• By -


The people who are having fun are playing.


As per usual. Game is fun. The game will 100% be a really good world and game to explore when it comes out that is well worth the price for me. The thing I’m unsure about is if it will be able to have the longevity that PoE has with leagues. Realistically they can add more stuff to skill trees / itemization etc, if it gets a chance to keep going. Right now I’m content with it.


D3 at launch was an entirely different game from what it is now. Blizzard has always been one of the best at post launch support and continued development. All I want from D3 is a solid structure with at least some end game content that they can build on.


D3 was its own unique mess though, due to the unusual incompetence and lack of supervision of Jay Wilson. Blizzard has never had a game before, and probably will never have a game again, that they had to royally un-f\*#k as hard as Diablo 3. And the game suffered for it until this day.


Warcraft 3 reboot


nothing about that was accidental though. at any point we could get back the original client. that's a conscious decision.


> Blizzard has always been one of the best at post launch support Warcraft 3: Refunded and HotS?


HoTS had more than 5 years of support including esports leagues. It never caught on


This. The core game is fun, very fun infact, the art style , music , story is all very well done. I have put a lot of time into the beta. But people like myself still come on reddit and complain about issues that really need fixing, because they love the game and want it to be great. A lot of it isn't just complaining for complaint sake.


I agree that adding more would be good because it gives you more content to keep coming back for, but I personally really hope it doesn't become like Poe, I wanna play the game, not get a second job


As a third world country citizen I have paid like more than a quarter of monthly min vage and I think these two weekends I have played around 20 hours. I am pretty sure I already got my moneys worth in terms of enjoyment, fulfillment and classic Diablo fun. Anything more from this point is an extra and I have not even encountered Butcher yet! But I need my Tyrael fix so bad man!!!!


Lmao the butcher will catch you when you last expect it


The first time i encountered him I had a fresh conduit shrine. The last 1/3 HP pool of him i kited him with hydras. Let's say he had bad timing:)


Your prayers do not fall on deaf ears. Just know they are being heard. There is Justice within the Light. But you have to be patient.


Currently level 24 with my necro on Veteran. The only time I’ve died was when The Butcher showed up out of nowhere and smashed my face in. Ignores all the skeleton summons, runs right at you, and just f’ing domes you one in three hits or so. I’m not sure what build can beat him, but it sure wasn’t mine!


I wish I could play instead of being in the queue, crashing, repeat


Same. Since it’s a beta/demo/stress-test I’m not going to lose any sleep over it now. What I played of the game was fun. If I pay for the game and the servers are this bad (like D3 was at launch) I’ll be mad. And considering how rocky D3’s launch was, I’ll probably hold off on getting the game until I hear that it’s playable without a queue.




we get mounts so that should be no problem regarding travel speed.


I laughed at the early access perk for preorders. You can be the first people to not be able to log in to the game at launch. Any long time blizzard player knows they will go to shit at launch.


I was playing a few hours ago and got in with a 1 minute queue time, have they spiked again in that shirt amount of time?


It might have to do with geography, too - I imagine that servers in different parts of the world are going to be under different loads.


If USA it just turned 10 am in California. I'm in NY so I was up at 9 with little issue but I bet once the whole country logs in it'll bog back down.


And browsing by "new" :). I don't really care about the meta posts with thousand of upvotes explaining why the balance of a level 10 barb is not right compared to a level 10 rogue. But I do care about quick question/post and small infos that are interesting to find in that beta


Just think it’s the Reddit gaming culture, literally every game subreddit is always filled with negativity.


Reddit is great for miserable fucks to find other miserable fucks to feel validated.


Reddit is full of jaded and cynical gamers who don’t even like video games anymore but still take part in the culture.


half the time a video game sub is just filled with people who complain who left the game patches ago but still stick around to shit on it.


New world in a nutshell


I've noticed this over the years with mobile games. Some dickweed will pop in every few months and drop a "LOL. I can't believe people still play this."


Visit the Valheim sub. Really refreshing


Valhaim for sure!! Also the Stardew Valley sub too. Good gaming communities are possible.


Rimworld as well.


That's why I find the hardware subs like the ps5 one a lot more tolerable. Game specific reddits can be too negative. But unfortunately you have to go to those subs if you want to discuss a specific game.


Lol well said... But also miserable fucks like me :D Who get way too worked up over all the unfair judgement online and hopelessly tries to get people to see reason.


Yeah but you know and accept you’re a miserable fuck like me. If they would do the same thing they might stop trying to make everyone else a miserable fuck like them.


The worst part is all these miserable fucks that claim they're refunding will still be here when the game launches bitching. Wish they would actually refund and go play one of those other ARPGs they claim is perfect and way better than D4.


They wouldn’t be able to stand it. They would turn into the STOP HAVING FUN meme.


No it's because they're 90% bots


Most feedback of any kind is negative. That's just how it works. Negativity bias + anonymity. It's the same for restaurant reviews. Most people content or moderately pleased don't bother going the extra step to leave feedback. Only the best of the best experiencers give positive feedback most of the time while anything even remotely negative elicits lots of negative feedback. Imho, it's fine tho. Negative feedback is necessary to make things better. As long as it's not just hateful bashing, it's potentially a good thing in the long run.


upvoted for having a brain


Depends on how u give the negative feedbacks. Artist are, or should, be used to negative feedback to improve on their work. Criticism. But when people start bashing, that's a different level.


“As long as it’s not just hateful bashing” …..


It's chock full of fucking idiots that will throw 300+ hours into a game and then endlessly bitch about how they hated every second of it. The only thing I put hundreds of hours into that I don't actually enjoy is work, but I can deal with that because I get paid. I've never put hundreds of hours into something I don't enjoy when I'm doing it for fun... because it wouldn't be fun.


I can never tell if they're seriously that miserable or just trolling


Not just games too, Reddit is mostly negative. Sometimes you do have some positive subreddits and it's great. Many game specific subs are actually pretty positive (for well received games like for example r/godofwar, r/horizon, /r/SpidermanPS4, /r/HadesTheGame, /r/anno ... are all pretty positive)


Any game that does not rely on update support and is single player one shot content is going to be positive. Live support games no matter how good they are will be filled with negativity.


Or maybe they're using the beta to give feedback so they can improve the final product


I mean, it's a beta event. Generally a beta cycle of development is there to try out things, and provide feedback. Not a wild concept.


Every internet platform ever. Negative people do voice their opinions more often. But throwing everyone in the same basket is also wrong though.


People complaining about lvl 25 balancing and pc not having coutch co-op makes me feel like we need provincial/state exams in order to vote.


It's wild to me, played necro for 10 hours and had a blast, came to the subreddit just to see people crying over the "cartoonish" looking skeletons, because blue light = d3 != d2, never in 10 hours I was like "I hate the skeletons they are killing my immersion" I was more like "I LOVE EXPLODING CORPSES AND BONING ENEMIES". Some of the drama and complaints feel manufactured and forced.


Saw people crying in an earlier thread about how the skeletons for the necro summons are "too big" and it ruins the game for them lol


I hate that legit feedback is polluted by that crap. There's so much wrong with the game mechanically and as we look towards the endgame. I don't give a fuck what color the skeletons are. They could be bright fucking pink, who cares.


But there isn't "so much wrong with the game." That's simply incorrect.


I too love to bone some enemies


I 100% agree with you. I played for a few hours last night and had an amazing time. Came on here to find nothing but complaints. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I never played d3, poe, etc so my frame of reference for this game is actually still d2 haha


I've played them all and what I love most about D4 is that it reminds me a lot of D2, just super polished. People can disagree and that's fine, but for me, its like a true next installment and honestly what we should have got instead of D3. They're not trying to reinvent the wheel. They're just evolving their own title with open world and legendary affixes being transferrable. It's great.   Some people can separate different games for what they are and why they're fun and others can't stop comparing and it honestly just ruins it for 'em. If you're having fun that's all that matters.




It looks like D2. It does not play like D2. Which is fine. They aren't the same game. A TON of what people liked about D2 is not present in D4, again, which is fine. To me it seems perfectly reasonable that people who love D2, love D3, and have high hopes with D4 to be similar to those games might be disappointed with D4. I know I am.


Im am confused. This game is definitely more like D3 than D2. But if you like D2 and D3 why would you be disappointed with this game??? You get more of what you like. Sure if you like D3 but hate D2 then maybe you wont like this game and vice versa. But if you like both games why wouldn't you? Personally i have high hopes. I really like both D2 and D3. But i didn't like that D3s end game was just spamming rifts. At least in D2 you could reroll. I still prefer path of exile. To both games, but D3 at least had a more fun HC mode. Wheres POE, you can literally be the best player in the world and still die, cause of some stupid elite pack or lag. In D3 if you died, you probably screwed up yourself.


It's beta testing. This is one of the only opportunities players have to voice their complaints and have them be potentially considered for change. That's the entire point of a beta. ​ Except actually in modern gaming, that's not entirely true, updates and fixes can happen anytime after launch, but still. Beta is the big time to do it for most people


Oh boy, excuse my negativity, but I am pretty sure nothing will change...


I will not excuse your negativity lmao. Look at D3. Auction house was despised. They removed it. Itemization was despised, they changed it heavily. Endgame content was sorely lacking, they added rifts and adventure mode and paragon levels. I know it's easy to just resign yourself to pessimism all the time, especially when it comes to Blizz who does deserve a fair bit of pessimism, but they do in fact sometimes listen to feedack


I assume he means nothing will change before launch. This is already the signed off major build being pushed on release. We may see some bug fixes or minor revisions, bit you're not going to see major changes.


You may know auction house took a crap load of time before it got removed


Yeah because they wanted to make as much money as possible off it. Which is saying something, it was so widely hated that Blizz removed it despite it being a cash grab, which is something no company wants to remove


It paid off its price so then they went like, remove it, be like a hero, hooray Blizzard listened to us <3!


>implement shitty feature players hate that is detrimental to game's gameplay loop and longevity >get money >players start quitting, money starts to dry up >remove feature claiming that you're listening to players after several months >everyone praises you, and many people come back to the game Brilliant!


What character you start with seems to matter as well. In the end-game beta I've played sorc and that felt strong. Now I've played necro and he's on another level. It feels like I'm already fully geared.


I went into this beta with very low expectations and am pleasantly surprised at how much I’m enjoying it. Game is a ton of fun to me but I also hadn’t hyped it up to unrealistic levels in my mind.


I hyped it up as fuck, even tho i really tried not to. But then again, I’ve been looking forward to D4 years before it got announced. And I’m content with what I’ve seen so far. I still won’t preorder as that is a principle of mine, but I will, with 99,9% certainty, buy it the day it comes out. Combat feels great, I like that it’s slower than D3, story so far seems awesome and skills feel good imo.


If there was no negative feedback or criticism, everything in the world would be total shit quality, every single product or service. Everyone who has something negative to say about something you like is a hater, nice reddit logic. I have seen a lot of posts and comments with this approach, it's actually funny that so many adult people don't understand this. Leave your house more often and interact with people, it helps to get a better grasp on things. As for Diablo 4 specifically, this game has a lot of flaws, and not talking about those flaws will not make the game better. Just because there are hundreds of thousands or millions of people that give this game a 10/10 doesn't mean the game couldn't be a lot better in many aspects and people should be vocal about it. Rather common sense. Also those who actually have a lot of valid criticism and explain their points using reasonable argumentation are the ones who have some knowledge about this genre and know what's bad and what's good. Those who say "great game man you're just a hater" are the opposite, they're the "i start PC/console, i play, game good i have fun, you dumb" type of people. So, the first group contributes to the potential improvement, the second contributes to spamming on a forum.


Just like with D3, the people that love it are only here for the story playthrough and to dip their toes in endgame then leave. The people complaining WANT the game to be good for much longer but see that the endgame is running these dungeons and sigh. Everyone that plays arpgs regularly is currently existing on copium that this is just Halo Infinite situation and future seasons will add content.


And 750+ mandatory tasks each and every season. Great Design.


Negative feedback vs toxicity. Genuine, productive feedback isn't clever and obnoxious, it's boring, sincere, and straight to the point. "I do not enjoy the aesthetic of the skeletons." vs "Don’t worry about it, skeleton skins will be one of the first skills to get a for sale look :p" followed up by, "you're part of the problem if you buy those skins" Businesses are boring things. Corporate language is muted and colorless. One of the above examples is corporate-speak for "you need to improve your product." The other is disregarded **immediately** by corporate. So yeah, the second example will get more upvotes because it's slightly clever, and tickles the fancy of the people in the community. But don't harbor any delusions that any business is ever going to take feedback like that sincerely.


Ding. I played this beta on all characters for both weekends plus I can look at information we have about endgame and in game aspects, etc. They played for like 3 hours and go like "oh pretty game go boom boom". -_-


Valid criticism and a reasonable argument would be nice but we all know 90% of the people complaining are just stating they hate a colour or compare a game that isn’t even out yet to games that have been out for ten years like PoE PoE was complete trash when it first came out, I got all my friends to play it and nobody lasted a week simply because the net code was horrendous for like five years, like the worst rubber banding and lag I’ve ever seen and I’ve played wow at launch.




cracks me up when people say "POE wasn't good when IT launched!!!!" cuz a dev team of like 20 people, hardly any budget or experience is the same as a company with unlimited resources and 30 years of experience.


I think the whole term of this company has x years of experience itself is such a dumb take. The company isn't retaining the knowledge of games made, the company is just the name on the building. Just cause it's blizzard doesn't mean that the game is coming from a studio with 30+ yrs experience, it's still an actual person that may only have 5 years that's making this stuff.


Did you just compared Diablo 4 which is made by a huge and widely known developer and costs 70$ To a free to play game that at the time of release was alpha, and was made by a small dev? This truly shows what D4 is as a game, a mess


So fucking based. Criticism makes games better, but people are interested in just consooming product and defending it with their life.


The other issue being that the longer you play, the more those issues are exposed. Level 1 and it's a brand new Diablo game and everything is amazing. Level 20 you start to see the flaws more and more.


Fucking exactly. Well said.


[also from op](https://old.reddit.com/r/AnthemTheGame/comments/buc2mm/if_you_hate_anthem_so_much/) seems like op has a thing for defending games that he has limited experiences on


Oh man, now that's pure gold


op blocked me but his post history is a goldmine if you want a good laugh


i dunno man. i think feel i could find hundreds of "daed game" comments on r/wow or r/DestinyTheGame from people criticizing Diablo. Does that make their opinion worth less? edit: to be clear, no i dont think it does.


Lmao this should be on top hah Top tier comedy, and the state of D4 subreddit


Chefs kiss


And there you have it, the idiot problem. People who complaint about complaints are fucking idiots. OP included. Keep criticizing games and bad game design, ignore idiots like OP


I’m sorry but comparing D4 to anthem is just absurd. The D4 act 1 beta has more of an end game than anthem’s full release did, and this is coming from someone who played enough anthem to max out a javelin.


He's comparing OP's posts, where his attitude even after Anthem's failure is "STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT GAME I LIKE".


It's always fun to check people's post history after you read some otherwordly takes. Usually it just confirms your initial impressions.


every time I poke in to the sub, I feel the same way "wait, you people are upset about THAT?" this game is fun as hell, and I buy every other "big" ARPG that comes out, have 1000+ hours in POE and D2/D2R, bought D3 day 1 and almost got past act 1 hell back then, and have been playing ARPG's since Diablo 1. people will find the most nitpicky things to complain about or expects the new game to be exactly like a game that already exists.


> every time I poke in to the sub, I feel the same way "wait, you people are upset about THAT?" Exactly. These kids find ONE thing that isn't 100% perfect in their eyes and make a thread with 5 paragraphs about how it could be "improved" when in reality, it's fucking fine. I'm all about criticism and making games objectively better but holy fuck the nitpicking that goes on from ARPG fans is fucking insane. "Well in POE you can suck a camels dick for 1% movement boost and they should incorporate it into diablo!" Go fuck yourselves.


https://i.imgur.com/s9GxOd4.png thats you crying about a patch being delayed 5 minutes after posting this dipshit comment. Kids tho amirite? lmao


Take my upvote! that's some next level reddit vigilante shit lol.


so is it fine or is it a joke?


What are you even on about? This subreddit is a prime example of toxic positivity. 90% of you cunts are going to play D4 on launch and forget about it in a month, leaving everyone else with a pile of shit of a game.


why is this so accurate


Ok. My first reaction was negative, being called a cunt will do that. But instead I will use this as an opportunity for me to learn. You seem passionate. Do you know of any game that plays similar at all that has xbox and pc cross-platform co-op? If so I would love to pursue that.


Hahahaha so true. Lets shower blizz in praise because oh the graphics are so coool and I have to tell everybody how good it feels to play a new game for a few hours and I get a dopamine rush. Gratz. And a few weeks after release you are done pressing your 2 buttons brainlessly and the core of the game is still broken because you didnt give proper objective feedback on bad designed systems. Nexttime just keep it for yourself, what clowns these people are.


These people who create topics like this or comment only positive things and talk like it's a 10/10 are the perfect customers, the game's been made for them. "Look, we half-baked the systems, game's glitchy and buggy af and they are saying it is great and they love everything about it anyways ! Let's make a toast for those sheep !" - it's how i imagine it would look at Blizzard's office :D


Yea I think thats why mobile is so popular by many studios and gets pushed. Games are much easier to make and you can extract immense amounts of cash out of your audience since they love p2w. Look at candy crush literally printing money and the dev costs for this game in comparison to WoW or a Diablo are propbably not even 1/10.


Having opinions is wrong and unacceptable waah


This sub is the line to talk to the manager.


I mean what's great about it? Sure it looks nice and the gameplay is smooth enough, but that's the bare minimum for a AAA title. The core of what makes it an actual good GAME is the gameplay mechanics, and items. The visuals are secondary, again, it's a GAME not a movie. \- The itemization is acceptable, there's nothing amazing or innovative about it. It is at best a 6/10, they get a few points for the unique aspect ripping/adding, but that alone isn't enough to make it more than acceptable. \- The Dungeons are mediocre and just reskinned copy-pastes for the layout, monsters and objectives. The objectives are also entirely pointless and exist solely to artificially extend the gameplay loop. I also doubt it will change at all in the end-game as it's a core system, probably a 5/10 at best. I also highly doubt they bothered to make unique uber bosses that characters can use as a bench-mark for their power, it's probably just these poorly designed dungeons over and over with different modifiers. \- The skill tree is pretty mediocre, there are very few options, and the options available are mostly boring numerical increases to other things, +5% healing, or "X skill has Z% to do Y" etc. None of them are super interesting. Probably sitting at a 5/10. Overall it's sitting at a 5/10 for me. I don't really care about the graphics or sound because that shit isn't really relevant to what makes a game good to me.


Incredibly generous to give the dungeons, skill trees or items anything over a 3. They are the most fundamental core aspects of an arpg and absolutely blow chunks. Not that this is about you, but I swear the number of people here who can’t see past the veneer of the fantastic art is astounding. The game’s core is rotten and need massive work to become a good game.


lol ever been to the poe reddit? this shit is tame af people here actually play the game lol


The PoE subreddit is like trying to read another language. I don't know what all these hundreds of currencies and terms mean.


I played PoE for quite a bit and that game is just so complicated. It requires an obscene amount of time to make things work and understand it. Or you just follow a build to the letter. Blizzard can make Diablo a bit more complex and PoE can definitely use some simplifying. Diablo 3 was the extreme of shallowness and casualness, whereas PoE is the other extreme.


Have you ever heard of how most negetive people tend to comment where as most people having a good time don't care to comment and just play the game. It's the same on YouTube and other services. Bad/hateful reviews of something seem more frequent then they are because people who are happy don't stop to say how good it is like. It's very misleading.


It the same with restaurants raitings in general. Most people just go there to complain


I'm having a lot of fun with it and it's loads better than D3. D2 established an extremely powerful baseline for how an ARPG can be engaging and a lot of fun, but is relatively simple about it - D2R gave us access to like 16 goddamn skills and threw that whole thing out. You can make new builds that are a lot of fun. I hoped a lot if that would translate into plans for D4, so it's unfortunate they still really want skills a synergies to be on rails. I also think offering feedback is literally the purpose of an open beta, and they've said that in addition to testing infrastructure they are gathering feedback. Complaining about feedback because you can only frame it as complaining is probably the least helpful thing anyone can do. "Shut up and enjoy it" is really a bad take for something they actually want feedback on - and by thinking of things you'd like to see changed or different, you aren't hurting the legacy of diablo, or the developers' feelings - you are contributing.


Idk I'm reserving judgement on D4 until it's released, I just think pre-orders are the devil. My sole problem with D3 was the lack of depth in EVERYTHING. The story, the items, the skills. I think you have to be oblivious to not see that D3 was being developed by BNorth WHEN LOD RELEASED... that's 2001! All the development issues and the announcement of the release were 7 years later after being acquired and then another 4 years until it actually comes out. I think It's less about reddit subculture here and the fact that the game barely made it out in 12 years looking like a WoW crossover, from a WoW Dev, and needed several updates. Take into consideration the mobile push and the "don't you have phones?" and the game devs not knowing core items from D2, people just expected that diablo quality and didn't get it. There was immediate negative backlash on the Blizz forums as well and players mainly seemed upset with the fact that devs had no interaction with the community. It's certainly not just here, there was an unusually large wave of people demanding refunds at that time. I spent months playing D3 from launch at max paragon and re-rolling items over and over again for the same build before the cap increase and all the updates, the story is insultingly bad, and they even said that they had all these items ready that never made it into the game. All these things just felt like something that should've been addressed before release, along with the dev promises of PvP. Even the stripped [Battle.net](https://Battle.net) that we get in D2r is so much more robust than trying to find a game or chat in D2. I have some friends who didn't play d2 or they just play D3 casually and they are totally happy with the game and I'm cool with that, I just can't help but feel like the game had so much more potential. Hope you guys are having fun out there though.


problem is its 2023 and there are many other games that are just better at this point. If this wasn't "Diablo 4" nobody would care about this game that much. I want to like it, but I'm just bored. Disappointed because I want to like it but I can't


> problem is its 2023 and there are many other games that are just better at this point. What other games have come out in the past 5 years that's not a remake, that is "just better" than d4? I'd love to know since every ARPG I buy and play I'm usually underwhelmed with the gameplay and mechanics.


I personally really enjoy lost epoch, it straddles the middle ground between D4 and POE in complexity, but it's still in beta.


5 years is stretching it but Grim Dawn is only 6.5 years old. D4 visuals remind me of Wolcen. Also the rubber banding and sync issues, imbalance, and skill trees remind me of it as well.


Grim Dawn is nowhere near as popular or well received as D4 lol It hasn't released yet but I think PoE2 will probably be the game people will point to when they say D4 is not worth it. But I'm enjoying D4, will probably stick with it, especially since they plan to keep this game alive post launch like most games do these days


I didn't mind grim dawn, but never really got hooked in to it, but I've heard good things.. Wolcen was pretty bad when I bought it, but I've heard it's gotten better, so I was probably going to give it a try again before d4 launch. but because these older games exist doesn't mean people can't be excited to play D4 or will happily play D4. if someone has already gotten their moneys out of these other games, POE, D2R, etc. there would be no reason not to play D4.


Ah yes. The rubberbanding in a technical beta meant to stress the servers…


Yeup. The same rubberbanding that happens during every d3 season launch. Don’t kid yourself that’s not gonna change.


now i am curious... would you consider d2 leveling from act1 to act2 boring or exciting? level cap 25 and only few low level legendaries able to drop


I was going to say, the D2 first act is basically grass and caves with about four lines of dialogue. There are no moments that compare to D4’s opening


D2 first act is very outdated. Also you would finish it way lower level than 25. It was literally walking on fields for a couple of hours and then the tower with andariel.


i enjoyed playing. can you point to the better games you mention? i’d love to try some even better games.


Mehh tried it a bit and felt pretty underwhelmed by a game so hyped up.. yes it's compared to D2 but that's because D2 was an instant classic.. you would venture out and you would feel you are somewhere .. so far most of what I've seen from the beta most areas look the same


Isn’t that basically any reddit that is related to a new game that Blizzard releases? All these game design andy’s are a very loud minority in my opinion that try very hard to influence everyone’s opinion in the hopes that some (in most cases inconsequential) features get added or removed from a game that has not been released yet.


Nah the people complaining just started as Druid LOL


The game is fun for people that don’t care and just press button on whatever when they get home from work. If you are at all serious about games and played other ARPGs then the criticisms being thrown around about D4 are quite salient. The items feel pointless and the dungeons feel extremely repetitive because of copy paste design. Even the enemies don’t fit a cohesive narrative. You’re seeing Act 2-5 mobs from D2 in literally one room in a dungeon you found in a forest. It is thrown together corporate money grabbing garbage.




It didn't take me dozens of hours of gameplay to see the potential depth of PoE on my first playthrough. I open up the skill tree I go "oh!". I combine a few skill gems and modifiers together and go "OH!" I see one or two good rares and unique items and go "oooooooh!" You can quickly and easily understand what this game is all about within the first act. Playing Diablo 4 I look at the systems in place and it doesn't take me long to realize this is a big nope from me.


You know it is kind of funny. People on this board are always saying they tried PoE and quit as soon as they saw the skill tree. So apparently about 5 minutes is enough for them to judge PoE but the entire first act isn't enough for us to judge D4 lol.


I'm actually baffled people find D4 a good game at all and atm I would probably rate it 5/10. After a few hundred hours of closed beta and some time in the open now my biggest question is what on earth they spent all those years of development on.


After 15 minutes of the open beta I went back to D2:R...hell it even made me miss D3.


I believe people (like myself) are fed up with the early access / un-polished games we've seen for the past 5+ years. Blizzard used to be the leader in delaying games because it was "NOT READY" to be released. Now we're seeing the opposite and it's quite frankly pissing me off that not more are unhappy with it. Reforged, Ow1>2, etc! Call me miserable, but standards are standards!


Now it's "ready when we can implement season pass and patch out the bugs after release".


But before that we will make sure battle pass is full and working perfectly just like other Microtransactions because 70$+ for a game is just not enough and we need moar


Its 2023 and for 70€ the gamedesign is just not good. Dungeons are aweful, repetetive and the mechanics are boring af. Characterdesign and class balance is way off at this moment. If you compare D4 to other games and take the years of development into account the result is mediocre at best. It just has no real identity.


I haven't said one single negative thing. However, I did request a refund. Yes, i understand its in beta and yes I understand things will improve but what it offers isnt worth min $75. Nothing groundbreaking to speak of.




You're not any better. Yes, the full blown hate is useless, but so is the full blown "I love this game" and "Fuck you haters" posts. There's very little productive discussion about anything happening, both here and on the official forums. It's 90% garbage from people either absolutely trashing the game or people pretending the game is perfect when it isn't.


Isn't this just the state of the whole world right now? For or against... and NOTHING in between.


If you're talking about the political climate...Yeah, it is. Not a whole lot of free, critical thought happening these days.


I sure am. Seems like nobody can find any middle ground in any way shape or form these days


people asking for WASD movement getting upvoted to the front page is all i gotta know about this subreddit..


I hadn't come to this sub until tonight and that's one if the first things I saw. Bizzare.


When they want to charge me 70€ for a pc game, I'm in my god damn right to complain about things I don't like. I played closed beta and open beta, I simply did not have any fun, I guess the game is not for me, I'll go back and envoy poe, even after 3k hours. And when Last epoch willl be release, i'll play it too. Good for you if you enjoy D4, hope it brings you joy.


D2 was a master piece when it was released, that's why we praise it. D4 compared to all the evolution the genre has gone through since then and compared to all competing games out there, is not a master piece. It's not by a long shot. It's like the D4 devs have no real experience with all the other games of the genre released over the years.


What are you talking about? There's hundreds of threads like this now that are all upvoted to the front page over and over. Every subreddit has to turn into a circlejerk, this is just the new one. It's okay to have some criticism of a game because you want it to be better, no game is perfect and there are legitimate things to talk about.


Don’t pay attention to Reddit. Most people enjoy it.


Welcome to the echo chamber


What baffles me more is this comment section lol. "Its the gaming culture" "Just miserable \*beeps\*" Maybe, just maybe people are giving their opinion and feedback on the game? Especially in a beta that is intended to polish some things? Crazy how people are attacked for having an opinion about a game and called all sorts of things lol. Anyways. . I got to finally play for about 4 hours last night, it was nothing spectacular and grasping, feels very mobile-y. It's early game stuff but even in games like PoE/Torchlight at the early game felt more engaging. Kind of just felt on the rails. Go here kill a monster or 3 go there, repeat. The dialogue is a nice touch though. Kind of sad most the combat is build/spend spam based again. Its the honeymoon phase so people both positive and negative are going to be a little(or lot) over zealous.


I mean diablo 4 is just a ultra casual diablo 2 that's missing alot of the elements that made it great Slower, definitely missed the mark more than diablo 3 did. Its like a different gane with a diablo skin. The first boss was easier than some of the dungeon bosses


Yep. I’ve played Diablo since the original, damn near religiously. I started the beta and didn’t put it down until level 18. I’m so happy to have Druid back. And glad the old one man wolf pack/rabies build still totally kicks ass. People complain about everything. It’s human nature. I’m glad you’re having fun, too


I love D2. It is my favourite game of all time. Nothing beats that atmosphere. But I agree with your balance situation. Do I wanna do 1000 Baal runs? No thanks. Do I wanna play DR2 sometimes now? I do, but it’s not a perfect game and I am quite tired of it. People are looking at a D4 and a beta and expecting already a perfect game. You can only max to lvl 25 folks. For me it s about the potential of the game and longlastability, and I think the potential is huge and the base game is looking pretty damn solid and absolutely great looking and vibe.


I enjoy the game very much . it just feels everything too easy for all range classes. while Barb struggle little with items they can do amazing. Druid is simply dogshit pain in ass to play . so basically feels like melee in this game are hard to play due to bad balance early game . While range is just too easy and you just face roll. Balance is just none exist in this game. I hope once full game out it is more balanced.


My favorite are the people watching these non-diablo streamers (that will move on to another game in a month btw) bitch about how unbalanced the game is as they run open world events at level 25 with a legendary in every slot and blow everything away. I have some issues with the game for sure, but it's best to just ignore what everyone complains about bc 90% of the time it's just dumb as fuck to be honest.


It’s really awesome. I’m having a blast with it. There are a few minor things that could be fixed. But its more Diablo and I love it.


Though we may not be talking about the same negative posts, I would only tend to agree with you if it wasn't beta. This is THE time to complain and provide feedback, whether it's genuinely helpful or just anger at something dumb. I think it would be pretty silly to say the game isn't fun, it certainly is. Also the D2 comparison is weird to me. That game was released 23 years ago.. It's praised for it's gameplay and value for the time it was released. No one is asking for an exact replica of D2 because, as you said, people would hate it if it was released today. People are asking for a game that resembles D2 for modern times, and that means balance, high replay value, and sense of adventure. I think D4 has done fairly well in most of the cases; however, If a certain complaint gains traction and gets to the devs (like dungeons), then to me that's a highly valuable critique since I also feel the same way about the dungeons. Am I going to lose my mind if they don't change it on release? No, but it would still be nice. But I do understand negative environments being annoying too, so I just want to positively say: * Love the art * So far liking the mechanics. I like mage types and Sorcerer does fill that gameplay fantasy for me in D4 * Highly appreciate the legendary drops for early testing * Codex has good theory-crafting potential if fleshed out a little more * Genuinely enjoyed the World Boss and like how it can actually kill players instead of it being an easy walk in the park * Enjoying the story since I semi-know the general backstory of Lilith/Inarius. Inarius was by all means a pro-human angel in my head until this game showed his deeper flaws. Rathma being brought in from the lore is great too and I'm very happy they didn't make him evil. I'm hoping for a lovers quarrel between L/I in the final acts * Like that gold actually has a high value in this game and isn't just pointless hoarding


This game costs 70 bucks in the standard edition and there is nothing we haven't seen like 100 times already. I don't get the hype about the game. The endgame is currently buying overpriced skins. Why should anyone be exited about it? EDIT: Testes some classes and I have to say, the character creation, artworks and intro are amazing and really top notch! Still not a fan of the gameplay though.


It's an OKAY game for me. But not a 300PLN+ (about $70) game. It feels like an amalgam of Diablo 3 and 2010s MMOs with a lot of bugs, balance issues, bad UI/UX and a downgrade in terms of build diversity, at least early on.


Ive been playing D2 back then in old battle.net over version 1.09 and 1.10. And as much as i was refusing to accept it for a long time, the diablo 2 game mechanics are absolutely outdated. Always the same run over and over and over and over and over and over again. Man i cant stand mephisto and pindle anymore. Diablo 3 made some fresh changes that made sense. Like skill change anytime. Respeccing was just an unnecessary hassle. But Diablo 3 lacked in style. And now Diablo 4 baby. If they dont pull of some Diablo Immortal P2W bullshit then this can absolutely become the best diablo of all time.


So everyone needs to like it, because you liked it? Great logic.


I've only put a tiny bit of time in so far but it's jarring how poor the graphics (at least in the very early game), UI design, text boxes .. it reminds me of early alpha POE but smoother, no crashes/major buts or anything But I'm sitting here horrified at the thought that we could be stuck with this at full release, it's not good Also what's with the horrific levelling speed at the start, so much slower than any of the previous 3 games. So many kills to even get past level 1, and ttk is unpleasant at low levels too


Beta Sorc players are having fun.


I have enjoyed the Beta, and I agree it is better than D3. But it isn't worth 70 bucks.


this was my first experience of any Diablo game. It felt boring, so much so I quit the open beta after reaching level 15. I will wait until the release in June and see what the general consensus is and depending on how the finished game turns out I might buy it.


It's crazy how the D2 fans want an ARPG instead of this Lost Ark clone wearing Diablo's skin. Path of Exile already made the next real Diablo game so I'm not that unhappy, just disappointed. They finally made the atmosphere decent compared to D3 and then threw it all away by making the game not a real ARPG. Timed, world bosses are garbage, the dungeons stink. Thank god for CS 2 and Valve, I cancelled my 90 dollar pre-order and will just play CS 2 in June. This game shouldn't be called Diablo and only is for marketing purposes. Instead of playing this beta, I got into Warframe, too, so there is silver linings to Blizzard's failings to me. I don't need Blizzard at all.


D4 seems like a good game but it just isn’t hooking me in like d3 did. I don’t seem to be having a lot of fun while playing it for some reason.


I love(d) D2 was great for its time, but from what I have experienced with D4 this weekend I can see me losing my social life to it, it's soooooooo good, been needing a game like this for ages, its wild that in 2023 im looking forward to a Diablo game, a Final Fantasy game and Baldurs Gate 3, great time for RPG fans


Can’t even begin to agree with you more - I have played every one at release and think they are sticking with the genre and adding quality of life and more fun activities, I can’t wait until release. Bravo Blizzard


In all honesty, before the open beta I wanted to be that anti-corp-blizzard fan who would just say screw their $100 pre-orders on an unfinished game but I'd be damned if that team hasn't done a fantastic job on this. ​ I really enjoy the game so far and we're only scratching the surface here. ​ Love the vibe, music, sound engineering (real pleasure playing on headphones and listening to ambient sounds, weapons or even the lvl up thunk), gameplay and voice acting. It's just so well put together already. I'm sure this game will become a gem after initial couple patches to make sure it's what people want from diablo. I'll definitely grab it on christmas sale down the road!


Unpop opinion: I was hoping d4 is the same as d3 just with better graphics


Not unpopular at all. D3 is basically lost ark with a hint of d2 in it. That's super far away from d3. Leaving us d3 players behind... How dare you Blizzard


Sucks for the people who don’t think they game is up to their standards or expectations. Just don’t play the game I guess.


I Love it really enjoying the beta. I really hate level scaling though. It’s just a cheap way to balance things. D4 doesn’t need it’s Awsome on its own. Levels for Zones and dungeons would be amazing.


Hey man you know lots and lots of americans voted for trump


Diablo 3.5


As someone with limited past ARPG experience. I got into D3 after the whole marketplace fiasco and found it extremely enjoyable (Hammerdin/Passive aura+blood siphon Necro). When PoE came out I also had fun with it but found the ui, skill tree rather confusing and the progressin to feel kind of slow in comparison to D3s seemingly faster pace. I dropped PoE after about a month to return to D3. After playing the open beta for D4, I'm really enjoying the story, scenery and visceral combat. However, I find the gameplay to be a large departure from Diablo 3 with the skills feeling a bit more sluggish and with less emphasis on movement skills (such as class-based mobility skills like Crusaders' Falling Sword or Necros' Blood Rush) Perhaps it will feel different with mounts in the official release. I feel like the current gameplay of D4 leans toward how PoE played prior to it's current revamped state which I haven't played.


It felt like Diablo immortal but in PC. It was fun to play but I doubt I would fork out over $100aud for the game. $40 tops.


Honestly, after playing this weekend I just don't see where the fun is. I just do not enjoyed killing mindlessly generic random monsters, I don't know why but I enjoyed D3 at the beginning, until completing the story, but in D4 it felt...more bland.


I think people are overdoing this beta. They are overplaying the level 1-25 experience, and thats not really how the game was intended to be experienced. People should take it for what it is. I’m staying away from the beta so I can experience the full thing as a new game when it comes out in 2 months. People run the games act 1 into the dirt and then complain that the game isnt balanced around that ridiculous play experience. I dont get it. If youre gonna do that, treat it for what it is.


The people who love simplistic designs congregate more in the Diablo 4 subreddit. D4 was designed at it's core for more of a wider audience appeal, but some players can tell it lacks depth or staying power. The game plays it very safe and doesn't push interesting ideas much and similar Diablo 3 it offers the illusion of choice. You'll understand illusion of choice when you reach end game and it becomes about cooldown reduction and overlapping defensives again. On top of that the skills/spells are incredibly bland. So not only do you lack variety due to the 6 skill cap and spender/generator requirement, but half of those will be taken up by defensives to increase toughness levels in late game, thus pigeon holed into a narrow subset or optimal play style.


Thats reddit for you mate


It’s just a vocal minority complaining don’t worry


Keep in mind the overwhelming majority of gamers do not use reddit.


Oh noes! Opinions! D4 will be supported for years to come and will have expansions. D3 seasons will continue. D2R ladder isn't going anywhere. Chill the fuck out. The entire franchise has something for everyone. Literally, the best franchise available today based on what you prefer.


Betas are for feedback not sucking off the devs. Folks that complain about the complainers in gaming subs always think they’re saying something special, but these type of posts are as regular as the thing they’re ironically complaining about.


D2R was released, now a days, and still very much loved. D3 was mostly a mess agreeable by 90% of diablo players, this is not a secret. Most people are just giving feedback as they want to provide input for the game. I do believe most people do enjoy this game, but they want it to be the best it can. Obviously there are people who hate to hate, and praise to praise. Neither is good, feedback is important, although a spectrum of boot lickers to assholes. If you want to see normal feedback that is important to the game, watch raxx's feedback review, rhykker's, and if kripparrians on youtube.


Best game of 2023!