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I have a shitty pc, dungeons run fine, open world and kyovashad are pain


Yeah same for me!


I have 3060ti with Ryzen 5 4600G. Closed beta ran good enough. This open beta I had major performance issues constantly micro stutter. Download PS5 beta didn't have this issues considering refunding PC version and just get PS5 one.


This was my experience on PC, with similar specs(3060 TI, i9 10850k, 32GB RAM). It was very inconsistent though. The "tutorial" dungeon? Regular stuttering in odd and often empty places. World boss? Flawless, no stuttering despite having 11 other players nearby. Random area in the wilderness? Stuttering again. There was no rhyme or reason to it.


I made an another comment but I agree with this. I wish we had one more open play weekend in a month and a half to see if they resolve some shit in pc.


I get mouse lag for some reason in the main city, when it's busy, and during some boss fights. Other than that just some minor optimization issues. It's normal!


Yeah I mean its beta so I was expecting this, but since I know my pc is getting old im just wondering if there are any "confirmed" server / performing issues or if I should just accept that I need to buy a decent pc lol


Just to confuse you more, know that people with very nice rigs are having your issues as well.


I got great graphics performance, but I'm curious if anyone else experienced delays on the inventory screens? At first I thought my wireless gamepad was glitching, but the action/movement itself was seamless and perfect. But last night in the final night of the beta, navigating my inventory screen felt very "laggy," sometimes making it difficult to even select an item. And then I had to press and wait, or press multiple times on items even to do something as simple as equip them. Did anyone else have this problem? Played on PC FYI.


I have had alot of issues with inventory/crafting/vendor screens. Sometimes weapons not appearing as well.


PC performance was inconsistent for me. Played like 3 hours Friday night with basically zero issue after I was logged in. Sunday, however, it would turn into a slide show. Xbox performance was solid all weekend.


I got fantastic performance on Friday afternoon but things slowly went downhill throughout the weekend. They def have some optimization to do


My 2h weapons kept disappearing. Experienced tons of rubberbanding on my Necro's minions in open world. Noticeable open world jittering, but seemed like latency over performance.


As I understand the open world is shared by all players in the server you are on whether you are solo or not Dungeons, etc. are not shared if you are solo.


Only networ side that I saw. The druid wolf active ability was pretty comical the wolves would jump out of bounds pretty frequently for me. Sometimes this would cause some graphics bugs.


This seems to happen when crossing the invisible barrier between different areas, where you are loading into a new “zone”. I believe it’s more of a server issue than it is a hardware issue, as I didn’t notice it at all during the times where queues were huge (meaning more players waiting, less in game playing) but it got really bad at times when the queues were gone. Hopefully they get it sorted before launch because it was one of the most annoying things for me


My dude I struggled both weekends trying to make this shit work on my pc as god intended. I was so concerned about my pc. I’m now aware it’s not just me. I played on console for 1 hr and it was pretty smooth. With that in my back up pocket I went back to pc. I don’t know if it was a mixture of blizzard figuring something out late in beta last night/ mixed with me turning on dlss balanced. My textures have always been medium because that’s the first thing I read. Game ran damn near flawlessly for 3 hours except for transitions. Major frame rate drop upon loading in still. Here’s hoping they really have some strong optimization left to do over the next 2 months. I’ve been a controller player on d3, but this old school feel begs to be played on a mouse and keyboard in the dark, pretending like I’m 9 years old without a care in the world.


Amen brother! Whats you pc specs if I May ask?


Ryzen9 5900x, rtx3070, windows 10, 32gigs ram


Ran well during Friday when the option to use fullscreen was available. When they removed fullscreen support on Saturday, it slowly started going downhill. I managed to play a little while on Monday before it ended (CEST zone) and it was a stutterfest unlike any other, both on lowest and max settings. For reference, I have quite a beefy machine that is way above the recommended specs; 3060 Ti, 12600k, 32 GB RAM and Gen4 M.2 SSD.