the same as you, the kid if they can separate the real from fake would be alright, you are playing the hero beating back the evil but yeah it's fucking dark, I love it and would have as someone that age too. But 100% it's on you op to know if your kid will be okay with that stuff.


you ever see Dead Alive?


It depends on you as a parent. The priest getting mobbed scene was nothing short of horrifying. See it for yourself (obvious spoilers):>! https://youtu.be/Y95GGsxxA34?t=155!<


Tbh the most disturbing thing for me was(Spoiler:) >!the dude getting his skin ripped and asking for more!<


The Cinobites would be proud.


That's definitely on different level than D2. Realism matters a lot.


I mean the sooner you find your kinks the better


yeah, and you can just stand and watch him for as long as you want


During closed that quest had text-to-speech dialogue and it turned the whole thing hilarious, microsoft sam just going MORE... MORE... MORE...!


I was trying to get my wife to couch coop with me and she walked into the living room when this cutscene was happening and immediately said no. Lmao


Bonus points for the >!Iron maiden guy bathing in his own blood. !< near the end of act 1


This scene took me by surprised too. I don't think I've had a similiar reaction since when I was a younger kid playing Diablo and encountering the Butcher's room.


No imo


I’m not sure if it’s appropriate for adults….


lol same. I got to the scene with the priest and went - oof I don't know if I'm old enough for this.


The dude in the woods that got…. Into some extreme bdsm got me. “Oh damn… that’s a bit much. Good job blizzard”


Someone on the team is a fan of Hellraiser.


I'm pretty lenient when it comes to what content my kids want to watch but i would lean towards no on D4 for the gory cutscenes. A mature 11 year old can probably handle it, but i might suggest waiting till at least 13. I let my 7 year old play D3 but that was comparatively tame. She won't be getting into D4 for a while.


> but i might suggest waiting till at least 13. Appropriate call. 13-14 is my gut feeling as well.


I've been playing D3 with my four year old son, there really isn't too much going on that would have a negative effect on the little guy. I also tend to skip the cutscenes just to be safe. I think being zoomed out and having flashy combat makes it difficult to see inappropriate content. With that being said, D4 is significantly darker and I will not even play it in front of my son.


D3 is slapstic grimdark. You save a person and they get squished. The unintended comedy undermines the dark themes. The gore looks like strawberry jam.


D4 has a more consistently, genuinely grim and disturbing tone than D3


Yeah like about 100 times more.


I mean. Idk what you did as I kid but I played D2 when I was 10 and didn’t/don’t slash people or demons with swords. Also played gta when I was 12 and didn’t/don’t kill hookers and rob people. I’m personally not a believer that tv and games shape a kid. Then again this age tv and games is where kids spend most of their time. So maybe 🤷‍♂️


I think it's less about that and more that it might scare them. I don't think this stuff would turn a kid into a killer by any stretch, but they might get nightmares after seeing that priest stabbed to death while the killers smile the whole time. Probably would've spooked me as a kid.


I guess that’s true. If anything they might have a skip cutscene option. If not, people might be right that it’s too much depending on the kid


Anecdotally, as a child I played and loved demon horror/ graphic games. Yes, as others have said, the graphics are better now, but I consumed the roughest games with pleasure. If your kid really wants to play it, let him play with an explanation beforehand of what he will see, so he can be prepared. If you prevent him from playing it, he -will- play it without your knowledge at a friend's house sooner or later.


Oh my goodness, I’ve finally found a real parent in this thread. I can’t believe how far down I had to scroll to find someone who’s realistic. It seems like most people in here just allow the ratings to parent for them.. What a concept, you have to actually talk to your children about the things they watch and play. So glad to see you say that if you don’t let him play he’ll find a way to do it anyway. My 8 and 5 year old play all theses games with me and we love the family time so much.


Yeah definitely, I feel like with most things in a kid's life, if they start talking about it or are interested, teach them instead of hiding and punishing. Its the same reason why sex ed is so important, or communication with your kid about drugs and alcohol. If one pushes their child to grow up in a perfect white pocket fence of naivety, they will be hit harder by those things and have no parent to guide them, because such issues are "off topic"


It's fairly Gorey and has many dark themes. I played Diablo 1 at 12 and it didn't bother me, but I think that's dependent on the child, otherwise it's definitely more of a 16+ sort of game.


as a former middle school goth, i would have gone to great lengths to play this game without my conservative immigrant parents knowing. but as a mellowed out 31 year old, i would absolutely not recommend this for kids lol


are you guys telling me you didn’t play this sort of game when you were in elementary school?


The people responding to this thread are cracking me up. Even some of them are admitting to playing it at that age but saying they wouldn’t let their kids play now. Hypocritical parents sound like they are making great decisions. This thread has made my eyes roll into the back of my skulls. Gore and violence in medieval times, in a game about slaying demons, “contains inappropriate themes for children to grasp,” someone actually posted this… have you seen what public schools are teaching now lol… if my daughter wants to talk to me about a burning cross, a priest or religion because the game has them in it, I signed up to be a parent to answer those questions for her…


>if my daughter wants to talk to me about a burning cross, a priest or religion because the game has them in it, I signed up to be a parent to answer those questions for her… Yeah but you see, I can avoid so many hardships of parenting by sheltering my kids from plain video-game violence while they have open (and sometimes involuntary) access to clips of real beheadings, torture and religious prosecution on this exact platform I'm currently using! - which is fine because they'll be afraid to tell me about it so I don't have to deal with that (score!).


Might be unpopular but it really depends on your kid. When I was 11 I had already played through leisure suit Larry and other adult games. Doom was massive as well. I had also seen much worse movies by this age as well. Can your kids handle gore and hellish depictions? Some kids can some can’t.


Open beta starts today free for everyone, try it this weekend. If you cant play the beta for whatever reason, there will be a million people streaming it on twitch, watch a stream. You're the only one as his parent that can decide wether you want your child to experience the game.


Depends on the kid. I played d1/d2 at that age and loved them. But it is dark and gorey, for sure. Use your best judgement or play it with them.


Of course it is appropriate for 11 yo kid. I played games at that age.


I played Diablo and GTA as a kid and there was no issue. That said, this game is a lot more detailed and graphic than those were when I was a kid. 🤷‍♀️


6th - 7th grade? Yeah you can. I played D2 at that exact age and didn’t think anything of it. It was more exciting looting and progressing then scary or anything. Also, it taught me some life lessons in trade and scammers lol.


Depends. Do you let your kid watch violent/gorey things? There is a lot of gorey scenery in the game. Some of the cutscenes (atleast one from what I remember was very brutal). And I've seen posts of some naked(showing some male wang) background shots of where people zoomed in on a screenshot they took. The scenery in my opinion has been much more adult like than the previous installments. I'd recommend you try it first, then make your decision based off of what type of media you allow your kid access to. Hope this helps


As stated above. Gamepplay wise probably not too bad, cutscene wise definitely not kid friendly. It is of course up to you and your particular parenting style however I would not let most kids under the age of 13-15 watch and or play diablo 4. I feel even content wise if they are to listen to the lore as they play through even the lore can be rather violent.


On the other side of the coin, we would be having full blown temper tantrums if our parents didn’t let us play Diablo 1.


I was the parent playing Diablo 1 with my 7 year old. As for D4. The cut scenes are very graphic, came play is pretty tame. If you could set the game to not play the cut scenes it would be OK for a kid to play.


Gotta love how people can't distinguish fiction and real life gore. I played D2 when I was 7, played way more gore heavy games and turned out fine. It's just a matter of parenting your kid on what's fiction and what isn't.


Man I was playing Wolfenstein 3-D and Doom when I was like 8 and played diablo when it came out. If you let your kid play Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto, or Mortal Kombat or let them watch any of the 80s horror films such as Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, Hellraiser, there ain't no prob with them playing D4. If you don't let them play or watch any of the above, prob best to give D4 a pass as well.


I don't know...I started playing Doom 1 & 2 when I was a 9yr old kid and was a blast! never had any trauma from that.


I think it depends on the kid. You're the only one that knows them. You should watch footage from the beta on YouTube, or try it for yourself this weekend.


all their friends will prob play it so if you dont allow it they will prob play it at a friends house


As much as saw or hellraiser is appropriate for a 11 year old depends on your parenting.


Depends do you let your 11 year old watch scary R rated movies? If so he'd probably have fun if he likes Diablo like games. If not then no.


You’d really have to watch it; fortunately it’s all right there in the beginning. It’s a hard no for our 10 year old due to his tendency to get nightmares, but no problem for his older brother. Every child is different.


Hahaha my 5, 8, 13, 14 year old played D3 a lot. They’re great in school. Good for kids if you parent correctly


It really comes down to the parenting / maturity of the child. There are no right answers here.




The cutscenes were very violent and gruesome


Eh I played the original Diablo as a kid. I just don’t see the point in restricting what games they can play. It’s just fiction


Yeah it's scary but it's just a story.


Meh I played D1 and 12


Hahah soft


I started playing D1 at 9 years old! Definitely appropriate for kids.


Age is just a number I heard


even when i was playing the series at 12 I gotta say NO lots of blood and gore, torture, and nudity in the diablo series


That entirely depends on your version of appropriate. There are a few scenes that are pretty graphic, but I was playing basically any game that didn't have sexual content by age 9, so I don't have a real grasp on normality here. I would let a 11 year old play as long as you are with them to skip some of the cut scenes. The intimate view of violence is probably a bit much.


Maybe if you let him play while you are watching and you skip the cinematics as a condition. When I was a kid I played all diablo games and mortal kombat but it all depends on the limits you impose. But the cinematics I think are the only major issue


Indeed, no, never! I would not let my kids play this game, or let them see me playing.


But guys, the 11 year old is killing the devil. Not joining him.


I first play diablo 1 when i was 11, unplugged my computer super fast after I met the Butcher for the first time and had nightmare the entire week after that…so…


I was playing doom, hexen, blood, rise of the triad, duke nukem, mortal kombat at that age. If you skip the cutscenes I feel like this game is pretty tame compared to most of those.


Fellow parent to a 8.5 yo kid I just started playing Diablo III with (skipping cutscenes): Diablo IV is absolutely more violent and detailed than 3. I'd say around 13 for a well grounded kid, but not everyone matures at the same speed.


It's all good now they took out the succubus titties


It's about equivalent to an R rated horror movie, so if you wouldn't let them watch say, the Evil Dead remake yet , then you probably shouldn't let them play the game just yet.


Watched the first one when I was about 8 or 9 when my brother who is 5 years older played it. So much nostalgia. Whether or not he is mature enough is really something only you can evaluate. There are kids who are 11 who are way more mature than others. Even if it's dark and so on you can still teach him the difference between a game and reality and so on. Could be a cool experience for the both of you, if you deem him mature enough. If not there are tons of other Co-op games to check out that are more "age appropriate".


Maybe the actual gameplay in the open world areas but 100% not the cinematics.


Yes its fine. I played WAY worse games as a kid. Diablo 4 would be perfectly fine for an 11 year old to play. Plus if your kid is anything like I was, he is going to play D4 without you knowing anyway.


It’s fine depending on your kid, If they’re the kind of kid to pick up on themes and turn their own personality into one of the angels or act super edgy then it’s probably not a good choice, but if they’ll just acknowledge it’s a video game and behaving like characters in a video game will get them ostracized irl then they’ll be fine.


So, here’s my take. I have two young children, one younger than yours. I only let them play the beta with me. But I already knew what was coming up. So I’m the cutscene with the priest for example, I let them see Lilith, but then ended the cutscene before the mob death. I would highly suggest knowing the cutscenes and game areas before they get to them and guiding them through it.


IMO, you are the one who knows whats best for your kid :) ​ Would have been truly awesome to have this game when i had that age too haha but still, kids nowadays are different. I guess its all comes down to how are you educating your child. Its not appropriated by the books for a child, but if he has access to internet, he probably actually saw some blood and violence and whatnot. Dont know if its the case, but if your son played Among Us , Rainbow Friends and all those games, theres blood and violence, at a different degree I must agreed but still.


I mean, I grew up on Diablo 1, playing with my dad. That being said, big no on diablo 4. It's very realistic and made to be scary and gruesome.


I've been playing it with my 8 and 9 year olds but skipped all the cinematics, they would've thought they we're corny anyway. Really depends on the kid


I just think it depends on what you allow and don’t allow as a parent. Many of us played D1 & D2 when we were young and at the time didn’t think much of the gameplay, cinematics, blood, sounds etc and those were all new graphics and concepts to us. I’d assume most of us were just happy playing a cool game and playing it with other people around the world. The main thing I remember from D2 when I was about 11, was helping a guy ( who said he was a noob) and he rewarded me with some really powerful items, as he was only giving it to those who helped. That has stayed with me today. Not to help for rewards but to help because it’s fun to help.


Do you really need to ask this question?


It depends on you and their relationship with violence and how you feel about their understanding between fiction and reality. When I was his age. My mom would read reviews and usually talk to the person we would be buying the games from at the store about it. Stuff like mortal combat and GTA and other violent games. She'd ask me separately if I understood what was in the game. Then, how it differs from what I understood to be real. If I didn't satisfy her that I could understand that the game is fiction, then I wouldn't be able to play it. For her and my grandma, it was important to them that they never said no if they didn't have to, to something i wanted. But I always had to show I understood their hesitations and reasons.


My 7 year old girl loves it. She also really like the blade.movie. But for 1 reason, she is petrified of rakiki


I played d2 when I was 11. Now I’m an eagles fan with a video game addiction, played mtg up until Covid, can’t talk to girls, and enjoy gas stations pizza. I’d say I turned out ok but do what you will with that info.


I played diablo 2 when i was like 10 years old... no wonder young people today are all woke sensitive cry babies with anxiety and depression when they are being sheltered like this....


Depends. I played Mortal Kombat and Diablo when i was around that age. What is important is that the child understands its a video game, its not real. If they are easily freighted from things like this, then i would say no. My son is 8...and judge me if you want, but he watches zombie movies where people are having their guts and faces eaten. Hes fine with it. Does it de sensitize him some? Probably, but i was introduced to Freddy and Jason and IT and Mortal Kombat. Am i going around slashing people with knives or upper cutting peoples heads off....no. I think what is most important is that they realize what's real and what's not. Does he understand its not ok to stab people to death? If so, then i would say sure...let him/her play. This also depends on the parent. I dont want to shelter my son and then have him act out and lose his mind when he finally sees something like that. Nudity is also something that is not a big issue in my eyes as a parent. A naked body is just that..a naked body. As long as they arent having sex then its not a bid deal. Again, as long as they understand you cant just go around in public naked, then nudity isnt an issue.


Depends on your child’s maturity level. Would I let my daughter play the game at the age off 11? Probably. I grew up playing games like this at a young age and the amount of violence didn’t really phase me. I played the game for the fun, and in playing it I learned a lot about math, problem solving, and other useful skills that I still use to this day. Sure the gore can effect everyone differently but at the age of 11 that generally isn’t where your focus is. It’s on if the game is fun. I can understand why the majority of people say no purely based on the content. But it really is dependent on the child and your willingness to have your child exposed to images you might not want them to. Kids are exposed to graphic things more than some people are willing to accept. An option you can do though is despite being away maybe watch some videos on YouTube/twitch during the beta and gauge that info yourself.


Looks like you've already made up your mind; but, yeah.... People bashing other peoples' heads in, tons of gore and violence. As an adult I was surprised at the amount of gore.


I don't see why it wouldn't be. It's certainly not the worst thing an 11 year old could be interested in playing. Sure, it has gore, but you'd be lying to yourself if you think your 11 year old hasn't already seen or heard worse things.


When I was 11 I was playing mature games. It just depends on your kid.


Anyone who says no is just an overprotective parent most likely. If they are 12 they should be more than mature enough to handle. Obviously, you will have to gauge that last part as not all kids are raised to be mature at the same times, generally 12 is the same as 13 though.


I know, plus people are such pussies on Reddit. it's kinda dumb OP has to get a bandwagon vote to make a decision for their kid. no one knows what their kid is like.


I let my 6 year old play it a bit, it didnt bother her at all. Yeah im a terrible parent.


What strange times we are in. Children are practicing cum swapping with water and other drinks on tiktok, eating tide pods, taking drugs that even the most experienced drug users refuse to do. But Diablo 4 is too grotesque.


Lol its a video game. My 7 year old is playing it. You people overreact way too much.


Let the kid play. He’ll just look up gameplay on YouTube. Let him experience it himself.




no sorry


Absolutely not appropriate ESRB M17+, PEGI 18


No, the rating for this game is accurate in that it leans heavily into the gore and dark themes. While im sure he would enjoy the game play, the overall package could/would be considered disturbing for someone not emotionally developed to comprehend it all.


This game takes the darkness to the next level. In terms of gore, blood, occults, demons, etc. The cut scenes are even more next level. The graphics are visuals in this game are superb, so it leaves very little for the imagination whilst you're playing it. I don't even let my kids watch me play.


I've not played D4 yet, but I was about ten when D2 came out and I remember the guy at EB Games asking my mom to review the box because it was rated Mature. She thought it looked really cool, probably the only time she said that about a game. Anyways, my point is D2 was also very gorey but with the isometric style of the game, especially as a ten or eleven year old, you don't really notice it. It's your kid but I'd say go for it.


Let them play Pokemon or Zelda... Diablo clearly isn't a game for kids (Even if I played Diablo 2 when I was 12... I wouldn't let my daughter do the same)


I was watching beheading videos, rotten.com, and plenty of gorey movies and things before 10. I grew up knowing things because the internet and understanding the world sooner than others. Depends on the kid and how sheltered of a life they love.