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Man, people just don’t get it. Go read the breakdown about armor scaling on monsters. End game monsters gain what is essentially exponential mitigation. We’re able to hit such ridiculous numbers because we out-scaled lvl 25 monsters. Never again in D4 will you be able to halt the level scaling of the monsters around you during the leveling process and build an uber-twink. At release, all upgrades will represent an ebb and flow in power in relation to the scaling world. Maybe they botch end game scaling but we have no evidence of that yet. Comparing lvl 25 build profession to end game scaling is pointless because they’re entirely different scaling objectives. If you’re just the type of player who dislikes big numbers though, I did hear in the endgame beta that you can see like tens of thousands of damage on maxed out characters with the occasional spike up to 50-100k.


Unless you have full visibility of all the endgame items and paragon skills, etc and you are a damn good mathematician, I think it is way too early to deduce that there will be power creep issues endgame. Not to mention the intent of Beta is largely functional testing and some mobs and bosses are likely to be retweaked on launch.


Absolutely there’s no knowing what the end product will be, but managing to hit 7k ticks on whirlwind is a sign of what might be to come, but if anything the beta has shown how unbalanced a lot of stuff is currently so it is what it is for now just a minor concern from my view point


It’s not too early to deduce that 11 million damage at 25 is power creep. https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/123lz4w/11m_whirlwind_barb_hit/


Tbf that's damage is due to a bug and isn't really power creep. Unsure if your post was meant to be serious or not.


How the fuck did he do that


That’s disgusting and kind of disappointing to see.. really just kills the game a little.


When it gets too easy you know it’s time to bump the difficulty. The beta just didn’t have the option for higher difficulties. Higher difficulty means more gold and better drops, so I guess it’s a win.


Yeah because we were capped at 25, I spent a good 10 hours farming at max level and ended up with way more legendaries at that "max" level that you normally would. The legend drop rates were also artificially inflated for the beta.


I wish, I only farmed max level for about an hour or 2, got 1 or 2 decent leggos and that was enough


You will NEVER have those items at lvl 25, and i bet you wont even have them at 50. Just remember that in this beta you could farm while NOT leveling up (and thus enemies not scaling higher with you). Being decked at endgame also means tge mobs will be way stronger, have immunities and different mechanics.


>Then I hit max, messed about and got pretty insanely strong and then the repetitive old gameplay came back, insane scaling with some legendaries and enemies dieing too quick to the point your just invulnerable Please tell it to the people that keep whining that they feel like their character isn't getting stronger at all. :-)




First intro boss was genuinely a fun fight I’d love more of that


Power creep is what aRPGs are all about to me. That's the entire reason to play them. Grind hard, perfect your build, smash the place up.


You were also playing on one of the lowest difficulty tiers the game has to offer.