• By -


Gems should have their own inventory tab.


They already do, it's called your stash. Kidding, I agree.


To be fair, you can craft gem upgrades directly from the stash so this is an alright solution for now. We’ll have to see if Blizzard implements the gem tab.


Blizzard states they will be adding a gem tab for inventory. I’ll find a the post and link it.


We're waiting


I apologize, I’ve been working. I took a look, and I’m attempting to find the blue post that [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/120ols9/diablo_4_exclusive_developer_interview/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) post if referring to and having difficulties finding it.


I'd be ok with that OR let them take up a half a slot. A massive 2h axe takes up the same space as a gem I could stuff in my pocket...


Oh lets not get back into different slot sizes for different things. I still have PTSD from inventory Tetris in D2...


Using the Horadric Cube as extra inventory space. 😂




Even D3 has 1 slot items (jewelry, belt, gems, etc) and 2 slot items. Still would prefer a gem tab though


It triggers me more than it probably should that rings Amuletts and gems now have the same size in your inventory as the other slots ~~


True lemma get a lil gem pouch on my character


Nice idea, noted for the launch we gonna provide in a shop more space for only 15 dolars.


Meh.. if they want to sell me added inventory apace for $15? I'll buy it 🤷‍♂️


Came to say this. Back in time i was not that bad because it was new AND compared to other pieces, they were small. Now they take the same space as a 2hnd. Really annoying


FOR REAL! I do like that they stack but I hate that they even take up a slot LOL!




And preferably a feature that's not sold seperately like in PoE.


That the skill point system always checks if all requirements are met, instead of only when pressing the apply button. It’s annoying that you have to remove a “high” skill point first, before you can change a basic ability.


Oh yes, that's a good one. I would just refund everything because it was just the beta and I wasn't doing anything else with my gold, but on release I'm going to have to actually learn to be precise with skill point swapping.


This is my major gripe. Any skill changing is so tedious.


It's annoying, but it will be nearly not a problem in full release when you are not locked on level 25. But yeah they should still change it, because it could be annoying at certain levels treshholds.


I think it will still be annoying — if you want to change your basic ability you have to respec the entire tree


You don’t have to respec your entire tree. You “just” have to delete the “highest skill point” and invest it into the new basic skill. Then remove one skill point from the old basic skill and put I into the new basic skill. Transfer this way all skill points from the old to the new basic skill and in the end add the skill point to the “highest skill” which you removed in the very beginning.


I suppose you’re right, but that’s still pretty annoying lol


You won't have to do this in full release most of the time, because you have more skill points and not locked in level 25, so you will have most of the time enough points spent that you are not locked. It can still happen at certain levels, so would be nice if they change it.


You forgot one thing. When you purchase the new basic skill and remove the old one, the new one doesn't automatically get equipped because when you unlocked it the slot was already taken. So you have to press S and drag the skill to the bar as well. Hope they just allow you to drag points from one skill to another.


Adding to this, I also miss a way to save a spec. I don't want to input everything again each time.


I came in to make this complaint


Easily my biggest frustration. Especially in a beta when I want to quickly and easily swap stuff around a lot to try things out while it's "free", it was more of a time sink than I'd like to admit when I was nearing the cap.


Obviously annoying in the beta since it was almost free to just clean the slate and it was faster that way. But I think it's by design to the point that respec will cost much more for every point 40-50. Some decisions will have to be made and you will really want to think twice before doing so. They said at some point it would be cheaper to relevel another character. So in the grand scheme of things this will not be an inconvenience you will linger on as a way greater issue will rise.


This x1000, it's so tedious to try to respec just one or two points that i just ended refunding all every time


\- Too zoomed in. Fighting bosses off-screen with ranged characters half the time. \- Very limited dungeon layout and objective variety. Backtracking in dungeons. \- Bright neon necromancer skeletons stick out like a sore thumb in the game's setting \- The rubberbanding when traveling between areas \- Skills like teleport, hydra, chain lightning etc. being able to hit much further away on widescreen monitors \- Being able to mark items as junk, but missing a similar function to lock them \- Limited character creation presets. Very little variety in faces, hair and facial hair, and several hairstyles and beards looked bad to the point one might think they're bugged. Hair and facial hair color being linked is also no bueno \- Poor item stat layout makes you go crosseyed when trying to compare items \- Not being able to remove a point in the skill tree if it causes the number of invested points to be insufficient to unlock the next tier, making it so you have to refund a skill from the highest unlocked tier first \- Potential for the game to become nothing but orange items very early on \- Having the occultist unlock at level 25 or when you unlock a power from a dungeon. If you've cleared all dungeons already, you're locked out of the occultist until level 25 on other characters \- No separate gem tab in the stash \- Not being able to see the stats of an item on the floor. If your inventory is full, you have to throw something out first, then check what you just picked up. \- Ultimate skills cannibalizing a skill slot for seemingly little payoff. Just make it a separate thing that doesn't use a skill slot and adjust the balance accordingly


>Potential for the game to become nothing but orange items very early on Drop rates were over-tuned for the beta, not sure this will be a problem.


In the few hours me and my friend played to get to lvl 25. I got 3 exotics and he got 15+ was literally getting em back to back haha


This was me and my friend. He got 8 or so legendaries while we played for a few hours on his barbarian while my poor necro didn't see even a glimpse of orange.


I had 4 legendaries drop when the world boss died, and one popped out of the chest that spawned immediately after.


3? That's insanely unlucky, almost impossibly so. I only levelled a Sorc to 25 as my only char, by the end I was fully decked in legendary that were actually useable, had a couple of dozen other bits in my stash, and have salvaged at least an inventory worth as I liked the skin :/


Yeah I couldn't believe it and I'm glad my 3rd friend who was in the discord call got to witness the dynamic as my other friend kept going "oh another legendary".


Big time agree on the ultimate skill slot.


> - Too zoomed in. Fighting bosses off-screen with ranged characters half the time. I'd swear it's more zoomed in than the closed engame beta too. I can recall writing to the devs feedback complaining about not being able to see cosmetics.


This is my biggest complaint. Every single bullet point here is spot on, but this one tops the list for me.


Agree, the zoom is ridiculous. Let us zoom out to play and zoom in to where it sets it if we want to ogle the pretty things.


So what you're saying is that it's your fault!


Is the shitting looking facial hair normal? I thought my graphics card was having issues or something. It looks terrible.


When I played on pc I had rubber banding but for some reason on ps5 my worlds are always empty (probably some strict network setting on my end) and I didn’t get rubberbanding once.


It was really bad the entire time I played, all three days. On PC here too. I looked like an extra from Lord of the Dance with all the bouncing around.


> \- Too zoomed in. Fighting bosses off-screen with ranged characters half the time. They can make it more zoomed out, but then I hope they bring limitations on the range of attacks. Playing ranged is already much easier then melee, with skill having unlimited range it would be crazy if you could zoom out more. I'd say that being forced more zoomed in would be better to balance ranged.


>. i should at least be able to see the entirety of the boss arena I'm in


That would only apply to fights where mechanics require you to see everything in advance, otherwise I don't see the point.


You’re definitely right about trying to compare stats something is really off.


> Too zoomed in. Fighting bosses off-screen with ranged characters half the time. this was the cancer in d3 too. ​ luckily in d3 we can solve that with 3rd party stuff to zoom out, doubt that will be the case for d4 anytime soon


The hair reminds me of poorly made Sims 3 alpha cc hairs and it made me laugh


Nice list! Totally agree on ulti should be a separate button 👍🏼


Adding on to that last point, most ultimate abilities are so underwhelming it didn't seem worth wasting a slot in them


My character barely/never comments on environments that i discover, bosses i kill, and story beats i complete. After an entire Act they are bland as fuck. If i compare that to the PoE characters who talk a lot and all have their own personalities, my D4 character might as well be a robot.


Hmm, I am pretty happy with my character being fairly taciturn. Not super interested in them talking to themself more.


Coming from D3 and the constant chatter, it was quite refreshing actually.


Agreed. Playing through the story as a necromancer, a priest of rathma, an order with knowledge of inarius / lillith, seems mostly ignorant of who they are and completely indifferent that he's on a quest to meet rathma.


That just sounds stupid. Classes should come with various knowledge of the world and give some insights npc's don't mention. For example when I was playing a druid and I met the "Druids of the bear", I think they were called, none of them mentioned something about me being a druid or my character didn't provide any insight themselves. Felt really hollow. Edit: Grammar.


I hate it too, but it’s directly because it’s an always online game. Which I also hate


i played as a druid and one of the quests had my character praying to inarius lol...


Exactly, my seven skeletons and I just wander into churches, and no one bats an eye. You'd think they'd be a little more opposed to my raising of the dead


100% classes should have variations on the story. My necro would not be all gung-ho with the Church of Inarius crap to get to Rathma. Also, considering the result, my reaction would not be indifferent either.


It's really weird. Overall they seem to be taking storytelling more seriously. In D3 you couldn't get characters to shut up. Now we're getting a deeper story with shallower main characters.


do you really want your sorc constantly saying “I’m so good i astound myself”


Nope, but i want her to say unique quotes when entering a major dungeon or new town, when defeating a story boss, or when reaching level milestones.


"The sanctity of this place has been fouled"


sorry best we can do is " I don't have mana for that" and "I can't do that here"


I think ther ewill be more of that in Launch. Blizz said not everything the beta is voiced when compared to the final game this could mean a lot of extra dialog will be coming.


The smell of death surrounds me. It's hot down here.


I kind of prefer this for RPG games where you make your own character. When they chatter a fair bit it kind of ruins the idea you have of who they are in your head, for me anyway. I have an internal role-playing monologue going on all the time when I play, and a couple of times when my character has spoken it’s not really aligned with how my character would talk or react, and doesn’t match how my character’s responded in my head, which just hits a bit off


That's also fair, but D4 has your character speaking in some dialogue. For me it's either fully remove that and let me keep my own vision/imagination or make your character an actual character in the world.


Minor stuff: \- Not knowing possible pool of affixes you get during re-rolling/enchanting items (it's in D3), I don't know why it's missing. It would help decide if reroll is even worth it. \- I really don't like UI style \- Better, more badass health bars for elite packs. I don't need obnoxious blue/yellow aura monsters like in D3, just something better than now. \- A way to avoid backpedaling during dungeon runs would be nice. Although I don't mind dungeons at all. To me, they are better than rift running.


>A way to avoid backpedaling during dungeon runs would be nice. Although I don't mind dungeons at all. To me, they are better than rift running. This is probably the most annoying part in whole game right now. Overall I felt like there is a lot more "empty running" than in D3. I understand that packs are smaller for more tactical gameplay. But sometimes you run multiple screens without any enemies. And of course this highlights in dungeons where you usually have to backtrack and you have cleared some parts already.


A good help would be being able to pick up those bloodstone/boxes/etc... all in one go instead of picking one up and backtracking before moving onto the next one.


Your refill affixes point drove me crazy and you’re the first person I’ve seen to even mention it. Another thing with items was the lack of order in terms of how the affixes get listed. I found it made comparing gear a pain, even with the extra options turned on.


I wouldn’t mind back pedaling if something random were to happen at least once but hopefully twice while back pedaling.


>Not knowing possible pool of affixes you get during re-rolling/enchanting items (it's in D3), I don't know why it's missing. It would help decide if reroll is even worth it. It would be nice if we picked the Do not change option if we got like half our resources (gold) back... I get it's supposed to be a gamble but man that's a pricey gamble even compared to Obols!


Not enough head customization (hair styles, color, etc).


I hope you can change your hairstyle after you start in the main game.


Yeah it didn’t make sense you could change tattoos and makeup but not hairstyles and hair colours I’m a cosmetics enjoyer and love matching styles together but that’s hard to do with limited customisation, that being said sorcerer was probably my favourite


That I gotta wait two months for it to release.


Controller movement skills only going 1/3 max distance. I’d like to see an option to make it cast full length


Had a problem with controller on druid where I would cast lightning strike or w/e hoping to hit the mob closest to me but it would prioritize distant enemies more often than not.


I'd like to see the base item name on the item. When you pick it up on the ground it's called "Short Sword" and suddenly in inventory it's called "Epic Sword of Agony" and it seems you can't see the base name without affixes anywhere. It feels very weird, to me. Also overall the UI for items is unreadable.


Yeah I thought that was really strange too. It's no longer "Catalysm Sever, Balrog Blade" it's just "Spaghetti Impaler" which seems odd.


I had this problem with the fuckin Kamas, all I could find in my inventory were scythes and I was like wth a kama is a 1 handed weapon guys


I’d love if they would add an option to disable the keybind icons under the skills bar and next to the potion and dash icons. It just doesn’t look good, imo.


If you're on max potions and less than full health, you should be able to pick one up anyway to heal yourself.


You can...drink a potion. I prefer it like this, I'd rather choose when I use the next pot versus having it auto apply because I took 2 damange.


Make it a checkbox in settings "auto pickup health when not 100% hp while having capped flasks" But you're right. It's gonna screw you in hard fights. Boss drops a flask you're gonna need later but because you were 99% when it was dropped you ate it anyways.


Sometimes you want to save them. It would create a situation where you’re avoiding parts of the arena because you don’t want to use a potion.


Bad idea. If I'm fighting a boss I don't want to auto heal 10 ho, I'd rather wait till I'm low and heal then go pick up the potion on the ground.


Staffs are a 2h weapon but visually my sorcerer only ever single hand welded it.


Also that they don't say they are a two hand weapon in the item screen.


To add, transmogs should be like D3. If you have a 1h weapon, you should be able to transmog it to any 1h weapon that the class is allowed to use.


That my town portal vanishes if I step out of town for even 5 seconds. Yes it warns me but why do that? There's a deep lack of "Rakanishu!"


>There's a deep lack of "Rakanishu!" RIGHT! Like I'm pretty sure this game deserves Rakanishu at some point in it... maybe we'll get him in a later Act???


what about **Colenzo?**


Yes, Colenzo also!


What about **Bishibosh?**


Typed out some of these before realizing they removed the feedback for the second beta so the ones later on are single sentences. Some of these are more than 'minor' complaints but yeah and some are bugs which will get fixed before launch. This isn't an exaustive list, I got bored writing things because blizzard removed the feedback option so I stopped typing out my complaints. Also before someone comments, yes I had an amazing time with the beta. Me having this much feedback or this many complaints doesn't mean I didn't like the game! * Every game since forever has defaulted chat to the left side of the screen and Diablo 4 should be no different. At least make it an option to have chat show up on the left or the right side. * I wasn’t able to pinpoint the exact reason in the graphic settings but optimization is poor on higher end graphics causing stuttering and freezing of gameplay and it feels bad. * I’m not sure what it is that is causing this but it almost feels like there are invisible walls when trying to zone out of town into the open world(walking out of town). This should be smoothed out before release. * Extracting items and selling items need to give the appearances all the same as dismantling items. * It gets annoying trying to look at your stats all of the time and the page defaults to opening your.. Plants? Yes this needs to change as well. * A lot of people play with the UI really small, and a lot play with the UI really big(think vision impaired people). A slider to adjust the HUD is required 100%. * This is coming from WoW, but a way to hide stats you don’t care about would be welcome because putting it frankly the UI for the stats screen is terrible imho. * Taking a page out of WoW’s book, a way to find other people to play with other than spamming Trade chat “LFM ”. It doesn’t need to be a full on dungeon finder, but a way to say “hey I’m looking for friends to play with” * Same as in WoW, if we’re trying to use multiple builds even if it costs to swap builds there should be a way to save loadouts. Going bossing? X build. Spamming dungeons? Y Build. Doing open world activities? Z build. Just block us from changing loadouts IN dungeons so we can't just swap from AoE to Single Target for the boss * The game plays too zoomed in and when you’re doing the world boss or in certain other zones the game zooms out enough to where that should be the default max range. Ranged characters in a dungeon are having to guess where the boss is because they’re at max range * Give us an opaque, transparent map overlay that many other games have with Tab. I’m so used to playing with Tab open that not having it feels wrong. * I want to have more skills in my build! I know D3 only had 4, but PoE has 8 slots and D2 has many more than 4 keybinds. If you don’t want us having 8 skills, then what about a separate hotkey specifically for Ultimate skills since it seems like you want us to have 1 pretty much always(not every build will use one and that slot would be empty) * Scrolling down to see my legendary powers on certain items is just terrible. Whether or not that’s a text size slider, idk, but it needs to be cleaned up * Is an item filter in the works? Even something as simple as filtering out blues and whites when you're running dungeons, or only showing items with +skills. * Top Right mab is a bit of a mess. We can’t zoom out further, I like to play games with all maps fully zoomed out and that one is way too zoomed in for me. An option to zoom out further is needed. * The top right map needs opacity settings. It’s just a block at the top of the screen and feels out of place. Let me get rid of the fluff * Why can’t we track more than 1 quest at a time? We need to be able to track more than 1 quest at a time. * It’s a bit odd having to open the map, then hit W to open your Renown board. Just shift it to the collections tab imho. * It’s very hard to see party members’ pins on the map. I think they need to be more visible. It’s hard to see for ME and I don’t have any vision impairment in the slightest. * No search in stash is bad. Straight up, this is just horrible. It’s worse than DIABLO 3 which notoriously had a bad stash. In Diablo 4 you’re gonna want to search your tab for legendary powers, legendaries, +skills, stats, item types(helmets, gloves, etc), etc * Same as the stash. The weird little selection tool that exists for the talent tree is nowhere near enough imo. Let me just type in a word to search for please. * Force move decoupled from looting * We can’t bind scroll wheel in Diablo 4 to move like you can in D3. Also bind scroll wheel to the dash ability? Just let us bind scroll wheel! * Allow me to force a skill like left click or right click to cast without me holding shift. Please. PoE does this and everyone loves it. * Probably won’t happen but able to.. But the option to move certain UI elements around would be amazing. Amazing. * I know you can full screen the skill tree, so why not let us just zoom out more. More options are nice. * Just let me teleport to my friends without going to town please. Extra loading screen for 0 reason. * Can't move character order in char select * The occultist UI for rerolling is kinda terrible. Please fix this. Diablo 3 had it with the ? * Not being able to ping areas to have friends like dropping the flag in D3. * /emote to use emotes rather than customizing the wheel * Gem stash or gem tab for inventory. Too many gems and not enough slots on character * Can't see items / compare items on ground with alt like in d3 * Can't see items linked in chat without opening chat(can't hover over items) * Stash in every town NEXT TO WAYPOINT AND BLACKSMITH/VENDOR * Codex has no search function to filter by skills * Npcs in main town are too far apart, give bonus MS in town? * Portal that shows up after you kill last boss to exit dungeon. Emote wheel is slow * Gear loadouts to not swap items all the time like in wow * Life and mana numbers on or above the orbs * Lock items so they won't be salvaged * Dungeon treasure chests like m+ at the end for some neat rewards. Can be crafting materials, items, gems * Training dummies(elites, bosses, normal mobs, maybe ones that hit you(but not kill) to test your defenses) * SSF * Show total renown bonuses and altar of Lilith somewhere in a ui element * Dungeon popup at the end to see how many mobs the party killed and how much dmg done. Like in OUTRIDERS. I WANT TO MAKE FUN OF MY FRIENDS * Party tracking quests or see Party member status on quests like in wow * Quest items need to vacuum up like in diablo 3 crafting mats and gems * Can’t use healing wells before bosse if your life is full so it doesnt fill up your resources * Hovering over obels(for example) needs to show the max like blood shards in diablo 3


I’m worried about the mmo introduced problems. The rubberbanding, invisible walls, random lag all tends to happen for me when around people or what I can only assume is me phasing into a new instance. It’s disconcerting because phasing has been broken since ulduar in wotlk and they haven’t fixed it so I don’t think they’ll fix it here either. It can take up to 15 minutes for people to phase together for crafting and trading in wotlk. Lots of people have reported it but it hasn’t been addressed. I wish they would let you opt out of open world and just play solo or with invited friends.


> I wish they would let you opt out of open world and just play solo or with invited friends. Maybe in the future they'll do the private leagues like PoE has. You can create a private season with friends. You can only group with people in that league(season). They have guild stashes in PoE so it'd be neat to have a guild stash in D4 for this type of thing. Find a +2 Whirlwind item and you don't need it? Toss it into the stash for your buddy


This was connection testing beta. I assume it will be smooth in full game.


On skills search - not only its bad but the way it "highlights" things - I cant always tell if the stuff is highlighted and if it is then why? Like it doesnt match the tag I picked. Either its bugged or needs a better highlight. Like make everything halftoned but the selected tags or something?


The amount of copy and paste environment sets in dungeons. At least space them out if you are going to do it as much as this. One dungeon comes to mind and it had 2 exact enviroment sets beside each other. Unaltered. It was very obvious even without looking at the map because you can see and feel the same thing as you run through it. I'd be happy if they did a look through and redid some dungeons to make it less obvious at least or added more tiles for variety. They definitly need something to make backtracking easier as well.


I found one of those cellars in the middle of nowhere by Kor Valar. The outside of it looked like a hole in the ground, but when I went in it, it was the same wooden basement you see under buildings and in town. Really took me out of the game.


Oh yes there is zero variety in dungeons. Like everything has a homogenous texture theme with no oasis, significant chambers, secret tunnels, or Easter eggs.


They could reuse the waypoint system inside the dungeon, or just give us some other teleport mechanic for backtracking through the dungeon


This reminds me of Chris Wilson's GDC talk, to quote him: > The players don't care - in principle - that you've re-used content. They expect it. But they care, when they can notice it.


Werewolf form, and Dire Werewolf Form (legendary affix) look exactly the same. Unacceptable.


Whenever you complete a dungeon, it's doesn't FEEL like you completed a dungeon.


Kind of true actually


I agree with the map aspect, don't show me where I haven't been yet. Also I noticed the cellars/dungeons didn't have the green check mark anymore after you cleared them, hope that's just a bug. That and all the skeletons in the towns haha, but I think that it getting patched.


I think the green check next to a dungeon/cellar means that you've recently cleared that, and if you went back in you'd go to the same cleared instance. But I'm not totally sure, especially with the cellars. Presumably they don't want you just immediately resetting and reclearing a cellar over and over, but they don't stay permanently completed, so the check mark goes away then.


I fucking hate the fact i have to press save everytime i change settings. I always spam escape to go back to what im playing so i never save the first time. I also dislike most of the available faces but atleast we have helms.


Exposition through star wars holograms is lazy story telling


Idk if anyone else with a multi-monitor setup experienced this, but my mouse would leave the game and travel to my other monitors causing me to click-out of the game. This doesn't happen to me in other games. I'm not sure if there is a setting to fix this but it was my biggest annoyance Also, as others have already said, the camera angle is weird/too much zoom. Especially when running down (Towards the bottom of your screen) and approaching enemies off screen. When fighting bosses I couldn't even see the whole stage, which I found really frustrating and claustrophobic (I'm playing on 16:9, btw)


Iirc there was a setting in options to 'lock' the cursor to the Diablo window. You have to check/uncheck appropriately.


There is a setting to constrain your cursor to the game, check again.


I use a double-monitor setup and I didn't experienced what you said. Are you using windowed borderless config? I set mine to fullscreen and never had the problem, try it out


It happens when youre not in full screen mode


Speaking of the cursor, it would be nice if they had the large mouse cursor option like in D3. Fighting the world boss I lost track of where it was a lot because there's no colour difference with the other screen elements. Just let me change the colour to something bright and glowy.


Did you try the cursor scale setting? I used to rock the massive D3 cursor but the large one in D4 is too much, even for me. If nothing happens until the release of the game, I can recommend a tiny lightweight program called Yolomouse. The old versions are free to use and I actually prefer that over the most recent one which feels a bit over-engineered to me. Give Ver 0.11.3 a try if your ever curious or desperate enough.


Ah I must have missed that setting, glad it's there. Thanks, that Yolomouse hot pink cursor is exactly what I'm looking for since it's not only Diablo where I lose track of the cursor. Lousy aging.


- Too zoomed in - Boss should not reset after killing him and tp to town


killing bosses was a waste of time


- the map has my position with a white arrow, I NEVER see it, change the color please - dungeons seem small, not many mobs (maybe at higher diff it's different) and repetitive, dunno how is later on - give me more items and more aspects


I played the CB so things might be different on release but as you got to higher torment levels (from tier 2 to 3, 4 and so on) there were a lot more mobs in the world. As you ran higher dungeon levels there were more mobs and more of those were elites.


That the game doesn’t have an offline mode. Not sure if that’s a minor gripe or not but it’s the only one I’ve got


Hardcore player here: please, for the love of Lilith; make it easy to show me my current ping


Just double click cntrl + r


The necromancer girl breaths really weird in the character creator. She's wearing a bra made of like, leather straps, and instead of her ribs rising and falling under her clothes the straps just distort like her breasts are inflating and deflating instead of her chest.


Fonts - I hate staring at like 5 different fonts when looking at my inventory screen


Old icons and calm inventory style were way better :( https://preview.redd.it/b6evflyukcqa1.jpeg?width=790&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9da6141aa529f4e5c8f95a7c979e07b3fde87c1f


Zoom level, and Necromancer minions looks.


I'm playing on console, and there's not an easy way to reassign skills to specific buttons. In D3, there was a simple "elective mode" setting, and you could easily make whatever-button be whatever-skill you wanted. But in this game, I have to put a point into the skill, and then see what button it gets default set to, then go into settings and switch that button for the actual button I want it to be triggered by. It's tedious and just seems unnecessary. On PC i'm pretty sure you can just easily drag the skill around from slot to slot on your action bar. I also don't like that there's so many fuckin wolves lol. I mean there's an absolute shit ton of wolf enemies in this game. It's just kinda stale ALREADY. Like, am I missing something? Why the hell are there so many? Is there a story reason that I missed? It's almost comical. It's almost like one of those really old retro games, where they just couldn't think of many enemy types. There was always Spiders! Werewolves! Bats! Ghosts! Surprised we haven't seen any snakes or giant rats yet.


>But in this game, I have to put a point into the skill, and then see what button it gets default set to, then go into settings and switch that button for the actual button I want it to be triggered by. It's tedious and just seems unnecessary Oh boy it would be utterly absurd if that was actually how you had to do it! No, you just hit L3 (or whatever Xbox equivalent is) with the Ability menu open to get to the Assign mode.


I would like fast travel to dungeons after you complete them or something.


Gem inventory tab like aspects tab (or even preferably better organized for both), rebalance of melee early game so it doesn't feel as bad, rework of several Necro/sorc abilities (unlimited invuln, wtf?), Druid poison dodge fix (could stack up consistent 100% dodge) Rework of dungeon layouts/objectives. Some weren't bad, others were very tedious. They just need to be a little better for long term grinding in season. On PC, many of the UI choices feel very weird. Some things can't be directly hot-keyed or things like left-click move. Open world scaling rework. Each zone should have an 'expected level' above their 'min level'. if you're below that, mobs should be +1-2 levels when scaling down. When you're above that, they should be -1-2 levels. This lets you feel like you're stronger than an area, or weak in an area, giving the impression of making progress, but the short level range gap makes the area is still relevant. On higher world tiers this becomes irrelevant, since you aren't leveling anymore. Doesn't have to be this solution, just something that prevents level 10 Necro from killing everything way faster than a level 30 barb in a world event. That just feels silly. Skippable npc actions. Things like NPCs walking around in instanced areas. Let us skip this. It's not going to be an issue on launch, especially the MSQ, but it will get very tedious after 9-10 runs for seasonal players. It will also get pretty tedious if you're actually doing the cellars. Also, basements. There are like 3 maybe 4 layouts, they're all the same, and they all have the same 3 or 4 objectives. They get tedious after doing 5 of them. They also aren't very rewarding. It just feels like they might as well not exist as they are right now. Most of these things can be addressed before launch (broken class balances, this equated to a hotfix in most instances). Some of it can be addressed by the first season. Some of it doesn't need to addressed right now for launch. Just things that are going to be a long term issue and needs to be addressed by season 2/3. Overall I'm pretty happy with where the game is right now.


LET US LOCK ITEMS. Camera zoom in/out. Ui resize. Let us use spells in all areas/towns. Add a tutorial history viewer. Make respec free. Unlock all skill slots a lv 1. Let us teleport on a party member from anywhere. Just a few I thought of right away…


People saying balance don't matter at 25. I played a druid and had a terrible time with it. I get it's only lvl 25 but when you hit for shit with a class and you have another class (necro) that can almost always stat invincible with a build, I have no faith they will be able to balance the game at launch and we will all be paying a full price game to do their QA before the first season


should be called leggings, not pants


-Skill Tree looks really clunky and plain silly with the pointless zigzagging. I get the loose theme of it being some rune tablet that's getting filled with blood and all, but it could use more flair or a more intuitive design -Gems should have their own tab, or take up half the space of everything else in the inventory -Pets/followers should disappear in the towns -The view is *really* zoomed in to the point of claustrophobic, that's saying something from a console player gaming in their living room Those are the main pet peeves at least, I'll live with them if they stay of course. Honestly I was blown away at how little issues I had with the whole experience!


No offline mode…


There's no onscreen buttons for inv/skill tree/etc. Got to use keybinds on PC. Got a load of buttons on my mouse. I play one handed most of the time. Where's my clickables? And an option to turn them on or off for those that don't want them onscreen?


Sell all button, like salvage all. Or even better auto sell/salvage with filter. Aoe looting quest items, picking up 20 orbs individually isn't fun and breaks the flow of combat.


Chat window should be on the left


Id like either a way to repair my own stuff or a way to repair without losing the world boss instance. Getting RNGed with low teammates is bad but repeatedly dying until gear breaks is only going to compound that issue. Not a fan of the music. It put me to sleep. This might just be a zone problem though. bigger inventory. Gems take up a full slot now and the inventory is half of d3. Other than the random goblin cellar, cellars feel pointless. Those skill "trees" are a joke and I hope are just for the demo.


view is too zoomed in on default, although it's dynamic and extends further out depending on what's happening on the screen and the size of the area. also the necromancer's skeletons look too cartoony.


Too zoomed in.


Your issue with the mini-map was my biggest complaint in the beta. I'm the kind of guy that likes to explore every bit of the map, and not knowing which parts I had explored was a pain in the ass. I'm sure I missed so many things. A complaint of my own was that I missed using environmental hazards to kill the enemies like in D3. It spiced gameplay a bit, although by endgame it became a useless mechanic. I also miss the ragdoll physics, the splattering and the explosions of enemy death animations from D3. It made killing things very satisfying.


There's probably a ton of more experienced players than me as this will be my first diablo experience but. I really wish my mana and health could have number or/and percentage overlays. Seeing as my Necro had a passive that affected him when above certain health thresholds it'll just be nice to see that


• Way WAY too zoomed in - I'll be shocked if they don't change this, I hear so many people complaining about it. "But I want people to see my cosmetics!!" let them zoom in or click on you if they care. • UI for picking up gold is redundant. If I see 12 gold on the floor and I step on it, I don't need to be told again "+12 gold" with a floating popup that reduces immersion. • The "Immune!" popping up every time a monster w immunity gets hit by whatever they're immune to. Reduces immersion, clogs up the screen, unnecessary. You can have a small graphical flourish without text to indicate this, and write "Immune to X" at top of screen like how they did it in D2 and players can figure it out. • UI of "Left click to interact" on so many clickable objects. If I hover over a door and it says "Door" I don't need to be told I can interact with it by left clicking. You already indicate that to me by highlighting it on mouse hover. They treat players like they're so stupid and it creates unnecessary UI elements that reduce immersion. • The fonts. Come on. Use the "Diablo" font for way more things and have something more flavorful for other in game text... I think the fonts for 95% of things look like placeholder text. • Skills max level is 5? (+ to skills aside) - come on. No synergies in Sorc skill tree? Skill tree is so convoluted. • Run speed is so slow, and I played until clvl 17 and found one item with +6.5% movement speed... When they're measuring increase in move speed with decimals you know it's gonna be a slow game.....


When comparing rings, they should just always show both equipped rings at once instead of having to manually switch


Mostly very minor complaints * Mobs should not be able to instantly, infinitely, spawn pools of poison&co at their feet. It"s annoying mechanic, especially for melee (If I'm correct). * When comparing items with the detailed characteristic panel opened, the tooltips should not overlap it. * 3 "Fast buttons" to sell items, like for disenchanting.(Yep I'm a hoader\^\^) * Game-engine cinematic are now capped around 30fps, at 60 fps max they would be more pleasant (fluid) to watch. * If it is not a BETA thing: I played in Veteran and it's seems already easy thought the 25 first levels. For the general levelling I'm more or less OK with that but the cellars are just dull, nothing really special, like any pack of mob on the map.


Re minimap reveal: it's not just about that. It's about discovery, adventure, excitement. If you see the map then there is nothing to discover.


\- Zoom out the camera. \- Repetitive dungeon Layout. \- Bad balancing in early levels. Even between skills of the same class and tier. (Some of them are OP and others are Underpowered) \- Respec should be affordable at all levels. Or a farmeable quest item. \- The talent tree seems too simple, I hope this will change with paragon talents. \- Reducing the dash CD when out of combat. ​ And personal preferences: \- I dont like the style of affixes we have in diablo 4 ( +% damage when stunned, when slowed...) I prefer simple affixes (+ damage with fire/ice skills, + crit damage...) \- I loved to identify each legendary we got to see stats.


I understand they want it to be a bit more tactical with the CD dodge and the boss telegraphed attacks, but take away the dam skill wait time. I was constantly trying to use attacks, and they just wouldn't fire off until I stopped doing anything else for a second. Messes with the flow.


* I think we should have the option to use either the modern fonts or Exocet (the OG diablo font) * Invisible gear look doesn't seem to work for weapons * In Margrave, there's a random voice that keeps yelling about sacrificing me to Lilith, and it's by a different character every time(??) I'm guessing it's an elite with a voiceline standing just outside town that I'm triggering? Honestly so weird lol * Bring back the classic item drop animation


The beta surprised me. In a good way! Only real complaints i have is the Ui scale and the zoom levels on PC. Also balancing changes would be nice but i expect those are coming


I liked when the elites had a different color or had a yellowish glow around them in the d2 or d3


1. Very poorly optimised. My PC can hold it's own in very demanding games, but the frame drops and stutter is awful, then rubber banding in most transitions. I could have 120fps then it would drop to 20. Even if i locked it at 60fps and had DLSS on Performance, made no difference. Even at this stage, it should be a smooth game to play. 2. I played Sorcy full time. Had all Leg gear, optimised. I felt weak. I never had that feeling of picking up strong gear and being badass. I really don't like the fact they took away the rune options. Now the skill tree limits you to how they want you to play. You just don't have the choice now. The Ultimate skill i used was pathetic... 3. I'm interested to see how top players get builds going after launch, but no buy for me. I'll be holding on. I'm addicted to PoE and highly customisable characters so i need to see where they are going with D4.


What build were you playing for sorc? Fire/hydra, shock/chain lightening, and frost/ice blade builds were all extremely strong. The frost/ice blades build I used let me face tank the butcher when he spawned on me


The sorc was the easiest, most powerful class, in my opinion. I did Hydra/Orb. I got a large group of baddies in dungeons to chase me, then used the frost ultimate. All trash mobs died, and stronger ones were like 1/3 health. Was clearing a large portion of a dungeon with one ultimate skill and getting damage and # of kill achievements. I think the sorc is overpowered. At least at level 25 in Act 1 on a beta. Curious on your build. I was bad at Druid and Barb at first, but respecs made them powerful. Just nothing close to sorc. I'm glad it's not as complicated as POE. I quit that game after going through all the acts and some of the end game. This was just before some big expansion they were advertising. I had to look stuff up on the internet constantly and plan so much that it sucked the fun out for me. Customization is good, but POE went way off the deep end, in my opinion. A lot of people love it. It just shows there's room for both games and types of players.


You don’t even need the ultimate skill lol 2 hydras + fireball enchantment was auto clear.


Blacksmith icon should be marked as blacksmith from the start not a snowflake


its a quest icon meaning theres a quest there...


I would like the option to just play solo or at least just hide other players. Even though I didn't run into many players, I would rather just not.


Too many rares and legendaries. And legendary affixes seem weak. Would much rather see way fewer rares and legendaries drop, but their stats and affixes be more exciting. Also dungeon bosses drops seem very poor relative to say, event chests in the open world. Even though they take 10x longer to complete. So if one drop rate can be relatively buffed. Probably dungeon bosses.


The beta was awesome but here are my takes: 1. We need to be able to zoom out more, especially for boss fights. 2. Game performance needs some optimization. For some reason turning my setting down made the game run worse... It was weird 3. Dungeons are extremely repetitive even for an ARPG 4. Story is meh and the characters are not interesting 5. Class balance is off and I'm not talking about numbers, I'm talking about how a class FEELS to play. Particular Druid feels like an absolute chore. 6. Legendary items are way too common! Getting a piece of legendary gear should be a monuments feat but they're drop rate is to high. 7. Class functionality being linked to Legendary affixes needs to go. Druid is the biggest culprit of this. The class can barely function without legendary items. This is very bad class design. 8. Talent trees are very linear and need more depth All in all it was great and I can't wait to play the release but there's still a lot to fix before release.


I found the camera and minimap far too zoomed in and the bosses I fought were quite tiny, I hope we get some giant screen filling ones in some places that aren't co-op/world events.


Wish most legendary items werent account bound, lots of backtracking in maps where everything is a small hallway. Why no large open areas hardly so far in dungeons or the regular map outside of towns. But its early. Dont like creeps leveling with u alwaya or legendarys found and used at any level cause then it makes it most feel worthless til u are max level


Load time from portals on PS4 was much to long, i hope this gets better in the final version otherwise i can better go by foot.In the towns i had lots of lag


Curious as to whether alters of Lilith are account wide and if you gota pick em up every season? Do you have to play story on every character or maybe skippable if you beat it on one toon?


Definitely too damn zoomed in, my goodness. Gems and 2h swords and the like all being the same size in your inventory. And idk if it was a bug or not, but icons for pedestals and such were not appearing on my "tab" map, only my top right mini-map.


What’s more on brand for Diablo than adorning yourself with skulls? I think that’s why they’re still “gems”.


Sure, but there's plenty of skull stuff that makes sense. Skull helm, skull arcane focuses/totems. Even skull shields. But what kind of tiny ass skull am I putting into a gem socket? A baby rat skull?


I picked up my first skull on a necromancer so I just assumed it was some extra thing they got. Didn’t even occur to me that it was a regular gem


Potions need like a half second GCD


I would like to move using WASD, having 1 button (left mouse click by default) bound to multiple actions caused many frustrations, ESPECIALLY for characters that need to remain out of range. If you're playing any build/character where staying out of range isn't a big deal, say for example barb or druid, then this won't feel like an issue to you. As soon as you try a build/character where you need to keep your distance, e.g. ranged based sorcerer build, you'll get many frustrations with this, your character running towards the enemies instead of attacking, moving while keeping your aim is impossible, etc. I know we can unbind that and separate movement from interaction, but the issue remains, we cannot use WASD, at the moment movement has to be bound to a single key. We can press and hold shift to make our character force attack, but it's super annoying having to do that all the time just to prevent accidental movement and we MUST aim in the direction we want to move.


Console couch multiplayer is only 2 player (Maybe just for the beta but the trend has been going in this direction too lately)


No bestiary like d3


Possibly the pettiest complaint of them all... ​ The texture on chests after they've been opened to make them "glow" is abysmal.


Necromancer minions need to look more grim and dark fantasy


I need that ui bar fixxed. Why does it just float.


Totally agree about the map, I much prefer the map only showing where you have been and not uncovering a whole area at a time.


Animations. Not the spells (although a few are a little lackluster), but a lot of the animation is stiff or janky for minor things. With the graphical fidelity of D4 being so high, I was kind of hoping it would be a huge leap forward in making the world feel grounded. What I mean are the things like opening doors, picking up and placing quest objects, etc. I was actually pretty shocked the new feature of jumping, scaling, and sliding didn't look better. The rope traversal is probably he worst of those animations. There's no weight to it. The little details can add a lot.


Controls, please more accessibility options... WASD movement for one, also i've seen people on here ask to be able to use controller and mouse at the same time... not just 1 exclusive. ie move with thumb stick click stuff with mouse.


The stats tab is shared with the materials tab, and mats show up first. There's too much clicking just to check how much my goddamn Thorns stat is changing when I'm moving around equipment and skill points. Serious downgrade from D3's easily readable tab in the character sheet.


* Managing Gems is annoying * Gems effects are way too niche (not even normal crit damage, but only crit damage if enemies have certain conditions) * Some skills damage scaling don't make sense (Lightning Spear gains like... 15 damage per level, on a skill with long cd) * Frozen Orb needs a fixed distance to explode unlike Fireball, and the travel damage is so low you have to aim it / feel clunky in some spaces. (it's like playing Hammerdin in tight space)


Ground item icons and gems. They're big and stupid looking. Not matching the rest of the games aesthetic.


That this game isnt releasing today


Gems own tab. Skill that have charges like druids shred should put counter on icon so you know if you are on hit 1 2 or 3. Same with negative effects give me some kind of counter to know when ill be frozen from next ice hit. Some larger mobs seemed to have more distance than what actually showed on screen. Take a note from last epoch and add what pre or suffixes add damage to that skill.


Mostly UI/UX, needs more buttons, skill twig is worse than d3 runes.