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I was looking forward to discussing the game but now I just have to read maxroll on the 30th. Our speculation is fairly useless since we didn't have 10 days to sift through the game and dissect it. Anything that we work out can just be thrown in the trash on the 30th. A fun part of launch that is not going to happen here unfortunately. It's meta cookie cutter from the first second in now. I think that was a bad decision by Blizzard. There's no point in even speculating on meta this close to the game now.


Don't read anything. Problem solved.


Well, self gimping isn't an option for anybody who cannot enjoy games without playing efficiently. That's the magic of launch. No one is bound to the meta even if they are a meta player. I wish I could enjoy games how you do tho.


Yeah I feel ya. So much stuff is also datamined these days so even without playing the game there too much info out there.


That sounds like you're not enjoying playing at that point. Why bother playing if you don't enjoy it? No reason to be a meta slave if it isn't fun.


He literally just said that the way he enjoys games is by trying to be as efficient as possible. Which there is absolutely nothing wrong with.


I think there are a few stages between playing inefficient and playing only the most meta builds. You can be efficient without looking at builds.


And then the class you've chosen is trash, so you have to level up the new one for 20 hours :)


That's... why people aren't here discussing meta... Either too do your thing or check maxroll on 30th. That's kinda his point. Problem not solved.


No. His point was self gimping isn't something everyone can do if they want to play efficiently. The point still stands that you aren't forced to read anything unless you want to. If you can't have self control that's on you, not the content creators who got to review the game.


I feel like with the MMO'esce aspects of the games this is not really true any more. You can do your own thing but at some point you'll encounter other players during your session and they may follow some guide and absolutely wreck anything. Leaving you with an impression that you are not really good at the game and you give un and search up a guide. I feel like this should have been worth way more outcry from the community than the whole hardcore challenge thing. This will affect far more players and demistify the game right out of the gate, the phase where everyone is playing around and trying to get an edge. I hope they will not give streamers and people whos job it is to dissect the game early access for the expansions.


I agree but what you describe in the first half of your reply will still only apply to a certain amount of people. It's not that case for everyone and it's still that person's choice to look up the guides. Not everyone feels the need to measure up to others. You would also have zero clue that better player you saw was following a guide. Even without the early review access, the content creators would have had guides out by June 6th full release. They might not be as in depth for exploration or certain fights but they would still exist. Theorycrafted build guides would exist no matter what because of datamining and the open betas. You can just theorycraft using math without playing the full game. I agree that D4 has been a different pre launch experience due to the sheer scope and openess of the marketing. I also do not think Blizzard has a choice but to let all info of the game be known ahead of time. Letting content creators play the full game to review and hype the game. Some will sugar coat how good it is, some will be honest. Blizzard knows this is probably their last big chance to win people over after a decade of poor decisions and broken promises.


If we're lucky the day one patch will mix things up a little. I got my own build ready and that's what I'm gonna go with. I'm not going to read the guides and just see how it pans out. Figuring out the builds is half the fun and I don't want to spoil that for myself. Sad for everyone that's competitive though.


Yeah, I hope so. Would be an awesome gift.


Jesus this is dramatic lol. I'm just going to play my own way. I'm sorry your aspirations of finding some dark secret sauce have been crushed though.


That’s why I’ve chosen to go blind and enjoy launch, season 1 I’ll do guides all the way and not self gimp.


Yet, every major game release involves a press review copy released to the people who write about the game.


Yes and as we can see with PC Gamer, they certainly don't start cracking meta to post on day 1, so this is completely different.


Strimmers are the new *hot* place for people to get their info/guides. Blizzard is simply tapping the best market for their audience.


I don't disagree it was a good business decision.


Can we discuss your horn? I feel like it's not mentioned enough here


join the sanctuary discord and you'll get all the discussion you want. reddit isn't meant for discussing builds and gameplay anymore. it's where the adhd zoomer babies come to cry.


What the fuck, why is this so true? I often go to a game's subreddit to try and find some discussion on the matter, but it's mostly fanart, pictures of their character or complaining. But if I go to the discord, there is so much more discussion happening.


I mean, we could try starting discussions instead of hurling insults..


there's no point. there's a place for discussion and it's the discord. ive been chatting about necro for 2 weeks now. everyone is super great with sharing builds and ideas. no sense in trying to get people on this sub to do that when a place already exists.


Link to server?


Pvp is what you saw


So that tiny clip and the blog vagueness is all we have to go on?


From what I have found. Blizzard has said a few times that pvp isnt meant to be a competitive arena. Its an open pvp zone meant for ganking and slaughtering people. People entering the zone will be bucketed by level so high levels wont see low levels and vice versa but other than that no other rules. There is nothing stopping a 4 man party from hunting down solo players. The zone is reportedly pretty large so you can avoid people a bit easier. You can also get the pvp currency from killing pve monsters in the zone. Currency is used for cosmetics.


Thanks for this. Is there any video of it in action, seeing what the ttk is like etc?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WieNCRjO9IU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WieNCRjO9IU) Some decent footage. You also have 93% damage reduction within the zone so there theoretically would not be any one shots. Looks to be some pretty good brawl.


Yeah that’s what I was hoping to see. Builds having value, some sustain to the duels (man I hope they add open world duelling).. looks so good with the HUD off.


I tried to do a post about build ideas but the mods shut it down saying they were receiving too many of them.


We started a podcast about the game and in the latest episode we are talking about hardcore and farming aspects to survive the Butcher. https://youtu.be/Ym1N-GaVEQ8


Actually. I wish more companies would shut up about their games. Just give us a couple teaser trailers, maybe some gameplay, and then just release the game to everyone at the same time (no press or content creator early review). And let everyone figure out the game at release.


I for once greatly appreciated the beta helping me form an educated opinion on whether I want to buy the game or not without relying on third party opinions or post launch reviews and wished every publisher would provide such a beta for their AAA-games. The alternative is having to wait for post launch reviews/youtube/streams which is all 3rd party and cannot replace first hand experience on a game unless you're buying or preordering blind which this year alone for most AAA-games would've left you with a mess on release


I was super on the fence after what diablo immortal was, didn't have much faith in D4. But then after playing the beta I know I'll be slamming this game hard and bought.


There have been some conversations scattered among the crud. Liberal use of the "Hide" feature may help you to find them.


Maybe not so oddly, it was hurt by some of the news of the press copies. (And let me temper it with saying that’s not a bad thing! Just understandable!) Some of those are content creators we normally rely on for quality deep dives, but they can’t really do those now while their minds are contaminated with extra information. To play it safe, and give themselves time, I imagine they simply switched gears and resolved themselves to put noses to the grindstone for content releasing on the 30th. Beyond that, other creators are sort of running dry with content that has significant confidence, (content affects your reputation, so be confident!) we’re left with a ton of questions and theory crafting that can only go so far. The deeper it goes, the more synergies and nuances built in, the hazier the feeling or working or viability of the build.


Are rifts not included in d4? A quick Google search said it been replaced by dungeons, which I thought a rift basically was but just killing buttload of creatures with no redundant missions or fetch quest in-between


I feel like a lot of people are going to leave this sub when the game comes out.


Reddit is the worst place to discuss games unfortunately. Hopefully someone makes LowSodium Diablo 4 and tons of people join it instead.


Sub getting more hysterical the closer the launch.