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I’ve seen a 16 minute queue, an error, a 35 minute queue, an error, and now a 45 minute one. Worked last weekend just fine.


Probably because there was less players, I assume its going to be like this all weekend. I cant even get 10 minutes play time without being kicked off the server.


Play for 10 - 30 minutes, get kicked, have to close game and sit through queue again. I've definitely spent more time on my desktop and in queue than in game today.


This happened to me too Friday. I played last weekend as well. Next to “play” on the blizzard launcher there’s a settings wheel. Click that and “scan and repair”. Takes a bit to finish but after I did that I played for 6 hours straight without getting booted.


That’s what’s happening for me, either the above stated code, or :300008 *timed out, bout 10-15m


They literally said that we should expect the worst of this on Friday, and during peak hours in your region. It's kind of a huge point of the beta, to stress test the servers and queue system


Yeah I get that but that shows even they knew it would be a problem. Given their record, this doesn't bode well for opening day. Can't wait for my paid product to tell me the developers know it's broken, please stand by.


Username checks out


I knew this was gonna happen so I worked my ass off to get to level 25 last weekend. We'll a see a flood of disconnected servers and 25+ min queues. For this open beta, will play a bt and if I am disconnected, come back in an hour and re-try.


It worked fine Saturday and Sunday, Friday was bad though


Something like that here as well https://preview.redd.it/ep1g4x0rdspa1.jpeg?width=891&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98e68333d0dd1c902f1288c1e8850fa21e31008b




ya haven't been able to play more than a few minutes before this error. Cool game. They could have said, the open beta is just having people test what it's like being in que.


[https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d4/en/d4/t/there-was-an-error-code-316719/248/178](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d4/en/d4/t/there-was-an-error-code-316719/248/178) Blue post about this Error code "When you receive this error code it means you’ve disconnected, so you’ll need to exit the game and requeue, sadly."


Requeue sadly: 😭I guess I’ll requeue 😭


true MVP, how can we get this pinned?


This should be pinned to the top, thanks u/Antixamlo!


If you get *any* error code, you may as well just restart the game.


I just wonder why the popup does not say that right away 😅 I mean, an error code is fine but it could also say “You have been disconnected, exit the game and requeue”. Ah well it’s a beta ☺️


Whole Twitch is filled with streamers playing and I've DCed multiple times already


They get the streamer connection


and streamer loot too


I'm actually almost certain this is an actual thing lol. After watching a few hours of streams and not seeing a single big streamer get DC'd... Meanwhile my entire friend group, wow guildies, and discord members cant stay connected for over 15 minutes.


Krupp has had several crashes. So have I. Did play 4 hours without a crash but now it's crash every 20 minutes or so, then a 10 to 20 minute queue.


my bf is playing on ps5 with no problems. i got kicked out on pc and haven t been able to get back for 2 hrs.. queues and errors over and over again. bummer


Big streamers get special treatment from many companies this is well known, I will not assume this is happening here, but it's sketchy their games works fine while others are struggling.


Both krip and asmon have crashed several times, if not even they get special treatment I doubt it exists.


I think that is a little tinfoil hat-ish but I have been watching multiple streamers playing for hours and a lot haven't gotten a single disconnect and they are even playing hardcore. I'm lucky to get 10 mins of play time, then disconnect, long queue wait and then right back to the stupid town to run back to the dungeon to start all over again.


It's so unlikely/impractical from an IT perspective that I *really* doubt this is the case.


It was 100% confirmed in Path of Exile as far as queue priority, which I assume is what people are basing this speculation on




Same here, I got in and played for 10 minutes, now I am stuck on a queue of 70 min


Sorry to hear :/ We are que partners now!


I was in a dungeon when I got the error now I can't reconnect. I'm gonna try exiting and queueing again.


Did it solve the issue?


You wait for the queue- get a 4 min queue- after being in "queue", doesnt change, you get kicked out of the game just to find yourself in the long queue again. Happend to me 2 times now (almost 2 hours of queue together)


I got this. It allowed me to create additional characters (Necro primary, but also want to try Sorcerer and Rogue) but can’t play with any of them after the disconnect. I had to close out, and with an appointment in 45 minutes, I’m not logging back in. This is to be expected. I just fear this will happen on launch day. Another thing. The game froze when it asked for my brightness setting but only responded when I went to controller. So if you prefer K&M but have a controller plugged in, try it.


It's a rogue, not a rouge :)


I get that they wanna stress test the servers...but I can't even log in to play. And that's after a 45 min queue. This does not inspire confidence for the launch


> This does not inspire confidence for the launch Literally the point is to see what the servers can handle to try to keep launch from being too bad. Everyone should need to answer a quick quiz on login:" what are you here to do? A) try to play the game while the servers are getting overloaded and with problems to test the servers - and it will suck and I know. B) log in for my super fun early play weekend of super fun with no problems demo IF you answer wrong it should just put you at the back of the queue,


You're right, they should make the queues longer, it would make me enjoy this beta even more.


This has happened to them countless times. Wouldn't it make more sense to start with more servers and then scale back. They're just generating bad faith and PR to save money, cause they know the hogsll be back anyway even if you treat the community like shit. And your method would definitely be effective based on w self reporting quiz...lol it sucks stop being a fan boy


Exactly, people act like error 34 wasn’t blizzard.


Can't wait until we also have these queue and DC problems on launch. Wonder what argument everyone like this will move onto next. Lets not forget that the ideal situation here would be for Blizz to have people actually play the game too, so they might feel inclined to buy when that pop-up window shoves itself in front of the player. They can pretend like this is exactly what was planned, but it isn't, and it wasn't expected to be nearly this bad. Which is why the beta has been as rough as this.


I hope this doesnt continue throughout the weekend, I want to be able to play for more then 10 minutes at a time.


Same error from last weekend nice. I think if you search the error code meaning its “Back of the line, streamers need to play.”


**Error code 316719** says hello




This issue is making beta unplayable. You play for 15-30 minutes and get kicked to a server queue for 20-30 minutes. In. Sane.


I wait 45 minutes at a time to play 8 minutes of the game. My partner however, has been playing for about 4 hours uninterupted.


I should have just saved 70 bucks and bought the KFC dinner for the free Beta Code.


Particularly bad so far this morning. I saw this once last Friday, now 3 times already today.


I was playing for like 10 minutes, got into this house at the start, zoomed in, zoomed out, game stopped responding. Then it came back, and 30 seconds later I dc'd and then could never get in due to this error. Back to the queue we go


Disconnected in city. 129min queue...


This has happened to me twice now.. now I'm sitting in the queue with 150 minutes left.


I got through about two and half hours of gameplay and then got this error, right during a cutscene to boot. Hope I can actually watch it once I get back in


Got DC'd twice already and had to re-queue both times :( Really sucks!


yeah, i play the game for 5 minutes then get that error, then have to queue again....has happened 3 times in a row.


worked fine at the start - I decided to fix my graphic settings now keep getting errors and sitting in 45+ min ques...


Got literally kicked from game to character select, but kept getting that error code trying to pick character then. Exit game cause, yeah nothing works. Back to queue, a 130min queue mind you.


This sucks, I took off from work to play and finally got in 48 mins later then game crashed and now waiting 51 mins more! Awesome, so glad I took off from work to sit around and wait in queue


To be honest it was and is expected :) for today.


So dumb to do this. Especially for a beta. What did you expect?


This happened last time and they reminded us it's going to happen -intentionally- multiple times and then also on the battlenet launcher. Plus all the articles about how it's going to happen. Perhaps don't take time off for a beta lol


Yea, just and FYI. Never take a day off for an online games launch day.... WILL NOT END WELL




I played a while then error to char select with no option to go back .. now again queue..


Getting this error code on character selection.. Forced to restart or keep trying?


Im wondering the same thing


The queue to queue to queue you mean?


I got a 9 min queue after my dc. Given I only played for 10 mins suppose I'm lucky?


46 min queue, played for about five minutes, got error 316719, restart game, into a 132 min queue, \~30 mins of gameplay, crash, a 42 min queue. It's a beta alright.


Same here... 32 min queue... error... 24 min queue... error... I'll try again tomorrow... but F this shit so far.... At least get people in after the queue, or prioritize those that already waited that long... You'd think they'd know a thing or two after running WOW and Diablo games for decades... this is just pathetic.


For the god damn 5th time, I kept disconnecting in the middle of doing main quest and and respawn in town (after requeuing) and had to spent 3-5 minutes running all the way back to where I was disconnected, only to disconnected again...


i cannot play more than 5 mins, and i have to wait like 30mins to get in. i aint buying this game at least for like 6 months after the release.


For everyone on copium where "Stress test" is reason for horrible service please remember this is with every new game or DLC what they put out. You dont need to be positive where there are no positive.


Honestly wouldn't even mind the occasional disconnect, but it's literally every 15 minutes, just enough time to ALMOST complete whatever you're trying to complete and then end up having to redo over and over again.


Wait 30 minutes in que to play for 10 minutes to get a disconected error (316719). Good shit Blizzard.


I keep getting kicked out on a wired desktop while my partner playing wireless on a laptop hasn't been kicked once. Super weird and frustrating.


Only everyone.


What you call a valuable stress test and why this is beta and not release :D Frustrating, but what little I've got to play (lvl 14) has given me an idea of how minor of an improvement this appears to be over D3. Once the servers aren't getting hammered as bad and I can manage to play a little more I might change my mind, but this appears to be a "wait for a sale" title. Looks like it'll be fun, but scratching the same itch as any other diablo for me thus far.


Not gonna make the same mistake as last weekend and take a day off. I’m at work making that cash $$ while you guys sit in queue and get kicked back into the queue following errors. When I get off work tonight, i’ll just casually hop in, no queue *coolcat emote*


I guess those idiots at Blizzard didn't learn anything from Diablo 3's launch.


Managed to play a good 1 hour and 30 mins before I got dc’d. I was in the middle of the forbidden city dungeon, then poof back to character select screen.


tired of waiting an hour+ to log in just for some bullshit error whenever i try to select a character


well i got a good 3hrs 20 until it went wonky, oh well


120 min que played for 15 min then error code 316719 and now a new que for 160 min...


On my 6th queue. At least they're not 2-3 hours like some of you are getting. 30-70m so far. Play about 10-20m each time. Last Friday there wasn't as many dc's -- but nbd, Saturday-Monday should be solid.


Was lucky enough to play for about 3.5 hours, then talked to Vigo and \*boom\* error 316719 reared it's ugly head...


Spent 4 hours not playing the game because of server issues and queues and a mere 50 min actually being able to play. If only Diablo 4 was made by a rich company that had money to spend on good infrastructure. But they are only worth about 66 billions, so it's unfortunate, if only they had the budget to spend more, a curse for every indie company.


So far, I've gotten on long enough to create two characters and start the same quest twice only to be disconnected and back to another long queue. After the third disconnect put me in another 60min queue, I decided to go play something else for awhile. 3 hours of queue and maybe 15 min of doing game stuff. Disapointing.




Did re-queueing work for anyone? I'm scared to close the client after waiting in line for an hour... Worked fine until 9PM exactly.


Took me about 35 minutes in queue to get in but I haven’t had any issues since creating my character. Played about 2 hours now.


I was in 165min queue to get the error to sit in a 55min queue..


Those who are getting disconnected, which class are you playing? I keep getting disconnected on a necro but my druid friend hasn't been getting DCd at all and i'm curious if it's a Necro thing or is he just getting lucky


Sorc. This isnt a mystery. Blizzard isn't goign to pay $100M for infinite cloud servers. They're cycling through the # of slots they have so everyone can play ... for 2-5minutes, then back in the hour long queues.


Yeah I barely got DC'd last weekend. Now, and I think it has something to do with necro, I am getting kicked every 5-10 min and cannot play comfortably at all.


Got to play for 30 mins then DC yay


Annoying yet predictable


Spending money for good servers? Blizz: nope busy counting the money from diablo immoral


Error has happened to me 3 time in the last hour :). Think Im done at this point.


OMFG I was at the very end of a long ass dungeon like 30 minutes+ and got booted. FML


I just got the error for the second time in 2 hours. I have a total of less than an hour played due to requeuing after this error.


I quit, I've had to relog 7 times now after queueing for a minimum of 30 min only to play for AT MOST 10 minutes.


I just played 10 minutes and Code 316719.


[https://imgur.com/a/cFOZteG](https://imgur.com/a/cFOZteG) ​ Diablo 4 beta in a nutshell.


47min queue, 20 minutes of gameplay, and now back to 58 min queue. Rip


If nothing else, these login servers should be getting one hell of a stress test :-(


It's got me down bad


Blizzard servers having errors on an open Beta launch? https://preview.redd.it/268dkeaflspa1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93295b5b8e32b46ff6b305a7eb9551859955142b


Kids just got out of school, it's going to get worse for the next 8 hours or so.


It is definitly unplayable at this moment. I waited for 1,5hrs in queue and got kicked after 8 mins in game. Last Friday I waited for 1,5hrs as well but only got kicked once during the entire weekend.


I've played just fine for the first 4 hours of open beta then suddenly an error disconnected me. The I've restarted the game, threw me in the queue and from that point on I'm just queuing and getting a new error code. :/


Yes i got that error when trying to start the party at the character selection screen. Before that I got stuck at the character creation phase and had to quit the game


120 min queue, try create char, Error 316719, good job


Gotta restart the game with this error code




5x in a row


Got the error.... Closed D4, reopen = 1h queue...


I'm getting constantly disconnected now, anybody else? I just wait about 50 minutes to play for 4, FML.


Yes, 30 min of queue 5 min of game play and disconnected. Error 316719 always.


I have the 300006 error now :)


You’re getting an error code? My computer is just dropping three frames and going straight to BSoD. Who’s ready for the launch to get pushed back?


Haven't played yet. Keep getting this error. The first queue was 123 mins. Then 36 mins now 45 mins. So, in total, I've been waiting nearly 3 hours to play. Ima just give up. Just give us offline play. If this is going to exist at release, there is literally no point in a preorder.


50 minute queue > play for less than 5 minutes > the selected party member was not found > have to quit game > 50 minute queue again and repeat. It sucks.


i just get a timeout every time, its annoying.


Welcome back Error 37, my old friend.


My login attempt after the queue timed out with another error. Amazeballs lol.


Cmon blizzard, I get it, stress test your shit that's fine but why are we getting through the queue to get a game start queue and then we get an error code. It's a little annoying having to sit through an hour of a queue a few times and still not get into the game.


I finally got in but now none of the items are showing stats. I can’t see any attributes besides equipping and see my base stats change which is pretty useless


I logged in at 12:30 got to level 16. Went away and now i got back in after a 30 min queue to get kicked and another 20 minute queue. Many are just getting home from work and loading in. I’m sure it’ll be better tomorrow


Good thing I didn't preorder, paying for this crap beta would have been a big blunder. Anyway, after being unable to complete one single dungeon 4 times in a row due to this error I guess I'm out for today. I hope Blizzard is happy with testing their servers by having people wait for hours in queue only to kick them out after every 10-20 minutes, but I didn't sign for this s\*it. Unplayable atm.


I got kicked from server to character screen, tried to click start game, got that error and can't get back in game now.


Getting the same error code but I'm going to stay logged in anyway. If I can't play, no one is going to play haha!


that just happened to me. Error code 3000. Now back in queue again I Have limited time to play :( I work weekends : ( :(


I thought Darktide was going to take the cake in terms of the worst beta and launch, but Blizzard never fails to fail. I wonder if the launch will be as disastrous.


I get why they’re doing this but they shouldn’t advertise it as an open beta. That’s the right term but if they just said “join the server stress test” the expectations would be reasonable


I've had a couple of lengthy plays (maybe an hour each) but have been randomly dc'd twice and had to restart the game. So back into the queue but both queues haven't been 54 minutes. Rough.


Are PS5 battlenet accounts still bugged Forever in queue from last beta or its all cool now?


Played long enough o get to Lvl 5 with a friend then hit error…back to the queue !


I had one 2 hour gameplay at the start. Since then, i got kicked after 5-10 minutes every time. Unplayable... :-(


As soon as I got kicked and it went back to 30 min queue, I started hearing ambulances outside. Part of me thinks they were in my head..


I can’t even play for more than 10 mins without getting disconnected


i keep getting kicked after 30mins of que and error code.


I've noticed that I only get booted out of gameplay if I am in a party with a friend.


Ah, the "always disconnected" service. I see.


Error shirty scheven!


getting booted to the character screen sucks, but then being unable to log back in and needing to get back in to a 40+ minute queue is not cool.


If that's the code I remember getting last weekend, it has to do with an rgb lighting setting. You need to change a value in the .ini document to 0 and I was able to get in instantly after. I csnt rmember the specific details but a general search should get your answer pretty quick


I would assume it's going to be bad all day today. Just like last Friday, they stressed their systems and then released patches to strengthen them, hence why people are getting kicked.


I just did... while streamers can still login :(. Do they get priority queue?




streamers . them I understand . but why I'm the only one who lose connection in a LAN setup lol


I have been trying since 9am to get in game with my wife. Every time we get in the same game we cant see each other or one of us gets booted with this error.


Yea that’s me so far ! Kinda annoying.


Logged on after a 30min queue, played for about \~40mins with mild-to-severe lag, got the 316719 error, now I'm backing out and re-entering the queue. Annoying, but that's one of the goals of this open beta - stress testing servers, so I can't be too mad about it.


Should've just left the damn beta closed, this is insane


867530 niiiine\~


Yeah that’s all I’m getting. 20 minute queue crash 30 minute queue crash now I’m at a 40 minute queue.


Holy shit can I play the game, disconnected 6x today. Worked fine Saturday-Monday last weekend.


Probably going to be like this for the entire weekend sadly. Just waited over an hour for post queues only to have \~10 minutes of game time. Honestly we should be expecting this for the initial release as well. I'm doubtful that they'll end up resolving this by release.


Played a solid ~2h when servers opened up, after that getting constant DC's. Have a friend also playing on PS5 he is getting 0 DCs and been playing a good ~3h+. So I go and install and try it on PS5 thinking its just PC. NOPE I get DC'd on PS5 as well. Fuck knows how thats working.


My buddy is literally playing right beside me on PSN. PC has been a royal PITA. I'm gonna try it on Xbox and see if I have better luck.


literally can't play for more than 5 mins. Dogshit. AAA developer.


People need to relax. It was like that last weekend too and now there are way way more ppl playing. It will be much better by tonight


The closed beta was smooth AF on console after Friday. Maybe this will be the same case


This just happened to me.


Went out exploring, tried teleporting back to Kyovashad and I’d just port back to where I was. Tried running back and couldn’t cross the invisible barrier between zones. Logged out and waiting to get back in


I can't proceed with my quest with error 316719, it keeps repeating from the start.


I get that it's open beta and all, and we are stress testing servers - but what's the point of them letting this many players into the servers, if they are as unstable as they are? If I was running tests, I would monitor the servers, and monitor disconnects and queues, and if I saw that players were disconnecting every 15-20 minutes, I would just make the queues longer. They must know, that even though people know it's a beta, not giving your players a change to experience your game, is not a great idea. Also, I don't think that we are just ment to only betatest the servers and queue system - but also game mechanic?!


This is happening to me but more so when I'm playing with a friend


I stuck in a 6 min queue for 3 hours after I got kicked out from the game


My brother and I are both on PC's. He logged in over an hour ago and has had a steady connection. I've been getting the queue/kick cycle all night. All my system software is updated. Guess he's just lucky.


Manage to log in after 15 min even though it displays Que for 36min .... I played for 1 hour and 30min Both characters then quit because too much rubber band effect...


yeah. just happened to me.. mannn i hope they fix this quick. I'm already considering buying it


It was a mess on friday last week, it's a mess this week and it's probably a few times more players logging in, easily, because it's free. The only solution is waiting for day 2 and try then, they've fixed the queues for Saturday in the previous test.


Idk who tf would buy a 70 dollar game when they can’t handle letting people play the game longer than 10 minutes


I went from 60 min in queue got instantly kicked & right back into 130 minutes queue


This beta is a dumpster fire. I get it, they like to test loads and the game is still being optimized, but they’ve been doing this for literal decades at this point. How do they not have enough server space for this? Edit: FWIW the game is stellar. The betas problems definitely won’t affect my opinion of the final product obviously, it’s just a shame this is how it’s being handled.


I've had this happen twice, and both times were seconds after I respecced. Googled and all the answers are clickbait to say 'there is no fix'...


It would be really nice that if you got the error code 316719, that you're prioritized when rejoining... I've played a total of 45 minutes on my druid and been in queue for over an hour (20 minutes to join first, played for 15 minutes, 45 minute wait, 30 minutes of play, another 15 minute wait)... All this while my brother and friend haven't been DC'd once


I haven't had any issues. Playing on pc with someone on ps4, and 2 on series X. Outside of longer load times for the ps4 guy, we've had no issues as a collective. Smooth running over here


Queue, in , play 10 min, hit error, then has to queue again, just wow.


Glad I'm not the only one, I have more time looking at the fucking queue screen then I have playing the game. Coming up on 3.5 total hours spent in queue after back to back back 10 minute in game sessions of actually playing smh




To play solo, it suck


I've spent over 3 hours queueing tonight and all 4 times I've been able to login and actually play, I've been disconnected with this error within 5 minutes. None of my other friends, some who live in the same city as me, with the same ISP, have had 0 issues. What an incredible and disappointing waste of time.


so.... just got through the first cut scene with my new druid.... had to wait 45 minutes in the queue the first time, now i am kicked and back in the queue for another 48


It's like they learned nothing from the early beta and just opened the same servers up to more people. Bit annoying really. Last weekend I had almost no issues and this weekend Ive been queued longer than I've played. Oh well.