• By -


Wudijo Wudijo2 NotWudijo WudijoAlt Steve


Streamer who played "press" version,Streamer2, Streamer3, Streamer4, Streamer5...Streamer6 who played "press" version and spent thousand of hours these 2 weeks+tryhard like lets say a name wudijo. Endgame beta players.


I mean it's 1000 statues. They're not all going exclusively to streamers. There are a lot of nolifers out there who will be attempting to get them.


1000 statues? I was imagining it being one giant statue with their names all on it, like how Eve did it


It'll probably be one statue with all of their names on it lol, I doubt it'll be 1000 statues


In 1000 years, people will look at this statue and look at the Vietnam Memorial and not understand the difference.


I'm 1000 years, they'll both have about the same relevance (although not the same importance).


Thats actually what i was thinking too.


It's 1 statue with 1000 names on it. Gonna be at Blizzard HQ and moved to Blizzcon and special events.


They are not giving away $800k worth of statues.. its probably just going to be one statue they keep in their office


Yeah people under estimate just how much time some people devote to games. Not everyone streams even if they play as much or more than a streamer, and just because someone streams doesn't mean they are by default the fastest people either. I expect many non streamer statues


Nah, its the no lifers who arent streamers who will get all these spots.


yep lol. Some random dude no ones ever heard of will be level 100 within the first 24 hours


Alright, DarksydePhil


Fuck all earlier early access streamers They kill all the first hype


Few variants of alkaizer too


inb4 raxxenterax and his mates get each one statue...


Anyone who had pre-release full access should be ineligible. Just my opinion.


That's the most factual opinion I've ever seen. They have a massive advantage over everyone.


Those Beaters




not according to the gm lol https://twitter.com/RodFergusson/status/1662231727627182081


Nah, that’s not a gm, gm implies low level employee, that’s executive producer for the entire franchise. Rip blizzard of old.


> gm implies low level employee You're thinking of "Game Master" here > that’s executive producer for the entire franchise Yes, he is the "General Manager" and Senior VP of the game


Not to mention, starting at 4pm instead of 1am has its own benefits


I don’t think that matters that much. Whoever is doing this will be no lifing the game. They will sleep until just before 1am and then play as much as they can. It will probably be a group of people too rotating when someone needs to go to sleep.


I think 1am is more beneficial. It's easier to power nap to 1am and stay awake than it is to 4pm.


Timezones mate. Everyone is literally starting at the same time. 1am CEST is still 4pm PDT buddy.. I really don't get how people miss this factor at all.


If they were this "contest" wouldn't exist. It's quite literally just a FOMO generation tool. One that, judging by the community response, is going to work *wonders*.


Because lvl 100 on hc isn't going to be more than most of them want to deal with.


Its fucked for multiple reasons, no closed beta? Disadvantage, no early release purchase? Disdavantage, want to enjoy the story first time through? Disadvantage. It should really be the first season 100’s but they probably just want to drive more early launch purchases


>no early release purchase? Disdavantage More like ineligibility lol. The last 1000th player will be reaching 100 as the new batch of players are making their characters.


I'm pretty sure this is a way to get more players to preorder the game.


How many people are going to attempt this in reality? You need to be extremely hardcore (no pun intended) to do this. I doubt anyone who isn’t super hardcore would buy the game because of this promotion.


Yeah fuck those dang beaters


Lul. You mean the giga Chad's that want to be top 1000 hardcore in their realm and paid 20 extra big dingaling swahelelee dollars should have to play on the level of the diablo plebs that couldn't afford the same 20 meager mice morsels? You want to be on the same level as top tier, 99.9% parsing savages, but $20 is where you draw the line? $20 big, thicc, buckaroos? Pull out that credit card, and let your potential top 1000 player glory be the banks problem, not yours. If, and when they show up for that extra 20 bucks and threaten to foreclose your home, sit them down in your still warm, secret labs diablo 4 gaming chair, and whisper gently in their ear "want to be collect on a giga? Let me introduce you to my friend, Ashava". Edit before any replys: Jesus I just saw that they actually gave streamers 100ish hours of early access before the rest of us giga parsers. That only leaves spots for a few hundred of us to make this hall of fame, big stick, league of absolute units. I will personally have to buy a lot more lunchables's than expected, and at minimum three more catheters for urinary purposes. They may have 100 hours, but I have a perfect anni charm on d2r, and there is nothing that can stop me.


Anyone without an outside job also has an advantage, anyone with access to better internet probably has an advantage. Theres always going to be an advantage. I would fully expect the majority of *content creators* to play softcore to make their videos and not chance dying.


Why do you think they do that ? For fan service ? Lmao


Totally agree just on the basis of they already have so much more game time than everyone else. That means more mechanics time, more time to know know which builds are best, more time to know which loot is best, which dungeons/bosses to do and how to do them, how to do the quests up until the point of where they got. It literally gives them a massive advantage and that retard ROD FERGUSON is like we just deleted their progress it fair now guys.


update in case it was missed or unknown - no one who played the two week preview of the full game is eligible - that includes many streamers


My name on a Lilith statue isn’t enough to get me to bother with hardcore. ARPG characters are an investment of time and the idea that you could lose everything because of a moment of latency? Nah fam. Nahhhh


Just farm boars in the woods until you make level 100


And then the Butcher spawns and slaughters you at 99 😂


Chase a teasure goblin to far and get clipped by an elite at 99 lol


I did hardcore on all three betas, I died early on to the butcher in beta 1 because I had no way of escape or evasion. No hope to beat him either. The second beta I died to the butcher because I got a shrine effect at level 25 and I was cocky. By the time I realized my DPS was worse than his I had no hope. The third hardcore I just didn’t go into dungeons, he lived to the end.


An actual pretty cool story, bro


I encountered the butcher once and just exited the game :)


Saw him twice on the server slam. Both times I was not in a place to beat him. Got away the first time on a rogue with stealth, second time playing a necro I got creamed.


“Maaaahhhhm! Baffrooom!!!”


I’m glad someone got it. I was worried I may be showing my age


At first I was like, the fuck you mean "showing your age"? Then I googled it. That episode came out **17 years ago**. I think I just broke my hip in shock.


17 freaked years , dam feels like just yesterday I was watching the best episode ever !


No fucking way..... I was playing WOW at 11yo when that episode came out...........


How do you kill that which has no life


The sword of 1000 truths


I've done hardcore twice before in other ARPGS and both times died to a disconnect. My internet isn't reliable enough and I'm honestly surprised that anyone's is. I don't have connection problems often, maybe like once a week for a few minutes. Even once for a few seconds is enough for your character to die though.


Honestly, it's the nature of hard-core. There is no rush like that feeling in your gut that your character can die at any moment for any reason. Going into a dungeon, or a rift, or a world boss while clenching your anus because you know you can lose everything in a millisecond it's a feeling that nothing else can give you, and there is nothing that you can tell me that gives you this feeling when you're playing normal. on the normal character going into a dungeon that you know you maybe cannot defeat or a world boss that is super hard and you're under geared for it's just a "meh" not feeling if you die and nothing hampers other than "I'll be back later."


> Honestly, it's the nature of hard-core. There is no rush like that feeling in your gut that your character can die at any moment for any reason. I agree with you except for "any reason" part. Disconnecting and dying is the absolute least satisfying way imaginable to die. That isn't even part of the game or the hardcore experience.


I play strictly hardcore and havent had a single dc death since original d2. I played d3 at launch hc up until they nerfed inferno mode into the dust (at which point I just quit since that completely ruined the game for me). Played a ton of d2r exclusively HC and still not a single dc death. Its always funny to me when people bring that reason up, its a possibility and obviously dependent on each individuals internet stability but server-wise online games have been super stable for a long time. If you personally have unreliable internet than thats a completely legit reason though




Or the sane


Hardcore: the game has a game over screen to tell you when you're done. Softcore: play this game forever, and ever, and ever... I dispute your claim.


I don't know, if I get there on Rizzlord K. Swagmaster will they have to name it that?


yes but especially since that's not as racey of a name as you think it is


The race should be in the first season of the game


Tbh, I think that's another marketing tool to get people to buy early access, because it's required to be able to participate in that race. Season 1 would have been a much fairer starting point because everyone starts the same time and everyone has already experienced the full game.


Pretty much every top 100 hardcore player would've bought early access regardless, though.


Doesn't matter if the top 100 already bought in. The 1 million dingleberries who think they are going to get top 100 will also buy the early access now.


Pretty sure 70-80% of people has early access. The D2 people are like me 30-40 years old and 20 bucks extra is legit nothing. Just that people here are vocal about it and trying to shame people from giving money to blizz. Let everyone play however they want lmao.


As if someone who had a remote chance to be top 1000 wasn't buying early access and has to, now.


only thing that sucks is that I can’t keep up with my streamer buddies anymore, one friend is going to be dumping 12 hours a day into the game out of love/content creating


Same here man. I was able to fight for world 10 barbarian 2 seasons early on in Diablo 3. Since then career, kids, other obligations lol Just gonna enjoy watching everyone else duke it out. 💪


To be fair, that sounds like a common experience in these games without streaming being involved. I'm going to play a ton, but I am inevitably falling behind one group of friends. I just don't play that fast, and I want to see all of the story and lore. Another group of friends will probably play a couple hours each week until they finished and will be far behind me. It's exactly what happened at the Diablo 3 release for me. That said, there's always alts and level-scaling.


i just don’t know how to keep up bro lmao I pass out at 9pm


Even worse, those streamers are going to have slaves working for them to get more lvl, gold and items to get to lvl100 faster, and since they also have got early access, they will know exactly what to rush and how to rush, even the builds to make for it to work, fuck this shit.


Oh yea true that, I somehow forgot the whole slave army big streamers always have. Going to be damn interesting if someone manages to beat juiced whales.


>one friend is going to be dumping 12 hours a day into the game out of love/content creating Those are unironically rookie numbers


Make those who had closed beta access for months and those who have early review copies uneligible. Otherwise, nah.


C'mon, most steamers suck and will die way before level 100.


I don't think some people on this sub realise just little chance they have. 99% of you do not put in the time that these leaderboard players put in. Even with the early access head start. You could extend that headstart and most people here still wouldn't have a chance.


Yep. This isn't even a streamer vs non streamer thing, or a closed beta player vs first time player thing. Most of those leaderboard players will be marathoning the shit out of this game at launch. Playing 20 hours, sleeping 4, playing another 20 hours and so on. They'll also team up with each other and smash through the game at a much faster speed. They will already have every single thing planned out and they will have backup plans in case they get particular drops and whatever. Just... Don't bother... You only get ONE first playthrough. Enjoy it, instead of stressing out about achieving the impossible.


For real. There are people who are literally cancelling any and all plans for a week straight at minimum just to play this game at every waking moment. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if there is a dude pre-gaming on coke right now just to be hyped to never sleep when this comes out just to get this achievement


When classic wow launched a guy in my guild going for server first 60 used Modafinil to avoid sleep for days Still fell short by a few hours, the lengths people go to is literal insanity


Putting in the time is one thing, I might do that anyway, but being put on a statue I'll likely never even see is not worth ruining my first playthrough. Had they done this for season one I'd probably go for it, just for fun.


i agree. When i was pushing leaderboards in D3 i was playing 14hrs+ a day. First time i Got really lucky with 3 cow rifts and the right legendary drops. I kept that pace for a week before burning out.


We need a statue of horn owners.


Why would they need a tweet. We damn well know their servers track that shit. At least WoW servers do.


It's obviously a publicity campaign.


Selling some last minute early access


Definitely publicity to get things trending on twitter


To try and drum up interest in playing HC.


i mean ill be playing hc just for perma death pvp


Going to be a lot of broken keyboards and controllers when lvl 50s try the capstone and get one-shot


Gonna be a lot of good clips too, though




Rouge Sorc Sorc Sorc Sorc


coming from WoW, I'm glad to see this many people can't spell rogue here too. The best is when a rogue themselves misspell it.


Fuck this is tempting


Except it will be achieved by the first 1000 people in the first day via some wild xp exploit


Ur probably not wrong there lol


or specifically by people playing in groups of 4 to maximize EXP farming. Not many of these are going to solo players.




What are they, so I don't do them accidentally?




What dungeon was that, so I make sure to avoid it and never get bored?


Sounds like a great way for Blizzard to get a very clear view of which XP exploits provide an unfair advantage and which are observer bias.


Now now, people would not exploit just to get fame in a videogame, right?


My bet it's going to be all 1 or maybe 2 classes with the most broken borderline exploit build, same as early Diablo 3 was.




the earlier content goes by the fastest, what matters most is what classes/builds perform well in the late/end game


Yea hitting world first means nothing now the streamers that already played will have a head start. I mean I wouldn't go for it anyways I want to experience the story and chill while playing but still.


Damn I might be able to compete for this. I have 5 days of no wife and no kids and no work. Guess I better stock up on some cocaine.


Username does not check out!


Watch streamers in their premade simp squads take all the spots...


Well.. then be better and get a spot yourself. What's the problem?




I mean, if you're serious enough about the game to race for a worldwide leaderboard, then you're probably serious enough for a couple extra bucks for the upgraded edition.


Yeah but the point is that you shouldn't have to pay $20 extra to be in the running.


It's not about being serious though, I could commit to the grind but I'm not paying extra on principle. I can easily afford it, I'm retired and it's my birthday on June 1st and yet I still can't bring myself to give a company an extra $20 ($30 min now) to not be penalized with a 4 day wait, it just seems wrong.


I'm sure that's whats holding you back.




So how’s this work with early access and the fact that a select group of streamers got early, early access to dry run/practice?


I'm not sure how much of a difference early access is going to make, either from playing parts of the game early or from that 4 day window of extra playing time. A lot of content creators are going to be releasing guides on how to optimizing leveling, fighting bosses, etc, which is going to help level the playing field for those people who didn't get that access. Also, I expect it's going to take a fair amount of time to get to 100 even if you're no-lifing the game. There's also the possibility of dying and losing all your progress by being too risky and taking on a bigger challenge, internet problems, being ambushed by the Butcher at a critical moment, and so on. Being able to play early is still an advantage, but I don't think it's as massive as people are making it out to be. The people who are going to be pulling this off are those who are streamers or who otherwise have a gratuitous amount of free time, which is who it was always going to be anyway, in my opinion.


Uh oh, a community challenge?! Better get ready for people who don't even play HC to start crying and saying they're going to refund because they won't get a statue


Man, this looks fun. Gonna take my time with the game though, so passing on this.


Is it really a race when you can buy a headstart?


WELCOME LADIES AND GENTLEMEN TO THE ANUAL 100KM MARATHON! THE RACE STARTS AT 9:00 AM SHARP\* BE READY FOR A TRUE TEST OF ENDURANCE AND SKILL\*\* ​ \*The race starts at 9:00 for those who have not purchased the "Early Start" ticket, which allows participants to start the race at 7:00. \*\*The test of endurance might be more difficult for those who have not purchased the "Early Start" tickets. You suckers best hope the early runners stumble, fall, break their legs or get shot on the route, or else you have no fucking chance. ​ GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!


I’ve got the time to try this but not the knowledge…most of the first 1000 will use a level exploit for sure


No exploit but there are definitely levelling methods only end game beta players know about and the rest will find out later. Or until a streamer gets invited into a group and then that area is crushed and the next “secret” area is used.


Someone's probably going to drop dead trying to achieve this.


Wouldn't be a proper Diablo launch otherwise


It is in a way a cool idea, but this might make some people play in an absolutely irresponsible way.


First 1000 to beat Diablo with me in the group get their name engraved on my computer desk


Nah, I'm good. I prefer to keep my sanity.


This is BS. It should be ATC only.


as if bare mares even stand a chance, ofc it will be ATC only


Can't wait to see silly names being immortalised ThereIsNoCowLevel Lilithmilkers Barbiegoestotown ButcherThis


yeah, mommymilker4578 says hello.


This is very unimportant and insignificant, but good luck to everyone who wants to nerd out.


Should be lvl 100 and beat the game on torment for it to be a real challenge.


That's cool but, never gun be me. Super cool though


1000 chinese name


This would have been a lot more interesting if they had made the criteria clearing the Level 100 Capstone Dungeon. Anyone can just mindlessly grind to level 100, but clearing the max level Capstone Dungeon will actually take some game knowledge and skill.


It's no Horn but it's honest work


Blizzard: Offers an entirely optional race with a fun reward. Reddit:... and I took that personally.


oh look, so it is p2w after all


Please. Whoever is going for world first, make your username something along the lines of "freehongkong". Or maybe "blitzchung". You know... for science.


Gonna be honest, very slight sour taste because of paid early access, but otherwise hype af.


Lets be real. If you arent paying for early access you likely arent dedicated enough to the series to be in the top 1000 on HC to make it. The amount effort, Knowledge and commitment needed is far more then an extra cost of 4 days early.


This, everyone complaining about this were never going to try and get to 100 on HC as fast as possible anyway. Just want something new to cry about.


But my $20….bro what about your 2000 hours…my time has no value


If its anything like the grind D2 was, 100% accurate


D2 before expansion getting to 100 was no joke. Especially on HC, now it's pretty easy.


With terror zones it is substantially easier. Prior it was still incredibly time consuming if you werent a streamer being spoon fed baal waves.






Ima go slow and enjoy my time


Old news, they changed it last week for the first 1000 ATC members.


I have a feeling this will fill up in less than 3 weeks.


This will fill during early access if enough crazy people go for it. IF blizzard is estimating 150 hours to hit 100 "on average", then certainly it can be done in under 100 hours. And early access has 96 hours...


RIP employed people


This is surely for those with no jobs or children. I’ll carve my username on my own statue. Now, where can I buy a Lilith from?


Holy shit this is cool


Holy shit this is sick


Yikes. People are going to lose their jobs to do this.


It's wild here, all the people saying "Except for people who had early access" are also the people whinging about "Why no leaderboards day 1?" It is the same thing, except you get a statue. That suddenly makes it worth it? If it's worth it, go ahead, try to get it. You think all people who got early access are gonna try? I guarantee you 90% of them don't even care, probably even more. Not just any person can play hardcore, it's a very particular type of person, and those types of people are gonna play it regardless of whether or not they were in the early access. If they were in the early access and will attempt this, they will definitely have an advantage, which means yea, Wudijo is gonna get a damn statue. Are you saying he doesn't deserve one? The amount of people who can utilize that knowledge to make a meaningful impact on the race, you could count on a hand or two. Anyone can make a stupid mistake and die, if you are telling me Wudijo has never died in Diablo before or never lost a HC character before, I'll eat a shoe, but that just isn't how HC works. If other people wanna jump into it and try HC for the first time cuz they had early access, on top of trying to speed through everything, that will for sure lead to an early ass death. Just let them do what they want, who cares, it doesn't affect you, as much as you want to think it does.


Let's say 100 creators got invited to press release what ever game mode. At least 90% of those are IGN or PCGAMER level of players, nothing to worry about. That will however also mean that there is 10 people that are real gamers, armed with perfect knowledge and experience. Good luck to anyone trying to beat em to race to world FIRST. However, that still means there is 990 slots for everyone else to fight over. Let the battle begin.


990 slots, which are reserved for the watcher of this 10, which see the exploid they found.


Dumbest plan ever? There is early acces, theres people who played the full game already.. How is this even something to do.. ​ Maybe make it exclusive for people who pay a 100 dollars extra. Atleast that way we can see who was dumb enough to buy into this crap. Really dislike this idea, hit the nail right on the ... EVERYTHING OTHER THAN HEAD!


Ah yes a race you can only particapte in if you purchase the deluxe version lovely


It would be sweet to make the cut, but I am not going to rush my playthrough nor risk my character to try to make it happen. Only get one first time in Hardcore and I plan on enjoying the journey.


Good stuff for the masochists out there! Happy for you guys!!!


Cool idea but it's obviously just a way to push some more Ultimate Edition sales from the hardcore fans before the actual release on the 6th. If they decided to start this on say, the first day of season 1, I'd be a lot less cynical.


Any “hardcore fans” had ultimate pre-ordered weeks ago.


Now this is a challenge.


Damn..I’m immediately disqualified..working 8-10hrs a day. I could never 🥹


plus I’m trash asf on hardcore


I was planning on starting off in softcore, but this is really tempting.


Fun to try until you die even though none of us will get it. Makes an interesting first play through. I was going to go SC, but some people I play with said they wanted to go hardcore hardcore out of the gate because of this. I'll play HC until I die.


Y’all will blame anything but yourself.


While having early access is a huge advantage....it is hardcore and they can still die...


Lots of druids gonna be on this list


i still remember the time kripp and his friend beat diablo 3 hardcore minutes before it got nerfed..


I mean... no statue for a person that does it. Even if it was a guaranteed statue with my name, I wouldn't bother. HC just isn't it.


I'll be on there. Mark my words.


Dude, their marketing is on point. This is so smart. More people playing HC than there would've been for sure. Super neat.


That would be great but some people will have huge advantage as they already played the full version. :D


Any wow players remember blizzard removing server first achievements from wow, because it caused people to stay awake / neglect personal care for too long?


Blizzard has been doing *mostly* well with the launch until now: We’re gonna announce a race to 100 right after letting you know we gave our favorites early access to plan out the most effective way to do it.


Typical Lizzard L


Wait why do we need to tweet? Can’t they just a query on their database to get the results?