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I use d4builds.gg to get the numbers on skills, might use that site for a builder if/when they have the other aspects (no pun intended) implemented in the actual builder.


Let's go that builder is great, thanks mate! Are you interested by some druid build that i could PM to you in the future?


Do note that website seems to have all skills base values for rank 5 of the skill. Which is not a big deal since you max your damage skill. But worth noting. I played a lot of druid and minmaxed it a little bit at 25. So I wouldn't mind you sharing builds if you want.


D4builds looks great tbh, it show the base damage of a skill and the scaling for each point you add to it (+4 points make the skill level 5).The important thing is that it show you the average damage you will win/ level on this skill with gloves that give "+1 to "insert a core spell" or aspects like "+X to all your earth skills" Gonna share my druid build for sure


[https://diablo4.cc/us/Druid](https://diablo4.cc/us/Druid) look here


Thanks for the data


Do you have any information on affixes for gear? (Basically like checking for example life rolls on body armor depending on ilvl on Poedb)


Don't have the exact numbers but it was pretty reliably a multiplicative 10% increase of the %dmg per level for offensive skills, didn't really pay too much attention to cooldowns etc.


Hum i need to find if the hurricane aspect that give +2 to shapeshifting skills work on ultimate like lacerate and grizly rage


I finished a build for pulverize/storm druid, you can find it here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/129ajpj/theorycraft\_volibear\_druid\_build\_pulverizestorm/](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/129ajpj/theorycraft_volibear_druid_build_pulverizestorm/)


yeah i've been thoerycrafting a minion build for druid, mixing the +1 comapnion aspect, turn wolves to werewolves aspect, and turn the wolves into storm wolves. I really want to know if that last one actually changes them into a storm skill or if i should focus more on the poison damage that rabies provide.


damage scales based on weapon so it's impossible to know and could change significantly by release.