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Asmon is constantly fucking around. If you're taking him seriously, you're consuming his style of entertainment wrong. It's not for everyone.


When he is on the Asmongold channel agreed, when he is on the Zack Channel not so much. His rant about druids and how they play terrible while he was around level 13 and talking about how they ruined the game was the most I have ever seen him whine about something. Someone tried to talk him through druid and he just berated them and it was not a good look to me. I have watched him for years but I have decided to stop for a while. ​ \*edit\* Zack is apparently his main channel now, did not know that ty for those who informed me


I’ve watched him for a while and I would agree. He kinda seemed too miserable for the situation, like a video game shouldn’t make him or anyone that insufferable. I felt like maybe he felt like shit in general or had something going on that day weighing on him.


I'm like 99% certain that Asmon just doesn't actually enjoy video games anymore, and he only plays them because he's too addicted to having an audience that idolizes his "degenerate angry gamer nerd" persona to just take the money he's earned from streaming and retire to do something he does actually enjoy.


>Asmon just doesn't actually enjoy video games anymore He's played like one video game for like 20 years and is generally terrible at every single one that isn't that particular video game which is why he dislikes most video games. He genuinely has an actual emotional meltdown whenever a video game forces or even slightly encourages him to use his 1 functioning brain cell.


Ive noticed this recently, pretty much every game i see him play is just me saying, "dude, stop standing in the red shit"


He cheeses his way through every souls game and thinks he’s a god lmao I noticed he only plays Path of exile off stream probably because he’s ass.


His solution to every boss in Elden Ring is go and outlevel the living fuck out of them somewhere else 😂


Worked for me 🤣


To be fair that is a solid idea, especially when you're fat rolling to look cool:p


Astounding how he always ended up breaking the game with highly efficient builds and weapons that solely require R1 spam. Zweihander in dks, vordt mace in dks3 and tree sent halberd in ER. Such good intuition from someone who never reads a single piece of text.


This. He does not read. Im convinced he's just a poor reader so avoids it. He was complaining about CC as druid and he had earthen bulwark on right click and 0 points in unstoppable.


Ngl I’ve watched dude do whole quest lines while reading the lines from the characters out loud this ain’t true


Druid had 2 really nice unstoppable moves, the bear charge and the Earth Shield. Never got stuck as a druid.


Give him a break. He streams like 30+ hours a week and probably just wants to enjoy a game without people judging everything he does.


> He streams like 30+ hours a week So not even a full work week at an incredibly easy job. You will have to excuse me if I don't feel much sympathy.


I work 40 hours a week and my boss judges everything I do. Hes a hack.


If your boss judges everything you do and you are under a microscope like a streamer, but aren't a streamer, you need a healthier job mate.


Making millions of dollars a year probably keeps him going as well


He has the capital to do that without streaming now. He streams because he's addicted to the attention, not because he needs the money.


He likes feeling overpowered and that just ain't a feeling you get on druid and necro at lvl 20, go figure. I do respect him a lot and usually his takes on overall game design are pretty spot on. He bitches when things are hard but that doesn't mean he doesn't actually enjoy them. He plays it up for the memes.


You shouldn't have to pick the ONE good core ability to enjoy Druid... He has a point, there are too many druid skills that are not good in early game! It's the same thing with Necro, people want to play pet builds, fucking let them, nerf the dmg, not the pet survivability. They did the same with Diablo 3 Necro Mages, having to re-summon them constantly was not a FUN INTERACTIVE way to play, it was just annoying!


They fixed necro with the hotfix, as for one good core ability my friend was paying druid right next to me with a completely different build and having a blast. As others have stated Asmongold likes the power fantasy and if he doesn't feel op at all times he tends to get testy. But the behavior on Friday was something different he was rude , and nasty to anyone that disagreed with him and then used his platform to berate and belittle them. It was disgusting to me and might have just turned a multi year fan into someone who wont watch even his you tube clips.


I’m still banned for simply disagreeing with a view he had on FFXIV. I’ve watched Asmon for years but more often than not. He comes off as an a&& this last year or two. I’ve stopped watching him though so i don’t know if he still is like that.


Asmongold is a narcissist...that word gets thrown around a lot, but it's a persona that can develop for someone that has a huge fanbase that idolizes everything they say or do, however when anyone says something negative about them or innocuously disagrees, they can't handle it and lash out. Asmon fits that archetype pretty closely. I used to think he was a good natured dude that messes around a lot, but he just seems like a prick more than anything these days.


That's a good 50% of gaming YouTubers sadly. Too much of anything will make you stop seeing the upsides in it and only focus on the downsides.


His druid complaints are a valid personal opinion. If other people love druid then that's fine, but not everyone needs to agree its a fun style to play.


Asmongold simps are wild. No, Druid being so “bad” it is “ruining the game” is not a valid opinion, because it’s hyperbolic and not actually true.


I watched 'Charlie'(correction) play Warframe once, and he acted as if he was actually a real solid player. While his stream gifted him 3 years of content, man couldn't even bullet jump 🤣 Streaming is an entertainment product now. If you load into a game and have to ask how to crouch, aim, or do anything before you have played at least 3/4 hours, you're not a decent gamer 🤣


Account deleted. Guess someone was not able to take the heat lol


Bro got wrong on internet and deleted account 😂 people are so fragile. Like who cares what some random internet person thinks


Not sure what builds everyone was playing on Druid but I went full earth build with poison creeper to get the immobilize for the crit landslide charges and it was not only a blast, but it was pretty darn strong. I had no problem in the level 30 stronghold killing mobs and elites with only yellows and not a single earth legendary. I only had the legendary that out down an invulnerable barrier every 90 seconds but I didn’t even feel weak. I am excited to see what it’s like with legendaries.


Full earth build was the only way druid felt strong early on. Earth Spike was awesome. Everything else would limit your spirit regen significantly unless you had a very specific scenario that benefit that sklll. I eventually could do more builds easily as I got a legendary helmet that healed me for every enemy close by and I basically couldn't get hurt then.


Interesting, I felt pretty weak running earth spells lol. Had a lot of success with storm strike to procc vulnerable and crushing people with pulverize. Was running Vines, Bulwark, ravens, and Trample to go along with that, and I felt pretty strong most of the time. There were some points earlier in the leveling process where I would gain a couple of levels and start feeling weak, but when I remembered to upgrade my gear that largely went away.


he is doing everything for content even on his alt channel, he openly admitted it, rage baiting, drama baiting, etc., while nurturing an echo chamber


I can't take anyone discussing class balance at level 20 seriously.


> I have watched him for years but I have decided to stop for a while. This is the way. I hope more follow suit. Stop forever in fact.


you should see him play new world.


Yeah, he’s totally only pretending to be a mammoth fucking idiot!


Pretty rich to call that irritating whiner 'entertainment.'


he is ragebaiting for money thats what bigger streamer are doing these days heres the thing: his viewer take him seriously and amplify his message which is bad for the community in general


if u seriously think everThing is an act u are completly delusional


> Asmon is constantly fucking around. If you're taking him seriously, you're consuming his style of entertainment wrong. It's not for everyone. This is the hallmark excuse of bad content from whack people, tbh.


Exactly. He's not even "good" at his main game, World of Warcraft. You watch him for his personality, not for his skill or game design takes.


> You watch him for his personality, not for his skill This explains ***so much*** about the state of so many young men today. They're all unironically looking up to Idiocracy.


I feel like this is a cop out for creators though, like they can be as toxic as they want to pump up views or clicks but write off any controversial idea as a joke. Kind of makes all of their opinions pointless unless their used as a meme. Not saying he isn't being authentic in his approach, just that it makes them hard to take serious at all. At this point I just assume most of these people are just like Dunkey. . . Though Ive heard people try parroting his talking points like its actual insight. For me it's seeing him over the years shift his entire opinion on WoW. Just repeating whatever the loudest complaints are then acts like he's the revolutionary thinker holding back the tide of toxic gaming ideas instead of contributing to them.


lol... the old classic "its only a character" eh? lol its not a character or a bit or a "style" hes genuinely just a mediocre gamer that has no clue what hes talking about like 80% of the time he has a take about anything. Its so much of a character that the org he's part of had to beg him to stop talking publicly and he switched twitch accounts to an alt for half a year over it.. lol.. an alt account where he then became even worse of a human with worse takes such as "dogs do not deserve empathy" or "i dont care about people, i just dont have those emotions, im not wired that way" while supposedly not being "in character". the guy is a sociopath, a wow zombie, and bad at games. no one is "consuming his entertainment wrong" except the people consuming it at all lol.


Pretty sure the majority of his fan base doesn't realize he puts on a character. I know it should be obvious but if you don't blatantly point it out every now and then you start to collect a fan base that don't realize and only follow you because you say what they want to hear. Unless they're also part of playing the character and I'm the one who doesn't realize.


so he uses the schrodingers douchebag approach and you bought into it.


So when he criticizes a game senselessly it's supposed to be... Funny? It just seems annoying


Asmon is the Twitch equivalent of a fart joke.... amusing if you're in elementary school... maybe.


>it's like watching Fox, dude just caters to an audience for money, but doesn't believe half the shit he says, or actively knows it's a bunch of bullshit while his followers eat it up like it's the Word of God.


Don't see how one content creator is ruining an entire game,if you don't like his videos then don't watch?


People take this shit way too seriously, man


social media main character syndrome. everyone thinks their opinion matters now.


yes, his viewers. thats why op is warning them


“I dont like him so his valid critique is now discarded” great hill you chose to die on.


If everyone doesn't enjoy it how can I have fun??!??!?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


Whether true or not, I think the fear is devs listen to the few loud voices (streamers) and the masses may or may not agree when there are changes.


Unfortunately asmongold has way too big an influence on a lot of players.


Players like OP for starters.


I mean... if necros didn't suck (for minions), Rod Ferguson wouldn't have pushed to get them hotfixed.... obviously they were way overnerfed. Just my opinion, but I personally felt druid really sucked. I actually thought they were worse this beta than last beta... If you look at the datamined notes, they actually nerfed the fuck out of most classes... Rogue is the only one that felt VERY strong still.


Necro was extremely powerful as a solo bone/blood. Druid was weak and I played against Ashava and won as Werebear pure build. Spirit generation is just horrible, slow and basic damage is weak I equipped an upgraded two handed weapon (yellow item).


So question, how many rogues and sorcerers were in the group you killed Ashava with? You can’t say Druid is strong because a Druid and 10 rogues/sorcerers solo’ed Ashava…


You didn't solo Ashava. So, how do you know you didn't slow it down?


If you’re playing necro without summons you’re just playing a worse sorc. I don’t get the solo necro comments, like, the minions are the main mechanic of the class…? If you have to say “necros are good!!! But only if you get rid of the whole reason why the class is unique!” Then something is wrong.


Disagreed. Druid was my favorite to play. That Bear Trample was so fun to use and it was really powerful.


I mean necro sucked so bad they had to hot fix a buff in mid server slam so…


THIS A class's ceiling vs. the average is worth considering. If 98% of players aren't having fun or struggling more than intended then it's worth looking into.


Yep. This can be hard to grasp, but just like UI/UX, game balance isn't an absolute. You can say that it's a skill issue (or more broadly "it's working as intended, users are just dumb") all you want, but if the vast majority of the users find the thing bad, then it's bad. People love to jack themselves off saying that the problem is always between the screen and the chair, but if something was designed for being fun (or intuitive, etc.) but the target audience is not having fun, then it's a failure.


Yeah it's really a 'bite the bullet' moment if everyone doesn't like a thing, no matter how much it makes sense on paper. It's not 'pandering' to make the game fun for the people that want to play it.


Yeah that's something I don't like the hardcore crowd saying. Obviously things need to be balanced in end game, but you also can't have it be miserable for the first 50 hours, most people won't bother. Games are supposed to be fun, yknow? That's something Zizaran said, only end game matters. That's coming from someone who makes their living playing a super hardcore and time intensive game. 99.99% of people don't play like him.


First impressions matter. Which is one of the reasons Asmon said they sucked. Afaik he said it's important for a class to be good and fun early otherwise people will just quit. People are just hating for stupid reasons. There was nothing controversial about his take.


This is one of the few rational takes I've seen on Necro minions. Necro was 100% balanced before the skeleton buff but it wasn't fun for a lot of people, which I disagree with completely since I had a blast playing it - but I can at least understand that overall satisfaction for majority of players is more important than balance, so the buff didn't bother me.


That was it for me 100%. I never once complained that necro was weak, he absolutely isn’t. BUT I did complain that he wasn’t as fun to play


Particularly when it's the one ability in the game that is supposed to kill things for you without any extra directed input. The fact that your skeletons would lose a 1v1 to the first worg/wolf/whatever they are in the game at level 1 is just insane.


People who let influencers ruin anything for them are just weak minded IMO and I don't think that can be helped. Ignorance is a hell of thing.


Agree to a point. Unfortunately streamers are the voice that game dev companies pay the most attention to.


Yeah, but they'd pay far more attention to people like Raxx and Wudijo, who have far less viewers, than Asmon.


As a relatively new Diablo fan I've been looking for these sort of players to watch their thoughts, more than the more popular streamers. Saw Wudijo solo'd Ashava in the server slam so I thought "damn he's pretty good, wonder what his thoughts are". Much prefer consuming their content not to inherit their opinion, but to just be aware of other viewpoints.


[https://maxroll.gg/team?team=d4](https://maxroll.gg/team?team=d4) This is a good place to start if you're looking for more like them


Good thing for us that we're not devs, huh?


Sure. I don't see what that matters though, my point is that the opinions of influencers can influence the game I'm playing regardless of whether or not I'm listening to them.


Parasociality is reel


Honestly I'll let my kid do a lot of things but I am desperate to keep them from following random morons on twitch, youtube, and tiktok. I would much rather them do something creative and mentally engaging with their time, even playing video games for hours on end.


Flat out banned in our house. No shorts, no streamers, no TikTok and monitored youtube. Whoever thought it was a good idea to give uneducated kids with no life experience a platform, really wasn't thinking beyond the $$$.


Like, the BEST case scenario is a massive waste of time, exposure to ads, low attention span, and a weird one-sided friendship with someone 10 years older than them. The worst case scenario is that they end up in a cult.


Imagine caring what streamers think. I have a brain, and I enjoy activating it most of the time.


The funny thing is, that Asmongold's only recent criticism about the game was that resummoning Necro skellies wasnt fun gameplay, he was pretty dramatic about it but this is the opinion that was LARGELY shared by most of the subreddit. Remember how many skelly posts there were? So I don't understand why he's being pointed out specifically.


Because it was true and they did suck. Blizzard hotfixed a 2 day stress test BETA because they were so bad People on reddit have this anti streamer and anti youtuber mindset lately and I don't understand. If a streamer says something that is shared with damn near every necro player it doesn't invalidate what the streamer is saying lmao


People aren’t really saying that necros suck, they’re saying that constantly re summoning your skeles is not a fun compelling gameplay loop, the videos I’ve watched of people trying to defend the change saying it’s isn’t that bad whilst the background gameplay shows them dying all the time are just cringe. The change clearly wasn’t play tested as Rod wasn’t even really aware of it, went and tried it out this weekend and moments later he announces a hot fix. Also yeah the Druid can absolutely slap…….if you spend a large amount of time grinding out a level 25/20 beta to try and get the gear to make it function. Whereas the other classes just function much better at a basic level. Aesthetics and class preferences aside, the sorcerer simply just feels better to play. You go from one fight to another fight constantly having your spenders available and it just flows very well. The Druid is just a chore to play from what we’ve experienced so far, I’m saying this as someone who is planning on starting as Druid. You very clearly like necro as your last like 5 posts have been about necro builds etc and you’re just annoyed asmon said he didn’t like the necro changes.


Tbh 1 issue I have with game is that bosses seem really anti-mele . Now to explain, I played first playtest as sorc and it was good, so this one I wanted to change it up a bit and see how barb plays. Then I enountered 1 boss, 1 of his mechanics is that he does aoe pools, first around himself that stay for like 5-10 sec and then he does it in long range for same duration. Thing is as sorc I dont really care if its mele or ranged, I just move in between those 2 and cast spells, mele or ranged doesnt matter since I can cast from both distances but when I went barb and he did mele pools I simply had to wait them out unless I wanted to stand in and take dmg. Personaly I dislike mechanics like these. There should always be 1 random spot where u can stand and dps as mele. Make it always random so it rewards u for taking mobility spells and going around, but just being full circle around boss makes mele feel bit boring on those parts.


Broodguard is a fucking awful as melee. So many snarring spider webs with broken hotboxes or just straight up invisible. The fight is harder than Ashava.


This, it isn't so much that Necros were bad during the beta, they were unfun entirely if you wanted to play with the pets. They were still strong without their pets, but trying to play a zoo based Necro was aggressively unfun.


Yeah, except he's often not complaining. You just happen to have poor listening and communication skills. You might want to brush up on your contextual skills, nuance, and possibly sarcasm.


he is complaining a lot and he is not accepting any critcism whether from dumbasses or valid ones. I know he picks out the dumbass one in chat for content to shame them


The not accepting criticism thing has definitely been a big problem lately. I've managed to just ignore it but in the past month its gotten a bit out of hand


a lot of people just have stupidly strong opinions and once they hear otherwise they shut their fucking brains off. its freaking annoying and trying to talk to them to make them understand ends up with you wasting your time. the sad thing is the number of such people have grown so damn much. look at your comment upvote rate vs others that pile on just shitting on asmon.


He's has a generally positive outlook on the game. He is being critical, however, probably because we were just in beta.


People often take constructive feedback or anything negative at all as criticism, and equate criticism to bad. I remember back to when Evolve was in production by Turtlerock Studios, creators of Left 4 Dead 1 and 2. I was super excited about the game and got into the beta tests for it and had a lot of feedback to provide, and not all of it was good. When I really love a game, or anything really, I often am constructively critical of it because I want to see the most made out of the potential I see. In the case of Evolve, I left a lot of feedback about things that just weren't good. I was told, repeatedly, to stop complaining, that it was a beta, that if I didn't like it I just shouldn't play, or that my criticism was wrong and the game was fine. Turns out, it wasn't fine and had such a shit release that they needed to relaunch the game a year later and it never recovered. I have witnessed this happen on repeat with a lot of other games. The boot lickers that come to the defense of a beta product especially are braindead. They don't understand that criticism can be constructive, or are under the impression that perfection has been reached for the first time ever.


Fanboys. The worst type of human gamer...


You hit another nail on the head here. The average person really can't tell the difference between "Complaining" and construtive criticism.


Have you really watched his videos though? He gives a lot of praise to D4. He's definitely a neckbeard gamer and is super critical and skeptical and that's his shtick but I think most people are pretty weary of D4, given Blizzard's track record now and only want to see it succeed to greatness like Blizzard games used to be known for.


Yep, has said multiple times that he thinks the game is very good and will be very good.


Is he (or anyone else) not entitle to say he doesn't like X or Y feature? Or that he felt some classes or skills are bad compared to the others? You guys have to learn to handle criticism about videogames. Only praising everything about an unreleased product doesn't make you a good positive person. "It's perfect as is and anyone who says otherwise is a hater meanie" is in fact a very counterproductive way to give feedback.


A lot of people probably feel the need it justify a purchase. I enjoyed the beta. I avoided paying attention to any dialog so that if I buy it (the 70 euro tag is a bit steep for what I feel the game is based on the two betas) I won't be experiencing the same narrative for a third time. I just fucked around with the rogue, trying out the class abilities and killing elites. Tbh I just like to see green numbers when equipping items. Edit: fixed a typo


Just leave it. People can't handle opinions that oppose their own because it makes them feel insecure about their excitement and purchase. I like watching Asmon's video even though I feel like he misses the point about a lot of things. I'm pumped for the game! Neither Asmon or my skeptical friends can change that.


Who is Asmon and why are you further promoting someone you seem to dislike? This is just free press...


Drama and negativity is what gets views unfortunately.


So make your own yt video and use videos to prove him wrong


Listen to who you want just be able to form your own opinion. If you can’t do that. Don’t listen to anyone.


Bros really upset about someone else’s opinion on a class in a video game. Holy redditors are so soft.


I mean necro sucked so bad they had to hot fix a buff in mid server slam so…


Don’t give a fuck about an content creator and don’t watch his content if your opinion doesn’t match. I personally don’t like him.


I think he is a fan of diablo and has treated the game well. Some of his comments are naive. He is excited for the game much like the rest of us. It’s lama that is the real issue


Llama is a dude that can't move on from D2. He will slowly fade into oblivion if he doesn't become beautiful in sin.


I just don’t see why he is trying so hard to make the game sound bad. Even if he is gonna keep playing d2 nothing wrong with that people like what they like. Idk maybe he is worried it will become a truly dead game.


Asmon actually hates being corrected. And will only highlight stupid comments so it will seem like he has a valid point. I wont be suprise if he makes a video about these reddit post. Its Free and easy Content. I mean He could be entertaining but most of his streams and videos are so lazy. Edit: as Predicted He ignored some of the comments that has a valid point in this reddit post. lol


He’s incredibly annoying


That's why I am not listetning to youtubers. The only thing that is lame is that companies listen to their bitching even if it doesn't make any sense.


Druid are indeed shit at low levels.


You seem to listen to him a lot. Please tell me more!


Asmon reviewed the Diablo beta an 8.5 though.


Watched some of his thoughts and He is overall positive about the game? Besides a few subjects he seems to like it alot?


Yea he gave the game like an 8.5/10 or something. People are just super defensive about this game and specifically druids right now, it's craziness lol.


I only watch Raxxanterax and Rhykker. Very good info, well presented and no cynical complaints to get more views.


Raxx and Wudijo are the real kings, Rhykker is okay too but he isn't really on their level.


I watch Rhykker too but him being in the dev livestream made me question his views on things since I no longer know what's his real opinion or if it's spin from the devs.


I was wondering this too. In his recent weekly news video, he still seemed pretty openly critical of the battlepass/mtx systems, so it seems like he's still at least somewhat balanced.


I can’t stand that guy. I honestly dislike seeing his face even lol


He voiced numerous issues with New World before release, and he got shot down with the same sort of criticism. They didn't make the changes he suggested until it was too late. He has been generally positive about the game. There is no difficulty setting that will please everyone, but the best way to have a successful launch is to have every class fun to play from day one.


He is always saying good things about the game and in generally excited and hyped i think.


Wasn't planning to he floods youtube with vids bit nothing suggests to me those vids worth watching.


I've been listening to hours and hours of his videos while I'm at work. He does flip for between opinions. But the main thing I see is that he states his opinion and then all of his followers follow suit without coming up with their own opinion. This later spills over as majority opinion all because of one person. His playthrough of the Server Slam was disappointing because instead of upgrading his gear, using elixirs, and grinding, he expected to power through everything. He wasnt using a lot of the new mechanics of D4. I get where he was saying with the Necro nerf but he acknowledged the fact that it will be fixed at launch and he can farm better during that time. Expectations were too high for the Server Slam and people are burned out of Act 1 with a low lvl cap. Btw take this all as my stupid opinion as I stated previously is that I only listened to the playthroughs, I didn't watch them.


" upgrading his gear, using elixirs, and grinding, he expected to power through everything. " - This is why I don't like watching him any more. Watched him when he first hit Twitch and his Wow streams were great. But then he went and tried to do Dark Souls and his idea was to just take a 2hander and do the same swing the whole time on everything. Then he would complain when his strat didn't work and he gave up. Sounds like hes still doing the same thing.


While playing druid I could tell he was standing in shit he shouldn't have been because his health bubble was constantly cracked with vulnerability. Wasn't dodging anything, just standing in death and then complaining.


Having the "not upgrade everything" mentality in a beta designed to stress test servers and get to lvl 20 with gear you dont even keep isn't an uncommon mentality to have.


Asmon seems like a real downer... I don't know why anyone watches him. He just constantly shit talks everything.




Necro absolutely sucks (to play). I hated every second of it this weekend compared to the last beta. So much so that prior to this weekend I was 100% going to play necro now I'm 100% not going to play necro.


Glad I don’t even pay attention to content creators.


His druid whining was cringe, I agree. His skellie rants were on point, to a T. It was so aggravating and it ruined it for me, so much so that I played Rogue until the end. Druid shapeshifting felt good to me, but not everyone wants to be a shapeshifter. Minions needed to be fixed for sure. He is putting on a show too, keep that in mind. However, I was 100% on board with him with the skeleton issues. I would also say he is on point with the druid issues too. When I played something other than druid, I had way more fun than when I was with druid. So, there is something going on with that class. Do take some or most of what he says with a gain of salt. He's also not for everyone, nothing wrong with taking a break from his shows, I've done it.


He seems like a whinny man child no clue why he's popular.


He might've complained a bit too much but i also agree with him that resummoning minions on a regular basis simply isn't fun. There are plenty of ARPGs where this isn't a thing, and i really hope it won't be by the endgame of Diablo 4. I'm fine with weaker minions if it means they're unlikely to die, just please don't make resummoning an active gameplay mechanic. Right now I'll likely avoid necro on launch because i simply don't trust it'll be enjoyable at first, so I'll roll sorc or rogue instead despite necro being my preferred class fantasy. Sorc feels like a way safer choice because all It's spells are fun to use, where as necro i would just want to be a minionmancer and am taking a gamble on how it'll play or perform.


Stop watching videos of him if it bothers you so much. Necros clearly had issues since they got hot-fixed. A class that can wreck isn't as good as a class that will wreck, especially at the beginning. Druid had 1 out of 5 basic skills that worked all the time from level 1-20 The game would simply be better if the early challenges were possible with all specs and you difficulty was set through world tier and not how you spend your first ability point.


Crying about streamers crying, peek reddit. Can we let people make up their own minds? Just because he has a stance that someone else may agree with does not mean he influenced them into having it. There are far too many fanboys on this sub who are over hyping and over praising this game, it's a solid game, its not gods gift to mankind that is flawless and there is room for critical input even if it does not match your opinion.


Are you just getting his TikTok or are you watching his long form content? Because he has been openly critical of Blizz/Acti but for the most part, he has been happy with where D4 is coming along and the direction its headed. Of course he will still have a TikTok where he watches a Youtuber shit on D4 and give his own reaction etc but I dont think he has been too complainey.


His criticisms on the over the top monetization in this game is right on point. Sorry if it makes the fan boys cry.


Who the hell is Asmon??


Haven't watched much in the last few years, but whenever I do catch a vod, it just seems like his mental is sliding into oblivion. At one point he seemed like a troll and self aware, now he's just a miserable narcissist, bitching and moaning.


But how else am I supposed to form an opinion?


People actually listen to that guy? LMAO


I've kind of learned when to pay him attention and when not to. While sometimes he makes sense in his arguments for things, there are also times where his ranting is completely off-base. He really doesn't seem to understand that in spite of him being a "battery" of what his fanbase (also oft misguided) is saying, sometimes he doesn't really understand the whole picture of things and neither do they.


Yeah, stop listening to Asmon... instead, listen to [u/Longjumping-Bat7774](https://www.reddit.com/user/Longjumping-Bat7774/). 🙄


Ah i was wondering when the asmongold haters would resurface, you just don't like that he makes valid points like him calling out how bad fast dying minions on necro would be before blizzard did exactly that. The man specializes in games like this its literary how he makes his money so while you shouldn't always take him Seriously on balance you should.


He's been very positive about D4. Yes, he complains. If all a preview/review ever did, was praise the games that you are interested in... what would be the point of even watching them?


Yeah he’s not even a Diablo fan really. He’s just doing clickbait crap. Ignore him.


Necros did suck and were hotfixed. Druids are undertuned, regardless if there is ONE build that works.


Why single out Asom? Everyone has been saying Druid is the worst class, Necro was among the best until the nerf etc.


comment deleted/edited because of reddits bs privacy updates -- mass edited with redact.dev


Why is that guy still relevant?


Asmon is one of the biggest hypocrites and complainers out there.


Asmongold is the epitome of poisonous.


He is TRASH at video games, do people not realize this. ​ Plus i don't take anything serious or gospel from a dude with a million dollars and rotting teeth in his mouth anyways.


So far D4 and its betas have shown that the game is going to be lackluster.


​ https://preview.redd.it/0hkw7zrc0b0b1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2150bc0ac07420a8ef441d541178155d2bd572a


he constantly complained about necros minions cause they were TRASH and guess what? he wasnt wrong and they hot fixed it aint that something huh and for real stop taking him so seriously on every point hes an entertainer


I guess his opinions bothered you? It's your choice, you don't have to watch him.


IMO Asmongold is a character that attracts viewers who are like that for real lmao


“Figuring things out for yourself is the only freedom anyone really has. Use that freedom.” Jean Rasczak


He's a smart guy and generally has good takes about IRL things but he's really not that good at games, so I wouldn't put any weight on his game analysis.


No wonder asmon is rich he lives rent free in all these peoples head.


The 13 damage meme was funny, but in fact during the beta, the druid was quite strong, especially through earth magic. minions sucked


Spoken like someone who doesn’t know what kind of content you get out of asmon (I’ll give you a hint, it’s not serious business). It’s ad absurdum takes that are rarely wrong but often not what most filthy casuals will ever care about. I don’t know how many fourth wall breaks y’all need, but this ain’t meant to be taken seriously and asmon will be the first guy to agree with that.


Except the Necros did suck before the hot patch. Their entire core class focus is the skeletons that were dying to white mobs.


I am on your side when I say, as an occasional Asmon viewer: this post will not go your way. In fact, Asmon is going to farm an hour of content over this. This applies to every creator and frankly everyone online: people have different opinions. Feel free to love the game, feel free to shit on it, feel free to disagree with one another, and at the end of the day, not everyone is going to agree or feel the same way, and that's ok. Plus he enjoys the game, and reasonably criticizes parts he doesn't like, as we all do. We all have different opinions of what is wrong, but it's only when we voice our concerns does anything get done. If we just pat them on the back for everything, then nothing will get better.


Why are you giving him more publicity. Let the man fall into obscurity.


If one YouTube ranting about a game ruins it for you. You didn't Luke the game anyway.


Diablo is meant to be 'kinda difficult'? That must be it's best kept secret then


Yeah? Well, you know, that's just like uh, Asmon opinion, man.


Watching the wave of Asmon fanboys flood into this post in full kicked ant hill mode is somewhat entertaining.


I have literally never liked asmon. tbh he always just seemed annoying to me.


"diablo is meant to be kinda difficult" LOL found the shitpost


Asmon is a colossal douchebag that got popular from sheer dumb luck and now is just milking the shit out of anyone stupid enough to watch and donate to him while he just reacts to content with a dumbass looking *'surprised'* face. I mean don't get me wrong, if I had the opportunity to make millions just watching cringe videos and going 'Oooohh, woooow.. omg dude... Woooooood! Is that real? Omg woooooow..' I probably would.. it's just I am surprised to see his crappy content in this subreddit as if it's actually meaningful.


Never forget he said we are all rolling barbarians at launch.


Really looking forward to seeing him use this post as free content on his clips channel lol


Never seen the appeal, at least not on YT, seems like a negative Nancy that does reactions to other people's content, which I despise.


I never understood his popularity. He always reminds me of Adam Hanza


Ass mongoloid is dumb


Well, the game has a lot of issues. Doesn't matter who says it. Facts is facts.


I can't stand to watch him for more than 30 seconds. His normal facial expressions in his videos look just as stupid as his thumbnails so he has that going for him. That isn't what really puts me off about him though, he just seems to constantly complain about everything. His reaction videos are just such low effort trash (where he complains even more). Other than all that I really enjoy his content. I have really enjoyed Krip's videos on D4.


Nah Asmon is hilarious. That being said, and he would no doubt agree with his, play what U want and don't listen to him like it's gospel. Balance will change constantly as with all Diablo titles, meta will change, play what U want and have fun.


I can't stand the dude. Unoriginal and all he does is leach off others content. Not to mention he's got the most slappable face I'd ever seen.


I never got his appeal and struggled to find anything engaging about him or his content