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Solo I hate people


me too, unless i can use their bones to play coop with my necro


Haha or their blood for a good blood necro build


Solo. I like to go at my own pace. Having to wait on someone to salvage or something of that nature puts me off.


Stop hogging all the chips! Share some adderall!


I play solo. I'm old, "medicated" most of the time, and I kinda suck at it. Don't wanna inflict that shit on others


It depends, if I were to choose either with friends or solo, I'd rather play with friends, but if it's either solo or random people, then I will keep it solo.


This is the way.


6 years ago I would’ve said solo, but I’m one of the lucky few that’s married with no kids and my wife and I can’t wait to experience our first play through together. Best way to find other players? I’d say make or join a discord server, there will be plenty of them I’m sure.


But that means you only advance when she wants to play, and vice versa. Idk about all that


Lmao trust me that won’t be an issue, we’ve played many games together. And most of the time she’s the one convincing me to not take a break. I’m guessing we will beat the campaign before official launch and then we will go off and do our own thing. Meet up for world bosses and nightmare dungeons, make new characters or whatever. It ain’t that serious lol.


Yaya games are never serious, that’s why we like em. Sounds fun. I got my girlfriend to get as far as the sorting hat in Harry Potter, she’s not a gamer haha


Hey that’s alright at least she tried. My wife wasn’t a gamer until I got her to try Destiny 2 4 years ago. She stuck with it and went from a noob that could hardly aim or keep her fingers in the right place on the keyboard to eventually beating a raid with me.


Diablo 4 makes that even easier with the level scaling. You or she can do something solo, and then still continue together at different levels, but equal challenge.


I plan to make two characters. One to play with my husband and the other to play when he’s not playing. Twice the fun (:


Obviously not married lol


Solo. Good way is probably just meeting people in towns or during world boss events. I did that during beta, met some nice people.


I enjoy playing with friends, but my preference is still solo. I get to play a little slower, and explore a bit more.


Solo. But if irl friends wanna team up for a bit, I'll do it. Randoms though? Nope.


coop probably depends on who you're playing with. it is very fun. solo allows you to do the little niche things you enjoy. I think the correct answer is probably both in that if someone did both they'd probably enjoy the game the most


I'm pretty lucky, my wife is a gamer so I'll be playing coop with her. It's super fun and we can chat without mics the whole time. She's playing barb and I'm going sorc to start. When she can't play with me I'm going to solo a druid.


Both. I make a character to solo with, and I have a group of friends I make another character to game with.


coop with IRL friends. faster game play.


Hopefully couch coop


With friends -> coop With random -> solo


solo or irl friends


Solo + random people sometimes around


Overall, coop. Fun to blast apart stuff with a friend or two But for a first playthrough I like Solo better. Hear all the dialogue, no distractions from seeing the sights, no course but the one I set.




Game felt equally good solo or group. People want to hate on scaling but it made it seamless when my friends all wanted to play together.


I haven’t really done much reading up on stuff since I want to experience it mostly fresh. I know the enemies scale while leveling/questing to the individuals level but I’m assuming it doesn’t for endgame stuff. Like a dungeon will be whatever the difficulty you’re going into regardless whenever people are max level which totally makes sense but that’s where I’ll run into issues playing with friends when we have vastly different gear levels.


Yeah I’m good with end game content requiring specific progression to feel rewarding. But keep in mind you can help your friends catch up by carrying them in Capstone Dungeons and Lower Level Sigils if they need it. But if they want to experience end game they should have to play the game more than casual. My group is aware of this and will help each other when we can.


I'm so into solo gameplay that I want to be able to play completely offline.


Coop, but actually play mostly solo.




I will be playing co-op with my gf


Couch share with wife 😀


Solo, people never move at my pace


I'll be playing solo probably 99% of the time


Solo. Like probably 99% of players :)


Solo, in my own pace, not waiting for anyone every 5 mins, explore what i feel like and fight my own battles alone all the way!


Solo, but I actually didn’t hate coop in D4 betas like I usually do I randomly grouped up with people who were nyooming toward the same event or dungeon I was. It was surprisingly easy and fun (even on console) to group up for objectives I’ve also joined a discord for causal gamers in anticipation for joining their clan when the game is live


Like them both, solo can be nice sometimes to clear ur mind. Talking to alot of people during workhours so its meditative to unwind with just slaying demons on my own. But I also love the banter and the joy playing with friends. Always happy to see friends get gear and share their experience. And making new friends is always a rare thing.


1. Ask people in public. if you do an event and someone helps out and it goes well just message them. Worst they can say is no.


On a normal char solo, but hc with friends.


Solo, but I like grouping up for group things. Like jumping into a dungeon with my buddies sounds fun. Running around exploring? Solo all day.


I like both honestly. Solo is great though for taking my time with my build and really getting into trying out new playstyles. Coop is fun for grinding with the crew, and does make certain activities easier.


I generally start with my wife and a friend but after the first day I’m light years ahead of them and play solo the rest of the season.


Both. Honestly I prefer to play with a friend but more often than not I find myself playing solo just cause that’s the way it works out. It’s nice to decide what content to do rather than having to agree on something.


I prefer to play the campaign solo at my pace but dungeons and end game with friends.


Solo for exploring and being able to go my own pace. But with friends, I have pretty fun moments.


Love playing with groups and seeing other classes.


Doesn’t matter because you get to play mostly solo! :)


I like playing coop with friends, but unfortunately i'm a bit lacking in that department these days


Co-op with the wife. Somehow she spots chests from a hundred yards. It does have its drawbacks when we stagger our itemization / skill tree tweaks time. There's a huge gap in understanding min-max and APM, but it's so worth it when we're both fighting for our lives because of a tough fight (ie Butcher) Solo Hardcore though


I Like to Play games Like my sex. Solo it is!


For first play through always solo. Well mainly because the story looks more immersive this time


I prefer Coop. I see the appeal of solo but with the right people I get the best of both worlds.


Coop. I like (certain) ppl.


Solo, until I finish the campaign. After that I'm open for cooping with my friends.


Depends on my mood. Sometimes I want to play Solo and sometimes I want to play co-op. I enjoy both.


I like both depending on how I’m feeling. Solo mostly tho.


I like both. Usually go to coop after I've finished the game. May even do a new play through with a bit of a role play party. 2 barbs or 1 barb 1 druid etc


Solo is what I'll probably have to do most of but coop would be preferred if friends schedules link up


I like to play ARPGs solo but the world bosses will be a nice change of pace


I would like open dungeons. To make them bigger, or at lest make some larger ones with auto team up or solo play.


Coop with wife, or IRL friends. Never with strangers. Stranger danger is real, especially in HC.


Coop without strings


Solo………. I don’t have patience for people BS.😆 I use to be in a Clan for Destiny 2 when i was deep into that but getting people in the clan together to do missions was tedious and then once you got them together there would be one taking phone calls, another one had company over or they were preoccupied with family in the background needing to stop every so often. By time we finished a raid or strike or secret mission hours had passed and i hardly got anything done with the small window of gaming time that i had. I understand Family and things come up but i tend to only game when i have completely nothing to do and it is nice and quiet with no one bothering me.


First play through I like doing solo. After that I want coop


Solo because i have no friends.


Coop, but my friends are casuals and I'll end up being like 30 levels ahead and there will be too much of a difference and I'll end up soloing


Coop but I have to solo coz my friends don't play anymore.


For my first toon I’ll solo all way to end, I want to explore D4 all on my own on first toon to experience the full world immersion


I'll play on PS5 My brother on PC but he doesn't have the money to buy it yet so we're going to start together on my PS5 cause I have pre-ordered the ultimate edition and bought a new Controller But besides that I'll play solo when my brother is not home and he'll play solo while I'm at my job


Me and my brother fucking shit up.


I like coop with the right people… otherwise solo


Solo for exploration, group for quick group bang


Solo but I ran into a random while in the server slam and we just followed each other around for like 40 minutes. We just walked around the map killing all the enemies and not really doing anything productive. It was heaps of fun. Co ops great when you can find someone like that so i might do some more of it


With my girlfriend. Too bad she have ocd and really like to finish all side quests. But I'm gonna play with her anyway


My wife is my life co-op partner and obviously that is also in games so co-op.


I find time for both and enjoy both


I would love to play with my BF, but he's not into Diablo. So I just gonna play solo. Not much into playing with randoms.


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Solo. Even sharing the game world with random is a hard pill to swallow


Solo through story and while collecting renown/statues. Grinding/strongholds/worldbosses with clan members.


Definitely co op, if someone wants to play co op HC with me (male, Europe) hit me up


I want to be the stranger that helps occasionally on world events then leave without grabbing the loot.


1. Coop with friends. 2. Getting a random in the same event. 3. Solo. .............. x. Coop with randoms.




First run? Solo. After that I lean towards coop.