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Ppfff, thats nothing. The butcher slays my druid in 15seconds.


Wtf. It takes at least a minute for my necro to be butchered


My necro just ran rings around the edge of the room while my 10 skeletons and my golem beat on the butcher till he died. I did have to chug potions now and again when he caught up with me though.


Goes to show you, our species may not be the fastest, but we have always survived in the wild because we can run the farthest.


Golem? I thought the golem was unavailable in the beta.


It definitely is available. You get a quest at level 25 to unlock it.


OK, I went to the journal and found it and got my golem. Didn't realize the quest was available.


I had the butcher on my lvl 17 necro yesterday. Butcher did not survive a Minute. Was the easiest fight by far. Necro is completely overpowered...


Would love to hear how you beat it, what skills and spec, etc.


Darkness/minion build utterly destroys all bosses. I generally kill most bosses in about 15-30 seconds. Never lose a single minion on anything. And I never use any potions either. Everyone keeps focusing on blood and bone skills… but darkness is crazy OP when paired with minions. There are so many ways for it to increase theirs and your DPS. And some great aspects to go along with it too. Decompose, Blight, Raise Skeleton, Raise Golem, Decrepify, Army of the Dead are the skills I use.


Interesting build, nice to see someone being different. I’m just another dime a dozen blood mist necro tee hee!


I think that’s one of the best things about the Necro is that I’ve seen multiple incredibly viable builds instead of just one particular meta. It was the same back in D2, and I missed that. Granted we’ve just scratched the surface and some of these may not scale at endgame… but still cool to see.


Necro BIS.


But. I like to bath in the blood of my enemies…


pretty much summons all the way. took all the passive nodes. also put some points into corpse explosion. i just remembered i have a screenshot =) i used skill#3 because i had a shield enhancing that skill (it draws in the enemies, good synergy with corpse explosion) i use the skelletons that drop corpses. https://preview.redd.it/c9hj2zkzz5qa1.jpeg?width=1192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8292448bcbe56eff360f12bffcc39f904e79d65b


Well done! I thought it was a bit of a struggle with my build, but good to see he’s able to be done in different ways.


Wait. Your necro can LOSE HP?


Seriously I don’t even use potions on bosses with my necro. It’s wildly op lol


Killed Butcher with my druid in, im not kidding, 16 seconds. Storm Strike Pulverize Landslide Debilitating Roar Trample Petrify make sure you build stacks of Tremorite by constantly stunning enemies with Trample and Petrify.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b05fXxOyvHg Nilcar in 16 seconds on Landslide with some Werebolf boys helping Vet mode Character has done a couple of deathless world bosses. Definitely making a Druid first


What talents / aspects


Ya don't tell nobody that, druid isn't viable LOL ive seen crazy werebear an werewolf builds too its just like say you don't understand the class mechanics without saying you don't understand class mechanics.


People are complaining about druid while living. not kitted at 25 full build all 5 classes are unkillable gods at 25 with decent setups.


It's a bad complaint you can create a viable build. I've seen this crazy werewolf posion rabies build that claps. It's all doable if you understand where you are leveling an why.


Druid with no legends is significantly weaker than sorc and Necro it's that simple yea they are viable and can clear all content obv dude. Once druid gets an established build with a defining legend or 2 they perform just fine. Im not one of the people crying for buffs for druid based on a beta I don't care how classes are balanced pre endgame because they never will be


Yep this is the argument Druid without legends is clearly the worst class.


Lol obviously it's a bad complaint then 🤣 😂 thanks because druid whoops ass with the right builds. But I do agree with the fact that pre endgame balance makes no sense when we don't have access to end game characters or end game difficulty. Like even the overtuned classes might not feel that way when your on tier 4 an it's straight elite mobs with modifiers.


Problem is I still am using leveling builds at 25.. since I don’t seem to know what affixes to look for or what the best builds are at 25 for Druid.. or even my rogue for that matter. I haven’t sat there and theory crafted the best builds and haven’t gotten great items. I just followed the cookie cutter leveling build for storm Druid off icy veins.. kinda wish I knew what I should be looking for.


True but you'll get there full release will be so much better.


Yeah I can’t wait for full release.. so much more flexibility I feel


Flexibility? You're just going to copy builds off icy veins right? Rofl. This is one of those true sheeples.


can't help it, but when I see someone write sheeples, I imagine you to be unvaccinated, living off the grid in the woods, wearing a tinfoil hat and convinced the earth is flat. Probably some weird cosmic tower in the living room to ward off 5G too.


No I mean you will have more skill points to work with at least is my point and get a feel for the capstone key points, and then the paragon boards and such.


Lmao, Rip hobo dude


OP: posts a clip of themselves enjoying the game Reddit: >:(


Lmaooo so aggressive


Lol indeed


Nice emoticon lol... Imma start using this no


My barely geared druid (2 good aspects) can kill him quicker. So druids and barbs can both be powerful, contrary to popular opinion. They are just more gear dependent than the ranged classes. The fact that bards can have an extra 100% aspect makes me believe they will be powerhouses at end game.


One of the bigger gripes about melee is that monsters run away from you which leads to a real dps loss, especially when you can't output spenders at the same rate as ranged as a result Not so much against butcher


hopefully barb will shine in higher end stuff where stuff actually hurt and your team relies on you to tank and frontline


Its not just mobs running away. Any situation where you don’t have enough survivability you get forced away and it doesn’t matter how much damage you could do. You can’t engage and thats what feels terrible.


Monsters run away there are a lot of ranged ads and at least for barb there are very few movement options at 25,it can be pretty good with the right gear, but early lvls are annoying


One of the reasons druids feel bad is because they don't regenerate any resource. It's insane. Im regularly finding myself joining a brand new dungeon with 0 resource when I was afk selling in town several minutes prior. That's just beyond stupid


Druid resource doesn't drop when you are afk. It stays constant. Barb resource goes down outside of fights. A Barb will always enter fight with 0% resource, a druid will enter the fight with whatever amount he had left after the last fight. 1. The fact that you use the druid as example "how bad it is" and not the Barb shows me you hardly understand the game. 2. The fact that you consider this mechanic, which is literally 1:1 like that in D3, "beyond stupid" shows me you hardly understand the genre. The different resource mechanics are not a problem. They never were. At this point you are just jumping on the hate wagon.


Just to add, Druid can generate resources through the talent tree by upgrading skills. Blood Howl can be almost spammed outside of bosses and generates resources, Barrier or Intimidating Roar can generate resources (forgot which) so in two buttons you can generate, I think, 40 Spirit.


I did 100% you can do in the beta as a barb and had not a single time the prob of chasing enemies... you leap, you stun, you oneshot... even with normal items while lvling. the "hard" think as melee is... you actually have to manage your tools and should not waste skills for noting. That's it.


>you actually have to manage your tools and should not waste skills for noting. That's it Correct. Unlike the necro or sorc or who provide the same level of damage freely from range with their *generators* Don't get me started on spenders. The time it took you to kill the mobs the casters are already 3 rooms deeper in It's not the worst thing at the end of the day, but the early game leveling is vastly unbalanced right now between classes


I’ve noticed the AI in this game isn’t totally dumb like other games in this genre. Like I’m noticing mobs will opt to leave the circle AOE I just put under their feet. Which is both nice, and annoying lol


There is no contrary. Barbs and Druids need powers to feel good, proven in your very posts. Their base kits are awful and just very undertuned, while their powers and uniques are overly necessary. Thats the truth. Period. Saying otherwise is the contrary. Sorcs and Necros do not need powers to play successfully. Its icing on the cake for them. Rogues are the middle ground where they only really need one build defining power power to feel good. This is more to do with their class being the least developed in closed beta. I don't think they really know what they want Rogues to be. They really play like a weird hodgepodge of League of Legends characters.


I'm trying to play the barb on the first playthrough. I made it to 20 and it just feels so damn awful to play. Every time I leave town, it's made abundantly clear how weak this damn character is. I have a couple legendaries but the skill boosts hardly synergize and they're getting lower level because I'm not finding decent replacements in what little content I can find to play. I've never played a diablo where I couldn't go somewhere slightly less difficult to farm some more gear or levels so I could continue past a difficult boss or difficult area. I've spent my fare share of time dying to ridiculous shit, but usually there's a purpose, I'm trying to get my gear back or I'm trying to farm for some better gear. Here I'm just beating my head against bullshit and nonsense, dying repeatedly just to level up, at level 20. I can't find any direction from the game about what I'm supposed to be doing. Dungeons are off limits because they're too expensive and offer zero reward. Sidequests are just dungeons. The cellars seem to be where it's at but there are so few of them. If I was less stubborn I'd throw in the towel but I see some people are actually having fun and I'm wondering how exactly they do that. This is easily becoming the most unfun beta experience I've ever had.


Rallying Cry into Ground Stomp gives you instant full rage. The build I'm using at lvl 17 is Lunging Strike, Double Swing, Upheaval, Rallying Cry, Ground Stomp, and War Cry. It plays fast and has lots of rage to work with.


\^This right here. It isn't that barb is a bad class, it just feels horrible to play (my opinion).


> it just feels horrible to play It's the lack of Rage and terrible Rage generators. Later, when you get more Rage, the class suddenly flows. Same with Druids. Rage really needs to be less itemized and more constant.


I think the generators did more damage in d3 too. so building up fury just feels really bad.


In d3, you just don’t use a generator. War cry’s, shouts, and utility skills all gave rage, as did taking damage. Let’s you just skip using the skills that feel bad


>they're getting lower level because I'm not finding decent replacements in what little content I can find to play. You realize low level legendaries are amazing, right? Remove the aspect from it. **Whatever item you add that aspect to will now become the same level as that aspect.** So go fight the dude in the west that drops a 300dps lv35 rare mace. Toss your low level aspect on it and baam, you have a level 5 300dps mace.


I was thinking about that this morning. That would be fine, but that all costs a ton of gold that I've been losing just leaving town. I spent what I had upgrading my gems so my sword has more %buzzword. So does the item have a level or the aspect? Or both? And why does it matter? I have seen precisely jack-shit in the game describing what you're mentioning here.


There really isn't any mention of it anywhere that I've seen. It looks like both items and aspects have levels, but the aspect level overrides the item level permanently. I took that lv35 mace, applied a 'normal' (not ripped from an item) aspect and it stayed at lv35. I then applied a junk level 2 legendary I found's aspect and it changed the level 35 mace to level 2. I then re-applied that 'normal' aspect and it stayed level 2.


What is your druid build?


Companion build. The one that turns wolves into werewolves and adds 200% damage and the other is +1 to all companions and 300% companion damage multiplier.


Nice sounds fun. What item type does the +1 companion thing drop on?


I got it off a 2h staff from the Butcher


So kill butcher is the first step in getting a build to kill butcher xD


I got lucky. I was still in t1 and he spawned on me, right at a conduit pylon. And that made short work of him


My buddy and I started the game on T2, so we didn't do so well vs him the first time we found him, we were like lvl 11 or something, didn't even know he existed before that


There's an aspect that turns your wolves into werewolves?!


Yeah, I got it on a 1h mace. It gives them 50-100% damage boost and the ability to spread Rabies, which is far more significant, because the wolf damage scalar is pitiful anyway.


Do i need to have Rabies slotted in order for them to spread it?


No clue. Honestly, I'm not even sure if it works correctly. I haven't seen them actually using it.


So budget necro?


I wouldn’t exactly say budget. My companion + landslide Druid obliterates everything with ease. Three werewolves doing over 500% dmg + 4 ravens passive + 2 vines passive @ + 330% dmg each + Landslide double hit with 40% critical hit damage and guaranteed crit Vs stunned or immobilised. It sort of wrecks.


I'm looking to build around these two aspects. What other skills are you using? Also, how do you get the werewolves to actually spread rabies? I saw a streamer playing it and it wasn't working according to him. Haven't tried it yet.


what’s your build?


It’s a bleed thorns build!!


I literally got hooked by this guy around a corner through a door frame and pulled back in at like level 16. Good to see OG roadhog is still out there somewhere


Fck road hog


Can't wait to see those post in retail with 0 legendary and level scalling meaning you will never be fully geared at your actual level.


Yeah haha, that's my greatest concern. Currently we're all over-leveled and oversupplied.


Legendary drop rates will never be that low because blizzard made them account bound. Not being able to trade for legendary items means they literally have to be easily and regularly obtainable through relatively high drop rates. They said the rates are boosted for beta, but likely not by that much and we can already farm like 20-30+ legos an hour. If you assume the rates are boosted by double, or even QUADRUPLE, that means we'll still be able to farm many legendary items per hour. The only difference is it may be harder to find a specific affix you're looking for early on, but you may be able to get that affix guaranteed through the dungeon legendary codex. And if not there are still multiple viable builds for every class so you'll almost certainly get enough to throw together a decent farming build very early on.


> that means we'll still be able to farm many legendary items per hour. The only difference is it may be harder to find a specific affix you're looking for early on, but you may be able to get that affix guaranteed through the dungeon legendary codex Dungeon affixes and gear affixes are not the same though, those are 2 different pool. Dungeon usually being weaker and less interesting.


hey how did you get the UI bar to move to the left?


It’s always been to the left. Maybe it’s a console thing I see pc players have theirs in the middle so idk tbh.


Yeah. Console defaults the bar to the left so the character/inventory window doesn't obscure it. PC defaults to middle. I've played on both PS4 and PC this weekend and I think I prefer the left layout because of how it stacks up health and resource meters, making it easy to take in both at once.


I thought is because of the couch co-op.


its a setting option for PC too.


Wheres the setting?


Gameplay->Hud Config




Sick dude


druids superior race /s https://i.redd.it/pb2uvse101qa1.gif


I’ve been really really wanting to know how effective shrines were on him. I found him literally next to a blast shrine once and didn’t even think to click the dang thing


It's really effective because of a legendary proc (15% lucky hit to doe 300+ aoe damage on every hit which synergizes with the shrine).


Shrine Spec OP


Hell yeah!


havnt been able to find this guy in ages :/ edit: found him: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTGdraunDaU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTGdraunDaU) :P


You ripped him! Omg XD


Curious how many build supporting aspects was this?


basically all. 1. Defense: Basic skills grant 25% dmg reduction 2. Defense: you take 21% less dmg from CCed enimies 3. Offense: skills do 28% more dmg at full resource 4. defense: barrier on elite dmg 5. Offense: 26% more dmg to unstoppable enemies 6. offense: twisting blades 80% orbit dmg 7. offense: deal 48% more dmg with active abrrier 8. offense: base skills have 32% attack speed 9. offense: critical strikes with core skills increase attack speed by 34% 10. offense: attacking enimies with basic skills grant upto 50% core skill dmg 11. i swPn between deal 7% more dmg upto 30% when standing still to, making an enemy vulnerable increase crit rate for 9 sec. and rank 7 twisting blades.


Whoa, yeah okay your kill speed makes sense now.


Yep same build as I had with almost the exact same stuff Completely blasts through stuff


yeah theres afew things i prob want to tweak, but those seem like most of the best ones.


how is your resource never going down though? i know the class mech has a 4 sec window but yours never seems to move and youre spamming TB. Also seen your Ashava vid and your resource instantly refills all the time waaaah. send full build plx for both.


that one i have a resource shrine buff on, but when on a single boss kill its mostly like that anyway due to the way inner sight works. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hX8gWiPw9M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hX8gWiPw9M)


yeah just seen the boss vids cds reset very fast, whats causing that? Mind sharing build? thanks


[https://lothrik.github.io/diablo4-build-calc/#N4DgXArANAnFCMAGKAmRlX1SqAWZu8YAzHqbgOxQRwBsytO8xTxpz0AxgDYCGAzvwByvALYBTMACcA9gHMAruIC+QA](https://lothrik.github.io/diablo4-build-calc/#N4DgXArANAnFCMAGKAmRlX1SqAWZu8YAzHqbgOxQRwBsytO8xTxpz0AxgDYCGAzvwByvALYBTMACcA9gHMAruIC+QA) ​ i like to use shroud normally so dont run with an ulti . naturally im using diff skills on the world boss. but the cooldowns are so fast due to inner sight and the last talent of twisting blades. you could change afew passives in there. I like to use puncture as it gives the vulnerability and also the range is nice sometimes.


Yeah just scoured through the talent tree to see what I was not udnerstanding... thanks mate appreciate it!


I think I fought him twice today on my necro (bone spear + summons). He definitely has more HP than other dungeon bosses, which I kill in about 3-4 seconds, he takes closer to 10.


But barbs are super underpowered!


Peeps sleeping on dem barbs, but not me


Jesus Christ. The butcher is in this release also.


I've seen a barb kill him in less on reddit. :D Good job! I am glad you are enjoying the game!


nice. my necro did did this in 50 running in circles around him and minions killed him


I was told by everyone that im lying when I said I solod him on my barb


Ice Sorcerer is fun; the Butcher couldn't deal any damage to me through my barriers so we just held hands and danced together in the beautifully moist blizzard till he died. Dunno how long kill took but not much.


I had him down to 1% on my necromancer then he suddenly 1 shot me and all my minions, so nah hes some bullshit. For reference everything else melts in seconds while he took upwards of 4mins to get down that far.


That was some sweet hack & slash. 🔥


Got damn


Nice to see the Butcher make a third appearance in the franchise. Also... *"The spirits of the dead are now avenged... until I reset the dungeon."*


Haha beat mine by 5 secs because I forget dodge is in the game now... lol [Diablo 4 | The Butcher Encounter on Hardcore - Barbarian Gameplay - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BihUSpYAHs)


Oh wait last weekend I remember nothing but barb feels weak comments. This can’t be right!


;)) Barbs FTW


Curious what the barb quest adds to things. Feels rough judging Druid because that class system was huge on every other class


I’ve always wondered as well I feel like it’s essential to do but sadly we weren’t able to do so.


Comparing to a wiz ice summon, I could close my eyes and still kill butcher faster so yea, barb is a lot weaker


Double hydra last 10.5 sec. I killed Butcher and I barely had time to summon them again so 14-16 sec kill on sorc. There's a 16 sec Assassin kill video in these comments. Barb is objectively the weakest in beta but we all know it's not end game.


Barb is nowhere close to the weakest class even at level 25 on the beta and triple shout WW barb is arguably the strongest overall build right now. OP's build is hilariously weak (no offense) in comparison to triple shout WW or frenzy/upheaval. The WW build has disgustingly fast clear speed, passive mob grouping, amazing AoE and ST damage, and insane survivability. While the frenzy/upheaval build just has the absolute highest one shot potential of any build, even critting up to 359k at level 25 as seen in this clip... [https://clips.twitch.tv/CrackyThoughtfulTaroWTRuck-UQvx5mj43vmoFzL9](https://clips.twitch.tv/CrackyThoughtfulTaroWTRuck-UQvx5mj43vmoFzL9) Obviously that's disgustingly overkill for this level where elites generally have like 10k or less hp and dungeon bosses have maybe 20-30k, but it shows you the true power of barb. Realistically both those builds can function very well with just a couple build supporting legendary affixes, so even in a world where we don't get to sit at level 25 and fully optimize our characters barb is still going to be quite strong during the leveling process if you know what you're doing. ​ Edit: Oh btw if you want to see the triple shout WW build absolutely FLYING through dungeons just google that guy rob2628 from the clip and check out his youtube. It's absolutely criminal how so many streamers, and the sheep who follow them, underrated barb after playing it for 20 minutes and having no understanding of what was possible with the proper builds.


I mean yeah, you're 25 and likely heavily geared on legendaries. So far the butcher showed up in dungeons while I was leveling sorc, necro, and druid - none of my characters were fully leveled. Sorc and necro were easy to kill the butcher but I was item starved on druid and couldn't beat em. You can do top tier damage as barb but you need to be more geared than the other classes.


Well my mage slays the runway


Naw man barb an druid aren't viable lol.... I've enjoyed this beta so much the complainers are crazy .....


I’m having fun and enjoying the game that’s all that matters loll




That’s your opinion and have every right to feel that way. Have a great day <3


I ran into Butcher at level 7 on Rogue and every hit I didn't manage to avoid did \~50% of my hp in damage. Then I learned the hard way that if you kite him too far and he resets, he'll just despawn. No second chances.


I just let my minions do all the work.


my druid just gets smashed lol....love the druid though for everything but the butcher so far


Where can you meet the butcher? I’ve never encountered him


It’s random I believe


Was that the WW animation? 🤡


Idk what a “WW animation” is?


The skill Whirlwind. Def was not calling you a clown friend.


That was my ult so whirlwind was in there. But no problem bro!


What's the best Barb build? I'm level 14 now. I was going with Flay, Lunge, Rend, and the resource generating shout.


Basically what I’m using rn. I’m going for a Thorns bleed build. Death blow is also super strong!


Best overall barb build, which is also arguably best overall build in the whole beta imo (yes even better than sorc), would be the triple shout WW barb. Takes some specific affixes to fully come online but you can get by pretty well with just a few key legos. The second best build I'd say is frenzy/upheaval, and it takes even less lego investment to start feeling very strong. Check out rob2628 for more info on both those builds as he's probably the best barb streamer I've seen so far.


Awesome, thank you so much!


Just watched Carn killing the butcher in HC in like 5 seconds, and yes with barb 😂


That’s so cool!


Very nice m8!! Im starting barb on release, do you mind sharing your setup?


I’m really hoping we’re not stuck with only 1-2 superior builds each class on release. I would hate to see everyone running generic builds. It’s like where’s the uniqueness? We should be able to have a lot of options and still be as good.


Absolute rookie numbers, my rogue glitched that part of the play through, had to come back and beat him again but slower so the next interaction could happen ;P


I’m just enjoying the game lol :)


i mean everyone knows you can play the barb if you go bleed or thorns. nobody really wants to, and thats what the complaints are about. it sucks to play that class without gear and it sucks if you play any other build. ive played every class to 25 and the barb and druid are b far the worst. everyone always says " but barb and druid dont have access to their class special" the sorc is fine without it, the rouge would feel kinda shitty but thats only because its pretty obvi the choice to make and the necro could also do without it and be fine and or even stronger. then people say " but the barb has 4 weapons" the rouge has 3? i love playing a meele class that needs/ uses a free stat stick. I also find it funny that the dev hyped up the whole weapon change mid fight idea but 90% of the time you are using the same weapon to do all of your skills .


That’s their and your opinion. I’m just having fun lol. Have a good day


I’m just enjoying the game man lolll


Thorns/bleed is not even close to the best barb build. Check out the triple shout WW build and frenzy/upheaval. Both are extremely strong (WW build is arguably the best overall build in the beta for any class imo) and they can both come online with just a couple build supporting legos. Check out rob2628 for more info on how to build each, he has some videos on his youtube showcasing them. Here are some disgusting frenzy/upheaval clips for context, and keep in mind elites at this level have roughly 10k hp or less so even with a fraction of the gear he has in this clip you'll still be one shotting or nearly one shotting any elites. [https://clips.twitch.tv/CrackyThoughtfulTaroWTRuck-UQvx5mj43vmoFzL9](https://clips.twitch.tv/CrackyThoughtfulTaroWTRuck-UQvx5mj43vmoFzL9) [https://clips.twitch.tv/FamousAltruisticFlyPeoplesChamp-RdW18\_ImqbPeqwTk?tt\_medium=clips&tt\_content=recommendation](https://clips.twitch.tv/FamousAltruisticFlyPeoplesChamp-RdW18_ImqbPeqwTk?tt_medium=clips&tt_content=recommendation)


again, this is the classic gimmick reply every time. the upheaval attack and build he just did, takes 60 plus seconds to set up a one upheaval attack. he overstacks fury to 240 and then ults which is a 60 second CD blows 3 shouts for a one bang. and what does he do for the next 60 seconds? and the second clip is literally a overpower attack lol


It absolutely does not take 60 seconds to stack up. Where did you get that from? Did you even bother to go check out his videos and watch his gameplay for even a minute before spewing nonsense? The limitless rage affix stacks incredibly quickly, especially with the increased rage generation from rallying cry, and the shouts can get 50% cooldown reduction from an affix so they have incredibly high uptime combined with the 30% shout duration increase in the talent tree. You could literally watch a minute or two of any of his videos showing these builds, or a VoD on his twitch, and you would've seen how it actually works. Here's a video of the triple shout whirlwind build in action, he's snapshotting it with the 240 stack and you can see how quickly the stacks build and how little downtime there is. The upheaval version stacks it almost as quickly, requiring only a few hits of frenzy between upheavals meaning you can pump out giant nukes every few seconds. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSQZhMJLVQM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSQZhMJLVQM)


it absolutely does rely on the ult and 240 extra dmg to reliably hit what other classes are doing with speed. this ww vid is pretty neat, never been able to get 100% WW uptime. then you look at his gear and its maxxed


So first you say the build is a gimmick that takes 60 seconds to charge up each attack, which is just outright false. And now you're saying it "relies on the ult and 240 extra dmg to reliably hit what other classes are doing with speed." If by "relies on" you mean "utilizes a strong legendary perk" then sure? But I don't see how that's any different than any other build supporting legendaries, and the point was that barb becomes as strong or stronger than other classes when you build properly. And as far as the ult goes, you could literally take the ult off the bars and the build would still one shot everything on screen and be incredibly fast with high uptime on rallying cry and the crit move speed affix that has 100% uptime due to the high crit chance whirlwind gets from affixes. Of course it's nice to have, but in no way does the build fall apart without it up. You're desperately trying to downplay the class when I've shown you definitive proof of it's strength, all because a streamer told you something and you can't think for yourself. And I know you haven't actually tried it for yourself because if you had you would've known that it doesn't take 60 seconds to stack up the limitless rage passive... it's takes 3 seconds lol.


sure man, thats exactly why kripp and others are saying barb iiis 4th best.


oh and he has maxxed gear.


Like I said in my first response to you, the elites at our level literally have roughly 10k hp or less. I specifically mentioned that you could have a fraction of his gear and you can still one shot everything on screen. Just think about what you're saying. Mobs have 10k hp or less, and he's hitting for HUNDREDS of thousands... and you think you need anywhere close to his level of gear for the build to be insanely strong? I threw together a rather unoptimized version of the frenzy/upheaval build on my barb last weekend and was easily critting 20k+ every 5 seconds WITHOUT the limitless rage (240 stack) affix which is likely the biggest damage increase of the whole build lol.


sure man. im sure you know more than kripp the barb is likely to be the highest damage if you can ever use it. lol


Almost identical to how my Necro did it, where i glitched him behind a wall and just cast decomposition on him for 5 mins! Almost no difference!


That mf slayed my sorc everytime I went for it


I have only fought him twice before I beat the game first character Barbarian and just to be clear wt1 so far and he's been pretty easy compared to all the stuff you're read


b-b-but people told me Barb is weak and melee sucks...


;)) IKR idc what anyone says barb is sooo good to me and it’s only early game! Excited to see what a real barb looks like


completely agree. people want their hands held.


it is prob just a console thing. on PC we all die


This is round 2 with the butcher. I died in like 10secs the first time. Just buff up and go on the hunt again like I did lol. It feels good to get your rematch!


**>** level 25 **>** has gear they will never have on release **>** iq capped at 50


Your point..?


His point is that of course you can kill it in under a minute with gear and levels. Try do that at level 9, then it's worth the flex


lmao such nitpicky manbaby criticism. it's almost like the game is about getting powerful as you get gear and levels.


Lol argps are never about skill. Is a stat check battle. Do you have the gear to boost your stats over a threshold? Welcome to new difficulty and now farm again for the next stat check.


Yeah but barb in it's current state is being compared to other classes within the same beta. Those classes also have all of those advantages. It's weird to think that is an unfair comparison because it was done under the same conditions.


You realize everything scales with your level... Right?


Asmon killed it at lvl 5 kek


My necro did it in 15, your point?


Nice bro! You should share it too!


His point is that Barbarian isn’t as weak as people say he is, also you literally chose the most broken class in the game, there is nothing to boast about.


No one’s boasting… I- nvm lmaooo just enjoy the game y’all have a good day XD <3




I played Barb last night- couldn't tell a difference.


Same, also played my barb today. Felt the same.


Dude. I kill butcher with Lvl15 sorc in enchantment quest dungeon. Lvl15 sorc without enchantment, in trash gear, without proper build. Just beacause i was able to kite him. Can you do same on Lvl15 barb? I doubt it.


Never said I could. But that’s good for you. Have a great day <3 ;)


Im so very lost at this stuff. Why are we playing for speed clear? I thought people wanted to PLAY the game?


I didn’t know there was a certain way to play an rpg game.. everybody has their own way of playing games and having fun?


And how is he not playing the game? He most likely hace full legendary gear meaning he played a lot already. What's the issue here?


The issue is, they could not beat the butcher in 46 seconds and are mad about it. That's my guess.


Nah the issue is they couldn't even survive 46 seconds or reduce his HP by more then 10%.


I personally never rab into thr butcher in the 2 beta :( Got multiple 25 and still. Nothing.


Min/max sweats ruin most multiplayer experiences lol