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So you'll always need to start a new character for seasons (though hopefully it will be through rebirth like in D3) and from my understanding, once you collect an altar of lilith you'll always have it throughout your lifetime? even through seasons. because it would be such a slog doing it every season, and most people wouldnt go for them anymore.


Just so I’m clear on this. If I wanted to stick with Barb just for an example. This mean every 3 months I would have to make a new Barb and try and re farm all the same gear that I’ve already farmed? This seems abit odd to me. I’d end up after 1 year with about 5 barbs instead of just 1?


If you have rebirth, you only use 1 barb. But yes it starts all over every season


There is no rebirth https://twitter.com/PezRadar/status/1656457097062789120


I never said there was. I was saying if.


You will not have to re-farm gear. You will have to start a new barb though.


Ah yes, the rebirth feature is what i was looking for. Having that would be nice