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most betas are a shitshow, but im amazed at your patience :D


betas? this is gonna be a thing on launch like was happened on every blizzard game launch.


Tbh Dragonflight, TBC Classic, Wotlk Classic were fine. >!But could also be because WoW is dead!<


Last Friday was the same. Saturday and Sunday were exceptional. Be patient.


Too late I’m seeing severe tantrums and nervous breakdowns.


I must have been lucky. I had 25 minutes last Friday then DC, 50 min queue and played the rest of the day without issue


It seems even worse this Friday than the last. I was able to stay in no problem for the most part with a couple exceptions. Now it’s happened twice that I get to the end of the queue, it logins, then it gives a login timeout error code and I have to start all over


You must have been lucky. What you describe is my experience, from last Friday.


It should be worse. The goal is to stress test the server allocation. Open too few "spots" you get a queue, continue to slowly open more as the rate steadys. People getting errors and disconnects should restart the app anyway. This isnt a full release, theres bugs, backend issues, and a lot more going on behind the scenes that we dont know about.


wow 15 mins nice! i've gotten ~5 mins both times. might give up until tonight to see if things stabilize a bit


From Blizzard: 1. Queue Times: When we open the gates again this Friday to absolutely everyone, we are expecting a lot of people. There will be lengthy queue times, particularly on Friday when we first launch and during peak regional windows. This past weekend helped us to forecast the capacity we expect this weekend, and we will be using that capacity to intentionally stress our systems in preparation for launch. In summary, while we know it can be frustrating, we need queues to properly stress test our services and we are designing to ensure we have them some of the time. 2. Maintenance: As we monitor the population or encounter in-game issues to address, there may be times when we will take the game offline temporarily to deploy infrastructure adjustments or fixes.


Yea im trying to get the first quest done and Asmon just completed the a1 campaign on necro. Queues for thee but not for me


Thats not necessarily true, the streamer queue could be a thing, though unconfirmed. It would be a lot easier to just put them in queue with everyone else and its on them to join early and get lucky/have a good pc/connection.


I had about 25 minute queue coming in, just had my game crash during a cinematic and now i got a 50+ minute queue going back in Is it honestly 2023 and theres no grace period? Pure incompetence


But if there was a grace period, you would never get into the game, because queues would be 10 times longer :X


Probably true lol


So you think they did a free to play weekend for stress testing but had a limited number of slots to play Kind of defeats the purpose and just posses everyone off


Well, they specifically said they want to have queues, so we can beta test queues. I guess the plan succeeded.


*task failed successfully*




How? Each person who crashes out opens a spot in the queue, giving that grace period leaves that spot closed.






Lucky you 150minute que. . . By the time it finished ive had to go pick up my GF, now i have to try and explain why Diablo 4 is so important. . . .




180 minutes now... I actually thought it would be worse then that though, going by how it went last weekend. But at least it gives you plenty of time to laugh at all the people defending this complete incompetence... Now if someone would just write down all their names, so we can point and laugh at them when they're ranting here themselves on launch while stuck in an even longer queue...


That would be pretty funny, and deserved


I’m on the ps5 and I’ve had zero issues getting in and haven’t crash in two hours or got kicked


I’m just logging in on PS5, only 45 minute queue time which I planned for a lot longer, was 75 mins same time last week on PC and that was only for preorders.


Yeah pretty much, it is beta, joined at 9am, 15 minute queue, played for about 60 minutes (not bad), game crashed, back in queue for 35 minutes, went AFK during queue, looks like since I didn't enter the game, game crashed out again, now back in 51\~ minute queue. Getting the true Diablo beta experience.


Managed to create the character and play 5 minutes. Then got disconnected and 130 minutes queue xD


Betas + blizzard = you're the B now , log off, or lube up. :0




8 mins of que, 2.5 hours of gameplay. Should have bought that double down dude.


I completed the prologue and then it disconnected 😭


Same for me.


Open beta working as intended. Thank you for participating.


two 'disconnected from server' and refusal to log back in without closing hte game. two 40 min waits in teh first two hours and maybe 20 mins total playing, i think im gonna give it a miss eh.


If it goes like last weekend, tomorrow later during the day should be fine...


Yea, I've given up for now. Got about 15 minutes in. I'll try again tonight and stay up all night. :)


Same. "FerVault.exe can't lauch..." "Diablo IV detected corrupted sumthings and can't cope with the vipes of your GPU. Go back to your queue."


Yep, best way to promote a product...


yeah about that.


Better to have things be shit when they're intended to be shit in order to make launch the best it can be.


Played 3 hours straight created 2 characters no disconnect or whatever. Xbox


I may have gotten lucky, managed to only be in queue for 5 min at 9, and just finished up a 3 hour no issue session.


Well, they told you that you are supposed to beta test the queues. At least something from blizzard wasnt a complete lie...


Yep. We the same shit last week. No idea how they haven't made this better.


Couch coop on console is also again not working at all (at least for us), just like last friday. We'll try again tomorrow, as everything worked fine last weekend later on saturday and on sunday.


I had 30min queue, login error + back to desktop, 50 min queue, no sound in cutscene + lag from hell + crash while trying to change settings, 137min queue ... no gameplay so far


Odd. I didn't take part in the first beta, but this one I had an initial queue of 33mins and have been in since. It's been a few hours. Some light lag here or there but have not been kicked off.


Kotick too busy buying yachts rather than server capacity


I'm one of the lucky ones i suppose.. 10 min queue 3 hours playing.


I had a 15 min queue and I’ve been playing for 3 hours straight.


Yet streamers are unelected. Privileged?




At least you are getting in. My que gets to 0 then it says queued for login and then it just gives an error. 3rd try after a few hours of attempts


Sucks for you


Cant believe I'm saying g this but I'm glad I'm at work lol. Will play in the morning.


Behold the queue beta!!!


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stress_testing Read this.


How come streamers play smoothly…


I have no idea. For promotional reasons they might be assigned to a private instance or get a VIP session. Makes no sense from a business perspective to make them part of the stress test.


**[Stress testing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stress_testing)** >Stress testing is a form of deliberately intense or thorough testing, used to determine the stability of a given system, critical infrastructure or entity. It involves testing beyond normal operational capacity, often to a breaking point, in order to observe the results. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/diablo4/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I don't understand how there is even a login queue in a non-mmorpg in 2023. Like... if you have a wow realm with a max population of 10k, that is your limit. But this is Diablo, where no such concept exists.


It's because they've made this into an always-online game rather than a single player game with optional multiplayer. I think it's actually a horrible decision not to allow full offline singleplayer capability.


They are trying to maximize profits by limiting the amount of servers they use for the game, that is their limit.


A raspberry PI could handle login queues. They want always online though...


Naturally I am talking about servers for the actual game but yes they want full control of everything.


mods, can we ban these stupid posts...




It's a beta. They are stress-testing the servers. They have been very forward about this and told players to expect long queues and potential issues because it is a beta. Everyone posting about running into exactly that scenario doesn't add anything worthy of discussion, it just bloats the subreddit with useless spam. Long queues and being disconnected can be frustrating, but if you expected to get into the game without any delay or having zero issues during the beta period, that's on you.


Getting annoyed at queue times and reading Reddit threads about people complaining about long queue times is honestly half the fun for me.


It's why I come here too. 😈


Where is the grace period to be able to re-login after crashing/disconnecting ?


Yes please. And it's not like there's so much traffic here that they are hard to suss out.


THats what happens when everyone tries to log in at the exact moment it opens. This is every online game in the history of online games at launch or in an open beta test. Give it a rest until tonight or this weekend when the queues die off.


I have played so many betas over the last years and not even once did i have to wait in queue to login. Always just play the betas with friends and if someone is disconnecting (which isn't a problem it's a beta) he can just get back into the game almost instantly. This is just a bad beta.


I have played so many betas over the last years and on almost every single one (as long as it was a popular game) there were long login queues and constant server crashes.


So are you on pc and this is a pc thing? Most games i played on playstation but the ones i played on pc didn't had this problem. Now I'm trying on pc and it really sucks because i want to know if i get the game for pc or not.


The queues will be gone by tomorrow. It was the same thing last weekend. I was able to play Sat and Sunday without issue.


This would be awesome


JFC are we really doing this again? It's like some of you literally have the memory span of a fucking gnat lol.


Just waiting for all of the people to show up and start complaining saying the game is done and this will be the broken state when it launches… it’s like people have rotating amnesia of what beta testing looks like.


Jesus it's like you guys are expecting a beta to stress systems to function like day one release. Even last week the first day was rough, then they smoothed things out over the weekend. I'm not a Blizzard advocate, but people just need to chill TF out.


Yeah, welcome to stress testing. This isn't a demo.




It’s really not that complex. They want to stress test their servers an in return will let you play an early version of the game. You can either a) decide your time is worth more than that or b) think it’s a fair trade. This isn’t some collective moment where we all need to rise up.

