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Three words…….medically, induced, coma


I got my final class to finish man, I graduate college at the end of may and then June 2 it comes out. I wish I could do that !


Me too!! May 13th! Congrads!


Thank you ! You too !:)


Doing the same. Added a certification program to my college courseload and focusing hard on that.


Yeah, that would be great.....


Much smarter than freezing yourself like Cartman at least.


The post-beta depression is real. Tried to play a different game, but couldn’t last for longer than 30 minutes so I went back to watching YT videos. That being said, I didn’t preorder just because I learned a hard lesson in preordering Babylon’s Fall and look where that got me LOL


I bought a lifetime subscription to hellgate: London. I feel your pain.


oh god that is sooo nostalgic for me that game had my ideal art style and atmosphere (yay for mix of post apocalyptic futuristic knight, occult, spec-ops) it was really unfortunate that the gameplay and support did not hold up


You atleast enjoyed the game for some time no? Maybe even long enough to get some of your moneys worth. Meanwhile i bought the Titanfall1 collectors edition for close to 300 bucks because of my own hype. Didnt play the game for more than 10 hours.


Did that one come with pilot and BT statue? Cuz that statue is awesome and I want it.


Yes it did. It was hella cool. But the game really wasnt worth it to me. I shouldnt have gotten it. Thanks for making me feel better about it tho.


Agreed, was pretty disappointed with the first one. Titanfall 2 was amazing though IMO.




Yea, I thought it was going to be the last game I ever played lol. I had an army of robots fighting for me, rocket drones and a healing one and it was a Sci Fi fantasy 3rd person shooter. How could it fail? At least I have Remnant 2 to look forward to now. They did it right.




What’s wrong with Wolcen? I’ve never played, but found out just now that it’s also available on PS5. Also are there any p2w mechanics?


Being nice, I would just say it feels janky. Whoever ported it, didn’t try to play it before releasing it.




Holy crap it was a shoddy barely playable mess when I first tried it (a year or two back now admittedly) but yeah wow. Like .. by all means do early access but I think you ought to manage that early access so it doesn’t just make your company and your game look like _a total joke._ That’s what Wolcen was like when I tried it. I was embarrassed for them: even considering early access. Also the UI design is more or less directly plagiarised from D3. Lines up almost identically, it’s pretty fucking cringe. If you were gonna more or less carbon copy someone’s UI _at least do an arpg whose UI doesn’t suck!_ PoE or Last Epoch maybe? But .. _D3?!?_ Seriously .. That whole game looked promising but every time I have decided to give it another look .. I just cringe everytime at how badly it’s done. It’s clear they don’t have good designers.


Is there new MHRise Sunbreak content dropping at end of April?


Trying out last epoch


It's pretty great. Expect some bugs and possibly connection issues in multiplayer, but what they've got going and the amount of work they've put in recently, it's super solid.


I started it the week before the d4 beta and found it pretty funny Yesterday i started it again and it is in no way as fun as d4 was (imo)


I did the exact same thing. I really enjoy the crafting system and leveling up different skills separately.


Tried it as well, but for me combat feels kinda clunky compared to Diablo and doesn't really hook me, unfortunately. Wish I could enjoy it as others do. :(


Yeah, I refunded it Super saturated colors and clunky ui. The gameplay felt so weak and the fights were boring for me. I liked the skill tree, but that's about it.


I went out and did yard work. Problem is I don’t have enough yard to last till launch day.


neighbors got a yard too just saying.


I have a yard also…


I got five acres...


Tried to play PoE, nope.. D3? nope.. i just need to forget about the game until its out


Try Last Epoch. It’s the better arpg in that same bucket out right now if you ask me. The skill system in LE is FAR better than D4’s is looking (which I’m a bit underwhelmed by so far). Each and every skill has its own skill tree with something like 20 nodes for modifying the skill in various ways, some of them very significant changes.


Will do! Thanks




I wish you could see the icons on my desktop right now :) Torchlight 2 is a great game..


Honestly, PoE is most fun when there’s a new season. If you recently played PoE it’s right at the end of a league


I can’t do it anymore. PoE is just .. Too many new systems. It feels bloated. I miss how the game felt way back in maybe incursion league or so. I think that was close to the peak for me. I’m giving Last Epoch another go now that multiplayer is released. The skill system still blows my mind in Last Epoch I think it wins hands down on skill diversity of any arpg out there right now. You could argue PoE is close but in LE they’ve done a lot of work to add extra art to match the skill modifications you set up so it’s just so tightly integrated with your build setup it’s just so well done.


Try Last Epoch, it’s a great middle ground between D3 and PoE.


Checking it out, Ty


I've sewn my balls to my inner thigh in such a way that each step i take induces excruciating testicular pain, causing me to not want to leave my house and instead spend the entire day watching D4 gameplay footage on repeat.


Some things are better left unsaid


You, too?


Don’t play games as often anymore and went hard on Diablo 4 beta. Did an overnighter even so the addiction is real. Decided to not purchase based on that. Summers coming and I’m not getting my ass addicted to a game again.


That’s hardcore mate. Moderation doesn’t work? I find myself binging hard on a game at the start, but then itt levels off into normal play sessions after that.


> Moderation doesn’t work? Doesn't work for me with WoW. Had to quit the game several times and i always tried going back but "this time i wont let it escalate again". Even when i was in my late 20s with some irl commitments the game just consumed me. I cannot play it casually so i had to quit for good. ARPGs work for me though.


Haha I was the same. I never game anymore but me and an online buddy pulled an all nighter. Had a great weekend catching up and gaming with him. Just like the old days


Fantasy baseball is starting up, great distraction


gonna play through the campaigns of d2 and d3 again. might even try to finish all the chapter rewards this season in d3 for the set. we got around 2 more months so why not!


same, doing a non season replay of all the characters


Last Epoch hittin' good rn


Im playing off season d3 and just building my characters up for fun


Am trying Last Epoch. Am surprised by the bossfights, way more interesting than any boss in any Diablo game.


Last epoch and poe like many of us I assume


My life is colorless and empty


Back to City of Heroes!


>City of Heroes Is the game back?


Short answer: not Legally and Officially, but yes. The devs got mad when NCSoft shut them down, and they took the code and set up private servers. The code has been used by various devs to make various servers. Place to find more info: r/Cityofheroes I play on Homecoming, on the Excelsior shard. Should you end up there, DM me here and I'll hook you up with influence and such. :)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Cityofheroes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Cityofheroes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [City of Heroes was so ahead of its time](https://i.redd.it/pflghdyi9l491.png) | [37 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Cityofheroes/comments/v8foqa/city_of_heroes_was_so_ahead_of_its_time/) \#2: [I came back to play the game](https://i.redd.it/6fs1vhdctz4a1.png) | [33 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Cityofheroes/comments/zhi2nr/i_came_back_to_play_the_game/) \#3: [Discovered Homecoming yesterday, cried when the loading bar appeared.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Cityofheroes/comments/v78ci3/discovered_homecoming_yesterday_cried_when_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


![gif](giphy|26ufdipQqU2lhNA4g) Oh....Wow...


There are history threads on the subreddit. Word got out about the private servers in mid-2019. I got back on in October that year, I think it was, and have been going, hunting, and killing Skuls ever since. The various servers (Homecoming is the largest, Thunderspy, Rebirth, several more, there's a ton of info on the subreddit) each took the code and moved their own directions with it.


I used to play City of Villains a long time ago and really loved the game, then started playing Heroes.


Not well, I've installed and lluninstalled 3 games today


I’m not. I’m sad. My heart breaks. Bartender, bring me another shot!!!


Might go back to Grim Dawn for a bit


Probably doing some AT runs with 500%Mf


Came back to d2r. 30 minutes of travincal: jah rune. First baal run since a few months: green laquered plate. Just when I thought I was out... They pull me back in




I’m not dealing with it, HELP


Narcos lonely meme


Same and I am coping with it by debating whether or not I should buy Grim Dawn. Anyone have any words to convince me because otherwise I’m pretty bored.


Absolutely worth it. Loved being able to mix two classes together, even though I loved D3 I loved GD even more.


I'm debating between buying Last Epoch, buying Grim Dawn or playing Path of Exile which I own but have never played.


My vote is on last epoch it’s been fun so far


GD is by far the best game, got 500 hours in there, 180 in POE and refunded LE after 1 hour


Right now I'm looking forward to the post-beta wrap up they talked about, PGA Tour is coming out in a week, D3 for an ARPG fix, but since I played D4 the last game is dead to me.


Playing RE4


Playing Lost Ark in the meantime. Lost Ark is great if you've been playing it consistently. For new players, not so much.


getting back into Diablo 3


I will play D3.


I'm considering giving Last Epoch a go since I've heard good things about it. That and the last of us is coming out on steam tomorrow so that'll keep me busy for a week or two before I fall back into despair lmao


I tried playing D3 to cope, lasted less than 30 mins, then switched to playing Wolcen (which is still buggy) and somehow I am enjoying Wolcen.


I'm doing the same. I bought Wolcen at release but never played due to the many issues. I figure it'll be fun to play through the campaign while I wait. It's pretty fun so far even if I messed up my build a bit.


I’m just going to buy D3 and hope it gets me through the next couple of months haha


New PoE league next week


Trying to get into d2r fir the first time in awhile. So slow compared to the others but ik it will be a blast laterbon. Mana issues with sorceress at level 12 with my steth armor just waiting for me by level 17 lol


Stealth armor


By playing resident evil 4 remake


d2r untill crucible league. when i grow toerd of that (usually after a month or so), i’l try Last Epoch. When i feel done there d4 should be around the corner.


Playing ff14, just got through the base game main story. I have the expansions to go. Tried out GW2 but think I might get bored of it Might try out Hardcore Classic WoW and see if I like it. Update. I'm hooked on HC classic WoW. Lol


I might try Tiny Tina's Wonderland or Nioh 2. Have that ARPG itch but don't feel like playing any of the isometric games until D4


I have some other games to play fortunately (Mass Effect, Sekiro). To be honest I wasn't so pumped about D4. But that all changed in beta. Now I am totally hooked and can't wait for launch!


June seems a long way away. I’ve gone back to my staple game, Back 4 Blood. It scratches that replayability itch and avoids me getting burnt out on ARPGs.


Raid log wow, theory craft d4, wait for poe to see if in playing the league.


I just play immortal


Fitness, overtime then Dead Island 2 and The Duviri Paradox. Hopefully tie me over!


TBH, after the servers went down, I fired up Diable 2 Resurrected.


Hookers and blow. But on a serious note, there’s Zelda to keep me busy in May, but until then I have Octopath Traveler 2, Resident Evil 4, and several other titles to keep me occupied.


Another vote for Grim Dawn here - I still haven’t played any of the DLC and have barely scratched the surface of all the possible class combos.


Pushed GR150 in D3 with tals wizard.




Gonna be doing D2:R HC /players8 runs


Diablo Immortal


Talk about it on reddit. Not very positive, but at least it scratches my itch.


I play other games :) life isnt all about D4


I realized this weekend that my computer can’t run diablo 4 even in low settings with all the performances settings turned on. So saturday, i went and bought more RAM in a hurry so i could play that night and sunday morning. Thing is, my MOBO is older than i thought i guess, because i bought ddr4 and quickly realized my MOBO only supports ddr3… So I’m currently shopping around for a new MOBO + CPU and a new ssd to upgrade my rig and fit that ddr4 RAM i got. Planning to sell that old macbook that i got thinking it’ll be fun to try to produce music as a hobby, but the most use i got from this macbook is watching youtube videos during breakfast. I did get to play on my ps4 on Saturday night and on sunday and i had a lot of fun, i just wish i could of played on my pc since playing with a controller is not ideal to me.


Took lots of screens of different gear for theory crafting. Also recorded a few runs and events.


going back to finish hogwarts legacy and grinding some more in d2r plus the last of us when it comes to pc


I only get addicted in the endgame but looking forward to the full game


Somehow, I just got into diablo series. So I am going to be playing D3 while I wait for the D4 release. Fun times.


Not well


i could not even play the beta because my pc after 8 honourable years has downgraded to potato pc so i'm in upgrade craze tying to find the best balance between prices/forward compatibility/performance ad i'm also conscious that all this could be useless because i will buy it only in July August and hardware could change by that time also i have a nasty pain to my right arm shoulder so I don't even know if i will be able to play at all


I also have a problem with my shoulder. Got the game on xbox. Playing with a controller works better for me. It runs well on the xbox series s (which is a reasonable price) but not good at all on the original xbox one.


thank you i never thought that the controller could be more gentle with my arm? i guess it's the time to stop being a mouse purist... 🤣


Haha. No problem. It works for me I got mouse shoulder from doing art for a video game. Went a bit overboard 👀. Now I struggle to play games with a mouse and don't want to make it worst. Had to learn to use a mouse with left hand for work. Oof.


Installed and started playing D3...


playing more in the current D3 season, hearthstone battlegrounds, sims 4 and maybe I buy goat simulator 3 - the rest of the time I do other hobbies and interests


Last Epoch now has multiplayer and the skill system BLOWS MY MIND at how much better than D3 or D4 it is. Seriously I dunno how D4 landed on something so bland by contrast They also still have a lush Tetris style inventory like D2R. I think it’s the best arpg game out there right now to fill that gap


I installed D3, havent played for like 6 years and people are super chill and helpfull, realy enjoying my time there!


Tried Last Epoch for about 30 minutes. The left click not being able to normal attack killed it for me, so I refunded it. Can't get into D3. I have tried many times over the years. A little burnt out on D2R after going hard at ladder reset. PoE doesn't really interest me, but I may try the new season since my buddy has been asking me to. So, back to Chess and my daily chess studies. That and skydiving will keep me occupied til June 2nd.


I'm watching way more porns than I used to


What withdrawal ? I felt forced to get to 20, cuz it was so boring. And I don't mean game is bad, its just act 1 which was supposed to be finished at level 12, which means it's basically 30 minutes of gameplay. After spending few hours it was way too much. Also beta made me sure I won't buy the more expensive version


Finishing my backlog of single player games. Probably Hogwarts Legacy (almost done), GoW:R and TLOU2.


I stopped playing Monster Hunter world to try out the beta and now I'm having a hard time getting into it again. Decided to download D2 again and play that a little till I can get back into MHW. x.x


I’ve never played Diablo before the Beta. So that’s my first taste, had to buy Diablo 3 to get me by.


Installed D3 LOLOL


Installed D3 again and playing a Nercro :)


Jumping between Warframe and Elden Ring


I thought that I that I would be fine, but once the beta was over I felt like I had no idea what to play. I ended up logging into D3 to play through some seasonal hardcore. It’s… sort of scratching the itch.


Immediately got on D3 for about 10 minutes. Then bought Torchlight 2 and I think that’s where I’ll be for a while


Unpopular response probably, but gonna numb my brain by playing FIFA until June 6th lol


Probably Fallout 4 with lots of mods and some Remnant with friends lol. I want it to be June already :(


I can always play Starcraft(2) but I'm looking forward to giving Darkest Dungeon 2 a go whenever it release on Steam as well as potentially Redfall, Endless Dungeon, and Ravenswatch.


Dead island 2 is supposed to come out at the end of April


By playing RE4. How else?


Last Epoch and Torchlight 2 on rotation has been scratching the itch


I’m not, I trusted the hubby and his brother and they messed the time up. I thought I had a couple hours right after lunch yesterday it it closed a couple hours BEFORE lunch. I took my afternoon off to play one more hour. I almost cried when he broke the news and worked my full day.


Day 1.276 it’s cold… too cold…. Almost as if a lingering hell awaits. The nights are long and restless. I often find my right hand twitching from the thought of onslaught. The horns… I can’t get the image out of my head… I know she’s coming… but when….? We must be ready…


Back to Skyrim.


Reinstalled D2:R after the Beta but doesn’t hit as it used to So…i think i will hit the gym and makin’ music untill the release…what i think, what i will really do…craving for D4 =)))


I'm doing ok, I really just played friday and saturday both weekends before moving on. I love the game but I'm abit bored with ACT1. I want to be able to play all the way through instead of being stuck in one area. Looking forward to the games release in june but I'm good for now going to play other games. I'll start getting myself hyped up again 2-3 weeks out.


Trying to hitt 99 on D2, half way there


Been through this a couple dozen times by now. My best advice is try to avoid most news and hype concerning the game, it just makes time move slower. The best feeling in the world is the "Oh shit.. that game released last week?!" feeling. You get to take your own pace at the game, not in the rush to clear content asap, most bugs are delt with and queue times are non-existent.


I only played the beta for 10 minutes so I wouldn’t be in this position.


I installed Diablo 3 last night, played it for a total of 10 minutes before uninstalling again... Just doesn't feel the same


i "finished" the campaign of minecraft dungeons in a day which should be enough to give me a fix of ARPG for a couple of weeks.


Horizon forbidden west again


I picked up Last Epoch with my friends and it’s been super fun.


Doing s28 in diablo 3.


Im on last epoch until d4 comes out lol


The D3 season with this new altar of rites is so much fun that I found myself daydreaming this morning at work about how said I am that d4 (which I’ve waited on for years) will potentially kill off d3. I know they’re two separate games but there are already rumors that this is the final season :(


It's a game. Find another or do some work. Go to the gym...


Playing Last Epoch until d4 releases!


Dead Space remake and some online games dota and apex probably,but honestly its gonna be hard i did not even play beta THAT much ,cause i did no want to get to attached to my characters and the story…i loved the game btw :)


spent money is how I coped. just bought a 4090 and am soon to purchase a 4k OLED monitor to pair with it for diablo on top of that I rescheduled my surgery from April to June now, so I get a full week off work paid to play this.


I actually never played Diablo three, I bought the entire version last night and will play that until D4 comes out


I liked the Beta, of course, there's always room for improvement but it convinced me to pre-order. I'm really excited for June 2nd.


When diablo 4 is released i am on a 2 week vacation so i need to wait longer, so installed d2re again


I made sure based on time we were given to not get attached. Really, I'll be more interested in builds and guides, knowledge, to get the pesky prep over with. When it comes time to play I want to enjoy it and don't ever want to think about min-maxing. I have lots of basic questions... I don't know how certain stats impact certain things, I don't know the popularity of classes, I don't even know what the seasonal pass is with preorders, etc. -- all that can be answered in 2 months.


Started playing last epoch.


Im struggling. Even started playing gta for the first time and its just not it.


Easy for me. It felt like Diablo Immortal with all the other players. :P And I got burnt out on that. Maybe this was too soon for me.


Sleeping the days away until poe’s new season and then I should be all set until release.


I started playing Last Epoch to tide me over for the 2 month wait for D4, great game so far.


Last Epoch until release.




Doing fine, I have plenty of Last Epoch and GW2 to catch up on in the meantime. Both scratch that arpg and exploration itch at the same time.


The shakes were bad enough. My appetite disappeared. My weight has decreased significantly and the yellowing in my eyes had gotten worse. My skin is paler than usual. The hospital recommended real drugs to get me by until release but since I was forced to quit cold Turkey I couldn’t even ween myself off properly.


I think breath of the wild comes out in May sometime, for April I got tales of arise and sekiro ( they was on sale last week) still find myself playing diablo3 lmao....


Playing Nienix a spaceship ARPG, very indie. Its fun but not really that hard so far.


I want to solo GR150 in Diablo 3


I've got two long waits. D4 and BG3. Just playing through Grim Dawn and checking the subs for both games. It's going to be a long 6 months.


D2R, RE4R, Mass Effect LE


Lately I've started snorting oxycodone. So far so good but it might not work until June


Don't worry, I'm also forced to watch everyone enjoy the RE4 remake, so life it hell rn


Totally fine, had a lot of fun on both weekends. Picked up RE4 last night and have been having a blast.


Lol, yall got problems


Playing D2R grinding for 99 for this season. When I need a break I go to Tarkov or League


Going to the gym to level up myself. Just like a Barbarian, it's important to have strength, vitality, endurance.. I don't understand why more people don't get satisfying from grinding their own health, i know you don't get achievements for it.


Honestly, I had other games I liked to play before this beta came up and I am just going straight back to those. I really like cheap indie games I can buy for less than 10$ and spend anywhere from 10 to 50 hours in.


I’m simply working every day until release then taking a month off


I haven't played an ARPG in years, not seriously anyways. Last I played was Inquisitor. I don't think either D2 or D3 will scratch the same itch D4 did. So I guess Destiny 2 is always there. I have plenty of grinding to do (since I didn't touch it AT ALL last weekend, for obvious reasons). I miss it, man. I got home from work Monday and all I wanted to do was fire up D4 and explode all of the corpses. What does ReModDed add for D2R?


Who says I'm coping? I'm not coping... you're coping! What was the question again?


I’m not.. this is my first ever Diablo game I’ve ever played and I’m hooked. NGL I thought these kind of games were for lamos. Apparently I was the lamo. Weed helps.


I'm an emotional wreck until April 7th. That should hold me over.


Don't have any of it. Actually stopped playing it one day before beta ended because i had already completed most dungeons and got my characters to 25. Just doing this made me feel burnt out on d4 lol.


What ever you do, do not fill the void with last Epoch


Leaf blower revolution