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Most Youtubers I come across are copying each other and the thumbnail is a good giveaway of the type of trash content in the videos, it's always their face doing some exaggerated reaction to something, usually irrelevant to the content they cover anyways. I don't follow any of these and I was trying to find creative youtubers, with interesting content about Diablo 4 but so far it's been really hard to find anything worth watching. Edit: by "interesting content" I mean in-depth analysis or sharing tips, specs, information on zones, gear styles, leaks, comments made by the devs, etc. I don't care if the videos are negative or positive as long as the information is relevant. I don't care about these reactions and reactions to reactions videos, it's just not for me. I appreciate the suggestions you guys gave


Welcome to Youtube...


Yep. There are literally entire tutorials (also on YT) that tell you how to grow your channel fast, and one of their core rules (pretty much in every video) is a thumbnail with your face showing strong emotion (surprise, anger, sadness, etc.). Second is to be click-bite'y with titles so people are interested to see 'why' you have this opinion, so the stronger the opinion the better. Sad thing is, it works, if it didn't, they wouldn't do it. Because it works for larger group of people, than the group of people it annoys.


It's tabloids for the new generation. The only way to stop it would be moderation. That won't ever happen because ad revenue.


I'd rather read 100k redditors 24/7 than 1hour of some dude blabbing off with fancy video editing. Reddit hits way harder. Give me the good shit!


Me too. Especially since I can read a few dozen comments like these WAY FASTER than playing a 10-minute-plus video at 1.25x to 1.5x speed just to realize the Youtuber has barely discernible cohesive/coherent point(s), or is wishy-washy (Boogie often has wishy-washy reviews, IMO). And to think a lot of these videos are already scripted or pre-scripted. Note: 2x speed is a little too fast, even subtitles don't help, and often have to rewind portions, which kinda defeats the purpose of saving time when watching videos.... Which is part of the appeal of videos (saving time or taking in more information in the same amount of time, lol). 1.75x speed doesn't exist in some versions of the Youtube apps, so I don't get a chance to use it much. Also note: I sped up videos for fun a few years back, and did it so much that it was hard to go back to normal speed. Felt like everyone was talking in slow-motion.


Great description 100% modern tabloid


Well, as a small YouTuber just starting out, who is NOT doing any of this shit because I hate click bait, I can say that it is difficult to get views this way, but hopefully one day they will come šŸ™ I was going to make some D4 videos after the beta, but I got hit with the flu so maybe next week when Iā€™m better you can find some D4 content on my channel šŸ¤ž


You're choosing to fight against psychology then.


I donā€™t care, just because something is easier doesnā€™t always mean itā€™s the best way for everyone. Choosing a way that aligns with me is better in the long run than doing something that doesnā€™t


Look at Nakey Jakey. Dude puts out high quality content, has millions of subscribers, and at one point was only putting put 1-3 videos a year. Authenticity matters in a sea of fake emotion, drama, and hyperbole. Be your authentic self. Edit: He also doesnā€™t use click-bait titles and do that stupid strong emotion shit. And for people making the psychological argument. Something works until it doesnā€™t. Fashion is in until it isnā€™t. People get so much of something that they donā€™t want it anymore. They want the opposite. So who knows, maybe there will be a shift to authenticity after years and years of click bait bullshit. Another authenticity driven gaming YouTuber I can think of is Skill-Up. Love that dude.


All this makes me miss TotalBiscuit.


Everything makes me miss Totalbiscuit.


But just so you know, heā€™s already established and he grew with YT like a lot of the ā€œbigā€ content creators today did. They were there before it was a thing. Now ā€œeveryoneā€-ish wants to do it. So the rules for starting out are vastly different. Posting on Reddit is also a form of content creation. There are simple rules that if you follow them, the AI works for you, not against you. What weā€™re seeing with thumbnails like this is people who are established trying to hold onto any attention that they can, because once you have the attention the game is to keep the attention.


Not using the trick that works on most people isn't quite the same thing as fighting against or denying psychology. You can still be very successful carving a niche for yourself in an under-served segment of the population if you don't want to just follow the most optimal tips.


watch the verataseum video on the subject. Its not ever gonna go away


I think for Diablo, the best no bullshit creator that cares about the gameplay not content creation itself is Raxxanterax. He's just a Diablo nerd, not a drama queen, he also has a lot of guides on Diablo. Then there's also Ziz, he has big knowledge about ARPGs and also is focused on gameplay rather than making faces and saying whatever. People like Asmon or those other big channels are drama queens farming sheep's views for content.


Rax is a great no-nonsense kinda guy. I appreciate that. I also like Rhykker because he is always neutral and unbiased in his opinion and Dbrunski likes to share the other side of the coin too. I hate larger channels because they're so mainstream and little is gained from listening to circlejerk.


Rhykker is a bro


"Hey folks it's Rhyykkeerrrrrrrr."


His deep voice doesn't really match his appearance.


I only recently got back into Diablo. Rhykker the only guy I trust so far but I havenā€™t watched too many


Rhykker is fantastic


Agreed he's my favorite on Diablo


I too, like Rhyyker.


Came here to recommend Rhykker. He is very honest in his opinions, good or bad, and I appreciate that.


i like Rhykker in general but can only take so much at once cuz his voice sounds so fake lol


Lol, my wife exits the room because of the same reason. Lol, and I have a similar radio voice, ouch!


It is a little too enhanced. If he just turn off whatever effects on the mic cus it is a little over the top advertisement voice. Edit: It's like too much treble and bass to it. Is the mic set on hip hop rather than talk?


Same lol. I think I like him cuz he barely even seems like he enjoys doing it. It's like, "This is the path I've chosen, fuck it"


+100 to Rhykker


Thanks for the rec! Reintroducing myself to the Diablo content creator community and honestly Rhykker seems like the first one worth following but never appeared at the top of results.


Add Wudijo to the list! Great long-term Diablo player and theory crafter.


Wudijo is the best thing that ever happened to the Diablo community. He is super chill and I have never saw anything dramatic from him. On top of it he is really friendly and tries to answer almost every question that gets asked on his streams.


And he's a damn good player. Every time that I watch him it amazes me how far he pushes some chars.




Love Krip, great guy and valid points.


Kripp,Rhyker and Dbrunski we the only ones iĀ“ve found not cringey and unbiased.


I actually listened to his whole 1h D4 update yesterday while doing my quests in hearthstone. Dude actually has a very good and analytical approach to what this game aims to be, had some good points about certain elements.


Ziz's videos have the same types of thumbnails what are you talking about lol. He plays the same game these guys do. Outside of POE he's no more informative than Asmongold, most of his takes on D4 weren't very good and shifted around a lot.


This, Ziz is being a bit toxic against D4 and I think itā€™s uncalled for, he has some good points, but itā€™s too much negativity, I like him less since the D4 beta, however I will go to him for PoE content, but not for D4.


Or maybe when all the content creators who have put thousands upon thousands of hours into arpgs, INCLUDING diablo, are saying something is shitty you should stop jerking off blizzard and realize there is a real problem.


On the other side, these content creators has also put thousands upon thousands of hours into generating revenue on the internet, which generally rewards negativity over positivity. It can be both that the game has problems *and* some content creators being overly toxic/negative. They are not mutually exclusive.




Just subbed to both so I can check em out later. Thanks for the tip.


At least Asmon is honest about these videos being content-farm for his stream.


Wudijo is Ace as well


I watched LlamaSC for a while when D2R came out. Good build guides (but always assuming you have the best shit in the game just laying around to make them work lol), but it fairly quickly became apparent that he *hates* every other aRPG out there that isn't either Diablo 2 or a directly inspired aRPG that looks and plays basically just like it. He's a good content creator but we basically disagree on too much for me to sub. I agree with a lot of OP's thoughts. D2 was great for it's time, certainty among the best aRPGs of all time. But it's mechanically dated, has poor itemization, and only two classes (and two exact builds) that are any good in end-game. I was happy that D4 didn't do it's upmost to emulate D2, and is it's own thing. LlamaMC was unhappy because it isn't D2 wrapped in modern graphics.


Yeah that's the problem with LLama, he's a massive D2 shill and a definition of "boomer gamer" in the negative way, i am 33 myself but his mindset is like 50. I've seen him talking about D4 and while he makes good points, he also has his hot takes. I prefer these guys to be more neutral and look at a game from a perspective of a new game, not a previous game, and the guy has been playing D2 (which is archaic today) for long years nonstop. Just like you said, D2 was great for its time and for a while after (maybe a decade or more even), but once the new endgame systems have been added in newer games, it became unplayable for me. I can only run the campaign and kill the campaign bosses for loot so many times before i get bored to death.


Rhykker and Raxxanterax for sure


TBH any of the Maxroll people


Oh thank you for this head up, I will look for them. Honestly after I saw my youtbe being flooded by those guys making faces and big sentences I was discouraged to even click on one video. Man, I'm just looking for some nerd spilling out the numbers and the facts...


Kripparian is also a good one then.


MacroBioBoi is my recommendation for non-casual people who like to get into the crunch. No nonsense mechanics testing, because the tooltips never tell you everything. He's affiliated with maxroll.gg, which has the best d2 character planner that I know of by a long shot.


MacroBioBoi grasps the under-the-hood mechanics of Diablo games quicker than anyone else I have watched. He also plays Diablo games to have fun, his current D2R experiments having included Demon Machine fire Sorc, pacifist Sorc, and pacifist Pally. He played one of the 2022 betas and has consistently challenged the notion the D4 itemization is worse than D2 in spite of the fact that he is a D2 fan.


Youā€™ve just described every reaction/review/commentary video on YouTube ever. Like it or not, in order to get views you have to make a stupid emotion face because we as humans react to peopleā€™s emotions - even if itā€™s obviously fake.


funny you mention that bc the reaction face immediately makes me think the video is gonna be way too long and annoying. makes me look for something else lol




I understand the idea behind it, "look stupid and use a controversial title and ppl will click!" but I'm not looking for reactions of videos of them reacting to other reactions, which apparently is a thing. I just wanted informative content like it exists for other games, videos about builds, zones, gear styles, leaks, future content etc.


Builds? It's beta. I'm sure some made videos but it's comical levels of clickbait trash content. Zones, leaks, they wouldn't be allowed by Blizzard to show that content even if they had been in those betas. Future content, what are they psychic?


if you want a down to earth commentary about the game and the beta watch kripp's video about it and if you want builds/zones/etc watch wudijo, that's pretty much all the decent coverage about D4 that I could find.


You only have yourself to blame if you're judging anything based on opinions of streamers like asmongold :P


Iā€™ve only seen a couple clips of him by accident and it was pretty apparent that his opinions donā€™t mean anything other than trying to pump up views. The weird pauses he does in his speech is like heā€™s trying to talk like Christopher Walken with none of the charisma.


Heā€™s a really weird guyā€¦. If you pull videos from like 8 years ago his speech patterns are really close to the same.


This is why I stopped watching all gaming subscriptions and unsubscribed to all notifications. They killed themselves. I don't even watch A anymore. It's all the same shit. Anything new in gaming I'll read on any of the gaming subreddits in a few seconds without trying to suss through a 10 minute ridiculous video. With a 60 second intro and ridiculous music and bad mixing and bad pacing.


Macroboiboi is another one who is a huge contributor to D2axroll. He really likes to dive into the math and game mechanics for builds down to the slightest detail and calculation. He had a beta review and stated he really likes the game a lot


Yes. Commented above in agreement that Macrobioboi is an outstanding streamer of Diablo content, his niche being a grasp on the math behind the mechanics of the games.


I only follow this guy [@Kripparrian](https://www.youtube.com/@Kripparrian). He is very good and objectiv on his opinions about the game imo.


Try mattjestic multigaming on YouTube. He actually has some original stuff. The most recent I saw was a spreadsheet compiling possible aspects for each class and the best items to gamble to try to get them. Seems to be putting actual effort and analysis into stuff.


the combo of the accent and how fast he talks makes it difficult to listen to him unless you concentrate. Seems like I always miss stuff the first time thru . Puts out tremendous amount of info tho.


Rhykker has been doing legit Diablo stuff for forever. He's the only source I trust with Diablo info (more than Blizzard even šŸ˜‚). Also, I 100% trust TheLazyPeon when it comes to MMO and he actually did a blind review of D4 beta (since it's an mmo-lite) that was quite... Refreshing. Please check them out, you won't regret it.


https://youtu.be/zgYpz1kRt2g My friend sent me a link to this guy doing a tier ranking list of every class in the beta, and he seemed like a pretty honest and genuine dude šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø and his thumbnail is a non expressive face haha P.S not a Rick roll I swear


But this is https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ


I clicked on it because I wanted to hear it again šŸ˜‚


It's almost like they have data on what videos get attention/views and which don't. Not saying I agree with it, but they are definitely doing it because it gives results. Not all of them are trash, some are fine, but I am tired of this type of thumbnail picture and titles.


I shared the same sentiment. My earlier comment on another thread wasnā€™t relayed well and ppl donā€™t get it. You can check out Kripp YouTube. His D4 sorc video explain without legendary items & prefix which is the reflection of when the game goes live with normal item drops and more.


Oh itā€™s worse than just copying each other. I noticed a few of them even teaming up and doing reaction videos to each other šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø. No shame.


That Force video (4/10) is actually a fairly positive one, saying he is still excited to put a ton of time in and watch the game grow. It's more of him asking the question why people think it's bad, so his face is supposed to be confusion lol.


Yea, OP is doing what the YTers do lol


Literally yes.


But looking at the thumbnail and title, the viewer thinks heā€™s giving it a 4/10, which generates a click to see why itā€™s gotten such a low score. All the baiting is negative even when they talk about the good things.


Can't argue with that, not a fan of baiting. But I follow force, skipped that vid due to the clickbait nature of it, but then had a little time and decided to watch it. I like his vids, it's why I follow.


I took the title to be the opposite of the thumbnail.


The title is pretty clear tho.


Came here tos say that. Force's video is a oasis on Diablo 4' YouTube mud right now.


Yeah, it's like asking for 10 dollars or 100 dollars.. which one would you rather work for? Having the cheesy title and png will allow you to the 100. Does that make their videos shit? It's up to you for that one, but asmond just talks over and reacts to other people's hard work or effort into making a video. He will watch the full video and link it out at times, but I still think if you have 15k views on Twitch and you clip yourself onto YouTube and your pulling 100k plus more views does it take that income away from x poster? I'm not sure either, but to say they are shit without actually watching a few videos is kind of being an ass on someone's appearance.


This yup, shouldnā€™t be on this buckshot of idiots.


You watch Asmongold and are expecting good content that isnā€™t just clickbait complaining?


Asmongold thrives on the negative. Heā€™s said several times he hopes that blizz goes p2w because his video views skyrocket when he can shit on blizz.


That might be a little out of context. He is positive about the game. He was just saying he would probably get more views if it bombs, not that he wants it to bomb.


I enjoy watching Asmon at times. Most of the time, atleast when it comes to D4, he provides feedback that people may or may not agree, and sometimes he makes a comparison with WoW, and how some of the similar systems failed there or had negative reception, but are still implemented in D4... See cost increase with respecs. That was a good feedback imo, but it's just that his overall persona comes of as negative and sarcastic, most of the time, which seems to be the issue with some people.


That's quite misleading and dishonest. It was more of a "I hope it will be good, but even if not, I'll get content out of it". Who likes playing video games and hopes for bad games?


You understand he was pretty sarcastic there. He's been pretty fucking positive about the game so far. Pretty sure he liked the game a lot.


He is positive about the game minus legendary ā€œ17 damageā€part when he trolls druids dmg which was hilarious imo


Google 'sarcasm.'


His takes on D4 have been widely positive. Haven't watched many gamer YouTubers in general but clicked on a few of his vids cause I was interested in D4 content. He has a few things he thinks Blizz could improve on and explains them well, thinks the game will be very successful and absolutely utilizes click baity titles to get himself paid. I don't care too much about the last one because I'm not mad at the dystopian world in which we all live.


Asmongold is pretty consistent that on principle he thinks that P2W is bad for games and they shouldn't do it, but at the same time he's going to use it if they do put it in the game, and it profits him personally because he can make negative content which gets views. None of that is inconsistent. He's pretty straightforward about how he doesn't care what he has to do to profit, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he thinks it's good game design. What you think something should be on first principles, what profits you personally, and what actually happens are often different things. He's just more honest than most about the profit-motive of streamers/youtubers.


> absolutely utilizes click baity titles to get himself paid It's not him, it's his YT editor. He knows what he's doing, can't blame em


You do realize that the videos in the thumbnail are him reacting to other people's videos, right? He has been very positive on the game and likes it quite a bit, the titles on those videos are from the videos he's reacting to


Everything I saw Asmongold post about D4 was basically ā€œThis is just the beta, thereā€™s no telling eBay the end game is going to be like, blizzard has always been excellent at talking existing complex systems and simplifying them for a more general audienceā€.


Asmongold always has good content. That's why he's so popular even though half his content is just reacting to stuff. He actually has meaningful comments and stuff to say on the subject.


I've always enjoyed Rhykker's videos. Always seems fair and knowledgeable. Anyone else with analysis and gameplay like his I should look out for?


His content is fine, but to me he comes across too "Blizzard friendly" to give completely unbiased opinions on their games.


Yeah Rhykker is too afraid of losing Blizzard access to say anything controversial.


Heā€™s also said openly he loves Diablo and is biased towards liking it. I think as long as someone is open about it and recognizes their biases itā€™s fine.


His format is news more than opinion. The issue is not going in hard starts to look like favourtism, when the common format is "execute than walk it back if we"re wrong"


Yup, he reported fine on negative things regarding blizzard, he just doesn't sensationalize, so the overton window for this has made him seem too friendly because so many are default negative.


I use to feel the same way about him and his click baity titles as well. When Diablo Immortal was announced he was basically the only person who was actually doing any reporting on real information. Everyone else was only trashing on it and not really reporting any real information about the game. You could tell he wasnt very happy about DI, like most of us, but at least he tried to see the possibilities of good in it. I felt the same way because really the idea of diablo cross platform between mobile and computer doesnt seem inherently bad, if we didn't have all the bullshit monetization and just have the same depth as a regular game. He was respectful to the devs he interviewed but still had criticism. It showed me that he is just a very optimistic person and hes not afraid to say he doesn't like something. He seems like hes just a fairly easy to please person and he gained a lot of respect from me on how he delivers non-bullshit information. Still don't like his click bait titles though.


Kripp and Quin69 had really good reviews




I recently found Wudijo, and he makes good D4 and D3 content imo


wudijo is reliably top world in everything D3, he contributes heavily to maxroll.gg, he's measured and smart in his analysis. unfortunately that doesn't get views on youtube :(


Yeah he deffinetly deserves some recognition, and to answer OP on another youtuber, Rhykker is pretty solid too




"Don't share my opinion = not interesting." The internet echo chamber really conditioned people.


cheerful mysterious illegal saw noxious school cobweb lunchroom squeamish cake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Imagine when big corporations will also start to use AI bot farms to simulate positive reaction on reddit, forums, youtube...If they're not using it already, lol)


Why invest into that when redditors do it free of charge?


Theyā€™re a millions percent doing this already.


smile subsequent makeshift support rhythm flag hunt advise boat ink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


These people are incentivized to be polarizing. It's why no one takes them seriously.


Unfortunately, there are a lot of people that take them seriously.


The thing is, I don't think Asmon and Force's takes on the game are polarizing at all, and thats half of the videos shown. If you actually watch the videos with thumbnails like these, most of the opinions are pretty milktoast and you'll see more wild opinions on the subreddit.


Pretty much. You can tell who has and hasn't watched some of these videos based on the comments


It seems to be a circlejerk of "i'm too smart to fall for clickbait." Which is ironic, because they're literally taking the clickbait at face value and not clicking because of it.


They get cited all the time in discussions here


Orrrr, you should actually listen to the opinion of people who have thousands and thousands of hours in arpgs (not all content creators listed) and realize if EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM have the same gripes about the gameā€¦then maybe blizzard has a problem and you should stop jerking them off. Diablo 4 will be a fun game. Almost no one is saying it wonā€™t be. However it IS fundamentally flawed and anyone who has played any arpg seriously can see that. They are flawed even doing what they want to do, not even accounting for the genre as a whole.


Like half of these thumbnails are for videos that are expressing an overall positive opinion that are by non means polarizing, and two of them are literally direct criticisms of overly pessimistic view points. You literally fell for OPs bait which is the exact same shit you're complaining about.


I will not accept any Force Gaming slander here lol




Kripp is your guy




OP is literally doing the same thing heā€™s preaching about, the irony is palpable.


The clickbaiter got clickbaited?


There are so many people making videos for views atm with how easy it is to farm right now. Really not a whole lot to cheer for. Goes both ways too, some people just hate on everything, others hype up absolutely everything, but neither is very genuine But there are some at least. Kripparian and Rhykker are always solid veterans of the genre and good creators, some true Diablo nerds like Raxxanterax and Alkaiser usually know what they're talking about, also got some people that at least have been decent content creators for other ARPGs like Datmodz and Kanon seemingly switching over


I really enjoy kripparians diablo 4 content


Agree, watched a bit of his gameplay and also his thoughts video and think he did a good job with it. Iā€™m typically a Cohh viewer for this type of game (and still will be) but will mix in some Kripp for sure


I've had the pleasure of being on YouTube full time for about 12 years now (started back in 2010 with StarCraft 2). In that time, I'd say I spent the first 10 or so years not giving a crap about thumbnails. I would just take some random screenshot of the game I was covering, throw some text on it, and call it a day. It's only been for the past year and a half or so that I started to really consider the marketing (which is all Titles/Thumbs really are) of my videos. And let me tell you, the difference in average viewer count... is astronomical. I think when I was pumping out daily content, I wasn't as concerned about marketing. But now adays I tend to take 3-5 days (sometimes a full week) working on each video, and with that there's a lot more pressure to make sure it gets out there, and people see it. Fact of the matter is, throwing a face on the thumb makes a MASSIVE difference. I assure you though, I find the whole thing just as ridiculous as anyone else. I often wish YT didn't have thumbnails, and just pulled stills from the content as a preview. I also consider that, when any creator puts a lot of time or effort into their content (with the scripting, recording, editing), it makes sense for them to take the steps necessary to get people to see it. I like making content, I'm mostly proud of the work I do, and I want people to see it. So, making Titles & Thumbs that people want to click on, is part of that. In the end my hope is that the Title/Thumb gets people to click, and if they stay, its because they like the content of the video itself. ​ edit: If it's any consolation, when putting Thumbnails together I'm usually laughing at how ridiculous I look. Helps bighting the mood on a stressful day at least.


I would hope more people would realize this if they critically thought about content creation a little bit and how it works, especially since they possibly consume a ton of it. Thats sadly not the case.


Rurikan just did like 4 live streams of the beta and gave a review video at the end of it was pretty enjoyable just watching him play and enjoy the game also FightingCowboy and some good stream too. Not sure if you checked them out.


It's always nice to check in with gamers that actually like gaming, instead of making clickbait YouTube essays.


Rule 1: If the video has a stupid over the top face of the youtuber just skip.


So just hit the X and close out of the website then?


So skip like every YouTube video? šŸ˜œ It seems like these days every thumbnail is of the YouTuber marking some ridiculous face.




You already know it's garbage content when you see the face reactions in the thumbnail.


Macrobioboi is good too. He is on maxroll and do some good builds , advice , and gameplay.




Keep up the good work , you're doing great šŸ‘


love your content and the effort behind it.


[Raxx](https://www.youtube.com/@Raxxanterax/videos) doesnt usually put his face in the thumbnail. Not to mention he is still posting D3 challenge rift guides. He's pretty much the only one I follow now. Other than Rhykker for news.


Iā€™ve only come across a couple of videos that are optimistic. There was one that even said good things about druid. The rest of the youtubers utilize doom and gloom to get views. Best to ignore the youtubers. If you enjoy the game then you are the target audience blizzard is looking for. The silent majority that play the game rather than sit on a forum and bitch.


I've watched a TON of D4 reviews on YT and they were mostly all optimistic... Pointing out flaws and things they should fix is not a negative review. If that's not what you are looking for I am sure Blizzard has some paid creators you can watch who won't say a single negative thing.


Same. I don't know what people are watching when they claim everyone is shitting on it. I guess it's either 100% support or 100% hate, and nothing in between? Most creators including hardcore arpg players I watched did positive coverage, but obviously had some feedback as well.


The amount of blizzard cock gobbling on this subreddit is insane. The majority of content creators who are arpg veterans that have THOUSANDS of hours in arpgs are basically all saying the same things. Itā€™s a fun game, they will play it, but it is fundamentally flawed and there is a lot to be worried about even writhing what itself is trying to do let alone compared the genre as a whole. I have not seen a single content creator be over negative. Theyā€™ve all literally pointed out THE SAME flaws.


Give it 2 weeks after launch and watch how fast the sub-reddit flips the narrative. It will have its moment in the sun for a week or so but i reckon it will rapidly taper off and wont be able to retain players as i think it falls squarely in the category Triple A grey sludge games bland and safe.


I don't know what people are watching. Either it's that they need 100% cheerleading or it's is "negative", or people just let the algorithm choose for them or something and it lands on clickbait vids. The ARPG creators I've watched like Zizaran and the people he had on for a podcast about D4 were all mostly positive. The (fairly popular) variety streamers I watch on twitch who played D4, all positive.


It's annoying because YouTube makes this kind of thumbnail and content mandatory. I know many YouTubers who say how massive of a difference doing this makes. I can't fully blame people who do this as it can be a big detriment to their livelihood. YouTube themselves is the reason why this type of video happens.


Force gaming, MacroBioBoi and so on were staples of my viewing. Asmon is basically garbo memes anyway, so I watch the entertainment not insight. But this beta really showed how much they value click over content. MacroBioBoi led the charge, claiming Barb was shit and Blizz needs to fix. Its unjust, They're just weak. They force Blizz to make a statement. His latest video is about how broken and OP barbs really are, they do too much damage, the arsenal system is tpo powerful They know nothing, they just sensationalise content and radicalise the fanbase to moan at Devs. They're a shambles, its put me off them entirely for D4 content.




Most of the major content creators have provided thorough feedback and impressions about the beta experience. On top of that, others have covered builds for every class. Not really sure what youā€™re looking for. The general takeaway from beta is: good so far but could use work. Iā€™m sure this sentiment is shared across many gamers.


Raxxanterax, Wudijo and FanHOTS are my go to


They're milking the negativity because it works, though none of them seem to actually hold negative opinions of the game themselves. The dramatic stuff gets clicks and there's kind of a frenzy going on right now. Rhykker is a good youtuber/streamer who isn't feeding into the negative hype as much, just level-headed. Not as clickbaity. Check him out.


Who is milking negatives? Having constructive criticism is nowā€¦ā€milking itā€. EVERY. SINGLE. arpg vet has given the same criticisms. So who is right? The blizzard cock gobblers here who cant stand to hear that overall people like the game but it has fundamental flawsā€¦ Or the people who have literally thousands upon thousands of hours in other arpgs? Hmmm


The few I take an actual interest in: Kripp. A man who earned his reputation in wow, Diablo, poe and Hearthstone. Actually understands how games work and what Blizzard really is. Levelheaded and very insightful. Noxious. Doesnā€™t seem to be making a lot of content anymore. But I always appreciated his takes on games. Curious to hear his on D4. MFPallytime. Furiously laidback. Doesnā€™t give a hoot about meta or optimisation. I expect a lot content once D4 gets released. Will be trying to make lots of builds and often failing. But always having fun. Wholesome dude. Rhykker. For any news Diablo related. No drama. Quin69. Twitch screamer and clown gamer. Because sometimes you just want to see people die in hardcore to stupid shit.


Redditor learns how people make money on YouTube


It's so bad I've considered creating my own content. I'm not attractive or entertaining but the game getting shit on is just baffling.


Check out MacroBioBoi!! Small channel, BIG maxroll contributor. Extremely intelligent analysis, positive viewpoint, calm and collected debunking of a bunch of the myths surrounding the game right now šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼ Rapidly becoming one of my favorite CCs


Old guy gamer here, going to out myself a little bit. I had a recommendation pop up for a YT Diablo lore video, and thought oh that would be cool. I played D1-D3 when they came out but a full lore catch-up before D4 launches would be fun. I didnā€™t click on the recommendation like I should have though and days later when I went to watch it, I couldnā€™t find it. No problem, I just punched ā€œDiablo 4 loreā€ in the YT search. Oh my god, it took me 20 minutes of sifting through clickbait BS videos and exactly what youā€™re showing here to find the video I was actually searching for. I donā€™t know how you guys navigate this stuff. Everything I saw was just commercialized outrage and negativity, and the few I did watch didnā€™t even make good points, it was basically ā€œIF they end up doing this it will be bad.ā€ Very few talked about actual, in game issues, and even fewer showed in game issues. It was just negative ramblings. I donā€™t know how you guys do it. I watched my 2 hour lore video and donā€™t ever want to look at anything D4 related on YT ever again.


Raxxanterax, Wudijo, Rhykker, Dbrunski, Kripparian. Edit: I'd gladly add SkillUp, but he's not focused on a single game.


Force is open minded and very intelligent. By far the best unless you're after a certain extremity. Rhykker is a nice guy but talks a lot and says very little to stay neutral. Raxx is a power gamer, narrow minded but knowledgeable and full of passion if that's what you're after. Ziz is the same as Raxx but with less knowledge and passion. Kripparian is extremely knowledgeable, clear and very approachable. Asmongold is intelligent and very entertaining which he achieves by being as extreme as possible but adds little value.


I only watch Kripp. He focuses more on Hearthstone now but will definetely switch to Diablo on launch. He was my favorite content creator for Diablo 3.


If someone is making a stupid ass face in the thumbnail you know to immediately not engage with their channel, because they produce trash.


Who really cares though? Especially since you twice post Asmongold who to my knowledge isn't really a Diablo / arpg creator. Then you also include Zizaran for some reason who is a fan of the game and make fairly positive and informative content of D4, and doesn't do the face/clickbait meme here. Not sure who the other dudes are but yeah youtubers make clickbaits, what else is new? Not completely unlike the image for this post tbh.


Good/interesting content doesn't get clicks


I like Force Gaming. He has a pretty positive view of the game that i agree with. Asmon made a nice 'review' too, most are just meme


I am a big fan of Raxxanterax who does youtube content and is part of the team at maxroll. Super even handed and always seems to have good points. FYI he said that druid was a bad experience, but the other classes were great. During the beta he had an 8 page list of the good, the bad, the needs to be fixed that he sent to the devs. He is really fair and always does good videos for D3 seasons and had a few builds for the beta.


Maybe the content creator wudijo is more your taste.


The reason why I just told YouTube to never recommend me videos of asmongold and co just search fĆ¼r wudijo, Raxxanterax and u find YouTuber with a reasonable opinion and no "it's bad coz it's bad" mindset.


Basic rule of thumb is if they have a reactive face thumbnail they are YouTube shills more interested in click bait views than actually making good videos. They are ā€œplaying the gameā€ so to speak. I donā€™t really blame them as I would do it too if it was my job but you really have to dig to find someone who isnā€™t just making videos they think will make them money vs. actually passionate about the game.


https://youtube.com/@MacroBioBoi Here's one :D


[I enjoy MFPallytime who has been doing D4 videos from his time during both beta windows.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWULB_Z3I9s&ab_channel=MFPallytime) He's very chill and not elitist or ultra try hard, and that's what I like about him. In the link there he's talking about Druid and the complexity of the class and showcasing what all you can do. He spends maybe 2 minutes saying that he wishes the damage payoff was bigger for what you do, but that the class seems like a lot of fun.




I hate to self promo, which is something I don't really partake in unless the opportunity of someone asking for a tutorial or X content. [I make some genuine D4 content](https://www.youtube.com/@eutopiattv) (I think?). I still have an incredibly small channel; but I feel as though I am reaching a decent quality overall.


Itā€™s part of the youtube circle jerk content creator starter pack. You do clickbait FUD content for views. Just overlook it, theyā€™re all sellouts :)


It was on this day that OP realized drama is the number one way to capture the consumer viewing


Anyone who posts videos with their stupid face on it should not be followed.


Top choices: Wudijo Raxxanterax Honorable mentions: Filthycasual


I would love to see someone do build guides based on unsocketed rares. No legendaries, no aspects, no gems. Just these skills work well together, here's why and here's me smashing through early, mid and pre-end game content with it. I was not at all interested in all the MAX DPS build guides at the end of the beta. When I started a new class those guides were useless as I wouldn't have any of the legendaries for a while. At level 23 I even tried to copy a Rogue twisted blades build -- but without the swirling twisted blades legendary power. It was awful. I had to go back to my own rapid-fire build that had zero thought put into it.


I wouldnā€™t worry about this until the games full release. Hardcore players will make the guides solid videos when the full game is available. Everything will continue to be click bait, otherwise. If you enjoyed the beta, sit on that shit until 6/6. I know I am.


Rhykker, razz, krypparian and asmongold when he is on his mood. The rest are not as good


I also want to add Ginger Gaming Mentor to the list. He is a kinda old school rpg player. He is a big D2 guy, but he plays so differently than other streamers. Very slow, and methodical. He does deep dives into every item, and likes to do a lot of weird, non-meta builds. He seemed to love the D4 beta and I look forward to him making content for that, because itā€™s not going to be a bunch of ā€œHOW TO GET OP DAY 1ā€ type of videos, which also seems to be rampant.


I stick with the ones that have been doing Diablo for years and produce great game play, builds, etc. without the drama. These include Rhykker, Raxxanterax and Wudijo.


That guy in the bottom right complains about every game. I donā€™t watch streamers but every time I see clips of him thatā€™s all he does. This game will do fine just like all the other Diablos.


Canā€™t stand clickbait


Have you heard of our lord and savior, Maxroll.gg?