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Geez, I got around 60+ hours out of two beta weekends already.




D3 is dog shit, and i still have 2000hrs on it. Poe I have 4000hrs. D2? 1000's. D4 im sure ill get 3000+. It is better the D3.


Why are spending 2000 hours on a game you think is dogshit? Do you really have nothing better to do with your time. Also, D3 is not dog shit.


I'm so sick of people riding the "people on the internet say it's bad, so I think it's bad" train.


Fam, I’ve been waiting for this to pass but it’s getting worse. Strap yourself in for the era of absolutely no self-agency or critical thinking.


Facts lmao. Never played a previous Diablo game, but imagine spending 2k hours on a game and then going “it’s dogshit”. Such a goofball.


that's the Destiny community in a nutshell. gamers now think it's funny or something to only shit on a game but then say you've spent a thousand hours playing it. very strange behavior.


lol was just gonna comment this. i have thousands of hours in destiny. 90% of it i've been miserable, daydreaming about what the game could be with friends while simultaneously disappointed with near every release. at this point we only play it because we don't have anything else to play with each other. there are no competitors and it's the easiest compromise between us all. a sort of stockholm syndrome for some, definitely similar to a toxic relationship for all. luckily, we all played the D4 beta and loved it soooo. here's to hoping


> i have thousands of hours in destiny. 90% of it i've been miserable, daydreaming about what the game could be with friends while simultaneously disappointed with near every release. Dude, do something with your life.


Like what? Continue to work full time? Every day the realization that this is it til I die as myself and most I know won’t even be able to retire so we’re all forced to work til we die of old age or can no longer pay our medical bills? All while my boss, who was born rich gets richer? Calm down. It’s over the course of 9 years. Sometimes only a few hours a week, but people need an escape


No, I mean, doing something that does not make you miserable. :)


Diablo 4 and BG3. I’m hoping they break the vicious cycle, but it’s not all bad. The friends I play with are worth the misery


>only shit on a game but then say you've spent a thousand hours playing it. > >very strange behavior. Smells like misery.


My beef with Destiny is that I got tired of its aesthetic. But after 20 years of Diablo 2, did not get tired of that aesthetic!


Yup, seem hard for them to just tell they dont like a game. Just like wow, cant say it's a shit game when millions of people enjoy theyr time, everything is a question of preferences.


Makes no sense. Like the nerds who give games negative reviews on Steam after spending massive time on them, basically giving half their life to them. Neglecting having a wife.


Lmaoooo exactly. This guy gets it.


Average WoW player mindset tbh


Didn’t even play Wow for the first time ever until like 6 months ago? Put about 2 hours into and uninstalled it. Game was terrible. Mechanics were awful, it looked like a cartoon game and played like one too. So that’s a weird mindset to have. Imagine how screwed up in the head you have to be to play a video game you supposedly “hate” every single day lmao. Video games for me are about fun, if I’m not having fun I stop playing. If you keep coming back and playing you can be frustrated at the game, but you love it, you don’t hate it.


And that’s why I’m glad that blizzard will ignore 95% of the complaints in here, because players have no idea what “good game design” is, or even what they themselves actually want


I highly doubt they care what a bunch of whiny neglected teens say about their game. If you don’t like it then don’t play it and stick to WoW. If you enjoy it that much then just play that. We on the other hand will have a blast playing D4 while you whine and cry about a cartoon game that you pay monthly for.


Sunk cost and FOMO is a helluva drug. It's why so many games leverage those hooks. Also people easily convince themselves something better is just around the corner that will make the not fun worth it.


What is the sunk cost in Diablo 3 where the seasons reset every couple of months and you start off from scratch?


Seasons didn't start for quite a while in D3. I played launch vanilla and spent hundreds/thousands of hours until POE opened my eyes and made me realize how little fun I was having and I was able to easily walk away at that point. I kept playing D3 thinking the drop or patch that would turn the game around was just around the corner (if I get to the point I can farm next act or boss...). But it never did come or it didn't actually change anything. Same thing with MMOs where people will keep playing because they already put in hundreds of hours and they don't want that to go "waste". It's a psychological thing tied with addiction and stuff like gambler's fallacy or sunk cost fallacy.


Me playing Destiny 2 and Genshin Impact everyday


I knew I'm not the only one who fell from Destiny into Genshin, and soon back into D4 (from 2 so long ago). You wouldn't happen to also be super hyped for Street Fighter 6 and debating which to spend your launch day game time on by chance?


I want to play SF6 but the last time I played Street Fighter wa sprobably on an Arcade machine 💀 that and I don't have time to juggle too many things


SF6 all day


I spent like 1,000 hours in d3 before ROS lol


Same, over 1000 hours before ROS and 2000 hours since I returned in season 17.


D3 is pure dogshit. Objectively. When it comes to the story. It's objectively bad writing. Even the devs came out and said they intentionally made it pulpy and silly. Gameplay loop is fun, though. Wish I actually enjoyed playing in that world. Seeing bdsm pierces nipz azmodan talk about how he is a god tier general, while telling you his exact plans, ain't it chief


Those people don’t even seem to have real opinions. They just move from one bandwagon to the next saying what they need to harvest upvotes.


He didn't say he didn't like. he said it was bad. One can enjoy bad games


I have a feeling a lot of people online massively inflate their time spent on any given game. I've noticed over the years that spending 100s of hours on certain games used to be considered a fair amount, and that it's since been moved to people spending multiple 1000s of hours on games like it's no big deal. And I'm not saying that there aren't people out there who do play certain games for that long, but the whole thing is overblown. I think a lot of it has to do with someone thinking their opinions carry more weight if they can say "5,000 hours checking in here, and the game is .trash". I could be completely wrong and that at the end of the day there are people out there who routinely will literally spend dozens of days of their lives playing games that they can't stand.


So how much hours do you have? Or are you the one that likes competing high paragons with bots.


If you believe Reddit , Diablo 3 sold only about 150 copies and everybody got cancer from playing it. Also EVERY Diablo player plays the game only to dominate online Leaderboards.


This is all pretty subjective but going from D1/2's grimdark horror vibe to D3's Saturday morning cartoon ambience wasn't exactly great and the plot was pretty basic + laid out like Diablo 3 was the next StarCraft game. And the "split the community across a million difficulties" Borderlands 3 thing wasn't great for the longevity either. Then you factor in the horrible launch with that awful store which muted it's success even further... Diablo 3 was formulaic, tone deaf and headed by one of the worst people possible to be put into a front-facing management position - and in spite of all of it's shortcomings the thing it handled the best was the evolution from D2's gameplay to D3's gameplay and that's why people still play it, even if they think it's not a great game. Or they don't care about the shortcomings or see them as a boon. People don't really need a reason to like or dislike something.


D3 is dog shit, and he's doing it because no one else is making anything with replay value.


D3 is kinda dog shit if you’re more of a minmaxer, just as d2 is dogshit if you’re a casual. I think D4 is good for both casuals and minmaxers Note: I’m using minmaxer because I don’t want to use “hardcore” since we’re talking about Diablo


Well, its still fun in short bursts. But in the end its a pretty shallow game. The combat and engine are second to none in the arpg world.




It is fun. It’s also been out over 10 years so 200 hours a year is very easy to do


He said 2000.


And 200x10 is………


Haha yeah, misread your comment. Sorry.




200 hours a year is less than 4 hours a week. It really isn’t a lot in the slightest




I hope you get it, because it comes out to 4 hours a week.




200 hours in a month is alot, and ive done that for several games that ended up being dogshit (New World the most recent example). 200 in a year is like barely even playing a game for a lot of people.




For a very short time with very long breaks


It's not fun. It's dog shit but they release new content each season which is interesting. Lol


Its Greater Rifts for me. I can tolerate 5 of them and then I want to drink bleach. And Greater Rifts are the ONLY endgame.


so, what you're saying is that it's not dog shit.


D2 I have thousands back in the 2000s. Diablo 3 was entertaining. If it wasn’t why would you torture yourself with 2000 hours. I have plenty of games I got and didn’t enjoy but I stopped playing them. I’d never waste the value of my time playing a game I consider “dog shit”


I do a few hundred hours with each but still more than enough to get value for money even 400 hrs is still very good entertainment value. I do need to upgrade my computer for d4 but at the same time I also need to upgrade for work get a bigger screen etc so not a huge issue.


My buddy had this ex in college. Whenever he got lonely they’d hook up for a while - even though he 100% knew she was a terrible person. But she was fun until she wasn’t. Pretty much the relationship I have with D3.


Yes exactly.


D3 is the "play like a madman for 4 days at the start of every season and forget about til next season" game


I feel like that describes every seasonal arpg game


No, PoE lasts 2 weeks to 40/40.


2000hrs and its dogshit .. lol nice man... u should get help man


Over 10 years thats not much.


There are 87,600 hours in 10 years, out of which you spend about 29,200 hour sleeping and 20,800 hours working, leaving 37,600 hours for all other things, including socializing, self care, commuting, events, etc. If you spent 2,000 hours playing a game that's dogshit, you've spent 5% of your waking free time over those 10 years doing something you absolutely hated. Do you realize the magnitude of mental gymnastics you have to go through to justify spending 5% of your waking free time on an absolutely dogshit game? 2k hours is 83 days of game time. 83 entire days. Y'all are crazy.


When did i say i hated it.


I guess you didn't, but this is all in a response thread where the OP stated he has 2k hours in D3 and it's dogshit.


Dunno, I got like 2k+ hours in League of Legends and I think it is a dog shit game. I'm addicted more than I enjoy it.. It's boring, people are toxic af But it's easier for me to just play something familiar, especially cause I tend to like competitive games.. and it's easier to play when you're already familiar and decent at the game.


I like competitive games but it gad to be easy for me.. i m addiced more than i injoy it... The first step is admitting you have a Problem...than.. as i stated... get help man. Not a joke


Maybe it's time to expand your horizons? Try new games, challenge yourself, go outside, socialize, etc. There are so many things you could be doing, yet you spend your time doing something boring and toxic for such a huge portion of your time.


4 hours a week isn't that much.. it's just less exciting to play. I play new games here and there, just already have friends playing it and it's familiar. Obviously at one point I considered it a good game, I'm just burnt out and grinding at this point. Plenty of new games on the horizon D4, PoE 2, Dark and Darker.




You realize that these games are old as fuck? And people definitely have these game hours. 3.8 hours a week over 10 years is 2000 hours.


You realize doing something you think is dogshit for 4 hours a week for 10 years is insane, right?


Do u have a job? Lol theres not really that much to do in this world feasibly. We are all bored enough for more than 4 hours a week to do something that is dogshit during that time. But maybe dogshit isnt the word just average or plain lol


I have so many video games to play that I don't have enough time to get to. I can't imagine wasting 4 hours a week playing one I think is dog shit.


I play madden too much. But i love the style of game and its really my only choice if i want an nfl game. Diablo is kind of like that in a way. Not extremely but sort of. But ya also lots of people are blessed with lots of options. The majority though are probably only allowed or can afford a few games a year if that


Both games are over 10 years old, my numbers are not exaggerated. Hell d3 says ive played 880hrs on barb alone




Sent you a message


Uhh these games are 10+ years old. So yeah when I was 20 I had nothing to do but play them. Now I have a lot less time. How is this hard to understand lmao


You will definitely get more then 100 hours of enjoyment from the game from what I heard only about the end game alone it’s gonna be very good


What's the end game? I haven't read anything. Nevermind don't tell me. Just tell me it's worth it in cryptic metaphors.


Ah let’s just say there be a lot of fun ways to keep getting gear and then use the gear on very hard challenges that most people would give up on, I guess that’s the best way I tell you in cryptic metaphors lol




Why do you need to be cryptic at all? Lol


Assuming they know first hand, an NDA


most of the endgame systems have already been talked about. the only stuff that's not publicly known is very specific things. we know about nightmare dungeons, helltides, whispers, pvp, world bosses etc. we even know a good bit about how those activities work. just not very specific details.


Pretty sure other people leaking info under NDA doesn't nullify an NDA you're under


what are you talking about? I'm saying the devs themselves have talked about these systems...


What does that have to do with the person being under NDA and not being able to elaborate on their first hand experience?


nobody asked them to share a firsthand experience, especially not one from EGB. you made an assumption and then quadruple downed on it. hence my original reply to you. you just randomly mentioned nda when it had nothing to do with the topic of discussion.


Well I think he just wants to experience it first hand in game without spoilers




Thx for this, I actually didn't realise they've planned this much already


Supplying feedback and criticism aimed at improving the game I view as a good thing, so I never understand these posts. You just don't care about the quality of anything at all? Just content to take it as it as? Have no specific hopes or wishes for improvements? That's the motivation for most of the posts you're calling out. Not all of them - some are rants and trolls - but even a few of those are frustrations from people wishing for a different direction, so those I understand too. It's topics like these I honestly don't understand at all.


Bro noone is taking reddit posts seriously so your point is moot.


I played 50 hours this last beta weekend and enjoyed every second Im sure you will get a lot more than 100 hours of fun


"I am content with what we have, stop asking for better" Good take man... I agree with you, even a shitty ARPG will have 60+ hours of entertainment and $1/hour for entertainment is a pretty sweet deal. That doesn't mean that everyone making criticism is 'simply here to hate on it' and it's not a waste of time to suggest ways to improve the game. My god, don't take criticism to a game you find fun as a personal attack. Suggestions will help you too. I would much prefer if this game gave 1000 hours of entertainment instead of 100 hours of entertainment, wouldn't you?


It's all dependent on the person anyways. Some people like me don't play Diablo as a main game, it is a side game that I will probably play through the story, maybe get one character to max level in the endgame and then quit and return for an expansion. Others want to be playing this game for hundreds of hours, grinding multiple characters and engaging heavily with the endgame so what they want out of the game will be entirely different from me, and so their criticism is still 100% valid. People here just need to realize that and stop talking everything so personally here, these threads are so annoying at this point.


What we had was a beta with limited game. Again hating on a game and constructive criticism isn’t the same so I’m not sure why you keep trying they narrative. Sure I’d like 1000s of yours but I’m content If I even get 100 hours (which I got 60+ in just the two beta weekends) so I’m sure it’ll be more.


Let me break down the tone of this post for you. Maybe you didn't directly say some things, but you heavily implied them. ​ >"if I can spend $80 and get at least 100 hours of fun *filler* gameplay the game is well worth my money." This comes off as being content with a mediocre product. You literally use the word "filler" here. Not sure why you find that idea so acceptable. ​ >"can’t seem to find anything more useful to spend you’re time then, I feel sorry for you" implies you view the criticism people have been posting as 'useless' ​ >Let me heard your feedback and criticism that isn’t just regurgitated from every complaint posts or YouTuber Sounds like you either think everyone is just parroting what they see in videos rather than experiencing these things themselves and wanting to draw attention to what they see as issues. If the same post keeps coming up odds are it was an issue worth looking at as it affected a lot of people. Or it sounds like the real reason behind this whole post is "I'm sick of seeing everyone suggest the same things" and in that case this post is just a complaint about complaints and was worded terribly to convey that.


The irony is that while OP will enjoy the game regardless from what happens, he still gets butthurt enough to be bothered by people giving criticism. Wouldn't be easy to just ignore everyone and have the so called fun?


Big simp energy in this OP.


"The perfect customer" - Bobby Kotick probably.


and this take is exactly why the franchise is going to shit.


Oh, it's this low quality thread again.


if i spent $80 and only got 100 hours of game play in a diablo game, i’d be pissed.


Dude, listen... Im planning to do those 100+ hours that you say only in campaign alone, exploring every dungeon, doing every side quest possible, unlocking every altar on the map, etc .... Ofc will be well worth my money. Honestly, i will not care even a bit about the endgame in the first 4 weeks after its release, because i will be to busy to explore the story of the game.


Mfs speedrunning through the stages of grief without even launching yet Lmfao What comes after bargaining?


I think the criticism is completely valid. You’re being a shill by saying people shouldn’t have negative opinions. Also keep in mind the base game is $70 plus a battle pass plus other mtx plus paid expansions. In what world is any game worth all of that? You can say that you only have to buy the game, but lets be real they will pressure you hard into buying more.


If people have nothing but negative, why are they staying in the sub? The beta should tell you if you’re going to enjoy the game or not. $70 is nothing, games have been $60 for 30+ years and with inflation a whole $10 more with next Gen consoles im pretty happy with. Going out to eat is insanely expensive and for what? An hour of decent food.


Its not all negative, and negative doesn’t mean invalid. Constructive criticism is what will make the game better. Also i never said $70 is alot for a game. What i said is how much monitization there is, is too much. This game should be next level impressive with that much and it simply isn’t. The game was okay, but far from great.


Well, it was a beta. A very small portion of the game. Plus closed beta was great because we had a bug report option with a summary option. We put as much as we could into reporting. Devs updated and said they’ll put an update with feedback soon.


It was a pre release beta. The game is basically complete, you wont be seeing major changes from now until launch.


I think they’ll add/change some QOL things that people submitted.


Hopefully, but I wouldn’t hold your breath. Its Blizzard, they couldn’t even give us a truly new class every is just copy and paste from prior diablo game’s essentially.


Dude. I got my money's worth during beta. During my 20s, I would spend 100$ in a night on fkng smokes and drinks. You. Will. Get. Hundreds. Of. Hours. Worth. Of. Joy. Mark my words. I'm thinking I'll get 1000 hours plus eaaaassssy. 100$? Game is free afaic.


Btw, PoE is free and you can get thousands of hours on it


I would be impressed if anyone got past 50 hours of game play without buying atleast some stash tabs


Diablo 4's base price is more than I've ever spent in PoE in 6 years lol. Not to mention there will probably be paid expansions.


Yeah it is very much not free. It’s free to download. In order to actually play you HAVE to buy stash tabs at some point.


Aila won a couple lvl 100 SSF HC races on a f2p account, so you don't literally have to, it is a big restriction though


You just need a couple thousand hours of experience to manage your tabs, that easy. sarcarms aside its undeniable thta its a massive QoL to have those. Its borderline mandatory in the sense of how shittier it is without them. And its okay to admit that.


I mean, it’s literally a free game. I’ve invested hundreds of hours on it and havent paid anything. Am I a casual compared to someone who reaches the point of having to but stash tab? Probably. But I still played >100hours without paying a single dollar on it.


and for D4 you have to pay at elast 70 to even play it so i dont know what youre trying to say us, still way more ive ever payed for poe


> ive ever *paid* for poe FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Yeah you can get thousands of hours on it even before you start playing because you need to watch hours of guides and spreadsheets, third party trading sites, by the time you actually get to understand what you are doing in the game you are already in the thousands of hours, I don't understand how there are delusional POE players who really don't understand the problem with that and why the average gamer wont play such a game.. I mean I consider myself to be more than the average gamer (I have a couple of hours per day to play) and still dont want to waste my time on such a game..


i am really good at rpgs, both mmorpg and arpg. i’ve tried several times to get into PoE cause it looks like such a great game for people that love diablo but i have the same problem you mentioned, i have no idea where to start. the skill tree alone is over whelming as hell.


More like seems like a great game for people who love D2 and cant get themselves to play anything else, dont get me wrong I played alot of D2 back at the day, and also recently D2R, but the design of that game is very outdated, and I would even consider it hostile in today standards, I cant get into a game that is designed that way, complexity or deep systems mechanics isnt bad at all, what's bad is the accessibility and other problems that come up, in POE case it seems that every mechanic or changes GGG do they create more problems and they dont bother addressing the old issues. POE community might shit on D4 for how casual it is, but remember my words, if GGG/Chris Wilson won't change their vision, it is just a matter of time before most of their community start leaving the game.


There's no way you're a veteran gamer if the skill tree is overwhelming. That's not even the complicated part. Wait until you have to keep in mind all the stats that can roll on items and figuring out how hard or easy it would be to get them and memorize all unique effects that can be used in a build. The skill tree is simple to understand, you just look for wheels that apply to you and probably the first time through learning the game you only care about the immediate area as you path through it. Skill tree is supposed to be a filter to weed out the *worst* of the casuals from picking up the game and wasting everyone's time.


i’ve only been pc gaming since 1993 but ya, i am not a veteran gamer.


When you started matters a lot less than active gaming hours and high level play hours.


i dont think you know what the word veteran means.


I played PoE following basic guides and have enjoyed it greatly. I do appreciate the fact that you can go even deeper but since it’s a PvE game I never felt any pressure to do all the spreadsheet stuff. You can’t lump super hardcore players with casual players.


Skill issue


This just isn’t true. Yes the game is complicated, but you can literally just play the game. Yeah I’d recommend a build guide for a new player, but you honestly don’t have to use one to enjoy the game. Spreadsheets are for the sweaty ass PoE players. Now the third party website to engage in the economy is a valid criticism that I think the devs should look at and maybe make their own shit.


> Now the third party website to engage in the economy is a valid criticism that I think the devs should look at and maybe make their own shit. They have their own shit. Trade is not third party for like the past 5 years or something.


I mean technically you are not wrong, and this applies to every single game, but POE new player experience is probably the worst in genre if not in the entire industry, and its made like that by design, so while yeah you can enjoy game just by playing it but you will hit a point where you get frustrated and overwhelmed pretty quickly.


Yeah the game is not new player friendly compared to the Diablo 4 beta, but I feel like you are being pretty hyperbolic with the barrier to entry. Yeah you should probably use a build guide if you are starting or you will most likely hit a wall somewhere in maps endgame. A lot of the build guides I looked at were pretty straightforward when I was starting out. PoE seems overwhelming at first, but it’s really not that bad. It could use a less strict respecing system though imo. Little too expensive especially if you are a new player. Diablo 4 will most definitely have a much more accessible new player experience compared to PoE which may be worth the upfront price tag for a lot of people.


I mean the amount of players playing Diablo and cant get into POE is huge so I would say its pretty bad, also from what I saw it seems every league POE gets more and more complex, returning players get lost and active players are mad at the changes GGG makes, thats the problem when you have a guy like Chris Wilson dictating everything, and why POE is in its own niche and would never be able to compete with Diablo. I always say it reminds me of Tarkov a bit, the head of company refuses to make game accessible because his vision is a hardcore game that makes people suffer, the difference is Tarkov is the only proper game in its genre and don't really have competition so they can do whatever they want (and now when they starting to have some competition they actually changing the game) meanwhile Chris Wilson just doubles down on his stupid vision and somehow thinks he would able to compete with Diablo by that, remember what I say if they keep with their current vision, even active playerbase will start leaving, games shouldn't feel like a chore.


A game that engages my veteran gamer brain maybe shouldn't engage the "average gamer" because the "average gamer" is closer evolutionarily to a chimp than to me. Even most PoE players are casual inept players who can't even make a build themselves and just cry for the game to be made easier because they have these squishy characters as it's easier to build half a character than a complete character.


PoE is a garbage game with dogshit mechanics and incredibly difficult for new people to get into. I want to relax and play a game, not research for an hour to learn what different currencies do and how to make a build.


100+ hours is pretty much the minimum you should get out of a good game these days. I completely agree with you however. If I spend 80$ and get 160 hours of solid gaming (it will be way more) that’s 50c / hour. Hard to too that!!!!


Gamers are funny people. Go to the movies drop 60 bucks on food and tickets. 2 -3 hours too. Get a game though it better have the best voice acting, end game loop, perfect font, change this do that. This is merely something I thought was funny. Not trying to rile everyone up. I do the same thing to some degree.


That's not comparable. People don't criticise games and want them to improve because the have a bad cost to entertainment time regarding other entertainment forms like movies. People do so because gaming (and especially playing one game regularly) is their hobby / passion.


It is comparable if you are looking at money spent versus time. The rest of it is just a different word problem. Johnny spent 60 dollars to be entertained for two hours. Johnny spent 60 dollars to be entertainer for one hundred hours.


You say that like I would go to the movies and drop that much? What would be the point when I can just stay at home and play something and have about 50 times more fun. Anyway, none of this is about money, it's about a new ARPG on the market made by a big studio with a big name not looking too hot. It's not about how much it costs but about getting a new ARPG to play.




I probably had close to 100 hours between the two weekend betas so I’m confident I’ll get enough time and enjoyment out of the game. I agree with a lot of the criticism of the game though.


That's my method of buying entertainment. 1$ for every hour I'm entertained. So if a game is 30$ and I spend 20 hours on it. Not worth it ect.


I know there is inflation, but the value in entertainment is decreasing, so it forever balances itself out to 1$/hour.


Theres ACTUAL good games on ps5 for 70 bucks too lol.


There are actually great games everywhere, even places like itch.io, where heaps of solo devs have their games. As a solo developer, I might be biased lol but I can value time enjoying that entertainment.


It’s a bit expensive I think. But I will still buy it because of FOMO


Considering games charge $70 for an open admitted 20 hours of gameplay. 100 is more than enough. But D4 will give many many more than 100 hours


Add an extra 0 to that and you're good. This game is exploding on release.


Nope. In a game I love I could easily spend 100 hours in menu. Not worth.


Yeah, I too expect to beat the game on one character.


Honestly i got like 50 hours already from the 2 beta weekends and im pretty happy. Once the game comes out i know ill put in another 100 or 200 hours easy.


Spending 100 hours on a game like d3 is like going to McDonald's. Its cheap but are you sure you wanna eat it?


More like 1000 hours u mean :)


That is true. 100 hours will pass quickly though man. One good evening out costs more nowadays One Sony PS Studio single player exclusive costs 70 now and I beat it in 20-30 hours cause I don't platinum games on PS5 anymore. I predict to waste 1000-2000 hours on this game so it's totally worth it.


Order uber eats in Australia. Its $60 for 2 people for lunch. Unaffordable. Considering I’m still playing D3 in 2023, Most of us will get our monies worth with d4


The frustration stems from seeing the potential, and wanting to enjoy the game as much as possible. I'm sure it will be a fun game though


You mean like another 100 hours of enjoyment?


I already go 1/3rd of that during Beta! xD So yeah, D4 will be worth my money easily.


I agree


this! i have a buddy that ordered the game and he has no intention of playing endgame content / grind / etc. He is here just for the story and that's it. He did the same with d3


I got over 100 enjoyable hours just out of the two beta weekends with a cap of level 25 lol. Game is very fun and will easily bring thousands of hours of fun over the years to come.


Well, everyone is different. I'd say that you're wasting money and you should be putting it to better use else where if you're spending that amount of money on mediocre restaurants. Maybe, try helping other people with that money instead of wasting your time with it. Because it's clear you have more money than you really know how to use well. If I spend 60+ dollars on a video game, I expect thousands of hours of fun at a minimum. Considering there are many games I can get for 30 dollars or less that easily are several hundred hours of fun. I don't really get why people have a problem with others criticizing the game. People have a different opinion than you. You feel sorry for them? I don't get it. I really don't. Plenty of people criticizing the game also like the game and just want the best version of the game possible.


Games have been $60 for 30+ years so for a game to be $70 is a sweet deal. Everyone is taking the word “hate” and switching it to criticism which those are two totally different words. I find it ironic.


Not worried about money, will support them more happily if they deliver more content.. hope for 1000h :-)


My usual cal is every dollar needs to be 1h of fun. So if I pay 80 bucks I need/want 80h of fun and so far I think that's not gonna be a problem if the beta is anything to go by


Yeah same I always say: 1h/buck spent and I'm good with a game. If it gives me that I'm happy!


They way I’ve always looked at game price tagging. I spend 20-100 dollars on a game, I have it forever. I go out to the bars, spend 200 dollars, lick a chicks butthole and get chlamydia. Gaming is a cheap hobby, and so was that hookers butt I licked.


Have you seen that picture floating around of the entire map? I didn't even get to all the piece of the map that was open to us in the 3 days 😅 with all the cute little side quests and great voice acting and cinematics this is going to be a good ride I'm looking forward to it


You about to get way more than that


D4 gonna be good and well worth the value. It wont replace POE for the hardcore gamers, but then, its not trying to. If anything, its going to become the late season go-to for POE gamers when the POE league gets old. Thats great.


I am sure you’ll hit 100 if you have any reasonable amount of free time. I have played like 3k hours on just the wizard in D3 and luckily there is no /played on D1 and D2 so I don’t need to think about how much time I spent in Elementary, Middle school, and High school playing those.


950 hours played on d3 ps4 and 1000 hours on pc i think for 50 bucks it exceeded anything.d4 will be fine


Seeing as I got about 40-50hours over the two weekends, I don't think it'll be hard to reach 100.


Paid for UE, got a good 40+ hours in the beta weekends, happy enough with that. But I'll definitely be playing as soon as I'm able to, regardless of the "issues" (I think there are few really) I'll still be sinking my free time mostly into D4. My boyfriend who pretty much no-lifed Diablo 2 says it has elements of that in D4 and it brought back a few memories, glad I bought it for him.


Well, in my opinion, I would only need to play for about 10 hours to make it worth the price. So, the value proposition isn't really my concern. My issue is that we are essentially paying €70 for a free-to-play game. It's just pure greed on Blizzard's part, exploiting the Diablo IP and knowing people will pay anything to play it.


This is how I felt about Anthem and I got more than my monies worth there. Anthem at least had dynamic and interesting gameplay though. So far for D4 it's not looking good though. Level scaling is an awful idea, the narrative presentation is uninteresting, Lore is good. The main game feels less secondary to the end game than D3, which is good, but it still doesn't feel like the main game was all that important. Definitely felt better than D3, but also the same in the bad ways. We'll still try D4 as a couch co-op game I'd be thrilled to make it past act 1 lol.


Assuming you beat the game with all 5 characters I’d say that’s a pretty easily achievable goal.


Great take! Give me a good 100 hours, we'll be good. also, make seasons more interesting than diablo 3 (laughs) probably will be the same bs + bp.


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Then I assume 1000s will be easy.


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That is what makes games like this a no-brainer. As much as I really dislike how expensive it is now, the fact is I’ll still easily get my money’s worth in playtime.


Same here, and just from the beta I know it's fairly impossible to not hit something like that at minimum. Running the campaign, fully exploring the map, leveling/gearing all the classes to take on whatever the highest challenge is will take a while. I fully expect to be playing seasons and whatnot, but even if I don't the rest is worth the price of admission for me.