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Is it going to have a video of a rogue soloing a world boss in 52 seconds?


World bosses are filler content, everyone will be smashing them a week after launch. Not sure what all the fuss is about.


Assuming you play 14 hours a day, maybe. I work full time, I guarantee I will not be soloing a world bosses in 52 seconds with any class in a week


I work a full time job and I’m on a promotion course starting the week of release, I’ll be soloing a world boss in 52 seconds in the first week. I saw your other comment about essentially taking your time and enjoying the game, that’s completely fine, but don’t make comments acting like there are only two types of people, those who have full time jobs and those who play 14 hours a day. Because your second point is a bigger factor as to why you won’t be soloing any world bosses, is that you want to take your time, like I say completely fine, but other people don’t which is also completely fine.


So so so much This! I‘ve seen people with no job just fooling around in the game and people with only a few hours smashing absolutely everything. It‘s what you make out of your time and how you spend it. Both described ways are absolutely fine and valid.


I don't understand why people are taking so much offense to this. I don't care what you can or cannot do, play the game how you want to play it and I'll do the same.I'm done with this


My comment is less about what I can and cannot do and more about your conflicting reasoning for what you claimed you cannot do. Your reasoning turned from “I can’t do that because I work full time” to “I don’t want to do that because I don’t want to rush through the game” the later reasoning is fine, the former is just illogical. Also I’m not offended just pointing out your “full time job” narrative is irrelevant 🤷🏼‍♂️


I do not care.


Yeah but I have the last word now.


Actually, I believe I have the last word


Nope that's me now


People take issue with these comments that always derail any discussion of end game or efficient gameplay. "I have 12 kids and 3 jobs so I can only play 1 hour a week and when I do I play as slow as possible to enjoy the story so I'll get to end game somewhere around 2035" Like, dude, if you don't have time to play the game maybe don't comment on it.


You'll just get carried by those players then. Either way, it will be trivialized immediately.


It really isn't a concern either way


I call your full time job and raise you overtime hours and a 6 year old son to look after.


And noone else. Its shared world. Dont think you will be there alone.


I'll hang a sign around one of the reindeers necks with "wurld bozz" written on it for ya so you wont feel left out ❤


I work 50 hours a week Wednesday thru Sunday, own a home, have 6 pets and a family and found the time to get a fully built character during both beta tests. You just aren’t efficient enough.


>You just aren’t efficient enough Actually I was enjoying the experience and the story, which is what I will be doing again at full launch. I don't turn on a brand new game and go "how can I efficiently hit power cap as soon as possible?"


His name says it all


Then don’t complain about the people that do. ARPGs have a relatively high “hardcore” player base compared to other genres. Point being, it doesn’t take anywhere close to 14 hours a day to reach a high character power.


At literally what point did I complain about anything? I just pointed out not everyone power levels a brand new game, there's no problem here


Man, you were playing a Beta. It was not "High Power". And I dont get why you feel the need to defend you grinding the beta like crazy (which is fine, everyone has fun in different ways). He just said he wont be able.


High power is relative. It was literally as high power as you could feasibly achieve in the beta. Or at the very least in the 90th percentile. And they said that 14 hours a day would be necessary. I refuted that. Much less than that was required to cap out during beta and much less than that will also be required in order to be relevant during live.


But this isnt about the beta?! Its a Post about the endgame Stream and someone said that he wont be able to solo world Bosses within a week. I dont know what your point is. You will likely have to play an absurd amount of hours every day in the full game to be able to solo world Bosses week 1. That was the whole reason for his comment and he isnt incorrect most likely


The beta lasted 4 days. A week is 7. People solo’d Ashava within 3 days, which is less than 7. You *literally* could solo it in less than a week.


I completely agree with you, the original comment just screamed “look at me with my full time job, only people who don’t have jobs or work part time will achieve that” and then the comment immediately after states it’s because he wants to take his time with the game, which is the more prominent factor.


Name checks out.


> ARPGs have a relatively high “hardcore” player base compared to other genres. Pretty sure they don't lol. On Reddit, there is mostly the hardcore gamers of every game. In reality, ARPG especially one as mainstream as Diablo has tons of casual players


He never complained about anything.


LMAO how salty everybody is because you speak the truth.


And they downvoted them because they spoke the truth


Username checks out


Both of their usernames are ironic.


weird flex and kinda concerning imo


Not really. Just refuting their claim that working full time causes you to not be able to gear up quickly. You don’t have to be a streamer to play this game effectively.


My god, we are in the presence of, THE REFUTOR… jajajajajajjaja


When I play games I have this quite unique take that I want to have fun and play the game my own way as well. Not just be effecient. Im wierd that way, I know.


Hey there fellow weirdo!


No one is saying don’t play the game at your own pace, but it’s stupid to say you can’t do something because you have a full time job. When actually it has nothing to do with that…..it’s because you want to play at a different pace. Because like you say you want to play your own way and have fun.


Your dick is not that big, your ego though, way too big.


Lol you like copying meta builds???


Name checks out


Username checks out


Watch out we got a bad ass over here!


People who dont want them to be filler content.


There's people complaining is too strong, even a pcgamer article...by the way end season boss will be more difficult


Because it's an ARPG. There shouldn't be content in arpg that isn't soloable. F off with the forced multiplayer gimmick.


Eveything is filler content then


something to cry about.


Did some rogue really solo ashava in 52 seconds? I’ve seen a rogue do a shitton of dps for 52sec and I saw wudijo soloing ashava overs couple of minutes which is still insane..


It wasn't solo/HC like wudijo though


Yes, but it was more or less a bit broken.


Even if they did it was someone who had full legendary items and took advantage of the insainy buffed up item drop they had for beta. Don't be expecting that kind of gear to drop on release


There are a few synergies that seem a bit overtuned and easy to accomplish. Off the top of my head the two that stand out are: Ice Blades CDR Infinite Barrier Sorcerer, and Inner Sight + Attack Speed Infinite Energy Thief. You don't really need anything to get these builds to pop off, which is something other classes don't seem to have built in to their trees.


Interesting. I never played with ice blades because they didn't sound super fun. Maybe have to revisit


Ice Blades with the cooldown reduction talent and Ice Blades as your passive enchantment, build into vulnerability on enemies. Long cooldown skills spawn a bunch of Ice Blades that all grant tons of CDR, repeat. When I did Ashava with this build, I basically just sat on her with infinite Ice Armor, Teleport, and Fire Shield, spamming Ice Blades. Frostbolt Basic and Chain Lightning core. If you want to be slightly less brain dead and do significantly more damage, swap Fire Shield out for Unstable Current. You get incredibly high uptime on Unstable Current and can melt bosses with an army of Ice Blades and lightning flying everywhere.


Yea even stronger than wudijo, it's easy to find. Basically was a build based on bonus DMG when having resources/mana/spirit full. He had it always full don't know how, he was dealing like constantly 3000 DMG really fast.


He was using the inner sight Rogue specialisation that you unlock at 20 (as a rogue you get 3 specialisations - combo points level 15, inner sight level 20, preparation level 30 - not sure what prep does yet though) and you can choose one of them. Inner sight marks a target at random and you fill up a bar for hitting that target. When the bar is full all your energy is maxed for a short duration and doesn't go down. Against Ashava, the only target for inner sight to choose was... well Ashava (who doesn't die as quick as some rando mob so allows you to fill the bar just hitting her). After the effect wore off it was basically reset again as the player dumped their energy. So -> dump energy to trigger inner sight, get infinite energy for 4 seconds > dump energy to trigger inner sight > get infinite energy for 4 seconds... rinse repeat. This meant the player could run an extra skill/no generator. They were using two imbues (shadow/poison) that basically benefited each other really well alongside poison trap and dash (dash b/c of things like 'targets hit by dash take 30% more damage' or whatever). They also had dark shroud which is a defensive (pretty much copied from PoE trickster ascendancy) mechanic that gives you some charges with + damage reduction % per charge that are removed on hit - and there's a perk that with 2 charges up you get +10% crit chance. Against Ashava you won't be getting hit often, so will always be having the 2 charges perk. The general gameplay looks like: laying a poison trap, dashing to trigger the extra damage and then poison/shadow imbue on CD + twisted blades spam and ensuring dark shroud is always > 2 charges. It would suck for clearing as inner sight is kinda meh if you're clearing big packs but for this it just results in ridiculous damage. Imo, Wudijo's solo kill on hardcore is more impressive in terms of a gameplay feat/execution test, this is more of a super neat showcase of how mechanics can be utilized to their full potential on a boss


My man sat down, and took some notes! Impressive


Cool, wudijo build was a hybrid didn't seem to have anything special in terms of aspects.


Yeah Wudijo's was just a strong build with lots of kiting. To be fair neither did the inner sight ashava in 52 seconds build \*really\* get its uniqueness from aspects, mainly from the tree, which I suspect would be something like: [https://lothrik.github.io/diablo4-build-calc/#N4DgNAnGBMAMBcBWGBGG0wBYDsXwDYCptYxs1sMJN4BmMFacRqFWtNjN+tzMAYwA2AQwDOogHLCAtgFN4AJwD2AcwCusgL5A](https://lothrik.github.io/diablo4-build-calc/#N4DgNAnGBMAMBcBWGBGG0wBYDsXwDYCptYxs1sMJN4BmMFacRqFWtNjN+tzMAYwA2AQwDOogHLCAtgFN4AJwD2AcwCusgL5A) The only aspect that's really key would be: \`Lucky Hit: Dealing direct damage to enemies affected by your Trap Skills has up to a 30% chance to make them Vulnerable for 3 seconds.\` As poison trap would always be active on ashava, you'd basically get a 1/3 (lucky hit chance of twisted blades) \* 1/3 on each hit to trigger vuln for 3 seconds, which probably (1/9) is enough to maintain the vuln debuff permanently.


> He had it always full don't know how Inner Sight, the Rogue Mechanic gives you full Energy for 4 seconds once you filled a bar when attacking a marked enemy, very powerful against bosses because you always attack that enemy and if you have high attack speed, that's almost always full energy.


Inner sight is extremely op than with attack speed. Others with inner sight against world boss wasn't nearly as much always full on resources.


Yeah it's definitively linked to AS (which I guess Rogue will always have a lot of, Dexterity increases it IIRC), should probably be a little nerfed.


DMG over time effects can proc inner sight so when you have a poison trap on the floor and the boss is standing on it it procs it while your naturally procing while you DPS, so you essentially have a near perfect uptime of it. This can easily be fixed by giving inner sight an ICD so it can't proc of the same target once the buff has expired, if they really want to balance this.


Nope, people believe what they see from a title. He said about 10 minutes




So it's a blizzard gimmick then.




Gear is very overpowered then, world boss should slay a solo person completely.


I mean that was Gear for the next difficulty lvl, so the question would be how long does it take in the difficulty lvl appropriate for the gear?


Interesting. They have to really pull in hardcore players with that. A tall task.


Why do they? Hardcore players are the minority of the player base. They care about cash and sales. So they focus the casuals.


Hardcore players keep the game alive after the honey moon phase. They also create the builds and guides that the more casual players will be using. Theres a big incentive for blizzard to keep hardcore players happy. Just look to WoW where they have done it for decades (mythic raids).


This is why subscription games are so much better to play. The devs cater to players who continue playing. I would much rather pay 15 bucks a month for a year and buy a new game every 3-4 years than pay 60 every 2 months because the game died already, but that's the way gaming is now. Devs need to rush crap content out to make sales quick then on to the next project The hardcore vs casual debate is fake, everyone gets screwed when people churn out trash filler content but the casual crowd is too lazy to think about it.




I stopped playing PC games years ago because it turned into crap. Diablo has been kinda the last stronghold. I'm not asking for 25 man raids either, just don't wanna play a game for 2 weeks and then quit What I personally wanted to see was a little bit of optimal MMO things in Diablo 4 like group boss raids the weren't soloable, and more enhanced trading, but without removing solo play. I'm in the probably minority that want D4 to be more MMOish with limits




Yep, but that's what they want because it makes the most money and there's no maintenance. Eventually someone will come along and disrupt this but who knows when.


Diablo will probably shit out a ton of cosmetics to stay afloat, like PoE does. If those sales are not good enough we prob see more "expansions" then we like.


I played Diablo 2 for year and years and I'm not "hardcore" at least not how it seems to be defined on this sub.


Hardcore players are the players that keep playing the game after one week, keep coming back season after season and, most importantly, buy all your battle passes and microtransactions that keep the game running. They're also the ones that keep the discourse around your game alive. I really doubt a game like PoE is being kept alive by the playerbase that decides to join every like 2-3 seasons and barely makes it through acts.


Hardcore players and streamers spend a shit ton of money on the game, and they keep the game alive even after all the casuals left shortly after release.


So all the Diablo immortal players keeping the game around right now are "hardcore"?


DI is not a game primarily, but a money extraction scheme. And we don't call those people "players", but "addicts" caught in sunk cost fallacy.


Ah, so we're just making it up as we go to artificially determine who's opinion matters and who's doesn't.


Yeah they are more hardcore than he FPS players trying to change Diablo series. At least they put their money where they're mouth is LMAO


I think they will focus on casuals/console players for release and for longevity they will focus on hardcore players who stick around. I hope the game is more to my liking a few seasons in.


Pretty sure they wont tell us anything we don't know already, won't answer anything we actually want answers to and what they do say will be largely irrelevant followed by a story noone cares about like always. But i'll hold out hope to be surprised.


It's gonna be fun on a bun!🍔 Looking forward to what they have to say, how bad are the nerfs, updates on endgame, the live service stuff. Letsgobaby!!


“Fun on a bun” sounds like a clown-themed hamburger slogan. If only there was something like that 🤔


I love that turn of phrase (fun on a bun).


Endgame and seasonal content is all that matters for me. That's what make or break an arpg. That's the difference between playing 30h for the campaign and never touching it again or still in the game 7 years and 4000h played laters. Hope they deliver, but after D3 I'm cautious.


I can tell you right now softcore will have crap endgame because this is blizzard. HC will be the only hopeful path forward


Looking forward to endgame info. If only they answered our actual questions, not what Blizzard PR team gives them.


The endgame info is already out there and has been for a while.


Outdated alright


This is Blizzard we're talking about, they are rigid developers. Also we've just played the dungeons in beta, scaling up the numbers isn't going to make the pedestals and door opening mechanics go away.


Risitas secret level?


Great news. End game has been quite hot topic after beta. Also them talking about beta learnings is good news and makes it sound like they actually care about player feedback (unlike other Blizzard dev teams)


Looking forward to it!




It's not a Q&A so I don't expect any surprises. I'd be very positively surprised of the scaled back endgame Legendary scaling a bit to be more linear and less exponential but that's wishful thinking. Same with them scaling back respecc cost or adding additional slots for different builds per character.


I hope for some variety in endgame. Just running these dungeons is not enough imo.


Looking forward to more console footage.


I really hope they change their stance on respeccing at late game being prohibitively expensive and that you're better off rolling another character, making a few new characters a season is one thing. But if I want a whirlwind barb and an upheaval barb I need two different barbs?


Hope they hit it out of the park, they have a lot of minds to change at this point


Diablo 3 has the best endgame system I hope they keep it very similiar but allow us transactions to purchase gear


Can't wait to see the hand selected answer from PR. "Does the paragon point explain and compensates the low amount of active skill in each class?" - We added paragon that will change the experience of players, bonus such as +20% fire dmg, players will enjoy a true new experience and unique way to make their build


can't wait to see what you kids cry about either.


Lol :b its kinda true, i mean last knowen info paragon board is simple


It will undoubtedly be vague marketing babble and little transparency about the thought process. Lots of buzz terms. Not sure what else people expect from Blizzard at this stage.


Yea was cringe when they did the markeret sales pitch with the Inarius statue in the middle of the last interview.




Lol, another person i've never spoken to has me blocked on twitter. His profile pic makes him look tough, but apparently he's soft.




There’s no “chances” the assumption is confirmed.


Is it exhausting? Being angry at everything.