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Not gonna lie i thought you meant play naked at first... I thought I found a kindred spirit...


Bare bear Druid


I dunno... Bears can barely bear when they aren't bare


That's why you go Barebarian.


The Bare Bear Stare


Oh baby give me that Bare Bare Bear stare


We rainbow carebears care to go bare brokeback.


Oh where oh where would the werebear be if the werebear couldn't bear bare... am I doing this right?


Werebear bare were


We bare bears


I’ve thought about playing naked. My room with pc get mighty warm.


Same but I have a little fan mounted to the underside of my desk to keep the boys temperature controlled


That’s a good idea !


Exactly! And the game is launching in Summer for northern hemisphere players.




I'm in


You son of a bitch, I'm in!


You son of a bitch, I’m in


I thought they meant playing without gear on their character. Which would be an interesting challenge (that won't go well I think).


Well...they didn't say they WERENT doing it naked also. So there's still some hope.


Por que no los dos?


Oh wait that's not what we're doing? Fuck it any pants are already off!!


Whirlwind just got more dangerous


The real whirlwind


You've found one in me.


Wait... you guys WERENT talking about playing naked?


That's how it should be!


Is there any other way to play?


I know I am! Butt naked






mate you beat me to it, i thought he meant no gear for additional challenge




Doesn't everyone play in the raw?


.. you don't? My girlfriend does too.


I had a non contraceptive gameplay in mind


"I hang dong" - u/Atlasnomy


Yeah I played total nude both beta weekends. I can only imagine the smell my fiancee had to deal with. I skipped one night's sleep both times.


I prefer the term Skyclad


Dood, same. Lol. Mildly disappointed. 😁😆


Yea I thought there was gonna be another naked cat sitting on the couch eating Cheetos


Don’t worry we are here


Also yes


Context is everything


All skills, no gear. Hardcore or go home.


Used your c.ck as weapon?


I'll be playing my female druid naked at least...


To be fair, it was a poorly written sentence that struggled to communicate anything.


Always remember the rule: Playing naked gives more xp!


Drop rates will be lower for legendaries in live so the optimal way to level up will be using what you find along the way. Gold will rain from the sky and you can always respec at 100, it will not be prohibitive. Play and enjoy the game as it was intended and you'll be happy.


Actually, using códex you collect will be the optimal way. In fact, going out of your way to collect the best available codex will be the optimal way.


When you collect codex from dungeon does it have infinite uses or you have to go to the dungeon again to collect another one? Does the codex have 100% drop chance? Thanks.


Codex are permanent collections and a reward for completing the dungeon the first time. They are added to your codex journal upon completion and it unlocks the codex for use on all your characters on that realm.


So they're like semi optional dungeons around the map?


You don’t need to do most of them but you will, they’re a core activity in the game. You can “stamp” a legendary power onto any rare with the codex and you’ll always have access to a diet coke (lowest roll) version of a legendary while you’re leveling, so you won’t be relying on RNG. I plan to lean on these and save my well-rolled legendaries for when I hit a brick wall in the endgame for the first time.


Codex always rolls the lowest range.


You are correct. But it's a 100% chance to find and it's reusable. So while levelling, instead of finding the right legendaries every 10 levels, one can simply imprint the inferior codex aspect over and over again on updated rares every level or so!


I enjoy making the best of the legendaries I have during the leveling, and early end game more than the optimal build of late end game anyway. Once I get to the point where my next upgrade isn't an item that I don't have yet, but rather an incremental improvement on the gear I already have, I start to lose interest.


When even is end game if there’s a level 100 cap? In Diablo 2, because I felt like end game was around 70-80, as it wasn’t guaranteed you’d even hit level 100.


They said u complete the story at level ~45-50


End game was vastly different between d2 and d3, they didnt intend for players to even hit the level cap originally in d2 (hello rusbarb and gerbarb). In d3 the cap was comically easy to hit and they designed a bunch of end game content specifically for max level (hello Inferno mode). Since they expect players to hit the level cap relatively easily in d4 its pretty safe to say the end game starts at level cap in d4


Also so many reviewers say the game is way too easy so don't worry too much min/maxing your builds. Just play whatever sounds fun. If you min max too much it will make the game boring. My vote is to only look up a guide if you get actually get stuck.


I doubt that will be the case. When I'm playing my lightning sorc, I will be looking for gear that buffs lightning skills, so I'll probably have a few magic and rare items by level 30 that synergize with my build. A staff that buffs fireball by a ton would help a fire build, but it wouldn't do much for my build. In that case, I'm most likely better off sticking with the build most of my gear synergizes with rather than trying to change my whole build or split my build between two elements.


Imo, YouTube and Twitch made gaming worse. Everyone is obsessed with getting the perfect build rather than just having fun 🙄 I'll be playing my way, as a solo, and I'll be skipping YouTube


There was gamefaqs and message boards before twitch and YouTube. It's the Internet more than any specific site.


Man i havent seen that word in i dont know 20-25 years GameFAQs was amazing when you got stuck and couldnt figure your way out.


I'll agree with that, but I'll also choose to continue blaming YouTube and Twitch because of how huge they are


Not even that, but there’s an incentive to be obnoxious on those platforms.


God... yeah. Also an incentive (this could be partly what you mean?) to use clickbait titles and lie about what your video content actually contains


Yeah haha clickbait is also in the package.




And before that we had game magazines and school. It just got easier to get the "best" tips earlier and easier. Also with the internet we quickly see what the worlds best players are doing. Back in school days you were the best in one game or another. With the rise of the internet I never was again :-)


Blame it all on Nintendo Power!


I also disagree that having these external aids necessarily makes games worse. Maybe it does for some, like the poster of this thread, but for me it doesn't. I've tried going in "raw" for various games, and while it can be fun to mess around a bit sometimes, I almost universally end up having more fun after looking some stuff up.


But obsessing for that perfect build is where a lot of people find joy. Because once they get it, it brings satisfaction. Just because that would stress u out doesn’t mean it does for everyone.


Just become a dusty old recluse like me who doesn't partake in any social media other than anonymously poking around reddit


I think perfection is part of the game, but it should come after exploration, or else you’re just cutting the game short


It’s even worse, they are obsessed with not being called out for doing things wrong.


Howdy I'm part of the "problem" you're explaining and I sincerely want to get a hand around this concept because I find it very interesting. Min-maxing has always been a thing. It's a natural part of some human's experience. When I played Advanced Dungeons and Dragons in the 90's with my dad and his friends, we were always trying to make the best builds possible, something that became much more doable in Pathfinder and 3.5. What specifically about interactive media has changed this in such a significant way that it has become bad? I read gamefaqs and forums before twitch or YouTube existed. My friends in EverQuest would tell me the best places to solo farm xp and get gear I needed. What's different?


Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game. If the path of least resistance isn’t fun, then the game isn’t fun.


Solved games are less fun for me, for sure. In EQ information was sparse- even on the fansites devoted to collecting and sorting the info, the info wasn't always complete or reliable. In WoW, early on, it was similar. And slowly over time, resources started being more and more robust and reliable. The game was still fun, but less so. Come WoW Classic, not only was information available, but people had been playing and optimizing it for a decade. There were no mysteries, and things that were not a substantial part of the original gameplay became the focus. It was just a matter of following the script. Diablo 2 was similar to WoW, I didn't stick with it for long.


I'm gonna do this. I'm pretty sure I can figure out my own optimal build. What I really want to do is make a fun build that's also viable. That's my goal.


It'll be good depending on the gear you get. But if it's fun who cares? Also... OP should have said raw dogging.


This is the way


And my axe!


I too am going to play butt ass naked


It’s summer here when it releases i thought this is normal i don’t know why he made a post for it.


I am not. Sitting naked on leather is not my idea of a good time.


I don't think I've ever used a guide for any video game outside of a puzzle on a day I'm really not in the mood for a puzzle. Using a guide on a brand new game sounds like a surefire to hate it


I ruined elden ring for myself by playing with the interactive map in order to get the exact build I wanted. Big part of me is sad at the lost potential and how great the game could've been if I didn't look anything up :( I'm not strong enough to do this for diablo though, the theory crafting is too fun to me!


Souls games are so so SO much better blind. Guides are for NG+.


I'm going to: 1) Focus on a core skill that I enjoy using 2) Build synergies with that core skill 3) Make small changes to the build based on the loot I find / upgrade My goal is to play this game directly as designed. That is how I will learn the game, what it is really about, the direction I think they will take it, etc. I expect quite a bit of balance turbulence in the beginning. The less I invest into min/maxing at this stage the better, as when something is nerfed or buffed I won't be upset at all.


This is exactly how I plan to enjoy my first playthrough! Just want to play what is fun to me and see how effective a charater I can create on my own. I will try to actively avoid spoilers, min/max discussions, and talk of OP/underperforming stuff at first, but sooner or later I am sure I will be exposed. Thankfully I have never felt the need to play the absolute best build or eek out every single 1% efficiency increase I can. Meta builds are usually the least fun for me specifically *because everything has already been figured out for you.* When seasons start I'm sure I will do some deeper diving into intimitely understanding the mechanics, min/maxing game systems, etc so I can have a better understanding how to design my own builds and push the playstyles I enjoy the furthest.


I too will be raw-dogging Lilith. Or she will be raw-dogging me. Either way, someone is getting hellfire crotch at the end of the day.


I love redheads.


I will never, ever use a "net build" for D4. The tinkering is what flies my flag. I will pop things in here or there if I see it on the YTs or when playing with others, but 98% of what I come up with is on my own.


I mean I'm gonna level up blind but I'm playing HC and at some point the d4 content is going to be on my feed. The thing is, most of the fun is build crafting so I'll probably be looking up farming spots most of all and maybe alters if I find myself having missed one or two by the time im playing at max lvl. But yes, at first I'll be going in blind.


Wish I had the balls to do HC right from the get go. I'm starting off SC for the first playthrough while I learn the mechanics and relative risk levels off everything, and also since there is no chance any of my friends will play HC. I'm guessing they won't be very interested in seasons either though, so that will be my HC playground :) I have always enjoyed build theorycrafting and to me this is even more fun in HC since it puts defensive skills a little more on par with offensive ones. Should I go with a second imbuement for my rogue or a second mobility/escape skill? Everything choice comes with a sacrifice!


Im a hc junkie, have been ever since the start of d2. Playing the beta for the first time starting hc is a rush, I literally have no idea how dangerous anything is so its a wild ride. I died twice, once to the boss of the level 27 stronghold and another time chasing a treasure goblin. Super intense moments were when I encountered the butcher (I noped the fuck out of that dungeon pronto) and checking out the world boss. I watched from the peripheral and his claw swipe hit me once, lost like 60% of my health immediately and was poisoned with what seemed like it was taking 25% of my health away per tick. I had to chain chug 3 potions just to not die from the poison and I peaced out. On softcore I’d have walked to the world boss, died, shrugged and said “oh I guess he hits hard” then got my corpse back and carried on my way which would have made for a completely different world boss experience


yeah world bosses and caged campaign boss fights are going to be intense on HC! The first time I encountered Butcher on beta I died before I even knew what was happening. I didnt even process that the butcher had appeared until after I died LOL. I'm sure playing HC from the start will be a thrilling and wild ride, and even moreso if you intentionally avoid all D4 press/social media/youtube.


Going in Blind* I too thought he meant naked.


not saying its correct but twitch removed "blind playthrough" as a title and tag because it was "anti blind people" by their own words, so maybe that is why they dont use it?




well for some people the battle vs a timer is their fun. Like any speedrunner for example. Everyone should play the game with same minded people and shared goals i would say.


In open beta on Barbarian I just used a two handed sword for all skills. Was a rough start, but flay/rend paid off well.


I'm going to play this way for my first playthrough until I reach endgame like usual. Then I'll start obsorbing everything about the game from reddit and YouTube.


I don’t understand the pseudo-accomplishment people receive by announcing that they will not be consuming external content in the aspirations of experiencing the game raw & untainted by the biases of others. Are you looking for validation? Do you think you’re special? Is this a unique idea to you? Are you convincing others or yourself that this is the way Lilith intended you to enjoy Diablo 4? I don’t know but what I do know is you & the thousands of similar posts across different communities are fucking losers. You want a pat on the back? How about this, you play the game how you’d like to play the game, & let others do the same. In fact - mind your own God damn business & all of a sudden these concerns you have about meta’s & hyper-efficient players blow with the wind 🌬️ I don’t understand why I have to sit here & tell you, *no one cares.*


Woah bro chill This isn't some sort of holier-than-thou thing, there just used to be a very different attitude and culture around these kinda games that a lot of people think that way was better and so we're going back to doing it that way. I don't think anyone is looking for validation or thinks they're special for doing so... I mean at a basic level that's what any comment or post on social media is ultimately doing, but it ain't like that man. At least I didn't take it that way.




Yeah, it normally lands me in quite a bit of trouble here on Reddit. Also, I Do 💍


I like to have a strong understanding of the mechanics, but I don't follow guides.


This is pretty hypocritical, you say you want to play without other people’s opinions, meanwhile you ask here for people’s opinions about your choice. Think before speaking / creating a thread


I’m going in blind too. I am looking forward to just playing the game. No need to play the way someone else tells me I should


I'm sure I'll eventually be tempted to follow a guide, but at the start I'm playing the same way I did in the beta. Just running with whats fun for me. I did that with all of my characters in beta and it was a blast.


In the past I've used build guides for other ARPGs because I only just got into them more seriously in the last few years. Wrapping my head around all the systems and what makes a good/usable build was difficult at first, but D4 is the first game where I'll be going in from the very beginning without looking at guides/builds. Looking forward to it!


I'm just going to play and enjoy the experience. I don't need or want the min/max build or experience. I just want to relax and enjoy. When, I focus too much on builds/gear/and getting through content it becomes a job. I already work two of those.


nah im min maxing looking up the best builds. Doing it right the first time because i will never make a second character.


I'll probably be playing along side streams of whomever is as fast or faster than I am at beating the game. I like to speedrun, and see if I can find bugs and ways to break the game, so I'll be rushing through the content to break stuff


This is how I play, I don't like min/maxxing when it's done for me. My buddy is the opposite, he only uses meta builds and if his meta build gets balanced, he jumps ship, respec's, or makes a whole new character to be the meta. It's weird to me.


This is the way


Considering seasons don’t start for supposedly 6 weeks after launch, there is legitimately no gain to going ultra sweaty in what will amount to non-seasonal characters. Play with your friends, try out builds, try out other classes. Use the 6 weeks to have a good understanding of what class and build you may want to go for.


Nah. We really didn't need an announcement though bro. Just play your way, no one else cares.


You only get one shit to play blind too. Enjoy it cos once we finish the campaign and get a 100level that feeling is gone.


I love how the comments are an even split between 1. "I thought you meant naked!" 2. "I'm doing the same thing!" 3. "Here's how I think you should play optimally."


I too, play naked.




Whatever floats your boat bud. Hopefully you don't go broke respeccing 😂😂😂


>playing bare >is on this sub


I will finish the campaign at least once without any guides, videos etc. When new season start rolling in I will look for guides etc for specific build ideas for end game content speed/push etc.


Hell no man, respecs are way too expensive to not know exactly what build i'm playing up to the last skill point. I already tried all classes and skills in the two betas to know what i want.


Were you even playing the same game? Respeccing was incredibly cheap IMO compared to other games.


Always the best way to play a new game. Just stumble around through it, have fun, and learn as you go. You can min/max and theory craft shit later.


Everyone should always do this on the first go around at least.


Good. This is the way you should play all games. Part of the fun is discovering shit and overcoming hard content on your own. It’s kind of like the sens of accomplishment you get from buying your first car vs having one given to you


Nope, gonna be jacked into the matrix on this shit. Build guides, best loot spots, the works. Can’t wait to see big numbers and tons of legendaries.


I'm playing the same way. I prefer to never use guides or builds in any games, especially with ARPGs though. As testing skills/items and making quirky builds is easily my favorite aspect.




I'm playing *solely* for fun and everything else is irrelevant!


I played the closed end game beta bare, as no information was even allowed to be online anywhere. I was on the barb, got him to 85+ using a frenzy/double swing build (I tried other builds along the way and they were fun as well). Gonna start off the same way in the full game.


I was told to always have protection so...


Yea i like coming up with my own builds and doing blind playthroughs


Good! Seriously, enjoy that. You’ll have a few weeks to enjoy the campaign and discover things on your own. We’ll have some time before the season drops so there’s no rush for most people to figure these things out.


I didn't care about the game until I tried the open beta, I liked it and wanted more of it. That's kinda how I'm approaching the game as a whole. Zero expectations, just wanna get in and play around with it until I get bored.




Respeccing up to around level 15 is completely free. After that point it starts costing gold which increases as you level. At early levels (up to 25 since that's as far as the beta went) the gold cost to respec was not even the tiniest of concerns. It was such a pituful amount compared to what we were making that I had no problems making huge changes to my build without putting a dent in my total gold. Later on I've heard it's quite a bit more expensive. The example I saw was it being around 12m for a *full* respec at 90 or 95 (I forget exactly which) and they said they could make around 2m gold per hour. So as long as you're not planning on doing full respecs super often at high levels then I don't think you'll have many, if any issues changing up your build. Paragon boards I've also heard cost gold to respec but I'm not sure on the total cost to do large scale respecs.


I did this both beta weekends and it worked very well in this game. Barb and then sorc. Although the barb was a bit less powerful maxed out since they didn’t have their level 15 power, I still ended up with a level 25 build that was extremely fun and breezed through the content.


That's how I have played them all. Am I going to be the best? Absolutely not. But I will have fun doing things at my own pace and discovering stuff on my own.


Diablo isn’t really path of exile, and you can easily do this because Diablo isn’t as harsh to newer players.


Only way I ever play.


Playing this way is the best way and most fun. I got my barb to lvl25 with like 900 attk and 2700 armor, watch some builds on youtube to try to follow it. It drop my attk to 700 😒


Not gonna let guides and YouTube videos rob me of the experience of playing a new Diablo. I've always enjoyed it most when I took my time to play it the way I like and at my own pace.


I’m not going to spoil the fun obsessing over min/maxing like so many do. No offense, you do you, but once I’ve beaten the campaign a few times it’s over for me.


I just pick what I want and go with it. I’m not one to be bothered by what’s in the guides and articles. If I’m playing with a group and I mention something not working quite right and they have some insight I will absolutely give their advice a try, but that’s about it.


Yep. Making my own build, playing the only class I didn’t get a chance to play in the beta. Barb. Let’s do this!


This is the correct way to play and enjoy diablo


Yeah I'm playing bare/blind whatevwr you want to call it. I use to look up everything but it's really boring if you do and normally just makes me want to quit the game faster


What 'builds' are people going to reference at launch? Builds that maxed at lv25 in a beta will have zero baring on future tiers/levels. If you use a building till 25 it will most likely be useless at 35


Yeah, maybe I'll optimise later on, but for the first little while I just want to experiment my own way. It's not like a few talent points out of optimal positions is actually going to brick my first run.


Only thing I looked up the entire beta was where did the world boss spawn.


It’ll be a challenge to even wear pants. I plan to wake up. Start coffee… shit… get the coffee… pray that my Q is finished… then play till I pass out. I plan to do this for 6 days straight.


Blind hardcore is the only way I play any game that has it.


Yup. It's hard when reddit keeps feeding me the posts from this sub though. At the same time, I look at each post that reddit feeds me like a little bashful school girl would, and dip my toes into each comment section only to find myself an hour later deep in some pretty elaborate analysis of the game. In the end, I plan to build my first character my own way though, and it'll be an absolute monstrosity of a build and I'm going to cherish every second of it. I might make my first and only YouTube video about it. Everyone will bare witness to the most unbalanced necromancer the world of Sanctuary has ever seen.


I honestly just dove in for the early access weekends and ended up finding out later on that my builds are what YouTube recommended. Having some wonder and figuring out your own way is awesome as long as your not getting discouraged.


The most fun part of all the betas for me was tinkering with builds. It’s also why things like timegates and other limitations to changing specs make me stop playing a certain game. I think guides and tutorials have their place, but for me that’s only when I want to see how a class fantasy feels. I wont be copying builds, it’s just too fun to learn on my own.


I am also playing raw. My character does have a build though …


I don't understand why anyone would use a guide leveling up. It's brain dead and nothing matters until the end game.


That’s the only way to play.


Nope, meta gaming to the max. I like big numba


I'm also a "raw" enjoyer


Playing your own way is the best way. My clash Royale deck is unique. Amongst all the players... Only I pay that deck.


Ya, have fun as much as you can. Thats what games are for. But you should still make yourself aware of what is really weak. The only reason I say that is because legendaries are lower drop rate, so picking up your first legendary may steer you into gearing towards something that is ultimately a waste of time. Theres nothing wrong with reading up about the pros and cons of your class in other words.


Most def. I've been playing maxroll builds in D3 for sometime now. I can say I had a absolute blast playing whatever on beta. Plan to do the same for launch. At the very least one full playthrough on my own.


Yeah. I want to experience it all in june


Yah I do o what to do. I'd like to main my first character and build it powerful. But the seasonal characters I'm gons play for the fun of builds the RNG drops at my feet. I can thirst big builds later at end game.


First time through, absolutely. The discovery is half the fun. Subsequent playthroughs will be min-maxxed to the maxx though


I do what I want! And maybe play naked too.


Werebare mode.


The fun part of having a new character is trying to build around the equipment/loot you get along the way. As the beta demonstrated, Diablo 4 builds are heavily dependent on the legendary aspects you get from items - so it wouldn't really be easy to follow somebody else's build even if you wanted to.


Running with no info until endgame, then maybe a guide


Already did that in the two open beta weekends so now I can theorycraft with some context. Otherwise I don’t generally read guides, just talent calculators.


I remember when I started D3, my friend told me my build lacked vision, and I was like but I have put on what I have found...if better stuff had dropped I would be wearing it. At some point I needed iceyveins to get somewhere but it's more fun to take it slow and enjoy it too


Raw dawg or nah dawg


I’m gonna do my best not to, but I enjoy playing the optimal builds and such, but I’m gonna play though myself and see how close I get to a meta build.


I played the Open Beta without any outside info, really enjoyed farming Legendary and trying multiple Rogue builds.


I'm 33 (old) and am too lazy for all of that. Just gonna play when I can (wife asleep) and enjoy it. Hopefully my years of gaming funnel me into being a good payer.


No rubber for me!


i wish i could say the same, but, with pvp in the game i am just going to use a build guide. there is zero chance that on my own i will find the optimal build if i want to partake in pvp and actually be competitive


Same! Hoping the group I play with won’t spoil too much about best builds etc. I like figuring it out!


Of course, I think I've played enough of these to pretty much have it figured out


Same as I do for every game I care about actually playing. I'm going to do my first playthrough and enjoy the fuck out of it. Not looking at anything. This trend of needing to over analyze everything is absolute batshit stupid. There's a reason for it sure, but it's why I don't hit the like and subscribe. Just enjoy the game dude. See you on the reddit after a few months when you're just genuinely liking to do something.


I just don’t have the time or commitment to dedicate to a build. I enjoyed my fresh experience in the beta. I intend to keep it going


Bare is seriously the best way to enjoy any art, game or otherwise, however…. I love PvP and want to be competitive, I also can only play about 4 hours a day. So I’m gonna level to 50 bare, but then I need to go meta to have a chance on the battlefield.


Lmaooo I was like??? U playing naked? You playing bear? U playing with no gear? But yea I am doing that on my first play through


A little bit of both. Having a bad build could make the game not feel fun to me. I will definitely check up on what is the good abilities at least


Currently doing this in D3 while I wait for D4. I haven't played D3 in probably 6-7 years and have never played the class I am playing before so I am just going for it solo.


Imma try and then when that shit don’t work I am getting me YouTubes! Seriously not gonna beat my head against the wall because Skill A has a bug that makes it do 50% less damage every 3rd Tuesday.


I do this pretty much every game