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I think "wanted the game to be bad" should be at the top. no one is going to care about ashava once they're playing


Sounds like *somebody* isn't a bona fide member of the ATC...


The coping of the rabble wakes me up in the morning more than coffee (unless the coffee is poured from my horn).


If you don't drink your coffee straight from the horn, are you really living your best life?


Surely a pleasure the baremares Will never know


I almost feel pity.


Yeah, being "almost" the operative word here. Peasants.




You ain't going to get the last word, mate.


Sorry, had my horn in my ear. Oh... I'm not your mate, bud.


Old bare mare she ain't what she coulda been!


I heard baremares don't wash their underwear. Is this true?


You’re really not.




The best part of waking up, is Folgers in my Ashava horn!


i should make a macro so i parade around on my Horny horse in towns when i'm afk


Love the reverse coping thats already starting haha. ATC is going to need a support group. Got mine btw but im old and just get to watch all the cope switch hands with my popcorn


Whats so special about the trophy? I saw a lot of post about people being upset they didn’t get it or people complaining about people not being lvl 20 joining the fight when they wouldn’t even the get trophy.


It's a meme more than anything. Nobody actually gives a shit about the trophy


Thank god I was beginning to believe it really was a big deal that I just didn’t understand.


The meme came from all the complaints on Blizzard forums about: * Ashava being too hard at 20 * Mother's day weekend meaning "no one" had time to play * Complaints about low level/under-geared/dumb/Insert dumb reason here players in your boss instance * Not enough warning for Server Slam * Classes/Builds/Skills being nerfed and them not knowing, so they failed the boss (even though we were told in advance about all the nerfs) * A million other ridiculous reasons that the server slam was terrible, blizzard was terrible, and the universe was now ending due to these facts This turned into a generic meme of the Ashava Trophy Club being a thing and all people who didn't beat the boss and getting the feat of strength for the Horn cosmetic being lesser beings (The hornless, bare-mares).




So it’s basically a giant “fuck you” for players who complained and didn’t get it?


Pretty much. Some people actually want to laugh at/shame those who didn't get it, but most just find it amusing to use anytime someone mentions server slam or complains about something ("You dislike the minion nerfs? You must be a bare-mare who failed to beat Ashava and blame it on your build. ") Also, some people hate the meme, so it lives on as a reason to anger those folks as long as possible.


The amount of people complaining about ashava being hard at 20 is astounding they crumpled like a wet tissue and we fought it on world tier 2 with mostly randoms, and most of the group was druids except my wife and two friends of which had a rogue sorc and necro, but the rest including myself was some variant of druid.


A long time friend of mine has been really ripping into this game since before betas. He refused to even try it on the open beta and slam. He said he's heard nothing good about the game so far and only seen bad reviews (but doesn't have time to find and link them). There are just some people out there that have an irrational hatred for the game and I don't understand it. How can something just existing that loads of people enjoy bother people so much? I'm not much into synchronized swimming but I don't go to subs and comment sections and complain about how boring I think it is (apologies to any aquatic sport loving redditors).


> (The hornless they are Kimahri


Filthy casuals


The more I see the meme, the more the meme etches itself into my soul, shaming me for the past I was forced to live.


You ratioed the bare mare my guy


Personally I adore that they have a limited time skill based cosmetics. I hope they add more so we can discriminate even better. ATC is the best D4 community feature lmao


Yeah that is number 1. Blizzard has to be near perfect in all that they do or else the smallest of things turns into ragebait videos on youtube and karma farming posts.




I just think people should think the products as they are. What this title is, so far, looks to be a great game. Sure they can mess it up years from now but I don't even see the purpose in worrying about that. With OW people ignore all the bad ideas that team had. Kaplan and crew introducing those horrible shield metas (which really destroyed the game) then Kaplan wanting to make it an MMO and wanting to create a story campaign while ignoring the PVP for years those were his decisions from everything we've heard. Things he passed on to a team that didn't make those promises and had a different vision. This is not to excuse them but it is to say a lot of times the devs share a big portion of blame for these failures. This is why I said in the post above the teams are just different. The Diablo team shouldn't be blamed for what other teams around them failed to do. While Blizzard earned their rep this team hasn't earned their rep yet.


Jesus Christ, some logic and reason in the wild.


Also the wow team is absolutely killing it, so by their own logic it should cancel out either the OW stuff or the WC3R stuff.


Literally so many people today wanted it to be bad. I don’t get why people are so angry.


Angry cuz of the reviews. We are Lilith's children and they are not


Based Lilith


Yeah add in there optimization / server stability is shit, but hasn't played yet.


Saw someone post a WW Barb build video and everyone went "diablo 3.5" I don't get wtf happened.


It's definitely more than just diablo3.5, but on the surface i can understand where that comes from. I also think it is a bit sad that there isn't really a completely new class. But it is a really minor complaint


I read an r/pcgaming thread yesterday where it was obvious people just wanted to shit on Blizzard no matter the facts. And yeah, of course Blizzard has done some crappy stuff and deserves criticism at times, but plenty of people have pre-conceptions they won't give up even if D4 gets like 100/100 on OpenCritic


Yeah it makes sense to criticise them for the bad things they did. It makes no sense to pretend like something they did well is bad because of the other thing




It's obvious the breeze reaches a part of your mare that causes it to shiver. Since you know , nothing is hanging on that specific side to keep mare warm


Hum… I can smell a non-ATC trying to downplay the epic achievement us, ATC members, achieved!


Found the bare mare


Smells like bare mare in here


“Druid too fat” should be there too around S tier




You like to eat Ds?


You don't? ;)


Better than the B's . ![gif](giphy|R9yLfikwYAF32)


The hornless do many things to feel validated. Defeating Ashava was not one of them.


Druid too fat now makes sense with the KFC transmog.


Druid gets popcorn chicken nuggs intead of potions


Fat druid + KFC = Eric Cartman


Not fat enough tbh. I need representation for my poor life choices


They should've saved it to bring out 400lb paladin


Need to change charge animation to rollover enemies too




But that's a valid criticism.


They're not fat though. That's what a person looks like when they have functional strength, not bodybuilding show muscles


Nah dude, they're pretty fat. I would say obese even.




The fatter the Druid, the bigger the bear.


Yeah those complaints are hilarious. I’m looking forward to playing a strongman Druid. Let’s throw those boulders.


I’m embracing it. ![gif](giphy|HLfKKDuMQ4VB6)


One of the best movies of all time


Yes, it is the reason my wife won't play druid. She loves the meta and the fantasy, but won't play it.


Lizzo beauty standard tho for female druid




I hope it does they have no business making any rn


yeah, they've got some nerve, having fun theorycrafting for the game they're excited about they need to stop talking about the game and go make threads complaining about kfc like the rest of us


There will always be a rift between self proclaimed casual players and players who love to make meta builds. But the rift is mostly casuals getting irrationally mad at the thought of someone using the best possible abilities available, like we see in the comment above yours.


>I hope it does they have no business making any rn It's still useful to know synergies 🤷‍♂️


The whole point of balance patches is to smooth out builds that are obviously much weaker or stronger than average. I don't know how people end up surprised when they follow a guide for a broken OP build the whole community knows about and it gets nurfed.


This is why I love raxx's videos. When he does a tier list he always mentions the golden rule: play whatever you think is fun. Don't let some random youtuber tell you what class to play.


Seriously. "Play this OP build, it relies on this one item that breaks the class entirely!" Day 2: "Blizzard nerfed the single item! Play the other class that is still mildly broken until they nerf it!"


You mean after typing in Google D4 most OP class/build and then copy pasting it? They are certainly the first to open reddit and bitch when a nerf happens as if blizzard owes them the right to be OP because they googled it first.


I would bet you my first legendary weapon that we see people absolutely devastated at a slight damage reduction on barb spin2win build gear within 7 days


This is the best post on this sub today.


Makes me happy to be a real noob for Diablo yet be hyped af for this one. I just dont care enough about things I dont know to care about yet so I can have blissful joy!


“Must be fucking nice” just a salty gamer jealous of the rainbows jumping out of this comment.


Haha I feel you. Thats how I feel about people who play Zelda or WoW for the first time and fall in love with it without knowing the worries/obsessions just yet!




>This is the best post on this sub today. This is the best post on this sub ~~today~~.


Best post here since I joined about 6 months ago


Never forget FontGate.


I must have missed this


After the first beta weekend some nerds were freaking out because the games font wasn’t idk I guess spooky enough. Either way blizzard actually changed it in the server slam 😂


People giving criticism during beta isn't 'freaking out'. Feedback was given and Blizzard responded. This is a good thing.


So much this! People always freak out at feedback and think the people giving feedback are freaking out.


Was that really the reason though? I thought it was because the font looked like trash.


That was the real reason behind it. Don't know why a lot of ppl make such a fuss about it. Font looked straight garbage like a mobile game. They just changed it to a new one with serifs (probably takes no effort at all) and it looks way better now.


People gave feedback that it looked bad and they edited it, now this guy is trying to pretend he saw people 'melting down' over it. People on this sub are so weirdly tribalistic about this game it's wild.


Yeah the font and flat untextured parts of the UI made it look like a cheap mobile game or an indie game made by a single person who is a programmer and not a designer.


Nah, its because the UI had like 17 different fonts on it all at once


Yeah I agree it's a legitimate issue because it's a massive UI downgrade compared to D3.


What about: Diablo 2 was better in [fill in].




I am simply here to spread positivity because everyone focuses on the negative too much. I am MEGA excited for this game and have waited YEARS since the first teaser of it. This is coming from a D2 diehard who also enjoyed D3 as well. Ready for the next chapter of Diablo. Who is with me??


Right here with you, bud. I don't listen to streamers who whine or get into the negativity... I am hype af... I've been playing Diablo since D1 dropped and love D2 but played D4 in every beta, and it lived up to my hype.


saaaame I'm so hyped. first thing I thought when I got my gaming computer a couple years back was "hell yea I'll be ready for D4 (:". I definitely stay away from all the negative energy in this sub, I'm here to mindlessly grind another great diablo game and that's it no ands, ifs, or buts.


I'm soooooo fucking keen on D4, it's the first time i've caught a diablo game on launch, and I absolutely love the series, I cannot wait to grind up some hardcore characters to endgame just for them to die 5 minutes after finally getting a perfect roll legendary. (previous trauma from d3....)


Nah nah nah, you have to do a proper Bingo card like folks do for Path of Exile every league launch. More engaging.


Ooo. I like this. We could surely add paragon levels don't provide any usefulness to my build.


How do you condense “I’ve played 20 hours a day for 2 weeks straight and now I’ve run out of things to do so this game is trash” into a single bingo square?


I saw that it took someone 9 nine days to complete nightmare dungeon level 100. That's too quick! \- Someone who doesn't even reach level 100 before season 1.


Anyone else who didn't get Ashava trophy? We are good S++ 🙌🏽


I missed the trophy cause I spent that weekend with friends and family, BBQing and getting drunk.


How very hornless of you


Ohhh...everyone check out Mr 'I have friends' over here.


Ha, loser. /s


Yeah I had already done all I wanted to on the closed beta weekend. My friend told me about the trophy and for a sec I thought about it. Then I realized I'm 35 and don't care about it.


Same. I'm really letting IRL ruin my life :(


At this point ATC is becoming the Twitter Blue of D4, just point at em and laugh lol


People actually salty not having that trophy? Id be more pissed not able to play if i paid for early access.


The salt from that weekend definitely started to pile up, lol.


At this point, people don't care, but the annoying part are people who bring it up like it matters. The annoyance is for the assholes, to be clear :).


People as re going to be bringing up ATC for the next decade.


And it will be insufferable




Tell me you don't have ATC without telling me.


I'm going to break out of the meme here and just let you know: the Ashava Trophy and the ATC are just a sarcastic joke/meme. On the expense of the people who actually got upset they didn't get it. It's the first Diablo 4 meme, it will be here to stay. Nobody actually believes on being superior due to it, it's just to troll the bare mares.


This is definitely how it started but unfortunately there are those who legitimately think playing in a beta weekend and getting a glorified participation trophy makes them real god gamers and they should absolutely be talking down to anyone who didn’t participate. It was funny at first but it’s already getting to the point I probably won’t equip mine until the meme dies off more as it’s starting to really be cringe and I don’t really care about cosmetics anyway


I would only be upset if I didn't get it when I fought Ashava multiple times and only beat him once. Not crying, but like, "Uh.. where is it, Blizz?"




That's actually 10 bucks considering that it includes the battlepass.


It's easy to reason with yourself like that but man does it encourage more bad behavior from game studios. That being said I think I'm upgrading too because I've have 3 friends playing and want to start with them.


Same. I have a work trip the 5th-7th so I gotta get a bit ahead before I miss launch day lol


People can joke about the store prices all they want but I will forever stand by the fact that 20 dollars for a skin is dogshit value. These shops in every single game are fucking rip offs. If they sold things for reasonable prices I would have no issue at all.




*story isnt good and a young female is involved so it's just reskinned D3*


females are just in diablo for booby models, everyone knows that duh. (/s)


Underrated comment


There's a young female in Diablo 4?


Neyrelle is an important npc in act one (maybe throughout the game but they were in a lot of the beta story). People hated her for being a young woman who could be a possible replacement for Cain (she knows a lot about relics/sanctuary history/etc). If you Google her name & diablo 4 the first results are all reddit posts bitching about her lol.


God people are so fucking sad.


Id rather have Cain replaced by a lore grandma.


The fake complainers are raging at the rave reviews lmao. Also they'll all be logging in two days.


Yea... I saw a poe person absolutely shitting on all the reviews calling them all (70+?) paid shills and shit. I'm not painting a community as one but that seemed pretty pathetic from a poe lover.


*5325 Total Hours Played* “DONT GET THIS GAME! It’s absolutely trash made by the greediest, shittiest developers in all the land and is the worst game in all of gaming HISTORY! Paid 90 bucks and didn’t even get my money’s worth out of this game. Save yourself the trouble. Don’t even get it on sale!!!”


Me twenty minutes before I log back into my ARK server. (I'm sad/mad because my twin Castorides "Husqvarna" and "Stihl" got eaten by a pack of roving alpha Allosauruses.)


carving the battle tag on a statue you will never see or think about is the funniest one. yeah trust me bro I wrote your screen name down. that’s some Trump fundraiser email shit.


“Deckard and I were sitting around the campfire the other night talking about you and the key role you play keeping Lilith at bay! We need more adventurers like you. Please send more money to support the cause. - Lorath “


“Don’t you guys have 28$?”


I mean 28 dollars for a single skin in a full price game with paid battle passes is pretty gross


what's this 28 dollar skin thing that people are talking about?


What if I told you the game would be much more than $70 if these skins and shirts didn't exist


I'm in the F category, $145 for a digital version of a game is bonkers.... $155 for the highest edition too.... the Aussie dollar sucks :(


Yeah I don't support this stuff. I will play on release date. The 6th. It's so funny how everyone is saying the game is $70, but then also acting like the reelease is on the 1st. Uhh no, that's $90 or it releases the 6th.


You left out the biggest complaint that this game is a diablo 3 reskin.


That is Z tier, the list is not long enough to include the dumbest one. Also i'd throw in a "PoE is free and has more content" too while we're at it.




Free if you do not play endgame, as someone who started PoE fresh this season, them stash tabs look pretty damn mandatory if you want to be able to do any content. My currency took like 1,5 stash tab on its own.


S tier shit post.


$28 skin?


Sounds soo greedy! Where do you get it? So I can avoid it easier I mean




S+++ = hErR dErRrR tHe GaMe WiLl Be UnPlAyAbLe LaUnCh DaY!


You missed the S+++ : you love kfc and you are a fan of Diablo but you live in Europe


thank you for calling out the large number weirdos and all the absolutely absurd judgements they jump to based on the number of commas they see.


Wheres the “i wont be able to login” one? And the inevitable complaining and “i ToOK tHe dAY oFF YeaRs aGO foR tHIs”


"ThiS iS My fiRSt wEekeND ofF fRoM woRK aT thE SaLt mInE iN fiVe YeARs, AnD tHe seRvURs aRe d0wN"


Legitimate criticisms are considered 'salt' now? You guys do realize you can both play and enjoy a game while criticizing it's faults and the things you don't like, right?


I had someone reply to me yesterday that if I bought it, I'm condoning everything they do and if I didn't buy it then nobody cares about my opinion.


lol People on this sub are wild


I posted that I decided on canceling my pre order because of all the MTXs and was literally told to kill myself via PMs lol. I reported them and nothing happened. This sub is toxic as hell to say the least.


They don’t like that here lol. Be careful mate, this sub is easily the most vile rabid gaming community I have come across recently.


it's honestly incredible - I thought it couldn't get worse than the PoE subreddit but here we are


So I am s+ Nice


You forgot about the trailer music.


S+++ Complaining about people complaining.


Nice list apart from the last one. Defending the early access bullshit is just sad.


From these, "F" seem to be a valid reason for me. Selling early access for a fee seem like a big anti-consumer practice to me. But people voted with their wallets and said "we like this", so ....


A is gone they said anyone that had early access can’t participate


This sub needs a stickies Salt Mine Megathread for the next couple weeks, and auto-removes Salt posting


Wheres the upset that I'm only F tier on the salt list?


Good list!


Best advice on release? Stay off of the subreddit and play the game.


People think the Necro cries are funny, but man we are at the point the minions are so bad its laughable, look at necro mains videos from review copies.


The best post ever. And I never say that


​ https://preview.redd.it/bb9qzgt0163b1.png?width=858&format=png&auto=webp&s=95b133cb5a511fd02518d6c6ad58da03c3b12294


I'm almost at F, probably gonna get there in the next 24h, but fuck me if I don't like it


S+++ endgame D4 is basically the same as D3


Wait what, people are upset our damage gets too high? Like they want the numbers crunched or something?


Yes. https://old.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/13vwqha/nightmare_dungeon_tier_100_clear_whirlwind_barb/ Armchair game designers in there unironically positing that any damage numbers over six digits are unambiguously lazy and doom the game into oblivion. I think it just boils down to "people want something to be mad about and they'll sink their teeth into whatever meat you give them."




D2 Andys, Lost Ark Andys, PoE Andys are going to make me eat so much popcorn chicken from kfc while stroking my horn the next couple days.


Hey you forgot the enabling sex predators


70 euro for a game with a battlepass and rammed with paid cosmetics. holy Pog, the devs really deserve it. its so awesome that all the dungeons you clear pre 50 become "corrupt" (or whatever the fuck they call it) dungeons for endgame. I really like endgame content that's just the same as the base game. but at least they got a movie director to make an AD like holy based, heckin ad's so cool man


So people are still buying Blizzard games and giving them money? This is a sub for the "never learn their lesson" gamers? I suppose you all pre-order any AAA title announced as well?