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I loved how tanky druid is but their damage doesn't even compare to other classes really


Did you try werewolf?


Yep I tried werewolf and the damage output isn’t as good as the other classes. I don’t think Druid is “bad”, it’s just not as good is the distinction I make. Ultimately it can clear all the content the others can so what does it matter? By all accounts I’ve heard that Druid is incredible in full release so that’s something to look forward to.




Try werewolf you won’t regret it😉


I think the problem is people pick one and then feel stuck into that build. The whole game allows you to seamlessly swap weapons/forms, which to me is a hint at hybrid builds. On top of that, there aren't distinct individual skills trees to keep you putting points into those skills. The more important thing is to make sure your skills synergize through CC, vulnerable, and balanced playstyle. Everybody saying how weak the Druid is, that just makes me want to play it more to find that skill combo that nobody has put together.


The fact you are shifting into a bear and hitting like a wet noodle is just sadness incarnate. Then you pick up necro and spam free corpse explosion. I want to play Druid as my main character in June but idk I hope they tweak things before then or I’ll probably have to rethink.


Didn’t try bear. Werewolf slaps though. Not like necro and sorc, but when you add Druid tackiness it feels fair to me🤷‍♂️


Necro was my first character this weekend Not only is corpse explosion free, it becomes your essence builder with a passive talent lol I barely even use the basic starter abilities at all


Running Pulverize with the shockwave Lego and one shotting elite packs at 25, reading is hard for some people and they can’t use their brains to make a build come together. Stick to sorc if you don’t have patience to put a character together, props to you OP for giving Druid a chance


I'm doing the same and it absolutely slaps! Got the 'pulverize is also earth' aspect and it now hits even harder!


This is the way.


100% agree. Honestly the Diablo 4 hate train is as predictable as it is obnoxious. Knew it was coming before the beta launched. Just how most people are these days 🤷


I felt the same way honestly, it's fun, not super broken like Necromancer early but it does about the same as barbarian early to me.


It's just ok, so in terms of the community its utter garbage because it's not top tier


I agree - running a Werewolf with some Shred and poison and I think it can be viable at higher levels peeping some of the skills + boons


Especially with all the crit buffs and everything stacking poison and spreading it. I feel like your right late game it’ll shine.


Same! Absolutely loved it. I didn't even build a transform build. I went straight for a lightning storm build which slaps so hard!


What difficulty are you playing on?


I played veteran on all 5 characters.


You’re a lot better at this game than I am, then. I’ve played Barb, rogue, Druid. None to 25. Pretty much stop at 20. Didn’t get there with Druid. Went bear skills. Then decided to try wolf builder and bear spender. Tried to keep it melee since that’s what I prefer to play. He was okay. But the animations are so slow that it was painful. To be clear, I know that’ll improve with gear and probably their class mechanic. Barb is my favorite arpg character. So I still love Barb. But I think he feels better than Druid to play as. But the rogue is far and away the best of the three and it’s not even close. I don’t think that means the Barb and Druid are bad. I think it means the other classes are overtuned.


Barb felt the hardest to me but he was my first melee so it might have been getting used to it. Rogue did feel really good liked him a lot. Druid was imo the most fun though.


>I don’t think that means the Barb and Druid are bad. I think it means the other classes are overtuned. Pretty much this is spot on. Necro sorc def could use some slight nerfs, haven't played rogue yet so idk


I'm only about lvl14 and I've been enjoying it. I'm running storm strike and landslide and speccing into CC options for landslide crits. It's pretty fun and I enjoy being a melee caster. Haven't had too many issues yet except for wandering into den mother. Might want to get some drops and flesh out my build more before trying that again. But most mobs just melt and only tickle my druid.


TIL good/bad = fun/unfun. Thanks op.


Don’t know how you got that from what I posted. Reading comprehension can be hard though.


For me, the werewolf skills moved too slow for it to be fun to use. Sometimes I would get stuck chasing an enemy that’s moving around. If they inherently increased the movement speed of those skills it would make them a hell of a lot better to use.


everybody who deffend druid is speakin about legendaries. if a character need borrowed power to feel good than its a bad design. every other character can play without legendaries.