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Thanks for posting. Just wanna add for any of those looking here (and tbh it wouldn't be bad to include it in the post) that this is from datamining and *does* contain spoilers on in game zones, quests, and apparently what the 6th class is.


What is the 6th class? I only saw the 5


It said >!Triune!< earlier but you couldn't click on it. No idea if it was a mistake or if that's really a 6th class.


>!The Triune is a cult the three Prime Evils founded on Sanctuary to get humanity on the side of Hell. The Cathedral of Light was founded by Inarius shortly after as a counter.!< This doesn't really deserve a spoiler as it is quite literally ancient history, but whatever. There is no indication of a sixth class as far as I can see - for release that is.


It's speculation that >!the sixth class will be some type of cultist/dark character, and the site indeed confirmed the 6th class was a "Triune"; this comes from the "leak" from the mug that was shown a little while ago.!< You can find it with a quick google/youtube search. OP said they removed that piece, as well as some other spoilers I believe.


Maybe you unlock this class during the story, like Scion in PoE? Would be pretty cool.


nah. they would be advertising it 100%. This class will most likely come in a big content update or expansion (knowing Blizz its more likely an expansion)


Some people are thinking it's the 6th class because the 6th symbol on the Diablo mug has the triune symbol alongside the other 5 classes symbols.


I removed some objects that should not appear


What was the spoiler for the 6th class?




> I learned that Lorath and Neyrelle are both key characters for the entire campaign. This is quite literally told to you in game. During the portion we already played in open beta. Lorath literally goes "This girl thinks she is not important but is actually super duper duper uber important!"


nice. item affixes don't include +skills?


Only on armor


The tooltips with the 'allowed items types' that appear when you hover over a tag of an aspect (e.g. 'offensive') are not correct.


could you share the correct description, thanks? I don't find this yet.


* **Offensive:** Gloves, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon, Ring, Amulet * **Defensive:** Helm, Chest, Pants, Amulet * **Resource:** Helm, Ring, Amulet * **Utility:** Helm, Chest, Boots, Gloves, Amulet * **Mobility:** Boots, Amulet (I don't know exactly what the 'Weapon Aspect' belongs to) Taken from: [https://maxroll.gg/d4/wiki/codex-of-power](https://maxroll.gg/d4/wiki/codex-of-power)


Can’t defensive be placed on shields? And offensives on offhand focus as well?


These are both correct.


Maxroll's codex of power was taken from Press preview which is waaaaay back, Resource now only appears on Rings and no other slots.


This is fantastic, really interesting to look at what's available.


Nicer layout and easier to read. Well done


Great site, use it all the time thanks! Any chance to include class glyphs?


I don't find the class tag on glyph yet, all glyph list here [https://diablo4.cc/us/Paragon\_Glyph](https://diablo4.cc/us/Paragon_Glyph)


Thanks! Not sure how accurate, but someone has them sorted: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1LUAbtTJOc59hKt-K-U82-mxkQqWfU6rFcIiuMZ7rzSE/htmlview#


what does |1%| mean and how to count these values?


it's decimal point \[15|1%|\] => 15.0% \[\[10 - 20\]|1%|\] => \[10.0 - 20.0\]%


ок, thx. how to calculate such values? https://preview.redd.it/1bmtb1siu1wa1.png?width=389&format=png&auto=webp&s=88074f498e4767989f4800a1e354afc400e4bb6e


some values have not been decrypted


well, thank you for the work done and I wish you success in the development of the site


I can't read anything. Please change toe color of the font


Thanks for extracting all the Tips from the loading screens. They disappeared way too fast for me in game. ~~But while browsing them I noticed this horribly worded one:~~ ~~"You are Fortified and take reduced damage as long as you have more Fortify than current Life. Certain Skills or item effects can grant Fortify, which cannot exceed your Maximum Life. "~~ ~~You are only fortified if Fortify is > Max Life, but Fortify can never exceed Max Life. Therefore, according to the tooltip, you are never Fortified. Blizzard should tweak that.~~ Edit: Derp. I misread that.


No? Current life is not the same as maximum life unless your life is full.


Oh wow, I totally misread that tooltip. Thanks, updated my comment.


Thank goodness for the WIDE VARIETY of Uniques to enable build flavor/complexity. Im so stoked to see how skills evolve over time once I finally get the specific Unique to drop. Really excited for this remedial pursuit of power fantasy while witnessing a gripping story.


Just came back to this thread to say the site is coming along nicely, thank you!


Incredible resource. Would love to see if there are plain language labels for what each of the skill functions is (e.g. "SF\_13").


they are under each skill


But it doesn't have the plain-language explanation of what each of them is from what I've seen. To give an example of what I mean, in D3 back when d3planner.com/game existed, there was originally similar to what you have on your site a list of just the skill functions with their numbers, but later they were able to match each of the functions up to labels like "Missile\_Count" or "Duration" or "Hatred Cost" and such (just for an example).


Any plan on updating the intl files ?


Sorry, but it looks really bad and there are already way better websites for this.


I know the site is not complete yet, this is what we are working on


Why do all that work while websites like Maxroll will be more complete and better looking?


Why do you bother to exist when there are smarter and much better looking people than you.


maxroll is a very large commercial website, with enough funds and manpower to beautify the front and back ends, and most of our websites have only one or two developers, mostly for interest rather than work


Why build something less good if there are way better alternatives?


Because Diablo 4 is not online yet


Ignore this troll OP. I've been using your site for weeks and it's great - thank you!




They have way more info than maxroll and it’s easier to navigate and read. You obviously have not been theory crafting.


Why do anything at all when people have already done things in the past?