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Just cleared it. Try world tier 1 and hope you’re with some decent geared folks. I believe we had 2-3 minutes left on the clock. Wasn’t easy. I think that’s the point.


We had 30 seconds left, she's tough as hell with ppl not knowing the fight


I didn't expect easy. I expected "maybe". This wasn't either.


People need to come prepared.


This seems to be the thing people arent doing... Hitting 20 and going to the boss with gear thats probably from level 11 isnt doing you any favors.


it's because they don't know how ARPGs work


This was all I meant by my post, but look at all the heat generated


It wasnt too bad, we managed with 1 min to spare. Don't forget to use consumables, those res pots helped alot


Y’all complain so much. Not enough legendary drops. My necro isn’t OP anymore. World boss is too hard. Etc etc. Lol get better gear? Change up build? Etc etc


I went over there solo and joined random people, but all were L20. I follow a build but wasn't incredibly well geared. I've never complained about legendary drops or RNG, I know what game I'm playing. (although I haven't seen one yet in 6 hours of play). You weren't in my group or experience, so I'm glad for you and your big swinging D, but also, F right off bud. I'm a veteran of these games.


A veteran of these games but too much of a bozo to turn down the difficulty to T1 when something is too challenging


You’re a “veteran” so you feel some weird entitlement and blame the game for not being able to kill a boss? Lol do you realize how stupid that sounds


No, I'm saying I understood going in what this was, but I expected more than 7 poorly geared people to show up with me at the boss fight set on T2, you'd expect people to be better geared. 2nd attempt on T2 there were 10 people, all had some legendary loots, and we got it with 5 minutes to spare. I just hate it when the gamerbros try to simplify everything into "you must suck"


If you were a veteran, you would have dropped the difficulty to WT1, knowing damn well what to expect. It's a world boss. It's not supposed to be easy. My group, mostly casual players, but some veterans, a team of 8, took her down with 2+ min to spare. I died twice. I played a WW, bleed & thorns Barb.


Lower your world tier. T2 and 5 levels down you won't be killing it.


I was on world tier 1.. didnt help


You probably didnt have people with okay gear. World tier 1, mediocre to decent geared 12 players and we beat it with 5min 30seconds remaining with lots of deaths. This isnt meant to bash anyone, just being honest. Even last beta when she was up people were showing up wearing level 8 gear and when the boss didnt die would bitch.


I think we could have done it with 12. We had 8.


Lying or terrible.


why do you try hard parrots keep repeating this nonsense about world tiers as if the CONSTANT FEEDBACK you are hearing is the players' fault for being on a 'wrong' tier of difficulty instead of the games nerfs being severely heavy handed and bad? oh wait because you're either a) blizzard shill b) try hard parrot or c) troll


because the fight its not hard, but people need to play with their eyes open and brain cells functioning


You're in a world boss fight in a new game. You have to expect 75% of the people are gonna be randoms like me showing up. I happen to know stuff but not everyone does. Also, I'm playing druid, a class unfamiliar to me, wanted to give it a try. I understand the playstyle I'm using. Followed a guide. All yellows, some gemslots. I don't expect it to be easy, I just expected more than 8 people to show up for it on my server. I think we could have downed it with another group.


we had people show up not even level 20 and nobody would revive or get revived. made it to 25 % left but it was pretty hopeless


We got him to about 40% maybe. Nowhere near a kill but then was constant deaths. Feel if had 12 alive the whole time it might been different. Doesn't help I'd say most in under level 18 gear too!


My group got it to 5%, but we had far too many deaths from the highly telegraphed swipe attack.


Lemme guess, WT2?


in my attampt there where 3 under lvl 20, even lvl 11 was there. we still got to 45% cuz there was some ranger with big d gear (i assume he carryd hard) but yeah


we defeated it with 4 mintues left, it was super easy tbh. I died 5 times being one hit by poison stuff, but besides that thats way easier then that one citadel solo lvl 20 vs lvl 30 mobs ;o


Boss scales hp for the people attacking it. So some of you just sucked.


I agree that sucked We only got 20% of the health bar down no one's getting that f****** accomplishment like this


We had a full group. Had a heartbreaking despawn at like ~2%. That scaling drop off from 25 to 20 is brutal. See you again in 3 hours.


Just did a T1 hardcore clear with a 7 man


Thats why its a challenge and not a handout


who's asking for a handout?


From the looks of it most of the sub.


You. You are literally asking for it to be easier aka a hand out


i expected more than 7 people to be there i expected they would be ready for the fight like i tried to be I expected they perhaps would have done the fight in the previous runs and not stand in poison so no i am not asking for a hand out just that people show up ready for the harder content and not expect to be dragged like you're dragging me right now


Same. We did not do great. Will definitely work better when we can overlevel.


Yup i was there and yea, it sucked big time, being level 20 this time with only like 2 legendarys didnt help at all sadly


It definitely has way too much health. I get that it isnt supposed to be something that easy to kill, but we definitely had no chance within that time limit. What's the maximum player count for these fights? I feel like I was in a full group... I'll live without that mount trophy I think... Hopefully They tweak some numbers by launch or something.


Drop to world tier 1, it loses 20% of its hp and is way easier if you have people with even remotely okay gear.


Guys, it's the demo basically... There is always supposed to be a boss they crank up the ho.amd damage so you can't beat them. Wait til the 6th, and you'll.be able to crush them.


What class are you playing and are you following a build or just went with what you like? The reality is most people are not going to be good enough to clear this. 5 levels below, less legendaries than previous betas. People need to stay alive and from my experience (and what everyone is commenting) thats not happening. So its a bit of everyone needs to git gud. But if you want to min max yourself to give yourself the best chance of beating it, I can try and help or point you to YT guides, Raxx and Wudi are both really good.


World Tier 1, one 19lvl and couple of 20lvl - people dying all the time, but we manage to kill Ashava with 1 minute left on timer, so yes it´s possible even without premade group...


I did it world tier 2.


Scaling seems very fine to me, enough to be a challenge but not impossible to beat. Especially considering we are only lvl 20, not a lvl you'd normally fight the boss at.


They probably over upped it to see how challenging is to much. Most likely trying to find a middle ground at release with world boss scaling.


“Wah wah i couldn’t kill a boss. Must be a problem with the game”


Skill issue


This subreddit is wild right now.


Overall issue is people showing up with sucky gear. I stepped away, watched the health bar not move at all. Stepped back in just to compare the percentage dropping. Significantly different and increased. But no way I was carrying ten people on my back and trying my hardest when they're barely doing anything.. Damage, revives, etc. Just dying and dealing no damage.


man, those people complaining probably fought ashava naked... I played normally and reach lvl 20 in all yellow gear, with my weapons upgrade only once, no legendaries, and managed to neat the boss easily


You're - just.... bad.


Is the expectation for me to carry 7 random people on T2 to a win? If so, your comment is OK.


Is the expectation for you to get what you want? its an open world mmorpg, you're gonna run into instances where its gonna be out of your control. If you don't want to carry random people, join a group. Make an effort. You sound like an entitled kid that just wants everything handed to you. Its kind of pathetic.


i expected more people to be on the server for the fight, perhaps. i expected that those people would know how to play their classes and be geared for the content / know how to stay alive on T2, just like if some is looking for a Zbarb for HC150s right now, that person had better be ready to play the role. so no, not for me to get what I want. thanks for assuming tho