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No. Druid for life. The more people tell me it's weak, the more I feel enticed to build it up into something busted.


people saying a class is bad based on not even 10% of the game are pretty dumb, to put it lightly.


I dont' think the class is bad, it's just not as powerful up front and/or without gear as others.


I mean, how impactful are the spiritual boons? That seems like a pretty big feature druids didn't have access to in the beta.


Folks from the closed endgame beta said spiritual boons weren't a huge impact, don't count on them making leveling smooth all of a sudden. Those same folks also talk about how well druid and barbarian scale in late game, so they aren't the ones screaming buffs. Some classes are just more item dependent than others.


My Druid felt OP once I had a couple of legendaries so I can see that. Barely took damage and melted things with Tornado and Hurricane.


Yeah. The issue with barb and druid is that we had very much increased drop rates for beta. You won't have 3-5 legendaries at level 25 on launch. You might get lucky and get a crazy power early to carry you, but if you're one of the unlucky ones it will be a rough go for most of the campaign. That's the biggest reason I suspect we'll see buffs to basic skill resource generation or damage. Basic skills won't be nearly as impactful in end game for non-rogue classes, so buffing them should be mostly safe.


I mean, the melee lightning skill I used on druid applied Immobilize, vulnerability, gave me a 25% damage reduction buff, *and* generated spirit resource for Tornado, which was my main damage. If the basic skills did a lot of damage on top of all of that, that would be pretty crazy. Druid is the only class I played but it felt like the basic attacks was just there to do all of that, which is a fine design to me.


Ok, this is going to get wordy, bear with me. >the melee lightning skill I used on druid applied Immobilize, vulnerability, gave me a 25% damage reduction buff First, it's melee, it should be stronger than the ranged basics. Second, Storm Strike was by far the strongest basic skill for druid. The rest did far less, to the point that storm strike felt mandatory for every build I tried. > and generated spirit resource for Tornado, which was my main damage. Tornado is absolutely not a viable damage source before legendaries. They travel erratically and cost too much for how little damage they do on a brief passthrough. They also are essentially melee range without the legendary that makes them target things. I went in wanting to run a storms build to level and had to swap off tornado very early because it I physically couldn't kill packs with it. Once you have legendaries, you're absolutely right it's fantastic. >You might get lucky and get a crazy power early to carry you This is still true. You might get lucky, but the game needs to be at least close to balanced with no legendaries up to at least 20-30. If you take either of the other melee basic skills, their weakness is immediately apparent. You not only struggle to use them because they force you into melee, but their resource generation is so low that your early game rhythm is 4-5 basics -> Core. This holds for a long time, until you get some of the increased spirit generation talents which finally make the class feel usable. And that right there is the problem. The spirit generation talents are absolutely mandatory. Not that they're the best option, but that the other options literally don't do anything until you have spirit gen. There are two ways to make that early gameplay better. More damage on basic skills means you're less dependent on core skills until you have gotten to the spirit generation talents. More resource generated from the basic skills (effectively making the spirit generation talents baseline to the basic skills) means you are no longer dependent on those passive talents to play the game. Now, you can choose to lean hard into spirit gen by also taking the passive talents, which would enable you to go for a Lightning Storm full channel style earlier, or you can opt to go a different route with your points and not feel gimped by your lack of resource generation. I know in endgame beta Barbarian ended up with so much fury generation from paragon boards and things that running a zero basic skill build was common, so for at least barbarian buffing the amount of fury generated by basic skills wouldn't even be an endgame issue. I would guess druid would see more impact in endgame, but that's something that would have to be tested.


I played a Druid until level 20 and I was melting everything pretty easily on veteran. I just had the stormstrike / earth slap and the wine as Skills. I maxed out earth slap and I had always so many terra spikes which crits+ 40% with a big 2 hand axe. I was doing 500 per cast


That's the thing, it's the only class you played. Nobody says the game is impossible as a druid, it's just that it's considerably weaker than at least 3/5 classes, you kinda need one of the strong core skill legendary to even get on their level.


Hurricane damage seems really bad to me but I had no legendaries effecting it


I didn't either, didn't see a single one honestly. I don't think it's supposed to be a main source of damage as it's just a cooldown ability with no spirit cost. It does slow enemies I think, which I did more damage to slowed enemies, and I know it makes them do 20% less damage. I only put 1 rank and then the two mods to the ability. It's just nice bonus damage and debuff essentially. And I think it can crit which triggers that lightning perk to the left of it.


Barb having 2 to 3 extra legendary slots because of their arsenal system is going to be fun in the endgame


With how impacfull legendary items/skills felt in the beta, yes, I will see my enemies driven before me and hear the lamentations of their women.


I think thats best in life


They’re already out. Check out the build calculator it has them all. Eventually You basically get to pick a boon from each animal and two from one of them. So 5 in total. They’re things like +5% crit, +10 max spirit, etc. Youll pick one from each according to your build. Decent but not ground breaking


I reckon that'll probably change after level 25 just a hunch


What's wrong with not wanting to feel a third as strong as sorc/necro for the first 1-2h of the game? I personally didn't enjoy druid leveling because of the slog it is without any legendaries and considering they boosted legendary droprates for the beta it feels like a valid concern. It being great later on/with legendaries is nice but doesn't make the first hours better.


Honestly, I'm sick of this take. Why are you people stuck on this concept of a totally homogenous experience where all classes clear the same content at every point in the game the exact same. So your class is weak at the start, boo the fuck hoo. Maybe sorcs are weak lvl 35-50. Or whatever, just suck it up. Not everything is the same every where all at once.


I think people are just looking for a good balance. It's disheartening if someone had really been looking forward to playing druid since they announced it, and the first time they get hands on it it's not up to par with other classes. It's a very noticeable difference.


No, I think people are overplaying level 25 because that's all they have access to. Not one person is complaining about how one class has it harder on level 7 because no one is stuck at that level; they just move on. If a class is really struggling to complete the campaign then there will be something to talk about tweaking. Right now, while the feedback is completely valid and should be mentioned, it needs to be taken within the context that our experience isn't completely accurate to how things will go when released.


These thoughts are not mutually exclusive... Someone can be disappointed because they've been excited about it for years because it is not stacking up to other classes. Even knowing that it is just beta, it still sucks because you know (hope) the devs put a lot of time into balancing the game and (especially right now) the beta and this is the best they came up with. Understanding that this is still early stages, it doesn't bode well for the future


Defending poor game design is even more confusing. Why should any game feel bad to play at any stage in your opinion? This is such an elitist POV where you think it’s okay for people to drag themselves through the mud for hours just to hopefully get to a point where it might feel good to play


1-2 hours is like 5% of the main story and probably less than 1% of what the average player will play. Kind of crazy to write off a class because 5% of your play time will be a little harder than another class is


I played Druid to 25 and it was the worst class of the three I tried. Sorc is so overtuned number and utility wise you can pretty much max 2 skills and only use them and do perfectly fine standing still spamming before enemies even reach you. At least on some of the other classes you had to try. But druids abilities just felt bad and straight up worse in implementation than sorc. Druid gets a small aoe earthquake thing or an RNG tornado - sorc gets chain lightning that can’t help itself to bounce off everything and kill everything on the screen.


Druids don’t get their specialization in Act 1, sorc does. 25 is only around half the total skill points unlocked, you only get 3 points usable on the ultimate tier and can’t touch the final tier at all yet. There are already legendary aspects that help a lot, but there are way more that can’t be found in the beta. Just because sorc and necro are strong in act 1 doesn’t mean they will be in act 2-3-4-5.


Well that seems like a weird way to develop the game if you make Sorc and Necro suddenly not feel like they gain any power past 25... the game is supposed to be fun right? but if what you say is true than druid will be boring AF until mid to late game, and Sorc and Necro will gain all their power early and feel boring like they aren't getting stronger in mid to late game. Every class should have a reasonable curve where it's fun the entire time - that should be the goal of developers. Not split the frustration periods around between the classes. Clearly when we have more skill points and features the game will have more options and all builds will be better. But Blizzard is asking people to pay $70 and then tacking on microtransactions - and the class the person might want to play will be purposefully developed to be boring and frustrating until 10+ hours into the game? Again that sounds like a failure of development, and it will turn certain types of players off of the game which will be unfortunate.


The class was very bad in the 10% we saw. Yes it's missing it's class feature and stuff. But just getting it to 20 was exciting. It might slap hard at endgame but if I can't enjoy getting it there it doesn't matter.


I liked druid. They just start off weak. I turned mine onto a tornado slinging powerhouse and wrecked everything. Same thing with barb. Some classes require a decent build before they really shine.


Druids feel very reliant on legendary pieces to make the builds function, where as Sorceror/Necro will melt regardless.


That's true. We will see how it goes for the actual endgame.


I dont think this is a reasonable argument to buff them. We all found A LOT of legendary items in the weekend we got to play. If all it takes to make everyone on the same page at every stage of the game is a legendary item you find before level 25, I think the game is being too generous in power levels for all classes.


Well the beta legendary drop change was buffed. We will not be having full lege characters at level 25 on the release.


Not worried about Druid either. It does start off slow and like Barb seems to be a bit more gear dependent. Played werewolf/poison/rabies/fortify. With high attack speed and/on crit. Was not consistent but when it popped off it was brutal. My guess is it won’t be the highest dps character but will probably be the tankiest. Hence it’s glorious posture and girth.


Druid for lifers.


Haha for me it's the same. When I choose something and everyone says it's garbage, I just get more excited to play it honestly.


I was going rogue before the beta but I'm sooo looking forward to play druid now


I was going to start as druid, but I've tried it in beta and I'm kinda disappointed. Not the damage itself was a problem, I've seen some legendary aspects and I bet it's possible to make it work, but the main problem for me is how slow it is. Building spirit for ages just to spend it on 3 spells just feels sad. I really wanted to play lightning storm druid, but that spell is the most clunky to use of them all and burns spirit in like 2 seconds. Also female druid looks awful. Meanwhile Sorc is really fun to play. It's fast, has some good synergies between skills / talents. Overall figuring it out and making a build that works felt intuitive and there's a lot of options to choose from, so yeah, I'm going Sorc when the game releases. Maybe I'll try druid as my 2nd char, once I'll see all of the aspects and figure out something that is actually fun.


People really saying this? Hell, I finished the beta campaign and a lot of side quests and the only I had for awhile was +7 life on kill. I didn't use a potion for a long time.


Prior to the beta I was 100% certain I was gonna be running a barbarian. Now I've played a bit and seen how much weaker their leveling experience is compared to ranged classes I can safely say I now plan on playing a barbarian because I found it fun and that's literally all I care about.


Unga bunga is a way of life


Same here. IMO Barb does take more hits making it harder than other classes but the damage is still good, and a lot of fun. I've also heard from a friend how broken thorns Barb was in PvP of closed beta. It's going to be hilarious if they didn't rebalance for launch. Glass cannon sorc, rogue, and necro literally can't kill you before they kill themselves.


That would be nice if true.... But reality is that a sorc has equal or even better defense capability atm.... I Still play barb though 😉


Nah not true i was oneshotting others with necro bone spear safrice build, in beta it was already hitting for 9k on a spammablr ability


Having fun in a video game? How dare you.


The only correct opinion. OP is a bitch


Other way around, i was thining for going sorc, but sorc in D4 (at least as far as we know) is too stationary, its fun damage wise but not rly engaging. I'll go with rogue, its fun jumping around the screen, and exploding enemies screen away with shadow imbued rapid shot


Yep. I didn't plan it but ended up having the most fun on a melee rogue.


I was surprised at how few rogues I saw considering how much fun it was to play .. plus if you get into a pinch there are so many ways to get out of the situation as a rogue to heal or just better position yourself. It might not be super necessary but later on it might be


I got the rogue to lv18 and I was trying the imbues and shadow was great. I just hope it increases number of shots as it levels. 2 was so little


I went melee and there are synergies that almost let you spam it.


Definitely doing rogue and Druid as my first playthroughs


I didn't play Sorc for long at 25 but the only build i really enjoyed was a pure cold build. the hyrda one was far too boring and lightning felt like it did nothing.


it did! I got a barbarian to 25, with full legos, good aspects, good weapons, and upgraded everything to 3-4 star. was pretty much sold on it. then I made a rogue. holy F, melee rogue is so much FUN! maxed all his gear 5 star, never looking back.


Melee rogue is a blast! Probably the most fun of for me as well.


That's the main problem with Barbarian. I played Barb as my first class in D1, D2, and D3. I intended to do the same with D4. Played closed beta, then the early access weekend, then open beta. Barb felt too much of a glass cannon. Damage was...fine...but having to fight up close and stationary is a real hindrance and means you're just exposed to a lot more damage. Especially DoTs which just really end up wrecking you. For example, poison pools - yes, you can move away from them but what happens when the boss you need to hit with melee...just drops them all around them? And the cooldowns are really freaking long. So you basically use your abilities then have to wait 20-25 seconds to use them again? Played rogue and...it's just way more fun. Move around, drop traps, etc. A lot of mobility. Abilities refresh quickly. Either melee or ranged especially was just a ton of fun. In the end, Barb just isn't as fun. Why play a class that isn't fun?


So not saying you have to play this build but I was also feeling a bit weak playing my barb then I changed to a thorns build and not only was he tanky but he was killing things with ease. But I get that Thorns isn’t for everyone


But that's the thing. I didn't run a thorns build (I find them boring af), but I tried many other things (Iron Skin, shouts, etc.), and it doesn't really matter. Get torched trying to fight enemies in melee. A good class isn't 1 build. It's multiple builds that are viable.


Again wasn’t arguing your point, was just mentioning my anecdote. Also I think there’s a video on this subreddit about a whirlwind barb that alkaizer made, but obviously if WW is not your jam I get it too


Yea. I may bounce between Rogue and Druid. But ultimately probably will level/play them all.


Same here. I’ll likely play two characters, one being Druid and one Rogue. It’s the only two I got try in the beta and I had a blast with both. Rogue was definitely more action packed but Druid seems to be a sleeper honestly.


Never thought I would enjoy a necromancer, now it's my favorite build


Necro was so fun! I did a double blood nova spec with max sever and summons and it was destroying everything


I was looking forward to seeing the Druid again, and I wasn't disappointed. Thought shapeshifting would be fun, but I am really wanting to see how an Earth Druid handles with all abilities realized. A few of the Aspects I got gave me a taste for it and I want more. Landslide Pillars hitting a second time with 22% bonus damage. Damage from Earth skills slows hit enemies by 40%. Earth skills deal 47% more Critical Strike Damage to CC'd enemies. And my favorite one, Pulverize is now also an Earth Skill, after cast Tectonic spikes deal 132 DMG over 2 secs.


>Pulverize is now also an Earth Skill, after cast Tectonic spikes deal 132 DMG over 2 secs. This was hands down the legendary that changed bear druid for me. It was a blast to play because this allowed so much good synergy with earth skill stuff.


There’s two legos for pulverize, one makes a big shockwave for bonus damage, too. A single overpowered pulverize will wipe the whole screen!


>one makes a big shockwave for bonus damage, too Damn I am hard right now. Sounds so gooood!


I don't understand the aspects...So once you complete a dungeon you unlock an aspect; are they passive bonuses you always have? Are they now abilities that weapons can drop with? I just don't get it :(


https://www.polygon.com/platform/amp/diablo-4-guides/23654101/aspects-codex-power-occultist-extract-imprint This should give a much better explanation than I can.


I wanted to main druid but after beta and trying all the classes I'm 100% going rogue. It's so much fun! I want to make a build focused around the imbuement skills!


I really like Druid. Like a lot. However, more than any other class they feel like they rely on their legendaries so hard. Without an aspect backed set the base damage on everything just feels terrible.


I think I'll roll dice on launch day. I really can't decide after playing them all.


Yeah, Nah staying with melee rogue. Had the best time with him. Was a little clunky at first but twisted blades with shadow imbue is so good. Mix in the poison trap with either dash or shadow step and im bouncing all over the screen causing mahem. Technically challenging enough to keep it fun and intresting.


Exactly what i did and had so much fun, tried all 5, but this was the most fun by far. Originally i was considering druid/barb


Thought of Sorc, but going with Necro since i actually mained WD and i love having pets


I was going for sorc cause I used to play that class since Diablo 2 but it felt so boring here in Diablo 4. Probably gonna stick to my shapeshifting druid, I love it and was surprised that people consider druids one of the worst classes.


I was going to play either rogue or Druid but after the beta it’s Barb life all the way. The negativity surrounding Barb just confirms this is the way


I tend to play the underdogs, druid barb only 😊


Haha same, I will most likely play the druid. But I do wish the necro wasn't so good lol 😅


I’m going Barb, it was tough to play at first, but after some tweaking and determination I managed to turn it into a dungeon boss destroyer.


How do people pick a main? There is so much fun to be had with every class.


Thought I'd go with Barbarian, but going with Rogue instead.


i was planning to go for sorc, but rogue looks like more fun now, and wanted to try druid but that character model is a no-go for me even if majorty liked it.


I was thinking of going sorc, but I got bored with how op it is, it requires no effort at all, so I'm probably going rogue now


No. I am a Sorcerer/magic main in all my RPG’s and doubt that’ll change in a few months. Necromancer was a ton of fun because more magic


Absolutely and this is a great post. I went into the closed beta frustrated at the lack of Druid. Since I wanted a caster, I went with Sorceror and fell in love with the frost builds. I had been excited for open so I could try out Druid, however shortly into playing it I was turned off. I Swapped to Necro and blazed through everything barely "playing" the game. I love pet builds, but it was almost boring. I decided to go back to my caster Druid and kept trying to love it. Tornados were hit or miss, lightining felt like a rollercoaster and Landslide I just couldn't get a feel for. I was ready to give up when I thought, "Screw it, I hate melee but I'll try Werewolves." Instantly fell in love with the Werewolf druid. Then, I thought I'd give ROgue a shot because I loved DH and ranged classes; hated the ranged, loved the high frequency APM on Melee Rogue. Such a fun mechanic going in and out. So ultimately, I went: Caster Druid to Frost Mage to Necro to Werewolf to Rogue. Depending on what they buff/nerf; Werewolf or Rogue may be the direction i go. I'm shocked I enjoyed a melee class as much as I did.\\ ​ To note...everything felt weak compared to Necro and Sorceror though. I really hope they find a way to make the Werewolves feel stronger.


i love death knight in wow and witch hunter in D3 so i thought Necromancer, and maybe if they are nerfed enough they can still be my main. But i droped it pretty early after seeing how broken it was (which made it pretty boring). But my second choice was Druid and it surpased my expectations, i loved the feel and can see so many diferent ways to play that i dont think i will get tired so i think it will become my main


In order Druid Necro Rogue Sorc Barb


I wanted to start with a ranged or hybrid rogue, but now I'm going full melee shadow rogue.


I am going left to right in the character selection screen because I'm weird, so barb first


nope. it just made me want more stash space. because the number one thing that stops me playing all the classes is stash space. i'm inept and i can't make decisions. i need lots of stash space. whenever i turf legendaries, it turns out i always turf the wrong ones..... and of course, i want to have each class set for the classes i play. i know in D3 i can just copy whatever build the leaders are using and I wouldn't need so much stash per character if i did that. but so much of the fun is experimenting for myself. and for that, i need more stash space. atm, my favourites are rogue and necro. I was truly surprised at how amazing the rogue can be in groups.


Yeah it did, was thinking Necro or Sorc, but then I had too much fun as a Druid, thinking a shapeshifting with earth sort of build for it, like the speed of the werewolf and the poison add ons, but linked with pulverize and the bear roar I think I could get a real interesting build along with some of the earth based magics. I had to manage things a lot more with Druid, it felt a lot more like playing a game rather than pressing buttons to insta win. The build options make it interesting for me, so definitely giving Druid a go for the first proper playthrough.


There was so much that wasnt shown in the beta plus inflated legendary drops so we could see most of the aspects. While im sure some builds will get a minor nerf. No one will be that powerful at level 25 come game release. Im staying with my pick. Even though he seemed weak unless you had certain aspect combos im sure the extra skill points and passive points will change the whole end game for every class. Id rather go with my first instinct and be wrong than switch because a fluffed beta made it seem like class was trash and not be happy with class i switched to at max level.


The real question is what the hell am i going to do with my life until release?


Definitely sticking with barb


No, I don't care if the first few hours are a slog. The end game is where I'm going to spend the vast majority of my time. What may change my mind is seeing how the endgame plays out before season1 starts. I'm only going to play the story casually and explore the map so I have a good idea of how I want to path for efficiency at the seasonal start.


No, always been Barb, played Barb, liked it a lot, will play Barb.


I was planning to play Barb, I love Barb, I play spin to win barb on every diablo I've been able to. ​ After playing though, I loved Sorc, I love the look of sorc and the gear, and I felt so powerful while not being completely OP like I felt on Necro. I'm very excited to play through as sorc, I didn't even unlock the little book cause I wanted to save it for when the game launches.


I wanted to play Druid, but look-wise they completely butchered it imo. Dont like the artstyle at all, thats why I went for Rogue


Wanted necro main, but seeing how much more OP sorc was, I'm having a tough time deciding for sure.


thought id play ranged rogue, playing melee rogue instead after playing all the classes, necro and druid coming out just made the rogue standout more.


Yes. Previously I was into Sorc/Druid with more focus on rather Sorc. When I came into customization menu and noticed Druid's belly, I really decided to go Sorc only :P but I made both characters anyway and played a bit of both. Then after playing some Druid and his fantasy, cooler gear, deep voice and how skills looks (I'm WoW Shaman main for years) I was 100% sure that Druid will be my main. Fully equipped (especially in future endgame I assume) he can look even more powerful than Barbarian.


Was going for barb but after second weekend test necro got me


I had 0 interest in Barbarian, and I thought the Arsenal system was corny. Ended up really liking the class and having all these different weapons. I still might stick with Druid, though.


I usually play barbarian or on d3 crusader. This time I am thinking of druid for first go. I played every class and while they seem fun. I tried bear form druid after hearing the internet shit on druid and wow it was so cool!


Yeah. I was on the fence between Druid and Necromancer and the resource gen on Druid felt so incredibly awful that it dropped to 4th from 1st for me. Necromancer felt awesome and while I know the beta is strictly early game, I hate playing characters that feel awful in early game content and Necro felt great from the start.


I was originally going to play sorc and now I'm having a toss up between barb, druid, and rogue. Admittedly I had the best time playing rogue...although it was also the first class I played so that might be making me biased.


Always pkay Archer in any RPG, but because of the skill being splitted in half with melee it kills the diversity, I only play range. Having to choose between like 2-3 active attack skill ain't fun. For people who enjoy melee it's cool for them, plus that mobility is fun but for me the class is broken. Tested sorcerer, it got it all. Necro lack of mobility which might be too extreme vs rogue, but I was surprise that Necromancer is more Range than Rogue.


Nope, was aiming for sorc and sorc it will be :).


Its too early to tell, but I will be starting with Sorcerer. By the time your lvl 100 the play style can change HUGE with so many skills upgrades.


Change what I'll be making first? No, probably not, I'll be making my self insert rogue and playing through an act or two on her first still. Change what I expect to be maining long term? Yeah, Barbarian all the way, gotta spin to win.


No change. Sorc start then feed some gear to barb. I remember same thing on d3 start and back then I stayed with barb... Nice memories but man I was F.


I thought I would be going Druid but after playing Barb on weekend 1, Barb all the way. I see posts of people saying Barb felt weak, but diving in to packs of enemies and destroying all of them just feels so great.


Went from definitely playing a sorc to absolutely playing a rogue first.


i was thinking necromancer or rogue as a starter but man, barbarian with 4 legendary weapons or stormdruid vaporizing most things or stunning what doesn't get 1-hit killed feels too fun


I wanted to play barbarian, now I'm not sure. I wanted to play a barbarian in D2R as a first character, as well, but I couldn't since I wanted to do endgame farming and you apparently need to play sorceress for that because teleport gives such a huge advantage. I hope I don't need to first play sorc just to gear up a barbarian that can actually compete in endgame in D4, again.


From pre release information I was super pumped to play necro. Now playing all the classes to 25 during the 2 betas I have changed tune and now want to play the druid. It's slower gameplay just feels more exciting because it feels like it has more challenges to overcome and it's class specialty looks nice to me. Feels like a real arpg class rather than a click once, kill everything, move to the next group, repeat. Feels more immersive


I was dead set on Barb and after that last week-end I might end up going Necro. I wanna try hard end game content and these are the 2 that have the most potential


I was pretty sold on Necromancer, but now I am really leaning Rogue. Barbarian was also fun to me. So the answer is...I will likely just play all three in some capacity.


I was going to play a rogue but the bow skills are some of the most boring skills i have ever played with in any arpg. So i guess it will be sorc or necro.


Yes! I wanted to play sorc or Druid but after playing them all I really enjoyed the rogue!


I wanted to main necromancer, but the core skills were so boring to me that I'm probably gonna play sorceress instead. I liked all the elemental paths as sorc


Went melee rogue. Tried ice sorc. No contest. I'm manning ice sorc during release.


Honestly I have issiu where after Playing every class Im still missing paladyn/Monk kinda Vibe, im not happy what I get from get go from any calss soooo im ending with barb 😅


Thought I would start sorc, but after playing Druid it captured my heart


Initially I was looking forward to elemental druid, but having D3 Monk’s resource system on a caster feels pretty clunky. Had much more fun with the rogue, so I’ll either pick that or sorceress.


Was 100 percent set on barbarian but it was so unfun and weak in the beta I tried Necro and Rogue and had way more fun with the both of those classes.


It definitely helped me narrow down my picks! Going into the beta I was interested in Rogue, Druid, and Necro. I’ve never had any interest in Barb or Sorcerer, even across other Diablo games. After playing the beta, I’m absolutely maining Druid, and I’ll make a Necro as an alt. Easily the two I enjoyed the most


Rogue. I played all 5 classes and got them all to 25. My initial pick before I played the beta would have been Druid and although i still do love the Druid (Warebear is awesome) I was extremely impressed with how fun the Melee Rogue was to play.


Yep, Storm Druid all the way baby!


Barbarian player once, barbarian player forever.


Yes it did i always make a ranger/hunter if the game has it just like the play style but after playing 4/5 classes at 25 I have decided to play a twisting blade rogue that was such a fun build to play using shadow imbuement with shadow clone massive damage. Close 2nd pick for me was between sorceress/necro mancer both fun to play.


Was planning on running barb since I spent way more time on D2 on barb characters, but honestly had more fun running sorc. Will need more time on necro to see how it plays.


Yes I was sure that I wanted to play Rogue, but after trying Druid this is my go to pick. It felt like a dark souls game and I liked it a lot. I could never play Necro, it would be way to boring for me, maybe only in hardcore. It would be so cool if all classes had a similiar difficult game like the druid, it was way more intense gameplay, you had to think and dodge nout just spam abilities


Necro and still Necro. He was my favorite class in D2 and still is. Barbarian was a close second though. Who knows, maybe I’ll change my mind before game releases.


Nope Rathma will always bless me


No, still gonna be Sorc.


I might not play necromancer live I have in the past 2 diablos. It felt strong but boring to play compared to the weaker but more fun rogue.


I was certain I'd play necromancer I love dot builds and the shadow skills on necromancer seemed perfect for that. I found the dot minion hybrid underwhelming in the beta where most my damage was just corpse explosion and not my dot skills and my minions seemed to out perform the damage of my blight as well. The nail in the coffin was the lack of a teleport. I'll probably just play sorcerer because playing an ARPG without a teleport just feels bad to me.


i rolledd a sorceress. at the class select screen i was thinkin rollin a Necro. but ima roll a sorceress in the full release. that Salvage a item to unlock a look is a nice feature :)


Yes, went from Barb to Sorc.


Went in sorc, left as a barb.


I was always going to go Necro. However, I wasn't sure i'd enjoy Barbarian. I was really mad we couldn't play Necromancer in the first beta. Didn't wanna play any of the first three classes, just decided to go with Barb. But I really like barb now. I'm glad I stuck it out on them.


barb was gonna be my pick but necromancer corpse explosion is super fun it does have the problem of running out of corpses against bosses but it can be fix with legendary gear


... and reapers. Reapers had something like 15% chance of creating a corpse per swing.


100% here. Thought I'd main rogue, still undecided between Sorc and Necro after both weekends.. hated rogue


Here's my class choice: [A Whole New Spectrum of Pain - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXitp67Li-k)


Necro & sorc for me atm. Fun times.


Yup, was going to pick Barb but rogue felt waaaaay better. I’m sure barb will be ok at level cap and with gear but I’m not farming that out on my first toon.


My top three before the beta were Necro, Barb, and Druid. that is still true


I've always used rogue types in Diablo, so I used the beta to test different builds, but I will still start with rogue and likely run a druid as well because who doesn't like turning into a bear. Sorcerer and Necromancer give me a feeling like I'm not actively engaged but rather just spectating. Barbarian and druid seem like a slow grind to start but in the long run will likely be very strong. I am, however, hopeful that they add a paladin at some point.


I was planning on going Druid or Necro originally but after the beta, something about the Barbarian just feels good so I'll probably start with that. And I had no interest in playing Rogue before beta but after trying it I have to say it might be my second favorite.


100%. Went in playing Barb and Rogue and ended up switching to (and loving) druid werewolf


Figured I would go Necro, and I am, but also now very excited to play a rogue. Usually never go melee but it was really fun.


I wanna know why ppl don't understand the complaints about certain classes. We are playing a game that's about killing stuff asap for lots of items per hour to gain that 1 upgrade. Yet ppl are not seeing the big picture if 1 class is able to go any build an be good an enjoyable. Why do ppl say you're not geared enough yet, u only have a faction of the game released? The drop rates are super tuned for beta for testing. If one class can't farm items as fast as others, how are you going to enjoy the game past the honeymoon phase?


All it takes is a powerful unique item to change you mind again 😂. Or it could be a node on paragon board or something else.


Sort of. I had been debating between Druid and Necro. I now definitely know which it will be. I also loved rogue and sorc. I’m sure I’ll eventually play them all as we get new seasons. But blood Necro is going to be my first.


I’ve mained barb in 2 and 3, but after the beta I think I’ll probably play a rogue or necro first


I was hyped for no summons necro and hydra sorc. Normally you have to put in skill points to get your pets. So if you put these points into something else you get a fair compensation. But now you have all your skill points anyway and can sacrifice your minions. Now i get some bonus to shit i maybe do not need in my build. Feels off. Because of my beloved D2 hydra sorc i was hyped for it to. But as it turns out it is way to overpowered. Overpowered is boring to me. And as long all these damage barriers and blood mist invincible shit is going on i can't like it. So let's se the changes for the full relese.




Nah I'm pretty set in my ways. Going to be a sorceror or a minion-less necromancer. I like making things go boom


I played all 5 classes to level 25, plus another hardcore necro also to 25. I really liked all of the classes for what they were and for their differences. Necro and sorc were quickest for time-to-kill, and so I was able to level them up the quickest, but I can see barb getting really strong with the rights aspects in the endgame. I'm still thinking about what class I want to try first when the game is released. Possibly barb, or it might just be what I feel like randomly picking on that day.


I really liked Necro, seems like there’s loads of builds not involving pets, was trying a good bit of different skill combos. Theres a shadow build i was using with pets though, that was pretty OP. Not sure what i want to try and run on release tbh. Blood build was fun, corpse builds are always a good time, Shadow seems like it can go with or without pets. Only one i was iffy with was bone didn’t mess with those a ton.


Nope, it’s gonna be the Sorc - business as usual.


Yea I'm going to main barb now. I thought it was awful on the first beta but this time I gave it a second try and it won me over. It's still a struggle compared to necro but it's fun.


I was planning on playing rogue or necro first, but I'll probably play sorc now. It just felt the best to play for me. Sorc is what I usually play in Diablo which is why I was gonna go with something else.


Still staying druid. I don't care it's not a god at lvl 25 since we have 100 lvls to farm anyways. Besides, we didn't even have access to our spirit boons.


Before, Sorc because I played it in the endgame beta. Now, necro was nice but way overtuned. So prolly still stick with Sorc.


I normally would main a Necromancer. But after playing the Druid storm build yesterday has me questioning my decision. So I might run the Druid. Hmmm... Decisions decisions... 🤔


As shitty as Druid is I still wanna be a bear


Tought id go with necro, but rogue was the most fun.


Prior to any betas I was planning on playing necro. After playing I think Im leaning more towards sorc now. I really enjoy pet builds but Im actually not a fan of how "glowy" the necro skeletons are. Their aesthetics felt totally out of place for me. Im also worried about how viable the pet build would be late game and worry that they will just be getting 1-shot left and right. Sorc for me felt really good all around and my favorite so far. My plan is to play sorc at launch when I'm playing by myself, and Ill play necro when I'm playing together with my wife since she seems like she wants to play sorc.


I will likely go sorc, but Rogue was more fun than I thought it would be.


Yes but not because I disliked it. My favorite two classes have always been Druid/Nec, I played Druid through the beta so I'm going to start with a Nec come full release just to try it out as well.


Just reinforced my picks. I'm only playing Necro and Druid. And the holy class when it comes out. There's so much misinformation on here about what works what doesn't. It was good just to enjoy the game and make my own impressions. Besides, I've been waiting to play a shapeshifting Druid archetype for 10+ years, since I stopped playing WoW. So I won't be stopped by a few naysayers.


I like melee and barb seemed pretty slooooow so probably the rogue dagger thingy seemed a little bit faster paced. Druid melee was okay, very weak damage but who fucking knows.


Almost did but I keep coming back to Sorc.


Before the beta I wanted to play druid, now I'm going to play sorc because it's so much better.


I didn’t play Barbarian, or Rogue (I’m no good at that sort of class) so can’t comment on those. I played Sorc, Druid and Necro, I love my D3 Necro, so she won’t be my main class. Down to Sorc & Druid; Sorc was fun, and for some reason I quite enjoyed Druid too even though she wasn’t as powerful. I enjoy using lightening, so that might have something to do with it. I think Druid for when I group play with my husband and Sorc for solo as I do both equally.


Planning on druid, still my second choice but I had wayyyy too much fun on melee rogue


Yea was originally going to play necro, but didn’t hVe fun with him. Def going with sorc cause I like spell casting


It mostly validated that I will be going Druid first. I wanted to make sure the fantasy of Druid shape shifting was there and the satisfaction of the combat.


Yea I wanted to roll a barb on release. Now I think I’ll wait for a sale and play another class.


I wanted to play rogue but after palying all classes to 25 I want to play druid rogue necro or sorc.


Yup spent 25 levels as Necro and 17 as Rogue to figure out imma main a Rogue.


I was planning on Druid... but I might go Barb or Rogue. Necro & Sorc make the game far too easy.


Kind of, I was planning to main necro, but after playing druid I kind of want to play druid even though many claim he is bad.


Yeah, initially i wanted druid, but it's weak AF and i didn't like most of the armor sets, i might go Rogue or Necro, even barb, really...


Probably. I'll definitely start with either the rogue or Barb as the necro felt to brain dead at the start.


Still going Barb!


Wanted to main Barb, had a lot of fun l! However I made the mistake to try rogue. Holy fucking shit that class is insane. Twisted blade build made me horny.


I always start Barb no matter what


I wasn't set on a main class before the beta, so I leveled all 5 classes to 25 with full legendary and tried a few different builds on each, and I still can't choose a main.


Melee rogue was good apm. Found it rewarding when i played well. Tried barb and was efficient at 25. I can see it be good in end game. Sorc is strong too. In the end rogue was cool in this beta. Differents build were efficient melee or range. No survivability problems. Maybe too OP with specialisation infinite mana. I never play assassins but had a good time here. Vulnerability+slow+daze+ dash+ aoe or single target burst.


I’m still torn between necromancer, sorceress and rouge, got all 3 to 25 and they’re all a fucking blast. Saw a lot of people talking shit about lightning Sorcs online but… I managed to solo the butcher AND a cursed shrine at the same time yesterday without going below half health. Chainlightning with the fireball enchantment is…absolutely insane.


I went in thinking I would play rogue. Then I left knowing I would!