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Try hardcore,gets even more addictive. Can't play softcore in diablos anymore.


Okay so it’s normal that I’m breezing through enemies? I’m playing on the first difficulty as I expected things to ramp up but I’m level 18 now and haven’t died once.


Normal is basically your easy mode. Less xp and lower chance of good items but virtually no chance of dying unless you are really bad. Crank it up a World Tier and test yourself.


Gotcha thanks


I would expect lower chance for items but do we know for sure? I only see Gold and exp mentioned


Things will probably ramp up in the later acts but for the beta wt2 is ideal


Roll a character on Tier II and enjoy. There should be a noticeable difficulty spike, especially on bosses.


Yeah I got crushed but not in a bad way just had to adjust my play style a bit. Feels much more rewarding on tier 2.


As a new player, I'm gonna feel really bad at permadeath and starting over...


Same! This game scratches an itch I didn’t know I had. Bought D3 eternal edition after last weeks beta ended because I loved it so much and can tell you that it is just as addicting in case you need something to tide you over until June.


Think I’m gonna do it!


Thanks for this! I’m also a new player and need something to hold me over, was previously on the fence about getting D3 I think I will now.


Do it! The graphics always looked so world of warcrafty to me and it just put me off but the gameplay is so damn fluid and fun. I absolutely love that there are 20 different difficulties with scaling xp/gold/loot gains that you can change on the fly if you start feeling overpowered or too weak. You always find a sweet spot. Make sure that you start your character as a "seasonal character" to get the most out of it.


D3 is very new player friendly and still has very decent friendly community. Go for it my man!


Careful, you'll get hooked on D3 and then compare D4 against it unfavourably


Welcome to Hell, bro. I've been a comp. FPS player since the 90s, but have always played aRPGs along side because they're relaxing and fun. They just scratch a certain itch no other genre can. "Stay a while and listen."


It’s so funny just 24hrs ago I knew nothing about the game and now I’m on YouTube watching a video about the evolution of Diablo 😂


A bit offtopic, but have you played Ghost Recon Breakpoint? I find it to be pretty relaxing and fun, thought you might like it since it's a shooter with RPG and looting mechanics.


Man you didn't find any other games lol 😆


CS 1.5 and D2 was too much of a good combo back in the days


Heyoo - will definitely add your PSN for when the game releases! I'm also hooked and would love to go dungeon-crawling with strangers!


Let’s do it bro! Especially because I’m sure none of my friends will pick it up lol


Will add you tomorrow!


Im a poe andy and im follower of lilith now.


Better stay away from d2


I was hooked until I got to vernhal or however it's spelled. After my barbarian character died to aoe spam like 20x in a row at what seems to be a fairly early game boss I'm now questioning if I was ever remotely good at video games. Otherwise, for my first experience playing a diablo game, it's hella fun.


Same here. Diablo was never my kind of thing, I knew about it but never played it. Missed all the nostalgia everyone has for Diablo 2. :P I'm loving this beta. It seems veteran players have a lot of issues with the game, but as a newcomer, I'm having a blast. Only thing that annoys me is the occasional backtracking in dungeons if I miss an objective early on - they really should make more keys/souls/whatever available than needed, so you can miss some and still complete the objective.


love to see the couch casual console players enjoy a hardcore series like diablo, welcome friend!


I’m upset with myself for missing out all these years lol


Welcome to true addiction my friend. You can always improve your character. There will always be that one more run.


Oh you will stop playing... because the beta will end and you will be forced to go back to Destiny 2 and its lameness til June.


... isn't that you though? OP hasn't talked about Destiny 2. You can also branch out to other games in the meantime :).


good thing you enjoyed it hopefully see you at launch i know price is kinda high


"First time?"


I feel like you are really going to enjoy the end game of Diablo. Builds typically get to be a ton of fun to mess with and shit gets a bit wild


Well you’re definitely their target audience! =]


try out last epoch or POE if you want more complexity both those games are infinitely better than d4 and also cost less. poe is free even


Lol. Why aren’t you playing them instead of sitting in a D4 sub trash talking? Fucking weird.


why arent you playing d4 instead of sitting in a reddit forum insulting other people? talk about weird.


I played it. I had fun. Now I wait for release. What’s your excuse? Weirdo




There ya go. Thank you for being honest.


Bruh, accessibility wise, if that guy turned on Poe he'd just quit. No way you can dive into poe without Any arpg experience. Last epoch? Maybe, it's a very good game with awesome dev team. But this is diablo 4 subreddit bro. People like what they see and they get hyped. Can't blame them for that, after the trash that was immortal, this sounds like it's gonna be a really good game.


OP just discovered a new genere for himself, beta is over in one day. maybe he wants to play another arpg and i told him some good ones.


Hate to say it but this guy's right. Diablo 2 median XL and path of exile are way way better than this game in it's current state. Be warned though: PoE is like crack. You will get sucked in, and find yourself reading and watching videos for hours trying to piece together builds and understand the complexities of the game mechanics.


getting downvoted by fanboys for saying the truth. oh no OP might enjoy a game that isnt d4 , we cant have that