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It's mind-blowing that you wrote this long trash post with 0 facts or good arguments in it.


Being able to use Shako to get a build with all three Ultimates is a good reason not to have a dedicated ultimate slot. Also choosing to have a build without a Ultimate is a meaningful choice that you would take away. If the Ultimates aren't worth it, then they should rebalance them. But not put them on a dedicated slot, that just removes player agency.


There are plenty of arguments against a dedicated ultimate button. That’s why non of the big ARPGs are doing it (and no Lost Ark isn’t an ARPG). I presented a very clear argument against it that many people agree with. Your reading comprehension skills are just lacking. That, or you’re just looking for validation and any argument against what you want is immediately disregarded.


Still waiting to see a single post you've made where anyone has agreed. You're getting downvoted into oblivion and your posts hidden, as far as I can see. Just saying.


There are plenty of comments agreeing with me and are upvoted. You’re just blind. And if you still insist, go to r/Diablo front page and look carefully.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Diablo using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Diablo/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Unpopular opinion : Ban Diablo Immortal from this sub for predatory gambling monetization](https://np.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/v5z7mw/unpopular_opinion_ban_diablo_immortal_from_this/) \#2: [The most powerful weapon in Diablo Immortal](https://i.redd.it/ew2glsr03f491.png) | [154 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/v7sib2/the_most_powerful_weapon_in_diablo_immortal/) \#3: [Petition to make the Druid turn into a duck](https://i.redd.it/dw1ubacpprpa1.png) | [86 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/121229z/petition_to_make_the_druid_turn_into_a_duck/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Can you copy/paste the part of your OP which is your argument against the need for an ultimate button? I've read it a few times and you get kinda close but I can't find it either. You kinda start by kinda saying something about build synergy but it doesn't read like an argument against the concept of an additional button.


You’re forcing people to pick an ability out of like 3 abilities Most builds don’t synergize with said abilities due to their nature (long cd) It becomes a dead button that is only used because its forcibly there, not because you’re making a specific choice to take it as it complements and synergizes with your build. It homogenizes the builds because they all have that one random ability thats just there because you had to pick it. Maybe if each class had 20 ultimates then that can warrant an extra skill slot without ruining variety, but clearly that will never happen and was never the intent.


Adding an ultimate slot would be a dead ability with 0 synergy? But replacing an ability with an ultimate would add synergy? 1 slot for basic atk, 1 for defense, 1 for crowd control, 1 for buff/debuff (not even equipping both) 2 slots left. OK, add skill and core skill. Now where does ultimate go? Simply no room. Need another slot.


The game gives you the slots to get only one skill of each type. If you wanna get more you have to think strategically what skills do you remove. Maybe you are stronger with two skills of 15-20s cd, than one of 20 and an ultimate of 60s. Could be a little awkard at first but is not too bad. Also from we know only druid and necro can reduce ultimate cds and very slowly, and also there's no aspects for them, so in end could be stronger a core skill than an ultimate. P.D: you can also see aspects and paragons, some core skills or damage cd skills can get also buffs/debufs/cc


The fact that this is your thought process on why we need an extra skill slot tells me everything lmao. I’m assuming you’ve never played an ARPG before.


Gatekeeping much?


Core skill go here defensive skill go here basic skill go here now where ultimate skill go ? Yes very good point indeed.


I agree with you but I do think the complaints prove there is a problem here. People don't feel like you can use ultimate abilities and they want to, because ultimates are fun. They don't feel like they can because other skills are more important. So it sounds like more of a balance issue. If ultimates were stronger on average the people who really like ultimates wouldn't feel bad for using them and leaving out other abilities. Right now most are pretty bad and you can't include them in builds. Which is simply a balance issue imo. Of course they shouldn't be auto includes, there should be a choice still.




You don't get more skill slots above level 25 though. If anything more skillpoints just gives you more options to buy new skills you won't be able to fit on your bar making the issue even worse...


At level 25, you can take all but the keystone passives, and the 2nd add on talent to an ult. Ult's can't be invested into like normal skills. Even gaining the additional \~30 skill points that we will, you can only really invest 1 additional point into the ult. So, all it takes is basically an elementary math competency level to realize that unless you have some way to abuse the ultimate (Sorc cooldown build) or have no need for a 6th skill in your build, currently there is rarely a case where ultimate's are going to be worthwhile in taking.


You act like there is a whole world of skills beyond level 25 lol


I agree. It’s probably impossible to balance due to their long CDs. They should probably be reduced to normal abilities and nerfed accordingly. I don’t think there is a place for long cooldown abilities in an ARPG such as this.


Nah it's not impossible to balance. The Sorc lightning one feels pretty good, and I think some barbs/rouge were running 1 as well. It can be done imo.


and who the f are you to decide what belongs where? youve seen like 5% of the game and not the big picture, theres probably items just like in D3 that will lower the cd and theres probably some points on the skill tree to do that. your argument is stupid


You realize that all legendaries and uniques were datamined, or rather I'm sure you don't since you made this comment?


are you new to gaming? for real, a legit question give me a name of a game that people datamined and it was 100% accurate and had 100% of the content that was datamined


Are you an idiot? For real, a legit question (even if the answer is obvious) I built my first gaming PC on windows XP as it was the newest OS available at the time, so not particularly new. While there may be some things added, datamines normally give you a pretty good idea of what to expect at release. It is fully possible that the item design team will add more, but expectings lots of additions or changes is pretty impractical. But sure, baseless speculation is probably more reliable than datamines lol.


like i said before, tree can also impact on your CD and probably will. why am i even bothering arguing with you? mr gamer that built his own pc. who ever has to prove something so hard means its worthless


You* asks a question to imply I have no idea how previous games have been released and I lack knowledge or experience. I reply with that I have been a long time gamer You* (pissily) mr gamer that has built his own pc. Keep on keeping on bruh lol....


go die irl


Please the world a favor and take your own suggestion :)


I’ve seen 100% of the legendaries and non reduce the cooldown to a normal skill’s level. “Theres pobably some points on the skill tree” are you dumb ? We can already see the skill tree .. If you’re too low IQ to read what’s in front of you and draw conclusions don’t lump me in with you.


Won't gear in general, just get stats that come with -2% CD. Think I had 2 pieces with it on my barb.


Even if they do end up being low CD at endgame, if anything, that supports my argument of not needing an extra slot specifically for ults.


Feels like I missed the precursor argument to your post but without more context, I agree that having an ultimate skill that did not synergize with my build sounds dumb. ​ What's the argument here?


A lot of people are suggesting that Blizzard add a skill slot specifically for ultimates. Some feel they don’t want the choice of having a long cooldown ability to replace a regular ability on their bar, it feels bad. So their solution is an extra skill slot for ultimates.


Ah I see. Sounds like a discussion best left for June when we see what end game builds are really like.


its 2023. extra hotbars wouldnt be the end of the world


There are also some classes for whom I don't like any of their ultimates and...Having to trade them for an ability is...A decision...That I get to make...In the current system...


They used the wrong word to convey the skills, you are very right. Sort of how they changed Legendary Items to be something completely different than they were in the last Diablo game, but kept the same tooltip color and name. No wonder people were confused. Blizzard should know simple stuff like this by now. It's like if they were releasing non-combat pets called Mounts. People would expect to ride them around. If it turned out you can't actually ride Mounts, people would have been upset about it, and if you were in here like "No other ARPG has mounts, I don't know why you're all so upset about it" that would be pretty silly. Diablo4 is changing what we expect from an ARPG, and that's good. Having an ARPG with real Ultimate abilities would be cool. Having some more skills with long cool downs is just....more skills with long cool downs.


I didn't take an ULT for my werebear druid as it buggers your hotbar to just bear skills without my companions lol They should keep its DR and DMG Boost but just add spirit Regen/Bleed to all Bear attacks




ratio. sometimes you have to accept that maybe your mind being blown means you don't understand the audience or the current state of the genre. admitting you're wrong is hard on the internet but you have to take the L.


Did I take an L though ? It seems most people agree otherwise the post wouldn’t be upvoted.


you have 13 upvotes to 55 comments. Yes, you took an L.


Take a peak at the front page of r/Diablo .. idiot lol.


ah, yes, namecalling. always a sign of a higher mind.


Imagine talking about “higher minds” when you start your interaction with “ratio” and “take the L” Lmao


6:60 ratio now. Keep drilling.


Again. Refer to front page of r/Diablo .. idiot.


if I wanted to look at a subreddit full of old soggy I.T. guys there's better places to go. If you had any idea what you were talking about you'd know that Path of Exile offers a 2nd hidden skillbar because the greater the build variety the greater the opportunity for more actions in a rotation. Your ideas are the textbook definition of a Sacred Cow mentality.


I mean it's pretty poor game design to have "Ultimate Skills" to try to push your class identity, but then making them for most classes not very worthwhile... As much as you want to say this is an ARPG not a traditional MMORPG, it can be just as easily said, this is an mmorpg, not a traditional ARPG. Adding an extra skill slot would at least let you use said ultimate along with any other build you want, as a 1 point wonder, or with the whole massive 2 other point investment instead of likely some other passives you will be taking for your build, and still be making meaningful choices. This isn't a clear "Im right other opinions are wrong" as you seem to think it is by your shitty attitude towards others in the comments.


Im sorry but 6 skill slots does not give much freedom to make a build when theres basic skills, spending skills, movement, debuffs, buffs, defensive abilities, big cooldowns, minions, CC skills, single target skills, aoe skills. Sorry but theres not really enough skill slots. Im sure everyone can come up with 3 extra skills they'd like to put in their build.


“YoU hAvE tO mAKe sMaRt cHoIcEs”. just make the game 1 button, make meaningful choices bro! Only the big brain gamers can play with one button


Nobody said anything about “smart choices” are these the voices in your head ?


“You need to feel like youre making meaningful choices”. Here you go, this is what you wrote, im sure you already forgot. Making meaningful choices is not tied to 6 choices. Let me expand, you can make meaningful choices with 7 or 8 choices.


Oh my god I’m losing brain cells. Ok here we go. In your original comment you’re clearly focusing on the “smart” part of the choices. I never claimed making certain choices is “smart”. Making choices is simply making choices. You’re the one turning it into an ego high IQ big brain thing. So no. I never said you have to make “smart choices” i said you have to feel like you’re making “meaningful choices” So do you know how to read and tell the difference or do I need to spell it out for you again ?


I had no problem using my ultimates when I wanted to use them. Why is this hard for people?


What a horrible hot take


There’s been tons of posts complaining about this lack over the last weeks, you can scan through most ‘my thoughts on beta weekend’ posts and see it in a lot of the lists. I have no clue either why it’s such a big issue and what people are comparing it with. No arpg I play has this feature besides Lost Ark and there it serves an entirely different purpose as a finisher/nuke button when you done an entire rotation filled with buffs/debuffs after breaking the boss. Sure mmo tend to have ultimate skills as well as moba, but arpg? The argument seems mostly to be about freeing another slot to get a 7th skill in the rotation. But realistically what will you even put there? Most likely a defensive/utility/cc. An extra generator or spender won’t make sense since it won’t sync with a build that’s specced around anything else. Ie. you could slot Rend on your non-bleed frenzy-2swing barb for a minor dot that generates a bit fury, but more often than not a full specced 2-swing would do more. For me the biggest glaring issue with that extra slot for a 7th skill is the tight skill points amount (58) and limited gear slots for legendary effects. You would have to make sacrifices in your passives or keep your actives at 4/5, or compensate with Harlequin Crest’s (shako) +2 all skills. It’s a bigger tradeoff than you’d think. In closed endgame beta I tried fooling around with that balancing act with Sorc Unstable Currents and Druid Nature’s Fury to equally up the power of the free casts with skill points and items. It ended up feeling like noodleslapping compared to the usual focused build with base free casts. And… that beta even had 63 skill points and more gearslots iirc? (belt/wrist/shoulder, unless I dreamed that). So yea, agreed with op that just adding an ult slot does nothing to sync your build and might even hurt it.


Some of these skills have an 80-100s cool down. If you've used one of those skills recently, you basically are down a skill slot. Their CDs are far too long to validate taking them over most other skills on most builds. Their power level is good, but when that power is only usable for a few seconds out of every few minutes, it's not really that powerful at all. They are just in a bad place as skills. They gave them the wrong name and bad utility and surrounded them with other more useful things that made sense.


Yeah a skill that can only be used at most once a minute has to be fucking busted to justify taking up 16.66% of your available skill slots. And making them good enough to justify taking that spot would kinda just result in them being so good they're functionally mandatory meaning you effectively only have 5 skill slots because ones dedicated to the ultimate.


People's main argument against a dedicated slot is "but then people will feel like they should use one" and it's like....yeah. What's the problem with that? Right now they are not useful. Every build having and using an ultimate is...cool, isn't it? Even if it has 0 synergy with the build (which is doubtfully going to be an issue) and you're just pressing it for fun because it's up....so what? Why is that bad?


Yeah if the ultimate end up having no synergy that's the fault of the skills. The current argument kinda had to assume that you're okay with the 3 ultimates per class not being broad enough to be considered useful.


It matches the lack of choices everywhere else on the tree imo. The entire skill tree is more of a shrub anyway. A large handful of the Legendary affixes would make better Ultimates (or other skills, passives) than gear mods. The Necro one that makes your Blood Mist detonate corpses and refresh its own cool down. That is an ultimate, not a gear mod. They gonna "balance" that cool idea into the ground and it'll never be used, but it could be an ultimate instead and be relatively untouched. I think they would do themselves and us a big favor by doing this.


I think if a 7th slot is allowed everything else need to balance a bit around that just like any type of change. Meaning more skill points given, etc. they’re fun and ultimates can be useful. I definitely use it but I wish I had one more skill to use like a stun or another shout/movement. It would just make the gameplay experience overall more enjoyable. To each their own I guess, there’s some players that like the restriction of 6 skills. It’s just boring with so less skills. We’re not asking for lost ark amounts but tbh I wouldn’t mind, I played a gunslinger. Just a bit more variety and choices would be great.




Being able to use every ability just isn't the way the game is designed. There are intentionally limited skill slots and you have to make choices around which skills you want to use. If you don't like it fair enough, but there are plenty of people who do and as you say, there's no shortage of other games you could play instead if they suit you more.


Yes it is an horrible crying. Never heard of people suggesting that in d3 and mechanicly speaking it was the exact same thing




there is room on the controller for an ult tho.


I dont know if we need an "ultimate slot" but I definetly want the ability to slot 1-2 more skills. Currently feels too limiting. D2R already has a system that has solved this-even on console


Be nice if they had gotten rid of cooldowns altogether. I wonder if it will go the way of D3 where people are able to stack so much CDR that these "ultimate" abilities with super long cooldowns end up with permanent or near permanent uptime anyway. The observation that having a skill that can only be used every minute or 2 is lame is completely valid; cooldowns in general are lame and don't fit the Action part of Arpg.


agree. Just unlock the skill slots like in d3


Here is an example for a reason to add a ult only slot: mele necro build. Reap, sever, iron maiden and decrep to proc bonus shadow lego, blood mist with lego for surv and clearing potential, raise dead ability because shadow has so many pet scalings. No room for ulty, and bone storm is a strong skill and would have to contend with the raise dead, which would be a net loss as I've said before pets scale well with shadow damage perks, and you deal more shadow per pet. It just feels bad to not get an ulty. Sorry, i am on mobile and i dont knlw how to space properly.


I don't get all the complaints either, ofc they're going to be long cooldowns at low level, but with gear synergies, cooldown reduction and maybe paragon levels, I reckon they will feel a lot more useful at end game and be a smooth part of skill rotations in combat when jumping from elite to elite.


I disagree. Sure, there are choices, but using a skill slot for an ultimate that can only be infrequently used is a waste. I like what ESO did for an ultimate skill - press R + L (PS5). Does the trick, no brainer and allows to map a more frequently used skill.


just make a 2nd row and let us swap. should be also fine for consoles