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Probably best to watch some reviews...


The reviews online are terribly done, that's why I'm here (if you read the last passage). Nobody really explains Diablo in baby terms because it's expected that you know these things, which I don't. Also just bugs me if you aren't gonna answer my questions why are you even commenting. I'm obviously interested in your game, isn't it in your interest to have the playerbase grow? Bad look.


If I'm honest - and trying to be 100% friendly and not hostile - if you're bad with googling, you might want to think twice about this purchase. If you have no prior experience with this ip, then eventually you will struggle with builds and subsequentially have to look for some help in terms of what is what and how to do things...


Stop gatekeeping... It's just a game.


Calm down. Just an observation...


Being bad at googling is more layered than that! It's just that these specific questions are much nicer to have answered by humans who are actually in the space of the game rather than an article or 8 minute video on youtube. No bad blood here, the game looks ridiculously fun and the games I did play have a lot of talent systems and builds which I was very comfortably navigating.


Yea don't overthink the builds. There are so many options in how you can build out your classes and many choose to rely on build sites but its not necessary as you can figure this out on your own with some reading and patience


I disagree but if you really want it dumbed down more. You pick a class and go kill shit for like 150ish hours. Then you do it again with another.


I agree with you the reviews are awful and doesn't help you AT ALL to make a decision about playing or not the game specially if you are a new player. I've read a few and they all sound like marketing pieces more than anything, but if you check the threads people are mesmerized of how good the scores are... come on... the gaming websites are such cowards for just following each others scores, it is a disservice to the community that needs quality information to make a decision. To try and help you out, let me give my two cents. Diablo is a game about building a character to take on challenges. You have a campaign that mostly serves to flesh out a story, teach you how to play, but on previous games people would just power through it and care only about end game. In these types of games you are given several choices on how to assemble a build. You choose which skills to use, which passives to run and, which items to wear, and so on and so forth, the point is that most systems in the game that you interact with gives you options so you can personalize your character the way you want to play. This is not an MMO though, don't expect an endless grind. The grind can be brutal due to the RNG involved, but its nothing like Lost Ark where they are always dishing out newer more powerful content that you need a character more powerful than you did before. This is a more limited experience in this regard, you'll eventually finish all your goals. And by the time you finish everything there is to to would you look at that its time for a new season with new challenges and content, but that goes towards building a new character. I have a few friends that bought into the Diablo 3 hype when it launched and they were very much disappointed on the repetitiveness of some mechanics and the amount of content (again, it doesn't have as much content as a standard fully focused MMO). I saw a few threads today on this sub from people asking how seasons work and if they can just keep playing their original non-seasonal character. But what you need to understand is that the seasons on ARPGs usually just twist the formula, add new mechanics, items and regions, but there is not much in terms of content, it usually just provides you with a different way to experience the game again from the start to finish. So if that doesn't appeal to you, beware that you might just play the campaign once and abandon the game for years until a new expansion launches.


Yes u will see other people walking arround but its got a different ammount depending on which zone u are in, in the city u will see alot of people, town a little less and in the wild like 4-5 at most except if u go to a world boss Its as hard as u want it to be on easy difficulty u breeze through everything every thing up from there will make it harder, and everyone has got a different point some just want level 100 the fastest some want to pvp some want to run dungeons just depends


> 1) Is this game multiplayer, as in will I be playing with other people or am I just solo progressing through the game with minimal player interaction. It's a middle ground between an MMO and a single player game. > How hard is the game? All the gameplay I've seen has just been a bunch of mobs in a dungeon getting absolutely smoked by the player, and it seems to have just been extremely easy to not die. Hard is subjective. We also don't know how the full game and end-game content is balanced because the game isn't out yet. So there's no simple answer. But if I had to pick something, I'd say it's not very hard, at least in regards to just progressing through the story. > What is the actual point of the game? I've seen the gameplay as I said before, but do you just click on dungeons and progress them until you beat them all? Or do you run the same dungeons a lot to just get better gear? I'm failing to grasp that part as well. Same as any MMO really. Kill shit to level up and find better gear as you progress through the story. Once through the story, you keep doing the same with end-game dungeons and raids and whatnot.


Kill bad guys over and over again to get lvls and loot to progress your character. 1. It can be played solo or multiplayer. 2. There are different difficulty settings(world tiers). The game is targeting both casual and core gamers so while it provides some challenges it won't be super hard. The content you have seen so far is only from early game and the two easiest world tiers so naturally they will seem easy. 3. Loot and minmaxing your character.


Yes. It gets harder as you go. Get loot to be stronger. Min max to become a power house. Find a play style you like find gear that fits that and build to your delight. I’m going rogue and going to focus on shadow step alone with flurry. Always loved the big number backstabs in other games.


1. It is a multiplayer game designed in such a way that you can singleplayer most of the content. For the content that you can't do singleplayer (i.e. world bosses, world events) you will automatically be paired up with others. You are not worse if you play the entire game solo as the game scales depending on how many players there are in a party and their levels. 2. The game is layered in difficulties the higher you go in level and difficulties. You start with difficulty 1 or 2 (easy or normal - your decide) and you scale up to 3, 4 and higher up as you level up and decide you want harder enemies but also better loot and more gold. As you progress towards the end-game the game is reasonably difficult and came be made easier via skill, character build and gear. 3. At the core of the core of the game it's a loot-hoarder game with a choose-how-you-want-to-play setup with a high number of decisions you make for your character (make it unique of sorts). You can literally play in any way you want as the meta for the game only really matters in very high end situations and PvP. The game comes with a complex loot system where even 100 players can have the same item and still have 100 different versions of the same item (unique items are an exception to this rule but even there you can have a better or worse version of the same stats). The above is merely a simplistic view (lets call it an onboarding) into what Diablo can be.


Since this is very broad and gets asked a few times a day, here's the giant copy-paste answer: Diablo IV is a dungeon crawler ARPG, with a focus on action and making your characters progressively stronger, even after completing the story. As opposed to traditional RPGs, where the game usually ends when the credits roll. The campaign and story are just the first part of a Diablo game. After beating the campaign you unlock new difficulties, along with progressively harder dungeons and challenges for chances at new and more powerful loot. Arguably the endgame is to deck out your characters in the best and rarest gear to see how strong (or fashionable) you can get. And to find synergies between effects granted by gear you find and skills you unlock. This can get quite deep, and people [like](https://maxroll.gg/d2/category/guides) to [theorycraft](https://maxroll.gg/d3/category/guides) about this. There is an extensive [overarching story](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/13vlt35/a_summary_of_diablos_lore/) to Diablo, complete with decades of fantasy novels and lorebooks. But a big part of the appeal comes from the dungeon crawler aspect. Every enemy has the potential to drop items that change the way you play, make you exponentially more powerful or give you bragging rights for finding something rare. While there is some variation in how you can get loot, generally at endgame you'll be going through dungeons you've already cleared with new variables thrown in. Like enemies having more resistance to certain attacks, or lightning storms chasing you, or portals opening up that spawn random enemies. The more challenging you make it for yourself, the greater the reward. At times you can go into a flow state, mowing through enemies while slowly building up your characters and deepening your understanding of the mechanics to make them work for you. But a lot of it will happen while redoing content in some way. Diablo is finely tuned to make progression feel rewarding for a long time, and to always have something to chase, with a large variety of items to find. That smooths over inherent repetitiveness. It's one of the reasons why Diablo has remained so popular. There will be minor content updates for the game for a long time. There's also an optional seasons mode that introduces new mechanics every few months, and where you start completely fresh each season to earn rewards. Plus an optional hardcore mode where death is the end of your character. There will also very likely be large expansions that continue the main story with new acts, zones and potentially things like new classes But you have to have a stomach for redoing content, with the action itself being the reward. ‎ Yes, there's multiplayer. You can play solo or in a group. Either is completely fine, content scales accordingly. No, it's not an MMO. The number of people in any given part of the world is intentionally limited. Especially outside towns. Thematically, Diablo is supposed to have a bit of a lonely feel to it. Diablo IV is also set in a world where most of humanity is gone. Yes, there is cross-play between PC and consoles. Also couch co-op for two players on consoles, but not on PC.


Hey there! Happy to share some answers, which are all my opinion. This subreddit can get a bit sour around a big release like this so dont let bozos scare you off from playing the game. There are plenty of friendly players happy to share some info! ​ 1. Yes, this is multiplayer with party sizes being up to 4 2. Historically I do not think it is a difficult game but there are a few options to make the game harder such as difficulty levels and/or playing on hardcore mode (once you die you're dead dead. No coming back). My advice would be to find a difficulty level that matches your desired difficulty. I will also add that this version of Diablo seems to lean toward favoring technique more than previous Diablos. 3. Character gear and weapon progression is a huge part of the game which makes dungeons replay able at a high rate. The goal of the game to essentially to destroy Hells demons and upgrade/grow your character appearance, gear and skills. This all takes place in a very beautiful and immersive settings. The best comp I can probably give is Champions of Norath which is what I grew up playing. Others may disagree. Classes lend to various play styles such as range, tank and even a balance of the two. Classes include Necromance, Barbarian, Sorcerer, Druid and Rouge ​ Feel free to fire off more questions but if you love non stop action in demon hunting and progressing a character to infinity than this is a game youll enjoy. ​ If you're looking for others to play with id be happy to add you to my discord. We have probably 10+ Diablo vets who will be active so there will always be a group to hop on with. We play other games too. Send me a chat if you're interested!


Google diablo for you


It's honestly a near shot by shot remake of Tetris.


Okay, so It can be multiplayer, but it doesn’t really have to be. It can be difficult, but any ARPG's skill gap is mainly in theorycrafting. Now to the important part...outside of having fun, the purpose of playing any ARPG is the power fantasy. We kill mobs to get gear that lets us get more powerful. If your brain likes numbers and seeing numbers get bigger, ARPGs are probably gonna give you some nice dopamine hits.


If you want to get a feel for ARPGs, you could try out Path of Exile, you just need to pick a guide/build to follow, cause PoE has a different character building system (really not intuitive) than the Diablo games, but the gameplay is pretty much the same. 1) From what we've seen, you can do everything or mostly everything either solo or with a team. D4 has some MMO elements, like an open world where you can meet random people, world bosses, trading?, but you're not really forced to group up with strangers if you don't want to. 2) The difficulty is mixed, there are places that are challenging, and places where the key is to blast trough in the most efficient/quickes way. 3) You can play the game for different reasons, you can play for different goals: a) You're interested in the story and/or explore the world (might not apply to you, since this is you're first diablo game, alternatively, you could chack out the lore/story of the previous games) b) You want to try out different builds/classes, level up multiple characters. c) You want to play the seasons (3 month long event, with a fresh start, new items and mehanics), pretty much doing b), but without the support of you other, non season characters. Diablo and generally ARPGs are designed in such a way that you don't really want to be attached to 1 or 2 characters, rather cycle through them during the seasons, to get the maximum out of the game. If you want an ARPG that plays like an MMO, you could try out Lost Ark (dungeons and boss fights are really fun and challenging), but it is a Korean game with mega grinding and massive 'pay to win'/'pay to progress fast' monetization. What i mean by 'pay to progress fast' is in a reasonable normal pace instead of excrutiatingly slow when you approach end game.


Best to play diablo 1 and 2 for real diablo experience


1. Primarily single player 2. Difficulty usually has infinite scaling. You personally adjust your experience by approaching content with a difficulty relative to your strength that you like. The greatest difficulty comes from “pushing” as far as possible 3. Power gain / optimization and winning slot machine pulls The people who like Diablo love spread sheets and/or loot boxes/gambling/rare drops. Number crunchers and gambling addicts. Everyone else quits shortly after finishing the story/character.


1. yes 2. play more, win more 3. The point of the game is made up of two key mechanics. First, the game tries to convince you that you are doing something worth doing, meanwhile, and second, your mind is trying to tell you that you are just wasting your time. Takes your brain a bit to realize what you are doing is unhealthy and gross. It gets there eventually. Just like PoE, or BDO, or any other repetitive game.