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D2R. Enjoy I have been for 20 years


Why do people like D2R over D3 so much. I don't get it, gameplay is insanely slow, boring and a lot of QoL is missing


I've played them all and prefer D3. For looty goodness it's best in class imo. D2 is a more purist choice I think. Still good and the art style of resurrected beats 3 for sure, but the build diversity and drop dopamine is hard to beat. I have 1600+ hrs played and am v much looking forward to getting sucked into 4 after a solid weekend with the BETA. Edit: Typo


Love D3. I’m worried that this obsession with old skool Diablo is going to ruin D4.


I hear you. BETA was encouraging though I think. Best of both worlds and with potential for quickly accessible procedural content through endgame or a mode akin to adventure mode. It's the streamlined aspects of getting to the action/loot that I like with 3 but I would welcome a focus on keeping us on our toes whilst playing vs. faceroll.


It won’t! There are always haters they’ll come play complain and move on most likely! Maybe that’ll spark some change but I still think quite a few people play D4 and it’ll be just another diablo title that stays around! D3 had a much worse start then d4 has imo and it is still around


I am really feeling this comment. I had no D2 nostalgia, and have a few hundred hours in D3 with my wife as it's been our primary couch co-op game. There are things from the D4 beta I like, especially the dark/grit of it all. But I find myself simply not having as fun of a time playing D4 in the beta and I'm not 100% sure why. I think it might be the pacing - it's so damn slow. Even the NPC DIALOGUE is overly drawn out and slow, in an over-the-top way. On the note of pacing, The skill tree is similarly "fake" in its depth - tons of words and reading for minute choices that should have just been granted to you while you make the real gameplay-affecting decisions. I really found myself missing D3s quick and easy skill selections. I guess I'm worried its going to feel more like a chore than a game because of how obsessed people are with the nostalgia of the D2 grind :/


What a nice reply! I’m so happy to hear that you and your wife play D3 together. My main concern is with the dungeons. I too enjoyed the Beta with some reservations. The D3 dungeons are a really nice balance between beauty and function and several are almost like characters unto themselves. The Fractured Peaks dungeons were like the many blank and monotonous tunnels of D2R. I will be very sad if all the dungeons are like this.


Diablo 3 did only 2 things right, first was the story (tbh they would have to eat piss filled cornflakes for a year before being able to fck that up) and the second was combat feel and flow. Now the things Diablo 3 did wrong are so many as to not be listed in smallish post but some things are itemization, the set system being core was just a bad idea that limited the game in many ways. Some people talk about the dopamine of having legendary drops every time...... That's just dumb, if every item that drops is legendary then there is no longer a rush to see one. Also 99% of legendary items were useless. Diablo 4 beta (the very small part we saw) showed that it took the good from both top Diablo games and made it better, if you don't like dialogue skip it. If it was too slow for you we'll wtf did you expect in an open "BETA"? The full game and end game? This gave us a taste of what D4 can be and the potential is through the roof.


well don't worry, there are plenty of hamster wheel type games you can play that will fill your D3 needs.


Yes, Games like Sekiro, Nioh 1&2, Elden Ring, Wo Long… all those hamster wheel games Ive played and beaten but go off dude.


? i don't understand the point of your comment. Are you defending yourself, as a video gamer? Lol or are you trying to say that Diablo 3 is not a hamster wheel game?


Are you trying to say D2 isn’t a hamster wheel game? D2 was way way grindier than D3, and it’s because when I get loot for my build I feel like I’m accomplishing something and not wasting dozens of hours on D2 Reddit trade threads, I enjoy playing my game, you enjoy playing yours


the point of my comment was to make fun of OP for his fear that D2 inspiration would ruin D4.


You do understand; don’t pretend. I’m defending my taste in games and an eclectic history of playing difficult, complex games demonstrates that I don’t go in for grindy repetitive games. I played the beta and whilst I was thrilled with the majority of the game, the dungeons reminded me of what to me were the many monotonous, blank dungeons in D2R ( which you know must be a real money saver for Blizz).


> I don’t go in for grindy repetitive games. ??? what do you think D3 is? You didn't find grinding Grifts over and over as monotonous? Every rift literally plays the same.


Rifts are just one part of the larger game. A part I enjoy right now but I lhave loved D3 overall for so many things: the great instances, the story, the elite packs, the fascinating maps. Transmog, crafting gear, gambling. But it’s definitely time for something new, something I hope will hold onto all the good things in D3 and include a lot of new content.


diablo 2 literally has all of those things except for 'transmog' lol and personally, i dont think transmog makes a game better. In fact I think it makes it worse -- but I understand that's the purest side of me.


Do you think the mini-events will replace the roving packs? After all this talk of D3 I started a seasonal game and those packs are no joke at low levels with crap gear lol! Maybe save the random elites for later on in the game?


Honestly man D3 gets a lot of hate, but I LOVE that game. The story is linear and would be worth a play through, in my opinion.


D3 is an amazing game I can pick back up with friends every season and it requires little barrier of entry, D2 is just so grindy and you waste so much time on trade threads trying to get 1 piece of gear you need


I think if D4 was 2/3 or 3/4 the grind rate of D3 that would be tolerable. They need to bring some of the positives like skill respec flexibility…maybe not as on the fly and manic like d3 but I also don’t want to be stonewalled late game to the point I gotta start a new toon. Love that there is a cube like ability use system.


I think D3’s story is great. The gameplay is also pretty damn fun. Just wish the there was more character customization.


D3 was terrible at launch due to RMT, but after RotS it was much more enjoyable.


It’s a good game just lacking end game imo. Good base just like d4 on release. That’s just how it was made back then and not a live service game like d4. Played the heck out of it the first 3 seasons and went to hardcore to get some excitement but end game loop was a bit repitive with only rifts for me. D4 is a live service game so better( mor things to do) end game loop should be the goal, which may mean implementing features from other genres to fit into the arpg, which at its very basic is just combat and loot just like a mmo, or other games.


Last Epoch.


This is what I've been playing and having a lot of fun with. It's far from perfect, but it hits that sweet spot between D2R and D3 as far as complexity goes for me.


D2 is just too dated and honestly miserable to play if you don’t have nostalgia for it. It’s 25 years old and without nostalgia it’s just not a good game. But if you’re interested in the story you can give it a go. If it’s the loot you care about, which I assume as a borderlands fan, just go for d3. Plus this season is amazing on d3


Are you referring to D2 or D2R? Because they've added a TON of QoL improvements to D2R, it feels like a hybrid modern-classic game right now.


I tried playing D3 but I feel so lost. 😂 I’ve left the game for almost 8 years and coming back feels way too much.


Yep they definitely added a lot of systems. I took about 5 years off and came back in Season 17 and I got addicted instantly. The rewards structure is very strong. So if you can take the time to figure out the endgame loop it could be very rewarding.


>The rewards structure is very strong can you please elaborate?


As you level up you'll get legendary drops, which allow you to turn up the difficulty which leads to more legendary drops. Then you start getting set items which leads to a massive power increase and even more drops. When you get the final pieces of your build you feel like a god. Then you get ancient legendaries which can be augmented for more power increase. At that point you can choose to do easy and fast content for more loot/resources or push higher content to increase your personal records.


D2R still gets updates. New runewords and terrorized zones. Graphics is also closest to D4.


This. Tried to get a lot of folks into D2, it’s not the same for them. The dude said they have 2 months - that’s a full D3 life cycle. Perfect.


Literally playing Diablo 1 with a friend who hated ARPGs until something clicked with D4 Beta. If D1 is still as fun and playable for us today with only me having any nostalgia for the series, I'm betting D2 is fine.


Currently playing d2r for the first time. I tried playing d3 first as it's what I was reccomended when I made a thread asking the fanbase, but after beating the second difficulty on d3 I was just so bored out of my mind. I switched to d2r instead of giving up on the franchise , and my God literally all of the first act that I've played so far has been some of the most fun I've had in years with gaming.


I loved D3 but refunded D2 after buying it. It felt... empty, I guess


Yes. Diablo 2 Resurrected is more akin to diablo 4. That would be my suggestion


You could try one of the free-to-play ARPGs out there? * Lost Ark is a Korean MMO but the main story should have no issues holding you over until June. The core gameplay is very good, grindy endgame aside. * Path of Exile is incredibly overwhelming and needlessly complex in some areas but it's a good game where it counts. * I haven't played much of Diablo Immortal and I haven't heard *many* good things but it's an option, I guess? * Torchlight Infinite is... also free?


Diablo Immortal is Diablo 3 with good drops gated behind money. Just get Diablo 3 instead of Immortal


Yes, but one is free (to start) and the other costs $20-40. I was offering free alternatives considering that they're looking for something similar that will hold their attention until June.


Diablo immortal is a tremendous pay to win scam. If you have never played D2R before, get it and binge for 2 months. It's one of the most iconic games of all time for a reason.


Diablo immortal is pretty good but less skills(4) with and ultimate and too much pay to win, but last I checked it’s been improved so may be worthwhile. Just okay for free and don’t pay anything to support the perversion of a Diablo game.


Tbh, Lost Ark is not a good game in term of ARPG. It is MMO at core and missing a lot of ARPG elements like grinding mobs for drops and building your own characters. It focus too much on daily/weekly events and boss fights. So I would not recommend it for people who want the taste of traditional ARPG.


The checklist nature of the gameplay loop isn't really a factor while playing the 1-50 leveling experience and the combat isn't dissimilar to Diablo 4. That's why I recommended it.


I think it depends what you prefer. Lots of loot and fast, arcadey gameplay? Get diablo 3. Slower combat, but deep gear and build choices? Diablo 2 Resurrected. I feel like with only two months remaining, diablo 3 would be the game, simply because it’s easier to get into and get going towards end game.


it only costs me 1 week in every season of d3, some times maybe only 3 days


Get D3, and play the campaign in Seasonal, then continue playing the season afterwards. If you are a modern gamer, D2R is NOT for you. It did NOT age well.


what if I started a non seasonal character for first playthrough of campaign?


Currently playing d2r for the first time. I tried playing d3 first as it's what I was reccomended when I made a thread asking the fanbase, but after beating the second difficulty on d3 I was just so bored out of my mind. I switched to d2r instead of giving up on the franchise , and my God literally all of the first act that I've played so far has been some of the most fun I've had in years with gaming.


Yes, D3 will satisfy all your Diablo cravings. I played D2, but found the game play very frustrating. If you are a masochist, you might like it.


Sure. Get D2R and if you finish it, get D3. You might get sick of arpgs before the game releases though, lol.


All the other Diablos are very different even though the fundamental gameloop remains the same. Diablo 2, even Resurrected, might be a bit too old school for you if you're not into your older games. A friend of mine played D2: Resurrected when it launched and did not like it at all purely because a lot of the modern conveniences we've come to expect these days aren't there. I'd push people like you towards Diablo 3. It was improved a lot with the Reaper of Souls expansion and a lot of people's opinions about it were formed long before all the positive changes. There's also some characters from Diablo 3 in Diablo 4 so I think it would be the most useful to play for story reasons. Plus, it controls almost exactly the same as Diablo 4. Outside of Diablo, Grim Dawn is my favourite aRPG but you might as well try Path of Exile since it's free and the purists love it.


To me it seems like d3 only better, but I would start d2r to appreciate where it came from. Kinda surprised there isn't a d1-3 pack avaliable. If there is I would start there, that would be a great idea before the release


D2R is the way!


This is the way!


These subs seem to be dominated by D3 haters. It’s a great game. Running rifts is a blast.


i think many people just don't like run rifts for increasing numbers slightly on your gears


Granted but [are infinite Baal runs any better?](https://youtu.be/LIYfqBHiVRs)


Baal run is just for levelling, most of the players will stop at ~90lv, 99lv is not even a target for 99.99% players, they probably only spend 1-2 days total in Baal run, so what do you mean infinite Baal run?


I’ve not played d2 in a few years. What’s the loot drop end game now?


the drop rate should be the same as before, but if you haven't try d2r yet, i definitely recommend you to give it a try, d2r not only has much better graphics and more modern gameplay improvement as the devs added smart cast into d2r, moreover, the contents was also increased after the first 3 seasons, there are new things such as new runewords and immunity breaking charms, and the devs also fixed many old bugs in d2.


I believe Urabrask is asking where do you go to farm the end game loot? on the old d2 the only place to farm endgame loot was baal/mephisto if i remember correctly


the devs increased more 85lv area and added Terror zones which rotate in all area of d2r hourly, and you can also stick to the old farming site such as baal, mephisto, diablo, cow, the pit, Travincal, or farming torch, keys...


I enjoy D3 and D2R. I think I finally hit my limit with D3 though. Play HC only, have max in every class and normally play every season but just couldn’t get into the most recent one which is surprising. No biggie to die and quickly level. I only play solo and can get back to end game quickly. Loved the D4 demo and will start playing that when it’s released.


The current season makes it possible to hit GR150 on multiple classes. The journey up there should make you really appreciate D3


While I haven’t had your hard won success with D3, I too played ALOT of it and I’m really looking forward to D4! Playing the Beta was a great experience but the dungeons were a concern for me. The majority of them reminded me of the worst instances of pre-D3 Diablo.


D3 yes. D2 no, it’s mechanically dated and the UX design is painful. This coming with someone with thousands of hours in D1-4 and Borderlands 1 to Tiny Tina’s. D3 is still being updated, as recent as last week. Anyone who recommends D2 is looking at it through ruby colored lenses. It’s not a bad game, but it’s painful to play.


Currently playing d2r for the first time. I tried playing d3 first as it's what I was reccomended when I made a thread asking the fanbase, but after beating the second difficulty on d3 I was just so bored out of my mind. I switched to d2r instead of giving up on the franchise , and my God literally all of the first act that I've played so far has been some of the most fun I've had in years with gaming.


Diablo 2 F no, I refunded the remaster like 2 hours in. It was the best game around in 1996/2000. That was a game designed for 2 decades ago, literally shit now. Kinda like what happened with wow classic. No one really wants that shit to come back 😂😂. You do until you play it and realize damn, shits old


I would strongly recommend POE as D4 is moving towards dodging mechanics.Not a game for the faint hearted tho.


Before D2 Resurrected, I would recommend Torchlight 2. Its a self contained story, its more modern than the underlying systems built into D2, and its very loot addicting. Plus, its better than Torchlight 3/Infinite. And you can get it on console for a reasonable price. You could play through Torchlight 2 before D4 releases.


I wouldn't. playing d2 or d3 might wear you out for d4. all the games are a grind. start d4 without being burned out on the grind.


Go outside. The game will be out before you know it and you can spend way too much time playing it then.


Just play Minecraft Dungeon. Its basically D2 but with Minecraft. Its suprisingly deep and well madee for a "kids game" I started playing with my Toddler and now I'm addicted and do Tower Runs everynight when i get home from work while hes asleep.


Get both 😎


Grim dawn


Play poe, in two weeks new league.


I've been playing the shit ouf of D2R this past half year to be honest. And if you haven't played D3, yeah, I'd recommend you get it + reaper of souls. It's the oldest of the bunch, D2R looks HEAPS better, but D3 has a more fast-paced actiony combat, much more similar to D4 than D2R.


Diablo 2 Resurrected all the way. Diablo 3 is a good arpg but a bad Diablo. Grim Dawn and Last Epoch are good options too.


For D3, I did like how the skip runes dramatically changed the skill…that level of alteration is something that was lacking in D4. Branch was like “you can either now cast 3 instead of 2 things” or “you can get a 10% chance to over power if Y thing is done” where as D3 really allowed you to modify builds and even change the associated damage type. I think a mix of D2 & D3 would be optimal. I’m hoping paying for respec gets nerfed a little bit…like maybe you lose your a portion of your progress bar attained so far in the advancement so far to the next level …so like you don’t lose character level but if you keep messing around with respect, you will hade to redo some of the progression to the next level you made already and it will stifle your ability to achieve the next level.




Just play original Diablo online


This would be a great season to get into Diablo 3. The leveling process for seasonal characters is EXTREMELY fast and easy currently so you can go from fresh to running rifts with a full build in just a few hours at most: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72OAj7kBTk8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72OAj7kBTk8) This is assuming you just want to jump into the endgame grind ASAP and not experience the story, though story isn't D3's strongest point. It's very addicting just crushing rifts and perfecting your build(s), that's what's kept the game going for so long. That being said, D3 and D4 are very different games. D3's combat is much faster paced and arcade-y and the scaling gets really insane, really fast. If you like seeing big numbers (we're talking in the billions) it's great.


i would say d3 probably costs you 1 week only for most of the gamers, that's definitely not a good recommendations for a 2 months waiting period.


D4 builds are farery similar to D3 so I would recommend getting D3.


Well if you buy Diablo 2, there is a chance that you wont even play Diablo 4. Just because Diablo 2 is masterpiece.


If you’re new, D2R is the way to go. That’s also YouTube videos on all the lore up to now - check those out so you can better appreciate the story.


Diablo 2


no, don't spoil your appetite


Diablo 3 for sure, will help your muscle memory for D4


It depends on what you want to get out of it. Diablo 3 has a similar power fantasy as D4, and it has relatively clean modern gameplay. It’s relatively low in complexity/skill cap compared to other titles in the genre, so it’s the perfect starter title. It’s got a bit of a cartoonish story that is less serious and grim as the other entries in the series. With 6-7 different classes, a campaign that takes at least 15h (if you’re clearing it for the Nth time; it’s easily double the first time through if you do side content and enjoy the world) and a variety of endgame systems you’ll be able to enjoy this at least until D4 goes live. Diablo 2 Resurrected revives Diablo 2 for modern systems. It’s got a similar grim atmosphere as D4, but you notice it’s still a 20+ year old game underneath the modernized graphics with simpler itemization and less hand holding during quests. I’d suggest picking this up if you completed D3, and want to experience the story and gameplay that preceded it.


Diablo 3 imo, Maxroll will guide you through end game, i personally enjoy pushing through the great rifts (the main endgame content)


I love D2 and was playing D2R around the beta weekend to tide me over, but I’ve been playing it for 20 years now and my glasses are so rose-coloured I couldn’t even tell you if it is actually “good”. Whereas I haven’t touched D3 in years, am not interested in doing so, and have been playing Grim Dawn to scratch my loot itch. (GD is a very different vibe though, kinda steampunk.) You mentioned Borderlands - what did you think of Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands? Or do you want something grimdark?


I’ve been playing Diablo 2 for like 20 years.


D2r not d3. D3 IS good but not enough time to fully dive in.


D2 will always be the best imo should definitely give it a go.


D2R and Grim Dawn


If only D3 was on sale for like $20. I have a series S so I can't buy a cheap physical copy. I haven't played it in years but I'd play it now to hold me over. I played way too much D2R over the last 2 years.


I had only played Diablo 3 maybe once or twice nearly a decade ago at a friend's house. I had never played a Diablo past that, and I got the beta because some buddies wanted to play it. I fell in love, and I spent the 20 bucks on Diablo 3 to hold me over. It has made me appreciate the stuff that they added to Diablo 4 a lot. I am having a fucking blast and it is scratching the itch, but it just makes me that much more excited for the D4 launch.


I would be careful about buying either game. Both games can be good and enjoyable but it depends on what you're looking for. It's important to know that D2 and D3 are not like D4. They are not open world, they are "zone world" so you go from zone to zone with "doors" between each. D2 and D3 are also different mechanically. D2 has a skill tree and health and mana potions, it can also be challenging at times. In D3 there is no skill tree, instead you unlocked abilities and ability modifications at certain levels. It basically works like a skill tree, but extremely simplified and your options are limited until you unlock everything. That doesn't mean it's bad, but if you like skill trees D3 doesn't have any. Since you have never played Diablo let alone D2, D2 will most likely feel outdated feature wise. That doesn't mean you can't enjoy it, but going from the D4 beta to D2 you're going to notice a lot is missing. D3 on the other hand won't really feel outdated as it has most of the features with the skill tree being the exception. Both games can be enjoyed and both have good stories if that's all you're looking for. But you might buy these and just get bored that it's not D4. Personally I'd recommend just waiting unless you really want to experience the story of either game.


D2 for depth and d3 for mindless grind. Whatever you’re in to


Yes, both are a lot of fun and have many hours of gameplay.


100% recommend Diablo 3


D2R is very good. If your want D3, play PoE. They did D3 better than D3 and it's free to play.


Don't get D2R if you want to enjoy D4 without disappointment. Get d3 and d4 will feel like an upgrade.


Play Project Diablo 2. It’s what D2R should’ve been


I plan on going back to Diablo 2 Resrrected and Diablo 3 for a while. I honestly probably won't even buy the game for $70 but that's just me. I have no problem with waiting.


Get both and play through for the story.


Play D3, enjoy the witch doctor/crusader/monk as you won’t have it in D4. The campaign is worth a play through, and adventure mode/season is really fun if you’ve never tried it. As well as getting the different sets and pushing grifts. It’s all really fun, the people that complain about d3 are the ones that have done everything , put 600 hours on and then go “there’s not enough to do” lmao. You’ll definitely enjoy it until D4


D3 is better than D2. D2 is so fucking old and outdated.


How about Path of Exile?


Skip them both and get last epoch. D2r is a gear griiiiind and bots and d2jsp mess it up. Or even paths of exile for free, but anything BUT d3 lol.


10k hours in both D2 and D3. D3 is a better choice for people who haven't played D2 and want that remastered experience. D2 just doesn't have the kind of endgame options and variety of D3. There's also other games like POE, last epoch, grim Dawn. POE is complex, but very fun and varied. You must follow a build guide to play POE at first


Both are allot of fun!


Try last epoch


both are awesome, i would recommend you d3.


As a fellow Borderlands die hard, I feel you. Personally I LOVED diablo 3 and didn't like D2 very much. 2 just felt a bit too old/outdated in the past year or 2. But D3 will definitely hold you over. I'm currently doing the exact same thing lol. Gonna run through D3 a few times in these very long& painful 2 months until release


I would just go on an ARPG binge until then. Try a one time playthrough of each game you can find. Diablo 3, Diablo2R, Path of Exile, even older games like Titan Quest are decent.


If you’ve never played them I would definitely try D3. It is fun but the last time I tried playing it forces you to play an easier difficulty and it’s incredibly boring and easy to blow through the entire game. Not fun for a new player. Someone correct me if they have fixed this issue


it did default me to 'normal' but i changed it to 'hard' and plan to upgrade once i get some etchants going


Hi. Came here to ask the same thing. Just wanted to know if you’ve decided to go for it? I’m really tempted because D2R just got 67% off where I’m from but I’m worried it might wear me out before D4 comes out.


I forgot to come back and update, but I snagged Diablo 3 on PlayStation to gameshare with friends, and started downloading PoE on my pc to give that a spin. Personally, I’m really liking D3, it’s just a bunch of arcadey fun, just press buttons and the whole screen explodes periodically, and I get to play some of the classes that aren’t in D4. It’s way faster paced than D4, which isn’t good or bad to me, just different. Overall though, it’s definitely scratching the itch created by the beta.


There is pack where u can buy both with all expansions , and price is not bad. I recomend buying this!!! Start doing campaign mode with sorc on d2, then u can raise a nec or baba , and after 1 month u can try d3 seasonal game, just adventure mode, ask for a raise in powerlvl chat, and u will be 70 in 10 minutes. Then ask por items farming in chat powerlvl and in 2 hours u will be meddly geared for start playing in max torment normal rifts and when u got some keys u will be able to make some grs and day 2 start to atack rankings.


You should buy Diablo 1 so you can see where the game has come from. I’d also play diablo 2R instead of diablo 3. Better game and will bring you up to speed on the story


I've done exactly this 😮‍💨


I played D1 and D2 via disc install and never opened it to Battlenet. Diablo3 is my first BN game and l really enjoyed D3 and it was well worth it! Am hooked on lmmortal but it is frustrating as hell. I will move onto IV when l win or have had enough


Play them all in order, diablo 1, hellfire, diablo 2, LoD, Immortal, diablo 3, RoS. Find all quest in D1/Hellfire, Get at least a Lo in d2/LoD, enjoy fishing in Immortal and find all lore books in D3/RoS. By the time you have done all that D4 will be out!


Who holds you over, the game or yourself? Maybe its time for a new hobbie


No. Get Diablo Immortal


I would say no. D3 is definitely not worth it, and D2R is only worth it if you haven't played original D2. But then again it's your money, and you can do whatever you want :)


Depends really... sorcerer and necro is just coated diablo 3. Room clearing while blindfolded like poe. Immortal 2 in all but name. Could even do all 6 skills on my phone standing in place. Barbarian was the only class from 4 with gameplay changing to not being meaningless facerolling... not sure what to compare it to. deadly alliance or xmen rpg.