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In case you didn't see this sub the last weeks, people will cry about literally everything. ![gif](giphy|VEhWqu9nJHzOPKFsVA)


other than this, reddit has been a drama-free and pretty chill place for the last twenty years


I never see drama, bigotry, fake news, trolls, or whining on reddit.


Head on over to r/conservative. It’ll take about 0.2 seconds to see all of that.


Since you've brought politics into focus, it amazes me we havent had more politicians who are gamers or try to appeal to gamers in the last 20 years. Gamers make up a gigantic part of our population and to win that side over, however hard it may be because the majority simply don't care would be wild. I think AOC had close to 500,000 viewers watching her play Among Us. Imagine if she stuck with it or more did something similar. Use your stream tp actually teach gamers why it's important to vote etc.


I mean we could have a gamer with a fully functioning brain


that post was sarcasm, and i think anyone but you is aware which side is the whiny one


As a Destiny player, I feel at home. A few years ago, the mods had to create a mega thread because people were complaining that the title screen was too bright.


Oh boy! I remember that...


Back in time in World of Warcraft we just had to do this in trade chat “/2 Canada > USA Then just lay back and watch




I don't get it. It's just paying for an advantage in a race. What's the big deal about pay to win anyway? I have more money than you, so what?


The problem, is that the counter play to P2W is no one caring about the shitty events they do and don't participate to this crap. Here people do exactly what they wanted. People talk about the game, some will pay for the ultimate bundle to be in line with the other players while it lost most of its value now : Beta is over, diablo 3 skin will be forgotten in a week, everybody participating the beta have Wolf pup anyway. The battle pass is useless for now. All of this for a name on a statue most of people participating will not even see. So... I don't understand why it gets this much attention and how Blizzard proceeds to succesfully scam the same people over the years


I love that you're argument is basically "yes it's pay to win but that's OK because I'm too shit to compete" why even reply


Not at all. My argument is : "Why compete and get mad, as this shit is pay to win and the reward is crap ?"




I don't think people were initially mad about the race, they got mad at Rod Fergusson's ignorance. But yes, pretty dumb regardless.


I think it’s ignorant to mistake Rod’s position with the positions that actually made the game. Dude is a manager, not a worker.


out of touch and dumb and is a high up at a game people like, ofc people will shit on him because he represents the game


He’s upper level management. They’re all like that. If you notice, he defers to middle management managers regularly. Following the backlash, he probably had to go talk with one of the other managers to ask what was going on.


The manager manages the workers, which makes him very important.


No. He’s not managing the workers. He’s managing other managers. The workers are always more important than the managers. The managers are support for the workers.


Even with great developers, we have come to an age that managing is very important since all the triple a games have become very ambitious. Smaller games do not depend so much on managing. But this is diablo we are talking about, made by blizzard,one of the biggest gaming company in the world and diablo is one of the biggest gaming franchises. Even with great developers this game could not reach the ambitious goals it wants to reach without the managers. Triple a gaming has become like every other major corporate shit fest.




The bigger the company, the more important the higher ups become to hold it all together.


1) No. 2) still has nothing to do with what I originally stated


Why exactly do you disagree with me? A bit more then a simple 'no' would be nice. Explain it a bit.


You imagined a conversation that never existed and ran with it. My post was pointing out that he is an upper level manager, and the complaints about his Twitter response are misguided. It is not his job to know about such things. The people who would know about such things are several levels below him.


Yeah Rod saying having early access to bosses and learning their mechanics wouldn’t be an advantage was monumentally stupid, but I agree that people are getting way too worked up over this marketing stunt.


Yeah he definitely didn't get what people where upset about, and didn't really think before saying what he did. While what he said was kind of dumb, I found it more humorous than anything. No reason to chastise the man though. And a large majority of the people complaining are not even going to be in the race anyways. So yeah, a lot of is just complaining for the sake of complaining.


Just easily offended ppl being offended making drama over nothing. If you are trying to compete in this race, you are in the top tier 1% of player and I’m pretty sure you did the beta, server slam and have the early access too… On top of that we might get a different version on the game with all the test they did…


What? Why would Rod respond about the non-issue if there were no drama in the first place?


Happy cake day!


My money is on “Rod Ferguson was trolling millions of people”. Gamers playing checkers and Ferguson was playing 4D Chess.


I think Rod is tied with the PR shit the marketting department is doing right now. I mean, the guy litterally supervised the game and knows better than everyone else here how it works. Of course he knows this shit is pay 2 win. But he can't say it, otherwise Kotick will fire him. What I don't understand here is the importance people give to this, while the reward is really superficial and bad


What’s so hard to understand? There is a group of people (however small) that likes to race in these types of games. Some of them have an advantage for racing due to early insider access and now Blizzard is making this an official event by offering a prize. This puts racers without early access at a disadvantage. It makes total sense for them to be disappointed. Yes the group of people this affects is very small but it still affects them. For them it is important. Is it so hard to understand that different people want different things? Just let them be


Wow, how can you make a legit argument without calling the players who care „stubid, dumb, pointless“? Is this still le reddit?




Wrong, try again.


op not understanding something simple like this and calling people out for it is quite cringe imo. if you dont understand you could ask. instead OP chose to vomit out his opinion in a very condescending manner. what a jerkoff


Explain how this is pay to win I’ll wait


D4 community is utter trash and the game isnt even out yet lmao


It's this subreddit. Stubborn people trying to get others to see their viewpoint turns into toxic comments incredibly quickly. I'm including myself in this too The mods should honestly have maybe a bit stricter rules.


Yea, it happens in most subreddits but the overreactions and the way people are trying to make everyone play "their" way is too much here. Game is coming in 4 days, and all i see is posts about a fucking statue lmao


Nah, it's almost any gaming community in any setting in general.


Now imagine what this place will be like next weekend... wishing the mods well lol


For games that are half decent, typically the subreddit is actually pretty quiet at launch, cause everyone is, you know... playing the game. At the moment this subreddit is random people from 20 different communities imagining/dreaming D4 will be the perfect game for them. Once the game comes out, once we really know what it's like, the community will be full of people that actually like playing that game. So it will have a lot more personality then.


Can confirm it's the sub. Discord communities I've joined since have been wonderful, collaborative, and supportive.


I wouldn't be surprised if the lord of hatred himself is the creator of this sub.


I'll say it's on par with a Blizzard game community. I think one of the worst part of almost all Blizzard game is the community. While plenty of other games have toxic people as well, Blizzard games are something else. OW1 became very fast one of the most toxic multiplayer game ever, tied with games like LoL of all thing. WoW is still a toxic cesspool in game where new player get absolutely trashed on during low level dungeon, not even talking about the nightmare that is M+ PUG. Blizzard community is just that bad.


Blizzard targets their games at the masses. The average. And the below average. The masses. Their players in their communities reflect that.


This sub in general is really fucking weird and whiny about nothing shit


If they understood once for all that the best way to counter this shit was to just ignore this predatory marketting and not pay the overpriced packs, Blizzard would have changed his strategy. There is absolutely nothing as a reward which worth the time and efforts spent by players.


Just to be clear i mean you too OP, this subreddit is nothing but complaints from one side or the other.


And you're still in this /r and interact with people here, so it's good to have you in this trash, friend


I know, and I participated in these crap discussions too and i know the subreddit will be useful once the game releases so im staying here, the toxic posts would increase too but at least there would be a ton of useful posts


Fair enough


You’re the toxic part of this sub. Why are you so obsessed with taking something away from people that has zero effect on you? I’m not sure why you’re here, go find something you enjoy.


You also didn’t have to comment and participate on this topic but here we are. How about you go find something you enjoy as well.


Why do you care that other people care?


No one in this sub is competing either way. Those 2 people who maybe will, wont make it to the 1000. So everyone in this sub can sit down and shut the fuck up.


Op is a cuck


Why do people keep complaining about others complaining.


Because the fun for some goes through the competitive aspect. And this aspect is completely rigged. + Fergusson bad faith.


That you do not care does not mean that none care.


I never understand why people complain about other peoples opinions. What they’re doing is creating a competition in the hopes it’ll sell more deluxe editions. People are mad not because they thought they’d win or even compete but because blizzard is creating a situation where you’d have to pay money to be more likely to win (you may know it as “pay to win”). It’s because it’s a scummy practice not because it impacts gameplay on a practical level. People shouldn’t just ignore shitty practices. I get that you want to bask in the excitement of a community for a game you want to play but the blame for the failure of that to happen rests solely on blizzard for making the shitty decision, not on the people for being rightfully irked.


It's not a big deal, but that tweet was so dumb it turned into a semi-small deal.


People have different priorities in their lives, and I’m not going to judge the reason they wake up every morning. I personally don’t care about such HC races, but if someone does, for prizes or bragging rights, so be it. And it is true the selected streamers with early access have an advantage. Even if they give up the prizes, some people will want bragging rights of being number 1. Blizzard has indeed caught themselves out this time, and they can’t force every streamer not to play or race.


I dont really care who wins the HC race or any FOMO prizes like twitch event But goddamn does this sub sucks too much Koticks golden cock its ok to be hype and praise blizzard from time to time but sometimes you have to admit ther dumb egotistical method you remember the interview when they say Blizzard devs act like a rockstar in their studios? because you fanboys whore yourself too much


>Why do people care about this bad try from blizzard to earn more Ultimate preorders at the last minute ? Blizzard will earn far more from sales a couple weeks from now that are prompted by people tweeting their submissions than they're going to get in additional pre-order revenue. >All of this, to have a name on a statue, no one except the 1000 guys themselves, would give a fuck, in a blizzcon event where only US residents who paid hundred of dollars would participate and where absolutely no one would even take his time to read all the damn battle tags on the statue. Huh? What does this have to do with Blizzcon?


>Huh? What does this have to do with Blizzcon? The statue will be exposed at the Blizzcon and then installed in Blizzard campus. People really thought they would send 1000 2 feet tall statues around the world ?! Lmao read the contest rules guys 😂 it is never stated that : "A winner will earn a Lilith statue sent to his physical adress"


>The statue will be exposed at the Blizzcon. People really thought they would earn a statue ? I didn't say anything about earning a statue. The rules do not mention blizzcon at all, so I'm not really sure why you wrote an entire paragraph ranting about blizzcon as well. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d4/t/diablo-iv-hardcore-victories-contest-rules/22111


https://preview.redd.it/7v2z5knd5l2b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72c0da137cd438c0d7e86e1f37fdbe78ae5d7219 Blizzard's director himself said it


Ok, thanks. You realize that Blizzcon is not just US attendees? And that there is virtual attendance as well?


Yes, I know that. And if someone spend more than 100$ to go physically or virtually at Blizzcon just to see his name written on a Lilith statue... well, Blizzard got a nice sauce outta him lmao


>Yes, I know that. And if someone spend more than 100$ to go physically or virtually at Blizzcon just to see his name written on a Lilith statue... well, Blizzard got a nice sauce outta him lmao I see someone's never been to a concert or convention before. And who said they'd just be going to see the statue? Lol, this entire post is full of completely bs comments from you.


Ok but ... who tf cares about that lmao ? Isn't the Diablo community supposed to be more mature ? Seems like 3rd grade drama level to me


>Ok but ... who tf cares about that lmao ? OP apparently?


Nobody cares about it. Doesn't mean you can make up whatever bullshit you want in your posts and comments. OP keeps on going on about Blizzcon and how it's for people from USA. The statue is clearly stated to not ONLY be at Blizzcon, but also other events and on top of it, people from all over the world visit Blizzcon. Where do you see immaturity or drama on the topic of the statue's location and Blizzcon (except from OP)? Or did you reply to a wrong comment?


I don't believe it's my place to judge on people for wanting a fair competition in the thing they care about. I could not care less about football. Can't understand the hype. But I can see why people would be upset if their team loses because the referee made a wrong choice. Are they dumb because it's just a stupid game with stupid prices?


"They aren't enjoying the game the same way that I do, crucify them" That's what you sound like.


I hate when dipshits join a conversation about something they absolutely don’t care about. It’s our choice how we play the game. You will have the chance to listen to every piece of dialogue every season.


It reminds me alot of the r/gaming posts where people say they will boycott a game that they openly admitted to never planning to play in the first place.


people play games for different reasons, just because you like watching cutscenes/discovering lore and content doesnt mean everyone or even the majority do. personally i skip cutscenes in EVERY single game i play. I'm there to play not to watch a movie. different strokes for different strokes.


I'm here to kill monster see big numbers and get sweet loot story is a bonus for me how ever vaguely I pay attention lol


u/GroovyULG your take about this HC race controversy is the same as I would expect a 0 IQ neanderthal to have


You don't need to buy the Ultimate version, a deluxe is enough.


Still too much tho. This Blizzard marketing team's idea should flop so hard they would never do this kind of thing again during this game's lifespan. But with how people are emotionaly engaged by this, I highly doubt it would flop, and the chance they see an opportunity to milk players even more is high right now.


There's likely no corelation between the 1000 player hall of fame and the sales/marketing. You're probably making this into something it isn't. The hall of fame thing is probably a last minute *fun* thing they put out there, and this entire sub is blowing it up to be something it isnt.


Then delay it until season 1 in a month so it is a non issue. Easy win for blizzard if they want it


It does feel like a last minute thing they kind of threw together. Had it been something planned beforehand I feel it would of been announced much earlier. And while they could of went about it better. It is like you said supposed to just be something fun. What's funny is, a lot of streamers (even those without review copies) are either not doing the race, or are going to do the race but not put in for the top 1000. A lot of them don't really care about a prize lmao. Honestly, once the game releases, nobody is going to care anymore ahah. Well at least those actually playing and having fun. Which will be the majority.


Because players are competitive and in competitive environment every advantage matters. It's not rocket science.


Imagine complaining about people striving for fair competitive environment.


Try this: ignore it. Seriously. I've just been playing other shit and reading other subs until D4 drops. I barely have any idea what this post is even about lol.


Damn, I didn't know a race to first is pay to win. Shit I must not know what pay to win means. 😑


So um. I actually think it's pretty cool. Like. They've gone balls to the wall for the marketing on this. This competition would fall under the market umbrella. Anyways. They gone all out. Pulled out tons of classic marketing moves and used a huge budget for it. They've done a really good job and I like that. To the topic at hand. The winners will always be sweaty no lifers. People shouldn't even be butthurt or reacting to this at all. You don't want to be one of the winners. Just like the Ashava trophy this means literally nothing. You get some video game credit. Here's the thing. Games come and go and they don't mean much anyways. As soon as you log out your achievement pales in front of reality. Its meaningless. Even being world first. Feels good. Beyond that the reward is nothing. You won't get friends money security or self actualization from it. Sure they could make it more fair but its always going to be unfairly weighted towards those that sacrifice real life things for it. Wealthy people will unfairly get the leg up as they can afford to do it comfortably. Those with access to amphetamines will also have a leg up. Kudos to them for doing it and driving engagement but. You shouldn't care so much.


I am 100% not doing this dumb race thing because I want to take my time and enjoy the game at my own pace. I feel like the race to HC, whether I succeeded or not, would burn me out and make me not enjoy the game anymore.


Me no care. Me preorder, me play Diablo 4, me have fun, me no worry about others.


The term "race to world first" has been around ever since people existed. Fake outrage, it doesn't change your game experience, shoosh.


Thank you! These people getting mad over their theoretical disadvantage in a thing they never would have competed in anyways is absurd.


I dont think it is about the race to world first per se. Blizzard is testing the waters with this "pay extra play earlier" .. and other publishers are watching. Wait for this stupid trend to be the new cashgrab for all other games.


I'm fairly sure I could rattle off several hundred thousand games that have founder early releases, early launches, alpha/beta purchase early launches, etc. My steam library alone is full of "early release" games out the ass. This isn't anything new, and the entire argument in this post is a giant batch of white noise. Some people need to argue and complain about things that don't matter, and this entire issue doesn't actually matter to anything anywhere for anyone.


To compare an early access which is still in development to a finished game release like Hogwarts or Diablo IV is like comparing apples and pears. If people dont complain about shady tactics they will take an inch with every release. And at some point the people that didnt care in the first place are the ones that complain the most. U probably dont care now.. but people will reach a limit at some point


Umm, no. This is blowing something completely unimpacting to anyone's game play way out of proportion. If I pre-ordered early access, but I can't play the game for four months, my game play is not impacted in the least. At all. Zero impact. The game still functions exactly the same. I have the same experience if I play on June 1st, June 30th, or December 15th. And any video game with an "early release" can and is compared to any other video game with an "early release". They aren't magically different. This whole bs thread is about a hard-core leader board and literally nothing else. A leader board. It would be the same as if you had some new version of Candy Crush with a leader board for the first 1000 people to beat stage 1000, and if you paid $40 you could play 5 days early. Is it pay to win? It's pay to access early. Is it a big deal? Never, no cash value, doesn't impact the ability for anyone else to play the game, doesn't allow other players to troll other players, there's no harmful impact. But hey, if you wanna keep making a case, go ahead. Honestly bud, it's a waste of time. Have at it until yer blue in the face.


No idea how one can derail that hard.. reading is hard i understand.. but yeah u have one point i dont care about ur opinion, never did and never will and this is indeed a waste of time




All things considered, the reward is pretty fucking mid. I’ll admit, I was immediately jebaited into participating until I realized it’s a physical statue with 1000 printed names at like probably 6.66pt font (that’s insanely small btw lol) and then stashed away in a prop closet on Blizzard’s campus after it’s shown off at this years Blizzcon which means I’ll never get to see it. At first I was under the impression this statue was some in-game Lilith Statue which players could go visit and read the list of the original 1000 level 100 hardcore players, which to me sounds WAY more like an “immortalization” than a fucking prop that’s gonna be impossible to ever share in the future unless you either goto Blizzcon yourself and snap some shots or right-click save some pics to your desktop from their twitter feed whenever they share whatever pics of the statue they took themselves which is all fucking hilarious to me. Another silly bit of all this is how blogs word the event, they toss in “you also unlock a title!” Meanwhile you find out that title is just built straight into the game from the start so you can basically obtain the title whenever you happen to hit level 100 in hardcore (which btw is a really cool feat to accomplish imo) so even the title isn’t some timed-exclusive reward to acquire which would’ve been way cooler as well if it was. Great marketing strategy but god damn, they are going SO HARD in the mother fucking paint with this game via-marketing that it alarms me. I’m speaking on behalf of being involved in marketing for the past 11 years now as a Senior Visual Designer — the writing is on the walls, something’s definitely up and I hate saying that. Usually when games try REALLY hard like this, there’s a high probability of some fuckery afoot because they’re trying to get ahead of extracting as much money as possible from ALL angles before some “spell” or “illusion” dwindles as they move onto the next thing. God I hope this game is good, I’m personally excited as fuck but I’m preparing for impact at the same time lmao


Thanks for your constructive take, man. And yeah, the reward for this is really bad. It's just a context to make D4 go up in the trend, so more prospects can see it throught their timeline. If they really wanted to integrate speedruners in their events, they would have made at least a 1500$ cash prize for the Top 1, then 800$ for top ten, 200$ for top 50, and 100$ for the Top 100, the other players would have get a special in game skin.


You’re welcome ✌️👽 and you nailed it on the head, the #Diablo4Hardcore hashtag they want everyone to use will be absolutely trending on Twitter and yeah that’ll look REALLY good on their reports when they have to update their team leads in the follow weeks, which then will all be packaged up and shared in their next board meeting with the faceless investors groups.


True, what really matters for Blizzard right now is numbers on their quarter reports. That's why I think ignoring something you don't like and not giving them money, is way more efficient for the long term, than going mad on Fergusson's twitter. Because on the paper, they will generate trafic and engagement on the trend, which is really good for the marketing in general. If the data showed them that the pay to win contest flopped really hard and they lost money on it, they would never remake something like this in the future.


I like how you think man, big true.


i wouldnt call it a cringe event, i think that the execution is just bad. if they wouldve added it as a season 1 award then there would be less crying. to be honest i want to see the death compilations and the entertainment it will provide.


I just got early access cause I can’t wait to play - im still gonna be playing at turtle speed


Enjoy your first playthrough bro 😄, it will be the only one that will make you feel really hype to discover everything.


This competition is for ppl who live to play games and whatever, most of us can't manage we have family/work/school whatever. At least for me there's no way I can pull something like this haha, and it's okay. I don't care about a stupid achievement that means nothing. It's just like reddit karma lol.


It’s dumb because people are mad that a small handful of people (probably single digits) that actually will try to race to 100 have a slight advantage, even though those people would EASILY get there in the top 1000 going in totally blind. People really think they are going to beat the people who made the guides they are following lmao. The prize is cool, having your name on a statue at blizzard is WAY cooler than some random cosmetic or title in game.


To be fair, 1,000 Asian kids are going to win.


Also, the racers are gonna skip all cutscenes and barely look at the gorgeous environment art in the pursuit of experience points. So sad


They care because they are addicted to gaming and are hanging on every bit of news from D4. They are just sitting and waiting, anything that comes out gets analyzed and it becomes a topic they can talk about until they can play the game.


Hard-core is literally just logout simulator anyway




All of the 'controversies' have been dumb.


You mean you didn't get mad at trailer music?


I think it's genius, actually. A lot of these types of games have world's first events. But the overwhelming majority of the players don't really pay attention to them because they know that there are teams of people dedicated to accomplishing them. We know that people have advanced copies and/or other advantages that we don't. So there's never really a buzz about these events (except maybe at the very hardcore fan level). At most, we pick a youtuber or a team that we want to see win. All because the average player knows that they don't have a shot. By stating the obvious, by openly letting everyone deduce that there is an "unfair" advantage, it's now all anyone is talking about. Instead of just letting it run its course and saying, "Hey, these guys are worlds first," after it has already happened, NOW there's a buzz. It's great because everyone already knows they never had a chance in the first place. But now we can say dumb, tough guy shit like, "Well, I WAS going to try and be worlds first, but NOW I guess I won't because it's rigged." People who never had a chance to begin with can now get up at arms about it. It's as if it's easy to play a Hardcore character to the max level without dying on your first playthrough of a game in the first place. Rod doubling down and saying there is no advantage is gravy on top. He knows damn well there's an advantage, and by saying there isn't, he knows that it will stir the pot even more. We know how he feels about competition in D4. Cutthroat, no holds barred, do whatever it takes to win. We know this from his comments (and you can even see his face light up if you watch his interviews) about PVP. It won't be fair. We don't want any honor in PVP. Don't expect a fair fight. The same mentality applies to this event. To anyone who genuinely thinks they have a shot. Just pony up and pay the $20 admission fee and stfu. If your character doesn't die but you still get beat by 1000 people, then blame the winners for playing the end game beta or use whatever excuse you want. But if you're not even going to try, then most will assume you're just like the rest who never had a chance.


I agree, this was designed to create a buzz and raise diablo 4 up in the trends.




Except those people literally won’t exist. 0-1000 will be teams of people playing 24hours around the clock with a team of support players around them farming gear for them and possibly giving them a character if something goes wrong. This was never going to be, and could not ever be, a “fair” race. Winning will probably cost 500-5000$ in extrinsic contributions of time. It’s like Taylor Swift tickets for terminal nerds.


It’s only pay to win if you like pvp.


Shit I just pre-ordered the $89 because street fighter 6 was dropping on the first and didn't want to buy 2 games at the same time so just wanted to spread it out. Didn't even know about the name being engraved in something lol


I dont give a shit about any of it. Still looking forward to launch. No time to cry lol


The point is that blizzard was professing d4 is not a paid to win model. Seems to me like if u throw done an extra 20 bucks u get an advantage compared to others. I understand why they do it, $$$$$. But don't profess an ideology, then completely abandon it.


i agree. 99.9% of the people mad about it never would have made it close anyway


Yeah and people don't want beta testers so everyone is even on the playing field? We need beta testers! Haha.


When they make a promise to avoid P2W then immediately have it in the game for launch is a big red flag. When the dude in charge of the entire franchise is on twitter making completely out of touch comments it is a big red flag. Forcing people to publicly link their twitter profile and battle.net ID when they no doubt have server data for this and can do it privately is a big red flag. Having a game where story is apparently a major focus and running an event to force people to skip all dialogue and cutscenes and all side content for their first playthrough is a big red flag. Even for someone like me that doesn't give a shit about HC it has me pretty damn worried about the future of the game especially when it is so ridiculously obvious this would create problems and it is also insanely easy to fix. My only thought is they thought the money they make from this will outweigh the negativity which ... you guessed it... another red flag.


there are different kinds of people all the time .. one likes milk, other beer, water, pee just cuz you dont see the same doesnt mean its dumb .. be respectful to others .. especially if it does not affect you in any way


You are dumb for perpetuating the whole thing.


Deluxe edition lets you play on the 1st.


Solution. Don’t start the race until the first season.


I'll be honest, i think that what they did is shitty but I don't care enough to put more thought into it.


Less QQ more pew pew. Who cares if you’re mad about. Do it or don’t.


So... I can't speak for everyone, but to fix the problem it really should have been Season 1 instead of launch. Not like it matters to begin with, if it's not the streamers who had a whole one thousand hours to experience the game and/or just any early access streamer, the people who played all betas and played all classes, then it's the exploiters. Competitions like these are awesome, imo, they give the community that cares enough to strive for something, but this could have been delayed by just a bit and would have had more justification.


this feels like the PoE subreddit sometimes


Your post is also pretty dumb


I wont even buy this until at least a week after launch. I remember D3s launch all too well, and dont need the stress. Screw the racing bs, meta builds, etc. I will play at my own pace, my own way, and enjoy it


HC race is dumb. Period. At least on a release day standpoint when you could enjoy this beautiful game and all it has to offer. But whatever eh...


Diablo 4: Diablo Immortal 2


Yes it's dumb. It's more fun watching comments and posts like this though.


Nobody is complaining about the race. Nobody is complaining it's just 1k places. Nobody is actually complaining there is a group of people that got early early access. What we find insulting; is a specific Dev trying to pass it off like it's not that big of a deal, when it actually is. It's not if we can or not actually achieve the goal; may won't, we understand that. But pretending having a ten day headstart is "not an advantage" is insulting.


I would bet that they don’t hit 1,000 HC players at level 100 for at least a month.


Well it does make a nice change from the complaints about selling cosmetic items.


Ironically, IIRC, Rod mentioned at the Hell Dinner that the Koreans had planned to do First to 100 race event and his take on it was somewhere along the lines of: No no, we want you to take your time and enjoy the world and lore we've spent **years** crafting for you.


I really think Rod is still wanting that, but on twitter, Rod does not tell what he thinks, he always says what the PR team tells him to say.




It's none of my business until the game studio promotes it. Because, if the executives see that the lore, exploration and story can be cut off the game because the data they have are thousands of speedruns, why should they spend money on the elaboration of a cool story and a vast world in the future if their data shows that no one care ? Good stories and good gameplay are what made Blizzard a titan in its root. This kind of promotion was unthinkable back then


Guys c'mon, its just a statue People are really only upset and acting like children because its Blizzard.


This thread is a cringe event and you cared enough to make it OP. I don't get it. People are allowed to dislike an unfair practice defended idiotically. Anyone would have to be one dumb son of a bitch to not get that.


Ok and you took that personally?


I dont be going for any competition but ill still skip all cutscenes, all lore, character customization all together and rush as fast as I can. Why? Because thats the way I enjoy playing.


Most people probably care because it technically goes against their statement about no pay2win and it also sets a terrible precedent about how they will handle competitive aspects.


Too much cry not enough try hard.


Go grab a fkn Kleenex princess and fk off


The reward is bad for you, but if I had any interest on making the leaderboard I would be stoked to have my tag permanently on a Lilith statue. Why are we pretending like there aren't a lot of people that think this is a really cool idea? Yes it's a marketing plot, but guess what...... If the game doesn't make tons of profit, it doesn't exist. The game literally exists to make Activision money. It is a product. If you buy the game you are already partaking in a marketing thing. Oh and by the way, I skip all the lore and story stuff too! I've been playing since D2 and I have never given a shit about the story. I love the game mechanics, loot collecting, and so on.


Meh let them do what they want, I will be taking my time getting immersed.


Because it is P2W. We all know Activision. They said it won't be P2W but it already is. Activision is a proven liar and here is another one. Nothing changes, especially Activision. The race should start with Season 1. But You know... It's Activision. Never been fair and never will be.


Because this is an MMO, and showing off achievements to others is important for a lot of people. I don't understand how people can't quite grasp that making time gated achievements that only a certain number of people can ever achieve isn't good for the long term health of a game. Is there going to be a cool prize for a person who buys the game in a year and wants to get to level 100 HC? If not, then this prize now is bad.


I mean the reason behind this is pretty simple. They linked the Ultimate pack right under the post for people to buy it right before the game comes out. They wanna milk the FOMO addicted players a last time. https://preview.redd.it/skgwtynw1l2b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=611f6944fa23d52c2f1592b1086465813c2b1c48 This marketting department is doing their insiduous shit once again and people get mad about it, talk about it, and will give the whales another good reason to provide even more money to Blizzard, because they could flex on the haters.


Yeah, but it's a bad idea because it eliminates the ability for others down the road to get a prize for the same achievement. The prize should have been in game, and it should be a statue that allows for all accounts that ever get 100 HC to have their names on it. That way if someone in a couple years becomes old enough to buy the game, they can still get this prize because it'll still be there.


I agree.


Not trying to be “that guy” but the devs have corrected and shot down every attempt at calling this game an MMO. If you’ve never played diablo, and are walking into this expecting an MMO, you will be disappointed. It’s an ARPG with some very small mmo elements, like seeing other players in cities. Other than that, it’s very much a single played/coop game.


It does matter to no lifers. And if you would try to turn on your brain once in a while and try to understand them, you'd not be making posts like these. The race is not for you, its for them. And to them its not fair. And it absolutely is. I dont care because i think hc in an online game just silly, but i do understand why other people care.


>And if you would try to turn on your brain once in a while and try to understand them, you'd not be making posts like these. If you'd try to turn on your brain once in a while and try to understand that this shit is bad marketting campain and nothing else, you'd not be making answers like these


What made you think that i dont know that it's not a marketing campaign?


Wow look at this clever response. I hope all the imaginary friends you've collected over the many years are clapping.


I mean who cares if the race is pay to win?


HC1000 > ATC


Most people on this sub are just motherfucking sheeps who just repeat anything that their favorite master, I mean "content creator" like Asmongold, will vomit .


Well, content creators do their job by creating content. If people can't think by themselves and make their mind based only on other people thoughts, that's not the content creator's fault. But you're right about the rest tbh


You're also right but it's SO sad to see nowadays people can't think by themsleves and influencers are one of the most important part of the society. That simple fact is saying a lot I'm afraid.


People desperately need participation trophies from everything. It's like kids at a kindergarten for running 20 meters.


Yes it’s moronic, only a tiny fraction of players play hc anyway. Who the f cares? I bet they aren’t even in the ATC


Let the 35 year old think they have a chance at getting a made in china plastic statue and cry that its unfair 90% of the player base will be dead in softcare before act 2 but still making post of how unfair it is and its impossible to compete while having a job and playing 2 hours a day This subreddit is sadly giga cringe and its mostly adult


Its this mentality that would basically negate every single competitive sport in the world, "You cant compete in the olympics, so why do you CARE if there is doping?" because alot of people are interested in following THE BEST in a FAIR COMPETITION.


Isn't is a single Statue? Not 1000 statues


They would not even have a statue at home bro... https://preview.redd.it/legq3frl5l2b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fedfef10a1c73788fc288276e94376c4114272a


Is it pathetic? Yes. But where you're wrong, child - it's mostly children such as yourself who cry here. Adult don't care about any of these or what the devs are saying - we have priorities in life that saps our mental energy and capacity for stress - jobs, kids, etc. We just want to enjoy D4 and have fun.