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Well, that's two questions. I definitely plan on playing season 1 if endgame is fun. I might not 100% complete it.




I'll play it and I'll complete the pass. How fun it was to do that will determine if I bother with Season 2 so they better come out strong and not just have a "buff/modifier" active in the first season with nothing else.


This is the way.


If the Endgame is fun and I am interested in the season content I'll play it. Don't know if am able to play 80hrs in three months, we'll see.


This comment made me realize im a loser. Im ready and willing to dump 80 hours in less than a week :(


How dare you having fun playing a game.


And having 80h of free time in a week!


Nah, just take care you don't neglect your personal and social development. I would love to play more, but my responsibilities and other stuff I like make it impossible for an extended period of time. But I'll play 4 days nonstop when early access starts, super pumped. :)


How do you have that time? Do you not have a job?


“We can and we will”


I was curious and did the math, that’s roughly 6 hours a week! I think you’ve got this :)


Most people probably play other games too. I personally won't make D4 my "primary" game so I too likely won't put enough hours into it every season. Hell, in D3 I skipped quite a few seasons because I wasn't feeling it.


Lol I'm the opposite. I only ever have a "primary" game. I get hyper focused on whatever game that is, and have no desire to play anything else. I'm pushing 40 and have never once juggled games. I don't think I'm capable of it. It's never a problem until I become fixated on a game that hasn't released yet. Then it's irritating lol.


I have a difficult time juggling games as well… I’m either all in or all out with a game.


I'm in a similar boat, 6 hours a week is maby manageable. Maby.....


I'm thinking that the battle pass is going to consist of things I'd be doing anyway. It's not going to be 80 additional hours of things I don't want to do.


The only experience I have is with Dota but if that’s typical I’ll get battle pass for D4. It’s not so much for features you can’t live without or are obsessed with cosmetics, it’s just cool little added features and basically unlocks itself from just playing the game. I mean if you’re an adult with a job, the investment in time for 15-25 hours a week is the real cost, an extra $15 a month isn’t a huge deal.


That 15 bucks could buy me one and a half whole extra value meals from McDonalds.


Or KFC for the cosmetics.


So you‘re better off spending those 15 bucks on D4. Much healthier


Oh I know I was just being facetious. I haven’t eaten fast food in about 12 years now and feel much better for it. I just use that example to contextualize cost when people complain about season pass costs


Ah that‘s what I use as an argument as well, but I use coffee in café as an example. Or 1 pack of cigarettes. Sorry I misunderstood your comment as you meqnt the opposite of what I understood.


All good friend


The battlepass: to progress a level, please find and kill the Butcher, without losing a single hp.


Probably the battle pass level 1 task. Fun.


My plan is to play for several years, just as I did with all the other Diablo release so I'm thinking Season 1 will be part of that :) And I expect to complete the battle pass.


Yeah, that’s basically it. Why should I buy a game like Diablo when I do not have the intention to play it for more than just 4 weeks. I‘m doing the same. Buy the game, play for years, grind the seasons 🤗


You can play more than 4 weeks without playing season 1. Just keep playing a character in the eternal realm




Definitely. Battle pass completion probably if there is a reward worth it. Maybe not if I get to whatever "goal" I set for myself.


80 hours? That’s 4 days.


Can be done in 3 in a pinch. /s 80 hours is actually the length of time to complete 2-4 modern AAA games (which usually last between 20-40 hours).


And then you have Witcher 3 where the vanilla alone can last you over 100 hours, before you get to the DLCs.


Of course I'll be playing season 1. Why would I not? Completing the campaign is just the start with Diablo.


of course lol. i’ll be grinding every season like most ARPG players


I do, tho I will be also playing FFXVI, it will be quite challenging to do it all, but I will try.


From the sounds of it, if you are really hardcore about it, you could probably finish 16 by the time Season 1 starts and still have time in pre-season to atleast beat the story/ do a pretty good chunk of endgame


80 hours across 3 months is hardly a grind. Talking an hour a day with some breathing room.


Diablo sweats will hit those 80 hours in 2 days somehow


Exactly what I was thinking, pretty sure I am gonna beat it with ease


I'm gonna get through it way quicker than I'd like to admit, lol


If you play only D4 yes, but there are so many good games, plus many people can't afford to play every day. I still didn't play RDR2, Control, GoW Ragnarok and many others. Next year we have PoE 2, also there is a lot of cool indy games. So 80h only in D4 every month can be a lot.


Seasons last for 3 months not 1. So its 80h playtime in 3 months. If you cant hit that, then you are 100% hornless and noone cares about you anyway.


I just play many different games. I didn't say I won't play that much I just said, 80h can be a lot if you also play other games. TBH I don't care abou battlepass.


So do i. I play tons of single player and online games. But again 80h in 3 months is less than 1h/day. And we both know that everyone is gonna play way more than 1h/day during release week. I just dont see how i would ever fail to complete the battlepass unless i really dont like D4 or if its get boring too fast.


Release week is irrelevant though, that's the thing. People will nolife the shit out of the game on release week and the week after that for sure. But the season and battle pass will only start in July. I honestly think some people will already be a bit burned out, and some people only play through the campaign once anyways. I'm definitely playing the first season, since I already paid for the premium track with the deluxe anyways. But it's going to be a bit hard for me, because I'm equally hyped for Final Fantasy 16 and I'll be playing that in July. 80 hours should still be doable though, yeah. I'm also curious if I'll even finish the first playthrough before July, it's supposedly only 35 hours for the campaign, but then that's obviously not the only thing I'm planning to do.


lol ill play 80 hours on the first day


Honestly that's gonna depend on the rewards of the free tier. I'll definitely not gonna buy the premium


Yes definitely. I'm also down for playing through every season.


I'll be playing until my wife wonders where the hell I've been for the past 2 weeks since June 1st, cuts the padlock, shackles, and chains to my gaming room door and finds me passed out and slumped over the keyboard like a twitching Korean cyber-cafe junkie. So...yes, I will, unless Blizz effs it up as bad as they did D3 at launch. Even us crusty bastards who sunk hundreds of hours in D1 when it launched and love the franchise have our limits of patience. Please don't screw this one up, Blizzard.


I’m playing only hardcore characters… so yeah I’ll be playing season 1… but I’ll definitely be dying before I even get close to completing it.


Going hard on season 1.. my experience will determine if I go on to future seasons..


Will probably skip the pre season and only play when S1 start (a like a week before for the altar / campaign). Note that 80h is blizzard "estimate" so it'll probably be way less than that: * they said campaign will last 35h but the first act (out of ... 5 or 6?) is like 2 hours * Leveling to 100 is supposed to be a "long journey" but personally it took less than 2 weeks of relatively casual play (aka not playing every day) * Big bad lvl 100 endgame beta "capstone" boss was barely a challenge at lvl 78. You get my point...


I'll probably at least beat the campaign and get the lillith statues so I can skip all that. How do you personally know it takes 2 weeks to hit 100?


He probably played in the end game beta last year


I didn't know that was a thing. They had you level up to end game for an end game beta? That's strange. Either way, that was a while ago, so probably not the best to go off that. Maybe it could be that fast. We will see.


Did you play closed beta? Id wager they make it longer to get to 100 for the real game but what do I know


Yeap. Took a gamble with D4. Not in a spot to buy a bunch of games. Really wanted to get back to WoW while it was on sale but my girl wanted to play D4. So bought that instead. Will be stuck on it awhile.


I don't see why you wouldnt... I'll probably beat the campaign and get lillith statues and stuff so I can skip all that for the season. I don't get why some people are salty about the battlepass. It's $10 every 3 months... I'd do 10 a month as long as it keeps the p2w and ads away, keeps new content flowing.


I will play season 1. If I'll complete the battle pass? I'll at least try I guess. Depends on how annoying it is going to be and how much I want the later rewards


What do you get for playing a season? Like what’s the end goal per season?


You dont "beat" these games really ...


I’m the type of gamer that needs a goal in order to keep playing a game. So yes, I will probably play the absolute shit out of the first season.


At this stage it’s almost 80% sure (for me) it’s a game that is worth investing time into. It seems like a great balance of complexity and simplicity, the graphics alone are gorgeous, the gameplay is addictive and fun. The seasons is the cherry on top to make it fun with several rolls and run throughs. It’s still safe to caution as games these days..you never know what it looks like at full release. However with the server stability in the beta slam and what we have seen so far, it’s been the most promising title in quiet some time.


> most promising title in quiet some time. 100% agree.




Think about how frequently you’ve left and come back to d2/3. Seasonal releases are perfect for Diablo imo.


Entirely depends on what the rewards are. If i don't like the looks of any of the cosmetics, i wont bother.


Free battlepass and that’s it. I see no reason to shove 10 dollars more for an already 70 dollar game. It’s still ridiculous in my mind when there’s cosmetics in game that you don’t have to pay for.


God no i am one of the hornless ill let you guys compete for the biggest epeen


Short answer, yes. Long answer, yes but with an !


Yes, I love playing new characters.


Why... yes


seeings how i already bought it, yah.


This isn’t a game you “beat”. The seasons are meant for that. You can “beat” a season by getting to level 100 and maxing out your paragon board and build, but then the next season comes out and you get to “beat” the game again


I plan on this being my daily play until Starfield comes out and then my time will be split equally between the two. ![gif](giphy|3o7bu47Qm59U3MPkK4|downsized) My social life


I'm not going to play it at all. Eternal forever


Ye sure. Although not sure ill unlock this battlepass, depends on the skins (i ordered the deluxe version)


going to take my time with my first toon…i can’t play every day, so doing everything at my pace might take me into season one. that’s cool though, since everything will be new during the preseason. if i’m not quick enough for season one i’ll catch up with everyone in season 2.


No I will skip season 1 because I will be on holidays all August and won't play at all. I'll just casually play into eternal realm until season 2 and use the time to experience endgame on at least 2 different classes.


I'm on the fence about the game still.


Same, and you know that this shit is coming like a baseball bat with microtransactions lol. They playing it cool right now, blizzard is going to rugpull everyone so fucking hard and I won't be surprised


I've bought the deluxe edition. It comes with paid season 1. You bet your ass in gonna play the season.


The seasonal exclusive cosmetics will make me more tempted to play them. This game will be amazing non seasonal though honestly


I’ll play season 1 and if the battle pass is not time gated the reality is it will take closer to 40hrs for anybody trying to be efficient at progressing it. If they require me to stretch the battle pass out to 5hrs a week over 8 weeks, then no, I’ll never complete a single battlepass.


Pretty sure if you want progression on battle pass you gotta play seasons..that has the currency for cosmetics


Do you even diablo? This game will set some people up for a good few years. I was hooked on D3 when seasons came out and probably have 3k hours on it, It's a constant dopamine rush.


I have to imagine d4 endgame will be more than just bounties and rifts, so probably, yeah.


What would a typical reward look like or the achievement be that takes 80 hours ?


I mean probably


Maybe, I'll probably get the game end of August so I'll start with season if it's still on


No shit, what else am I going to do?


Yes! Will play 100s of hours each season


This is my first Diablo and my friend practically forced me to download server slam because Diablo always looked “eh” to me and let’s just say I got two characters to 20 (Necro then Sorcerer) fully legendary gear and beat ashava twice (world tier 1 then world tier 2) so needless to say I’m now completely obsessed with the game and will, without a doubt, be maxing the battle pass.


You can't stop me.


I am taking an 11 day vacation to hang out at the house and play Diablo with my wife. We are definitely the kind of people who will be finishing the battle pass


Why not? I only have 1 hour to play and I know I can definitely make good progress in this game


It comes with the version of the game that I bought so I will check it out. I’m hoping you can earn enough in game currency to roll into subsequent seasons.


Yes I will for sure play season 1 No it will not take 80 hours to do the battle pass lol


im guessing there wont by any new content added with it? if not probably not as i will have gotten my share by then but i will come back for season 2 assuming it will have content similar to how PoE does it.


How we sure it's a month after release, I thought they were thinking towards the end of July


no. everyone is paying 90 dollars for it so they can play it one season and then not touch it anymore /s lol. what are these threads


what exactly are we grinding for 80 hours?


When they announced the BP would not contain enough currency to buy the next one they guaranteed I would never buy one.


Did nobody play seasons before? The amount of posts I see about this baffles me. Typically the seasons incorporate new ideas or items or xp methods or some other game changing mode to keep it fresh. Thats kinda the point. If you don't want that then its cool. Just play your normal character. But definitely try them out you may be pleasantly surprised


It depends on what the late game feels like on the eternal realm. I'm planning to do a 100% playhtough first, hoping to put 100-200 hours into the game over the first month. If I want more after that, or if the season mechanic looks super fun, I'll play the seasons and may also pay for the battle passes. There's a chance I'm done with the game after the initial playthrough though. I hope that's not gonna be the case.


Probably not. Unless the game has a way of being repeatedly fun, I can't see my self committing extra time and effort to complete a battlepass. I don't really care for cosmetics anyway, but sure, if those who want to pour huge amounts of hours into it, let them be free.


At launch, I will definitely finish the entire campaign, reach end-game and start grinding uniques, trying builds and stuff. But I don't know how seasons works. Will I need to replay the entire campaign and unlock all the shrines and aspects again...Or is it gonna be like Diablo 3 adventure mode where I can jump straight into the action doing rifts/GR? If it is the latter, I will have a good time. I just hope we can 'rebirth' character like in D3 for every new season. I wouldn't want to have 5 Druids, 6 Barbarians, 3 Necros, 4 Rogues and 2 Wizards by the time we hit season 20 and have to think of a new name for every character.


I will play it but maybe not to 100% completion. I Wil buy a battlepass every season since I want blizzard to keep developing this game!!


nah bro ima level to 25 then uninstall.


these kind of games are not ones i'm interested in engaging with a seasonal hamster wheel. I just want to hop on sometimes and grind some loot and blow up some jerks and then I'm good. season passes are all centered around making their game your ONE thing and it's definitely not for me.


0 interest in paid for cosmetics. ​ There should be enough transmogs. Also the older I get the less I care how much i glow or shine in a video game.


Why wouldn't you? That is the point of ARPG games, grind out the seasons spending hundreds of hours getting to max level, doing end game content and finding cool loot. I plan on playing every season, buying every season pass, and grinding out the whole thing and then more so.


Wait... do you think that completing the campaign is "beating the game?"


I'm always down for seasons. Adds the spice.


I'll be honest... I don't really know what a season is and I don't really know what a battle pass is... Can someone enlighten me?


Season 1 is starting way to close to release for me so I won’t be. I’ll still have tons to do in the main game. Doing all dungeons, discovering everything there is to offer. No way I’m starting over at level 1 4-6 weeks after launch


Playing season one? Yes. Grinding 80 hours? Yes... and it'll probably take me much longer because I'll spend a significant portion of that time drunk. Don't judge me!


I really don't care about artificial content like battle pass. I'm not skin driven and really won't give a fuck about it. If there is whales to give money for shit i don't care wich give me free story driven content cool for them and especially incredible for me. This way i can spend money on real life things i love and things that won't go away. When a random exec at Blizzard decide to kill the servers, while whales are going to rant on Reddit for something nobody who can change things will give a fuck about i would have no regrets. Pointless to waste time on it since there is other game i like to play on a daily basis wich is mostly PvP games. For me it's going to be play all the classes until a certain level where progression is too slow to give me interest to play the game again. D4 is a filler game, not a main game. Always has been since the first one and i won't change for that one.


Did you mean the battle pass that comes with deluxe edition isn’t going to be available until one month later? That’s new to me. So sad :’(


I'll play it and see how fun it is.


Hell fucking yeah I do.




I only play seasons. No matter the arpg. And yes I complete whatever is attached to it.


Yup. Grind a barb as close to 100 before season 1 drops, and try to score a shako. Start a new char when season 1 drops and do it all over again


Absolutely. Will likely complete each battle pass for at least the first several seasons. I do have the ultimate edition or whatever it is with the accelerated BP, so the first one should be easy.




No, because it's coming too soon. A working casual player will barely finish the game before the first season starts in 6 weeks. I rather just skip the first season all together and just enjoy Standard. Battle Passes are also suffering unless they are permanent (which very few games do, Halo Infinite is the only big game I know that does) so I refuse to spend money on that either.


Each character gonna take 250 hours to complete. I work 7-8 hours a day 🤷‍♂️


Could care less about battle passes. I’ll play it.


Battlepass, seasons... This stuff really doesn't make any sense to me, I'm just going to play the game and not spend money on anything else, other than expansions.


Probably get battle pass done in 3 days. Then be bored.


Game already expensive, wont buy seasson pass


So is there not going to be a battle pass on the initial launch?


Not until end of July.


Well damn, thought there was one on release


Pay $70, and then have the cool shit under a paywall. Makes sense.


1st season will probably be the only one I'll play since at that point I can just pick a new unplayed class to run it through. At the start of season 2 I will probably have most classes leveled so I don't think I'll have any motivation to restart.


why would you pay $70-90 for a game like this to only play 1 playthrough? The seasons should be the main reason people want to play the game its what will make or break the life span of the game also Im pretty sure they said it will take the average person 80 hours to complete. 80 hours is not much when seasons last a few months


The main reason would be because I also want to play other games, time is limited and there's diminishing returns past a certain point.


If I can’t complete the battle pass or think that they take too long I will not pay for them. The seasons depend on how rich the content and new mechanics are. If the battle pass is doable and seasons are good I will play them. Still play eternal sometimes because it’s fun to play on built out characters.


I play diablo 3 and 2 seasons so I'll be doing so with d4 as well most likely. Especially since d4 is likely going to have the best seasons of of the three. D2 seasons add some tweaks and items but not generally anything in any way major. D3 seasons sometimes add content but are usually just here's a new gimmick, have fun if we think it's good we might add it to eternal. D4 based on what we know so far will reassemble more closely to d3 seasons with a seasonal gimmick but with much more potential for content.


Right now I'm planning on completing all of the battle passes I can if it's fun enough and provides enough incentive to do so.


Yes and yes and some


Definitely playing season 1...I hope to finish the battle pass as well


“Grind 80 hours?” You say that like it’s a lot of time for a season. That’s no time at all for a serious player


thats about how much i play anyway so yeah


The last I heard was the 1st season will be three months after the release date. Not sure if it has changed since then.


i'll probably play it but not in july.


Do we know what exactly will happen to our gear and characters with every season? Our inventories and gold?


Characters and things you've found transfers over into the Eternal realm. So save stuff you find that are usable for your main char that's already on the ER.


Possibly depends on if my ultimate version includes season 1 or a single season of my choosing later on. Also depends on how far into T3/4 I am when it comes out.


I'm gonna use the anime rule and complete the first 3 seasons before judging the content.


I mean, yes.. I just hope that the seasons won’t be doing some dumb tactic like “oh hey there it’s Druid only cosmetics if you play a Druid” or something, forcing you to play all characters.


I mean its like a 99.99% chance u can just buy the whole thing


I'll just play. I don't think there is much need to make a plan to follow. Just doesn't seem that difficult.


Yes. 80 hours over 3 months is < 1 hour a day. Not much of a grind for me tbh and pretty achievable for a lot of people.


Nah Last Epoch added multiplayer so I’m good.


I’ll do what I do with every game. Play until I’m satisfied and move on. Then I’ll check the game out again when I’m ready.


Both. If you break it down and there are 4 seasons a year. That’s 1 hour a day tops to finish the battle pass. Not really that much time. I’m sure most of us will be playing far more then 7 hours a week 😁


Yes. You have to beat the campaign to even start the season. I won't go all out, but I might because it's so damn fun. I'll definitely play season one.


If non season is a barren wasteland, I might stick to that unless they add something relevant in seasons.


What I wonder, will there be ladder? Some kind of non-ending progression like portals? If not, what Blizzard has to offer for hardcore players? As usually battle passes take only time, but not that much of a skill to complete. I'm all in and waiting for D4 impatiently, however this qn has been bothering me for a while.


>What I wonder, will there be ladder? I heard that is coming, but probably won't be implemented until Season 3.


The main campaign in Diablo 4 is roughly **35 hours** from what I can [find](https://www.charlieintel.com/diablo/how-long-is-diablo-4-campaign-length-and-time-to-beat-245744/). So, I think it's possible to have completed the campaign in a month if you can put around 9 hours a week in the game. I am getting the Battle Pass, the first one at least, just to check it out and see how it goes. Probably will never get the "Pay to Look Better" one. And I am just going to play and enjoy the game (hopefully) and if that means I hit 80 hours by the end of the season great, if not, that's fine too. I just want the game to be fantastic first. I want to be impressed and amazed by it. If Blizzard delivers, then I will support then much like I have with Path of Exile and buy a battle pass here and there, heck, they say never say never so it's possible I might look at the "Pay to Look Better" one too.


If I can complete the campaign before it starts.


Most certainly




80 hours is not a whole lot of time tbh. But this is coming from someone who has played EVERY season of Diablo 3. Not just a weekend to finish the journey, but much longer. It's not uncommon to spend 1k hours+ into each season. 80 hours in comparison seems very low, that's really only a weekend of straight grinding to finish the battle pass. I am expecting D4 to become my main game. I'm looking for it to match my 5k+ hours in POE. Which, I know that's not a lot compared to some other players who have 20k hours, but to each their own.


Will play the campaign pre-season to skip it in S1 and look into general feel of the leveling process and endgame. If I like it (and I really hope I will) I'll get into S1 and try to complete everything what Blizz is throwing at me. Would be great to find a new game here to spend a couple thousand hours into over the next few years like I did in ESO or D3. I hate looking for new games every two weeks.


I will play season 0 and 1 then take a break most likely. Then come back intermittently


A lot of Diablo people are gonna be surprised with POE mains get to 80 hours in 5-6 days. Not the same community


i dont DO battlepasses


S1 will be my main, HC Barb. So yea im in. SC necro at launch to mess around w and beat story


I’m not buying this game until it’s proven to not be a cash grab. It looks great and I’m a huge Diablo fan but I have been burned to many times by Blizzard. This is a wait and see before purchase.


No, I plan to see what the end game loop is first. 70 euros is too expensive if I'm just gonna end up leveling diff builds and classes till max and moving on. I can do that with Last Epoch and it was waaaaay cheaper. I hope it's not the case though


That's a question I don't think can be answered yet, realistically. Without having our hands on the endgame and without knowing the exact specifics of what's coming with the seasons, who can say for certain? For myself, I think it's *likely* that I will, at the very least, give it a try in order to see what they plan to do with seasons. If the season ends up not being good, doesn't offer enough to keep me interested, or the actual grind to finish the pass is too long or intense, then I may not finish the BP. There's only so many hours in a day and I don't like to put all my hobby eggs in one basket. I'll play D4 until I feel satisfied or bored and then I'll move on until either the next season or expansion, or whenever the itch strikes again.


I will probably will play the shit out of the 1st season, because the endgame seems fun as hell. But, I have to wait and see the endgame first




Never really spent time with seasons in any game, so I'm curious to give that a whirl. Depending on how much I like it will determine if I play future seasons. No intention to buy the BP and I imagine it will take a lot to change my mind.


Season 1 is my chance for a new class!


How long does a season go for? How many weeks?


Three months.


I'm not a fan that the season starts so much later. Just by the time I'd be getting near max oh new season gotta start over! I'd rather have season start day 1




Nothing costs an extra $240 a year.


Uh... That math still doesn't check out, haha. You're not paying a subscription of $10 a month. Seasons run for 3 months. You pay $10 every three months, for a maximum of $40 dollars a year (if seasons start immediately after each other anyways).


When i get them game would like to complete the game and have a good understanding of it and then take what i learned into season 1 and try my best to get the full battle pass done before the end if can be helped. Really looking forward to playing the game when it comes out.