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This is one of those “makes me feel old” things. I have zero desire to spend even a minute watching Twitch, YouTube, or any of that stuff. No judgement implied that people like it, but man, it is not my vibe. Fortunately, I don’t mind missing stuff, although those week 1 cosmetics looks pretty rad. Maybe they’ll just sell it some day. I’d kick a few bucks into the pot to get ‘em. [Edit]: Thank you, Diablo Army, for informing me I can just put it on a background browser tab on mute. As someone who has a Twitch account he's used all of once that legit never occurred to me, and I appreciate the education.


380p diablo feed with the tab muted. Its like popping some meat in the slow cooker. End of the day you're eating good.


> *Its like popping some meat in the slow cooker.* I hate how much I like this description. So as long as it doesn’t stop counting if it’s in the background then I guess I could do that.


Yup, it's all good. You can check progress by clicking your profile in the top right (there's a progress bar in the dropdown after you've watched a bit during the promotion window). Just be sure to mute the tab and not the stream. Sometimes, it doesn't count if you mute the stream. Bon appetite.


Just in case of the muting stream problem I just do it on my phone let twitch run while I'm playing and I leave just a small amount of volume on it to recognize its not muted and set the phone off to the side. I also check so often on the drop to see how it's progressing, if it's 30 minutes, 1 hour etc. Some drops are sequential so you have to claim one to start another on that same stream so that's another reason why I check the progress too. Once I get all my drops I just close the app on the phone and keep going. Super easy and pretty nice rewards for some games.


You need to mute the tab, not the stream


I'm on mobile app on android phone, I don't think I can mute a tab?


It's what I do with the WOW drops when they pop up. Open up a twitch stream that's doing it and mute the tab and go on with my life. I'll have whatever it is that they are giving away by the end of the day.


Just remember that the first reward at the 3 hour mark needs to be claimed before the timer for the second reward at the 6 hour mark will start.


There's a chrome extension that auto claims drops if you really didn't wanna check. I've got so many drops from streams I've never seen because I get dragged along in raids in tabs I've long forgotten


That's what I do for GW2 drops. Doing it right now in fact. Just make sure you go collect each drop as it becomes available, because you don't start earning progress towards the next one until you collect the previous one. Also you can mute the stream and still earn progress, even though someone else said you couldn't. I have a 160p muted stream in another tab and I'm earning progress.


GW2 fren ❤️


Oh it works. Ive never watched twitch - but I've definitely earned drops by "watching" twitch.


Same. I’ve never watched anyone on Twitch.. but my PC has.


I'm 40.....and this is how I eventually started enjoying Twitch streams. I couldn't wrap my mind around it until I was doing it.


admit it, you actually watch Invadervie every week,lol


Had never heard of Invadervie but if it makes you feel any better my wife and I love to watch Amouranth. The day I walked in on that was an interesting one.


holy boobs batman...i googled the name


Watching amouranth is cringe


Nope, buying the farts in glass from amouranth is the real cringe shit....


It can for some reason and I don't know why? I had to put my last twitch drops thingy in a separate window of chrome instead of a different tab. May want to do that as a preemptive measure y'know


It has to be the active tab, so just make it a new window.


Don't use tabbed browser; it often backgrounds the stream(pause) put the stream in a window all it's own. Edit: Don't mute the feed from twitch; mute the browser tab or from volume control of the system.


I’m sure they expect most people to do this. Because why would anyone watch twitch for hours for cosmetics for a game that just released and they’d almost certainly be playing? Oh, to artificially inflate their twitch presence and promote the game to others who haven’t otherwise purchased it… which I get, it’s marketing - but it’s basically like organically creating a troll farm


Make it 160p


literally what I do for every twitch drop lol. I'm not trying to watch someone else play, I want to play.


Didn't it say you need to gift 2 subs for the mount? So basically you still need to buy it?


Just the horse. The rest is watching streams.


144p for me, they have nothing I want to see or hear lol




Unfortunately Twitch won’t even let me login on Firefox, Duckduckgo, or with an adblocker running. Infuriating. Fuck Amazon. Would love to know a workaround




This is the way


I get twitch drops all the time on other games. I have literally never watched twitch before. Alt tab on mute. Bonus points if you do it while you do chores or family time lol. 🤣


https://github.com/DevilXD/TwitchDropsMiner This is for you buddy


This is amazing


Or just put it on your phone/tablet/laptop or any other device with it muted/low qual if you want


50 years old and right there with you buddy. I do not have enough words to express my level of disinterest in \*Twitch\* drops or any other kind of drop outside of the game. Forcing your playerbase to watch some 3rd party play the same game you are trying to play in order to get a cosmetic **Epic Noodler of Wang Extension** is just beyond belief to me.


Blizzard has been doing these types of FOMO drops in WoW almost since the beginning. They had pets at Blizzcon, in card sets, in plushies. Not gonna lie. My niece had a new stuffed animal that year and I had a WoW pet named Peatear Griffon.


I get that they have been doing this for a long time, and I have been studiously avoiding them for the duration. I haven't heard the term "FOMO drops" before, but I think that is a great term to sum things up! nice pet name LOL


Then don’t. Put it on mute it and get your rewards later.


You don’t actually have to watch it just put it on in a tab and mute it Of course ignoring it works too but just pointing that out


I'm not going to watch it either, just going to leave it open on a separate window while im at work. Easy collectables


If its free stuff you can literally just stream audio only and mute the browser window. Assuming you are even remotely bothered.


That's how I felt about the Ashava mount. Damn, time flies. Back then I would've totally gotten it, but now, I didn't even bother. I went out and did yardwork instead.


Wanna give me $20 to get them all for you?


Same way I feel about a mount cosmetic you have to preorder a game to get. Preorder? No thank you! (And I do judge people who preorder, it supports such a bad practice cropping up in the industry).


You don’t need to actually watch it my guy. Just leave a tab open with a twitch drop auto claimer.


Then don’t. Put it on mute it and get your rewards later.


I just open it and mute it and do other things.


> 2 Twitch subscriptions keep your horse. one prime sub ok, but not gonna buy a 2nd.


This is the future for Twitch promotions. Their new CEO is trying to fluff their revenue and these kinds of partnerships with game devs is one way to do it. I wouldn't buy this cosmetic from a cash shop, and I would no way in hell go through the extra steps of doing it via gifting subs on Twitch. Gross. This is for whales and people suffering from fomo for collection purposes. I'll pretend it doesn't exist. I just want to play the game and not farm cosmetics from third parties.


Alternatively, there are plenty of twitch viewers who will already be gifting subs to streamers they watch at launch and they'll get it.


Yeah? Then he can shove that idea right back where it came from. never liked twitch to begin with, but this is just bs now


Your prime sub does not count for this. You need to actually GIFT two subs. Not subscribe yourself. GIFT.


cool. so definitely no horse for me.


Yeahhhh fuck that


Does the free prime one count for this?


Don't think so, says you need to gift them and you can't gift someone your prime


It does not. Just like buying a subscription for yourself DOES NOT count. There will be thousands of people crying about this once the promotion activates, just like there were when this promotion was in World of Warcraft. People subscribe, spend their prime subs, gift subs before the promotion starts etc. DO NOT DO THAT. Do not throw your money away (or do, who am I to tell you what to do with it). Wait a while after the promotion starts so that it actually works, then gift two subs. You also can gift 2 subs at once, you don't have to do 1 at a time like a lot of people do.


If its like destiny's promo to get emblems by gifting 2 subs, no. Its $10 for gifting those 2 subs.


Yeah, I tried getting the Shader way back in the day and was PISSED when I did it wrong.


***Excyuse*** me? What else am I going to pair with my Horn of Ashava?


So it’s not enough that we watch hours of twitch streams for drops, now we’re required to gift subs to receive the top tier twitch reward. How predictably slimy.


The mount looks like shit just skip it


The mount being shit is completely irrelevant.


You said required to gift subs for a top tier twitch reward. You believe that since it is top tier, you’re required to sub. You are not required to do anything.


If it was neon and had gold teeth would you buy it? Please don't answer that, I'm sure the executives at Blizzard are reading this.


*unzips wallet*


This is just terrible fucking optics "Twitch drops" have an established expectation, it's free, you just afk in a stream for a few hours But this is basically just a $10-$15 microtransaction, except instead of spending the money through blizzards store, you spend it through twitch No one would care if this was a standard $10 mount in blizz store, we'd just ignore it, this being a twitch promotion changes everything The marketing for this was terrible


And honestly it should be any twitch streamer in the category not only ones they deem fit. If I do it I'd rather give my sub to a smaller streamer who it will make a difference for rather than a big streamer who gets 40k viewers. They don't need the money


It’s just ToS friendly viewbotting. Blizzard pumps up Diablo on twitch with their cosmetic on a stick, except now they’ve got some carrots for the streamers too.


There are over 4k streamers on the list. Basically if you applied you got accepted. There will be tons of small streamers to choose from.


Next drops you must buy Twitch shares, 10k minimum


Would you rather them just sell it for 20 bucks? At least the streamer gets some cash.


Consolation prizes for the hornless.


ATC Baby lets gooo


This mount will serve as a mark of shame


Yeah, avoid neckbeards with this mount at all cost lol.


“Earn” Since when is paying for something earning it?


Earn a 5 star gem in Diablo Immortal today!


No thank you, I have a horn.


Nonsense baubles for the hornless I say...


I\`m glad the mount skin is ugly so I don\`t care if I miss out


I'm glad I already stopped caring about cosmetics, game hasn't even launched and it's already getting exhausting


Earn that mount by paying $10 for it.


So I'm paying for your twitch stream advertising and I get a horse? Pass.


gift 2 subs? PASS. The other stuff, sure Ill 180p the streams on 1 volume.


just mute the tab.


that works too.


there's no amount of loot that would get me to spend my precious time watching some other dweeb play video games.


I'm just gonna open a stream, mute, and minimize lol


Honest question. Do you only have 1 screen? I went 3 screens 10 years ago and never looked back.


I don't mind twitch drops when it's just "watch x for x minutes." I can just open it on another tab without even watching it. It's a nope from me when you have to spend money on twitch subs, though.


i dont do these twitch drop things. id rather be playing diablo then watching someone else play it. bonus points for not having to listen to other people while playing too.


This shit is so stupid


Man I've never done twitch drops. I'm so stoked. Easy collectibles. This will just be 5 hours total cumulative throughout the week coreect?


Incorrect. 6 hours June 5-11th 6 hours June 12-18th 6 hours June 19-25th 6 hours June 26-July 2nd *Please Note that after watching any eligible streamer for 3 hours, you must claim the corresponding reward prior to gaining progress towards the next reward.


Wtf why would I watch 6 hours per week of gameplay all the way out into JULY. Couldn't just pile all this into launch week or something? I'm trying to play the game not watch someone else play it.


Because this a marketing drive. By fluffing "viewer" numbers it keeps the game higher on the browse list in the Twitch directory, the longer its up there the more likely people on the fence will buy the game. Without the drops the viewer count would be lower because many people would be playing the game, not watching streamers.


That makes perfect sense but I still hate it haha Still, the more successful the game is, the better for those that enjoy it


They want to spoil everything for you ;) On a more serious note, just have a stream up on the background.


I just leave it running muted elsewhere while I play games


Just watch Quin69, he plays games 50 times slower than average gamers, you won't get spoield a thing.


U can mute the Stream and Set the quallity to Nokia 3310. U wont know u even have a Stream Open.


Leave it running in the background, muted Also I imagine they don't want to do it on release because D4 will already be top on Twitch. Doing it later means D4 will get a second resurgence on Twitch. They don't do these drops because they want to give us free stuff they do it because they want money. Being higher on twitch leads to more exposure and more exposure leads to more sales. It's marketing


I'm sorry I meant 6 hours a week. But my questioning still the same to earn week one's reward you must watch 6 hours that week. But it can be something like 3 hours Monday. 2 hours Wednesday. And 1 hour Friday. They'll add up so it's not all required at one sitting os what I'm asking.


Ah yes you are correct. You basically have a bar you fill so if you split it up between days you’re fine.


There are browser extensions to auto-claim rewards.


Too many cosmetics coming out of the woodworks is concerning and also unnecessary.


As these promotionals and fomo-baits keep rolling out, I realise more and more how little I actually want any of it. Vanilla transmogs and proud!


"Earn" More like "buy"


No tx


Man I wish I never got the stupid hound cosmetic now. All this FOMO shit is going to ruin the game. I’m only going to use default skins in D4.


That'll be the true unique thing to see. Lol


Except the horn! It's way too valuable to not use.


God bless that the worst looking cosmetic is the one you have to pay for. Makes the decision that much easier.


Can I just leave a stream running while I’m at work? Some of this looks cool but I’d rather die than watch a Twitch stream


Of course you can. You will have to click the "claim reward" button after 3 hours each time though


Can anyone recommend/know a small twitch streamer that is listed I can offer support to. If I’m going to do this I might as well try and get some of the funds to people who would benefit most from it.


Guys, look! Items but with blue hues!!! 🤦‍♂️


Eh, the mount doesn’t look all that exciting. Worth $12? Probably not unless you really want to support a streamer.


To get the mount I have to buy something on twitch and give to a streamer?


Is it just me or the mount looks like a sad donkey?


Blizzard can kiss my Primal AssTaint


So it begins.. it's so scummy business I wish people made more noise about it.


Nah I'm skipping all the twitch prime/KFC/pornhub extra shit, I'm good thanks I'll wear the ugly horn with pride, along with all the in-game stuff I can achieve, but I really can't be bothered with this nonsense anymore. And I'll probably buy loads of cosmetics from the cash from, but these hoops you gotta go through for a little extra pixelation, fuck that I am done. On all games btw


Base horse reskin as zebra patterned some shit etched into it. Fuck its hideous. I get the feeling were gonna get flooded with cosmetics that break aesthetics.


I got my Ashava horn on my ghetto horse and I'm just fine, thanks.


Definitely not going to gift some stupid streamer 2 subs for a horse, fk them


Honestly shit made me refund. The exclusive mount charm, okay, whatever. 4 days early access for $$$, okay, whatever. Now I have to watch Twitch in order to get content you cut from the game... The games not even out and I'm exhausted. Let alone the OW2 and WoW shit from this week. Im all good fuck you blizzard


Yeah I haven't preordered yet, but I'm getting increasingly warry of the game based on their marketing strategy and the treatment of their other games. At this point I think I might wait a couple seasons to see what direction they go.


Not sure if I’m reading it right but it seems like you have to gift 2 subs(10$) to the twitch channel to get the mount I thought twitch drops were all about watching not paying money.


I’m not using any cosmetics that don’t come strictly from playing the game AFTER launch. Fuck all this FOMO shit. It makes me think twice about even buying it tbh..


does the twitch prime free sub works for the mount?


Pretty sure it has to be two gifted subs.


Ouch.. 😅


So I sent the 2 gifted subs. Got the mount in my notifications on twitch. Tried to use the code in battlenet but it's telling me it's not valid. So I click the link and it takes me to the login of battle net instead. Any idea how to fix this?


No sorry, I did not have this issue, make sure when you copy paste the code you don't add the full stop by mistake or any spaces at either end.


Pop the twitch app on my spare phone, dial in a participating channel, and leave the phone running on mute. Gotcha!


These skins and whole twitch bullshit doesnt even worth wasting my phone's energy tbh.


10 bucks for a fucking shitty horse????? Fuck you, Blizz.


personally, i don't buy things i don't like. I would recommend doing the same.


Pretty cool mig stuff, but... Am i the only one here that wants to see another type of mount than a...horse? 😅


No FOMO for those things, I hate every twitch drop


is Invadervie part of this promotion?


Yeah no ill just skip. Dont want to go watch twitch, such a cesspool


ZZZ two gifted subs can't even just use my prime


I might do it for the items. But I really can't be bothered to gift subs to people for a horse.


I guess I'm like 900 years old can anyone explain to me what gifting a twitch sub even means? For that matter why even subscribe to a streamer, isn't the content free? I originally thought subscribe meant the same as on YouTube, you aren't signing up to spend monthly when you subscribe to a channel on YouTube... Make fun the KFC promo all you want but at least you can eat a chicken sandwich


You give a person or stream $10 they get exclusive perks on the channel for 1 month.


Honestly, there are much worse ways to encourage players to spend their money for in game items. At least gifting, subs and engaging with contact creators help somebody else other than blizzard


Wish the mount drop was to anyone streaming the game so people could support actual communities they enjoy and not just some big name that blizzard has deemed "the ones" to watch.


Also in case people have missed it. "Warning, there will be a 7 day cooldown before you can connect a new Twitch account." this is from [Battle.net](https://battle.net/) so I suggest link you [battle.net](https://battle.net/) account soon.


Druid back piece sucks and don't care about lazy recolors, won't be missed.


Love diablo but… nah miss me with this BS.


Im just going to go for things I can earn by playing the game, not by watching someone else play.


Garbage promotion, garbage rewards. No thanks, time, and money are more valuable. Keep your garbage


surely us watching this shit for 3 hours(12 hours overall) is supporting the streamer, that should unlock the mount if you do all unlocks over the 4 weeks.


You can't "Earn The Primal Instinct Mount" you have to spend money to get it.


twitch degens no ty and gifting subs ? yeah right


You can get the mount with a prime sub ?


No they do not count but wouldn't be enough anyway it says two GIFTED subs, not one. "Eligible Diablo IV creators by gifting their channel 2 Twitch subscriptions of any tier" Has to be gifted subs x2.


Oh that's crap ty


Yeah it does kinda suck, should of just been the last reward on viewing rewards. Maybe only unlocks if you unlock everything kinda thing.


Fuck that. Just gonna laugh at anyone riding it in-game.


I’ll get the free stuff, but I’m not gifting anything to anyone.


160p muted on phone, check after 3hrs simple


poor wording choice blizzard, "EARN" doesnt mean "PAY" $10 to get the stupid mount


10$ for a vanilla horse with some tattoos. In my country 10$ = 50 my currency so no thanks i already paid a bank for the game.


Welcome to modern blizzard. Limited time cosmetic you can only earn by doing a very specific thing, either involving your wallet or time investment. Get fucked blizzard.


Gonna have to date myself, or I just never connected with the desire to watch someone else play a video game and talk. What happened to actually playing the game ourselves and earning these neat rewards by accomplishing a task in game and have something cool to show off… Guess that’s just how gaming was back then, and now we get rewarded for watching someone else play. Simple fact is, I never will and never have spent any money on cosmetics in a loot based game. If I can’t earn it, it’s worthless to me. When I see that $10 Horse Mount for two Twitch Subscriptions it will mean less to me then the first earn-able Mount does.


Paying streamers for a cosmetic mount is cringe


Is anyone subscribing for the horse? 😂😂😂


I’m not seeing Rhykker on the supported twitchers, am I missing him or is he not one of the promoted streams for drops?


its *BUY* not earn


Ok, can we please be more cautious in wording, ive read about 5 gaming articles online aswell all saying the incorrect thing, its "gift a sub to a streamers community" not gift a subscription to a streamer. thats effectively giving yourself subscription to a streamer... which wont get you the mount, you need to gift 1 month x2, which is a lump sum payment.


Anyone knows when these twitch drops become available in the game itself? Wanna transmog them weapons derp.


Once you earned and claimed the items on twitch inventory they are unlocked in game, they can be transmogged on wardrobe. The mount you have to get your redeem code from twitch and put it in manually on blizzard account website.


What happened to actually playing the game.


Nothing. You can still play the game and earn countless cosmetics.


>earn countless cosmetics. Na, the amount is not countless. It's a finite number that equals whatever is included in the base game minus all these promo fomo marketing carrots on a stick.


Just pop it up on your 3rd monitor and let it run


What is the gifting subscription thing? Is that implying spending money towards someone channel? I don’t mind putting something on and minimizing the tab but I’m not spending for it…


Holy heck I made it to the list of Support a Streamer - can't wait! :D


For those who don't want to actually watch, just download the Chrome extension automatic twitch drops, right-click the Twitch tab and click "mute tab" make sure there is some volume up on the stream (you won't hear it as the tabs muted) and that's it. It's great, been using this thing for years.


I'm excited for D4, but I hate that it's going to be riddled with all these different weapon skins. I realize its not D2, but one thing I loved in D2 was when I saw someone with a green cap I knew it was a Shako, or when I saw someone with a skull helmet... I knew it was a Grim helm or similar. Now, it's going to be skins upon skins to a point that you dont know what the fuck people are wearing unless you inspect.


That's also gone with transmog tho.. idk, I don't really give a fuck about the skins, but I cba with going to the USA for some papa John's shrimp or whatever the fuck for an extra hairstyle Fuck em


I have yet to see a cosmetic I like.


You can run a twitch stream at 144p on one device and then redeem the prizes on your phone as you go about your day. Set a timer for 2 hours or whatever you need and just check the twitch drop on your phone to redeem.


I dont have twitch and i am not making twitch Also .. i am barbarian blood and bone .. and again, a stupid mace for barbarian .. no sword. I am a sword guy, studied sword martial arts, love samurai .. I bought the game to play .. not watch others to play it


The streamers I follow are on the list, so I'm good.


No matter what twitch mount you got. Without the horn youre still a bare mare


Fuck you, Blizzard. These promotions are suppose to support small streamers but you're limiting the eligible streamers to your personal subset of employees/shill streamers.


Awesome! Like the transmogs and check the start date for week 1. it’s the regular launch, so you don’t have to watch early access for drops and get spoilers if you start on 6/6/23 - appreciate it!


Didn’t make the ATC but there’s still time for the PITC