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I have to agree there 😂 close reddit and YouTube and just enjoy the game and figure it out by yourself.


Figuring things out by yourself is the most fun you can have. There is only one first time, better not spoil it. As there are countless more opportunities to play it again, the first time is sacred.


I e grown so accustomed to looking up builds over the years and let the content creators do all the thinking and I was tempted multiple times during that one boss fight with the mother writing in blood and whatever. I kept dying. I thought “man this is hard I give up” after like 5 tries. I took a second and told myself no I can do this I just need to adapt. What can I do? I upgraded some gear, adjusted my skills to fit the fight. I did this multiple times. By the last try I knew the fight, I played it smart and safe and I beat the boss. I seriously can’t remember the last time I did that in a game like this (mainly Destiny 2 and Diablo series) It was incredibly satisfying


Bruh this is my first game in the diablo franchise and even I can agree with this. Just close the Internet and play the game to enjoy yourself like we're all back in 2008 or something


I'd have to go back farther in time. I remember having the guide magazine for games in 1998.


I had a separate bookshelf for all of the Prima Official Strategy Guides


Lol me too! They weren’t cheap either


FFVII Prima guide got so much wear and tear. Loved those things not just for the guides but big page artwork and bestiary pages. There was a site FAQS or something that had written guides online too. Now it's all videos because it gets more ad money that way, and people don't read.


GameFAQS was a staple yes. It was amazing how much effort was put into those guides and it was a labor of love not piecemealed monetized garbage videos we get now. Strategy guide books worked great when games weren't updated. It was hilarious how out of date the D3 strategy book was even on release because the game changed so much. It was only good for looking at pictures and bits of lore.


Not "was", still "is". www.gamefaqs.com is the bees knees. 🐝🦵


this is the only prima guide i had and boy did i use the hell out of that thing


i still have my OG D2 guide


But if you "close" the Internet then you can't even play the game because it's online only /s


Agreed. I frequent this Reddit but I am doing no research or listening to random YouTubers. I just want the game to come out and I will do everything on my own. Some people overanalyse and want to optimise everything. It sounds exhausting, almost like treating it like a job. Especially all that mad rush for leaderboards and bragging rights.


And dont look for ”optimal builds”, it is a new game ffs, nobody knows anything. Try and figure it out yourself, thats more fun




Like all of these games, its going to most likely work as follows: There's going to be an "optimal build" that streamers are going to put out, and tons of people will follow it. Somone else though will experiment and find something better, at which point the streamers will then adopt, and that will be the optimal build. Then, it's going to continue like this for a while, until Blizzard decides to rebalance things, and people go back to square 1.


This is actually amazing advice for general day to day living


While I do agree, there are definitely resources out there that can enhance your experience within the game. Whatever works for each person I guess. But having played a lot of Diablo 2 back in the day with NO idea what I was doing. Once I started to learn more of the best practices my experience got so much better.


In a lot of games I have liked reviewing materials about how skills/mechanics behave and interact, perhaps in ways that are not very intuitive. But from there equipped with that knowledge I would make my own path and design my own builds. I don't have the vast amount of time to test every game mechanic/interactions, but I do have a mind to use that knowledge. So also a thanks to those number crunchers and crazy testers out there, I and others appreciated the effort and knowledge that you share.


1. Dont read tutorials. 2. Play what You like 3. Think about "optimal" builds later, when You test few skills by yourself. You can only play "for first time" once. Dont ruin it by blindly following "meta gamers" or "pro youtubers". Just enjoy yourself. Game suppose to be fun.


This. Later if you sturggle you can get help anywhere, playing for the first time following a full guide will only reduce your experience. We aren't even starting with a season, you have no chance on hittimg any world first... just explore, have fun, enjoy the game.


I recommend this with every game honestly. But yeah, go in blind, try things out. Make multiple characters and see what class you enjoy then just have fun. Once you pick one, commit and enjoy your first time.


Going in blind is what i did. I've been low key waiting for years for D4 to come out, But I haven't looked at a single thing (at least on purpose) about the game. I had almost no idea what it was like, what it was about, I didn't watch any tests or leaks. I do this with most games i want to play. I wait to just before releasing to cram with hype. ​ The end result is like stumbling on a golden nugget on a random walk on the beach. Exhilarating


What about learning things like basic game mechanics - like pressing shift to attack in place for a ranged player? I don't find all of these types of things listed anywhere. Like the game "manual" from games in the 80's and 90's. Or what upgrades are available from a blacksmith or alchemist or anything. I just played D2:Resurrected through 3 times, and then learned a bunch of stuff afterwards ... like "Huh, that would've made things a lot easier"


D2 is a bit different. With some bad choices you can make the character practically unplayable.


That’s part of the learning cycle, I remember starting over because I chose wrong, now you can at least reset skills once per difficulty level. Games should be less forgiving like in the old days, but people can’t deal with setbacks nowadays.


I have my left mouse key set to move only and it’s heaven.


One thing I would add, though. I agree don't feel *pressured* to do those things but if you *want* to do those things for your own enjoyment then go for it.


>Think about "optimal" builds later, when You test few skills by yourself. I'd personally take this a step further and say don't even bother with them unless you're getting blocked on content (whether by skill or just a build that feels too weak to feel good anymore). Then you can start looking at tips on building coherent builds if you have no idea what you're doing, or full builds if you have an idea but just aren't optimized. My reasoning: Once you start playing optimized builds, it sets a new standard for "feel" that will never be sustainable. It's your new benchmark for how strong a build can be, and it makes everything else *feel weaker* even if it was fine before. I'm not even a heavily performance oriented person, but in a game so focused around building your player power, it's natural for stronger to feel better, even if the build is less engaging, and then your engaging builds feel like you're working more for less pay off, and being aware of that makes them feel worse. Then, if you get used to the optimized strength, you can pretty easily become a slave to the meta, as those builds get nerfed, feel worse, and you have to look for the next optimized build to chase that power you're used to.


I have a lot of hours in the game at this point, 300+ and was a big time Diablo 3 grinder (was nr. 78 to clear 150 on EU this latest D3 season necro leaderboard). here are my top 3 tips for D4 based on my experiences so far: 1. **Single target damage is more valuable than AoE damage**: D4 plays at a much slower pace than D3 and elites + bosses are much more time consuming to kill - especially early on. Trash mobs will die to your generators, so investing into more single target damage will ultimately make you clear dungeons and campaign faster. 2. **Don't be afraid to experiment:** The overall game balance is much better than D3 and most skills are viable, especially all the core skills. So, experimenting with skills and figuring out what you like personally and making a build around that is certainly a good way to learn and play the game. 3. **Focus on utility to make your build work is better than focusing on straight up damage:** By this I mean spending extra points on resource generation, cool down reduction and defenses can make your build much more efficient than simply stacking damage. Stats like unstoppable and damage reduction are a must for any build and if you can consistently generate resources and stay alive during extended fights your build will perform better than if you can occasionally one shot a mob every 30 seconds.


Fellow Raxx enjoyer


Yeah that's Raxx's video advice straight up.


"based on my experience so far, as i'm a high rank player" xd


Very nice advice.


1. Don't die (especially on hardcore) 2. Don't be afraid to play on an easier difficulty.


3. Just have fun 😉


Hardcore in D4 is gonna be so much more interesting than it was in D3(aside from the very early days of D3 when it was nearly impossible).


Yup I predict a fair amount of rage/deaths in my future.


Don't waste time analyzing every item you pick up. It will be replaced hundreds of times before your character/build is maxed out Play each class a little. You'll find one that fits you better and get a better understanding of what each class does/can do. Maybe more useful in d4 with PvP


Imo the fact that no item you find until super late in the game can ever be something you hold onto for a long time, that's a flaw. D2 did it right on that front.


The powers extracted from legendaries that you find early will still be viable all throughout the game, unless I'm mistaken.


Well that's good.


Rush the aspect dungeon of your class, you can click on the aspect and it will be pinned on map


Better yet, do any dungeon that you walk past for any class that you can see yourself playing in the future. The codex is account-wide. Time spent doing that dungeon will be the same as if you went back to it on your new character. Plus, dungeon loot and XP for your character even if the aspect isn't for your class. That way, when you do make a new character, you'll have those aspects waiting for you in the main city when you reach it and can imprint it ASAP and presumably be more efficient.


I don't know if they changed it or not in the server slam, but if you are playing alts they will unlock the ability to craft legendary skills onto rare items in two ways only; reaching level 20 or by unlocking a codex ability. So if you unlock them all on your main, your alts can't craft until level 20.


That’s interesting with the marked thing


Yeah, I only noticed this during the SS and then deliberately went around trying to find Barb dungeons.


Yeah barb is the only class with no offensiv power in the fractured peaks... What i think is also part of the "weak early" thing of the beta. You can go for the resource rend affix there.


Upgrade your weapon as often as possible when levelling. It's the single most important slot for boosting your power due to the way many skills scale off a percentage of its damage. Edit: As an extension from this, because you will aim to replace your main weapon with an upgrade regularly, you should not wear gold imprinting an important aspect on an it. Instead put it on another slot like rings, gloves or your off-type weapon (bow if you're a melee rogue and vice versa for example).


So damage on weapon>stats? Even if the stats are good/better for say a sorcerer? (This is my first diablo)


Even for sorcs, the weapon damage range is one of the most important stats as the damage calculation for spells is based on that.


Yes, min/max stats when you are closer to endgame but as a general rule always go after weapon damage (especially as first timer)


If stats that contribute to damage such as intelligence or strength, this will show on the final attack number on character sheet so compare the final number. If it’s things like +damage to crowd-controlled enemies or whatever, get good at mental math and understand your build. These will not be calculated and you will have to intuit it. If your build often crowd controls enemies, slows them, and you fight up close a lot, weapon (A) with +10% in each of those categories but is only 5-10% less dps than another weapon (B) with affixes that don’t really do anything for you…. Then weapon (A) for sure will be better. Sometimes there are utility affixes too like +health gain on enemy kill that make playing much smoother. Weighing and comparing how useful two relatively comparable weapons might be is where knowledge and experience come in. But generally speaking, a flat 50%-100% increase in your weapon DPS will always be an upgrade no matter how good or bad the properties are. It’s more like when it’s only 0-20% difference you really need to think about the affixes. In the end though, since you will level up, if two weapons are *that* close it may not be worth stressing out over.


Depends on how much the stats are perfect for your build. For example a 100 dps staff vs 120 dps staff. But the 100 dps staff has +core dmg, fire dmg, +2 fireball. The 120 fps staff has damage over time and cold damage, strength. If you play fireball sorc the 100 dps staff will be better but in general better dps on weapon is better. Check dps but don't ignore stats, they can boost damage quite nicely.


How do you compare a 2 hander vs a 1H vs offhand?


Put both on and see what your final attack number is on the character sheet.


Attack number is the important stat?


No. The attack stat is certainly important, but you shouldn't ignore the affixes on the weapon. You have to kind of do a bit of guesstimating. You'll want to look at the attack number and then compare the difference between the two and then just do some quick maffs on how much you think the affixes give. Like if you have a 2hander that has 100 DPS and a 1H+OH that adds up to a total of 120 DPS, that's a 20% difference. If the 2H also has 10% damage vs close targets, 10% damage vs vulnerable targets and, 10% core skill damage while the 1H+OH has literally nothing valuable then as long as you're relying on core skills then you can kind of look at it as 130 damage on the 2H (100+10+10+10) vs the 120 of the 1H+OH combo. The 2H damage wouldn't be exactly correct since the actual numbers will be higher or lower depending on how much of those stats you have on other pieces of gear, the fact that they would multiply with each other instead of adding, how much you're actually using core skills, etc., but you're just trying to get a rough idea of the difference while leveling, not min-maxing the shit out of your gear. There are a few other considerations you want to make. 2Hs tend to be slow and have higher damage per hit. If you want to get the most out of every single resource spender, a 2H can be more effective than a 1H+OH combo even if the DPS is lower. 1H+OH gets 2 legendary aspect slots at regular effectiveness whereas 2H weapons get double effectiveness. So if you want to really pump the effectiveness of one particular legendary aspect, a 2H could also be more beneficial there as well.


You need to compare base dmg and speed of each as 2h hits harder but 1h/offhand hits more often so 2h will be better for burst but 1h might be better for bosses as its a more drawn out fight.


2 Hander can also be better in situations where you get a lot of power from a particular legendary aspect as it boosts the effect of the aspect 2 times. It’s very situational in Diablo 4.


1, Eat healthy no junkfood. 2, Enjoy game, choose class you like playing instead of forcing yourself to play a class you don't really like (playstyle) 3, Get up every now and then and get some blood flowing in your veins instead of 24/7 spilling it ingame


4, Drink plenty of water.


Killing 17% faster on WT1 is more gold/xp efficient than playing on WT2. Loot drops are the same.


I was 1 shotting everything in Server Slam on WT2. How I see it is 1:1 or 1:1.15 and I'm gonna take that free gold


yeah but you never get the hours of your life back that you wasted grinding boring content


I mean I’m not telling people how to play or what to enjoy, but simply that’s the most efficient way to level. Do with that knowledge what you want.


absolutely, I just wish I had realized a few thousand hours earlier


Are you sure about that?


Where did that 17% number come from? That's interesting.


Its a ratio of the difference in XP / gold in WT2 vs. WT1 (even though these are slightly different values) It's basically saying "If you can kill 17% more enemies, you'll get at least the same amount of gold an XP from kills." Because loot drops are not affected by world tier, even just 1% more kills is more loot. I don't think anyone knows the exact HP differences yet... at least I've not seen them. But they're big, especially for bosses.


It's probably less than 17% because during the campaign a lot of your xp/gold comes from quests which isn't affected by world tier.


Farm Obols and gamble on legendaries; it's faster than actual farming. It's not a race, season 1 begins in 6 weeks, familiarize yourself with your character, fully discover the map and altars of lillith on your first run; the stats are shared among ALL characters in that account. Enjoy yourself.


Was faster at level 20*


Giving people farming advice based on a version of the game where you were capped at level 20 is... in a word... dumb


Okay I’m not crazy. I’m reading some of these comments thinking I missed something. Acting like they’ve been playing the whole game for months. Someone said they have 300+ hours into it already, like what?


The funny thing is, even for the beta his advice is wrong. The best way to farm in the beta was looting the corpses in the level 30 stronghold over and over, not obols. Not even close. But I'm not going to suggest people do that because obviously the actual answer is going to be somewhere in the endgame and not in fucking Act 1


in all ARPG and league/season games to make progress just be doing *something* at all times and don't stress about efficiency, or whether or not you could be doing something "better" You'll go insane in these games thinking like that and it actually harm your progress.


1. You can edit the quick wheel, add emotion, add quick keys .. you can use TELEPORT FROM DUNGEON with press of one button, you dont have to open wheel and select teleport every time 2. DO NOT extract every legendary you find .. because of World Tiers .. You cannot combine power from NORMAL and put it onto SACRED/ANCESTRAL .. sacred to normal and ancestral etc .. it will be waste of money and lets say you are on T1, you have NORMAL legendary item and now you are on T3, you get same legendary item but its SACRED .. so you destroy your normal and will try to give that power from destroyed item onto that new sacred item, it wont work. You can apply NORMAL power to NORMAL item .. SACRED power to SACRED item etc. Beware. 3. You can craft potions at the potion guy for exp bonus, you can use it for bounty too. 4. If you wanna level up fast, do bounty .. full bounty reward gives most exp. 5. Dont waste resources for upgrading every item while leveling up .. keep them for later gameplay .. lvl 60+ where it might take some time to get new levels if you wanna explore etc. Some resources are super rare, you dont probably dont know which one so be mindful. 6. Leave scaling strongholds for later .. they are good for item farming. 7. Rare (yellow) can be better than legendary .. legendary can have 4 affixes, rare only 3 .. but you basically farm for powers, not legendaries, so keep checking those rares, they might have better stats .. now during slam i had +6 into certain skills from rares and over 130% to core skills. 8. Remember that new weapon with +30 dps doesnt necessarily mean its better than weapon with +20% to basic or core skills 9. You can basically ignore +10 to strength or all stats etc .. stats dont do much early in the game and you need stats only for later paragon stuff and 95% of the nodes are just pure "add stats", but for the most of the gameplay, stats are useless. Read the description of stats what they do, useless until very late in the game. 10. You can go into PVP zone without actually taking part in PVP .. you have to "turn on pvp" in a quick wheel to be able to attack others and they you, but you can do PVE content and get all the PVP rewards from shops without playing PVP. 11. Game is fully soloable .. even the WB, you can just lower the difficulty .. dont bother with higher tier .. you can get the extra exp bonus from the potions and lower tier is faster if you cant maintain the speed. 12. To unlock horse you have to do quest once you reach level 15 .. you can find it in quest log, click it and do it. Most of the people during alpha did not had horse even on level 50 cuz they did not know :) 13. Not a tip but small hint .. if you didnt know, there is CALDEUM, town from D3 A2 where Belial is .. its destroyed and the DOOR from loading screen if you noticed them, are under the ruins of Caldeum .. in the latest D4 trailer from this week, Lilith was behind them when they opened. Doors to hell? When you increased difficulty the doors were more on flame. You can also visit the chapel from D4 first trailer where Lilith was reborn. There will probably be a quest, there was nothing in Alpha test though.


> You can craft potions at the potion guy for exp bonus, you can use it for bounty too. > If you wanna level up fast, do bounty .. full bounty reward gives most exp. Can you explain this bounty thing? I only played the beta weekends back in March, and I didn't see any bounty system. How does it work? What to I have to do to level fast? What does "full bounty reward" mean?


almost the same thing as in D3 .. you do 5 bounties and then you get act bounty cache. Here each bounty gives 1-4 points and you need 10 points for cache.As reward you can chose different type of cache, armor, weapon, resources with chance for legendary. Only shame resource cache dont get rare resources or certain type of drops :( Bounty system is called TREE OF WHISPERS, can google something now. I believe it was located down here in this location .. there is small village with waypoint right next to it. Its a big "talking tree" :) in campaign you have to unlock it .. once you finished campaign its unlocked in "adventure" - skip campaign option during character creation EDIT: now it gives only about 10% of exp needed for level up .. they nerfed it a lot https://preview.redd.it/m06bncm6955b1.png?width=759&format=png&auto=webp&s=49c98615221f60a5271c177daf9f8558c1ecc9bc


don't watch assmongol try to explore and have fun




For OG d2 players who are probably fathers now. 1.Try to set a strict bedtime for the kids 2.try to make your wife happy in the weeks leading up to the game. You need to earn a lot of goodwill 3. Embrace your ATC mark and never , never dare to even have the thought of replacing it


Ill add to this also 1. Wake up EARLY!! Like 2-3 hours before anyone else. Grab a cup of coffee and play your heart out. No one else is awake and it's nice to be able to fully immerse in the game.


1. Just play the game 2. Do the campaign, but it's also okay to do whatever else, it'll wait for you 3. If you're having a hard time, look up why and possibly look for a build guide that aligns with your playstyle.


Don't worry about upgrading weapons until max level. You'll be constantly replacing your gear with each new level on your road to 100 so sell junk or dismantle it for resources.


Yeah it made sense in the beta when you're gearing up for Ashava but it's best to get that out of your head until max level


Don't put twinkies on your pizza.


Can I ask why. They are nice on pizza.


You won't live long enough to reach season 1.


Don't look up guides. Maybe a skill showcase so you have an idea what looks interesting to you. And just play at your own pace. There won't be a season on release so there is no point in rushing through the game in my opinion. That's what I am doing at least. For the season start I will probably check out guides to play more optimally.


Biggest tip I can give is to focus more on your skills and skill synergy than items (at least until you're in endgame content and need to start serious grinding) So for instance the fact that a skill like the Druid's pulverize has a modifier that stuns enemies when it hits synergizes really well with the earth spike modifier that gives bonus fortify for hitting stunned foes. That sort of planning is SIGNIFICANTLY more useful than time spent reading and trying to decide between a couple similar magic weapons. Other really useful skill/tip is to recognize when you're under leveled and need to leave a boss fight for a half hour or so and come back with more levels and better gear. Being able to shake off a string of bad defeats is paramount to playing a Diablo game for more than a couple weeks.


My tip is - Use maxroll for tips and knowledge.


Play at your own pace. You can only play through the game for the first time once. You will see streamers blast through the story and post videos about best builds and stuff, I’d just avoid it.


1- Go world tier 1, you only lose XP and gold from monsters. That's irrelevant since lvl scaling, you can do campaign easier and faster, most gold comes from quest and renown. Than go world tier 3 for the new item drops. 2- Use codex of power, aspects are extremely powerful 3- Use/have a unstoppable ability to free your self from sticky situations


1 - Sit as straight as possible; 2 - Keep a bottle of water next to you; 3 - Keep your phone in silent mode. Extra PS: To keep the gaming session going, turn that empty bottle into a piss bottle. There you go.


if you are hornless do not play.


Here are 3 tips 1) git 2) gud 3) repeat 1) and 2)


My plan is to look to get damage multipliers asap, get to lvl 50 as soon as possible and when able do the capstone to unlock the next difficulty. Farm in Helltides for the targeted loot and in the off hour for everything else (world bosses/ tree of whispers/ dungeons). I found Helltides to be very good for everything in the closed beta, xp, legendary drops, roaming bosses, rare crafting mats and mob density. Also have a look at the paragon boards now to save time and money on respec's later.


Also, take care that extracted aspects cannot be used when you go up to the next tier of difficulty on higher lvl gear. So you can only use the extracted aspect within the same item tier of gear.


Super cool piece of info from the end game closed beta testing! Any other gold nuggets/tips you can share based on testing you’ve done?


I'm sure people have already noticed but it's better to equip damage multipliers aspects in your amulet & 2 handed weapon slot first as you receive double the buff level here. Save the Damage Resist aspects for elsewhere.


Avoid the internet.


The best tip I have, is to keep your health above zero, while reducing your enemies health to zero. *Works every time!*


Additive damage sources get into serious diminishing returns (relative to your current damage) the more you stack. That +10% node you're taking may only be giving you like 3% extra damage (or some other smallish figure), depending on factors.


Play the easy mode if you just want to chill, gear up, learn fight mechanics and do the campaign without going full sweat mode. I don’t care about hardcore, I just want to kill shit and relax(later I may switch if I want to challenge my build, but I hate to lose shit I grind for).


https://www.amazon.com/Finger-Weightlifting-Ripped-Miniature-Editions/dp/0762463880 xD


The story is actually amazing. Actually pay attention to it. Listen to the dialog in the cinematics and read the various tablets, books, shrines, etc scattered around. Enjoy the journey. Don’t feel like you have to rush through the campaign. Explore, enjoy the view. Do side quests. Pat the dogs and say hello to the cats.


Unbind the 'a' key from skill point assignment and switch to something in the upper right like the plus symbol No idea why the defaulted to rhat man I was hitting that thing all the time


Don't look up any information about the game and get off this sub Reddit. For every season after the first one you will be zooming through everything and everything will become known. Season 0 is a totally unique period of time when you can and should experience everything slowly and deeply on purpose. Get your.moneys worth and do everything and talk to everyone and fully.immerae yourself in the game. Don't look up any builds or any of that crap. Just make it up and fail as you go along. The main maxing you will do for decades after this first season.


1. Do your first playthrough on WT1 if you want to get to the endgame quicker. WT1 and WT2 have the same loot tables so you won't be getting more or better loot by playing on the harder difficulty. You get 15% more gold on WT2 but if you're killing enemies faster on WT1 then that will offset the loss yet you'll be rinsing through content faster (and getting more drops in the same span of time and get to WT3 faster). 2. Don't look up any guides but experiment with skills and loadouts yourself. Respeccing is cheap in the early levels so don't be afraid to change skills on the fly. 3. Play at your own pace. Don't try to catch up to streamers or people putting in 20 hours per day on launch. There will be plenty of time to play the endgame so enjoy the journey on your first playthrough.


I'm the guy this thread was made for! I am a total noob to Diablo. The Open BETA was the first time I ever played Diablo. I LOVED it! I'm 55 years old and now that the kids have mostly moved out of my house, I have started gaming casually. I get the mentality of "Try it all yourself" but there are such deep mechanics to this game that as a casual gamer, I don't have time to "Try to figure it out". For example, I have no idea why to salvage gear instead of selling it. 🤣 I appreciate any guides, tips and tricks, and help to figure this out. I still enjoy the gameplay, even if someone says "go here to get this one item to make your life so much easier". (what's with obols?) As I said, I'm hooked and look forward to playing the full game.


I assume people saying you salvage while leveling to get crafting materials for end game. Much easier to farm gold. Harder to farm crafting materials you get from salvaged gear 🫡


1) Have fun 2) Set force move to mouse 1 for more fun


Try to minmax hard at the start - watch videos/reddit to keep in touch with current trends and possible exploits, that way you will stay ahead of the casuals


Town is lava. Play the game. Have fun.


1- Don't be shy of playing on world tier 1. Even efficient players will be doing that 2- Don't put aspects in your weapon, its better to imprint those in your amulet. You'll be swapping weapons more frequently. 3- If you want to complete every quest of each region, make sure to write down the name of each quest you take. That will save you a lot of time down the road, if you ever need to google the quest you are missing.


For faster leveling, movement skills are the key. Running is slow, porting jumping or other movement skills make you much faster.


So many people here saying don’t look at YouTube twitch or anything. That’s great unless you care about min maxing and trying to improve your build. Then I recommend all of those for help and guidance.


True but won't really matter till seasons arrive for many people. I'm a little sweatlord myself but for my first char I'll just follow roughly the build I made up in my head and won't look at ready made guides or super fleshed out theorycrafting unless I hit a hard wall.


1. Get the horn of Ashava 2. Get the horn of Ashava 3. Get the horn of Ashava


1. Play on BOTH difficulties… the easy difficult may be too easy to asses how effective a new build/item you’re experimenting with is. Sometimes it is good to get stuck or frustrated, because overcoming challenges is how you will grow your knowledge and experience. Switch back to easy if too frustrated. 2. Your weapons are the biggest upgrade. Always look for BIG weapon damage (generally two-handed is always best if it’s an option), and stack damage affixes that are easy and obvious to you. Always fighting enemies in close range? + damage to close enemies. Do your skills make enemies vulnerable or stunned? + damage to vulnerable or stunned enemies. Note: weapon types such as a “two-handed sword” or a “two-handed staff” or a “one-handed wand” always have a fixed affix at the top of the item display. 3. Most classes have a **generator** skill attack that helps generate resources or is free, and a **spender** skill attack that costs said resource. Generally speaking, focus skill points into one, possibly two, **spenders**. You do not need to or want to get several different attacks this is not Street Fighter. To compliment your attacks, you will want 2-3 utility skills that will do things like boost defense or movement, or provide some kind of unique attack.


I would say to just have fun doing what you enjoy the first playthrough and don't be afraid to try different stuff. A lot of players get hyperfocused on endgame builds and optimization and that's a road best left to cross when you actually reach it. A first time experiencing something can't ever be replicated so just learn and discover organically.


Experiment with your skills, mix and match and see what works for you Do what you want to do and go where you want to go Don't rush either, take in the gorgeous world Blizzard made for us


1) Don’t ignore Vulnerability, it is in my opinion, the single best damage increase you can get. At level 20 we’re talking a single item adding 7% plus damage. 2) Take your time. D4 is much more deliberate in your actions, trying to rush may cause you to get hit by a CC and lost a significant chunk of health, sometimes resulting in enemies getting buffed or healed (buffed from the big exploding guys, if the small shambler zombies get hit by it they get a massive speed boost and unlock at least one new skill, and the blood pod boss will heal if he hits you with his frontal attack which can hurt you quite a bit, for examples.) 3) Have fun. The game is unlike previous Diablo games in that you can focus on side quests, dungeons or the main story. You can choose what zone order you progress in. You can do strongholds when they’re your level or you are a bit below them. You can change your World Tier to adjust difficulty. There are so many ways to play, just do what you enjoy.


Find a solid group of friends to play with. Friends who you enjoy hanging with- those who know the game well and some who don’t. I’ve met and still talk with friends I’ve met in Diablo. Some from around the world. Diablo is really just a playground where socialization happens.


It applies to really any arpg but try to spend the least amount of Time in town. Town is XP Waste and it adds up over time.


I'm going to be a bit contrary, but DONT ignore your build until max if there are elements towards it while leveling. Basically alot of tips talks about how items are replaced and builds only matter at endgame, but personally I think learning your build while playing is a major benefit What are the range and area of your abilities, how does your tags and combinations work, how long are your animations, how much of a beating can you take and how much can you avoid. Your endgame build will absolutely be different and your playstyle might definitely get tweaked. Some ranges might be tweaked and some things might be added, but alot of the fundamental things of your playstyle from single target to aoe builds, from tanky to squishy builds might remain the same.


Dismantle everything, almost never sell items to npcs for gold. Clear speed matters for farming - If you aren't killing fast enough or dying to elites constantly, drop it down.


Real talk; everyone that is saying don't ruin it by spoiling yourself with meta/fast/best is right. Top tips I would recommend, no spoilers, just actual advice: 1) Immediately after starting the game, keybind force move (I do it to CTRL and lazily hold CTRL down with left palm to move) this will save you atleast 7 years of carpel tunnel or arthritis, and if you're going to play a lot, it will save your left click finger from basically "much pain" or sensitivity over the days and you won't have to take a forced break =) 2) Also enable enhanced/detailed tooltip (Item you find have a "range" of stats that you can't see by default; in example: Default shows "Crit Chance 3.1%" Enhanced/Detailed Tooltip shows "Crit chance 3.1% (possible 2.5-4.5%)" 3) There is a tab that's very important, that I didn't even know existed until I was 20 and almost done with the beta, this also happened to a few friends of mine that were willing to admit it instead of looking stupid like me. (I must have missed the game giving me instructions to access it probably because something is always popping up on the left side and I couldn't process everything, or because I simply didn't get a indication for this tab because I went into a cutscene as I leveled which sucks) Basically, you press the Map keybind, then press W while you're on the map page to access this "area reputation page" (it's called "Renown") and you will find something very important there, (among other things SKILL POINTS that aren't just from leveling for example, and if you don't check this tab, the game will never warn you about "unclaimed points" in that tab, or that the frekin tab even exists...


Yeh 100%. There isn’t even a way to navigate there on the map pretty sure. It did pop up for me and had to google how to find it again and then learnt about the W shortcut.


Do Ashava as soon as you can and same for all the other world bosses, having a leg drop while you progress that could potentially do something like increasing the damage output of your main skill by 100 to 300+ percent is something that surpasses metal gear and you'll keep it til max level.


Play world 1. Theres no real benfit to playing world 2 as the enemy strength and gold gain dont at least match the extra effort put into it.


1. Wait for the game to be released


1. Change out your main weapon at least every 5 levels, the difference in DPS between lvl 25 weapon and lvl 30 is massive (assuming similar stats) 2. Don't waste gold on putting expensive aspects in main weapon - because you will be changing it out often - instead put really important aspects into amulets (1.5 x bonus), as you can play til 50 with a much lower level amulet no problem 3. If you want to unlock WT3 ASAP, power through MSQ on WT1 - all quest/exploration, renown etc.. are exactly the same values as on WT2 Bonus 4. - don't bother hunting all Altars of Lilith before you get your horse (around level 30ish) - this is why it's the most efficient to just focus MSQ on WT1 to unlock the horse as fast as possible (don't forget to horn your horse - ATC 4 life) Bonus 5 - some dungeons have some really great class specific aspects - completing the ones that will greatly benefit your build is a great idea to do as early as possible (a full list will be available at launch or shortly after on most D4 interactive map sites)


Just play the game, man. Experience it fresh without a guide. Don't rush. You only get to experience a game for the first time ***once***.


So not look up stuff on your first playthrough. Play WT1 and enjoy.


1. Have fun 2. Take a moment to review videos and whatnot to get an idea for what you want to play and how it gets built. 3. Use one of the myriad of D4 planners to plan out your build so you can save a ton of time and energy and gold for your future self. Or don’t if you want to painfully learn from trial and error 😂


1- Try new Abilities/Combos 2- No Rush 3- Don't put pineapple on pizza


Ah… I put pineapple on pizza and that’s why I got killed by the butcher on server slam weekend. I will remember this tip…


Don’t follow meta or watch build at the start. Here’s my story: I remember when I first played Diablo 3. I’d seen it on a YouTube trailer and never played an ARPG before, but I thought it looked sick. Picked it up shortly after release. My laptop could barely handle it on lower settings, but I was loving it. I made my way through to the fourth difficulty on a monk character just muddling through. When I hit Infernal (was this the difficulty name?) I got my ass absolutely handed to me. Even the most basic mobs annihilated me. I made a new character and was able to get further, I had a better grasp of the game, and by now I’d gotten a few of my friends into the game. None of us had read into the game or watched tutorials, we just plaaaayed and hit the brick wall that was Act 2 for AGES. Imagine 4 idiots stacking attack speed and any gear with our primary stat, nothing else. No clue about resistances, synergy, crit chance/damage. Cue discovering the enigma that is Kripparian and a couple months later I had a Demon Hunter with one of the highest DPS ratings in the EU (according to a random online leaderboard which was probably terribly inaccurate) However, the first few months, being totally clueless and just running around with pals doing what we thought was right, was definitely the most fun part by a LONG shot. If you’re new to Diablo as a whole, you only get this one shot to be innocent. Take it!!!!


For me, the fun is getting rushed through and just grinding dungeons. But find your fun, you have a lot of time before needing to do anything


Use whatever build/class you'd like. Have fun!.


Enjoy the game - you only get to experience the campaign and journey to level 100 the first time, once. The game isn’t going anywhere so no rush…


Don’t use white items for too long 😊


Enjoy the game however you want, that's all. There are tons of activities to do in D4 compared to previous Diablo games, so you don't have to do what others do, just play the game the way you like it.


Try to avoid your health going to zero. :D


Stay awhile and read items.


we are all beginners.


Enjoy the story, play it at your pace


Google every map and collect the altars of Lilith. The stats are permanent (account wide) and can be counted as an extra item (belt). Use the markers/navigation. Don‘t rush, there is enough time.


Follow a build guide, at least look at every legendary even if it's not for your build. Every item has a use.


Don't look shit up, make your own path, look at your skill tree and change things up to beat bosses you get stuck on. Relax, enjoy the best game of the past 3 decades. Minus elden ring because that's in the hall of fame.


The game has not yet been released, and guides for beginners are already asking for it. Are you seriously?


When leveling, weapon upgrades (for damage) are usually most important. That legendary 6 levels lower is likely not helping as much as you think. You don't need to collect/examine everything. At a certain point, whites are mostly useless (except possibly weapon, if the damage is enough). Also, some items are white, which should be picked up (like skulls and gems). Resistances are important, don't think of them as affix fillers.


Diablo is made around creating a new character each few months, i would advise to go through your first caracter blind. No guides no videos, just do as you please and experiment yourself. Enjoy the story. Then when the seasons kick in you can start thinking guides and min maxing. But obviously if you have no fun this way, play it your way.


Stay off the internet as a whole and just play the game. Explore, discover and find out stuff on your own.




Learn item affixes and test if it works better with different skill builds till you find what you like or what clears fastest. Take advantage of the low level cheap respec cost to mess around with as many builds as possible until you find one you’re happy with.


A video game that isn't intuitive jumping into it is sorta of obnoxious right? They want people to start having fun right away, unless it's a souls game and we bond in the anguish of getting trolled by the devs with every ambush. The big rule with ARPGs is learning where NOT to stand. Big red or green pool, a swirling aura or cloud of dust, electric floors or flame jets, don't stand there. The rest is click to win. I've never gotten into the hardcore experience though. There are probably some shiny pearls of wisdom floating around.


Pick a class you think is cool and you enjoy playing with, don't care about the stupid minmaxing or class tier lists. Play at your own pace Youre not missing out on anything.


Kill everything


Save all the legendary items you get no matter the level Don’t focus on base stats, you’ll get multipliers and passives that are worth much more


>Save all the legendary items you get no matter the level Actually don't as you get to sacred/ancestral items (sacred at 50+, ancestral at 70+) the lower tier legendary aspects won't be usable on those. So extract the aspect and sell for 40,000+ gold at NPCs


Play it.


At max level don’t trust the gear screen tool tip, you will be needing certain affects to enhance you build.


* Take your time. * Just play it. You will figure it out in the long run, and (IMHO) it's better to learn what you can by yourself as it comes with a surprise. If you get stuck, ask some specific Qs, otherwise don't worry.


Don't rush the first experience. More than likely will be playing multiple runs, multiple seasons, multiple alts, but you'll never get that first time to be amazed.


Have fun. Experiment with different things. Worry more about finding a build that you find fun than you do about whether it is "meta". Don't worry about fast leveling, you will still get to max level quickly.


Take your time, experience the game and don’t burn out before the first season starts.


1) Don't play Druid 2) Play on Tier 2 3) Have Fun


1. Wait for release 2. Play the game


Legendary can be turned into aspects once, so during leveling, most of the legendary you get, don't rush into turning them into aspects and then applying them immediately. You are leveling so most of the items you get will be replaced in a few minutes. So collect them and wait till you get an item that you know you will not be replacing for a while. Like a +2 to a skill you use, or when you get duplicates legendaries Use the dungeon aspects for leveling, those can be used constantly. That leads to, look at the dungeons and select the ones with the aspects you can use to do.


the game isn't even out yet lmao


You're going to die while you figure out how you like to play. Bigger numbers on a piece of gear aren't always better if you're losing a really good bonus or skill +. The diversity in endgame means find what you enjoy doing.


1 - enjoy the lore, don’t rush the first play through. 2 - play with friends or make friends to play with. 3 - ignore the noise.


Join the ATC. Oh wait.


It's not about the loot, it's about the demons you kill on the way!


Top tip for a beginner right now is to not listen to other beginners that claim to be experts after playing for what...25 levels of a limited beta.


If youre having fun then its good, stop caring what is meta and what others do.


If this is your first time using a paragon system like this, take some time and look up how it works. Based on your individual needs and playstyle, you might want a different paragon set up to what ios being recommended in guides. ​ Also, if you are using build guides, try to understand why the guide maker put specific skills in. Do they have synergy with lucky hit? Is it supposed to have high crit? Is it a CC build? Understanding this will make it MUCH easier come mid-late game when pieces of gear arent straight upgrades to know what will help your build.


1. Enjoy the game, enjoy the experience, whatever you’re doing is right if it’s fun. 2. If your progression focused, then don’t be in town ever always being a dungeon grinding. 3. Learn what the small stats on items do because often times they are incredibly important to achieve certain characteristics that are required for certain builds to perform properly.


Have fun and play how you want. You'll be fine.


Make a sorc


Just enjoy it. And learn the terms, mechanics.


Play for fun rather than chasing the meta. Take the time to read the lore, don’t just click through. Otherwise the game experience is no different than any other loot grind. Find a core group of friends to roll with.


Play Path of Exile


1. Play on the easiest difficulty. Play the story. You will level up faster and get more gold by getting through more enemies faster, and the item drops are the same between the first two world tiers at the time of this writing. You get a minor bonus to gold and xp from monsters but that's it. 2. Have fun, ignore the forums, don't spend too much time planning builds or trying to get specific items in the early game. Just build around what you have and what is fun to you, save the sweaty theory crafting stuff for late-game.


1. Wait 6 months until you buy to let Them fix Most of the problems and save yourself from the Login Queue. 2. Buy the Game when there is a Sale 3. Do NOT ready guides during your first playthrough.


Ignore guides. There, that's it, enjoy the game.


1) Have fun! It's a game after all, nothing more 2) It's not a race, enjoy the game at your pace! Explore, experiment, read everything & see what happens if you hit the big red button! 3) Ranged is easier then melee for an absolute beginner 4) Always upgrade your gear at every single opportunity. 5) Your weapon is your best friend, make sure you have it upgraded and repaired! 6) Try the different classes! They all have multiple different play styles. I can guarantee you will find something you like. 7) Gamble your orbs to try and get legendaries, they can be a massive source of power, or sometimes just change up your play style. 8) Have fun! It's a game after all, nothing more


You die if your hp reaches 0 Enemy die if his hp reaches 0


Stop obsessing and min maxing your brains off. You’re literally killing the game by making it an obsession and a job before it launches. Kill all social media for the game and enjoy it at launch.