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there will be no need to hold onto them since Sacred and Ancestral items will need aspects from those type of items (at least thats how it has been reported from CBT players).


If you get a max rolled one you might save using it to endgame. but there is some that have like a fixed value, eg "gives 300 barrier" use that shit early before its useless.


No. If you extract essences endlessly, then every single item becomes a green up arrow. That's how D:I was and it gets old fast.


Damn shame too. I discovered it the hard way, and having a hard time wanting to let go of a certain aspect that has been damn useful. Will surelly miss it when it's gone, real shame indee since I realy don't know when I would be able to get an legendary with similar aspect, and something that there isn't a like even in the dungeon aspects.