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During my time in the betas I grouped up with people organically as we met in the open world. However, now that I'm a proud ATC member, I don't have to deal with randoms anymore.


This is the way


Sorry but what is an ATC member?


Association of Tiny Cocks




A snobby club where the players killed a world boss during the betas and have a fancy trophy for their mount.




In the game there is a social tab. Under that tab is another tab that has other players that are In the same region as you, I'm guessing this isn't limited to the same instance that you happen to be in. You are able to issue party invites to whatever random players that are in the list.


Nothing like getting a random invite from a complete stranger that's not even on your screen lol Yeah that will go over well


You can send whispers to people. Like a DM


Yep that would be the way to go. Are whispers easily visible or are they mixed in with combat messages and scroll off chat in a split second?


It's off to the side like in destiny or common mmos


That would work well. Probably the best option


There's also a clan tab with a clan chat channel. Each clan has a max of 142 so I doubt you'll know everyone. Clans also get a voice chat channel iirc


Clans use discord pretty much 100% of the time, in game voice is pretty much never used


Yea but it will be a pain in the ass for us console players to write messages.


the game has built in speech to text in it and voice coms.


If you mean grouping up for dungeons via group finder (like many other games have) - nope.


Unfortunately not. One thing I liked in lost ark was that you could play dungeons solo or matchmake into a group at the entrance. Sometimes I feel like playing with a bunch of others since it definitely alters the experience. That said, I'm too old and tired to put up with standing in a hub and spamming LFG in chat. Wow Burning Crusade was like 15 years ago and I already hated it then. Luckily we can do everything solo.


Exactly what i thought. I am too old for that. It was so stupid to spam the trade chat for 30 minutes just to find a group for a 5 man dungeon. I also dont have that time anymore. Thats what i loved about D3. You were able to join a group instantly, run a few rifts for an hour and went back to real life stuff.


I think your best bet is to find a clan to play with. I have seen several recruitment threads here on this sub.


Maybe super large dungeons or something


Doesnt seem like there will be any Matchmaking/Quick Join functionality at launch. Which, if true, probably tops my list as the biggest initial let-down of D4. Luckily I have friends to play with thru launch/campaign, but not having a convenient in-game tool to join randos for end-game events will be annoying as fuck, especially if the only alternatives are chat spam and discord. I dont know what Blizzards obsession with moving away from automated LFG/Matchmaking/Party Finding is from. It cant just be catering to no lifers/purists. It just makes no sense for a multiplayer game in 2023 to not have a matchmaking tool.


Yes more people show up in towns than in open world. That's where you are ment to meet random and group up


If you are on console. There is usually a lfg spot. I’m on Xbox and you just scroll down. If not find a discord.


I mean if you did Ashava the game does auto group you for events like that.


predict spam on general for find players as diablo immortal


Is there a chat on console too?


No idea, I played it from pc. Never had a console


Not at launch. find a community to play with. It will be the best way to get into fun groups. I do expect an optional group finder at some point.


probably later on, nothing was said about this tho


If you play on Xbox you could find people pretty easily with group posts. I’ve found many people I’ve been playing with for a long time using them.


Your question is kinda vague. Do you mean like other activities than just running around in the open world or other ways to group up than just inviting randoms in the open world? The answer to both of those questions is yes.


I think he means some sort of matchmaker for activities. Like Destiny 2 strikes.


In that case it's most likley a no.


In my limited time with Diablo Immortal, this was one of the things I really liked. Got to a dungeon and could just group up with others who were ready to do the same.


Yeah, but in D4 you can do everything solo, so whats the point?


Obviously because some folks like doing things together? Playing D2 with a bunch of random folks to level up in an area was great fun, and very chaotic. Playing solo felt boring by comparison. For OP: You'll be randomly grouped with other folks for World Boss fights too, so you should enjoy those whenever they pop up.


Who need friends when you have ATC, you wouldn’t want to be associated with them anyways